Nouman Ali Khan – Money Matters – Surah al-Israa

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the concept of "branded money" and its negative impact on mental health and well-being. They emphasize the importance of avoiding wasteful spending and taking care of one's own mental health. The speakers also highlight the danger of "weird" mentalities that limit our ability to take on new responsibilities.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah Hassan in healthy Allah, Melina Vaughn will actually come on

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and while they are Shia Allah as the HD macom water fatty masan

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Salatu was Salam O Allah Al Maria DB Abdullah II Kalam Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the hedayati cafetera illa sabula salam. O Allah Allah He was happy one kilometer Medallia Lee will

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tell him hamdulillah Hilary lomita Isabella Daniela Mia Kala Lucia de Caen Phil mulk Hola Hola. Hola. umina work abeokuta Kabira

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well hamdulillah Allah The Angela Allah Abdi hidden kita Bala Miranda who

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was hamdulillah and Lizzy Nakamoto who wanna stay you know who wanna sell Pharaoh who woke me up one day when I wrote to be human surely and fusina woman say, Molina de la palma de la la woman. Hala Hala. When a shadow Allah Allah illallah wa who la sharika when I shadow Mohammed Abdullah he was a pseudo of Salah hula hula Allah Buddha Medina Huck Leo Hara who Allah de Nicola de Vaca favela, he shahida for Salalah alayhi wa seldom at the Sleeman kassian kathira sama bad for him. Allah de kita boleh wa ha ha de howdy Mohammedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. We're in Nashville in a heightened mood by national tattoo hub. We're in Nakula setting with Coca Cola, Coca Cola right in front of

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yaku subhanho wa Taala Chiquita Hill Kadeem bandana, hula hula homina shaytaan regime.

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Allah movie Matthew new fusi come in takuna solid hain for inner who candelilla verbena hora. What are these alcova haka who will miskeen webinar Sabine wala Tibet Delta Tierra in del Mobile de Nakano, Juana Shelton, worker shaytani r ob HCA fora, Allahu mulata jameelah MOBA zerene rubbish actually sorry, we are Cindy Emery data melissani only amenable Allah means

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in today's code by inshallah huhtala I'll try to share with you some thoughts about ayat that belong to su little israa

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these are a handful of biotin which Allah azza wa jal gives us some guidance about how we should think about our money and how we should think about shopping and spending. And Allah azza wa jal first the the first I want to share with you, which is the 25th I have the surah Allah so Allah says Allah, Allah mu b Matthew fusi comm Allah knows better your master is more knowledgeable, more aware, in regards to what you have inside of yourselves. So before a lie even gives us the outcome, Allah tells us he knows better what we have inside of us, which is actually an a shout out and a hint that what Allah is about to teach us can only be checked by you yourself. In other words, I

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will not be able to come in correct you and you will not be able to come and correct me directly. This is something we're going to have to figure out for ourselves. It is a matter of personal conscience and personal morality. So someone who does not watch over themselves carefully does not do what has survived themselves. They are not going to be able to live by the instructions that are about to be given and that have already been given in this surah so Allah says Rob bukem Allah moody Matthew fusi comin Taku salia hain if in fact you are good, if in fact you are righteous, then Allah knows that better for him now who can Allah verbena hora. And for those who keep coming back to

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Allah in repentance, like we have the word, the web. Similarly, we have the word web, people who come back to Allah sincerely and feel bad about what they did. And they keep recognizing that they've made a mistake, and they keep coming back. For those people, Allah is exceedingly forgiving inside the word, a web, there's also a lesson, the idea that we are never going to stop making mistakes, there's always going to be something we could have done better. And we have to constantly recognize that in ourselves, I have to recognize that in myself, you have to recognize that in yourself. And then we have to keep making this too far to allow for the shortcomings that we have.

