Nouman Ali Khan – Science And Qur’an And The Concept Of Miracle

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The concept of "immediate mail" in the definition of personal experience is not measured in scientific terms and cannot be recreated. The use of "immediate experience" in various context, including religious and political beliefs, is unique. forgiveness is emphasized, as it is the only place in the century where humans do not need to be shown their true forgiveness. Connie experienced a sermon on Islam during her time in Iran and eventually became a Muslim.
AI: Transcript ©
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Henry layerable alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala shortfill ambia even more serene rather early. He was happy when he sent me son that he Loma de la Medina Minh home woman and livina Ave Amina slowly head what also will help, but there was all of a sudden I mean, I mean my dad Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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And to the rest of our guests here, a very good evening,

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what I'm going to be talking about, and I'd like to actually turn it into more of a conversation than the lecture is the concept of science in the Quran. But that is sort of

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abrupt as a topic because it needs a context. So I'm going to try to present that context first. And then we'll go into some examples of science in the Quran. The Quran, in Muslim belief is two things in one, it's a divine message. But at the same time, it's also a miracle. It's considered a miracle. And when we talk about the word miracle, I mean, the divine message part, I think everybody understands any, any people that adhere to a religion or a way of life, hold certain words to be scripture, or to be holy. And this is the case with the Muslims with the Koran. But it's just important to understand our concept of the word miracle before we go any further, because it is a

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very specific definition that Islam gives to the word that is not applicable in common language. So even though I'm using the word miracle, it's not necessarily what

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you would think of usually now I want you to think, where do you use the word miracle? You want me to stop? Already?

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Okay, they want me to hold on, and come back. But I don't want to waste time. So what I'll do is, I'll talk to you about some things. And when other people come in, I'll start over and I'll quiz you on what I talked about. Okay? This makes a good use of our time. So you signal me and I'll restart no problem. Okay.

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So, in common language, nowadays, where do you use the word miracle? You're watching TV? Who would use the word miracle?

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Doctors, these are miracle.

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Yeah, sports definitely is, you know, shot clocks running down, somebody takes it, Chuck at it from the half court, and it goes in and everybody screams. It's a miracle. Right? Basically, also, you know, you call your friends after you, you really tank the exam. And then the day of the grades, you know, you go into class, and you got a 97. And you said, this is, this is a miracle. Right? miracles, basically, what people think of when they think of the word miracle is something really good and unexpected that happens to you, or someone else, is a miracle, somebody healed, right? Or something really great happens, something very unexpected, how highly unlikely, but not impossible.

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It's highly unlikely, but not impossible. And that's the general connotation of the word, miracle in language.

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But it also has a spiritual sense, among religions in general. And in the spiritual sense, it has nothing to do with experiencing something or that's something that can be proven, it rather has to do with something you feel in your heart. So you can speak to someone of a particular faith, and they can say, Well, I believe that such and such religion is a miracle because I felt that miracle in my heart. I feel it and I can't give you that feeling. You'd have to feel it for yourself. Right? So it's basically when we use the word in the spiritual sense, what you're, what you're actually saying is it's not something provable at all. It's not something that can be gauged in scientific

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terms. It's a personal experience. Really, right. So that's the second.

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And thirdly, I want to say something a bit controversial, the word miracle is irrelevant.

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In the context of science, it's irrelevant. Why? Because the scientific community in general,

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whenever the study of phenomenon, what is their attempt? Are they trying to figure out if this is a miracle? Is there a scientific explanation behind it? What's their attempt always to find a scientific explanation? So scientifically speaking, there's no such thing as a miracle it has to have some sort of explanation. If you believe in miracles, then you're not truly a scientist. That's the new way of thinking. That's that's modern thought, right? miracles are a religious thing, or common language thing, but they're certainly not a scientific thing. It's not a scientific thing. And whatever science has no answer.

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Basically, what it says we haven't figured this out yet, but we're sure there is an explanation.

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But in the it's an unwillingness to

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To take the leap of faith is what is termed usually like the leap of faith. So for example, in the scientific community, you may have a belief in the Big Bang,

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okay, and there may be a consensus about it. But when it comes to the question of what caused the Big Bang,

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an average scientist will tell you, science can answer that question, philosophy can or religion can. We can until we have better knowledge. That's not a question, that it's not a scientific question. And if you're paying attention to the debate early last year, particularly in some of the northeastern states, in the education system, there was a big debate between the teaching of evolution versus intelligent design. Do you remember this debate? It was it was a pretty popular debate, and essentially, the argument on the scientific communities and was that you can teach evolution or rather intelligent design for one simple reason? And what was the reason? Anyone? No,

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no, it's not just that it's not proof. It's a religious thought. It's a philosophical idea. It's not something that can be gauged with the five senses. Again, this this is something you learned in like third grade, how do you come to scientific conclusions? What do you use?

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Here, the scientific method, which involves basically the five senses, and when you're talking about miracle, you're definitely asking people to go beyond or believe something beyond the five senses, right? So it seems like science and religion, at some point in time they collide, and there doesn't seem to be any reconciliation, either your religious or your scientific and when there is, but you know, on the other hand, there is this weird phenomenon that we're finding more and more of Nowadays, there are people that are scientists, but they're very religious. Right, you've got, you've got a very religious Doctor, Doctor is a sort of a scientist, or a physicist, right? But they

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may or may not necessarily try to merge the two things. Meaning they put their religion aside when they study science. And they put their science aside when they read Revelation, or listen to a sermon or pray or whatever. That's, that's a personal spiritual thing. And science is sort of like an intellectual thing. And you can't really reconcile them, even people that are religious and scientific. Many of them have this problem, right. So it's something that can't be reconciled, at least that's what it seems.

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But the term miracle in Islam,

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it has a very different connotation. By the way, before I got a miracle in Islam, I'll tell you some funny cases of miracles, or the word miracle being used in the news. There was a lady I think it was four years ago, some homeless lady, she found a slice of bread under a bridge in Chicago, and it looked like Jesus. And she called an American, she sold it on eBay for a few 1000. Right, because it was, it was a miracle slice of bread. Right? So and this, by the way, it wasn't in the, you know, alert headline, international news, this was in the part of the news where they show a dog surfing and like, you know, silly news, this is where it belongs, because again, the term isn't relevant in

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the scientific sense. So what is a miracle in Islam, the classical scholars of Islam listed many conditions for something to be considered a miracle. according to Islamic theology, I'll give you the conditions that are agreed upon universally, across the centuries. Some conditions everybody agree with, those are the ones I'm going to share with you. Okay, we're going to talk about them a little bit later on and see if you can remember them if you're not writing them down. The first one is, it's impossible for human beings to do or perform. A miracle has to be something that can't be manufactured. It's not skills, it's not a trick. It's not technology, it has no possibility to have

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come, or it couldn't have originated from a human being, it just can't. It's impossible, if you were to see it. And just to give you a crazy example, if somebody for example, floating,

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which is crazy, we wouldn't think of that happening. But if they are, that's normally not something human beings can do without a device, right? Or a baby speaking. And I think all of you know what I'm referring to, right? And that's not something human beings can do.

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The day of your birth, you speak, right? That's not something you can do, or being born of a virgin mother, something human beings can't do. So it has to be beyond human capability. The second thing, which is different from the first is that it breaks the laws of nature.

