Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Al-Jumuah #06 Stop Idolizing Humans

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The Bible is a source of confusion for the Jewish and Christian culture, with its use of "monster" in English and "monster" in Arabic. The title of "monster" in English is used to describe individuals as "monster" and "monster", and the title is a way to make people believe that God is present in them. The title is a step-by-step guide for students to learn the Bible and become a TV doc.
AI: Transcript ©
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right so the when the Quran uses this word what I want you to know is it's taking a word and talking about it that the average Muslim Arab can understand. But even the highest priests of this religion of these religions Christianity Judaism, that had been studying the religion for decades and decades that know the special nature of these words are like, how did he get this word? And how did he use it in this way? Where's this coming from? Where's this knowledge who's leaking our information

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so I'm already calm before you begin this video just quickly wanted to let you know that so much of the work on the Quran has been completed on being a TV I want you to enjoy systematically studying the Quran from the beginning all the way to the end, in brief and then in great detail. And to do that I'd like for you to sign up on regular and once you appreciate what's going on in Medina TV, I want you to become an ambassador for it and share that subscription with friends and family and give it as a gift also, thank you.

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Our older biller him initiate plan or rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. You said beholding him if is to MF in our daily money can you put those disease in Heike when Lady basophil me in Rasool M min. Home yet you want him to he will use a key him while you are in limbo. Homoeo kita about one hikma we're in QA no min kabhi laughing bada the Mobi rubbish risotto us silly Emery Lulu rock bottom in descending of Hokulea when hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Eddie, he was a big mine and my bad everyone once again, it's too late and Ricardo Good to have you back. Today Inshallah, we're going to try to finish some of the work on Iron number one and we'll get started on

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Iron number two, I'm pretty confident we will not finish item number two today, but that's okay.

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These two these first two Ayat are the heaviest out of the surah. So it's okay if we take our time there and we still have a few days to catch up with the rest of the work. Anyway, so yesterday I did speak to you about the king and some of the contemplations that we can make through the concept of kingdom, and how a kingdom is known by its markings at science. When you walk into a kingdom, you see a palace you see the soldiers wearing a certain kind of armor, you see the uniforms of its governmental employees, you see the flags of a kingdom, you see the ships and the Navy and all of that stuff of a kingdom. You see the assets of a kingdom, the roads they've built, right the

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infrastructure they've done, how they take care of their people, how they engage in war, their history, all of these things are markings of a king, the identifying markers of a kingdom. And we contemplate that when we think about Allah azza wa jal, and yesterday before I ended the lecture, I tried to tell you about the connection between kingdom and power, and holiness, and how in politics, religion and politics have always had this. I mean, the right word to say they've always had an unholy marriage, right, they've had an unholy connection between them. And so even today, politicians use the religious class in many countries to gain their votes. So in American politics,

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for example, if on a conservative party or something, a politician wants to gain their base, they will go into a church and kiss some babies before they eat the election. You know, and make sure they take their pictures and talk about God and all of that, even though they're, they're the most anti Bible people in their lifestyle, but they will still tell the Bible when they're trying to get their votes, right. So religion and politics have always had this kind of a relationship.

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This has happened among the Israelites also, I've talked about this in some detail. If you want to know more, more about that concept. There's actually a story in the Quran that details this unholy alliance and how the Quran comments on it in such a sophisticated way, it could be a PhD in Political Science. And that's the story of Badiou Tanja lute and Soto Baqarah, where Allah talks about religion and politics together, and how people try to manipulate religion to serve political goals, right? So religion just becomes a tool and political agendas. I've had some personal experiences with this, too. I was in a country that shall not be named.

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And I was giving lectures at the university, I was giving talks at the masjid and all that kind of stuff. All of a sudden, I got a call from the, you know, the prime minister's office, they hit that he'd like to meet me, like, Why does he want to, once you want to meet me? And what are you going to talk about? And usually you think, Oh, my God, the Prime Minister wants to meet you. I was like, No, I know what this is. Let me just check. And I have to check whether or not he's doing well in the elections.