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So we have to be constantly aware of our own flaws. Instead of waiting for somebody else to point out what's wrong with me. I should be the first one to point out what's wrong with myself and constantly acknowledge that before Allah, it is a beautiful thing, actually. And it's directly connected with the perfection of Allah. The only one who is perfect is Allah, which means all of us have some flaw, and we're always going to have a flaw. We're never going to be done with our mistakes. It's never going to happen. So the fact that we recognize our mistakes, and then ask a lot of questions.

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up those mistakes. This is the idea of Mark Farah to cover things up to cover the flaws. You know, if you see a crack in the ground, you cover it with some patch with cement or something and you cover it up. This is literally the idea of Maschera. The fact that we do that is actually an acknowledgment that we are imperfect and also the acknowledgement that only allies perfect and people who cease to recognize that in themselves, May Allah not make us from them people who just don't actually think about what's wrong with them themselves. And what could they make better about themselves, they have forgotten about the perfection of Allah actually in a very practical way. for

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India, who cannot in our been our fora. So now Allah gives us advice about how to spend our money. And he says, what are the then corba hakuho and give to the one who possesses closeness? Not the will Korba velco, Obama for one, give the one relative his right. Allah is not making us think about all of our relatives at the same time. It is as though Elias saying consider each one of them individually. Consider each one of them individually, what happens in a lot of families, a lot of families if you're an average family, then you have some fight in your family. Some Uncle, you don't like some cousin, you don't get along with some brothers that you had a problem with or whatever.

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And somebody needs help. But you think of helping the people that you get along with and you don't think of helping the people that you had a fight with? We skipped them.

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That uncle No, no, no, he's not getting any zakaat I'll give it to some other place. Some other called give it to my holla but my you know, my my charger, forget about it. No, no, no, I hate that guy. So why is telling us actually you have to, if they are close to you, and Allah give them that relationship to you? What are homi Bhabha, whom Allah babblin, Nikita, Bella, the people that are connected to you by the womb of a mother, maybe you're connected by your grandmother, maybe you're connected by your mother or by your father, these are connections of the womb, if you have that connection, that you have to consider each and every one of them, if they're in need, whether you

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like them or not, whether you had a fight with them or not, if they deserve your help, then you have to give it to them. And Allah here in this incredible IO did not even say well, RTL corba. And then after that a Moloch Moloch he said have karhu give him what he deserves, give him his right. In other words, the money sitting in my pocket that should be given to my family members that are in need is actually not my money. According to the Quran, it's their money that I'm holding, it's his right. Just like when somebody works for you, when something you hire someone to do a job for you, then if they finish their job, that money, you agree to pay them if you haven't paid them yet, and

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it's in your pocket, it's still not your money, it's actually their money, and you have to give it to them. You know, it's you can think of it as I'm just going to go shopping with this cash, you can't you owe it to someone else. That mentality has to permeate has to be internalized by the Muslim, that for our close relatives, the ones that need help, that's actually their money. The one we have in our pocket is actually their money, it's in our account, we log in and see it in our account. But it's actually not ours. It's his right according to a law.

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You know, when when you when you owe someone money, when you owe someone money, then you are quick to pay it. Especially if it's a higher authority. It's like a government, you owe the government taxes you paid quickly. You know, you owe the you know, you owe the electricity company money or they're going to cut the electricity, you'll pay the bill quickly. When you owe something and you know that they're going to be consequences, you'll pay it quickly are paid quickly, a lot as our jail is now the authority behind the close relative. The close relatives may not have any authority. As a matter of fact, if he deserves a cot, and he or she deserves sadaqa, then they're not

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financially capable, which means they're not in a position of authority. But now their authority is validated by Allah, Allah is the authority that is saying you better give them the right, while miskeen then on top of that, the second is Al miskeen. miskeen is a combination of two words you know masaka, and second, in Arabic, it's formulated by both of those words together. What that means is people that are stuck in a situation miskeen does not mean poor people. There's other words for that in the in the Arabic language. There's for karate, for example, in the Arabic language, but the miskeen is someone it's a deeper concept. The idea of a miskeen is someone who is not able to help

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themselves in their financial situation or their political situation or their whatever problem for example, if somebody is a driver is a cab driver, and he makes his money provides for his family by driving a cab, but his eyes become weak or he has to go for surgery and he has such as legally considered blind now he can't drive a cab anymore. And that's the only job he had. Now he's stuck. He's got nothing else he can do. Because that was the only way he could have made money. He's not a beggar. He's not a poor person, but he's stuck in that situation. You have people for example that have reached an age where they've retired but their retirement savings are not enough for them.

