Nouman Ali Khan – Lessons From Surah Ar Rehman

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The title of the book of Allah's speech highlights the importance of effective communication, including content and style, and the use of Arabic language in English. The speakers emphasize the need for education and guidance in a classroom setting, as it is common for Muslims to speak the language. The speakers also touch on the negative impacts of parenting children with poor grades and negative behavior, and emphasize the importance of mastering communication and knowing the audience. The speakers hope to achieve their goals and make a gathering with people sharing their experiences, while also emphasizing the need for practice learning and language for building a church.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah say the MBI he will mousseline while early he was

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at he Li Ahmed Deen along Medina Minh home woman and Latina Amina Mohammed oh sorry hurt whatever so we'll have whatever so b sub m in yellow banana mean from about so today inshallah Allah First of all I'd like to express how honored and overwhelmed I feel and the team that's following with me feel at the amazing hospitality and just the number of people that are here Mashallah. And I want to use this opportunity to remind myself first and foremost and then all of you that all of us, whether we are are sitting and in the audience trying to listen, or we are volunteers that the doors or speaking on stage, we're all servants of Allah azza wa jal and no one is better than anybody else.

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And the deen of Allah does not need us. We need Allah is Dean, we're going to come in, we're going to go but the deen of Allah will move on. We just pray that Allah azza wa jal accepts the the effort that we put in, and the gatherings that we have to get closer to him, and that all of us are rewarded. And the Baraka and the blessings that come from these kinds of gatherings are able to benefit us in our in our lives here in our next lives, and also benefit our families in particular. So tonight, inshallah tada I chose to speak to you about a sutra that's very close to my heart, sutra Rockman. And obviously, this time that we have is very limited. And I won't be able to talk to

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you about the entire sutra. Some of you that are familiar with my work, know that usually I give a hook by about one ayah. So I there's no way I'm going to do mine with you tonight. You know, unless we're going to be here until budget, which is not going to happen. So.

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So what I will do though, is I, I'd really like to give you an introduction to the surah. And at least talk to you about a first few the first few ions of this surah, which are just incredibly powerful. And I think every Muslim should have an emotional relationship with these ayat, they're so easy, they're so small, they're so famous. Also, you listen to the recitation of Surah Rahman all the time, this is another reason I chose this surah is because it's so easy for you to memorize. And I personally believe when you hear something about the Koran like a lecture at I've seen an explanation of the Quran, then you don't want to lose it, you want to keep that with you. And the

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best way to keep that with you is you memorize those iaat. And so that's why 100 Eli did not pick an eye out from a passage of sootel bacara for you today are the art of inheritance from Sultan Nyssa. I picked very short I art from Soto Rama and that should take very little effort from many of you already know it. And for those of you who don't know it, you can do it very, very quickly. As a matter of fact, in your family, the first one to finish memorizing it, your father is going to give you 5050 ringgit, it's already guaranteed. So sorry, dad. And that's, that goes for the wives too, if they memorize first, and husbands are going to lose a lot of money tonight. So

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inshallah Tada, because I really want you guys to memorize it. And that's that's really how we should move forward with a large book. Now, the event is going to happen in about 13 minutes, which means I don't have much time to give you an introduction. So I'm going to pick and choose, I'll just have there in my mind, there are several segments of this conversation. So I'll at least share the first segment with you. So the first thing I want to talk to you about is that there are three elements, there are three ingredients of effective communication. Now I want you to pay attention, because I'm going to ask you later what they are, how many ingredients are there of effective

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communication? Three, the first of them is content. What are you going to say? You should say something that is meaningful, purposeful, you should say something that is true, you should say something that is beneficial to somebody else, all of you in Sharla. All of you have friends, hopefully. And sometimes your friends talk a lot, but they don't say anything meaningful. Or you're on the phone with somebody for an hour, but they actually haven't said anything. There is something missing in the content. I, for example, spend a lot of time listening to preachers of other religions, on the radio in Texas. It's a hobby I have. And I try to listen very carefully for

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content. But after half an hour, I realized they actually haven't said anything yet. But the crowd loves it. So content is really important. Another example of content that I think is easy to understand, is in the United States, you know very recently we had an economic crisis. You know about that.

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In the economic crisis, they had these corporate executives that were responsible for all kinds of unethical deals. And they were brought to Congress to testify. And they were asked very simple questions, did you sign these documents? Now, when you ask a question like, did you sign these documents? The answer takes one second, less than one second, either you say yes. Or you say, No. But the guy starts by saying, you know, when I was a child, my favorite lollipop was red. And then you know, and then he goes on for 45 minutes until the Congress session is over. And they say, we'll have to come back tomorrow. So he's trying to give you useless content. So he doesn't have to

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testify. Content is the first key to effective communication. The second key, the second key is style. It is not only what you say, it's how you say it. It's not just what you say, it's how you say it. I can testify to this myself. Every Hookes law, every football that's given has something good in it as far as content, there is probably an ayah of the Quran in the hotma. There's probably a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the hotbar is not true, which means that there is nothing wrong with our content. But sometimes the Hatim can be so boring.

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It's like he's releasing sleeping gas from his mouth when he's talking. People get some of the best sleep of their life in the hotbar. The only time they wake up is when he says,

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Okay, and then they get up. And

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so sometimes the content is good, but the style is a problem. You have to have a style that gets people's attention. You have to have a style that keeps people awake, you know, so that's the second condition. And it's not just about public speaking even inside your home. How many people here have teenage children teenage children if you have them raise your hand did not lie when a lot your own? Okay, good. If you have teenage children and you tell them to come to the table for dinner, how many times you called zubaid how many times you call Mohammed one time? So my income for dinner immediately? Yes, sir. And he's there? No. Come for dinner. So Bade comfort is obeyed.

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And you have to keep going.

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You have to do that. Because clearly talking to him once or talking to him nice liters obey saris obeyed. But talking disobey nicely is not the style that works for him. You need some other style first.

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And then he's you know, okay, okay, I'm coming God, you know, then he'll come maybe.

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So that's the second what was the first ingredient of effective communication, content, second, style, style. And before I move on, I should tell you a little bit more about styles. Some of you, it'll save your marriage.

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There are different ways of saying things you can, it's the same content, maybe your wife made dinner, she put a lot of work into it. She was spending her day at work, she came home early, she cooked dinner for you, you're your favorite meal, she had it on the table before you even got there, and you're about to start eating. And you notice it's a little less salt than you're used to. You could use a little bit more salt. So what you want to say is I want more salt.

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But there are different styles of saying that.

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I mean, you could say this is the most amazing dinner I have ever had. This is the food from Jenna.

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If I had some salt, it would be from the seventh level of genda. Can I have some salt like this? That's one way of doing it. Another way of doing it is woman is the economy that bad you couldn't put some more salt in this food.

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By the way, I hate your mother etc. You know,

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if you're saying the same thing, the food needs salt. But there's different ways of saying it. Same style, same same content, different one style, one style will make your life easy. And the other style you'll sleep outside. Right. So you got to be careful with your style. So there's content and their style. And finally, lastly, and this is probably one of the most important ingredients, you have to know who you're talking to. You cannot talk to two different people the same way. The way I talk to my child is not the way I talk to my father is not the same even if I tell them the same thing. Even if I say I'm going to the masjid Come with me. Come with me. If I say Come with me to my

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father. It's not the same as when I say Come with me to my son. Is it the same? No, the content is the same. But depending on who I'm talking to, I change. The same is true of a classroom, your teacher or if you're a teacher, you don't talk to all the students the same way. There

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Some students that listen very carefully, very quickly, immediately, and you call them over and you tell them in their ear once and it's done. There are some students, you have to talk to them. And there's another language that we use in the Muslim Ummah besides talking, to communicate with students sometimes and then we use that, to talk to them, because there's different kinds of students, you have to know who you're talking to. So this these three things, if you can master them, then you will have good communication. Now, why am I putting all of this in my introduction, in these like three minutes that I have left or six minutes that I have left? I want to share with

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you why.

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The Quran, the Book of Allah, the speech of Allah is perfect speech. It is the best communication in existence. Nobody communicates better than Allah. We communicate. But all of our communication was taught by Allah, our teacher is Allah. nobody speaks on this earth, except that a lot taught them. So when he speaks, you cannot compete with it. There's no comparison. Now, when Allah has perfect speech, what does that mean? That means he has the best content.