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Because when they're because when they're politically going down, and they want to take a picture, they want to take a selfie next to somebody who think will get them, make them feel a little more normal. Right? And they'll do these kinds of things. So, you know, these these things are a reality in the world. And we have to be mindful of that and that's some

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Thinking alludes to in medical coders, but let's get right to the work. The word that we could use the second name of Allah mentioned in this ayah. Let's dig into the origin of this word, Gods. The root theme, meaning the the word, the three letters five dot and seen originally have to do with purity and holiness and sanctity. What does it means to purify? I'll show you that in the eye of sort of Baqarah. It's one of the earliest words we learned about in the Quran. The angels when Allah told them that he's going to put human beings on the earth. They said, when Nuno said Behold, we have the Kiowa naka de su like so they use this word to describe what how they are with Allah. So

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we'll get to that idea in a second to help us understand this word a little better. But its origin comes from this imagery of water that can get muddy easily and the Arabs, they would have like a, like a trough like a mini Well, kind of thing like the picture you see here. That's a water trough. And they will put stones in it so it doesn't get dirty, so it doesn't get muddy underneath. And this was an old way of keeping water pure, but filling it up with stones. Okay, so who are you that will help you supply the hill, the layer to dump will help so it doesn't get you know, contact the water doesn't get contaminated easily. I thought this is again, it's also used, because the camels have to

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put their head down to drink. But sometimes the water level was too low. So they would put stones in the water. So the water would rise, and then the camels can reach it and they can drink more comfortably, right? That kind of stone was called a pod this a goddess is how you guys know because back in the day, in ancient times people didn't have like sinks, where they turn on the water and wash their hands. How do people wash their hands or wash their face, they would have these bowls that you put fresh water in from the bucket and then you wash your hands in that right and even in some traditional families, if you go into in the Middle East and Asia some other places, you sit and

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eat on the floor. And before you eat on the floor, they give you a bowl to wash your hands in and everybody washes their hands and dries over that right to the sink. You don't go to the sink, the sink comes to you. Right and that washing bowl, that's actually called a goddess in old Arabic. The word for that is Okada. So there are other vessels in buckets in Arabic that are not for washing, but the one used specifically for washing. That one is called Oh Goddess, okay? Now there's Cadiz, which is a sacred stone or a precious stone. So it could be like a Ruby or Perl or something like that can be called up at least, or sometimes people had, you know, like in different religions, they

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have trinkets that are sacred or holy, right, that they ascribe a lot of value to right. So for example, in some Christian variations, people have like crucifixes, right or they have amulets, and the stones or whatever. Or in some other traditions, somebody can have a stone or a necklace, and some, you know, saint or guru or whatever, cast a spell on the stone. And now the stone has special powers and you will never have diarrhea so long as you were the stone etc. So, that that kind of stone is called a Cadiz and language a sacred stone right. Similarly, jewelry was called Gouda silver beads or trinkets. Interestingly, from there, we also get the idea that the Kaaba one of the

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words one of the names for the Kaaba, before Islam was odd, it's because it's sacred, and therefore all of its stones are also what sacred right so that's why it was called others and oran uses the word mocha this to describe Jerusalem and others mocha dasa. So it uses the same term for so it's the name of Allah who could use but now it's being used for other than Allah, it's being used for a land right? And a duck these dogs This is what the eight let's come to what the angel said to Allah will not be will be handicapped one Oh God, this shoe duck, no condition. Luck actually means two things I've written them here. One of the things that means is we purify ourselves for you. We

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purify ourselves for you. We keep ourselves pure for your worship. That's what the angel said to Allah. The other meaning is, we keep declaring how pure and perfect you are. So this means two things and you need to know that this will unfold some luck. That's one implication we purify ourselves for you, and no additional luck Yanni na W Luca, produce and we consider you we acknowledge you as pure. This is a name of Allah that we use the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam we used to use Subhanallah medical produce and medical coders and sometimes in Ruko the prophets I see them sometimes will say so both are due soon rubble mother Kathy Whoo. So it's used there. It's also

