Nouman Ali Khan – How The Devil Pulls Us back

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The conversation discusses the attacks on sh consequence from shatch elsewhere, including their use of past experiences to manipulate future decisions and create negative imagery. The speaker explains that sh mattered to people because of past struggles and friendships, and that shait elsewhere can lead to regret and confusion. The concept of the right hand in Arab culture is discussed, and the importance of good deeds is emphasized. The video ends with a recap of a prayer and a discussion of the importance of good deeds.
AI: Transcript ©
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So today's clip by inshallah, I will speak to you about the attacks of shaitaan that he described, the first time we spoke about the attacks from the front. And today I'm going to talk to you about he comes at us from behind, and how that is actually a very different kind of attack of the shutdown if time allows. And I'll also delve into the attack from the right and then eventually from the left. So what I want to speak to you about, as far as what's behind us, the most immediate imagery of what's behind us is actually, our history. Whenever you go through a day you're not that's, that's behind you that it'll never come back again. And so the most immediate and most powerful way

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to understand this attack of the shaitan is that he will use your past against you, he will use what you've got, you've gone through in life, the experiences, you've had the things that you've, you know, lived through, and he will manipulate those experiences. Because, you know, in some sense in some psychological sense, also, we are the sum of our experiences, every experience you and I go through affects us in some way. It impacts the way we think it impacts our emotions, maybe it even affects our future decisions. You know, somebody who gets into a car accident, the way they drive changes, you know, the same way when somebody gets you know, has a bad relationship with a friend,

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or something's falling out with a friend, the way they interact with them afterwards changes. So experiences affect the way we make future decisions. Now, shaitaan, his job is to try to mess us up in some way, get us off the straight track. So I'll highlight some of the ways he uses our past against us. And we think these are thoughts that are happening inside of our own heads. While it's actually the shape on and that's one of his great successes, is you think that these are your own thoughts. But these are what's ours, these are just whispers of the devil, where he's trying to make you fall back into something that you may have fallen into before. One of the ways that he does

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that, is that maybe, for example, you used to be a better person, maybe you used to be more, more diligent with your prayers, maybe you were more observing of, you know what if Allah forbade something, you stayed away from it, and if Allah said, this is allowed, and that's the only thing you you were content with that, and you didn't fall into alleged disobedience and you were good, you could look back and you say, you were good. And some people are like that, they look back and they say, you know what, there was a time I was a much better person. I'm disappointed with myself. Now I remember the time when I used to stand in prayer, and I used to cry, I don't know the last time I've

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shared it here. Or I used to feel so much connected to Allah, I used to just kind of do the code all the time, I used to make the dog for coming into the house or leaving the house or going into the restroom or coming out of it. Or I used to just have every excuse to remember Allah, I used to be much kinder with my words, I now I use foul language, I use bad words against people, I lose my temper, I speak about people I backed by, I've developed all these habits. I didn't used to be like this, but I was a much better person. So there's one thing to compare yourself to somebody else. But even when you compare yourself to yourself, some people were in a much better place before. And so

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shaitan says, Well, that's that part of you is dead, that's gone, that's never coming back. Listen, that's over with this is who you are now. And he'll make you almost give up on yourself. While the reality is that if you are capable, if Allah made you capable of living a certain way, and living by a certain standard, and you upheld it, you were able to do it, then that actually means that you will forever be capable. That's actually proved to yourself, it's one thing that you never accomplished something, you will never able to accomplish something and you say, Well, I can't do it. Well, maybe there's some truth to that maybe you haven't even tried or maybe it's you, I can't

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say for sure that you're capable. But you lived by something, you had certain capability, you were doing better. Now, it's known that you have that you possess that in you, that faith in you that strength in you. And so shaitan wants you to convince you that you no longer have that capability. Because of whatever experiences you've gone through, or I've gone through now we will never go back to who we were again, at least in our spiritual sense. We can't go back. Now understand something emotionally, maybe you can't go back emotionally, when somebody's scarred, maybe they're changed forever, and that's okay, that's life. That happens. Maybe if somebody you know, the loss of a child

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is not something easy to get over, for example. So there are kinds of trauma or kinds of experiences, that maybe our entire lives will be chipping away at trying to heal, and we may never get there. But shaytan uses that to mess you up not emotionally, but spiritually, to mess with your connection with Allah. And to basically get you to say, Well, you know what, you've gone through these experiences. So what's the point of prayer, you know, the prayers no longer count. And so that's one kind of attack the shaitaan uses against you and me is to make you lament make you think back with regret about better days that are never going to come back for you. The other thing

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shaitaan wants you to do in the you know from from behind, is you know, things that you bad experiences that you had and you start questioning why did this happen to me? Right, you You and I have gone through terrible actions.

