Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan 2023 – Surah An-Najm #06 – Proof the Quran is from Allah

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The importance of visual imagery in the Arabic language is discussed, including the use of "naqma" and "naqma" in the title of the book and the title "Hharn't be" surah." The title is a repository of verifiable examples and students will read it to prove their points. The use of the title "monster's strands" in the internet is emphasized, as it portrays different types of people and is used to describe the universe. The importance of understanding the title and structure of the surah is emphasized, as it is a natural rhythm that follows the natural rhythm of the body and is linked to personality. deeper research on the Quran is necessary to make it accessible for all people.
AI: Transcript ©
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That image is going to be tied to certain spiritual messages

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when Neji mealy

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mouthed what NASA he will come out of our

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beginner TV doesn't just teach you about the Koran. You can also learn Arabic from a brilliant teacher who started Ahmed Ali Han has made this beautiful ancient language easy to understand. So you're not only improving your language skills, but your understanding of the Quran to tap now to check out the unit TV.

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will be let him initiate on Raji when Najimy either.

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rubbish acne sundry where silly Emery Wagner looked at me Lisanti of colleagues and handle the level Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah. But early, he was so happy he's very numb about everyone sitting Alikum warahmatu lay down over the cattle. If you can show the screen, please. I'm going to start by giving you some important comments. Some important concepts that you should be aware of this is for you, not for me. And this, I'm going to walk you through this. We discussed this sporadically yesterday, but we're going to try to organize our thoughts a little bit. This will not just help you with Surratt and najem. This will help you in the study of McCann Quran altogether. So I've started

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talking to you about contemplating the Quran, these are some things that will help you contemplate the Quran when you're reading it. Okay, so let's go through each of them. The first of them is visual visual imagery, or spiritual truths, what's the visual imagery in this surah that it started with? It's the stars the star as it falls, or, you know, play these as it falls, right. And that image is going to be tied to certain spiritual messages. But I haven't completed the discussion on those spiritual messages yet, but at least you're aware there's going to be a connection between those two things. Allah does this in soul to the idea that he he many connections and among them,

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Allah describes, you know, bandits, that are raiding a town in the early morning, they're going to raid a town and they're unsuspecting, and they just ravaged through the whole town. And from there, the discussion is going to be how unannounced and shocking the arrival of judgment A is going to be. That is going to ravage through the Earth. Right? So there's, there's the visual image, and it's tied to a spiritual truth. That's the first thing. And this is something that happens throughout the Macan Quran.

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Behind each of these, there's fancy Arabic terms that can make you sound really Islamic. But I'm not interested in that right now. I'm just I just want you to understand the concept. Okay. The second one is the the major strands in the McKinna Quran. So in the surahs, of the Moroccan Quran, you'll find some major themes, I listed a few of them, for you a few of the major ones, there are more, they're not that many, but you should be aware of them. And you should see how the sequence of those different strands are being reconfigured in a certain surah. And it's being reconfigured differently in a different surah. And sometimes there's more of one thing and less of another. Right? So for

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example, you can find so little insight is something I was studying in Malaysia last month, and in spiritual insight, and usually Allah talks about heaven, he talks about *, right? Or, you know, both. And in spiritual insight, he mentioned, honey punishment in like one IRA, and the majority of the rest of the surah is about Jana.

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Like, the proportion is very different, you understand, and you can go to something like pseudo Kiama. And you'll find very little about Jana, and you'll find a lot about the destruction and the horrors of judgment day in the afterlife, right. So you can find this interesting shift in something is more stress, something is less stress, something is not mentioned at all, something is you know, being highlighted. And that's what I mean by the strands inside of the surahs. Then I talked about the continuity of strands between sorrows. What that means is, you know, let's say their Stories of the Prophets, that's mentioned in one surah, it might very well be that something based on what was

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taught about the stories of the prophets will come up in the next surah. Building on what was left off in the previous one and interesting strand from the last surah. This we're doing sudo to najem right now.