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They're not even able to get the groceries they

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They're stuck. They're not of the age where they can go get another job, they have a health condition, they have something else going on in their life, they're not able to do it. You know. So you have people that are in these kinds of situations, you have mothers that are, you know, single mothers that have children, and they have to take care of their kids, and they can't afford daycare, but because they have to take care of their kids, they can't go get a job. And if they go get a job they have the children are left unattended, they're too young, and there's no family and no other support that can help them. These are the people that are called miskeen, they're stuck. They can't

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help themselves. They're literally just from every angle, they're just caught. And they don't know what to do. Allah says take care of those people. And by the way, it's an extension. So the first time first people we look for is within our own family. And then we identify who are people in that situation in our community. But the problem is, how are you going to know? And how am I going to know that in the city of Irving, that actually in this zip code, in this in this neighborhood? There are some family who has that problem? How are we supposed to know if we don't get to know one another. And we don't make the effort to know each other's families. And we don't just say Salaam

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Alaykum to each other in a grumpy way after Juma is done and walk away, but actually make friends with each other. You know, our families get to know one another, then we become then we actually really become a community. And when someone has a problem, they don't have to, you know, go begging, they don't have to stand outside the machines and pull their hand out. We will know about that already. We will know somebody lost a job we you know, we would know somebody got diagnosed with a disease. We will know somebody has too many medical expenses, we will know those things and we'll help them privately. Right? This is the idea of a community. That's what we're supposed to do. We

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cannot live by this if we don't have this idea of taboo that the Prophet said, some Allahu alayhi wa sallam, you know that you're not going to have Eman until you love one another. You have to love one another. And the idea of shalom in that same Hadith spread the Salaam widespread the salaam aleikum wa salam, okay, you go, you get your shoes, I get my shoes, and we're out of here. That's not the only Salam Salam means you introduce yourself to each other, you get to know one another. You know, this is the idea and then you get to know who the Misaki are. So wildness Sabine, you know, then the next idea of laughter miskeen, the one that they call him the son of the path, that's literally the

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term used in the Arabic language, the son of the path, but the idea of son is someone who's associated with something. In other words, the one who's constantly traveling, the one who can't afford to live in one place for too long. You know, like in ancient societies, the Bedouins used to travel all the time, they could not stay in one place for long, they had to keep moving along. You have people like that that are not is one kind of person this includes is almost afraid someone who's traveling is going through the city and whatever. But the other category of homeless civilians, people who can't afford stable housing, they're living in a motel, then they're living in

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somebody's house, and they're living somewhere else, and they're living somewhere else. Because they are in such dire situation, they're not able to stay in one place. You know, they don't have a permanent home, they can call their own. We have to identify those kinds of people. And if there's an opportunity, we help them. So for example, if you have a you know, a family member who lives in like California, or North Carolina or somewhere and calls you and says, Listen, we're having a little bit of a situation can the children stay with you for a few weeks? It's inconvenient because you have your own family, you have your own things to take care of. And they're saying can we can we

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come over for a few weeks? We're supposed to actually understand that that is their right? That that house when they were in need, the house that you live in is actually not your house, only a piece of it is for them according to Allah. This is their Huck, we have to give it we can say oh, well, you know, it's a busy time right now. I don't really know if I can do that, that I can give you some phone numbers for local hotels. You can Google those and you know inshallah, no, no, no, no, no, we have to have the attitude of giving. Now unless that's all of this one article Corbacho Well, miskeen webinar sabeel. But the ending of this is remarkably, it's a completely different subject.

