Yasir Qadhi – We wanted to bring from them Leaders – Palestine

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the struggles of Muslims to understand and contextualize the negative impact of recent events, including the fettucini crisis and accusations of bleeding. He emphasizes the importance of not being theist and not believing in the promise of Islam, as well as the potential for negatives to come out of the events. The segment also touches on the struggles of modern leaders and their actions to create real leaders, including the use of sham and activism to bring about change, and the importance of avoiding talking about Islam and bringing about change through action.
AI: Transcript ©
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This was today's the last quarter that I have is 29th night. And I wanted to give a spiritual talk but Wallahi all day, seeing what's happening in philosophy and and seeing the news is just so overwhelming. And I think we do deserve a little bit of a talk, especially for our, again, young men and women, and frankly, not just them, all of us about a bit of a half either or theology issue. Because it's human nature, brothers and sisters, it's human nature that we feel hurt, depressed questions come, how can this be happening? You know, nine children were killed nine kids. And these are people that are already for 75 years living the way that they are my entire life. And I'm in my

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mid 40s My entire life. And we're hearing about the fettucini crisis as if nothing has changed. I mean, shaytaan comes and you do feel overwhelmed, somewhat even depressed, there's not even a light at the end of the tunnel. Nothing seems to change from bad to worse. And now I'll officer itself has been, as we know, trampled on literally inside troops are there. And Allah knows what's going to happen the next few days, and some of our own elected politicians hamdulillah a few of them tweeted some generic but as you know, the majority of them blatant disregard for our brothers and sisters, and complete support of an apartheid regime. You can't tell but feel overwhelmed. So I think for

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myself and all of us, just a quick reminder and talk about how do we understand and contextualize how do we really make sense really, I think that's really the question How do we make sense as Muslims? Isn't religion? Isn't our religion the truth? I mean, you kind of sort of sympathize with formidable Kabbalah the Allahu Akbar and the Treaty of Davia. When he comes to the process, some says, Yeah, rasool Allah, how can we accept this? Are we not upon the hack, even his anger, it is Islamic in its own way, even though it was directed to the Prophet system, and he himself said, I did many deeds to make up for that day he felt very guilty, but the essence of his anger is Islamic.

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Like how can this be happening? Yeah, rasool Allah, how can we accept humiliation and looting and we are the believers in Allah? In fact, as we know, he even said a lesser idol hack. And we need it Abu Bakr by the way, it'll be Allah one to come to him and grab him by the collar and say Sit down. Yep, another hot tub. What are you doing? Who are you talking to? In any case, that's a whole different issue. The anger that Umar Radi Allahu Anhu felt we should all at some level be feeling it. But we need to have it then Eman to understand what is to be done. The first point Dear brothers and sisters and as always, time is always working against us. The first point

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and it's a very difficult point will lie, but it's one of the most obvious political power is not a sign of Allah's pleasure.

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And political defeat is not a sign of Allah's Anger. On the contrary, we begin to contextualise by D linking is in this world with ASA in the eyes of Allah. We have to D link it the two are not causally related. It is possible that the most honored people are not shown honor by the inhabitants of this earth. And that doesn't mean that the Creator does not show them honor. That's how we begin to understand and make sense of this. Because this dunya is not the ultimate goal. This world is not an indication of whether Allah is pleased with you or not. As Allah says in the Quran, Kula knowmad Doha hula hula, we will give this dunya to all How will I miss the believers? Well how Allah means

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the coloration kuffaar kula nama duhallow How will you robic Allah's blessings of this dunya are open to all and there are times and situations where the righteous do not live to see the fruits of their piety in this world. How many were the Sahaba martyred in Mecca? Was their death for no cause. They never saw Medina. They never saw the fruits of their own patience. Our Profit System passed by the sahabi who my father named me after Yasser and his wife Samia, and they are being tortured to death the first martyrs. Can you imagine how he himself so listen and felt and what could he do other than say sobre la Yasser Inamori Docomo agenda now I'm not advocating by the way pacifism