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Number one, he has the best content. What's number two, he has the best style and he's always considerate. He's always very accurate about his audience. Every surah in the Quran, even sometimes passages in the Quran have a very specific audience. A lot of talks to one audience one way Allah talks to another audience another way, a lot of talks to Jews one way a lot of talks to Christians another way, a lot of talks to Misha de Kooning the first year of the 01 way, and Allah talks to them we should equal in the 10th year of the sealer another way in the audience is different. The people who come to visit Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah gives I have to tell them

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there's different iarracht Allah does not say to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I already revealed Oh, hate to you pick one of the soldiers and tell them no, he gives them a special is special pseudo for them because they need a special message you understand? So when we talk about pseudo Torah man today, we have to understand something about its content. But if you really want to under understand its content, you have to understand its style. And if you want to understand its style, you first and foremost before anything else, you have to understand it's a fill in the blank. audience who was Allah talking to? When pseudo Torah man was revealed? Most accounts are that sort

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of man is either early madonie, and most most are that it's actually late McKee. And from the style of the surah. It appears to be a mucky Sula. It's a late McKee Sula. Now what was happening in late mcca, the mushy raccoon had become extremely stubborn.

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They did not want to hear the message of Islam. They said we've been listening to this for 10 years. It's the same speech over and over again. Even Allah says gallica new *. foliot we keep changing the if the message doesn't change, the IOD change and they say, we've heard everything already stop. We don't want to hear this anymore. We're not interested. And it's not enough that they're not interested. They start attacking the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam what either I Lima mean iottie nasze Anita who's one? Every time he came to know something about the Quran, something about our iottie tried to make a joke out of it. Please not only that they're not

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interested now they make fun of the Quran when the Quran is recited. Not us not only has the Quran while Hopi

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don't listen to this Quran make noise when the Quran is being recited. The believer is told by either curry Al Quran first me Allah who answer to when Quran is recited, be quiet.

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Listen carefully first. Now listen carefully you will answer to and stop talking and listen. And see to in Arabic means two things. Number one, stop talking. And number two, listen both once. You know, now allow me to do so and they said. They said don't listen to this column make a lot of noise. This is what they said. In other words, they became extremely stubborn. Now I have two minutes left. I didn't finish my introduction, but I want to leave you with one point.

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When you young guys, how many teenagers in the audience teenagers in

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general, okay. Teenagers are playing football. Teenagers are playing basketball. Teenagers are hanging out and somebody bumps into you. teenagers have very hard temper.

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What you do

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and they're ready to fight.

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And when they're about to fight the friend holds you back. No, no, no, it's okay. It's okay.

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You know, and he doesn't want to he wants to fight.

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So your friend who's holding you back says to you calm down. He said, How do you say calm down and really?

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I didn't hear you if I forget it.

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It'll take me so long to learn that Okay, so calm down. No, your friend says to you calm down. How many times one time when you're first says calm down you say, Oh, I didn't realize that I should calm down should sit down and sip on some tea now like you don't do that.

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Because you're crazy at that time. He says, calm down, calm down. Hey, calm down. Hey, listen to me. Listen to me. Calm down, relax, relax. He says it 10 times.

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And you are so angry at the time. Maybe Maybe you heard it one time. Maybe. And then you listen. Because at that time you are stubborn. When you are stubborn, you cannot be told something one time you have to be told. Lots of times. The people of NACA had become what stubborn so Allah says Happy Allah Jambi Kumar to Kanzi Ba ba ba Allah Arabic Kumar to Kanzi Ban fabby ie Allah Arabic Kumar to Kasi ban, maybe you will get it one time if it said that many times you understand you that is the style of the soda. But the style is there for a reason, because it's talking to a certain kind of audience. Doesn't that change your perspective on the soda? So this is just the first part of my

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introduction. This is the introduction to my introduction. Now it's time for the event in sha Allah. And right after the event, I'll continue barakallahu li walakum wa salatu salam ala rasulillah.

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Allah He was here

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from Ahmedabad.

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So we were talking about skeletal Baqarah.

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And wait.

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What were we talking about?

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What we've talked about so far?

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What are we talking about? so far? The four elements of communication. Three, okay, what are they?

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content? style.

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So what kind of audience is sort of man originally stubborn people, stubborn people, that's what I gave you so far. Yeah. And now we know something about its style, its style repeats itself. And that's very suitable for who? stubborn people, stubborn people need to hear something more than once for it to get inside their head. So there is this one message that is so important in the surah that Allah wants to instill into the people that are very stubborn, but they're just not getting it. So they have to hear it. Like many, many times and what is that one message for ba, ba, ba ba Kumar to get the ban. But more about that a little later. I want to talk to you now in sha Allah. This is

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still part of my introduction.

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I like I'm a student of the order of solos of the Quran also and how Allah organizes lessons in the Quran. And what I want to talk to you now about before I talk about solotaroff man is the next surah a little bit just a little bit. What is the next surah? Does anybody know?

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Salat and wa salatu wa salatu wa Chi is interesting. It has a number of subjects. I'm going to I'm going to list five of them. In order What are the five main topics of Slovakia I just want you to pay attention and see if you can remember if you're gonna remember I am impressed. Because I know it's a lot. Five is a lot. Three was easy. This is five. So five topics of social work. The first of them the first main topic that comes up a lot calls them a sabich una sabi con la ecol mokara, Boone fija nutty name, the first and the foremost the highest ranking people in Jannah.

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Allah talks about them first. That's the first main topic of skeletal work. Okay. The second topic of certain wonky are the main topic is us how boulia mean that people have the right hand. Now people have the right hand are also people of gender. Yes. But Allah first talks about a sabich una sobre. Khun meaning the premium package, the higher level, the best people. Then he talks about everybody else who also made it on board. So there's first class and there's Economy Class genda also, but it's mentioned so two classes of people, but they're both good. They're both making it. They're both saved. Okay. The third section is us how Oshima masayoshi man, the people of the left

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hand, the people of the left hand are safer in danger. They're in danger. So we've got two groups of people that are safe aside mucuna sabi Kuhn, the first and foremost, there's hyperbole. I mean, people have the right hand. Then us harbor * people of the left hand how many subjects Did I say this law has? It has five, five

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main topics and there's an introductory passage and there's a concluding passage but five in the middle, I'm talking about the five in the middle. So one was a Serbia, Serbia, two was heavily amine three was habashi mal, four, four is Allah makes a list of some of the things that only Allah can do. You can do it. And who

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are you planting seeds? Are you making the plants grow? Are you making the crop come out? Are you sending the water from the sky or we do that? Who does that? So he makes a list of things that only he can do. And we cannot do that we see all around us. He puts it makes us humble. He makes us humble by showing us that he does things that we are incapable of. These are some of the creations of Allah. That can only be creations of Allah, they cannot be creations of ourselves. Right? So I will give it a simple topic, the creations of Allah, the creations of Allah. Let's start from the beginning. We have four topics now. What was the first one?

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A sub mucuna sub upon what was the second one?

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How will you mean what was the third one? That's how but she made what was the fourth one? the creations of Allah the creations that can only be a less creation, they can't be our creation. And the fifth one. The final one is actually follow Cosimo be mahaki in new June. We're in the hula khazamula Muna alvim in hula Karakuri it is a passage about the greatness of the Quran.

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It is about the Quran itself, how Quran is awesome, and it's actually one of the most beautiful places that describes the power of the Quran previously at George Mason University. I think the lectures on YouTube somewhere, I talked for an hour or two just about this ending of sort of tilapia and how incredible Allah describes the power of the Quran at the end of solids, and these are the five main subjects of saltalamacchia the last one was the greatness of the Quran. I'm gonna see if you guys remember now number one.

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I don't hear you.

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A Serbia Kona Serbia Koon. The first and foremost number two,

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how will you mean number three, as hava Shima. Number four,

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the creations of Allah and number five, the greatness of the Quran but I am not talking to you today about Sultan lufia. I came to talk to you about Soto Rahman. Surah Rahman also has five subjects. Five subjects subject number one,

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the greatness of the Quran

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what was subject number five in Slovakia? The greatness of the Quran, subject number one instead of the rock man is a rock No, no.

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That's the greatness of the Quran being talked about. Okay, subject number two in pseudo Torah man

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is ullas Creations a shampoo and kamaru because ban when najmul was chateauroux? Yes, Sudan was sama Ahava Amazon, oh my god and it goes on.