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There are certain patterns in life and we observe them. Science is a great way to observe them. Gravity, simple things from the ancients, like fire burns, right?

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And here you have Abraham or Abraham, and he said, I'm being thrown into the fire but there's a burn. No. So that would be considered miraculous. So it has to be

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Something that you can't explain from nature. But there is an added thing that I don't know if I put in the latter points here. It defies patterns of history, it was never done before it can't be done again, when you get something that stands out in history, you could say it's possible that it might happen again, but it hasn't. And it never did before it meaning it's it stands out uniquely in human history.

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Which is sort of like what I'm saying when I say it can't be repeated.

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It cannot be duplicated, actually probably duplicated as a better word than repeated here. It can't be duplicated. Now,

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why would an amazing card trick not be considered a miracle and Islamic in the Islamic sense, someone else can do it too, right? More than a person can do it. But it's something that you can't reproduce. It's not something that you can come up with over and over and over again, it's a one time thing. That's it. And this is part of its condition.

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This is a unique condition in Islam.

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We don't consider anything a miracle except something that is being claimed by a person who himself claims to be a messenger of God, of course of Allah,

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a prophet, specifically a messenger, the word prophet is more general, the word messenger is more specific.

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This was just common sense. It doesn't contradict the messenger.

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I'll give you an example from Islamic history. We're not going to discuss miracles in the in the overall sense yet, but you know, there was a man at the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in Islamic history. He claimed to be a prophet. He said, Well, Mohammed has pretty good popularity. If I claim to be a messenger, maybe I can be pretty popular too. So he decides he's going to claim to be a messenger, his name was masala Al Khattab, right. And in that same time, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was brought a child who was very sick. And actually then he was it was first he was taken to a Well, that was almost dried up. And he was asked to help and pray that this will recovers because

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the town was suffering from it. So the Prophet had a subtle salam, he prayed, he made the and he spit in that well, and it became overflowing. As the narration goes to Santa Monica. On the other hand, his town was also having a drought. So as people said, You're a messenger, too, you can pull this off. And so his their well was half dry, and he's spitting in it, as soon as he does, the narration goes, the wild dried up completely. So what I what I mean by contradicts the messenger is you're performing something and what you're doing contradicts the fact that you are a messenger of Allah is doing the exact opposite of what you claim to be. But probably the biggest condition. And

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this is the one that the scholars emphasize the most I put it at the end, is that a challenge is mankind. The point of a miracle isn't to show you something really cool and say, Wow, that was awesome. The point of it in Islam. In our belief, it's always been since the beginning of mankind, any Prophet, any messenger that was given miracles, the point of it was, miracles are bringing the brother the messengers are bringing something really crazy. And before you can appreciate the last point, I'm going to give you a scenario, picture yourself in this time, picture yourself living a couple of 1000 years ago, you know, you live in a village and there's a person living next to you.

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Generally, middle aged man, maybe 40 years old, nice guy, you know him your whole life, very wise person in the community, one day, he comes over to your house, knocks on your door and says, last night, an angel came into my house

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and gave me revelation that I am a messenger of God.

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And whatever I say, from now on isn't actually me speaking, I'm just representing the message of God. So if you reject me, or deny anything, I'm saying, it's the same as you denying who

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God Himself. And nothing I say, is open to criticism any longer. Whatever I have to say is really, I'm not divine myself. But whatever I have to say, is representative of a divine authority. And you have to listen and obey me alone over everyone else. And if you don't you, this is your neighbor.

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What do you say to him?

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Would you say, nowadays you'd call 911. Right?

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If you were nice, you'd say What did you eat last night?

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Or are you in any medication? Or you pretty much your first assumption would be what this person is crazy.

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That's crazy. Why is that? so crazy, though, I want you to think, why would you and I have that as our first reaction.

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Why do you think that's crazy? I need to hear this. Yeah.

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There's no tangible empirical evidence, but it goes a step further. Yeah.

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No, I'm saying 2000 years ago.

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Yeah, that very good. You can trust something that just a person just comes and tells you. But it's it's more extreme than that. I mean, the claim is pretty strong. Right? There's a very simple reason. Yeah.

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Just not questionable, and how can human beings shut their minds off? By definition, we are programmed to think. And he's asking us not to think anymore. So this is not acceptable. There, but there is even a more core more basic, very simple, common sense. Reason. Yes.

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Exactly. Statistics, you have never seen anything like this ever being true in your life. Nor does anyone else, you know, know of anything like this in their lifetime. nor has it ever been recorded in reliable history that you can think of, this is a completely unheard of phenomenon, something way beyond your experience something you definitely don't consider normal behavior. You know, in an abnormal psych day one, the professor comes in and says, the different the difference between normal versus abnormal behavior in the society that you live in a claim like that by anyone, even one in a million would be considered what? Absolutely abnormal behavior, this is not a norm, and defies what

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you accept to be normal behavior, it cannot be taken seriously. So we have lots of reasons to reject this man.

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And by the way, if you lead if you read Quran, also other scripture previous scripture, what do you find about messengers? What did the people call them?

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What are the people call the Messenger of Allah alongside them?

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magician insane, right? possessed? Does it make a little more sense? Now? Why would they will say something like that? Because what he's asking them to believe, okay, believing in one God, it's not very far fetched. Believing in a hereafter possible. The biggest The hardest thing to believe is what? But the one that just I can't see it happening is what a man being spoken to, by an angel.

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That just goes beyond me, I can't accept that. Right? That's the first reaction of many, many people. So in order for people to, in order for their decision to be facilitated, in order for them to make that leap, not a faith, but with open eyes. Islam says, there were miracles set, the point of which was simply this, you think I'm crazy? Let me show you something God gave me there is it's as soon as you see it, it's clear and evident. Nobody else could have given me this except God Himself. And this is the biggest proof that I am speaking the truth. Now, believe it whether you believe it or not put yourself in the hypothetical situation. If you were in a time when a man came

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and claimed to be a messenger of Allah, a messenger of God. And he says to you believe that I'm a messenger, and you say, what's your evidence? I mean, how should I Why should I believe you? And he says, you look at this boulder right here, go check if it's a real boulder or not, you check in some boulders, big giant boulder, and you say, I'm gonna pray and by God's permission, a camel is gonna come out of it.

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Which profit am I talking about?

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Sally Elisa. Right? And a camel comes out of a builder. What would you say?

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For hunt? I mean, you know, maybe it's magic. Maybe it's a trick with my eyes. You verified you look at us. In the end, you have to say, This can't be. This is beyond, you know, anything I've ever seen. Then Maria, Maria Hassan Mary comes to the people with the baby with Jesus when he saw the Instagram and people are accusing her of wrongdoing. And in Islam. This is something I don't think is in Christian scripture. But it is an Islamic tradition. At least on Instagram or Jesus, in defense of his mother speaks on the first day is born defending his mother and saying I'm a messenger of Allah. She's innocent of the crime you accuser.

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So now if you didn't believe if you see a one day old baby making a speech public speech, then start over. No, keep going. Cool.

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If you see a baby making a public speech on the first day is born then you probably be a believer, or I mean, you've seen the Prince of Egypt, I'm sure if you were there when that water split, I'm sure

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That would turn you into believer. Okay, this is actually a messenger of Allah, right messenger of God, this is beyond human capacity, it meets these conditions that I'm giving you. Right.