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He says one or two but there's

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one or two but delta Veera, don't spend forever frivolously and go don't go out of your way to spend wastefully Let me explain these words a little bit. I'll brother Uh, well, my regional manager was like, the first thing that comes out of the ground is called This is called a buzzer. In other words, when when a plant when a farmer you know, plants the seed and the plant starts coming out, it has to wait a long time before it's fully grown. But if it's just come out a little bit, it's premature. It's not ready if you cut it right now there's no benefit. But there are some people who their money as soon as the money comes into their hand, they spend it.

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As soon as it comes in their hand they spend it as soon as they get their paycheck. They have to get a you know, new pair of Jordans or they have to get a big screen TV or they have to get you know, go go to a really expensive restaurant and spend all their money every chance they get. Also this idea says you know some some linguists comment on the idea of the the the free Coleman bill

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Has there been any sort of who?

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The you you just spread your money in every direction without any concern about money ain't a thing, Bro, I got this, I got this. It's not a problem. You walk into like a Best Buy. I want the biggest TV you got that one's 1000 I don't care. Put it in. I got this. You know, like you don't you don't care about how you spend your money. Now here it's important that a lot adds what not to but delta of zero. Please listen to this carefully. Allah did not just say don't spend your money wastefully. He said don't go out of your way to spend money wastefully, which is the incredible hikma of the Quran. To some extent, all of us will waste some money. It's inevitable. It's inevitable. Somebody

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who goes on an extreme, you know, aid came and you're like, maybe I should buy my wife a new you know, new dress or something. And you're about to buy a cheetah, she picks out this rescue, like went out to buy delta V rod No, no, no, we're not gonna buy that. No, no, no, no, hold on a second. Oh, you're about to buy your kids some toys. Or you're buying you know about to you know, get some some present for somebody or whatever. And you're like, no, we're not gonna do z. Or you're about to get a new car. Right? And you're like, No, I don't want to do it. I'll get a 1978 Cutlass Sierra. And that's, you know, anything more than that, I don't need it, because it still has four wheels.

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And it still goes from point A to point B. So I'm just going to buy myself a donkey and a cart behind it. And that's how I'm gonna live my life. You know, even if the HOA has a problem with that. No, no, that's not what the idea of the theater is. The idea of theater is that you don't constantly over go over in spending more than you need to in things you need and things you don't need without any discrimination all the time. If you develop that habit of constantly spending money without any consideration, any sense of financial responsibility, then you know why this is it's by the way, it's the same idea. We haven't even gone to another IRA yet. Why is this the case? Because if you

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keep spending your money like that, what are you going to give to your family? What are you going to give to the miskeen? What are you going to give to the one who's like you know, in a homeless situation or traveling around what are you going to give to them, you got nothing left to give because it all goes into your obsession, you know, into your collection of whatever you know, whatever however, so there are people it's okay to redecorate your house it's no problem. It's okay to get a new carpet no problem. But if you're constantly doing that, that's two by two by delta zero. Which is why in the next I armor does not even say inner levena Yuba 09 says in del Mobile V

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in the far end is used with suggest These are people who do this all the time. They just become they just be developed this habit and they do it all the time. What does the law say about them? It's one of the worst things that is said in the Quran about people like one of the worst labels ever given in the entire court on about people. Allah says nl mobile the Rena Kanu Juana, Sharia team, the people who spend recklessly, all the time prematurely spending their money, they have been declared the brothers of shale team. They are the brothers of the devil's Canyon, Juana Shelton. And why in the world would these people who spend recklessly be considered brothers of Shelton, let's think

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about this for a little bit.