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don't misunderstand me. I'm saying we need to begin the discussion by understanding at the end theology that this world and there is of this world means nothing. That's why Allah reminds the Quraysh that hey, Boris, you think you're powerful? There were people more powerful than you can who assured them in what? They were more than you? They had more quantity than you for some terrible holiday used to make fun. They used to

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Take advantage of their strength, what happened to them? So there is in this world has nothing to do with ASA in the eyes of Allah. And in fact, one can even make the case, as our Prophet system explicitly said that when Allah loves the people, what does he do? He tests them. And so at times being tested can actually be interpreted as a sign of raising one's ranks. Another way we began to understand what is going on, is that if we truly believe in the promise of Allah insha, Allah all of us do, then we have to have Yaqeen at some level, that the positives that will come are greater than the negatives. This is something that we have to have clean about. Now those negatives might be

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painful, the suffering of people, the loss of innocent lives, humiliation, but we have to believe that over all the positives will outweigh the negatives. And that only comes if we have a man in Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. Allah azza wa jal reminds us in the Quran, that when one of the worst incidents or the most traumatic incidents happens in the Sierra, which is the slander of Arusha, What did Allah azza wa jal say? Lata Cebu sha Allah Campbell Hua, are you lucky? Don't think what happened is bad? No. Overall, there's going to be positives that come out. There's going to be positives, and after the Bible of erode when the Sahaba really were demoralized, there was a sense

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of panic and sadness. Allah revealed earlier Imran Imran it's very important to read earlier Imran after any one of these incidents happened because it cheers us up. And Allah azza wa jal mentioned so many things. Every time a calamity happens to you, are you going to go back to a topic we're going to go back as if nothing happened? Our coulomb every time something happens, Allah reminds the Sahaba that look, you're going to be in pain and suffering but they're also having in pain and suffering and you have what they do not have what to do and I'm in Allah Hema, Allah yo Jun, the two sufferings are not the same. You have ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada there is a wisdom here. And in these

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verses, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala mentioned so many times that the end result the victory will always be eventually for the believers will give it to them with Japan. So we have to have that in our athlete and Iman that eventually Yes, Truth does come forth from falsehood and the victor that Allah says in the Quran, Khattab Allahu Allah, Allah Laban and neurosurgery Allah has decreed that me and my messengers shall eventually be victorious. This is the color of Allah azza wa jal, another point that we have to understand as well. Is that individual pain and suffering, the suffering of the people there.

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It is something that Allah azza wa jal is testing them with to raise their ranks. As we already mentioned, there is wisdom in pain and suffering. And that wisdom is that people reconnect with Allah subhanho wa Taala people turn to Allah azza wa jal, their spiritual spirituality rises I, unfortunately, this is our reality. When things are going good and easy. When things are nice. Our soul becomes lacks. We don't have a connection with Allah. But at times of stress and difficulty, that's when our Eman soars and so those that are suffering and in pain, and we see mashallah the bravery and the courage, we see what is happening to the people of a sham, and the process of praise

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the people of a sham. So we have fully attained that what is meant for them is positive. And in fact, we learned this directly from the Quran. When Allah mentioned a case that in some ways is even more brutal than what is happening to our brothers and sisters in philosophy and not to compare contrast, but we know what happened to the Bani Israel underground. We know what he did. We know how many centuries of either we know he took innocent babies as a policy as a policy and slaughtered them in front of their mothers and fathers. This is something we all know. Now what does Allah say about the Bani Israel? After Allah mentions that found killed and raped and plundered you know what

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the next verse is? One hoody do another Munna either readiness to fulfill or the One A Jana ima when the human body thing after mentioning the humiliation to the Bani Israel in What is Allah say, we wanted to bless the children of Israel. We wanted to bless them no more gnarly and we wanted to make them leaders Subhan Allah, Allah just mentioned that they're being persecuted, they're being tortured, they're being killed. Allah mentions they lived as servants and slaves. And then Allah says, but we wanted to make them leaders. You know what this shows us? When Allah wants to make a leader, you're gonna have to go through a process, a real leader, not the fake ones we have here and

