Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan 2016 – Surat al-Baqarah – Day 20

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of "be" in Islam and the importance of praying for strength and partnering in praying for the future. They also address the impact of the pandemic on their company's performance and outlook for the remainder of the year, as well as the potential impact on their financial results and outlook. The company is focused on reducing debt and creating value for their shareholders, and they expect to see a return to growth in the second half of the year. They are pleased with their progress and confident in continuing to grow their business and invest in their business. They are committed to continuing to grow their business and deliver value to their shareholders.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are we let him initiate on regime? Was there an issue this slavery was solid he was in her locker be rotten in oil quashy and levena Luna

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published recently Emily Wagner, Dr. Emily Sania colleague, Phil hamdu, Lillah wa Salatu was Salam O Allah, Allah, Allah Allah He was happy to join. So mama bad once again everybody who said Mr. de como De La Hoya Ricardo, the last thing we learned about was the injunction to the Israelites. This is a passage that is directly talking to the children of Israel, directly to them and indirectly to us, because like the Sahaba used to say, in asila, tea him and rotten Lana, it came down in talking to them but it's a lesson for us and it's a warning for us. So that's how we study these passages. The last thing we read was well, Timo salata will act as our karma rockin atop maroondah Sabir with

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insomnia and fossa calm while entombed at Luna keytab a fella tequila, established a prayer gives a car and make ruku along with those who actually make ruku proper cooler. And then he said you are you telling people to do good and you forget about yourselves Actually, that's where I want to begin with today. Luna, NASA bilberry within Sona and for soco, 101 kita. It's a very straightforward idea and the here the complexities there are very little, much of the background that I wanted to discuss with you has already been discussed. So we can actually take a little bit of a faster pace today and cover some more, some extra IR than usual, so long as OSHA now comments on one of the most common

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hypocritical attitudes of a corrupt religious leader, he says that Maroon ins have a beard Do you command people to goodness, the word beard is used for effect when it's used for fulfilling promises. It's used for being upright in all matters. The word bill, which has translated goodness Here comes from the Arabic word bar, bar actually means land, bar and bar are the antonyms land and sea. And the idea of the word bear goodness associating with the word bar is that people that do goodness that is stable, meaning they are settled, and goodness, and they're constant in their goodness. The idea here is you give people speeches and give them these lofty standards of goodness

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that they have to live up to what and Sona and for sacrament, you forget all about yourselves, as if the only good you need to do is give a speech, you don't have to live by anything that you preach. This is a very powerful, and a very, like look in the mirror kind of thing for people like myself, people in any position of teaching the religion in any capacity. When you teach something, you have to be honest to those lessons for yourself. And what happened with the windward side is they used to preach like the standards of righteousness and goodness that were so high and so holy, that they themselves couldn't live up to it. Right so what happens is you'll hear stories of good people,

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you're hearing a lecture like the communities gathered you're hearing the lecture about this scholar who used to make the huddled every single night for 40 nights in a row. And he never made will do for flagella because his will go from he was okay until they will do for fudger. And for every single day. And you know, and these are the people of Allah and you're sitting there going, I don't even what's fudger You know?

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So there's a big disconnect. And then you hear about these people who you know, they may draw to Allah and Allah azza wa jal granted them because they were so close to Allah and their righteousness was so amazing. And they used to finish reciting the Quran, like every three days or something like that, or, you know, all these great lofty righteousness things are they used to give so much charity so much sadaqa that, you know, they had nothing left at home and they just believed in Allah, Allah will provide them and things like that, when you hear these grand stories of amazing righteousness. What happens to a large community? Well, for a large community, somebody who's barely struggling to

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hold on to the basics of their religion, they're going to hear these things and say this religion is for extremely, extremely good people, which I am clearly not. So it's good. It's good to hear these things, to remember the people who are way better than I was that lived definitely a really, really long time ago. So the really, really good times for Islam or a long time ago, now is just as scum left, we're just a filthy people left that hear about their stories and feel bad about ourselves. That's all that's left now, you know, and it creates this disconnect. And actually the believer starts giving up on themselves. The funny thing is the people who are giving these talks, and

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they're giving these lectures, they themselves are less so many of them don't represent what they teach. Have you spent 40 years making the modular talk like what do you what are you telling people to do? A lot as our job actually made this Deen very easy and the one of the warnings that I gave to the Sahaba the companions who used to travel to teach Islam like he gathered to Sahaba together he said okay, when you go teach us on what should you do? Yes, Sera, Sera Mashallah Allah tala Farah. make things easy for people don't make things hard for people. Give them good news. Don't spread hatred and you know, hopelessness among people. Don't do that. Be a source of a positive message

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because you know, you think of the idea for some of you that are, you know, have college background and things like that you have professors, you walk into the first day of the class, the professor says, By the way, most people in my class fail

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Just letting you know,

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not very encouraging as a story of your freshman orientation, most people in my class fail 95%. What are you going to see, half the class is going to drop out and try to find another course to take anyway, right? You don't begin like that you begin by saying look, like one of my professors at one time, all of you actually have an A.

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I mean, it's up to you, if you want to keep it, but you already have it. As far as I'm concerned, I want to give you an a, you know, and that was like, okay, you know how this works, you know, and it was a tougher course than any other I've taken. But it's the mindset that's created from the beginning. So they used to give people a much higher standard of goodness, then they would even apply on themselves. I made reference to an IRA before it sort of arrived yesterday, where they put chains and fetters on themselves while you're not alone. And that he kind of tally their burdens and the chains that they had put themselves, that they had put put on themselves, or on came to remove

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those burdens and chains. This is actually something unfortunately, where a history has repeated itself. So what happens to make this concept clear, it's a very powerful concept. And I'm very grateful to Dr. Akram nadwi. Personally, I'm very grateful to him for helping me understand this concept. For you know, for many years, I did not grasp the seriousness of this concept until I studied it a little bit with him, essentially, our religion, its practical application is a very small set of do's and don'ts. The main things, there's some big, big things that you're supposed to do like Salah, like Zika, these are like big things, these are fundamentals right that you're