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But there's only one problem with all of this

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in our time, I mean, these are all of course, allegedly, legends of ancient times, stories made up, there was actually a PBS documentary, I think, a couple of nights ago, on on Moses, and the the, the the Exodus, whether it actually happened or not. And they're, you know, scientifically trying to explain that it's actually probably legend passed down. And every generation, it got exaggerated to the point where it turned into the water party. And that's their explanation of the Exodus, right? But

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if you and I, in our day and age were to believe in a miracle, we would have to see something beyond science, something that just can't be explained otherwise. And that would make a believer out of me, or a view because we're living in an intellectual age, we're living in a scientific age, the age of faith, that just, it was like the atmosphere around the entire Earth, no matter where on the earth you went, what culture you visited, people were religious, whether they believed in one God are many, they were religious, that culture is slowly changing very fast. As much religion as you see in the world today, there is this new movement, that over a few I mean, it's the second century of this

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movement, now late into the actually in the in the middle of its third, that now people are bigger believers in science than they are in religion, even if they're religious people, even if they are religious people, so we're living in an age of questioning and reasoning and asking, you know, seeking intellectual answers. Now, Does everybody understand these conditions of what constitutes a miracle in the Islamic sense? Okay, good.

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The word miracle

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in the Arabic sense, the classical scholars, Islamic scholars use the word Morton's visa, I put the apostrophe there for iron. Marchesa, but it's used only by scholars of Islam. It's not a religious word, meaning it doesn't appear in the Quran. It doesn't appear in any statement of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, okay.

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What is more doesn't mean more. The word itself means that which incapacitates the opponent,

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something that is used to overpower the opponent, and they use this term because the idea is, the miracle of Islam, which we're going to discuss in a little bit is something whoever argues with it is incapacitated. That's the argument. And centuries of scholarship are dedicated just to this one subject marches on the margins of Islam.

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But the word used in

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religious texts in Quran

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and also in the Sunnah, instead of more. The word used is

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the word ayah. In Arabic means actually merges that you would probably literally translate into English as a miracle. idea, however, is translated as two things, it means a miracle and it means assign, miracle and sign. And so a good translation of Isaiah that alludes to both would be a miraculous sign. That will probably be a good translation of the word ayah.

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In the Quran, the smallest or let's go with the biggest the biggest unit is a seventh. The unit under that is a surah. Surah is kind of like a chapter but not exactly what's the smallest unit in the Quran.

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Every I'm not going to use the word verse again. But just for you understand that every verse in the Quran is called not a verse But an ayah. It's called an ayah. And actually using the word verse has some implications that I personally am not convinced of using the word verse because for those of you who speak English as their first language, where do you hear the word verse? There are two main contexts where the word verses use

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poetry, music, song, where else, one replace the Bible. And the Quran is very emphatic in denying two things, at least two things. Number one, it's not poetry.

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Number two, it's not borrowed from previous scripture, right. So it becomes important for us not to use that term because it already comes with a connotation that the Quran very emphatically denies. So, verse is not to be used rather is to be used which I what what translation that I offer you

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miraculous sign. Okay, so I discussed the difference between these two words, but I want to get to the more

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meaty part of the discussion.

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miracles of the past prophets.

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What are some of their miracles? You tell me, that's the only thing I put under here.

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Let's hear you know any miracles of prophets from previous nations that you've heard of.

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Other than Mohammed sauce, don't mention Bahamas miracles. Anybody else? Yeah, go ahead. You were saying something?

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What's the miracle?

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of the story with the staff and the snake? Yeah, very good. Somebody mentioned the see the party. Very good. What else? Think of other people, other milk vehicles? Yeah.

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What was his vehicle?

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Yes, he did.

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But it wouldn't be considered a miracle. You know, why not? figure out why not from what the conditions of a miracle are?

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What are the conditions of a miracle?

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This is consensus among the Islamic scholars. The other paranormal phenomenon that's discussed in Revelation are called Kanaka gamomat. There are other words for them miracles, mortgages that have a very specific definition. And I want to speak in the Islamic sense, what's the miracle? And why wouldn't Solomon speaking or Solomon and so I'm speaking to animals considered a miracle? Yeah.

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You missing the question. The question is, according to the definition of what's an Islamic miracle, why isn't he speaking to animals considered a miracle? The biggest reason? Yeah.

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Not just that, well, it was God granted, but he didn't challenge mankind with it.

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He didn't take this to because they believe in me because I can speak to animals. But he did do something. On the subject of Solomon, he did do something that was there to convince someone of his son to challenge someone. Yeah.

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He did.

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But there's something bigger. Something that Yeah,

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the throne of Queen Sheba, he had to transported from her kingdom to his, and then she took Shahada. So that would constitute a miracle. Okay, so we've got some idea of miracles of the past prophets. What do these miracles have in common? They have three things in common I said to here, but I really meant three. What are three things these miracles have in common?

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First of all, they're stuck in time. What that means is, you can tell me that Jesus a Saudi Salam cured the blind by a loss permission.

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And what's the easy refutation?

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Very easy refutation?

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No, no, he didn't is not a very good reputation.

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But an intellectual reputation. It's a second grade refutation. Yeah.

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You're going too deep, though. You're right. But there's something else. Yeah.

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You're on the right track? Were you there? Simple as that. Were you there? Where'd you get this from? Well, I read it in a book. How do you know it's true? I don't know. I just believe, well, then don't don't prove it. To me. That's not proof. That's your personal belief. Keep it to yourself.

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Simple as that it's pretty easy. All the person all the argue or has to say among many other things is what? You are not there.

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All right. So I'm going to give you some things about science. And I'll leave you with language because personally, I'm a student of language of the Arabic language I continue to be. And it is something that fascinates me of all the things that make me convinced of Quran it's the language that just beyond anything else, is very profound. It has a profound impact on me. I didn't get the time to animate this. So I'll just write it I just wrote a quick clarification. The Quran is not a book of science. It is a book that has a very specific message in the specific messages to accept God not just as a divine being, but as someone who has direct control and impact over your life, to

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accept the moral principles that he delivers to you to implement them in your life so that your worldly and after really otherworldly life are a success. And this is the basic message of salvation.

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And it includes many unscientific statements. I mean, the Koran speaks of I put some things in prayer.

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fantasies but I mean, you know others, the unseen, the unseen realm another, another world, a world of angels and Jin Jin, I wouldn't want to call them demons for those of you who don't know what that is, but

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if you know the story of Aladdin, you use the word Genie. It comes from the Arabic word jinn in the stories and their legend. But the jinn is a creature we believe made a fire, like angels are made of light. And they are also creatures of choice they can do right or wrong. That's another subject. And of course, the Hereafter is very unscientific to believe in a day of judgment and to believe in a Hellfire to believe in a paradise. There's no empirical evidence to prove a paradise and gardens and, you know, eternal life and all this sort of stuff. And of course, we eat and in Paradise, we don't go to the bathroom, we sweat, perfume.

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It's paradise, right, so very unscientific for someone who doesn't believe.