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That's subject number two. The last subject of the lock era was the greatness of the Quran. The first subject of Torah is the greatness of the Quran. The second last subject backwards subject number four of the lucky I was what

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creations of Allah and the second subject of soul of man is, creations of Allah. The third subject of slaughter of man is judgment a criminals that will end up in the hellfire. Now subject number three, what was subject number three backwards insulates Alaska as howver Shema, same people.

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Then subject number four Allah says Willie man ha farmer camara de Janata and Allah gives to john nested people who feared him and he starts describing agenda and a little bit later he says woman dooney Hema, Jonathan and above and beyond that there is even a better Gemini God for you. There's two more genders. So he talks about gender two times one time a beautiful gender and then he says I got even a better agenda for you. So you could say gender regular and gender Deluxe package.

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four and five Jana and better. Jenna, what was subject number one into

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a salvia hoonah. salvia conus? How will you mean the best of the best get the best genda subject number one in subject number five. So panela there's a whole lot teaches lessons. Those of you that are teachers in the audience, sometimes when you teach a lesson, and it's got five parts, a chapter has five lessons.

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When you review it, what do you do? Sometimes a good way to review a lesson is going reverse 54321 and this technique is something Allah Himself teaches us in the Quran.

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This is one of the things I'm a student of I like to study how ions are organized in the Quran, how Allah constructs arguments in the Quran, how we make sense to learn lessons that we won't forget as hard to forget after this if you couldn't remember the five lessons of mine You will already look for the five lessons repeated again in reverse order imperfection insert on lochia this is still again introduction we haven't started the sutra yet. Now we gotta get inside the surah inshallah. So how many sections are installed autobahn again, five. I hopefully hopefully I can talk to you only about the first section today if I can do at least that much something my job is done. Something of

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my job is done.

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This Sora is unique for many reasons. And one of them is that Allah azza wa jal began this surah with one single word that is an ayah by itself, but it's not from them with a shabby hut. You know, Alif Lam? Meem is an ayah I don't know what that means. You don't know what that means. Allahu taala Allah, Allah knows. But and but that's one ayah Allah man is one IRA.

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It's one IRA but it's not like only Allah knows what that means. He taught us what man means yes. And for those of you that are students of language, alright man, well Allah Al Quran is actually one sentence. It's one sentence out of a manual animal Quran, but Allah broke it up. So Allah took one sentence and put it into IR Why would he do that? You don't do that in English class.

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You don't do that in English class you don't say Allah full stop created us full stop.

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If you do that your teacher will mark you wrong and you say inspired by so little reminder tomorrow.

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You know, you give de Lille for your

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it's not gonna work. Trust me. It's not gonna I tried it doesn't work okay.

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But let me tell you why Allah does that. One of the reasons Allah does that Allah tells us himself in his book, he says Lia de baru, Aya t when the attacker

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so people could do deep thinking about each and every one of his iaat

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if it was one sentence, then we will think about the whole sentence as one ayah but Allah wants me to think about it and you to think about it he wants us to think about just a rough man by itself. Before you think about Allah mal Quran you should not think about animal Quran until you stop and reflect and think about just a rough man, we would not have stopped and thought about our mind by itself. It was one ayah we would have just said our manual Andaman Quran. But he said, Man, stop. This is an IRA. This is an IRA by itself. So panela so we got to stop. We can't just go on. We have to stop and think about this word. What does it mean? Where does it come from? You know, we use this

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word all the time. We say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. We say Fatiha all the time. Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen R Rahman r Rahim. We use the word all the time. But what does it mean? Can anybody give me an English translation that you've read before?

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Man, anybody? merciful? Some people use benefit, beneficent, right, compassionate. I don't know beneficent? Have you ever used beneficiant? in a conversation with anybody before?

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I mean, is that ever normally come up in conversation? Because if it does come up, see me afterwards? I know, psychologists, you know, you don't normally use the word beneficent in conversation. Yes. The purpose of translation. The purpose of translation is so you and I can understand. And translation should be with words that you can actually use that you actually relate to. If you translate with words that you can't relate to, then it defeats the purpose of translation. It defeats the purpose. And the other problem is that the easier word is merciful, merciful is easy to understand. For most people who understand English they know the word merciful.

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But the problem with the word there's also a problem with this word is that it's actually different from the word LACMA. Mercy is different from the word Rama and I first want to explain that difference to you.

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In Arabic comes from a few things. One of them is R Rahman. R. Rahim is the stomach of the mother. When a woman is pregnant, her stomach is called by him. And it's called Rahim because that baby is taken care of in every way. A rahem is the child inside the home of the mother is taken care of in every way. Now there's a relationship between

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The mother and the child. Does the child know the mother?

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Know, does the mother already know the child? Something about this you already have love for the child? Does the child have love for the mother yet? No. is the mother taking care of the child already? Yes, in every way, in every way the entire world of the child is taken care of by the mother, and the child has no idea, no clue that he is loved so much that the mother is willing to do so much for this child and protect it from every danger, protected from every danger. You know, the, the normally human beings when they protect themselves, when they protect themselves, we protect our head. We protect our bodies, but our mother before she protects anything else. What will she protect

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her stomach when she's expecting, she's going to be extra careful not to walk in a narrow place, or to stay away from corners at the table. You know, he's going to take extra caution. That word gives birth to the word Rama.

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Rama is not the same as mercy. Because mercy in English is used when you spare someone.

00:31:13 --> 00:31:18

Like for example, I was gonna beat you up but I showed you mercy.

00:31:19 --> 00:31:32

Which means you were expecting punishment. And when I decided not to punish you, that means I showed you mercy. Maybe a police officer stops you on the road. The policeman comes over to you Hey, you don't know the speed limit?

00:31:33 --> 00:31:36

No, I was reciting sudo Rahman. Sorry, I just

00:31:40 --> 00:31:43

Okay, okay. I'll show you mercy. No ticket for you.

00:31:44 --> 00:32:02

I don't know if that's gonna happen. Don't try it. But you were expecting punishment. Yes, you were expecting a ticket. And then you use the word mo he showed me mercy. Meaning he let me go. In other words, in the English language, most of the time, when we use the word mercy, we're actually thinking about punishment.

00:32:03 --> 00:32:41

And then the punishment went away. And we thought about mercy. But the word Rama has nothing to do with punishment, the word shouldn't even cross your mind, the thought shouldn't even cross your mind. It has to do with complete care and love. Someone who shows you Rama is someone who has tapped off and record like this and even mangled the lexicon of the Arabic language, he argues someone who has compassion towards you, someone who wants to be soft and easy with you, someone who wants to make things delicate for you, they understand that you should be handled with care. You know, there are people who deal with other people delicately, nicely. And then there are people who are not very

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delicate, not very nice. Sometimes you want to get a visa to some country. And the person you have to deal with is not very nice. They don't have Rika. But if they have Rama, they treat you with respect. They start with Salam. They say I'll do everything I can to help you and you can notice they care about you. You're trying to do something and they care about you. You know, they're showing that Lika that's Rama Rama has to show love to show care to be sensitive. When a law calls himself a man. He is saying that he loves you. He is saying that he cares for you. He's saying that he understands that you are very delicate and you must be handled with care. And Allah will take

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care of every matter that you have. He'll be very delicate in your case. He's not going to leave you. He's not going to abandon you. A mother would never abandon her child would allow him. Even above and beyond that, beyond imagination is Allah azza wa jal when he calls himself a rough man. But another thing here is a rough man. The word itself is what's called sealant on mobile Allah in the Arabic language. What that means is something that is excessive and unusual. Like if you are thirsty, if you're thirsty, that's one thing. Or if you're angry, that's one thing love them. Even if you're thirsty, but if you say out Shawn, that means you are dying of thirst. That means if you

00:34:05 --> 00:34:10

don't drink, you're gonna die. You could not be thirsty or any more thirsty than this and you will be dead.

00:34:12 --> 00:34:14

While Dave is angry in Arabic, when you say a hug.

00:34:16 --> 00:34:21

That means if you get any angrier than then you'll explode man. Your head will pop off your body.