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supposed to do. And there are certain certain major major prohibitions that you're supposed to stay away from. There's some pretty big crimes that you're not supposed to commit. Like, for example, at the top of the list, my own my own study of the Quran, I would argue after shift at the top of the list is being bad with your parents, or actually being anything short of the best with your parents, we've been validating your son is the minimum standard in the Quran, have your son meaning have excellence towards both parents. That's actually the minimal standard right now, leaving exceptional cases aside, that is the rule of the Quran, right? These are some big, big things that you can't get

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away from. then additionally, that's the inner circle of the religion practically speaking, outside of that there are there's the realm of sunon sunon are the prophets I saw them doing things out of his love of Allah, and to get closer to Allah above and beyond what is absolutely necessary. Okay, so he would pray extra Lacan, for example, with every prayer there extra synagogue, for instance, right. There are certain acts of worship, there are certain prayers and doors and of God that He will do in addition, they will do he will do is too far out and extra fasting Mondays and Thursdays, tahajjud, pmla. These are things that are above and beyond the minimum. Even though actually

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camelina was mandatory for the Profit System, it's not for us. But so much of what he did is actually a seminar on us. And if you do it good for you, if you don't do it, you're not necessarily sinful. The same thing. Now, what happened in our tradition is that people really wanted to make sure that we Muslims remain good. So they emphasize the extra deeds so much, that for the average Muslim, they can't even tell the difference between the necessary and the extra credit. They can't even tell the difference. And so it becomes a lot. Like for a lot of people who are who grew up in, you know, the part of the world that I come from, for Lord, all the sudden, before and after the

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fold are counted as this is the Lord prayer. 4422. That's your whole prayer. And no, even though we call them Sunday, NFL or whatever, it's a big No, no, that you tell someone, okay? If you can't do just get to the just to the fall, at least, no, they're not told that you're told you better do all of this, or you're in big trouble. Because you know, if you can let go of the Sunnah, then then next thing you know, you let go of the fog. So it's a protective measure, right? So the more you do, even if you get lazy one day, you're still not going to touch them. The the inner core, which is the fault, the mandatory prayers, right, that was the idea. It's a protective layer, right? The problem

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with that became its protective layer for people that are already inclined towards the dean, what happens to a large majority of people who aren't even a little bit inclined towards the dean, when they hear I have to pray, how many now? Wait, how long does it take? They're gonna say, this was way too much. I can't do this man. I don't have 30 minutes at a time for five times a day. You need to start them off with at least fulfill the minimum requirement, at least prayer for at least get that out of the way. So you're not in grave sin, right? That's a much lesser, more minimal requirement. But when over time, the exhaustive becomes the minimum requirement for the larger public, then you

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see a large number of Muslims leaving the prayer altogether. So the rationale was, we're gonna up we're going to increase the requirements to protect the Muslims. But the problem is when you increase the requirements, it actually ends up hurting the Muslims. It only helps a small population of Muslims, the vast majority of them actually get even further pushed away. The same thing happens with Mohammed Ahmed.

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Things that are explicitly forbidden in Islam. Things that are just Haram, there's no doubt about it. It's absolutely fine. The Haram is like imagine it's this little circle over here. So what sometimes the fuqaha will do are some some will do. And this is what they did with the Israelites also, they said, Well, this thing or this thing that's not even in the circle, it's out here somewhere, that's haram to because that might lead you to this. So whatever might lead you to the Haram, there's a possibility there's a possible connection, that's also Haram. There's also a problem with that. And people will go so far, like I was actually at a lecture one time where the

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it's pretty funny. He was giving a it was a youth conference in a state that shall not be named, it's in the southville.

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And the sheer who was giving the lecture before me 45 minutes telling people why YouTube is around

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45 minutes why YouTube is how long while he was being recorded and clips of it were being uploaded. Guess where but anyway.

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But the point is, his point was cut because there are things on YouTube that might lead you to harm we must block this thing entirely cut it out of your life, this over protective measure. What happens is it's not you can't explicitly say there's a hadith or an ayah that says YouTube is haram or Facebook is how over there I'm not condoning these things, but I'm not calling them haram either. It's a big thing to call something Haram. But they say out of protectiveness. We're going to increase the fatawa of what is haram. And before you know it for the average Muslim they say man, these guys, I don't want to hear anything they say because the default for them is what is haram?

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Everything's haram around them, right? So people run from the deen that way. Allah azza wa jal tells them you set these overly high standards for yourselves. You set these standards where you tell people, everything is haram, you give and I'm not a Mufti, I'm not a puppy. I'm not even close. When I when it comes to personally, when I want to know something is from I go to a hockey, I find out I don't even tell you. I don't tell you. But then there are scholars who say this or that or the other is what I'm absolutely, you know, unequivocally it's not allowed. It's not permissible. You know, in any circumstance whatsoever and then you see those same scholars doing the very thing that they just

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called her on like, they'll give a whole lot long lecture about how taking a photo is haram and then they're getting their passport photo taken or like well this is a necessity well necessities make things halal.