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we have to understand why is this subject taking momentum in recent times science and Quran. It is really because the Quran by it, I mean, the Quran speaks of allows creation, with the intent of inspiring reflection on the creations beauty

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and reflection on the subtlety, the mechanics, the design, the technology of creation, the technology behind a single leaf, the symmetry involved the advanced technology in a single cell or an atom, how precise that is right? It wants people to reflect on the subtlety of a loved design and allows creation. That's where these phenomenon, worldly phenomenon, creations of Allah, God are mentioned. And in later times, and this is the point that hits the this is the one that went home. The miracle is in the choice of words used or given to describe the creation. What I mean by that is,

00:31:57 --> 00:32:31

the Quran i said before is the literal word of Allah, meaning every word is divinely chosen. Arabic is unique, because for any given word, you have dozens of synonyms, dozens and dozens of synonyms, each with a slight like difference, very slight difference. So you have, for example, eight words for falling asleep. And the difference between all of them is one of them is deep sleep, the other one is almost asleep, or your eyes are open, but your mind is sleeping. The other one is your sleeping, but you can hear people The other one is, you know, they're just sleeping when you're sitting or sleeping when you're lying down different stages of sleep, asleep with dreams in it

00:32:31 --> 00:33:06

asleep without dreams in it, they've got a word for each of them. And I'm giving you a phrase for each of them asleep with something asleep with something. Arabs have a word for each of these types of sleep. Arabs have a word for different types have different ways to describe a farmer, they have a word for farmer when he's planting the seed, they've got a word for a farmer, when he's taking out the seed, they've got a word for a farmer, he's watering the plants, and they're all used for farmer. But they're very specific about words very, very specific. And the miracle aspect that's now more recently being talked about is in the precision of the choices of words used to describe things

00:33:06 --> 00:33:25

you would almost think in passing meaning allies talking about something like you know, the creation of something. And just the way in which he talks about it in and of itself becomes uniquely miraculous. And I put some Arabic here, don't be intimidated. I'll tell you what that is. That's for me, not for you. some simple examples.

00:33:26 --> 00:33:36

One interesting example is sort of Hadid. And by the way, chefs Anna Danny, who's a famous scholar in the Arab world collects over 350 scientific phenomena in the Koran.

00:33:38 --> 00:33:42

But I'm not going to give you 350 I'll give you 12345

00:33:43 --> 00:33:49

and just point you in the direction when we talk about art and science, what was it referring to.

00:33:50 --> 00:34:22

So this is a is what ends Ll Hadid sort of had the the surah number 57 of the Quran. And Allah uses the word we sent down iron, we sent down iron. Now, the thing of it is Allah speaks about creating lots of different things in the Quran. But for all of them, he uses a verb called halakha. Or to create, he created the heavens and the earth. He created life and death. He created he created he created. But when he speaks of Iran, he didn't say he created it. He said, What did I say?

00:34:23 --> 00:34:56

He sent it down. He sent it down. And scholars of the past, were grappling with this issue. Why cuz you know, the words of God are very precise. This is our belief. So when somebody would argue what he sent, he sent it down. He meant he created it. No, if he meant he created it, he would have said he created he didn't mean that he meant specifically that he sent it down. Right. And so you find in this in the last century, in the 20th century, geologists coming to certain agreements about the beginnings of the earth, one of them being that Iran

00:34:57 --> 00:34:59

was not is not

00:35:00 --> 00:35:30

is not part of the original earth it actually came to the earth in the form of meteors and was very deep into the core of the Earth. Right. So the word used iron we sent down iron becomes a very accurate depiction of the reality of iron because it was sent down. Another example, is in total for con number 25. What Jaffe has hirogen while camara Munira, Allah speaks of things in the heavens and the earth

00:35:32 --> 00:35:39

that are as disposal subotica Lady jarlath is summer evolution bless it is the one who placed

00:35:40 --> 00:36:27

in the sky stars and men he says well Jada he has her origin and in the sky he placed for particularly for us a lamp. He calls the sun a lamp, in this case, Savage. Well Kamara muneera. The word camara Munira describing the moon the word Palmer means moon moon, but the word Munir is the one that's really scientific. And if you want to take it that way, the word Munir means something given light, something illuminated not something that gives off light, but something that is lit up by something else. Like this room is Moonie. This room is lit up because of the light but the light itself is so large. So there is the source of light and the recipient of the light. When he spoke of

00:36:27 --> 00:36:29

the sun, he called it a lamp.

00:36:30 --> 00:36:35

When he spoke of the moon, he called it a moon that reflects light.

00:36:36 --> 00:37:13

So at a time when this is not a known phenomenon, Li speaking of the moon as a body in space, that doesn't give off its own light as I mean nowadays, obviously it's reflecting the sun's light. But I mean pictures of 1500 years ago saying that it's not very obvious looks like it's giving off its own light. Right? But then it's the direct statement will come around Munira. This third one is cross between linguistic and scientific. I'll just mention the linguistic aspect of this very quickly because it's not a big deal. At the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the only people surrounding him were people of either,

00:37:14 --> 00:37:39

you know, idol worshipping people, atheists, Christians and Jews, the Christians and Jews were the more knowledgeable people. The idol worshipers were not an intellectual people. They were Bedouins in the Arab society. Even the Christians and the Jews at the time believed that the Earth was the center of the universe. Okay, and this ayah comes down and says that, the beginning of the scene, so number 36.

00:37:41 --> 00:37:47

Let's jump so younger, to come up with a new saga. And then this part we're called lone Falcon, as

00:37:49 --> 00:38:29

the sun does not rebel, its orbit that it may come before the moon. Now, neither does and so that the day may be coming early, nor does the night come before the day meaning they've got their appointed times. But in the beginning of the year, he's talking about light, the moon and the sun, keeping their order, not coming out of their orbits, and then he talks about night and day, not transgressing. When it's time for night, it's night when it's time for day to day and they don't transgress each other. They keep their limits. So far, he's talking about the sun in the Moon and the Earth and time. Right. But then he says we'll call on the Falcon, yes, but honan all of them,

00:38:29 --> 00:38:37

all of them, meaning the earth, the moon and the sun. Because these are the three objects mentioned in the IR all of them are floating in their own orbits.

00:38:39 --> 00:39:24

work alone in all of them. phallic means orbit, yes, balloon to swim or to float. So all of them in their own orbits, they are floating now at the time. One belief was, the closer the scientific belief was, the sun is at the center of the universe. And yet Allah is going a step further at this time, 1500 years ago, and What's he saying? The Earth has an orbit, the moon has an orbit and the sun has an orbit, right? way ahead of its time. And this is the theme in scientific phenomenon. It's not talking about something so amazing to you now, but it's something to wonder that how is such an accurate depiction being given of a only lately discovered scientific found or scientific phenomenon

00:39:24 --> 00:39:47

discovered much later to be mentioned in this text? And it's not something again, this is not something that was boasted or talked about, or, you know, as soon as, for example, in the in Europe, in there were other discoveries, Galileo and things like that. These discoveries did not lead Muslim scholars to say, Aha, the Quran has been saying this all along. Because it was like, we know that

00:39:48 --> 00:39:59

the book says it already. It wasn't something a big deal. And I'm saying that because the scientific is only a recent emphasis. We shouldn't go overboard with the scientific thing. I'm just mentioning some phenomenon.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:40

that are commonly talked about, but it's not necessarily something you constantly, you know, push. Then there's of course the famous idea about the heavens and the earth, which is the Arabic expression for the universe heavens in the earth. Canada, the word what can in Arabic means something that is fused and inseparable, fused and inseparable. The word radical radical was used when a mother is carrying a child because the mother and the child are inseparable. And when she would start delivering the other was word was used pataca pataca is the part the time for her to start partying, literally, her body is partying up, and she's partying from her child. So the IRS

00:40:40 --> 00:41:09

says the heavens and the earth used to be fused and inseparable. And then we cause them to come apart. Meaning there was the universe in origin in original in its original form was a fused united body, some sort of matter, and then it became an spread out, and then the words used later on, it's spread out far and wide. So it's close to very close to interestingly close to the big bang theory

00:41:11 --> 00:41:23

that Allah subhanaw taala describes the beginning of the heavens and the earth. And of course, from a biological perspective, there's the description of the embryo, I'm not going to go into that one. Because that's a it's a nice PhD thesis, it's out from a professor, I think Mustafa Ahmed,

00:41:25 --> 00:41:47

who shows the correlation between the linguistic analysis of the ayah the air that talks about the stages of the embryo versus modern science and how it's looked upon, but I'll give you one last one, which is a cooler shape and height. And we made from water every living thing, the basis of life, water, again, something stated way ahead of its time.