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used for the angel Jibreel right. rufen kudos rowhill Kudos, you'll find it in the Quran. So what is what I want you to take from this so far, is it seems to be similar pure purify. What does that have to do with the water being elevated? I'll explain in a second, but it's similar to this beer because this be listed make your call

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concept of God pure. And now this is also having to do with Allah being pure. Right? So what's the difference? Okay, that's similar, but what makes them different? This B is about anything that will be unfit for Allah to say to say about Allah anything then fit about Allah life and death like you know or weakness of any kind like you know how an assault item could see we say data who who seen it and what unknown, right so it was drowsiness exhaustion doesn't get to him and he never falls to sleep. Right that's that's it this be of Allah being forever present, and ever aware, constantly aware that this we have Allah, but duck these is not about perfecting every quality duck, this is

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about making sure you don't say anything evil about Allah. So there's a difference between saying something imperfect, and saying something evil. Let's take a human example. First. If I say this is a really good person, but they're not very healthy. Okay, they're they have they have diabetes or something. They're a good person, but they have diabetes. I didn't say that they are evil, but I did say that the health wise they are not in a state of perfection. Okay, so that's kind of removing this behind that sense, right? But tuck, this is not about that duck. This is about this is a good person. They're not jealous, they're not angry. They're not spiteful, they're not a liar. They're

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not a cheater. They're not greedy. I removed all these negative qualities from them. I'm considering that person mocha does. And that's why this word could this actually get these important word in Arabic was used for religious leaders, religious leaders and saints and things like that they were considered what these and this is part of the psychology of religion in a village if one person knows the religion more than any of anybody else. And it doesn't even matter which religion if it's Islam, its Islam. If it's Christianity, its Christianity. If it's Hinduism, or Buddhism, or Taoism, or Jainism or any ism, the guy in the village or the lady in the village, who knows more than

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everybody else, all of a sudden, everybody thinks that's the best person.

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They are peds, they are pure, because then they have more knowledge of the pure scripture or the pure religion. So the more knowledge you have of that, the more pure you must be. Right? And do Muslims have this kind of mentality? When someone knows more? They must be a better person? Yeah. Does the Quran come and take a hammer and destroy that mentality? Absolutely. No Quran comes along and says there were people that came before us that had a lot of knowledge of the book, and Allah criticizes them more than anybody else. What's Allah saying knowledge, having knowledge is great, but that doesn't guarantee that you are pure of your flaws. Those are two separate things. You could

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be a terrible human being with amazing tweet.

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You could do that you could be a half of the Quran and a horrible husband or whatever you could be both of those things but in the eyes of the village and in the eyes of the people or the community, mashallah this person Oh, you know, so because we have this concept of duck these of people incidentally, these is used for other than Allah but this B has not this beer is only for a lot. Right? So when you when you say someone is not a bad person in any way, they're good in every way. They have no unholy qualities, then you are considering a person more kindness. That's what you're actually doing other than look at the sorrowful mocha this and Allah the prophet of allah sallallahu

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alayhi salam told us the OMA he told us that we will fall into some of the same traps that people before us fell into that to be understood. And then Latina men publico, you will end up following the waves of people who came before you. And one of the things that people that came before us they did, is they considered their religious leaders perfect. They considered them perfect. And so they turned them into saints, you know, the concept, right? They turned them into it. And what that means is the saints, they had a different kind of clothing than everybody else. They walk different from everybody else. And if you're hanging out with your friends, chillin and you're just having lunch or

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whatever, and one of these saints walked in, the priest walked in, the pope walked in, the Holy One walked in, everybody's like,

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everybody just changes because the Holy One is here, you understand? And what did we learn about our prophets, so long are you so that when he used to be among the gathering of the Sahaba, and some new person walked in, they couldn't tell which one is the Prophet. They couldn't tell. Sometimes they went to Abu Bakr and said, Yeah, rasool Allah is I don't want to know that's over here. The wrong address that's over here, so they couldn't figure it out. Which one is the messenger? SallAllahu? I assume because he was so among the people. He wasn't, it wasn't a special class of he did. He didn't get treated in a special way or expect that kind of treatment in a certain way. But then you have