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And who said Amara is a necessity when you already made Hodge so give it up? Let me let me shred your passport cuz you just convinced everybody and you know I've put my put some people on the spotlight that they'll give that lecture after the lecture. There's the speaker lounge area like why do you say this? Because I know it's not haram but people have to know that this is wrong. Like what's the difference between wrong and haram? Dude? You do it yourself? Yes, I know. But you know, the majority, like what majority? What are you talking about? You yourself just told me it's not. You have to be honest about these things. So this is at that Marina NASA will bear with and Sona and

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for sacrum and by the way for the Jewish community of the time. This was actually an echo. This is not the first time they heard this. They heard this from Jesus also from reciting Islam, and what is left of the of the New Testament of the gospel. Some of those statements are still found, for instance,

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recently, Islam used to criticize the rabbis of many slaves a lot. And if you think the Quran is offensive to the Jewish people, it's it's very mild, compared to the Jesus's saying it's extremely mild. It actually lays them it's pretty easy on them. So he says the experts they call them the orlimar the Israelites they call them the experts. One of the experts in the law answered him teacher when you say these things you insult us also. So Darla are offended by the speeches of Lisa and how does he respond Jesus replied, and you experts in the law world to you because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry and you yourselves would not lift one finger to help

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them that's actually now echoed in the Koran at that Marina NASA bill bill? What and soda and fossa calm? Are you telling people to be good and constantly good, and you command people to do so incite people to do so? And you forget all about yourselves? Well, I'm tempted to look it up and you're the ones reading the book. You're the ones reading the book. It's also suggesting as though their standard of goodness in their speeches is not even equivalent to the standard they read in the book. The book says one good they talk about another good it's it doesn't even match up and you're the ones who are educated in the book want them to get up and you're supposed to be the ones who live by

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it the most often attack you don't why don't you think why don't you understand here we come to a very powerful concept in the Quran that is attributed to the Israelites it's so important to understand this there is for a scholar we say they have knowledge the amount of money in they no doubt had a lot of knowledge. Allah does not say to them of Allah tala moon Why don't you know why don't you know or you know, don't do that. No, because they know is not the problem. He doesn't say of Allah tala moon he says Allah Taku Why don't you think why don't you under

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And so there's a big difference in the Quran between knowing and thinking. Somebody can know something and still not think about it. Somebody can know a lot of Quran and never have thought about the Quran. Somebody can memorize a hadith and never even think about the Hadith. That's possible. Though Korans continuous criticism is not, why don't you know? Or don't you know? Or you should know, the Quran continuous criticism is what you should think. Why don't you think? Why don't you apply your intellect? Think about what you're doing. And actually, this call to think is made to even the alum? Even the scholar is they actually he starts with them. He starts with the scholars of

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bunnies, right? The most knowledgeable intellectual people of that time. He's telling them, why aren't you thinking, you know what you're learning, you're learning now that thought is actually a human process. And when you have scholars or leaders are experts, just because they have a lot of knowledge doesn't mean that they possess the right kind of thought that they have the right thought process just because they can quote a lot of books, just just because they have expertise in you know, subjects, doesn't mean their thought process is correct, you could actually have someone who has much less knowledge and actually the best case of that is Rasulullah, himself Salallahu alaihe

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salam, he only has the knowledge Allah has given him only the revelation of lies given him. He has no exhaustive knowledge of the Torah and the Injeel. In the previous scriptures, he doesn't the Allies not given him the ability to read and write like he gave to other prophets. And so these people have spent much more years and much more decades studying and learning. And yet the Prophet, slice alum brings a revelation that doesn't challenge them on their knowledge that's actually secondary, it challenges them on the way they think, on the way they arrive. At conclusion, we're supposed to be a thinking people. So now, you know, I've had attack loon, why don't you then

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understand this corrupt, scholarly class of the Israelites? How do you fix them? How do you take scholars I mean, you can understand if you have ignorant people, people say, oh, they're ignorant, we have to educate them, once we educate them, they'll become better. The problem is education. You know, if we don't have we don't have education, we're gonna have ignorance. And that's the problem. So the solution is education. But if you have people that are educated, like the scholars, and they have a problem now, what do you do? You can't say the problem is education, because they have the best education. And they're still got, they still got a big problem, you understand? So for one

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population, the problem is, in fact, knowledge and we have to provide that knowledge. But for another group of people who already have the knowledge, you cannot go and say to them, Well, you know what, they need more knowledge. Actually, Quran says they have quite a bit of knowledge. Quran says they were the first to recognize the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they had amazing knowledge, no shortage of knowledge, they need something else. If the mind has already been filled with knowledge, where's where does where does the gap seem to be? It seems to be in the heart. So what does the law do with the Israelites, especially the rabbi's of the Israelites, when Allah talks to them, instead

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of telling them to acquire more knowledge, Allah actually gives them spiritual advice, because he, he allows he really, you know, makes them realize the problem is in their hearts not in their minds. They actually get it something is keeping them something is keeping them from coming back to Allah. So in the next day, Allah says, was that he knew that somebody was Salah, seek aid, seek aid, easily easy translation says seek aid using or seek assistance, using patience and prayer. Okay, what's that? You know that somebody was Salah. Now what's the issue is an echo from the Fatiha ear canal Buddha, aka the Stein but there there was no bar there was no air kinesthetic newbies. Somebody was

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selected. We just sit here kind of standing. We asked for your help. We asked for your help in this ayah It is as though Ally's answering the question. How does someone get Allah's help? You need to understand something about the word from which we get the awareness that in first, some basic vocabulary of this word. You know, in the Arabic language, there's lots of ways of saying help. You can say Nasir, you can say mothered, you can say Masada and you can say out there are lots of different words, noun is a particular flavor of help. Let me explain to you what that is. If you are doing something, you're trying your best, and it's not working. And then you ask somebody to help

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you finish the job. That's esteana. So if you had a flat tire, and you're trying to fix the flat tire, and you couldn't do it yourself, and you had to get some outside help, then it's there. And you asked for assistance to finish a test that you were doing. If you're sitting in your car with a flat tire and somebody walks by they helped me out man can change my tire. That's not a stay on because you didn't show any effort yourself. So the word is Tiana actually suggests that we are ready to make the effort but we also realize our efforts are not going to be enough. We're going to do our part your level go as far as our capability will take us but we know the only one that can

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get us all the way through is you. Right that's that's the point of esteana you're making a commitment that you're going to show effort.

