Nouman Ali Khan – Invincible

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The "any" sign in the Kaaba is a legal community's means to prepare for the legal community, and is used to overcome emotions and make decisions. The "any" sign is a means to prepare for the legal community, and is used to describe culture of the people, including the "any" sign, which is a means to prepare for the legal community. The "any" sign is a means to prepare for the legal community, and is used to symbolize power and might. The "will" of the internet is discussed, and the "will" of the internet is discussed as a means to describe power and security.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah Allah Xena who wants to know who want to sell Pharaoh? When we will be here when at our cu la when I wrote to be let him in surely and fusina woman say Dr. Molina

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Hello fellow mobile Allah, Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah. Allah Allah Allah Allah wa Hullo shanika when a shadow under Mohammed Abdullah, what a solo Allahu Allahu taala Buddha would even Huck the Hara who Allah de Nicola he Waka fabula he shahida for sallallahu alayhi wa seldom at the Sleeman can see on concealer I'm about stuck on a double la barrhaven had you had you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were in a Shara moody Matata to her in Aquila modesetting without a COVID-19 Bala wakulla Bala Zinfandel Allah azza wa jal Nikita

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Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim when when I

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was shuffling well what what lady either Yes, healthy velika possum only the hedger Allen taraki for a book IV add your modality in bed and letting them your locker Miss Lou halfhill Beloved, what's a modern Latina Java sufferable word without

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Latina autofill beloved factorial fi held facade for sub de la him or boo consulta either in North Dakota bill Mossad

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rubbish at least everywhere silly Emily, Emily, Sania holy Allah Hamas a bit and the LA TV La ilaha illa Allah, let me know, let me know let me know sunny hot, water will be happy. But there was some Southern Manila behind me.

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Towards the end of the Quran, the short solos of the Quran, each of them contain an entire worldview. If one contemplates on them, our kids memorize them early. And many of them know these short solos, but they're actually some of the heaviest messages in the entire Quran. And the purpose of this week's hookah is to engage in an exercise of contemplation for us to actually ponder and think about the weight and the power of the word of Allah. And the example is something that I happen to be studying at the moment and I've been thinking about for some time, is the opening of SoTL fudger. In the surah, Allah began by taking a number of oaths and in previous hobas, and

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lectures, I've talked to you quite a bit about the purpose of taking an oath. Just a quick reminder about at least one of those things is that the oath is there to draw your attention. It's calling on something magnificent, and it's there to prepare you for the subject. That is to come to so the oath itself is not the subject. It's the preparation for the subject. Allah says, Well, fudger I swear by the morning dawn break, as you know, is also the name of the prayer associated with the break of light in the morning. Literally, the word budget actually means explosion in Java is explosion, the explosion of light as it pierces through the darkness. When I when I show and 10 nights and I swear

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by some 10 nights, we'll talk about that in a second. Worship even better, and I swear by the, the even and the odd. So now we've got three things, we've got a loss varying by the morning, break of dawn 10 nights, and then the even and the odd. What lately it is. And I swear by the night as it quickly passes by, as it breezes through, as it as it quickly passes. And sorry, yesterday is actually to travel by night quickly. And it's describing the night as something that is just itself on a journey. And it's quickly on its way out. Let's, for a moment just understand conventionally. Why were these oaths used? And because the pseudo was revealed in Mecca, the most people that were

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hearing these words were not Muslim. They were people of Arabia that were not exposed to Islam. They didn't know about the five prayers, or they didn't know about the rituals. So the when they heard these words, what did it mean to them? Right? They're kind of like a neutral audience. They don't know. They don't have any Islamic background, if you will. And they're hearing these words. So how do they process them? fudger everybody knew was a love swearing by the break of mourning. And in a lot of Arabic Poetry and Literature, just like it isn't actually, in many World Literature.