00:41:48 --> 00:41:50

Now, I'm going to go to the part that I like to go over

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the linguistic miracle of the Quran.

00:42:01 --> 00:42:08

This is hard for me to explain to people that don't know Arabic, but try to follow along with me, I'll try to make it as easy as I possibly can.

00:42:09 --> 00:42:16

This is the third I have surah number 74. So number 74, of course, this little death here.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:22

And it says one of Baca fuckup. Bear and declare the greatness of your Lord.

00:42:24 --> 00:42:30

What's unique about this ayah the word what you notice the shape here, and the shape here are the same.

00:42:31 --> 00:42:52

Right? For those of you don't read Arabic, this you can tell the shapes, right? This is sort of the Arabic symbol for the sentence beginning. In English, you have the capital letter that starts off a sentence in Arabic, among the many usages of the word what the letter Y one of them is, that it starts off a new statement. And what I've done here is I've separated the letters.

00:42:53 --> 00:42:55

See this shape over here?

00:42:56 --> 00:43:16

And that ending shape is similar. It's over there. Right? And then this one's got a dot underneath it, and this one's got a dot underneath it. Right? And that one's got a dot underneath it. This one's got it up. So what I basically done in Arabic, you merge the letters when you write them, but I've written them here in separated form. For those of you who know Arabic, What letter is this?

00:43:17 --> 00:43:17

Go on.

00:43:21 --> 00:43:29

What's the first letter? What's the last letter? What's the second letter? What's the last second last, third one?

00:43:30 --> 00:43:31

Third, last one.

00:43:33 --> 00:43:33


00:43:35 --> 00:43:40

declare the greatness of your Lord backwards and forwards the same way.

00:43:42 --> 00:43:44

Okay, palindromes.

00:43:46 --> 00:43:50

Now, it's fun to make palindromes in any language.

00:43:51 --> 00:43:52


00:43:53 --> 00:44:07

you know, Dad, it's fun. Try saying something you want to say in a sentence that is spelled backwards and forwards the same way without having to change what you want to say.

00:44:09 --> 00:44:10

Sound possible?

00:44:12 --> 00:44:13

And these highly unlikely,

00:44:15 --> 00:44:24

right? So this is one dimension of the the the miracle of the Arabic language, the linguistics in Quran. I give you even

00:44:25 --> 00:44:32

more profound example, in my opinion, I'm going to come out of the full screen version here, because I want to help you understand something easier.

00:44:36 --> 00:44:39

Okay, once again, I'm going to try to simplify this as much as I can.

00:44:41 --> 00:44:45

With too far, sorry, I ruined it for you.

00:44:48 --> 00:44:49

But most of all, hold on.

00:44:51 --> 00:44:51


00:44:53 --> 00:44:54

All right.

00:44:55 --> 00:44:58

You notice the word why again, send us beginning

00:45:00 --> 00:45:08

is Catherine lamb? Let's separate it here. fee is fair. And this to that thing is here, then fire lamb calf.

00:45:09 --> 00:45:16

calf, I didn't put your spot on, let me translate this for you. We just talked about this a second ago. This is the ayah that says they're all floating in their own orbits

00:45:18 --> 00:45:26

rotating in their own orbits. The word for rotating or floating used is yes, but when I want you to remember what letter It begins with?

00:45:27 --> 00:45:28

Yeah, okay.

00:45:29 --> 00:45:43

So the action, the verb, if I give you the English, all of them are floating or rotating in their own orbits, what's the action? What's the verb? floating, okay? When you take the beginning letters,

00:45:45 --> 00:45:46

and you separate them.

00:45:48 --> 00:46:01

calf in the beginning calf at the end, you notice is the symbol of the same lamb in the beginning, second, less than third less Far, far. And they're all rotating around what letter,

00:46:02 --> 00:46:05

which is the word for rotating.

00:46:09 --> 00:46:15

The letter that begins off begins the word for rotating, the rotating handed, follow the form of symmetrical pattern.

00:46:17 --> 00:46:18

This is a second example.

00:46:21 --> 00:46:41

And of course, I'll add one more complication to this. I said to you produce a sentence of something you want to say something you want to say. And try to say it in a way that is spelled backwards and forwards the same way. Not to mention you can't write it down.

00:46:44 --> 00:46:45

You can't write it down.

00:46:46 --> 00:47:10

And the interesting thing is, this wasn't discovered and a dozen of these were not discovered until after the Quran was published libraries. And you know, many, many scholar generations later scholars said wait a second. They're doing letter accounts of Quran because scholarship was zoncolan from every perspective, and they started discovering this meaning the Prophet himself didn't claim, hey, look at this IRA, backwards and forwards. He didn't say that.

00:47:11 --> 00:47:13

It's something that came much later.

00:47:14 --> 00:47:17

And yet, it was always there. For some halala

00:47:20 --> 00:47:27

This one's not 74 three, it's 3636 36 into 30 somewhere.

00:47:30 --> 00:47:39

So that was an example of palindromes in the Quran. I want to give you some easy examples. This is very complicated, but I'm going to again, try to simplify it as much as I can.

00:47:40 --> 00:47:58

The first I'll read the Arabic When I talk to Lou oladipo. For those of you who read Arabic, what's the least read this together? Again? Wanna talk to Lou, I will read the beginning here. When Dr. Lu, I will add the word similarities here. What's the word here?

00:47:59 --> 00:48:45

But before him laughs over here, there's a min and there's a hash yetta. Over here, there's a slight difference. And if you look at the ending, national is here and national is here. Now Zuko is here and now Zuko is here, but there's a comb here, and there's a home here. And there's a home here and there's a column here. So there's a little bit of a change, but mostly the is the same. These are two different citations from two different sources in the Quran, I'll tell you what they mean. The top one means don't kill your children, because of poverty. We're the ones who provide you, you all and not to mention them. I'll say that again. And don't kill your children. Because of poverty. We

00:48:45 --> 00:48:54

are the ones who provide you all and not to mention them. Let's look at the second one. Don't kill your children out of fear of poverty.

00:48:56 --> 00:49:03

We are the ones who provide them. And you did you hear a difference in the English you have to pay attention to know there are two differences.