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on your part, Now Allah says, Is there a new seek my help? But what effort must you make? What is it that you will do that will qualify you that Allah will help? Was there at the summary was salviati seek help by using patience and prayer. What else is teaching us in this ayah is remarkable every human being needs Allah's help every believer especially begs for Allah's help in the Fatiha er kind of study. We say it every single time. Allah is now telling us if you want my help, you'll have to show me two things. If you show me these two things, I'm guaranteeing you my help. What are those two things are sober and a Salah. In other words, when people come and say, MiG da that I have never

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made, that I start making Salah. Allah saying actually suffer and Salah is something he already gave you. Everything else he will give you once you use these two. So you can't say I don't have these two for some reason I don't have sober and I don't have Salah because Allah hasn't revealed it into my heart yet, lightning has instruct me on top of my head. So I started praying five times or I become more patient of a person then every human being was made capable of sober and was made capable of salah and when they exercise those two things, then allas help descends. What does it mean in the context of these Israelites though, was there a new bus suffered first and foremost, you

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know, seek help by persevering by a southern Arabic to be constant to remain unchanged no matter what the pressure is. Allah is calling on the Israelites who are refusing to accept the prophets. I some despite knowing in the revelation that he's a prophet. He's saying listen, you need to seek Allah's help. You've been asking for help for so long as the people that have been in exile that have been dispersed all over the world. Now it's time for you to seek his help. But in order to seek his help, you're gonna have to lose your social status and your community support. You're gonna have to stand tall by this profit no matter what the people around you say. everybody around you, your

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entire Brotherhood is gonna abandon you once you stand up with this messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam but you're gonna have to show suffer. And the only way you'll find that strength is suffer. And when that becomes overwhelming for you, and you can't even stand the pressure anymore, then you'll need to refuel. And how will you refuel by what Salah is the Innova Sabri masala and this is actually the same exact advice Allah gives to anyone who is under a difficulty starting with the man who had the biggest burden Salallahu alaihe salam himself was spirit Allah yaku WHAT'S UP BABY humbly? Rebecca Hinata calm the patient over whatever they say to you. When they're when they're

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curses and their accusations and their hatred becomes overwhelming. Be patient. And when that gets out of hand, go declare the perfection of a law when you stand. What does that mean? declare the perfection of Allah and praise him while you stand. That's a reference to what Salah go make Salah you'll find strength in your prayer. This is why you find narrations like an abyssal Allahu alayhi wa sallam can either Hezekiah whoever Omron fuzzy, fuzzy is Allah rasulillah salam when when an issue became overwhelming for him, pressured him put a burden on him. He used to run desperately towards the prayer. The prophets lie Selim says your ala kurata is Allah that the coolness of my

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eyes, the relaxation, the calm, the expression actually means the the refuge from a storm in my life is the prayer. The place I find refuge is the prayer. That's what protects me that's what gives me strength. So for a believer who's going through any kind of difficulty, first of all, they have to persevere and when they feel like they're about to crack, then they need to increase what Salah was there. He knew that somebody was Salah, that's what they have to do. But Salah isn't the artificial Salah Solo is in the load, but

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like the the cardiovascular thing that you and I do, sometimes not That's a lot. So I literally from the word Scylla means to connect, to really bond with Allah when you stand in front of him was that he knew that somebody was Salah, to seek aid from Allah by first of all standing your ground standing for the truth you already know and be perseverant in it. And then on top of that makes Allah stand in front of him like you're talking to Allah. And so that's why the ayah concludes in the way that it does. Allah azza wa jal concludes the ayah by saying we're in the halakha be a Latin it's a very big deal. It is a very hard thing to do. It truly is a very hard there's a nine alarm

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there to absolutely it is an extremely difficult thing to do. Now the scholars became kind of baffled by Why does it say in a ha, like a built in because the higher the pronoun is feminine, and the only feminine mentioned before is the prayer. So some said the prayer is very difficult. Prayer itself is very difficult. And what that would imply is real prayer is very difficult. Actually, the prayer is pretty easy. When those who love Allah sallallahu alayhi Salaam went on the Mirage, it was going to be 50 prayers a day, it was dropped down to just five

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And even those five don't take much time at all. They really don't take much time. They're a very easy set of instructions of a creation that was made for no other purpose, but to worship Allah. Our Master who has angels that are constantly doing a Stefan does we have him, he only asked the human being for a few minutes, every few hours. It's not much to ask. It's really not much to ask. So it's pretty easy, but real prayer where you truly connect with Allah and you find strength and you get rejuvenated that is pretty hard. That doesn't come automatically. We'll do is easy. Standing in the capitalist direction is easy, saying Allahu Akbar is easy reciting Fatah highs easy sotto la Sol Sol

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Sol Sol Sol whatever shorter Suraj you know to get it over with quickly that's easy. But really, really talking to Allah standing there like allies watching you and your as though you can see ally himself and Nakamura who, as you can see him, just imagining you standing in front of a lie is actually a rehearsal for when you will actually stand in front of Allah. That's very hard. That's why the ISS did not highlight a lot and it's it certainly is a very, very difficult thing. It's a truly difficult thing. The word Kabira means big, but actually the word big in old Arabic usage and in the Quran comes in the meaning of something that is nearly impossible. Larissa just says we're in

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Karnataka via Ratan Illa, Allah Latina had Allah, it's almost entirely impossible for them. So difficult, it's almost impossible for them except those who Allah guided were in Canada Alex, if it's too impossible for you to bear that they keep ignoring you a couple of other machinery kena method romilly It's too hard, it's too impossible to accept for the machine again, what you call them too. So the idea of Kabir and Kabira in the Quran is something that is so hard, so big, it's too big to swallow, too big of a deal too difficult to accept, okay? Now, the heart is also a reference Some say to everything Allah has said up until now because he started with the ebony

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slide. And the entire will see that's given to him. I've told you to come to this revelation, I've told you to make mention of the favor that was done to you. I've told you to accept the rule of law selegiline I've told you to leave your corrupt practices and let your leadership go and come in humility before those who lost I said I'm all of this is too big of a deal for you. It's too much to ask in the halaqa below. And yet Finally, people say and I love this one, I'm actually inclined towards this one. They say in St. anatella Kabira.