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darkened the end of darkness is considered the dawn of a new era, or a great change that is coming. And you guys know, and I know that at night, the world looks completely different. And then morning, it becomes a completely different place. Right? So light, the breaking of Dawn is the break the bringing about of complete change. Actually, everything around you your perspective on it changes. When night when the time comes the color, the texture, the reality of something, all of it has changed. And in fact, even human activity, the world is a different place at night. It's a completely different place during the day, you could live in a place or stay with somebody who's got

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a really big backyard and a beautiful garden and they're surrounded by trees and they're up on a hill. And it's so gorgeous during the day, and it's terrifying at night to go outside with all those trees and all that darkness, right so it completely changes how you see something. so fragile also represents the right about the time where things are completely about

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about to change. They're about to completely change our budget. What I earn in Azure is was famous actually 10 days, were known to be the 10 days of Hajj and even the missionary who had some version of Hajj actually, they maintained it. They knew of the prophets, you know solidly, and who'd and shave and even Ibrahima, the salon. They knew about these profits. They had twisted stories of them, but they had some memory of them even though Michigan of Arabia remembered that the Kaaba was built by Ibrahima, the salon, and they had mixed up part of the story. But the ritual of Hajj and the ritual of Hajj being 10 days is something that we knew. And it's interesting that for Arabic

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students, the layout International, the Nikita form is used. Instead of La la lucha the 10 nights, it's 10 nights without the URL making it indefinite. And that is to say, it has a rhetorical effect. And this is not a lecture about that. But just simply speaking, it says if you know them, but you don't quite know them. It's as if the 10 Knights are still there, but they're not what they're supposed to be. It's as if the reality has become in a sense Mohammed's become unknown to you. And that's maybe a reference to the fact that the 10 Knights that were supposed to be performing performing the hajj, as taught to Ibrahim alayhis salam has now been lost. So the 10 Knights are

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there, but they're not quite the 10 Knights that they were originally intended to be worshipped very well, whatever. And the the even and the odd and one specific matter of the Hajj ritual is the day of sacrifice and the day of alpha, which are even an odd,

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right, so the day they have, they have alpha and then the day of sacrifice. So what's your free will what which is again, referring to the hug period. So it's really interesting one fudger, Allah swears by budget, which makes my mind go towards a great change that is coming. That is all encompassing. And then he starts talking about these rituals of Hajj, which obviously for MCI in particular are relevant, because these are people that live around the Kaaba, right. So everybody knows what 10 days refers to. Everybody knows what even an odd refers to, because that's a big part of their culture. That's, that's the center of their city. That's actually the basis on which their

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city exists is the Kaaba, and therefore the ritual of hudge. When they leave is it and the night that is quickly on its way out, which is kind of like describing budget all over again, isn't it against budget is the coming of the morning. And what ladies is it is the night is quickly leaving, so that all of that is actually kind of packaged between the coming of a great change and the end of darkness in between it is this ritual of Hajj, and the ritual of Hajj is centered around one thing, the Kaaba. But again, all of what I just said is not the is not the subject is not what he's talking about. He's just preparing you for what he's going to talk about. This is just setting the stage for

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the actual topic that is at hand. And before we even go further, even for this prep portion, he says healthy the legal community.

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Is there enough of an oath in all of that, for those that possess a real mind? For those that possess possess intellect? I'll ask this question as if we know usually a lot, he'll take an oath, like when?

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And then he won't say by the way, is that enough of an oath? Should I tell you the topic? Now, he doesn't do that. That's not normal for it for allows origin. But in this particular passage, he asked this rhetorical question I have prepared your mind, have I not prepared it enough for anybody, any of you that actually have a mind to think with, and the word for mind in this ayah is hidden, which is also unusual, because the mind in Arabic has many words, and one of them is higit, which comes from the word rock. So what that means is the mind is able to make solid decisions. It's, it's able to be firm, which is different from the heart, the heart feels one thing one time, it's

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anxious, it's afraid, it wants to it wants to run, it wants to take a decision, it wants to do one thing, and then it's a downfall. No, I should do this, or I should do that. Or I should the heart can be all over the place. But the mind knows this is the right thing to do. Right the mind the mind is solid. So people that have assault, when their mind is able to override the, the, you know, the turbulent state of their heart, and they're able to follow their thinking and overcome their emotions. These are people of hedges. So that's what allies referring to and calling on for those kinds of people. This is enough of enough. I still haven't unlocked this somewhat of a riddle yet.

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But let's keep going. Again, we're still not at the topic. But before we even get to the topic, the first question was, was this not enough for you? So this must be enough for us. Like Allah is almost scolding us to tell us really focus on this. And then he asks us a bunch of these questions. And I'm going to focus about the next five, seven minutes, maybe more of my footbaww on these questions that a lot asked the Prophet himself a lot more he's in the audience is really interesting, right? Allah is talking to the Prophet. The Prophet is reciting this. And the people that are listening are the most shikun. So there's three parties now.