00:49:04 --> 00:49:13

The first one said because of poverty. The second one says out of fear of poverty. The first one says we provide you and then the first the second one says we provide them and you

00:49:14 --> 00:49:49

pitch to an English listener. Even an Arabic listener. Same idea. I mean, out of fear of poverty because of poverty. What's the big deal? It's the same thing, right? But if you pay a little bit closer attention, this is actually where the linguistic discussion on Quran is the most in depth in these IR that are similar. And in translation, even in Arabic, you would hardly notice the difference in meaning. But if you dig a little deeper from the linguistic perspective, you discover something great. And that is the word Minh. In classical Arabic which is because of I translated is because because of

00:49:50 --> 00:50:00

is used as mean agile, have agile it's called it's a word used to describe a reason. And it implies the implication here is the idea is talking about

00:50:00 --> 00:50:02

People that are already poor,

00:50:04 --> 00:50:17

because they're killing their children because of poverty, meaning it already exists. If they are already poor, then they are worried about their own food in their stomach first,

00:50:18 --> 00:50:31

before even thinking about kids, so when Allah says don't kill their children because of poverty, who does he provide first you because you're poor yourself and also then

00:50:32 --> 00:50:51

the next is fear of poverty. And fear in any language, particularly in Arabic is always associated with the future. I'm afraid of losing my job. I'm afraid to get late to work I'm afraid of failing the class. I'm afraid of a car accident. You're afraid of stuff that hasn't happened yet. The implication directly here is you're not poor yet.

00:50:53 --> 00:51:13

You're not poor yet here what was it you're already bored? So if you're not poor yet and you are killing your children, what is it telling you that we are worried we won't be able to afford them? So when these people are spoken to what does the law say? We provide them not to mention you

00:51:14 --> 00:51:47

for the shallow look at a shallow look you in them the menu What's the difference? And just the more subtle careful look, you will notice the accuracy of the order and how it reflects the meaning that is to be communicated to different groups in society are committing the same sin for two different reasons. One reason is outlined here and one reasons outlined here what takes me 20 minutes to explain to you is just interchange of two words this is divine speech, the accuracy the subtlety of speech, and how it communicates very, very specific meaning

00:51:49 --> 00:51:54

this is one of my favorite examples This is for those of you who read the Quran a lot you'll enjoy this one inshallah.

00:51:56 --> 00:52:36

This is also to speak of the the profound nature of the imagery in the Quran, imagery in the Quran. The Quran is very connected coherent text, one part describing the other one theme being repeated in different words. Now you notice in this ayah Allah says I put the transition here Yeah, oh my god you fill out he knows what enters into the earth when I mean what comes out of it well my nz domina sama and what comes down from the sky or my yada yada and what rises to it? What what? And he is the constantly merciful exceedingly I missed the word forgiving, exceedingly forgiving. If you read Brian, what do you always read her foreign Rahim? Allah human go whoa.

00:52:38 --> 00:53:04

Whoa, he's a foreign Rahim. Forgiving, Merciful, forgiving, merciful, forgiving merciful. That's the theme in the Quran over 70 times, you will find an ending of a foreign Rahim in the la carta of foreign rahima. Okay, well, ah, hold on Rahim. This is the only place and again what he means is forgiving karma. merciful. This is the only place in the entire Quran that says merciful karma forgiving.

00:53:05 --> 00:53:18

This is the only place and it's divine speech, right? Every word is in our belief is in its place. How come this is the only place that doesn't say forgiving karma merciful rather says merciful karma. forgiving.

00:53:19 --> 00:53:19


00:53:22 --> 00:53:23

First of all,

00:53:24 --> 00:53:25

I'll tell you what.

00:53:26 --> 00:53:30

One of the great scholars of Islam, Allah said about this.

00:53:32 --> 00:53:43

He said, every time Allah says forgiving karma merciful, at the end of an ayah at the end of a statement, the beginning of it always has mentioned of human beings.

00:53:45 --> 00:54:27

The beginning of it always talks about in human beings one way or the other. And that's important to note because as far as human beings are concerned, they need to be forgiven first, then they become deserving of mercy that's the proper order. As far as human beings are concerned, forgiving then mercy and he gives the analogy of a glass you know in in Arabic the statements in Masada macadam, Allah God must law, which means if you have a dirty glass and you want to drink say juice, what do you have to do first before you can use the glass, clean out the negative element before you can add the positive element. Forgiveness cleans out the negative element. MERCY's obviously the positive

00:54:27 --> 00:54:32

element right. So forgiveness comes first mercy comes second. This is the only place in the whole Quran

00:54:33 --> 00:54:35

I'd be very impressed if you know where this is from.

00:54:36 --> 00:54:37


00:54:38 --> 00:54:41

You're right yellow, my lgfl always mentioned in sort of handy, this is not it.

00:54:43 --> 00:54:44

And windows.

00:54:45 --> 00:54:48

Okay, I'll give you the number you tell me the name. So number 34.

00:54:49 --> 00:54:50

Figure it out one day.

00:54:52 --> 00:54:53

Very good. Subbu

00:54:54 --> 00:54:59

Subbu is number 234. Okay.

00:55:02 --> 00:55:06

This one, if you read the English translation, do you see mention of human beings?

00:55:09 --> 00:55:51

Or human beings we mentioned? Not directly, not directly, if you were to indicate the literal if you look at the outer meaning of this ayah, the obvious theme of the IRA is the knowledge of God. He knows what goes into the earth, what comes out of the earth, what comes out from the sky, what goes up into the sky, the theme is knowledge. All over the Quran, whenever knowledge is mentioned, somewhere in the passages, there's also mercy, knowledge and mercy are affiliated terms in the Quran. Because God's knowledge of laws knowledge, in the end is mercy. The biggest example of that is a rock man. You know, the next one, I love the, the exceedingly merciful, taught the Quran,

00:55:51 --> 00:55:59

knowledge, education, right. And there are many other instances. But more than that, if there is no mention of human beings,

00:56:00 --> 00:56:26

then why is Mercy is understandable, because that's universal. Forgiveness is particularly an attribute that affects who, human beings, if there is no mention of human beings, then there is no need for her for. But there is mention of human beings, it's implied. You know, in the beginning, when Allah says, He knows what enters into the earth, the farmer thinks of what going into the earth, what's planted into the seed, and what comes out

00:56:27 --> 00:56:27

a plant.

00:56:29 --> 00:56:32

But at a deeper look, we also enter into the earth one day,

00:56:33 --> 00:56:36

and we will also be coming out of the earth one day day of judgment.

00:56:37 --> 00:57:16

Remember that again, he knows what enters into the earth could refer to plants, but also refers to human beings because there they certainly enter into the earth and they will certainly be coming out. If you look at the next part, he says, What comes down from the sky from a farmer's perspective, what is coming down in the sky, rain, but from the perspective of Revelation, it is the words of Allah, Revelation, angels, that are also coming down from the sky. That's mercy. But let me not give you that parallel yet. So revelation comes from the sky. revelation comes, people decipher it, they act according to it or they don't act according to it. What goes back up to the sky,

00:57:18 --> 00:57:41

their deeds for evaluation. Let's do that again. Human beings enter the earth will come out of the earth. revelation comes down from the sky and what goes up, these go up to the sky. Now once again, at the time of death, human beings are in need of Allah's mercy. When they are raised, they will be in need of Allah's

00:57:42 --> 00:57:50

forgiveness. On the day of judgment, we all need forgiveness. So mercy first, forgiveness. Second,

00:57:51 --> 00:57:53

what comes down from the sky again?