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actually getting help from Allah is pretty hard. Most people don't have the patience to qualify to get a less help, like truly get a less help because Allah help will come when you demonstrate two things sobor and Salah. And so those two things and you really truly getting a lot of help by fulfilling the requirements of those two things is just too big of a deal for a lot of people for most people. And he says Illa aloha Shireen except those who demonstrate the quality of who sure now what is crucial. Let's understand that. Aloha. Aloha tannehill in Ziva Ooh, well, in Kpop it actually means to isolate yourself. The first meaning, of course, you are literally is to isolate

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yourself in the world. And it also means to less to lower yourself or Humble yourself. Harsha basato, who in case of his when his eyes just dropped, and who's your facade? Well, that's all

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they say the work the idea of who should manifest in the eyes, you know, when someone's so ashamed, they can't even make eye contact. They lower their eyes out of humility. That's actually an aspect of manifestation of for sure. Then the second aspect of who you are, is your you can't even raise your voice. You know, like when you're in front of a judge, or a police officer pulls you over and you're like,

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Okay, Officer, like your voice doesn't come out. Like that's for sure. You just experienced for sure. And when they hear on your skin rises out of nervousness, and out of becoming jittery because you you know, you are in front of a judge or in front of a teacher, you know, and you're embarrassed. That's actually whoa Shula. Allah says this is very difficult for people to acquire except for people who have for sure. Now why would someone feel that way? They would feel that way lowering their eyes. No, by the way, insula what do we do with our eyes? We lower them. Do we scream in Salah? No, no, not you know large letters you have to be salonica will have to have it we have

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Bob del E Bina Danica Sevilla, this is Cuba and Salah. there's a there's a humility in the recitation in Salah there's a humility and how we recite before a lion Salah you know, and then on top of that, the body itself if you look at the position of the body, the head is down, the eyes are down, the you know the neck is bent over. This is actually a position of great humility. Just even physically the form of Salah of us leaning over in record us falling into sujood these are physical positions of humility, of course, sure. And that's on the on the bodily side. Allah is saying, for those who truly until they get this inside of them, getting help from Allah is going to be very

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difficult in this ayah there's a very powerful key that will not only

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He gave to the Israelites he's giving to this entire oma until we become people of genuine for sure before Allah help will not come.

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We're in now halakhah veritone illa Allah Al Hashimi, the aid will not come and you're not going to be qualified to ask for Allah's aid until you and I not only pray, but we actually put we fulfill the spirit of the prayer with which you are metalizer which will make us a people of color. I know some of you will have the question, how do you get kosher? How in the world do you get for sure it's it's not hard. And it's not It won't happen every time. It certainly won't. It's we're not capable of that. But all that requires is you know, at the end of the day of Allah tada Bruno Quran, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah requires when people ponder deeply into the Quran, and then they stand in front

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of a lion recite his words, for sure comes. Humility comes when you remove yourself from distractions, and put yourself in a position of prayer, where you're not just getting getting it over with you give it its time, then it will come. And by the way, who's being told to pray the Jews are there's no dispute about this, by the way, some thought, oh, Allah says in this ayah you need to have supper and Salah must be this is for the Muslims, not the Jews. But isn't it clear? Yeah, bunnies are in from the very beginning. He's talking to them directly. Allah is saying, even in your book, whatever Salah you have, if you give me who you are, from that I will guide you to Islam even

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from there. There's another reality beyond the Muslims here, when any person of any faith, a Christian, a Jew, an agnostic and Hindu or Buddhist, when they turn to they say I don't know who you are, but I'm genuinely asking you for guidance.

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If you're if you're out there, I really need help. And they just turned to me and whatever prayer they can do alone will leave them without guidance either.

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I don't know how many people I've I can tell you I've met that came to Islam that way that literally had a conversation looking up at the sky.

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I need help. I'm looking for they, in their own words recited the fact he didn't select the mustard team. I need some you need to guide me you need to tell me what to do. I don't know. I don't know where I'm going. You need to help me find a way.

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a dear friend of mine who passed away recently, older fellow African American fellow he was in his late 70s. brilliant man, absolutely brilliant man. And he studied I think about 50 religions. And in order to in his quest for finding faith, he actually didn't just study a religion, he went to its birthplace. So he's been all over Southeast Asia. He's been to Jerusalem. He's been to like, all over all over. And he, one of the last religions he considered is Islam. And his assumption was his interesting assumption. He said, Well, the religions that are the most popular, are probably the most wrong.

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Because the truth can't be that easy. The truth must be really difficult to find. So I'm going to go find it in some, you know, Aborigines community somewhere or some Buddhist monastery or something somewhere in the deep in the mountains or something, it can't be so. So he delayed his study of Islam. And by the way, Islam was he was already from a Christian background. So he did and his assumption that there were too many inherent contradictions within he assumed every major religion probably has these issues. So he came to Islam last. And he, when he did study Islam, he didn't he he didn't just take a Shahada right away. He used to run a data center with us to come and ask

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questions about Islam day in and day out and just answer their questions. So Panama, you know, and he just genuinely just turned to a lot just said, guide me. And that's what a lie saying here to even to the juiciest thing is that you knew somebody was Allah. When Allah subhanaw taala.