00:34:22 --> 00:35:00

You know, Allah says, Allah man, you know what that means? You cannot be more merciful than that. That is the end, the most extreme, unlimited form of mercy, extremely beyond imagination. The other thing that comes from the language of this word, man, because it's seated on mobile, aka, the origin, some grammarians argue of mobilises and find what that means in simple terms for everybody here I know not everybody's in Arabic student is that it is happening right now. It's happening right now. It's one thing to say a lot of hairs. It's one thing to say Allah is loving.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:50

It's one thing to say Allah protects. But it's another to say Allah is protecting me when? Right now he's caring about me right now. He's concerned with me right now. He's delicate with my situation right now. That is the realization inside. Man. It forces me to think and it forces you to think, how is Allah showing me love right now? immediately. Not tomorrow, not later. Every one of us has problems. Every one of us, maybe you have family problems, maybe you have a husband problems, maybe you have wife problems. Maybe you have children problems, parent problems in law problems, Boss problems, worker problems, government problems, immigration problems, economic you got problems. And

00:35:50 --> 00:36:00

we think about our problems all the time. And we don't think about our man all the time, we only think about the problems. We don't think how many problems unless saved us from

00:36:01 --> 00:36:06

somebody gets allergies, and they complain about their allergies, but they don't think the nose is still on my face.

00:36:08 --> 00:36:46

That's a lot taking care of you, my friend. It could be so much worse. There's so much worse that can happen. When a child is born, how many things can go wrong? For those of us that have healthy children, we complain about the grades of our children, they don't pay attention in school, they don't do their homework on time they come parents complain and complain and complain if you say, what do you what do you say about your child? You know, and they'll give you a list of complaints. You know, doesn't go to sleep on time talks back doesn't finish dinner, watch too much TV video games all the time. You know, there's a long list. But you know what, if you ever talked to parents

00:36:46 --> 00:36:47

who lost a child,

00:36:48 --> 00:37:30

if you ever talked to parents who lost a child, you know what they say about their child? They never say he never did his homework. He was always late to school. He always ate to do too little. He was always watching TV. They say my child was perfect. He was so perfect. He was the best. They only remember the good things. Why is that? A day before you were complaining? You were yelling at him? Because that's human nature. We don't appreciate the things that we have until they're gone. When they're gone, we remember now right now, we're not thinking a lot. We're not realizing how much love he's showing us by protecting our children by taking care of our family by giving us our parents.

00:37:30 --> 00:37:33

Yes, your parents get angry at you. That's okay. It's a global phenomenon.

00:37:35 --> 00:37:38

They get angry at you, those of you that are teenage boys, your father gets mad at you.

00:37:39 --> 00:37:41

It's gonna happen. He's gonna yell at you.

00:37:42 --> 00:38:20

Anyway, my dad does not understand me. He doesn't know. He's always angry, but you know what? Alhamdulillah he's alive. Alhamdulillah you have an opportunity to show somebody to him and respect to him. So you can earn genda with Allah. If you want to know if you're humble or not see how you are to your parents. If you have an attitude with your parents don't think about Islam, you're not ready for like what Islam demands for your personality. Allah wants us to be humble. But humble does not mean you you makes a lot like a perfect believer, but you show attitude to your father and your mother. Come on. That's not humility, you know, delicate daru asking

00:38:22 --> 00:38:50

Allah Yuri, do not renew and fill out the Wallah facade. And the last home is built by built for people unless as we made the last home for people genda for people who don't want to act up in this world. They don't act like this in this world. They don't show attitude. We have to learn to be humbled to our parents, even if you think they're unfair. Even if you think that everything that's part of appreciating the mercy and the love of Allah azza wa jal in our lives. This is something that one should think about everyday, just stop it.

00:38:51 --> 00:38:52

Just stop.

00:38:53 --> 00:39:13

And just think, what does that mean? What does Allah doing for me? How is it you know, the fact that for example, it was a dream in my life, I wanted to come to Malaysia. I wanted to I want to see the Muslims in Malaysia Alhamdulillah I'm so happy. I can't thank ally enough for this opportunity. And just if you reflect about this, I'm on the other side of the planet from where I live.

00:39:14 --> 00:39:31

You know, talking to you, folks. So hon Allah, how does this happen? This does not happen except by mavala. How many things can go wrong on an airplane that's flying over the oceans? How many things you see a little bit of turbulence and the duck walk goes up, right?

00:39:33 --> 00:39:37

Right, the the plane goes down and the man goes up. And it's like,

00:39:40 --> 00:39:59

you know, how the law that says care, he cares. And he cares about every one of us like that. Sometimes people get depressed a lot doesn't care about me. Why do I have all these problems? You haven't thought about? Mine enough. You haven't thought about that enough. You don't have to wait for his care to comment.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:09

Already there. It's already there. Before I move on to the second I got to keep track of time to my goodness. Okay, about a half an hour. I don't have much time at all.

00:40:10 --> 00:40:27

I want to tell you something so beautiful about this soon I will tell you one of the most beautiful things about Silikal Rockman. The treasures of the sutra don't come to an end, but just a few that I can share with you. You guys doing okay, by the way, how's the attention span you're getting sleepy yet? No. Okay. Okay.

00:40:28 --> 00:40:35

So, the last idea of the surah anybody know the last I have this? surah

00:40:36 --> 00:40:39

taba, Raka surah Kasparov bigger than

00:40:41 --> 00:40:53

the last I have this surah Allah says that the Name of Allah the name of your robe, who is full of genuine meaning gentleman's glory that is not given to anybody else. Can you met gelato, Starman

00:40:54 --> 00:41:06

Illallah, the word Gemma is not used except for Allah. You don't use you know boudjellal for anyone other than Allah. You know, we say Allahu Allah azza wa jal. gela is only for Allah.

00:41:07 --> 00:41:11

Now unless has in that last ayah that the name of Allah is full of Baraka.

00:41:13 --> 00:41:57

The name of a lot is full of Baraka, tabarka small avec de Baraka de la some form here means something that is full of Baraka. So we have to understand something about the word, Baraka. Just a little bit about the word Baraka and which name by the way when Allah says the name of your masters full of Baraka, did this law begin with the name of Allah? Which name did it begin with? So Allah is telling us something about the Word of a man at the end of the surah. He's concluding with the beginning. He's telling us this name of Allah that I began with is full of Baraka. Now it's Allah Himself, tabarrok Allah, Allah Himself is full of Baraka, but alas, not talking about himself. Allah

00:41:57 --> 00:42:29

is talking about his name. The name is full of Baraka. So what is about to come in, they say in Arabic, Allah Baraka to Anima was Jada, of Baraka, first of all means growth, something that rises, a new move, progress, something that goes further and further and increase for kataka above expectation. If you put a seed in the ground, how many trees do you expect? When you put a seed in the ground, you get 10 trees, that's not expected. That's what you call Baraka.

00:42:31 --> 00:43:15

Baraka means logic says I should get one tree but I got a whole forest. How did that come? That's Baraka. Logic says I did one little thing I expected one you know in like the new Newton's laws, actions and reactions, right I did this action I was expecting this reaction, but my one small action gave such a huge reaction. This must mean that the reaction has Baraka. Baraka also in the Arabic language, is using either an article Jamal when when the camel settles, and it doesn't move, it doesn't move, which is beautiful. Because when you grow something and you grow it too much, kids here will understand this. And I think everybody understands you guys know what Legos are, right?

00:43:15 --> 00:43:54

Legos, if you make a really tall tower with Legos, you keep putting one on top of the other on top of the other standing up, does the tower become more stable or less stable, becomes less stable, it's gonna fall, the higher it is, the more chances it will fall, right. So when something becomes increased, it has it is less stable. But the word Baraka means something that increases and is stable, like a camel sunk in the sand. It doesn't move. In other words, don't think this increase will go away. It's not an unstable increase. We know something about unstable increase in the United States. Our economy goes up really fast. And then what happens

00:43:55 --> 00:44:42

really fast. You know, it comes down really fast. There are there are, you know, governments that take over really fast. And when they take over really fast, guess what? They also disappear really fast. Happens all the time. It happens all the time. You know. So you have trends, fashions come really fast, and then they disappear really fast. This happens all the time. But Allah says Baraka is something that increases but it was, it stays, it doesn't go away. And Allah says his name is full of Baraka, what does that mean for you and me? You know what that means? That when we say Allah's Name, our man and we do something in Allah's Name, with a last name, calling on the buttock

00:44:42 --> 00:45:00

of Allah's Name, then whatever we'll do, we do will produce good but it will produce good more than expected and the growth will continue and will not disappear. It'll keep going and going and going and going, you know, because of this one ayah ever

00:45:00 --> 00:45:34

Every Muslim is supposed to be an optimist. We shouldn't we can never be pessimists. Whatever you do, maybe look, I'm standing here, there's 1000s of you in the audience. There's so many others that are watching online. 1000s of you but maybe one of you is a Quran teacher, and you don't have 1000s of students, you have one student. You opened up your mother I saw you sat in the machine and one student came to you, one student, and you might think how is this any moment count one guy, one guy shows up, what's the point? Imagine if I showed up here we flew here and one person was sitting in the audience.