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variances in life. these are these are, this is a part of life, luck created this life as a trial. And every one of us has different kinds of trials. And some of those trials are not easy. And when you think about what happened, it's very, it's very painful. And it can be paralyzing. It can be something that you just you're overwhelmed, almost reliving the event that occurred in the past. And one of the things that God wants us to, to keep you there to keep you thinking about the past to keep you thinking about what happened, and keep questioning why did this happen to me? Why did this happen to me? Why did this happen to me? Maybe I deserve it. Maybe I'm cursed. Maybe I'm no good.

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This is why I was angry at me. This is why he made this happened to me. And so you live in that moment that happened some time ago, that a lot actually brought you out of budget and doesn't want you to come out of it. He wants you to stay in that hopelessness, because he wants you to be convinced like he is convinced that ally has no hope for him. Or that he's hopeless case. There's no turning back for him or that ally hates him even. So people will develop you and I might develop because we're thinking about that event all the time, not just anger towards people who hurt us, but even towards a lot like why did he let this happen to me? Why did he do this to me? I didn't deserve

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it. And so when you when you think about the kinds of experiences that prophets went through a Masato Salaam, you will appreciate something, a lot that the prophets Allah talks about in the Quran, are in so many cases, people that had such difficult lives, that such you know, even before they became prophets, they had extremely, extremely difficult lives. Think about the life of our own messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whose parents died in childhood, right, who goes through, you know, one, one care to another care to another care and everybody, every time he has somebody that is basically taking care of him, they pass away, and he's passed on to someone else, and he's passed

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on to someone else? How difficult is that for a child? How difficult is for is it for a parent to lose their child, our messenger experience losing children sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the thought to come Why did I deserve that that should happen to me? or Why did my child deserve to die like this. And every time you see somebody else's child healthy and running around, it reminds you of the child that you don't have anymore, that sort of thing. So these are the kinds of pains a lot of put even profits through AlLahi, Masato Salaam, the reason I'm saying that is for you and me to know that these pains that we experienced in life are not a proof that Allah has cursed you, or

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Alize angry at you, or you're going through bad experiences, because Allah is mad at you. And unless punishing you for something that's not the case. Some of the best people that ever lived had very difficult lives, had very hard times. And it's not because of lead doesn't love them. So this life was made with trials with difficulties that we have to learn to navigate. shaitaan wants us to believe everything that happens to us, somehow figure out a way to blame Allah for it figured out a way to blame a lot. Why? Because that's what he did for me my awakening, he blamed Allah when he refused to do samsa. And he was cast out, he blamed Allah immediately. That's where he wants you to

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get to. And so he uses that past bad experience, that painful experience to try to pull you away from Allah. Also, another way he uses your past is that he will, you know, maybe some of us we lived a life of sin before, maybe you had friends or you know, your relationships, that were leading you down a road of sin, that you kept falling in and falling in and falling in. And you figured out a way to make Toba to Allah and you cut off those friendships, and you cut off those relationships, whether those people are, you know, they their judgment is with Allah, but you for yourself, you decided that those people may not be evil, but I know that when I'm in their company, or when I'm

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around, then I fall into evil. So I'm going to try to protect myself and I'm going to pull away as much as I can, and try to fix myself with Allah, you will know in your personal life, who those people are. And maybe you have people like that in your life that were pulling you into sin, whether they realize that themselves or not. And maybe it's not even their fault. Maybe it's your own weakness. But since you recognize that you say, you know what, every time I've tried, I fallen back into sin, I'm going to discontinue some of these relationships, not because I hate these people, because I'm better than them. Not because, you know, I want them to suffer. But because I want to

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save myself. I want to pull myself away. And when you pull yourself away, shaitaan will come and say, Hey, don't you miss the old friendship? And I missed those guys. You're gonna miss her man. You're gonna miss this, you're gonna miss that and you want He wants you to pull back, go back, go back, go back. The same way. Some people left sin, literally sin. They left drinking, they left drugs. You know, they left adultery. They left fornication, they left evil deeds. They walked away from them. They changed. But sometimes the devil comes and triggers you and says, hey, you're going through a hard time. Just one time. Just go back. Not forever. But come on. It's different. It's a