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So yes, there is the prayer that Allah revealed to us shut on the actual five daily prayers, when you make will do when you face the right direction, when you have the right form, but there's a heart the heart of the prayer is a slave genuinely turning to the master and that kind of prayer any human being is capable of and when any human being does it Allah will open the door for them. So halala anyhow, Allah Xena Yo, Luna, Anna, Houma, la hora de him. Who are these people? That Allah says it's going to be very hard for them people, those people except the people of huzhou How do you become people? Oh, for sure it's in the next time. This is the bayana of that. Ayah that's why it

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begins with Allah Xena, the people of Cushing, the people of humility, who yellow noona anomala corabi him are convinced that they are going to be meeting with their master. This is actually, by my own admission, a poor translation. It's very difficult to translate this higher because of the phrase mula Cora be him. Those of you that are familiar with the Arabic language, Maluku, in Islam, it's a noun, it's not a verb. That's the first problem with this word, that it's not a verb. And I when I translate it, I say those who will meet their master, when I say will meet, I just use the verb. Right? Even though the Arabic is a noun, that's a limitation of the Arabic language or the

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English language and translating some of the phraseology of the Arabic especially classical Arabic. The second problem here for Arabic students, is that this is any lafa it's not a Latina yo Luna anahola Guna raba

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home tomorrow will be no mokou Robbie him becomes any Lofa. Okay, there's a modafinil Daffy day. Access. Students must have a smile on their face today because they paid off. Yes, I actually get something. Excellent. Now Morocco Robin, what does it mean? Let me just explain the linguistic concept in Simple English to all of you. Before I get to this. When you say, in Arabic, when you say, Anna, let's say let's say an early moon, or let's say no, and archelon and archelon to Farhan, it actually means I am going to eat an apple. I'm going to eat an apple, does that mean you've already eaten it or you're going to eat it? You're going to eat it. That is when those two words are

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separated, and archelon. To find to find that and even but if I say Anna qilu to fatten. When you make it a Madonna Madonna, you know, you said you join these words together. Now there can combine together. I am the eater. I am the eater of an apple actually suggest it's bad English, but it means I've already done the apple. I am the one who ate the apple. Like there's a half eaten Apple there and you walk over and say proudly, I am the eater of the apple.

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Like I'm the killer of the guy as opposed to I'm going to kill a guy. I'm the killer of the men, meaning I've already killed him. When you make the lava it actually suggests the act is already done. When you don't make the lava it's actually not done yet. Notice before Allah says in the jar alone, fill out the halifa He doesn't say any jar no Holly fatin fill out. He didn't make any buffer. I am going to put a Khalifa has he done it yet? Or no? He hasn't done it yet. That's why it's separated. Had he already done it and then told the angels of what have been in the jar no honey, I've already put up honey found yours. Here the ISS. Yo Luna Anna hula coo Robbie him. They

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are convinced. Let me translate literally now as though they have already met their master.

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They're convinced not that they will meet their master but they have already met their master. This is beautiful. Because they're convinced that they already met their master. When Allah first created them. Remember that journey of life we talked about before. They're convinced that actually happened. The if this is applying to the Israelites, they're convinced that Musa alayhis salaam took their leaders up. And they met with Allah and he spoke to them. We remember we talked about that yesterday. They're convinced that that happened. And they're also convinced that every time they've stood in their prayer, who have they met,

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they met Allah, they've already met a lot. These are people who are not waiting to meet Allah, that's happening too, by the way, that could be a guarantee they're guaranteed to meet their master. But actually, in a sense, they recognize they're already continuously have been meeting their master. They're not disconnected from Allah. And Allah is not disconnected from them. And they're the ones who go and meet with him. And now munakata be him. And then the future come see now the language difference. Allah doesn't say what I know home rajguru who

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know, Raji una La, la de Raji, una, there's no law. Now, what does that suggest they are going to be going back only to him. They already meet him. They've already met him long before. And they are guaranteed to meet him and they're going to go back to him. So actually, if you combine these two, one of these phrases is actually alluding to the past, and the other to the future. Otherwise, if you don't see it that way, it'll actually be a kind of redundancy. They're both about the future. They're going to meet him and return to him. Wait, wait, when you meet someone, you've already returned to them. There's a redundancy, but it's not redundant. It's actually telling the teller

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telling you about these people, that they are so convinced that they are actually already in communication with a law, that they meet with a law and they stand in prayer. You know, it's so beautiful that allows them to describe the scene. You know, this is a point I've said this countless times, but this is the time to say it, man, because it's so so awesome. I can't get over it. One of the most amazing moments in the history of the world. The world is when Musashi Salaam climbed the mountain,

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because he thought he's going to see a fire. And there he ended up conversing with Allah And actually, more importantly, a lot ended up conversing with him. yamasa new Dr. moussaka was made Moosa he's on the mountain he has no idea what's about to happen, he's thinking he's just going to pick up some fire and go start a fire for his family at the bottom of the mountain. And there Allah starts speaking now.

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This is so profound a moment in the history of humanity. A lot is directly being heard by a human being for the first time allies directly being heard by a human being and they're engaged in conversation. There is no way there could be a better opportunity for thicket for remembering a lot than that.

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I mean, who better What better way of remembering a lot and talking to him what directly and in that direct conversation? What does Allah tell Musa will actually let me tell you how to really remember me?

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What optimise Allah tala decree, established prayer so you can actually remember me

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The real remembrance of mine will be wear salon. And the idea here being that we stand in front of Allah, not much different from how Masai Salaam came into contact with Allah Xhosa and it's so beautiful that we are indirect. You know the Hadith of the Prophet alayhi salam, every time you recite Fatiha, the Fatiha is actually a conversation. It's not words. It's a conversation. When you say al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen Allah says, Have you any Abdi? My slave has just praised me. He tells all of his angels look what he just said to me. You know, every ayah, you recite Allah responds, then you recite Allah responds, then you recite a law response, your income conversation

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with ally you've already met him. You're already meeting him every time you're standing. What change in mindset happens when you realize that I mean we recite the Fatiha so often we forget what we're doing. We forget what we're doing. But to realize that we're actually indirect communication within this is crucial just that realization will change the way you pray will change the way you speak with Allah. So under the name of Luna anomala corabi him when he Rajon and to Him, they are the ones that are going to be brought back now. Raji, una, I want to highlight something gorgeous about the word Roger your own. In the Quran, you see, la he told john, you will be brought back to him. When

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you say to somebody, they will be brought back. That means they are being brought back whether they like it or not. Like if the police officer says you are going to be taken to the courthouse, that doesn't mean you're going yourself you're being taken. So when Allah says in the Quran toward your own your own, they are going to be taken back. But here you don't see me you know, mode your own. You see Raji our own.