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other religions where the the holy one walks in, and he puts his hand out because you gotta kiss the ring first. And you see, you know what I'm saying? And we did and the Prophet warned that you will follow the ways of the people before you and some people within this OMA

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develop this kind of thinking, and they develop this kind of Saint class of people. Right? And what's amazing about them is if if, if a group among them declares one person a saint, and another group declares somebody else's saint, this group says your saint is shaitan. And this one group says your say to Shetland,

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okay, so not only do they make their own saints, but everybody else is the devil. And the only thing you're not as human now, you're either saints or devils, but you're no longer humans. Right? And then this, this mentality is so problematic, because then when you when you put your leaders or your teachers in this position, then they're human. In the end, two things will happen. One, when you keep describing people, that's perfect. If you keep telling someone, they're perfect, they're perfect. They're perfect. I'll give you a child's example. If you tell a little girl when she was growing up, you're a princess, you're the most beautiful, nobody's prettier than you. Everyone else

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is ugly. You're the best. You're the greatest. And she said, Yes, I am. Yes, I am. And when she goes to kindergarten, or kindergarten, she goes there.

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She's gonna walk in and say that princesses hear.

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Hey, what are you doing? They're ugly. Show some respect. What did you do? You praise this kid so much. And you elevated their ego so much, they actually started believing that about themselves. They started expecting royal treatment. And I'm giving you the example of a child. But does that even happen to human beings or adults? And Episodul you keep telling them they're the same, their whole either this? Every time they walk in, everybody stands up.

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everywhere, every time they walk in, everybody stops eating. Oh, my God, how can I touch your hand? Here? Please, can I can can you put your hand on my child's head? Because if you put my then he will never go bald. Because in my family, there's a lot of baldness, please, please drop his head good. Because we can't afford Propecia or whatever.

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To do that, when the guy gets used to that. Then he walks into a restaurant and nobody got up, people kept eating their sandwich.

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It was like these people, I'm never coming back here again. They have no respect for him.

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They have respect for him. They just, they don't play this game. They're not used to this game. But this was a class that was developed. And this was dubbed mocha dust class. Now, what is this in its origin, it's actually someone who's pure and has essential goodness in it. Allah considers Jerusalem a place that is meant to have great goodness, because of the prophets that came there. Right. And it was a place where revelation kept on coming. Right until even asa de salaam, the revelation came there. And so many prophets received revelation there. So the place has a lot of goodness in its in its roots in its soil. And the same way our sacred land Mkhize mocha does because it's the place

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where Ibrahim alayhi salam built Allah sacred house, and the final messenger was sent and Gibreel. Annie's Salam came in brought the Quran in that region. So it becomes wickedness you understand, and the one who delivers this pure message becomes the root of our goods are those witches, debris, or the Instagram. So these are some of the meanings of the case. But now let's look at the scriptures that came before us. This is a I can't read that. So I just it's just a picture. But it's it's it reads are this a Yawei, the holy to Yahweh and inscription worn on the forehead of the high priest of Israel, meaning the goddess is a word that was being used before. You know, the Quran talked

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about this word. In Hebrew, it was already being used by the Christians and by the Jews to describe high holiness. It's already a term associated with them in Hebrew. The route is reflected in Phoenician in Hebrew, in northwest Semitic as coders in Arabic, in Central and South Semitic in Akkadian, texts. And in all of them, the word actually means to pupi to be pure. So this is a word if there was a rabbi, listening to the prophets of Allah, or at least for them, or there was a priest listening to the Prophet socialism of Arabian background, they would immediately say that word really that word, because that's a very important word in their scriptures. And what I want you