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hard you had a hard week. It's been a tough month. You've gone through a lot. Just go back just a little bit. And you know what that you

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To be like, and you know, they're, you know, they say in Arabic, there's a saying in Arabic, you know, khulumani, everything forbidden is desirable. Right. So even though we, after faith, you develop a regret and an embarrassment over the sins you and I may have committed, and we develop almost a hatred for repeating those sins again, at the end of the day, we're also human beings and human beings have temptations and desires. And that's one of the things that shaytan wants to manipulate. So he'll pull you try to pull you back, and try to get you to say, Hey, come on, you know how it used to be right? It was so much better for you, you felt so much easier there was and

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why deny yourself who's going to find out, just go back. So he wants to pull you back. Until we have seen. This is the way that he comes at you from behind so many polls that you from what is drawing you into what used to be, you know, and you have to be mindful of that. It may be and this is a lead us into talking about how shaitaan attacks us from the right. Maybe I'll talk a little bit about that today. But I want you to understand something cheban doesn't necessarily tell us to do the wrong thing. This is important. chevonne doesn't necessarily tell us to do the wrong thing. shaitaan wants us to take one step. And when you take one if a destination is 1000 miles away,

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if a destination is 1000 miles away,

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and you just took one step, you're not going to feel like you took any made any progress. You're not going to feel any harm. If there's a fire 100 feet away, and you took one step towards the fire. Are you gonna feel any hotter? No.

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I didn't do it. I didn't burn. Nothing bad happened. And he's okay with one step. He's completely okay with one step. And if somebody else says, hey, you're taking a step, what did I touch the fire? I didn't touch it. There's nothing wrong with that. So he says, Yeah, I mean, there's nothing wrong with it just a little bit, just a little bit. And then the next time around just a little one more step. Just one more step. Just one more step. This is exactly what you did with our parents. The entirety of gender, the size of gender is greater than the skies in the earth, I do have some what what are,

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the real estate size of Heaven is the entire skies and the earth combined.

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All of it combined. And gender is called gender because the Arabic word gender means covered in green, are covered in trees. So all of Heaven is covered in endless trees. Now think about this, how many trees were forbidden one

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in an endless universe of trees. So even if that one tree is forbidden, staying away from it would be pretty easy, because it probably would be hard to find because there's one tree in trillions and trillions of trees. And yet chatline gets them to take one step, then another step, then another step, one step at a time, you won't come out and say, dude, no, no, no, he'll mask it, somehow. He'll mask it. And that leads me into at least introducing you to how the devil pulls us from the right. How shaitan gets this from the right, understand that the first thing about the right that you that I'd like you to know is that the Arabic word right is used for good deeds. It's also used

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for honor and nobility. When somebody gives you their you mean actually means their right hand means they've taken the pledge or an oath. When people shake hands the right hand, that means that they're going to honor their, their their deal. You know, and in, in many cultures, it's the right hand. As a matter of fact, when you go to court and testify the fact that it your testimony is good and credible as you raise your right hand. So the idea of the right hand in Arab culture, and also other cultures, is that of nobility, good deeds, doing things the right way, which is why on Judgment, a we are going to be we pray to Allah that we are people of the right hand us How will you mean for

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people of the right hand? So the right is associated with good? Similarly, the angel that you know about documents are good deeds on the right. So the idea of the right is associated with good, which is confusing because the devil is trying to attack you from the right, you would think the devil would attack you from evil deeds. But what Ally's saying is the devil's actually going to try to attack you in me from good deeds, what in the world does that mean? There are lots of ways that he does that, I will introduce you to one of them today, inshallah. And we'll call it a day because I don't want you to get, I want you to keep some of these things present in your mind. Also, I can, I

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can deliver lots of information to you. But I want you to be able to retain these things and spend time this week thinking about them. My hope in these hobas as we go through these ir totalav is that we consciously think about what what this means in our lives. you consciously Well, this is what the devil does. How does he do that in my life? This is this is what he talked about, hear about a lot told us here. Well, how does that apply to me you and the way it applies to you may not be the way it applies to the person sitting next to you, the person even in your family. It's different