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These are people who come before Allah meeting him every time in prayer, and they're convinced that they're going to be going back to Allah. They don't say they're going to be taken back to Allah, they actually say they are going to go back only and only to him. In other words, they will come before him willingly. These are the people on judgment day that can't wait to meet the one they've been talking to in prayer. They came on their own, there are some people who are herded and pushed, you know, they are gathered together like a hush up, like the gathering of animals. You know, like Allah says, We're either we're huzhou scheelite, wild animals are herded together. And then Yeoman

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Hashem is also used for us. laliga Hassan, Elena is here. You know, this herding is easy for us to do. But there are some among humanity who are not running to Allah on judgment day out of fear. They're running to Allah because they used to run to him every day. They ran to talk to him every single day in prayer. And when judgment day comes, they willingly come before him. Well, I know whom Allah here on your own. Actually, every time they're walking towards the prayer, every time they're standing up for a law, those steps they're taking is a rehearsal for the steps they will take to meet with Allah. This is a practice. That's all it is. Well, I normally hit it home. And so a larger

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window closes this passage by explaining what he left open before. Yeah, but he is right in. He started with it. Yeah, Vanessa in with Corona and matteotti. And until we read this already, Israelites make mention of my favorite, the one I showered on to you, near Mati, and unto twice the favor that I gave you the favor. And what did they think that favorite was, that to them, the favorite was that they somehow our chosen nation, better genetics than everybody else? Allah says, Well, I need football to come. And I mean, I gave you preference, I gave you more benefits than any other nation in the world, over all the other nations of the world, I allowed you to become the

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models, you know, and this, this Allah is reminding them that they are this is the actual favor, that they were actually in a position of superiority over everybody else by a list of lead by a list of the meaning they had more profits than anybody else. more guidance than anybody else. What did they I keep mentioning to you, what did they forget about? And they're in their religion, the day of judgment, they forgot about our camera, they forgot about Johanna, the pretty much erase these concepts from the toilet. And I told you before, this is one of the first things a lot told news on Instagram in assata Deaton the hour is coming, the day of judgment is coming. That's one of the

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first teachings to the Israelites. This was one of the most important things that light even taught them when they stood on the mount the ayatollah off and they forgot all about it. So when Allah says, I gave you preference over all other peoples and all other nations, you have forgotten the most important of the teachings that I gave you, that humanity needed, that they will stand in front of Allah, so you more than anybody else, what aku Yeoman be very protect yourself from a day? protect yourself from a day? Why didn't you just say what the law says What the Who Yeoman because they felt safe from Allah. And they felt safe from Allah because they felt safe from the Day of

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Judgment. They didn't feel any fear of the day of judgment and ally actually calls them to the one thing they forgot more than anything else. He says Be afraid of a day law judge the enough soon and absentia nobody

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will pay anybody fair wages. No person will pay any other person fair wages, how many persons are being talked about, to a person who's paying and a person who is receiving you understand that this is going to be important now, and jaza is actually fair wage. Java is fair compensation. Now,

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fair compensation can only be done in this world like if you do something for someone they pay you a lot by using the phrase that is enough soon enough century and is telling the Israelites you are doing things in this world for benefits from each other. But these benefits will die in dunya if you really want jazza you have to see Joseph from who from Alliance origin because these favors you're seeking with each other the status that you enjoy of each other this you know, gentleman's agreement that you have among each other will be worthless on judgment day, none of these people will come to pay you anything. The reasons for which you're rejecting this religion, none of it will pan out

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Latins enough soon enough since a a. So I can't I iterate it to you there are two people being talked about one that wants to give and one that wants to receive right now listen carefully. Allah says, Well, are you bloomin Harsha tone.

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And from that person who wants to give now this is about the giver. Later on, there will be an idea about the receiver, the magazine and how you know, but this one is Jazzy, the giver, okay? So Allah says, from the giver, no, intercession will be taken. intercession is a big word. Let's simplify it. shafa in Arabic actually means in simple language, if you're in trouble, let's say you're I'm a teacher, and you're in my class, and I'm about to expel you from the school. And one of my colleagues comes who I respect a lot and says, Listen, you trust me, right? Give him another chance.

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Okay, I know you're mad at him. But just trust me, for my sake, give him another chance. This guy who allowed that student to stay in school, and I listened to him because I respect him. He was a shafia. He just did shafa for that guy. Somebody was about to get fired. And another of my trusted employees came and said, Listen, don't fire him right now. Give him two more months. Just trust me. If you won't do it for for his sake, just do it for my sake. When that person became a what a chef here, the Israelites have a concept. And some people developed a sick concept in religion, that somehow somehow they are bad people.

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But there are some very good people in the world. If so long as they make the good people happy. Then when judgment day comes, those good people will stand in front of a lot because they were very close to Allah. And they will say Allah, this one's with me. I'm your friend. This one's my friend. Can you just let them go?

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Just let it go. For me, I mean, you know me, I'm usually very good. So help me out here. This is the shofar on judgment day. Allah is clarifying to the Israelites, there is nobody coming shall fall for you. If there was anybody qualified in the world, to speak on anybody else's behalf on the day of judgment and would have been prophets, they would have been the first ones to speak on behalf maybe masayoshi. son comes and says to the to Allah, yeah, lovely slide. I know, they messed up, but just go easy on them. Let them go. It's okay. You know, you love me so much. You spoke to me so much. Just let them have a little bit. No big deal. But Allah azza wa jal describes, or the prophets

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lesson rather describes on judgment day, what happens to all the prophets, even they're saying that CFC, even they're running only after themselves. The only one who does actually speak on behalf of another is also the loss of a loved one. It's the only one, nobody else. Allah says, What are you? What do you mean hasha Fatone, he's talking about don't think any good person is going to come around and tell on your behalf, please let them go. And that their their, their excuse and their case, and their intercession is going to be accepted. That's not going to happen. Now, imagine this scene, somebody comes and says, Please let him go. And I say no, no, I'm not gonna let him go. I

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know, I respect you. But this is too much. Fine. Don't let him go. Why don't you charge him a penalty?