00:45:38 --> 00:45:39

But actually,

00:45:40 --> 00:46:27

this, this is just what I see. What you and I see the Baraka in teaching one person, the Baraka and helping one person, the Baraka and doing one good deed after you say Bismillahi r Rahmani r Rahim. The results of that you cannot calculate because they are from Allah, and they will grow and grow beyond human expectation, common sense logic, mathematics cannot put it inside. You cannot you cannot encompass it. You don't know if that one child that you taught and if and back to that one child is going to be the next one which I did have this oma that millions of people will take Shahada because of his data. And you started him on his journey you don't know that. I don't know

00:46:27 --> 00:46:30

that. I can remember I can tell you personally a story of Baraka

00:46:32 --> 00:47:08

I when I started learning Arabic, the Arabic language I was curious about the Quran, I read it in English, but I read the like a Shakespearean English translation, it was really hard to understand. Because when I was reading, Hast thou not seen us? I was confused. Because I've never talked to my friend and say, hands down not seen if this movie like yeah, don't talk like that. So I couldn't figure out what it's saying, really, I had a hard time. So I decided I found the teachers that we can learn Arabic with me. And when we were in the Arabic class, I still remember they were 10 students in the Arabic class at the masjid after Ramadan, 10 students on the first day, this class

00:47:08 --> 00:47:32

was gonna go on for three weeks every day, every evening, 10 students, the first day, nine students the second day, six students, the third day, three students the fourth day, and I look around and I'm like, should I also leave I don't know. And the teacher on the third or fourth day, he said, Look, people will come and go, and even if none of you come, I will still be here waiting for you.

00:47:33 --> 00:48:08

I'll still be here waiting for you. You know why? Because when we do something for Allah, then we don't expect from people we only expect from Allah, I get paid from Allah, not from you. I'm here for Allah. And when he said that he believes in Buttercup, he believes in buttock and others, three of us sitting in this class. And even I'm sitting there learning this stuff. And I'm like, what's the point? You know, I might learn this in three weeks. But how am I going to do any more than that? I'm sitting in New York City, I don't have the money to go to Egypt or to go to Cairo or to go to like Morocco or go to Pakistan or Malaysia to study and I don't have that. I gotta sit here and get

00:48:08 --> 00:48:50

a you know, I come from work and college and do this for three weeks. What am I going to do after that? How am I ever going to learn? But when Allah puts Baraka in something, that's not up to us. That is not up to us, when I look back from since 1999, to now the announcers that I've taught 10,000 students, in all in an accurate estimation, I would say Subhan Allah tell now, live audience I must have taught at least 70 80,000 people, live audiences. And just the Arabic classes alone, not gurus of Quran, Arabic classes, you know, Arabic classes are boring, right? Arabic classes, at least I know at least I've seen 20,000 people in Arabic classes. Physically I've gone, you know, state to

00:48:50 --> 00:49:25

state in the United States and taught, I've seen that many people, you know, so hon Allah and I did not that's not from me. That's not from me. That's when Allah decides he'll give some Baraka. That's, that's up to him. Don't underestimate the value of the things that you do. Don't underestimate them. That's up to Allah when he puts Baraka in it, it will come beyond your expectations. You will never implement hi to liason Allah will provide from where you can't even imagine. Okay, now I have I wanted to stay until 930 for this talk, is it okay with everybody if I go until 945? Is that okay?

00:49:27 --> 00:49:31

All right, if you're not okay with that, then the rest of us will beat you up. So

00:49:34 --> 00:49:59

So okay, second i a second I man what I learned Quran and I'll first talk to you about the two IR together. I love Al Quran holla con Insan. So many people here know the surah sub be his Mara beacon Allah Allah de halaqa for Sawa wellne de cada Rafa Hadar Allah says

00:50:00 --> 00:50:22

Allah Allah, he talks about himself then he says he created under the halaqa he created and in the next it says well does the Condor Rafa hada he says he created and then he guided. So what was mentioned first creation was mentioned first, then he talked about guidance. Ibrahim alayhis salam under the Hala kaniva Hua Dini.

00:50:24 --> 00:50:31

yaku under the Hala kaniva Hua Dini, Allah is the one who created me. And he's the one who guides me.

00:50:32 --> 00:50:41

What was mentioned first, creation, then guidance. Man does not say, Man Holla

00:50:42 --> 00:51:03

Holla man Quran, No, man allemaal Quran holla Collins, and this time guidance is mentioned first, creation is mentioned. Second, is unusual. It's unusual, because the order of things is a lot created me first, Allah created you first. And then he guided us.

00:51:04 --> 00:51:25

He guided a second if you look at the order of things, but Allah breaks that order in this sutra. I won't answer that question yet. I want to keep that question in your mind. Why is this sequence different? Why is guidance being mentioned before creation in this surah. But I want to talk to you about something else, please pay attention to this part. One of the most important parts of today's does

00:51:26 --> 00:51:42

in a classroom is you know, this is not a classroom. This is a lecture, some of you are on Facebook right now, some of you are getting the best sleep of your life. Some of you are just looking around. Why is what's going on here? Where am I like, you know,

00:51:43 --> 00:51:49

that's happening. And some of you are paying attention. Some of you, you know, the eyes stay with me, and then they start going up a little.

00:51:51 --> 00:51:57

You know, that happens to some of you, then the best is when some of you are sitting like this making eye contact with me and going.

00:52:03 --> 00:52:05

That means you have no idea what's going on.

00:52:07 --> 00:52:29

Right? So this is not a classroom because in a classroom, I check everyone. What did I just say? Hey, you tell me what I just said, hey, let's have a test right now. That's what I do in a class. I constantly test. I constantly test. This is a lecture there's a you can get away with anything. I say how many kinds of communication are there one guy in the back of 17?

00:52:30 --> 00:52:44

But it's okay. He can say that nobody you know, I won't mind. It's fine. But you know what, when you're in a class, in a class, then the teacher's job is to make sure every student understands, right.

00:52:45 --> 00:53:21

But sometimes there are some students, I still remember I can give you an example. I prepared a lecture about Arabic one of the lessons of Arabic grammar. I go to my class, and I teach the lesson. I said, I spent two hours at night, how am I going to teach this lesson? This is going to be such an amazing lesson, they will give me an Academy Award after I finished teaching this lesson. So I teach this lesson. And I am so proud of myself. I started giving myself a pat on the back. That was amazing. Students are happy one student raises his hand he goes, after one hour, he goes stuff. I was like, Yeah, I don't understand.

00:53:24 --> 00:53:27

What don't you understand? Anything?

00:53:30 --> 00:53:33

Okay, you don't understand anything. So let me start over.

00:53:34 --> 00:53:52

Let me give you the entire data again. This time, I will only make eye contact with you every two minutes as you okay. Mm hmm. Okay. One whole hour goes by, I say Alhamdulillah. All the other students are like, why are we doing this again? But then this student raises his hand again.

00:53:54 --> 00:53:58

I have a question. Yes. Please ask. I still don't get it.

00:54:00 --> 00:54:14

Now, if you have ever been in a classroom, math class, English class, right? Islamic Studies class and a student does that after the whole class is done? Yeah, I don't understand. And he does it a second time. Is the teacher happy or angry?

00:54:16 --> 00:54:28

Yeah, we can't do that stuff in America. But I know I'm over here in Pakistan and Bangladesh in India. I don't know if a lot here. But we give our students a different kind of lesson after that.

00:54:31 --> 00:54:32

You know,

00:54:33 --> 00:54:34


00:54:35 --> 00:54:57

the students and then I say, You know what? School is over. All the kids are going home. Why don't you stay in the office, I will sit in the office. I will not have lunch today. I will explain it to you again. I sit him down. I explained it to him again. Another way, if the first way didn't work, and the second way didn't work, I'll find a third way to explain it to you. I finish explaining and see he says

00:54:58 --> 00:54:59

I don't know if teaching is the right profession.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:01

for you because I still

00:55:03 --> 00:55:05

I don't understand I don't get it.