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other western countries and frankly Muslim countries as well. Not those leaders, real leaders, leaders that generate respect leaders that gather the masses, leaders like sulla had the you know the UB they don't just come out of nowhere. They have to go through strong

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Girls they have to demonstrate commitment. So ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says, we wanted to bring from them leaders and insha Allah Who to Allah, from the ashes of all that we are seeing there shall emerge leaders. That's our hope and our goal and it is the Sunnah of Allah if you're healthy, in fact, not even a Muslim issue. This is even amongst non Muslims. Look at any celebrated leader, humanity wise, whatever their faults might have been not even Muslim. Look at Gandhi, look at Martin Luther King, look at Nelson Mandela. They went through struggles, Nelson Mandela, 20 years or 27 years of solitary confinement, then he comes out a leader. This is the way humanity works. Going

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through pain and suffering. You establish your leadership, you establish your credentials, and we have no doubt insha Allah hooter, Allah that this struggle, this pain, it is forming leaders, just like gold is put through that furnace, raw gold, polluted gold, you put it through the furnace, and then that furnace separates the real gold from the chaff from the stuff that you don't need. This is a fitna, this is a a turbulence if you're like that the end of it will demonstrate why this happened. So this is another reason why these pains and the sufferings are happening also for those of us on the outside Subhan Allah, Allah is telling us what are you doing? Allah is waking us up

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from our own slumber and sleep. The least that we can do is to appreciate Allah's blessings on us. Well Allah who we are in our fear, we are in so much fear we sometimes we should be scared that this might not be a type of either Allah who has done too much Alfia in some ways, like you become makes you lazy makes you not thinking and we ask Allah azza wa jal for his refuge, we ask Allah for his loss, we ask Allah for tofield but will Allah He brothers and sisters, we are spoiled, we are spoiled, we ask Allah to protect our iman, in despoiling, we lose track of priorities of what we're what we're here for. And so this type of pain and suffering, it must jolt us into action. If it

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doesn't, then our iman level is flat on the graph of Eman. If nothing happens, we're lucky we had better do a heart check, meaning the spiritual heart, the fact that we are reacting, and the fact that we're trying to do something, no matter how small it might be, and what is to be done, we need the help of experts and political analysts and whatnot. That's not just my job to tell you, but things need to be done. And the very least our heart should be in unison in pain. The very least our hands are being raised the very least we appreciate the blessings of Allah upon us, which motivates us or it should motivate us to be better people to be more charitable to cause positive impact in

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our own countries and lands. This was also a test from Allah azza wa jal for us and this is of the wisdoms of why this is happening. And also, dear Muslims, when such tragedies come down,

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one of the most bizarre perks that come this is really strange, but bear with me,

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we learn who are the hypocrites and traitors from within our own ummah.

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We learn those who are willing to sell themselves for a measly price that will now feel Kuhn, who have no shame, for the sake of their courtesies and power for the sake of their oil rich companies and their kingdoms. They're willing to form alliances with the worst of the worst, they form alliances with the devil, and they're willing to sign against Allah and His messenger and the people of Iman and Taqwa and we thank Allah li amis, Allahu La vita Minato these are whole Bertha Kawana they're traitors, and we say this openly and publicly. Anybody who sides with an apartheid regime at this point in time against our Palestinian brothers and sisters, against the people of the Kenema

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against the people of the flaws, will Allah He How can we have not have any shame and boycott from those Muslims? How can we not cut off ties these aren't actual believers in Allah and His messenger. This is where Allah and Barbara comes into place. So we thank Allah that He is allowing us to see and by the way, this is what happened in the incident of our mother Aisha Radi Allahu anha one of the main benefits when Allah says don't think it's something bad it's something good. You know why? Because Allah azza wa jal demonstrated the reality of Abdullah and obeyed Mr. rule that evil evil evil man well Allah He how evil can you be to start a rumor that is so disgusting and filthy? That