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For you and is different from someone else because he studies each of us separately. He attacks each of us separately. So from the right, just one thing that I want to highlight to you, and inshallah we'll talk about more next week in sha Allah is that he comes at us, Allah says was in Allahu shaitana Amala home that shaytaan beautify their deeds to them. This is one of the scariest ways he comes at us from the right. You will you know, we came in prayed. That's a good thing. We did a good deed. People go to do hedges. That's a good thing. People fasted. That's a good thing. These are good deeds, somebody give charity, that's a good thing. You help somebody that's a good thing. But

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when you start thinking that your good deeds are absolutely accepted by Allah, and you're all set. You have nothing to worry about now, because you've done good deeds, because you prayed, so you're a good person. And all those people who don't pray, I feel sorry for them. Because you're now in a better position because you did something good. And that he starts gassing you up with your good deeds. And he starts filling you with this false image of yourself that because you've done so much good, clearly, you're amazing. Clearly, Allah loves you. And you're so much better than those people who don't do those good deeds. Now, these good deeds, the purpose of them, every time we do

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something good for Allah. I want you to remember just one example and that is of Abraham and his setup. Ibrahim alayhis salaam did one of the most amazing deeds ever done. He built the Kaaba.

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And think about that every time somebody prays, he gets a part of that reward because we pray towards the Kaaba. So since its construction, just like you know, people who helped build this place, anybody who prays here, they get a reward, they get a piece of that. Anybody who prays in any Masjid anywhere on Earth, every time they pray, a piece of that reward goes to Ibrahim alayhis salam. It's incredible, the deed that he did. And you know what, when he was building the Kaaba with his son, is one of the most amazing things if you want to talk about a deed that you did, which means you're set. I mean, your account of good deeds is the commission is incredible. It's

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incredible. As he's building the car, but you know what he made? He asked a lot of binotto cabal mina inaka, Anta semiology, our Master, please accept from us. Please accept from us as though he's not confident that this is good enough. Maybe one brick didn't go in the right place. Maybe my intention wasn't as pure as I needed to be. Maybe Allah is not pleased with one. Maybe I got a little lazy here that he's questioning himself. He's not confident Yella. Thank you for giving me this honor. Now that I'm sad, I can be on vacation. No, no, no. There's no such thing for him. He didn't lay back and become complacent because he's doing good things. You know, he's worried and

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he's begging Allah, Allah, please accept from us. When you and I pray tomorrow, at the end of that prayer, how confident are we that the angels documented a perfectly executed prayer or within our mind goes somewhere that our phone, you know, Buzz for a second and our mind went somewhere else? Or we were thinking about 20 different things when we were praying, you know, or we were, you know, generating and bothering somebody else. When we're praying. We do all kinds of things when we're praying, how imperfect are our prayers for you? And I think, man, I went to Jamaica.

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I got there even before the event.

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So for that, that's like, I should get like VIP tickets to agenda.

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Because seriously, I pulled it off.

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That's not the attitude. That's not the attitude for fasting or Hajj, or any any act of worship or any good deed. Don't remind yourself of the good You and I have done to remind yourself and I remind myself to beg Allah to accept whatever we've done. That's, that's, that's, and that's what she has done doesn't want. He wants us to think we're all good. Now that you did a good deed you're set. So May Allah azza wa jal protect us from the attack of shaitaan that comes from behind and May Allah protect us from the attack of shaitaan that comes from the right barakallahu li walakum fille Quran and Hakeem on a funny way, at vertical Hakeem

How the devil pulls us back

In his previous talk the venerated Sheikh talked about how the syaitan attacks us from the front. In this talk he tells us how the syaitan attacks us from the back.

One of the easiest ways syaitan achieves this is by his whispers. We may think that it’s our thoughts emanating from us but the reality is it’s coming from the accursed one, the one that promised Al Khaliq he would lead the children of Adam astray from every angle.

One of the things that syaitan wants us to be is in the same of constant doubt, always asking ourselves ‘why did this happen to me?’. He plays a psychological game with humans. If we are obsessed with the our past acts, we cannot go forward to better ourselves. Syaitan wants you to remain in that state of hopelessness that syaitan himself is in.

These difficult times you went through are not proof that Allah hates you, doesn’t care about you, does not love you. This is not the case because some of the best persons that ever lived went through extremely trying times. Our beloved prophet himself lost his parents as a child, moved from home to home, lost his children, lost his wife, whose cause led his tribe to suffer for almost three years. So you are not alone in your suffering.

This is why the content of this talk is crucial to us. It gives us the inside information of Syaitan’s weapons of attack. So take some time today to listen to this short but supremely important talk.

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