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Allah, the messenger and the people, right. And now all of a sudden, this first part was for the people, any of you have a mind, and if you want to think, and that will lead turns his attention away from them and talks to the Prophet, while the Prophet is reciting. And this the scene needs to be understood, because I mentioned three parties, right? A lot of the messenger in the people alive. Imagine I'm talking to somebody, but I know others can hear me.

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Right? I'm talking to Matt, and I know my dm can hear me, and I say, you know what, some students really need to pay attention. And if I say that, I'm not saying, Maria, but I kinda AM.

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Right, I kind of am. It's an indirect kind of a threat. It can be an indirect kind of a jab, when you're talking to one person and you know, the others listening. Right? So this is what's going to happen in these coming out. I'm Tara, didn't you see the prophets? Allah? Didn't you see? Didn't you realize, okay, farfalla, rabuka, biotin. Ramadan, Ahmed, didn't you see how your master dealt with the nation of add the ancestry of Iran, the people that possess long, large columns, their columns made of, you know, the mud in old Arabia, where these giant tree barks, that logs that they use to pitch big tents, like their tents were kind of like residences sometimes, right? So they take this

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giant tent and or log in the middle, and they pitch the tent all around it to get a high roof. And to get a wide area wide circumference for the for the tent, those aima those pillars are actually called that those pillars are called every month, that's the plural of amoun. Now, this reference is actually to a few things, one, that these people were able to build very large structures, structures that have large columns. But structures could be figurative, it could also mean these people were pretty well built. And they were very powerful because a powerful nation has great buildings. And Great Buildings always have mighty pillars. If you go to like the ruins of any great

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civilization, even if the building is collapsed, what's still standing, the pillars are like the great Egyptian columns, right, or columns in the Roman Colosseum, in ancient Roman Colosseum, much of the structure may have collapsed, but the pillars are still standing, right. And the pillars are a sign of the power and might have a nation. And that's why you'll see that in power houses around the world, where we're government buildings that are the center of power, you'll see very often that they even if it's not an architectural need, they will put columns there as a symbol of power. So like a courthouse, for example, you'll have long steps, and you will have columns, right, or a

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presidential building, or a senate building or a Capitol building or whatever, they'll have these columns there to illustrate, this is a house where power is centered. And it's it's an expression for how you know how columns hold up an entire building. It's like these people are holding up the entire society. They're, they're keeping the society in place, if these if one of the pillars of the government buildings, pillars have collapsed, the pillars of collapse mean the entire society has collapsed. So these people having pillars actually meant they were a very stable government, stable society. They were people great in architecture, they might even be a reference to their bodily

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strength. They were might, you know, built people, they're very muscular people, nobody would mess with them. This was a nation of of odd, and their ancestry going back to them. And they were known for their great column architecture, you know, even pre Ibraheem alehissalaam. So this is a llama Dotty remark. Let me walk me through how Phil bilad, the likes of which were never even created in any of the lands. The Arabs didn't just stay in Arabia, they, they engaged in trade. So as they travel, they see different lands, and they pass by different kinds of ruins and columns. And they saw some of these. And when they saw these, you know, they would be like, we've never seen anything

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like this. What is this? They will be in awe. And even they know that nothing like this was ever made. They had they have something that nothing was ever created the likes of and then Allah says, What's the Buddha? And so the first question to the Prophet was, didn't you see how your master dealt with these people? He asked the Prophet.

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And then he asked the Prophet socialism was a Buddha and Didn't you see how your master dealt with the nation of the mood and Latina jabo Sahara beloved, the ones who used to carve boulders and make holes inside them?

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right there's basic architecture is what you take pieces of wood, you take pieces of rock, you break it, you bring it somewhere, you put the pieces and elements together. Now you got yourself a home. These people were so advanced in what they could do, they could take giant boulders and carve entire rooms and homes and palaces inside the mountain itself. They will turn the custom caves if you will, turning them into homes. This is how powerful and advanced they work.