00:55:07 --> 00:55:20

Have you tried taxi driving or anything else? Because clearly teaching isn't the right thing for you. So I say okay, okay, I'm not giving up on you. Why don't you come to my house for dinner? As we eat dinner? I'll explain it to you again.

00:55:21 --> 00:55:24

Same thing after dinner, I say why don't you move into my house?

00:55:29 --> 00:55:30

Does any teacher ever do that?

00:55:32 --> 00:55:43

Once a student says, I don't get it. The first time, maybe he's confused. The second time, maybe he's slow. The third time he's just messing with you. He's just playing with you now.

00:55:44 --> 00:56:13

Now, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the best teacher ever in human history. And not just history. Even in the future of humanity, there will never be a better teacher than Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And in education, you need an excellent teacher, and you need an excellent curriculum. And there will be never a better curriculum than the Quran. So you have the best teacher and you have the best curriculum and the students were Quraysh.

00:56:14 --> 00:56:33

The students were all of kadesh and the lessons were easy. The lessons were not calculus. The lessons were not quantum physics. The lessons were simple. If I was talking to seven year old children, and I was told summarize the Macan Quran.

00:56:34 --> 00:56:41

McCann Quran is two thirds of the Quran. summarize it to the seven year old children in five minutes. I say I don't need five minutes. I need one minute.

00:56:42 --> 00:56:54

Allah is one. Don't be like previous nations who didn't believe in Allah. Believe in his messengers, believe in the big BBC be a servant and slave to a lot. What else is there is done.

00:56:55 --> 00:56:57

Everything is covered. That's the entire month. And

00:56:59 --> 00:57:37

you know, that's the gist of it. The lessons are not hard. But how many years is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told to teach the same people the same crush, how many years he's teaching them 12 years over a decade. He's teaching the same people over and over again. And they hear the best lessons ever to be taught. And they listened to it in their custom language. Allah made it for them for them, especially for that person who's talking tell us a little loss. I saw them. And I A came from above to talk to that guy. And he says I don't get it. Give me something else. I'm not impressed. Give me something else. does Allah have a right to be angry?

00:57:38 --> 00:58:00

He has a right to be angry. Any normal teacher will be angry. Now even go a little step further. They don't just say I don't understand. I told you they become stubborn. And when they become stubborn, they want to make fun of the IRS. And they make fun of the teacher. So no longer are they He will send them they make fun of him. Does that make a lion?

00:58:01 --> 00:58:03

Yeah, it makes a lot very angry.

00:58:05 --> 00:58:46

And when Allah gets angry, what does he have the power to do? So hon Allah has he done it with previous nations before he's done it. He's done it. But I want to tell you one of the last most offensive things that Quraysh came up with, in the beginning, they called him a liar, someone lahardee he was selling them. Then they called him crazy. They called him insane. They called him possessed by a jinn, they said that he's stealing from the Jews and the Christians. They came up with all kinds of allegations. But at the end of it all, you know what they said? They said, you keep talking about yo mukaiyama. You keep talking about jahannam. You keep talking about Jenna, you

00:58:46 --> 00:58:52

keep talking about angels, you keep talking about Allah, you keep talking about all this stuff that we can't see.

00:58:54 --> 00:58:55

Show me something.

00:58:56 --> 00:58:58

Bring the dead back to life.

00:58:59 --> 00:59:34

Turn this mountain into gold. Let's see the day of gentlemen, let's see this punishment you keep talking about in the home, you're gonna have it done. Why not? Ah, who can even give me the they said well, yesterday Luna, Cabeza de Quran tells us, they're telling you hurry up and bring the punishment. Let's have it. I've been listening about it for 10 years now. I'm tired of it. You said it's near. I don't see it near Let's see it. Let's see some action already. You know what that means is there's a saying we have in America, I'll tell you the thing. They say I'll believe it when I see it. That's what they said. If you don't have something to show me, don't waste my time. I don't want

00:59:34 --> 00:59:57

to hear the score on stuff. I'll believe it when I see it. I had a student like that in college. When I used to teach in college. I used to teach Arabic And most of my students were non Muslims. And a guy came up to me and he is a student. He said, Professor, I like Islam. I like it. It's cool. But I just you know, haven't seen anything. Can you take me like a gin possession or something?

00:59:59 --> 01:00:00

If I

01:00:00 --> 01:00:06

Could you see something I you know, I'd be good. This surah this beginning is the answer to that problem.

01:00:08 --> 01:00:11

Let me tell you, you guys have traffic problems in Malaysia. Yes.

01:00:12 --> 01:00:35

This is the news. The radio tell you about traffic problems. Yeah. So you're driving on the highway, and it's no traffic, zero traffic. It's, I mean, it's like, amazing. And you're flooring the car and you don't see any car in front of you. You turn the radio on, and it says two kilometers ahead of you. You see, I didn't say miles. I said kilometers. I'm proud of myself. two kilometers ahead of you.

01:00:37 --> 01:00:50

two kilometers ahead of you. There's an accident. There's really bad traffic. If you can take an exit, take the exit. That's what the radio tells you. Do you see the accident? No. You don't see the accident. But do you take the exit?

01:00:52 --> 01:01:03

If you listen to the radio says an accident is a five hour delay. Will you take the exit or no? You take the exit. I mean, maybe in America, you listen to the radio say I don't listen to the kuffar. I'm gonna go into the traffic.

01:01:05 --> 01:01:07

But, you know,

01:01:09 --> 01:01:31

but you know you you'll take the exit. You know why? Because news came to you from a reliable source. The reporter sees something that you don't see. And you trust him. You don't say these radio people? I will believe it when I see it. And you will go and get second job I believe now.

01:01:33 --> 01:01:35

There really is an accident, like what's the point that

01:01:37 --> 01:01:50

Allah azza wa jal created human beings, right? And human beings are able to think and understand things, even if they haven't seen them.

01:01:51 --> 01:01:53

Animals are not like that.

01:01:54 --> 01:02:00

If, for example, we made an announcement, brothers and sisters, please leave the building from this exit.

01:02:02 --> 01:02:14

If we made that announcement, we would start leaving from this exit. But if there was a cat in the building, if there was a fly in the building, if there was a dog and won't be a dog, but whatever, it wouldn't leave. Why not?

01:02:15 --> 01:02:21

It doesn't have the ability to understand speech. But if an animal sees a fire, will it leave?

01:02:22 --> 01:02:31

when it sees a danger will it leave? An animal will only behave when it sees but a human being can behave when he understands when she understands, right?

01:02:32 --> 01:03:11

Allah says that he taught the Quran and he didn't give you anything else to believe he gave you enough grounds enough for you? You know, there are other small miracles here and there. But the main message of Islam is the Quran itself. The miracle is put on itself. Why? Because human beings are human beings. They're not animals. You don't have to see to believe you can think about it and you can believe that's why he says I love Al Quran and what Hala Collinson, he taught the Quran because he created the human being you people aren't animals. If you say I will only believe when I will see you're acting like a goat. You're acting like a cow. You're acting like a monkey, but you're not

01:03:11 --> 01:03:23

acting like a human. A human being can reason the Quran is appealing to reason. Now, the final bit of this connection, I told you a teacher will get angry, right?

01:03:24 --> 01:03:35

A teacher will get angry. But this teacher because he calls himself IML Quran he taught the Quran, so he's a teacher, Allah took the role of more alum in this ayah

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a teacher has a right to get angry, but he called himself a man first.

01:03:42 --> 01:03:48

He is a kind of teacher that has the kind of love and care and concern

01:03:49 --> 01:04:26

and mercy on top of all of that, even for the people who hate his messenger, even for them, and he taught them the Quran, even when they insulted His Messenger. He taught them the Quran, even when they tried to kill the messenger. He taught them the Quran when he when they killed innocent people in front of him. When they made fun of the IOD when they rejected one surah he revealed another and another and another and another and because he kept on revealing that is proof that he is a rock man because if he was not rock man, this would not have happened. You would have been killed a long time ago. You would have been dead. You would not have been around.

01:04:27 --> 01:05:00

What we are learning in this surah from the very beginning is the Quran came down as an act of Allah's love. There is so much propaganda against Islam today. When people think about the Quran, non Muslims Unfortunately, when they think about the Quran, they think about violence, they think about hate, they think about *, they think about a God that punishes that's what they think about and you know what's even more unfortunate when Muslims today think about the Quran. They think about how Quran just says everything's Haram. Carranza says people will go to Hellfire, hold on, just

01:05:00 --> 01:05:29

Are we you know, we're not good enough etc, etc. You have to understand something about Allah introducing the Quran. The Quran is an act of Allah's Love is an act of less care. You want to get to know Allah is loving care steady the Quran. You want to know how he shows you love, learn the Quran, and you will learn something about a lot you didn't know before. It'll move you to tears, it'll move you get to know a lot like you never did before. Now you can imagine, to put things in perspective.