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First and foremost, Elijah to menasha, upon rushing comes from shaytaan the idea of you becoming impulsive and rushing into spending your money without thinking twice about it, that is actually something satanic to begin with. Second, when you spend a lot of money on frivolous useless things, if people spend tons and tons and tons of money on entertainment, for example, which industry makes a lot of money because you're spending it You're the customer while the P you don't make the money. It's the entertainment industry that makes the money. So when you spend your money on useless things, useless industries become successful. When you spend your money on wasteful things, the

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wasteful enterprise, the wasteful corporations, they're the ones that thrive, and when they thrive shaytans work succeeds in society. So we become part of the machinery of shape. And then the other part of this that's really important to understand and know nobody Rena Conway quanah Shelton, Allah tells us himself, work on a shaitan Ollie Robbie, he cavora Please listen to this part very carefully. It's not this the scariest part? A lot could have told us so many things about shaytaan in this ayah but the one thing he told us and shaitan has always been extremely ungrateful to his master. Allah mentioned his in gratitude, his extreme in gratitude, you will notice something with

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shopaholics, that's what they call them, right? shopaholics, they shop all the time, they're never done buying enough shoes, they're never done by enough buying enough technology. They're never done buying enough whatever else. They're constantly buying, buying, buying and buying, guess what? They're never happy. They're never happy. They're never grateful for what they have. Their eyes are always on what they don't have, what more can I buy, what more can I acquire? What more can I get all the time. In other words, this idea of a constant consumer or you can only be a constant

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Consumer if you're dissatisfied, and dissatisfaction is the exact opposite of gratitude, Siobhan is dissatisfied. He's ungrateful. He's ungrateful, and so is a MOBA there. So as someone who spends frivolously all the time, they are never grateful. They are never appreciative. Actually, the only thing they appreciate when they that mentality sets in, the only thing they appreciate is what they don't have. They actually have no value for what they do have. They only have value for what they don't have, if they have a really nice car, and you sit in their car. Wow, this is a really nice car, but their eyes on some other car. I don't know, you know what I was thinking about that one,

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they could have a really nice house. And you literally I was like, wow, this is an amazing house or like, Well, actually, I was thinking about moving to a better neighborhood. They're looking at a better house, they're looking at another house. You know, we've we've turned some of our children into this monster, you know that we've either one video game or another video game another video, and they got a collection.

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They got this massive collection. Let me tell you why you have that game. You have the game. Yeah, but I don't have that one. That's what's really burning my soul right now is I don't have that one. You know, what we've done with the you know, the the new iPhone culture.

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As you have an iPhone four stuff loudly, what kind of primitive Muslim Are you you don't even have an iPhone five, you have a five, you only have a five C, or miskeen, you don't have a five s, you know, and even the one was five S is making late at night, you know, when is a six coming out? You know.

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So the idea of you just constantly being dissatisfied with what you have is not enough for you, you want something more you want something more, you want something more, and it's a constant thing. And even though all of us by the way, human beings have a tendency to want something better, we have that. It's, we're always gonna like another car, it's always gonna be there, you're always gonna drive by a nice neighborhood. And like the neighborhood that's natural, you're always gonna go to a store and look at some clothes that you cannot afford or didn't buy, but they're nice. We have that inside of us. But the difference between that and a mobile there is no mobile there has no brakes.

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He sees it, he likes it, he gets it. He just gets it. He doesn't think about the consequences. There have to be you can like things, but you have to have a sense of put some brakes on. You don't have to get everything you like. You don't have to get everything you can learn to be a little more satisfied with what you have. Be happy with what you have, you know, and you can spend and you can spend on things you like but don't overspend on things you like because once that becomes an addiction than in the mobile arena can we want to share

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in the global arena can we want to share things what kind of shape or form

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me Allah azza wa jal make us people who are serious about the way they think about their money, I you know, because the next ayah is about money and I know I'm getting late, I'll just share it very, very quickly with you. Allah describes the scenario about a person who has some money and then their relative comes to them or a poor person comes to them or you know, you know, a neighbor comes to them and miskeen comes to them and asks them for help and maybe you don't have right now maybe you put your money in some investment already or you barely have enough for yourself and you're not able to give them you know sometimes people ask you and you're not able to give one to one and whom and

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if you are avoiding those people who are asking you somebody is asking you and you are avoiding them you're kind of getting away from them because you're embarrassed that you don't have what a majority don't know and whom if de la or Arabic and you're only avoiding them because you are seeking aurasma from your from your Rob what in the world does that mean? You know some people when somebody comes in ask them to say I don't have anything