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to understand is nowadays, if I want to do this research, I can go to Wikipedia, or I can go to some Biblical Studies website and I can find this information right. Back in the day if I wanted to know what is in the Bible, what words are used in the Hebrew text, what word is used in the Syriac scriptures? You know, what do they have, you don't get access to that information that is classified documents that are rolled up in scrolls, and only their high priests and high rabbis have access to those documents. Even the general public among the the Israelites don't have access to that, just like the archives in the in the Vatican, for example, that you have to have very high access in the

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in the hierarchy of the church to be able to access those manuscripts. They're not you can't just Google them, right so the one

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Quran uses this word what I want you to know is it's taking a word and talking about it that the average Muslim Arab can understand. But even the highest priests of this religion, or these religions, Christianity, Judaism, that had been studying the religion for decades and decades, that know the special nature of these words are like, how did he gets his word? And how did he use it in this way? Where's this coming from? Where's this knowledge? Who's leaking our information? There's a WikiLeaks situation that's happening in the world. And this is actually a constant phenomenon in the Quran. The Quran is commenting on things that actually only the knowledge that was only accessible

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to the highest priestly sources. In previous scripture. I saw an example of this in the last year I was teaching I was teaching sootel Hadith. So the Hadith, Allah says that, you know, like the Catholic religion, they develop the monk life, like people that lived a celibate life, they didn't get married, they lived in the church, and they just remain there forever. Right. And this was their, their their vow to celibacy, they take a vow that he could promise that they're going to stay that way and stay pure. Allah says about that Allah, Anita and the monk life EBITA Dharohar. They invented it, they created it, do you know that the, at the time, no, Christian knew that they

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invented it. Nobody knew that every Christian in the world believed that that was actually what the religion was. That's how it's supposed to be. No one had the background knowledge of how this was actually a later creation. This was not public information. And the Quran very casually says the robber near 10. If the ruler and their highest preacher who were just classified, you're not supposed to know that, how do you get access to that? You know, so this is actually you know, we read these out quickly, but behind them is a large story. And it's actually it's quite telling how the Quran uses these phrases. Just some more about this background. hakodosh This is their own

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pronunciation is one of the names of Allah in Judaism, the holy one similar to the mobila form, meaning this form we see in Arabic being a produce, and our grammarians noted that there are no four rule like the Obama beginning and a shutdown for rule, there are only two words in Arabic that have that Cebu, and produced those are the only two words in Arabic that have that sound like that, with Adama beginning with Adama like that, and the shutdown and then a while, so go and record those. And those are both names only used for Allah, they're not used for anybody else. This is just to show you how these words are connected to previous scripture. Now, this be a hand tuck. These are both

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typical Syriac Christian expressions for the glorification and sanctification of God. Now watch this. There's in red, you see that title and read, what does it say? Cave of treasures. This is one of the Syriac Christian texts, okay. And in it, they have stories of like, we have stories of the prophets in the Quran, they have their stories in it, their version of the story of Adam Alayhis Salam is very different than what we have. So I want you to know this is about their version. So just listen to this with me in home. So are of Adam meaning the glorification this be and tuck these in their scripture, these two words, in Syriac, not even in Arabic, were used for Allah, but they

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were also used for Adam.

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So Allah is mocha does Allah is could do sense of war and according to them, Adam is also Cebu, * could those in whom the divine image dwelt, meaning, you know how they The Bible says God created man in His own image. So they use that to say, Well, if God created man in His own image, than the human being must also have perfection inside him, he must have God within him. So Adam had God within him. That's why he also has the qualities of being Cebu hand kudos. This is found in the cave of treasures, hence God's command to the angels to worship Adam, in their story. God commanded the angels not to do such that what to what to worship them and the logic behind it is well, he has

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God's image in him. So it's like worshiping God Himself and that's why you shouldn't you know, you should bow down to him in worship. The Quran corrects this by having the angels director this be and duck these specifically to Allah so for centuries, they believed us be and took these belong to Allah and to Adam, but the Quran says so brilliantly. I am putting a Khalifa on the earth in Niger I look after the Khalifa and the angel say are you going to put someone who is so flawed? You know, if you have a new CDFI How is FICO Dima, you're gonna put someone who's who's gonna cause corruption is going to spill blood and then what did they say when that new new sub B will be handy? Ca or naka de