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This was a unique form of architecture, arguably the first people to do that, at the level that they did live in a Java software beware job it means to cut their cutting rock. Now nowadays, we think of cutting rock as this advanced technology with drills, explosives, things like that, right? I imagine ancient people that are cutting rocks, and building entire homes out of the not chipping, cutting entire rock, and chipping them what what advances that Allah give those people now alleged talking to the resource item, and who can overhear again, I remind you the courage and all of this will come together to what it means to you and me at the end. So bear with me. So when they can hear the

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people who can hear him or the people of Makkah, and the people of NACA, don't even have Stone Architecture to speak of the only building in their proximity is the Kaaba. And even though that's gone through several damages, they're not a they're not a society of large columns, or carving rock. They're a veteran society, they go do trade with societies that have columns, and, you know, palaces, or they pass by ruins of great nations that once existed, right? And unless it's above and beyond that, was their own. And what about the pharaoh? Do you see how your your master dealt with the pharaoh? I will, oh, Todd, the possessor of pegs, and will soon differ on what the pegs here

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mean, let's look at a few things. You know how a peg is like a, you know, a triangle looking thing, a pyramid literally pyramid looking thing stuck into the ground? Right? So one group even holds the view that the pyramids are being referred to the pharaoh that possess the pyramids, look at that society and look at what they built another reference to what the architectural might of that nation, what they were able to build, even now, architects and archaeologists are like, at a loss for how this got built the technology behind the construction of the pyramids? or How did this get built? And how is it with this precision? And how are these mighty tons of rocks being lifted

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hundreds of feet into the air? You know? And so this is Allah now referring to the prophecy, Solomon saying not Didn't you see the advances of this nation, or the advances of this nation are the advances of that nation? He didn't say that. He said, Did you see what he did with that nation? And that one, and that line, changes the conversation. It's as if a lie saying despite their advances that are far beyond the advances of the people that are right in front of you,

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when they decided to stand against me, do you not see that I completely wiped them out? They're they're invincible power. Nobody did what they did. Nobody had what they had. And yet they were wiped off the face of the earth and we can't even find a record of how they existed. And we're trying to unearth mysteries, you know, tombs are being dug, and mysteries are being solved and what they must have believed and how they must have lived and what kind of, you know, pots must they have eaten in? We're still unearthing those mysteries. That's how far deep into the ground they got buried. And they were the invincible people in the land. This is the question a lot asked the

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Prophet socialism. But notice how Allah says and he didn't say Didn't you see how Allah dealt with them? He said lm Tanaka, buka. And you see how your your master dealt with them as if the highlight here in the ayah is resource Isilon and the fact that the one who is behind you, is the one that had the power to take the invincible and make them completely powerless and forgotten.

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And what does he say about them? But why would he destroy them? The answer is in the eye out themselves. He says a livina autofill, below those who rebelled in the lands, those who oppress the weak, those who were ruthless with the poor, those who didn't care about their neighbor, those who lied and cheated and stole those who are you know, what were they disregarded their elders, those who were, you know, an affront to humanity, those who are selfish and greedy. These these people that caused corruption in the land and oppression in the land in their lands, Fox Sanofi health facade and they need you know, the interesting the word vilardi been I should even says it, they had

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a ripple effect. Like if one nation does corruption, then neighboring nations learn from that and that corruption spreads to them to so when they engage in a certain kind of behavior, that behavior spreads, especially if that nation is a superpower. So for example, America for the last half century was or more even, was an iconic cultural superpower, not just a military one. So the music The American music gets exported around the world, and in American film industry gets exported around the world. And, you know, other cultures, even the new newer generation start adopting elements of American culture into their own because they're emulating whatever comes from here as

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the iconic way to follow right. And that's changing now in a more globalized world, but that that was the case for a long time. But what happens when someone's when a nation is on top, then they're good, they're bad, the ugly, whatever they got, everybody wants a piece.

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Have it. Everybody wants to copy it, they become trendsetters for the better for the worse, right. And so Allah says, I live in autofill, below those who engage in rebellion in multiple lands and lands, meaning not just their own land, they set this precedent for others to this is the power of influence, right? He says flexography held facade and all of the lands, then they made corruption become too much. So they made it plentiful. This is the reason they got destroyed because of the you know, so now, when a historian studies the fall of great empires, right, and I've watched some I've read some books on this stuff. I've watched documentaries on this stuff, the rise and fall of great

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empires. They talk about the Empire spreading too thin, they talk about resources being spread, they talk about natural disasters, like famine, and you know, the military couldn't get their food supplies, and some of their naval ships got destroyed, or there were some internal power struggles and all this stuff. These are the political, social, economic reasons, you know, even even

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geological reasons why some nations became too big for their own good. And they started collapsing, like the Roman Empire, for example, or even the great, you know, the great Egyptian Empire. But Allah offers a view on that that no historian can offer. And Allah says that he would never have, even despite all of their challenges, they could have continued to flourish. And they could have remained powerful. But there was some there was an element that made them lose their invincible power, nobody was able to touch them. But two things they did one of the two things and levena thought, oh, Phil Bellard for a comfy health facade. they rebelled in the lands and they caused a

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great deal of corruption. That's why those nations collapsed. And how did how did they collapse? Allah says four sub de la him rabuka. Salta dub them than Subbu actually, is to take a container like a like a bucket, right, or some kind of a pot, and you dump it.