00:48:59 --> 00:49:36

Don't let him go at least okay. Just give them a warning. Give him a penalty, give him a punishment or whatever. But don't expel him. The second tier first tier is let me just go by my recommendation and forgiven. If the recommendation doesn't work, okay, at least you know, what, can you just give a fine or something? Some penalty or something and then let him go. That's the second like line of defense, right? So what happens here while you have domain admin, and no equivalent compensation is going to be accepted. That's the second tier first tier was Come on, there's a sheffy. Here, somebody will speak on your behalf, you won't get in trouble. Although if I didn't work, then maybe

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you can offer some kind of compensation for you. That won't work either. There is no compensation being taken on Judgement Day. Nobody will give you any What are home Yun saloon and then Allah describes at the end, and those are the people that are not going to be aided by any way shape or form. In other words, if they're expecting help from angels, they're expecting help from each other. They're expecting a lot all of a sudden drop help on them. They are not going to

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Help from any direction whatsoever? Well, our home in saloon, and by the way, the dimension of home in the ayah suggests there are going to be other people who will be helped. There are people in judgment day who will be aided. Because if the word home was not there, we said, well, I am sorry, they won't be helped when our home use our own means they're not the ones that are going to be held. But there are others who will be helped milazzo to make use of those who are helped on the Day of Judgment. This is the eye opener that allows oh just gave to the Israelites. This is actually the end of the first passage to the Israelites, from here until iron number 121 is the history of the

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Israelites and a level pointed at history bit by bit by bit and remind them how they messed up. And my task and shout out to Allah over the course of this series, however far we get, is to not only pass through that, you know, in as concise fashion as I can, while not skipping any details, but also show you the historical backdrop. Like I want you to understand my thought process here when I teach bacala in particular, there are some schools in local on that have a very strong connection with Jewish and Christian history. They have a very strong connection with Jewish and Christian history. But Cora is one of them. Because obviously, it's going to talk about Jewish history. So

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Jewish history from the Quran perspective, but there's other perspectives on Jewish history aren't there? There's the Jewish perspective on Jewish history, and allies talking to the Jews directly. Now, when I talk to you, you think about what I'm saying as a Muslim. But if I was talking to a rabbi, what do you think the same way? No, he has a different background. He or she has a different thought process. They have different background information. Even when they hear about Moosa or Ibrahim or, you know, any of these profits, what they think about these profits is very different from what I think about these profits and what you think about these profits. So their thought

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process is completely different from the thought process of who Muslims, part of my task as a as a student of the Quran, is not only to understand what the eyes mean to Muslims, I want to actually go inside the Jewish mind. Because they were the ones listening to this. How were they hearing this? What background information did they have, that Allah knows they have? And then Allah gave them these words, and how did they react to them? So understand that you have to have, you know, the the Jewish and the Christian subtext, the background? What when Allah mentioned the story, the story is already in the Bible with them. How do they believe in the story? What did they think about the

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story, and now they're hearing the Quran, and they're hearing the Quran, tell them a story they've heard since childhood. But the Quran is changing the story. It's not the story that they heard. It's something else Remember I told you about the story of Adam alayhis salam, you know, how it's this is not what the story was this something else, the Quran is actually changing, changing the narrative for them. So for us to understand how they thought and how the Koran approached them. You know how you say heartfulness Allah country rockpooling him, you address people according to their mindset, according to their capacity, or address the Jews knowing the Jewish background, Koran adjust the

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Moroccan Arabs, knowing the Macan Arab background, Koran address, the Christians knowing the Christian background, so we are students of the Quran also have to try to understand that background, as we study the text, these are the author of timeless benefit for us. But when we do understand that, we'll be in a much better position to share the Word of Allah with those people, and to share the meanings and its benefits with those people. Because they'll actually see that we know where they're coming from. We understand where the commonalities are, and we understand where the differences are. This to me and especially in our day, and age is an absolutely essential study.

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absolutely essential. You know, some people might mind why did I quote Jesus in the, in the depths from the New Testament, right? I'm not saying that that's the he, or that's actually what he, we believe that that is absolute revelation, we know that there have been changes made, but whatever of it has survived, that coincides with the book of Allah. Allah himself says that Allah Allah can limit in Sawa come to a common word, come to a common word. We're actually inviting them to find the commonality in their faith tradition and ours. You know, buy in and our winner from that is between us and ourselves, ourselves and yourselves. This is actually a principle of our Deen where we are we

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are going to confirm the truth in their books. Their book will not confirm the truth in hours it's actually the other way around where this book is Mohammed over there's so that's the attitude with which inshallah Allah, we engage in the study of Jewish history. It's going to start with the with the parting of the water and childhood Allah and then some other pretty adventurous things that occurred and will pass through them some very, very interesting picturesque imagery is coming up barakallahu li walakum filco Anil Hakeem, when finally we are coming out with hakima salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into Ayats 45 and 46 of Surah Al Baqarah.

Whenever the Prophet ﷺ was tested he would seek the help of Allah SWT through prayer. Patience means to control oneself at the first sight of the calamity. The Prophet ﷺ termed patience as a blessing. He said no person has been favored more than he who has been given patience.

Who are the Patient Ones? Allah SWT tells us that they are the Khashi’een. They are those who have the fear of Allah SWT in their hearts. They do not fret over their problems but rather turn to Allah SWT and speak with Him.

Allah SWT further describes them in the next Ayah. They know that they will be gathered before Allah SWT one day. If they don’t turn to Him in this world, then eventually they have to stand before Him on the Day of Judgment. They cannot escape this meeting.

In this world, prayer is our meeting with Allah SWT. We should be focused whilst praying and be fully aware of what we are saying and before Whom we are standing. He who stands before Allah SWT in this world will have no fear of standing before Him on the Day of Judgment.

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