00:57:54 --> 00:57:58

Revelation, Revelation is mercy. What goes up to the sky again?

00:58:00 --> 00:58:41

These need what? forgiveness mercy first, forgiveness. Second, the only place in Quran where Mercy is first, forgiveness, the second for Subhana Allah, very accurate use of words, precisely in their place. And this these are small examples of you know, what happened in the beginning, I'll tell you what happened historically, the subject became such an obsession with Islamic scholars. In the beginning, the papers used to be archy debase papers or creed papers, and books and doctrines where they would write, saying, This is what proves that this is the word of Allah. And for two or three centuries, this was the theme. And then the scholars got tired of that theme, saying, We don't need

00:58:41 --> 00:58:43

to prove it anymore. Let's just explore its beauty.

00:58:45 --> 00:59:28

So the theme became the theme later on is Yamato peran rather than Jasmine Quran, the beauty of the Quran, let's explore that. Allah they didn't even delve into that much anymore after a couple of centuries. So you find most of this discussion really in the context of just exploring the beauty in that subtle capacity. What makes what adds complication to this, however, is the fact that it's not being expanded upon or explained or articulated by the prophet alayhi salatu salam, only by the scholars were exploring the language later on. Right? And yet his choice of words are always on point because they're not his they are a last words, their last words, you know, an author has a

00:59:28 --> 00:59:47

time to write something in edited and modified, edited, modified with the profit or loss with color on it's memorized as it is cover to cover and then there is no editing modification, if this is it. It's just memorized as it is. So this is one you know, profound example of Oh, I did have forgiving.

00:59:49 --> 00:59:50

Last example.

00:59:52 --> 00:59:57

I wanted to give you a couple of things. There's some papers against this. I did some research on my own.

00:59:59 --> 00:59:59

Aloha alum.

01:00:01 --> 01:00:02


01:00:05 --> 01:00:19

there is, okay, there's a man by the name of Mohammed bin todich, Sudan autocommit, Mohammed, the Sudan, who did a paper on the aura Lecture Series 12 hours on the miracles of the Quran, in Arabic,

01:00:21 --> 01:00:30

in Kuwait, very interesting paper, he did all 50 miracles scientifically. But I want to share with you the word count in the Quran.

01:00:34 --> 01:00:36

I verified five of these and then I gave up.

01:00:38 --> 01:00:48

There's no point you can verify them if you want. And I may have some of the numbers wrong, but I know they're equals, I made a problem because I just listened directly to the lecture. I didn't get it off the website or anything.

01:00:51 --> 01:00:51


01:00:54 --> 01:00:58

I didn't share the coolest one with you. Sorry, two more, this is one and then I'll share one last one with you.

01:01:00 --> 01:01:02

The word prayers in the plural

01:01:03 --> 01:01:10

Salawat prayers is mentioned. Interestingly, in the Holy Quran only five times, which of course matches what

01:01:12 --> 01:01:13

the number of times you have to pray

01:01:16 --> 01:01:25

the word dounia, which means this world is mentioned 150 times 15 times and so is the word the hereafter.

01:01:29 --> 01:01:31

Angels are mentioned 99 times and these are not,

01:01:33 --> 01:02:13

you know, word counts that are sort of imposed on the Quran. Because the Quran is not there are no versions, there's one text and word searches were done in classical texts margin, you know, cuttable margin, there are other books that did word council foreign, they didn't do it to find equals. But what this scholar did was, as he was looking through the word counts, he was finding some equals, and he just listed them. You can take it as a miracle you can't but certainly something very unique and profound. angels and devils are mentioned an equal number of times in the Quran, life and death is mentioned equal number of times both 145 times the people and the messengers are mentioned an

01:02:13 --> 01:02:19

equal number of times. Why? Because the messengers came for all the people.

01:02:20 --> 01:03:00

It please, and or at least is the old name of shaitaan and seeking refuge from him. Both mentioned 11 times Zakah. And Baraka mentioned equal number of times, the Prophet Muhammad's name mentioned four times shehryar mentioned four times, right. So you've got these themes that are connected with each other and the term that day and night, by the way, same number of times, men and women 24 times each the intellect and light, same number of times, you get these terms that are related that are mentioned in equal number of times. But again, this is a recited word. This was something that was memorized, memorized, first and foremost. And even when it was available in the earliest generations

01:03:00 --> 01:03:20

and documented form, it was in the form of leather pouches and you know, big parches leaves written on bones and things like that. So there was no way to do document research. Until much, much later the most efficient way of preserving Quran was in terms of memorization. The last thing last last thing, I promise, and then I'll let you go home

01:03:23 --> 01:03:24


01:03:27 --> 01:03:30

this one really, when I first studied it,

01:03:31 --> 01:03:32

I had to turn

01:03:33 --> 01:03:37

everything away and I just had to go pray because this is too much. At least for me.

01:03:39 --> 01:03:42

Let me see if I can find it. So I can show you what it is.

01:03:45 --> 01:03:46

Like no workshop.

01:03:47 --> 01:03:59

I was doing a competition between brothers and sisters at the econo convention in Atlanta two days ago. Okay, for those of you who read Arabic for those of you who don't listen carefully to the Arabic words and see if you find a pattern, read the first word and read

01:04:00 --> 01:04:14

the Korea next word. huffy. Next word shafia. Next word, Walia Next word, so the next word nebia then hi Yeah, then then.

01:04:15 --> 01:04:18

Okay, what those of you who don't speak Arabic Did you notice something?

01:04:22 --> 01:04:23

Those of you don't speak Arabic.

01:04:25 --> 01:04:29

Did you notice anything in the way the word sounded? They all did what?

01:04:30 --> 01:04:37

They they rhymed. There was a rhyme scheme. This is what Maria so number 19

01:04:38 --> 01:05:00

which is like a lot of other stories in the Quran. The words are rhyming at the ends of the verses or the ayat rather. Okay? The Karate Rebecca who Zakaria is na da Bonita and Sophia, etc. And the IOD go on and the words keep rhyming and rhyming and rhyming and rhyming until you come down and I skipped somebody out in this presentation, but read the next

01:05:00 --> 01:05:00

Word in red,

01:05:02 --> 01:05:20

young Tarun that doesn't rhyme with huffy or shafia. Or you know in see none of those words now it's got a different rhyme scheme you I'm Tarun fire goon was takim rbwm been, you know, you're john, different rhyme scheme.

01:05:22 --> 01:05:27

So you have the first many, many is dedicated to the same rhyme scheme,

01:05:28 --> 01:05:30

and then a different rhyme scheme all of a sudden in the same surah

01:05:32 --> 01:05:39

when the subject was the same, the stories of the profits, the rhyme scheme was the same.

01:05:40 --> 01:06:26

As soon as the subject changes, it's kind of like paragraph change, you know, you hit space, then tab bar, move over the indentation. Arabic didn't the Quran doesn't have that? Why does it have a different rhyme scheme, because the subject has changed. So the listener can know that now a new subject is being talked about. But what's interesting is when you want to refer back to the old subject, was called Phil kitabi. Ibrahim in Hong Kong as a deacon. Now v stories of the prophets again, old rhyme scheme, again, a word that is not poetry. It's it's dealing with a very serious subject. But yet for the listener, who listens carefully knows the subject is one because the rhyme

01:06:26 --> 01:06:36

scheme is one. And as soon as the rhyme scheme changes, the subject has advanced to something else. And when the rhyme scheme returns, it is because that tangent was necessary to complete the original subject.