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And the sudo right before it is sudo to tour and I didn't add this as a concept here. It's called dovetailing

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In English, but I'll tell you what it is. The last idea of pseudo tour is Wamena. Lady for Serbia, who were at the bar on new June, declare the perfection of Allah, especially on the backs of the stars, meaning as the stars are about to disappear. Last I have surah number 52. First is still on number 53. When Natsumi either Howard at the bar on newsroom, Eduardo najem, when NEJM Eva you see a continuity there, right? So these this is what I also mean by strands. There's a continuity of thought and the Quran, too often as Muslims, this is not just you, this is me, this is everybody. We hear about an IRA, we hear about a story, right? We hear about some some small part of an IRA or a

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ruling. And Quran is used as a delille. Like you're making a point and you're going to use this idea as your evidence, right? But we're not actually studying the Quran, and we're studying this other topic, and we only use the Quran as a reference. Right? So the Quran just becomes this repository of references instead of being read as a book. And one of the things that number will make us do this idea of contemplating the Quran, we're not going to treat the Quran as a set of proofs, as a set of evidences for other concepts, or for other ideas. We're going to look at the Quran for itself. Like, my concern isn't what can I prove or disprove from this idea? My concern is what sluiten najem

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about, I That's my topic, you understand. So all too often, and this once I put this filter, I put this filter on, like 23 years ago, and it changed the way I see Islam. And it's changed the way I appreciate what people are talking about, you could tell immediately this person has a topic in their mind. And now they're surrendering the Quran. And the evidence is from the Prophet SAW Salem, they're taking all of that just to make their point. But the ultimate goal for them is their point, it's not actually the ayat. And this, this can get to such an extreme, where even students of Islamic Studies, they're just reading something that a scholar wrote, and the scholar quoted an

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iron. Right? And you know what they will do, they will read what the scholar wrote with a lot of attention. When they get to the IR, they'll say, Yeah, okay, that's a big deal. Let me keep reading ahead. The only part they'll skip is the Quran. And these are advanced students in Islamic Studies, this very common phenomenon, right. And that's also this is a, it's a sub, it's an unconscious departure from the double, from this idea that Quran take center stage, it's supposed to be at the center of our thinking anyway. So the next concept that I mentioned to you was the three different kinds of audiences, right, you can have a neutral audience, you can have an onshore audience, and

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you can have an opposing audience, you remember that? Right. And the thing I told you is for a neutral audience, you don't need to stress your speech too much. For an for an onshore audience, you at least stress at once. And for more than one stress, that might mean that you're talking to an opposing audience, the oath is a kind of stress, the use of NA is a kind of stress. So the opening of serotonergic is talking to an opposing audience. That becomes evident from the style with which it speaks SUTA Rama and keeps repeating itself it'd be a year, Europe B coma to get the band. I know people love listening to that recitation and saying, Ah, sounds so nice. But the point is in ancient

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Arabic in ancient Arabia, when someone's repeating your themselves over and over again, isn't that a kind of stress? What does that tell you about sort of man who's talking to originally the opposing audience, it's actually talking to opponents, you know, so this will change your perception of who is the addressee first and foremost in these ions? Okay, then, of course, there's the coherence structure and design of a surah. This is, you know, something that I very strongly believe in, that Allah revealed a surah as a unit, and it's an expression of his wisdom. And everything in the Surah is stitched together and tied together. And just like a good author has organized speech, Allah is

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the author of all creations. And in every one of the things he created, there's order and a system, the joints in my fingers have a system and there's an order, there's a method to the entire universe. There is a system under which the stars move the way that they move. And the Earth rotates the way that it rotates. There's a system for the distance between us and the sun. There is a system and an order and a design down to the most subatomic level that Allah created. And somehow we assume that there is no system or design in a surah that he gave. I don't understand that. How can they How can the surah be random when nothing Allah does is random? How can the surah be chaotic and sporadic

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and talking about all kinds of

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things when nothing Allah does is chaotic. He's the one who created me Zan to begin with balance and scale, How can his speech not have balance and scale? Right? So that I'm a very strong proponent of that, of course, when you're reading a translation of the Quran, you might feel like the subject just kind of changed. And then it changed again. And then it changed again, what's going on here? Or that he already talked about this? Why is he talking about this again, and all of those questions get answered with the study of the coherence structure, and design of a surah. This also helps you understand that the Quran cannot be human, like one of the ways that it becomes clear to me every