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the books of Sierra don't even verbalize what the rumor was? It's so disgusting and filthy, that the actual rumor and slander is never actually spelled out, whose mind could have been that made up something like that. Abdullah ibn OB Ibn saloon, okay, even so rule is dead. But we have his intellectual descendants and his heirs amongst us living, walking, talking, as our Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said Shayateen they are Shayateen but not Jin of the

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since you took a loan to be a senator, they speak your language they look like you, but they are Shayateen the head he doesn't say Muslim dua to another body Jahannam there are calling people to jahannam. And we have people like this in our midst. So there's benefit brothers and sisters, that we know, once this is all over. We cannot have anything to do. These are not going to help us, the people that for the sake of money, and for the sake of their courtesies, and their thrones, they're willing to do what they're do you expect help from these people. It's not going to happen. So Allah has demonstrated, Allah has shown us and this is in the Quran in surah in the for the Bible of the

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Amis Allah Hadith laminata You, Allah wants to separate the Hadith from the tube. So we're seeing this a lot you and I, and from this as well and my time is up I know from this as well. Subhan Allah, the musical Kabita may not tell you, they'll tell you the pure And Alhamdulillah we see what is happening, the people of a sham and what will make you understand the blessings of the people of a sham. So many a hadith sham by the way includes Philistine when the process and pray sham don't think only Syria Sham is that entire region, which includes federal state and includes ports, portions of Syria, actually the primary emphasis is in fact, based on mock this because the Hadith

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actually says that Bates will mock this will cannot be beaten mock this the righteous are going to be in beta will mock this and surrounding beta mock this. So the point your brothers and sisters is that yes, Wallahi i My heart is with you as well, that you do become overwhelmed and the images really hurt. They really do and the toxic, you know, conversations and tweets from our politicians and from others as well from our own midst. Wallahi it hurts and you just wonder Isla Mata for how long? But Allah azza wa jal says in the Quran, that the believers of the past were tested was zero and they were shaken to the core had they Apolo Rasul Allah Dena,

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Allah and the prophets of old and the people of Eman of all they themselves question when will the help of Allah come? And our iman keeps on reminding us in Nasir Allah He urllib Allah Nasir Allah here Cody, Allah in Nasir Allah here, buddy, we just have to keep on saying and believing. Because this is not our goal to see Riza in this world, if we see it at Hamdulillah, but our goal is the pleasure of Allah and Allah is not going to ask us did you solve the entire crises, but Allah will ask us, what did you do? What did you do? Something has to be done, and all of us do something. And as long as we do something, and as long as we try, and I'm not saying that, you know, I will uh,

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please don't misunderstand that I'm being a pacifist or whatnot. On the contrary, much has to be done. And some of it cannot just be diplomacy and whatnot. But I'm not the one to do that and other do out or not. We need communal help. We need people to come together. We need other Institute's far bigger than individuals to begin some processes. And when that happens in sha Allah, we hope to rule them out and the drought will be at the forefront, calling for the best and frankly, the only solution. But until that happens until that happens, I'm not advocating pacifism, but there's activism that is of many other ways activism of the tongue activism of the heart activism of the pen

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activists and social media things have to be done and the tide is going to shift slowly but surely, we ask Allah subhana wa Tala to be instruments that he uses to bring about head and Baraka. We ask Allah azza wa jal to forgive us for our in capability to do more than what we are doing. We ask Allah to not test us with more than we can bear in burden. We ask Allah azza wa jal for his Apphia We ask Allah azza wa jal to help us and to not help against us. And we ask Allah subhana wa Taala for the best of this world and the next to the best of the next world was making. Allahu Akbar catch

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