01:06:38 --> 01:06:43

Give me another document that does that consistently throughout the text, those of you know so ama,

01:06:44 --> 01:06:54

alone, and endeavor el amin, Allah, the home fee, mo telefoon, kala sailormoon, from makanda, sailormoon, one paragraph, and then we'll

01:06:55 --> 01:07:01

go on with G, viola, da da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, Mo. So what's

01:07:03 --> 01:07:16

one subject is done. The other subject has its own rhyme scheme. And sometimes you'll have long passages with the same exact rhyme scheme with something interjecting in the middle that doesn't fit the rhyme scheme. You know, why? Because that tangent is necessary for the rest of it. You have to pay attention.

01:07:18 --> 01:07:20

Hello, say locomobile milky gamma, one,

01:07:21 --> 01:07:38

gamma, double inside and the magma Rama, Bella Katerina, Allah and Sophia, banana. Will you live in San Diego Pura mama Yes, Allah Yama, Yama, the subject is over the next one for either buddy coil basa Bahasa file comma

01:07:39 --> 01:07:50

L comma yaku in San Jamar, even in el la calidad Candela was in Arabic, Allah is in Osaka in a unit Berlin sanyang within

01:07:53 --> 01:08:01

the next subject, well inside Milan FC Heba Sierra, wanna welcome the Euro, his rhymes at the end,

01:08:03 --> 01:08:20

then a break, because for the next subject, you need to understand something else, too. How do they behave, Lisa that can be and then go back. So Pamela, so these are some of the linguistic dimensions of the miracle of the Quran, the last thing that I want to leave you with.

01:08:21 --> 01:08:23

And most of all,

01:08:25 --> 01:08:29

Quran is a miracle for the exact for the most unscientific reason.

01:08:31 --> 01:08:32

Because it transforms lives.

01:08:34 --> 01:08:53

To this day, there are people you will be the last person you would think would be a Muslim. The last person on the face of this earth, one of my best friends in the world. His name is Abdullah, his original name is Mike. He was a * tattoos all over his body is memorizing Quran right now.

01:08:55 --> 01:09:19

He was actually part of he was up there. And he was a he's actually talking to a couple of gangs in New York state prisons. And talking about Islam, some of the head leaders of the white supremist crew, because they're old friends. last person you would imagine would be a Muslim is one of my best friends. And some and Barbara he married a black woman, by the way. And

01:09:20 --> 01:09:21


01:09:22 --> 01:09:24

And they have four kids.

01:09:25 --> 01:09:25


01:09:27 --> 01:09:39

And this man, you know, he became my son. He says, One day I had a fight with my mother, I punched her in the head. I got really mad at myself. So I had to find somewhere to go where the cops would look for me. So I went to the library.

01:09:41 --> 01:09:52

I couldn't find anything I had to make, you know, make myself look, you know, normal. So I picked up a book and it happened to be local Ron, and I wasn't reading it. It was reading me.

01:09:53 --> 01:09:57

That's what he says. I wasn't reading it. It was reading me and took the Shahada in the library

01:09:59 --> 01:09:59


01:10:01 --> 01:10:40

The most weirdest weirdest experiences people have, when they read the Quran, it just completely transformed their lives where I my daughter's go to an Islamic kindergarten. Preschool I started it I was the principal first. But I quit when we found a suitable replacement. The replacement is a woman. She's Japanese. She's born in she was born in Japan, she, she migrated here. And she was a very high power executive downtown. She used to work on Wall Street. And you know how they have those vendors in Wall Street that sell like shawarmas and stuff like that. We call them chicken guys, right? So she was at one of those, and the guy was blasting like recitation of Quran. And she

01:10:40 --> 01:11:21

goes, that's really interesting music. Where do you get that? And the guy said, Actually, I can I can tell you where to go. He pointed her to Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, where she ended up in a store and they gave her a copy of the Quran. And she read it and she took Shahada the next day. And her two sons are memorizing Quran. And she's a principal of an Islamic school now, right? Just I mean, the most unlikely people that you would think no conversion, no preaching, nobody went to them and say, you know, except this or you're doing nothing, they just went and read the Quran. And you know, what's the craziest thing? After 911 there was a spike in conversions of people that out of

01:11:21 --> 01:11:44

curiosity, started buying the copy of the Quran from Barnes and Noble and this is not even the miraculous Arabic Quran. This is English translation of Quran. And people are just out of curiosity, what is this terrorist document? You know, and they're reading it and they're finding, how can I How can I miss this? I just met last week I was in Atlanta. It was a convention there in Atlanta. And I met a young man, younger than me at least.

01:11:46 --> 01:12:30

He was the get this. His name is his original name is Joshua. Now his name is Lucia. He's originally Irish. He was studying Orthodox Christianity, studying to become a scholar. He was studying Hebrew, Aramaic. He was studying the ancient language, Latin, even to study the Bible in its original texts. And he said he heard a sermon one day about Islam and how it's an evil religion. Right. And he, he thought to himself, after all the Bible I've studied, I can't think the Bible is the truth. But one thing's for sure of all the other religions I'm going to explore, explore. Islam will never be one of them, because it's an evil faith. He wasn't convinced of the Bible, as the more he studied it,

01:12:30 --> 01:12:31

the less convinced he became.

01:12:33 --> 01:12:45

And then finally, one day, the funny thing is, he was studying at a church, the wall to the masjid is about a foot apart. He was sitting at this place and used to park his car in the machine at the mosque, and then go to church.

01:12:46 --> 01:13:08

for 10 years, he was doing this since he was an early teen. And then one day somebody saw him and said, Hey, the Friday prayer is going on because he was going on Friday to church to speak to his priests. And they didn't know that he's not a Muslim, because he's parking in the in the Muslim, the mosque parking lot. So he said, okay, whatever, I'll check it out. He goes in, listen to the sermon, take Shahada becomes a Muslim.

01:13:09 --> 01:13:47

So this, to me, at least in our times, the strangest stories of people in the Western world, people that you would never have imagined coming to the sun. This is probably, to me at least, the greatest miracle in the Quran. The most profound miracle of the Quran, this is one you can argue away from anyone because they've experienced it themselves. Personally, they've personally personally experienced it themselves. Last but not least, I pray that anything that I have said was good and true, and that accepts my intentions and your intentions for his cause. And I also pray that any mistakes that are made First of all, I declare that they are my own. And second of all, I hope that

01:13:47 --> 01:13:52

you can all Forgive me for my shortcomings. And that Allah also forgive me for Monica. Lovely, welcome.

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into an understanding of the Qur’an and Science and the concept of Science in the Qur’an with various examples.

What is a miracle in Islam? The classical scholars of Islam listed many conditions for something to be considered a miracle according to Islamic theology. The first one is that which is impossible for human beings to do or perform. A miracle has to be something that can’t be manufactured. The second thing is that it breaks the laws of nature. 

The Qur’an speaks of Allah’s creation with the intent of inspiring reflection on the creation’s beauty and reflection on the subtlety, the mechanics, the design, the technology of creation, the technology behind the single leaf, the symmetry involved; the advanced technology in a single cell or an atom, how precise that is, right. It wants people to reflect on the subtlety of Allah’s design and Allah’s creation. The miracle is in the choice of words used or given to describe the creation. 


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