01:05:30 --> 01:05:34

I am sending if I wrote you an email,

01:05:35 --> 01:05:36

how many of you are here?

01:05:37 --> 01:05:41

Many Can I write a personal email? How much am I going to write?

01:05:42 --> 01:06:23

How am I going to personalize an email? Allah azza wa jal gave us an entire set of letters risala to be Quran calls it letters from Allah, messages from Allah, personalized for us. Each and every one of us 600 pages worth 600 pages worth a lot of talking to me and a lot of talking to you, personally, that we're support, you know, nobody cries when they think about someone else, they cry when they think about themselves. The people who cry when they make allies because they heard something about themselves. Allah is sending you a personal guidance me of personal guidance. My message to you tonight because of man is that we have to build a personal relationship with the

01:06:23 --> 01:06:42

Quran. It has to be that way. If you want to experience what man means, then you have to become a student of the Quran. Let's talk about our level Koran a little bit, just a little bit. You know the word Allah in Arabic, it actually means to deliver knowledge over a long period of time,

01:06:43 --> 01:07:27

a long period of time, there is no rush. You don't have to learn the whole Quran right now. Not this month, you don't have to do that. Just learn a little bit at a time but continuously, the best student of the Quran in history is rasulillah himself. So in the long run, he was alone, he is also the best teacher and also the best student. And as a student, Allah taught him for how long 23 years, he taught him the Quran, we're not in a hurry, we can take our time. Don't feel intimidated. I don't know all the sutras, I haven't read the whole thing. I don't know all of the seed, it's okay. That's not the point. The point is you start somewhere, start memorizing a little bit, start

01:07:27 --> 01:08:07

learning a little bit, a little bit at a time. That's all that Ally's asking from us. That's what he's asking from us. Every day, especially for the young people here I am telling you, when you have a daily relationship with the Quran with understanding, it'll change the way you think it'll change the kind of friends you have. It'll change what you want to do with your spare time. It'll make you people a vision. We need young Muslims to be people of vision. You need to be people that want to change society and make it better. You don't want to be people of video games and movies and sleep. You don't want to be those people. Because first come video games and movies and sleep than smoking

01:08:07 --> 01:08:49

than drugs than alcohol. And that's that's life wasted. These are lives hundreds of 1000s of lives wasted, not just of non Muslims. These are problems of Muslim youth today. Muslim youth have no purpose today. Why is that? Because the book that gives us purpose, we're disconnected from it. We're disconnected from that book, we have to reconnect with this book. This is our This is a really serious obligation we have in the oma to help the people come closer to this book, and not scare people from this book and push them away from this book. So panela This book is even inviting the hateful, stubborn people It began with a rock man. They were stubborn and allies began with a rock

01:08:49 --> 01:09:00

man. How reasonable you know when people get angry at the youth that turned away from the dean, I don't get angry at them. I get angry at people like myself, we haven't done enough.

01:09:01 --> 01:09:16

They would not have gone away if they knew what this was. And they don't know what this is because we're not doing our job. Those of us that should be teaching should be teaching more. And those of you that are youth that are of concern become people have concern for others. You know, there's a difference between a diary and an island.

01:09:17 --> 01:09:56

You don't have to be an island You don't have to be lucky to share the Quran with somebody the Quran has some are very complicated. I'm not saying you should give a hotbar inheritance law tomorrow. I'm not saying that. But when Allah says well are three men in Santa Fe casa, you can share that with your friends. You can say something nice about Allah and His Messenger through a book with each other you can make it a means of reminder that's what it was supposed to be. That's really what it was supposed to be. You know, this is allemaal Quran First of all, take your time. Take your time. Second of all, and this is my one of my last points with you guys tonight in sha Allah.

01:09:58 --> 01:10:00

How many people university students

01:10:01 --> 01:10:07

You know, there's one thing true about university students, and even graduates, they're very proud of their school.

01:10:09 --> 01:10:12

Whatever college you go to, you may hate it right now.

01:10:13 --> 01:10:16

But when you graduate and you get the diploma, you're going to put it on the wall.

01:10:17 --> 01:10:57

You're going to be proud that you graduated from this school, you're gonna feel a sense of like accomplishment, and prestige. That's why the graduation ceremony is a ceremony where you are honored. Even in Islamic Studies, when you get an ijazah. Like you got any jaza in touch with, you're very proud that you got your agenda from this shape, or that shape, right? Because it's a matter of prestige. When people in the United States go to Harvard, or they go to Columbia, or they go to NYU, they go to these elite schools, they're very proud that they went to these colleges. People are proud to have a certain shape as a teacher. They're proud of that it's a matter of honor.

01:10:58 --> 01:11:02

When Allah says he taught the Koran who's the teacher,

01:11:03 --> 01:11:12

allies, and if he's the teacher, what does that make you and me? students? how honored Are you in me that our teacher is Allah?

01:11:13 --> 01:11:54

Our teacher is Allah. And he didn't even say I love a nurse and Quran, Allah come and Quran, Allah mondovi Yahoo Al Quran he says Allah Al Quran he taught the Quran, who did he teach? He didn't even limit it. So the invitation is open. Anybody who wants to learn, anybody who wants to learn, come on and learn. Allah did not close that door. If you're 50 years old in the audience, and you don't know how to read Quran, it is okay, start now fine. Don't be ashamed. Start now start a little bit. You know, and other people in our community when somebody comes to you from the ATM machine, or somebody comes to you privately and says, Look, I'm a professional. I'm an accountant. I'm a doctor, I'm a

01:11:54 --> 01:12:04

dentist, I'm an engineer. But I don't know anything about the Quran. I can't even read last time I read I was eight years old, don't be angry at them and says, How could you do that? Don't do that man.

01:12:06 --> 01:12:44

They came to you. They came to you. respect those people. honor those people. Maybe Allah sees them as more valuable than you what you've been doing. They made hinged on to Allah, they stepped on their pride. They're so educated in their field, but they admitted their ignorance of this in front of someone else. That's humility. before Allah, Allah loves humility. We have to honor those people we have to make invite those people make them feel welcome. You know, this is what we have to do. And our Muslim society is like that not all of us are literate in the Quran. Not everybody knows what the Quran means not everybody knows how to recite the Quran, or even how to memorize Well, you

01:12:44 --> 01:12:58

know what, it is the job of our masajid and is the job of our minor Dr. And the young people that are students of Dean, it is your job to make the dean inviting for everybody else. Don't be angry at those people that don't pray,

01:12:59 --> 01:13:35

don't care for them. If you don't care about them, you will never bring them to this Dean, you cannot be dying. If you don't care about people. You have to care about society. Don't drive by the neighborhoods that have a bar and a club and a movie theater and goes to philosopher law stuff you have to care about. That's your country. Those are your people. You have to care about them. You have to invite them some one of your friends is going to say Hey, bro, let's go play soccer. That's why sorry, football, let's play football instead. You know, let's go to the machine and hang out. Let's go you know, eat some eat some prata. You know, let's do something else. You You have to do

01:13:35 --> 01:13:39

that. Stop being angry at the people that are not in the machine.

01:13:40 --> 01:14:15

There also are people there also are oma, they are just the lost sheep of La ilaha illAllah. That's who they are. A lot did not close the invitation even to the worst kuffaar. How can we close the invitation from our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters? How can we do that? How can those sisters here that are wearing Hijab look with hateful eyes to the woman that doesn't wear hijab? She doesn't wear hijab, because maybe nobody taught her. Maybe she doesn't know why she should wear it. Maybe she asked her parents, why should I wear hijab and they didn't know how to answer her. And it's a fair question. It deserves an answer. Maybe they weren't able to answer and she says maybe there's

01:14:15 --> 01:14:46

no reason to do it. I don't have a good enough reason. Maybe if somebody actually talked to her and respected her and treated her like a dignified human being she would change her mind. You don't know that. So we have to have that attitude and concern. Well, like this is the Sunnah of our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to teach the Quran with love, even to those who hate to teach it with love even to those who hate so then he says Holocaust inside my final words to you guys inshallah Tada. I know I said final before this is final final

01:14:47 --> 01:14:48

holla Collinson.