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Like if you take the water and you just dump it immediately. That's called sub. Right. So if you drizzle the water out, or you kind of slowly take it out, that's not sub. But if you just dump it out all at once, and you just, you know, flood it, that's actually called sub, unless as a sub Bala, him rabuka, he flooded them. And in the case of the Pharaoh, that was literal, but this is an expression for a law describing how it was one massive, powerful sweep. That actually was the collapse for many of these nations. And it was soda. Soda, soda is used in Arabic for a whip that they make out of leather, and they turn it into twists, it can hurt extra, and they whip an animal

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with it to make the horse run faster. The horse whip. He literally says it was the whip of one overpowering punishment that got them and they were wiped out all that power. And it was gone in a split second. Now what is this? what I just described over the last seven, eight minutes, these great mighty empires that Allah just eradicated? What does that have to do with the beginning?

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The beginning was about fudger and the, you know, the days of Hajj, you know, you see a parallel, you're comparing some of the greatest monuments of architecture known to the Arabs at the time. And one of them even across history, like the pyramids, the mighty Egyptian Empire and their architecture, which makes its way even on the dollar bill today. Right, though, that that level of advancement on the one hand, and he compares that to rituals surrounding a small, you know, rectangular structure in the middle of nowhere, with no architectural Marvels around it. That was the house built by Ibrahim alayhis salam whose rights are now being violated, and corruption is

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going on around it. And yet it is there's a new dawn coming for that house. There's a new age coming for that house. Allah is describing here that we define power differently. And he defines power differently, that faith, the faith that that house is going to protect the Kaaba, the faith that Ibrahim alayhis salam was given the faith that was being restored by the civil law. So the law where it says that faith is actually invincible,

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and all the might in the world is gonna collapse. But that won't.

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That's timeless and that's powerless. Because behind it is your robe. And behind them is just human beings. That's the that's the message that's being delivered in these ions. It's remarkable to me that in the middle of all of this Alissa's Is this enough of an example for those who have a mind and the word for mind uses hidden and hidden is the closest thing to a rock. And here we have a structure made of rock and has a sweat in it. And here on the other hand, you have all these structures of rock. Now the rocks remain but the nations are gone. So the people even kind of from the imagery point of view.

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You Allah is referring to our minds. Can you really understand what power means? Can you really understand what security means? Do you really think those nations had might compare to what Allah has compared to what you have been given by Allah? So he says in Naropa, he'll he concludes with this to the proposition. He says in Arabic Allah bill,

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your master certainly is waiting in ambush. Is Mossad isn't is an interesting word it can be considered a lot of too. But he's he's in a place where he's about to ambush meaning Allah sees people do wrong. He saw the Egyptians do wrong many centuries, he saw the nations of Adam firmoo do plenty of wrong and it's not like Allah was blind to any of that or unaware of Allah who be Laughlin. Allah is not unaware at all. But there was a time for that whip to come. There was a time for that flood to hit. It was not the time yet. And he says now at the end. This is actually the subject itself when we told you the oath prepares you for the subject. This is a subject itself,

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your master is there ready to engage in the attack? But he is waiting for the perfect time. They haven't arrived at that perfect time yet. nobody's getting away with anything.