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time I studied the coherence of a surah, that this is not human design. Human beings cannot speak like this. They don't organize like this, they don't organize thoughts like this. They don't organize concept like this is beyond human capability. And as we go through certain najem, I'm going to keep highlighting the structure. When we get to a certain portion, I'll say, hey, look, look at this design, look at Allah's design in these ions, then go to the next section, look at Allah's design and design arts, you know, and so finally, the primary and secondary meanings of words, this has to do with vocabulary. You remember, for example, the word Hava, which means to, you know, to

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fall to our to rise also also has to do with cowardice and other things, right. So there's primary meanings and their secondary meanings. And that's a really important part of understanding the language of the Quran. Allah gave it to us in Arabic for a reason. Because Arabic is rich, it has every word has lots of nutrients in it. Right? So there's the primary nutrient, and there are the secondary nutrients that you and I have to understand as we go through the study of a surah. So that's something that we've discussed already. Today, I'm going to add something to that list. So how many items were there? Six, right. So this will be your number seven. This is again, a very

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important concept in makin Surahs Allah taking oaths. Allah takes the custom, like Well, last three, well forgery well lately Well, the worship, see, etc, etc. I've talked about this many, many times. Right? Now, I'm going to keep it very brief. And the thing that I need you to know is there's a there's two parts, there's the oath, or the you can call it the subject of the oath and the object of the oath. Okay, there's two, there's two terms, I want you to know, the subject of the oath and the object of the oath, those of you who can write in Arabic, you can say a custom word Joab, will Custom and Custom wa Joab will cause and those are the two the subject and the object now, I'll give

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you an example first, so you understand this concept. If I say I swear to God,

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I'm going to run away. I swear to God, I'm going to run away. God is the subject of the earth. So the subject means who did you or what did you swear by? I swear to you I didn't do it. What was the subject?

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You I swear by time humanity is in Los What's the subject? Time he says I swear by the olive I swear by the fig I swear by the mountain I swear by all of those are what subjects they are the subject of deals. Now, then there is the what

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object of view actually,

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I think I messed up the words there was supposed to be the object. Now this is the object the object is coming. Now the object of the oath is going to be I swear to God, I'm gonna run away what's the object?

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I'm going to run away. Now imagine somebody came up to you and said I swear to god

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okay, I got your the subject. Is there an object is there? Are we going to go anywhere from this? The subject by itself is incomplete, isn't it? As except for my Arab friends? Walla?

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Walla, what? Like, is there more? Is there something? No, it's just just one Lebra is one that is what la ro Allah.

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It's by those.

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But the thing is, the when you take an oath,

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then you mentioned something after that, which is actually the thing you want it to say. That's called the job will custom the object okay. Now, the thing is this object of the oath, this this thing the topic that you wanted to discuss, there is a relationship between the subject and the object. Always you have to discover the relationship between the subject and the object. So, all theories used to be valid swears by the thing

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It must be in the figures really good to eat.

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Allah swears by the sun. That means the sun is awesome. If Allah swears by time, time is amazing, if Allah swears by the star, the stars are incredible. In other words, when he swears by something, he's just telling me how amazing it is. The problem with that is, then I can move the oath anywhere, it's still going to be amazing. I could replace what I saw with watin in the little Santa Fe courser.

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And what did he was a tune with? Well, actually was a tune, because they're so awesome.

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There is no that doesn't explain what's the doing here? And what's that doing over there, you understand? So the oath that's taken is related to the subject that's coming.

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And discovering that requires contemplation.

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The easiest one to give you an example of is what Lastly, in Santa Fe, what's the custom? What's the what's the subject?

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Time, time as it's escaping? Time? Is it squeezing out? And what's what's the object? What's the job because human beings are in laws? What's the relationship between time that's running out and human beings being in loss? Well, human beings can suffer all kinds of loss, health, wealth, you know, loved ones, you can have all kinds of loss, but there's one loss that is always there. The ultimate loss of all losses time, like the biggest evidence of loss for a human being is actually time. So you see how there's a really deep connection between philosophy and analyst analytics. There's more to it than that, but you get the idea.

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Hey, guys, you just watched a small clip of me explaining the Quran in depth as part of the deeper look series. Studying the Quran in depth can seem like a really intimidating thing that's only meant for scholars Our job is to make deeper study of the Quran accessible and easy for all of you. So take us up on that challenge. Join us for this study the deeper look of the Quran for this surah and many other sources on Vienna under the deeper look section

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