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like you know there's a guy at the homeless guy at the at the highway at the red light at the stop sign and he comes over it. I don't have anything bro. Just go to the next car. You push him away like that. No, Allah is saying if they come to you, if anybody comes to you, and you try to respectfully avoid them and the way in which you avoid them shows that you yourself are effective. You are desperately in need of the Rama of your rub, meaning Allah is watching even when you say no remember you are looking for the rock mavala this person is looking for money but you are a copy for the rock mavala you are bankrupt for the rock mavala you need that so watch your attitude when you

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turn someone down.

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Well, Mr. Tony Wagner and who mtrr Mati Mira, Victor Juha you are pursuing mavala the love and care of Allah that you hope for for cola home cola my surah then speak to them in a nice easy, let them down easy, give them a hug, tell them I feel your pain as soon as I can. I'll try to do whatever I can. But this is a difficult time for me. I can share this meal with you right now but I don't really have anything more and I feel horrible letting you down. Like you have to go let them down easy for cola home Cola, my surah speak with them in easy soft language. So Pamela because when they came to us asking

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us, they were bringing with them the Rama of Allah

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and when we could not give them, then we have to beg for the Rama of Allah that came and we could not afford it. We could not get it you see, this is the ultimate risk. The real risk we get is not the things we buy the real risk we get is dogma of Allah. And that comes when we give not when we buy, not when we take it actually when we give that we receive that love Allah. May Allah azza wa jal make us a people that give especially to the close relatives, to those around us that are stuck in difficult situations, those who are stuck in debt. You know, there are some students that are stuck in debt. There are some people that have you know, college loans or whatever that their

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parents signed them up for, and now they're paying for them for 10 years, and they can't get out of them. You know, there are people in difficult situations like that may Allah azza wa jal give us the ability to help people that are in those kinds of situations. And may Allah azza wa jal make us of those who do not who do not become from the mobile screen who are not reckless spenders And may Allah azza wa jal put Baraka and goodness and fumble in all of the risk all of the provision that he provides us, may he make all of our earning halaal and pure, and may He make it a means by which not only we consumed a lot, but we earn that we earn his Rockman is forgiveness by becoming people of

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South Africa barakallahu li walakum Quranic Hakim when I finally we are coming out with the king

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al hamdu lillahi wa Salatu was Salam. ala Nina Safa Susana Allah, Allah him ohata mina been Mohammed, el amin, ala alihi wa sahbihi adjumani yaku la gente de Kitab al Karim, Allah, Allah Allah will let him initiate one or regime in La la la la la, La Jolla. soluna lnav Johan lilina amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam Moses Lima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Allah Allah Allah Muhammad Camus Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah mean in Dhaka Jaime de Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad Anwar Ali Muhammad Kamara tada Ibrahim Ibrahim al al amin in Naka, homido Majeed Eva de la berahino como la it took a lot in the La Jolla mobile ad we will explain what he does if you Korba

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via an infection he will mooncup while adekola he kebab will La Jolla la momentus neurone Optimus sala insalata kanatal Mini Nikita makuta

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into the matters of money with the help of the Surah Al Isra in the Noble Qur’an. These ayahs show us how Allah gives us guidance on how we should think about shopping and spending our money.

Allah is exceedingly forgiving. Inside the word, ‘awwaab ‘ is the idea that we are never going to stop making mistakes. There is always going to be something we could have done better and we have to recognize that in ourselves and then we have to keep making Istaghfar to Allah for the shortcomings that we have. we have to be constantly aware of our own flaws instead of waiting for somebody else to point out what is wrong with us. We should be the first one to point out what is wrong with ourselves and constantly keep coming back to Allah. So we recognize our mistakes and that we ask Allah to cover our mistakes.

Miskeen is a deeper concept which means that when someone who is not able to help themselves when they are in an economic or political turmoil. Allah has said for us not to spend our money wastefully. By adopting this ideology, we will have achieved the incredible Hikmah of the Qur’an.

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