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This might what did this do for the the believers who heard it, who thought about it, they realize something we may be few, we may be considered crazy, we may be considered extreme. We may be considered outcasts in our society, we will be considered unacceptable by our own family because we believe we will be considered the weakest. Maybe we consider all of these things. But the reality of it is we are in the strongest position and they are in the weakest position. And they don't even know it because in North Dakota or south, again, not even a lot. I live in Merseyside in our backyard libidinal side, your mass your master is waiting in ambush. He's waiting to ambush he's

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waiting for the time when the time comes. Meaning you have a master you have his back and they can have whatever else backing they want. They can have the backing of the mighty Egyptian pharaohs, they can have the backing of the power of the nation of Adam thermowood which they don't even have. But even if they did, so what Europe dealt with them he can deal with anybody else. This is you know how to say

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who's got your back? Who's got you but we're not invincible. were weak. But we have behind us we have supporting us our our rub the last message I'll share with you on this that is that the take home message from this opening of this extremely powerful surah is Allah keep seeing Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca lm taraki favaloro buka right now again, in our Rebecca level millside and he's talking and keep telling you, it reminds us that he's talking to his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So sounds like okay, yeah, la supports his messenger. But what about the rest of us? Great. Allah supports his messenger. And nobody can overcome a lot of messenger because the Lord has his back.

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But that's not talking about us. No, but it's telling us something pretty important. how loyal are you to his messenger? Because are you? Muhammad? Rasulullah Willa Hina Ma, who are you from the people who understand well, how much is the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam, and those who side with him, they back him up, they are with him no matter what they don't, they don't have him mark, they don't Mark his legacy. They don't Mark his instructions. They don't, they don't. If they slip and fall away from his beautiful legacy, they get right back up and get aligned themselves with him. Because they understand something a lot had allies behind him. Allies backing him and if I want to

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let him back me, if I want to less support, then I better align myself with the legacy of this messenger center. So implicitly, in these IOD we're being told the strongest power you can have with you is your alignment with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, and the message that he brought. That is that that is the source of invincibility. Everything else is, you know, fallible, everything else falls apart. It doesn't matter how powerful it seems. Today we're living in a world of virtual power, influence is considered powerful. media following is considered powerful. Money is considered powerful. These things these virtual things have now become powerful, right? And

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somebody's opinion can be considered powerful somebody's credentials can be considered powerful. militaries can be considered powerful. These are all the containers of power in the world, in your own in your own personal life, somebody age can be a source of their power, their position in the family can be a source of their power, their position in the society can be a source of their power, their physical strength could be a source of their power. And allies telling us you are you're looking at power the wrong way. You're looking at it the wrong way. That small structure that no one knew about

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The majority of the world had no idea what the Kaaba was this little building that's not even, you know, man massive square footage in the middle of nowhere in a desert, right? And look at what happened to all of those power structures. And look at where that stands today. And look at how that resides inside the hearts of people. Right? People don't remember the names of their kings from many civilizations ago. Doesn't matter how great their civilizations they don't remember. And they don't, they don't, you know, they don't hold them in high regard. There's just they're relegated to history books, and the people in whose hearts Allah put the faith that he revealed Abraham and Islam and the

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faith that you reveal to them, we still have those people that Allah revealed to us, we have them in their heart as if they're, they're dear to us, and then our own families. That's our That's a powerful legacy. And that's what I want. You know, especially the younger audiences that are listening to me to understand you guys. You get you get so

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influenced by things you consider powerful things you consider attractive, and you don't realize those things. They're fluff. They're nothing, understand their valueless nature. You know, you can enjoy this world. But don't let this world own you. We have something much more powerful in our possession that Allah gives us that gives gives us our strength Mercado, la casa de la la COVID and la ciudad make us the people that contemplate the Quran and find strength in Allah's words, and realize what will make us feel what those first people felt when they heard the word of Allah when they saw bullies in front of them and antagonists in front of them and haters in front of them. And

00:31:37 --> 00:31:53

when they heard those words, they found themselves to be strong. They didn't feel weak anymore because they heard the word of Allah, Allah azza wa jal make that that word have a lot of comfort for us, no matter what trials we have to face, inside and outside. barakallahu li walakum Hakeem when a finally what year COVID

00:31:57 --> 00:32:06

hamdu lillahi wa salatu wa salam O Allah, Allah Dino Stouffer also sanada follow him Mohammed, Mohammed in the meanwhile early he was happy ah my name, but Allah azza wa jal

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00:32:15 --> 00:32:19

Mohammed, Mohammed Camus Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah,

00:32:20 --> 00:32:23

Allah, Allah Muhammad Ali Muhammad

00:32:24 --> 00:32:29

Ali Ibrahim indika, New Madrid by the La Jolla in

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00:32:32 --> 00:32:32

Jose and

00:32:33 --> 00:32:38

one of the kobayakawa La Jolla snarling upcoming Salah in a salata kind of element


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