01:14:50 --> 01:14:57

You know the word in southern England forest argued it could be two origins it could be nesea means human beings are very forgetful

01:14:58 --> 01:15:00

or it could be from owns which means you

01:15:00 --> 01:15:01

beings are very loving.

01:15:02 --> 01:15:04

alligators are not very loving.

01:15:05 --> 01:15:06

Lions are not very loving.

01:15:07 --> 01:15:21

You know, other animals they have some love but not like human beings. We can even show love to other animals we can show love to other human beings we can show love to strangers, right? We have that ability. So we have unseen us, they are washed and we are.

01:15:22 --> 01:15:33

So there's two meanings to the human being one that we are forgetful and the second that we have what? love a lot chose this message perfectly for people who are forgetful

01:15:34 --> 01:15:54

for people who are forgetful because when people forget what do they need? reminder and one of the names of the Quran is reminder, in Hua Allah, the Quran, Allah in the heart of Kira was a curable Quran Manya halfway. Quran is reminder because we are in San so he says, I talked to Quran because your enzyme

01:15:55 --> 01:16:15

you forget that's why I gave you a reminder. You keep forgetting so I keep reminding you over and over again. That's why I did that. So part of law and the second is love. You are you don't just give love you are looking for love. If you're looking for love and you have a hole in your heart that you need to fill. This word of Allah will fill it.

01:16:16 --> 01:17:00

This word of Allah will give you you appreciate the love of Allah has for you. The honor He's given us how high His Word is, what can he matola he and earlier he says in Salta, Toba, the word of Allah is the highest there is there is nothing higher than the word of Allah. And earlier, the super superlative form is used. You know what that means is nothing higher than the word of Allah. And yet that word of Allah and Zanna who he sent it down. Can you imagine the highest thing was sent down for who? For you and me. That's, that's, that's what you call a gift. I don't deserve that gift. And you don't deserve that gift. That is an act of love of Allah. Who is going to accept that invitation

01:17:00 --> 01:17:41

from Allah, if Allah called himself a teacher, who will refuse to be a student, you know, and if you start now, I don't care if you're 70 or seven. If you turn to alentejano law, I want to learn your book. I want you to call yourself a teacher and I want to, I want a rock man to be my teacher. So I'm ready to be his student, then it does not matter whether you know a little bit or you know a lot because you began with a rock man, they will be Baraka in your learning. And when there is Baraka in your learning, you will learn like you have never learned before. Never. You are a bad student in mathematics. You are terrible in English class, you are a horrible in history class. But when you

01:17:41 --> 01:18:03

turn to a laws book, and you want to learn Arabic, which is a complicated language, it's complicated. You want to learn to see it and did you eat and memorize. If your intentions are, I want Allah's love and mercy, then Allah will open doors in your brain you didn't know existed, and it will become easy for you like nothing else. You know, in college, I was a terrible student. Terrible.

01:18:04 --> 01:18:12

I was bad I used to have, I only signed up for the courses in college that my friend took because he would take the notes.

01:18:13 --> 01:18:16

I slept on his shoulder for four years.

01:18:17 --> 01:18:56

You know, I also have a lot of elbow marks on my arm because he tried to wake me up I was terrible student. But when I started learning Koran, and Arabic I did not have to review twice. I learned something once and it came in my head as not because I'm smart because I know how dumb I am. I am a tester I'm a witness to myself. Allah makes things easy. Whether Katya sadhana or analytical, Allah makes it easy. We don't make that make that easy. You make the intention, and Allah will make that easy for you. This is the message I want to share with all of you really, I want you to become students of this book, students of this language, don't be intimidated by it. Don't be intimidated

01:18:56 --> 01:19:32

by it. In my conclusion, as I leave you this, this announcement, it's really just an announcement. I've still I've dedicated myself to a project. My project is I want to try to help as many Muslims in the oma that can speak English, at least because we have a common common language. And if you can speak English, I want to be able to help you learn the language of the Quran and understand the Quran better than you do now. Maybe I can become the first step for you in learning the Quran. And then when you become when you get through that first step, you can start learning more advanced things from the other man in your communities and other more advanced resources, but everybody needs

01:19:32 --> 01:19:59

a first step. Everybody needs something to get started with. I want to be able to offer that first step to you what I did in my own family, I decided to teach my daughter. I teach my daughter maybe 1015 minutes of Arabic a day. And I record it. I record the class and I put it up on our website on Right. And so finally at this point, we have close to 7000 people that are learning Arabic with host I met some people that were asking about hosting

01:20:00 --> 01:20:37

I know why. Right? Because they're learning Arabic with her. I put up a translation of the entire Quran a video translation of the entire Quran briefly explaining the Quran. So at least your first exposure of the Quran is done with some guidance. You know, sometimes when you read translation, you get confused. What's this year? What does that mean? How does that apply, so at least giving it some context and helping you kind of walk you through the Quran, a guided walk through the Quran, it's called cover to cover, we put that up on Also, I want eventually this to be a resource for Islamic schools, for parents, for children, for adults, for people that want to learn and later on

01:20:37 --> 01:21:18

in life, I want it to be a library of videos that are consecutive, that you can do on your own time. Because I know people have different schedules, you have different obligations. And this is really something I feel very strongly about that inshallah Allah in the coming years, I hope to offer as much Koran education as I possibly can in one place, so that people can benefit from it on their own time. And people can take the opportunity to learn as a family, which is really important to learn hold on as a family. So I'm requesting all of you in sha Allah tala to if you get a chance to check out Ba, yy, II and H that's how they you know, spelled, but you I would truly

01:21:18 --> 01:21:52

appreciate that. I hope to see I think I know the signups are all filled up. But I hope to see many of you tomorrow as well. inshallah, tada, I know, there are a lot of people that are going to try to take pictures and stuff, we're going to mix a lot first, okay, we're going to mix a lot. And then we're gonna do group pictures. So like a group of 50 at one time, so I don't like die of photography today. Because that's kind of one. And the other thing I'll do, inshallah huhtala is I'm going to try to go, I'm going to try to give the sisters because I want people to leave in a timely fashion. I'm going to try to give the sisters maybe, you know, 2030 minutes, as many questions as I can try

01:21:52 --> 01:22:13

and answer in the back. And then I'll stay here as long as you guys have questions. And I'll try to stay as long as I can. So I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to hide in some VIP room somewhere. I'm going to be here I want to talk to you guys and Carlo Carlo and again some perspective from you. But you know, I'd really rather say salaams to you and maybe not too many hugs because hugs can also kill people. If the after this many hugs.

01:22:14 --> 01:22:25

They kill me by the cello without I'd love to say Salaam to all of you and meet as many of you as I can. I know this is if I give every person in this audience one minute. If I talk to you for one minute.

01:22:27 --> 01:22:36

That's a few 1000 minutes. That's a few days, right? Right. But that's why we hope that we're gonna meet each other in genda they got all the time in the world.

01:22:37 --> 01:23:00

sit and talk. It's all good. We can put the day on pause and just talk you know and get to know one another. And we pray that Allah gathers us in a gathering much better than this gathering, you know, that we can enjoy and remember that the way we met each other in this way, and how the company in general will be so much better. barakallahu li walakum Thank you so very much for attending tonight was salam o Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into an elaborate discussion on the lessons that can be imbibed and inculcated from the blessed Surah Ar Rahman.

So what is it that we should reflect upon in the word Ar-Rahman. So the first thing that we are being asked to reflect and ponder upon is “How is Allah merciful to me? What does that mean? What is Allah doing for me right now that is a display of Allah’s Mercy?” We have innumerable things to thank Allah for, and these are all manifestations of Allah’s Mercy.

We recognize also that the Qur’an is a source of cure which is a priceless thing. Human beings have the ability to show compassion towards each other and even towards other creatures, and they have this unique quality of love and compassion. And so someone who is pre-programmed with love and compassion, the perfect thing for them would be a message that is full of love and compassion — Qur’an. 

The Qur’an came down in clear, beautiful, Arabic speech. So as to make the human being capable of benefiting from this book. Allah taught him—the human being— {Al-bayaan}. {Al-bayaan} means the ability to speak clearly, to understand speech, to communicate. Allah gave us that ability. 

Listen intently to discover many more such mesmerizing lessons that will ensure success in this world and the HereAfter.


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