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su the CA and we do this we have you and we declare you pure meaning ALLAH redirects the Christian discussion on tisby and took these that was happening in the region for centuries and says no, just be heads up these does not belong to Allah

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Adam, it only belongs to Allah let me correct the story for you is the Quran correcting the story? So as merely having angels Prostrate to Adam rather than worshipping him at the same time, whereas the rabbi's engaged with the Christian account by saying the own the the angels only worshipped Adam by mistake, so the Rabbi's, the Jews and Christians follow the Old Testament, right? They follow similar beliefs, but they also disagree with each other. Now why would the Christians developed the idea that Adam has God inside him? Because eventually from the Children of Adam, Jesus will come? And then he's going to be full on God for them, isn't it? So they need to figure out a way of

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justifying that down the generations. The Jews want to undo that in their tradition? So the rabbinic tradition says, yes, yes, yes, the angels did bow down. But they did that by mistake.

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So the debate that was happening before Islam was one was saying they did. They did say the Christians are saying they did such that to Adam because they worshipped them. And Allah told them to worship them. And the rabbi's was like, no, no, they weren't told to worship them dishes, you know, I made a mistake. Angels make mistakes. So they just accidentally did such that to Adam. Okay. The Quran vindicates the angels. The Quran comes and says, no, no, the angels didn't make a mistake. They were commanded to do siesta but not worship Him. So what does the Quran do? It actually disagrees with the Christians and disagrees with the Jews and finds the middle correct path, and

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retells the story. And this is really important in the Quran, you might not know this, but the Quran is telling many, many stories that are in the Bible, many stories that are already in the Bible, and in both Christian tradition and in Jewish tradition, but the Quran is retelling them completely. So the names are the same, the characters are the same. But the story has completely been restructured to bring it to its original form. As if Allah is saying you made you made a change here, you made a change here, you made a change here, you made a change here. You don't like in movies, because you don't watch movies. So this is hard for you to understand. But in movies, sometimes people write a

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novel and the novel turns into a movie. Okay? But by the time it turns into the movie, the director makes some creative changes to the original novel. So people who read the manga, I mean, the novel, right? They're like, Oh, I saw what really happened is what is so much more interesting, blah, blah, blah. Because there's a there's a director's cut. That's different from the original author. Well, some of that happened, Allah revealed a story. And then over time, and the Jewish and Christian accounts according to the Quran, you guys made some Director's Cut choices. You made some edits to the story and converted into something else. And then the original story is basically gone. is

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basically not there anymore. And what does the Quran do? It retells the story as it was originally and it challenges both of those accounts I'll take your question at the end inshallah. So, while while could use is extremely common in the Hebrew Bible, Cebu is unique to Syria and Syria is Christian. So what I'm saying is, the word could do so in Cebu together in this ayah u sub mafia, similar to my friend, Al Malik, Al, produce actually targeted in a sub in a kind of very subtle way targeted both the Christian and the Jewish audience together in just using that word. So we of course, Muslims are the main audience, but there's also a secondary audience. I'm reminded of a

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saying in Arabic, yaki, and he was Maya, Java, let me tell you the meaning behind this. It's kind of cool. You know, back in the day, people lived in houses where they don't have a in America, we have backyards, right. And they have a fence in the backyard. But in the old days, people had a front porch. So you walk into the house, and there's an open front yard with the walls around it. And then you walk inside the house, and the cooking and the hanging out and all that stuff happens outside in the open. And the only thing separating your front, this is your living room under the sky, basically. Yeah. So this living room is separate from your neighbor's living room by what?

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Just a half wall. That's it. So if the husband and wife are having an argument, who's having a great time on the other side,

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it's your neighbor, right? So the Arabs have a saying the husband is arguing with his wife, he's yelling at her. He says II IKEA, honey, I mean, you was Maria Jarrah, you can listen to a neighbor.

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Because he knows he's like, you know, that's what she's doing. Well, look, what does the Quran do? The Quran is talking to the Muslims sometimes, but the Quran is we're very aware that it's not only the Muslims that are listening, who's also listening, the Jewish and Christian neighbors, then we should be calling the other people they're listening also. So the Quran demonstrates an awareness of second audiences. And that's why the study becomes important, right? So there's primary audience and also secondary audience. Okay. Now, I'm going to read through this because this was written by a couple of colleagues of mine, Sharif from Dawa, and, you know, so they, they've, they've put

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together a small piece on how the Quran tells

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Here's the story. And I'm going to read through this because I think it's just really well I tried to summarize it myself and I was butchering it. So I'm just gonna read through it for you. The Jewish and Christian texts discussed above, from the intro text for the Quran, that is they represent the stories with which the Quran engages, when it tells its own authoritative account. In doing this, the Quran affirms and rejects elements from both the Christian and Jewish renditions in a manner that expresses its own distinctive theological outlook, correcting their excesses with surgical precision. Allah is correcting both surgically, it's not rejecting all of this or rejecting

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all of that a slice of this is taken out a slice of this is taken out. Now we're back to the original, for example, in agreement with the Christian narrative and against the Jewish narrative. The Quran accepts that the angels prostrated to Adam at Allah's command God's command, however, in agreement with the Jewish narrative and against the Christian narrative, the Quran maintains that Adam merely had a role of vice chairman or Khalifa, right, appointed by God, a governor appointed by God, and not that God's divinity dwelled in him who believed that God's divinity dwells inside of them. The Christians did and the Quran is saying no, he's just gonna differ accordingly. The Quran

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only describes the angels as prostrating to Adam, but not worshiping. Moreover, whereas the Christian account speaks of Adams divine glory, they use the word dash bootha, which is similar to what this be. It's a Syriac word similar to this be and states that the angels sanctified him muka naka de la cutscene which is similar to what mocha does. The Quran depicts the angels as declaring to God we glorify you know, sub Bihu behind DECA with praise and sanctify you know, but this would occur using the Arabic cognates of the Syriac terms but applying them to God instead of out of meeting the Quran use the Arabic words that were very close to a foreign language to Syriac, which

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the Christians were familiar with. To actually secondarily even target them these words you use them incorrectly. The Quran therefore safeguards God's exclusive divinity against the Christian account, and upholds Adams exalted but non divine status as the vice chairman of God and absolves the angels of having wrongly worshipped Adam. Additionally, the Quran is an affirmation of God's command to the angels to prostrate to Adam undercuts them makin pagans justification for their angel worship meaning most raccoon of Makkah used to worship who among the false gods they used to worship angels. Now in this story Allah says the angels themselves are doing such that so they are not objects of

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worship. So now in one story, the Muslims are learning something the Christians are learning something the Jews are learning something and the machine are learning something one speech multiple audiences. One speech is Subhan Allah is one of the most remarkable things about the Quran. It targets multiple audiences in one shot, you know this a two birds with one stone. This is like four birds with one stone, right? Accordingly, the Quran presents its own distinctive narrative of the story of Adam alley, Sudan, which at the same time engages with and corrects both the Jewish and Christian versions of the story in a marvelous and precise and sophisticated way. Okay, so this was

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some things that needed to be said in regards to produce because it has that story behind it. That's why I shared all of this with you. Okay, now, let's move on to Al Aziz. You got work to do. So.

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I hope you guys enjoyed that video clip. My team and I have been working tirelessly to try to create as many resources for Muslims to give them first steps in understanding the Quran all the way to the point where they can have a deep, profound understanding of the Quran. We are students of the Quran ourselves. And we want you to be students of the Quran alongside us. Join us for this journey on Vienna Where 1000s of hours of work have already been put in, and don't be intimidated. It's step by step by step so you can make learning the Quran a part of your lifestyle. There's lots of stuff available on YouTube, but it's all over the place. If you want an organized approach to

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studying the Quran beginning to end for yourself, your kids, your family, and even among peers. That would be the way to go sign up for being a TV doc.

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