Nouman Ali Khan – Hitting Women 434 & Beyond

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the topic of differences of opinion and how it can affect personal relationships. They also mention a paper on the topic and suggest educating oneself and seeking out the truth. The complex nature of Islam is discussed, including the use of "naughty men" and the importance of avoiding assumptions and recounting history. The importance of learning the stance of Islam and reconciling evidence is emphasized, as well as the need for a format for conversations. The importance of dis appearance and rebellion is also discussed, along with the importance of teaching the stance of Islam and reconciling evidence.
AI: Transcript ©
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Al Hamdulillah holofil Would you demean and Adam were generally new remain upon them

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Some Allahu alayhi wa sallam he highly lumen Latina BarakAllahu beam Katha nurse Lara Birmingham Elijah,

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but hamdulillah Isla de la Mia is well done well let me Akula who shall be comfortable with me Aquila Holly human a truly what can beautiful tequila

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but hamdulillah Isla de Anza Allah Allah up the hill kita Willa major Allah wherever

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hamdulillah let the Nakamoto who want to stay in who want to start from when we will be one of our color it when our own will be let him in surely unforeseen a woman CEO Dr. Molina and yet the Allahu Philomel Daniela from a noodle Ferihegy Allah when a chateau La ilaha illallah wa hula Sharika when a shadow Ana Mohammed Abdullah he Rasulullah sallallahu Taala Bill Buddha Demian Huck, you've Hara who Aladeen equally aka Fabula he Shahida for some Allahu Allah He was seldom at the Sleeman Kathira and Kathira America in stock and Hadith he Kitab Allah wa Hi Ron had he had you Mohamed in sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the short run Ohmori Mata to her were inoculum Tata timbira Wakulla

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without in Walla Walla Walla, Latin phenom

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Allah azza wa jal pika who can even better and who are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. rigeur Luca Muna Allen Nisa EB my football Allahu Allahu Allah will be infomine unworthy him for Solly how to call it out on haffi bottom delay BB Mahaffey of Allah. Allah T the harpoon and Shosanna very Roman our Johanna filma, larger, wobbly Wuhan for in Atlanta Kampala, taboo la inna Sabina in a la Carnaroli and caviar Frobisher recently we're silly Emily, who looked at him in the sunny Cali Allah homophobic tangle multi Villa Illa, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Mina, Latina Amman and why middle Saudi hurt will also be healthy or something. I mean, I mean, there are a lot of items on my plate

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today. And I'm hoping in a concise amount of time I'm able to communicate everything that I'd like to share with you in this hotbar clearly and effectively and in a way that will be beneficial to myself and to all of you. So I ask Allah for clarity and speech as I recited the DUA of Musa alayhis salam in the very beginning, I invoke on that die again, and I asked you to make God the same way that Allah gives me clarity in my speech.

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The first thing I want to talk about is actually something that was raised as a concern and a legitimate one. Why talk about the same topic over and over again, over the course of so many hubbas just get to the point already. Right. And I actually want to address that a little bit, because it's important. There are things in Allah's book that you can, you can, you can have differences of opinion on, like, for example is how they're a man or an angel, you can have differences of opinion on it, or some people can believe that they know what the number of people was that was in the cave. And certainly, that's fine. If you believe that was a certain number, and the Quran hints at it, or

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you don't believe that the Quran is clear about a number. It's okay, those differences of opinion are not life and death issues. So you can have one view or the other and life goes on. There are other teachings in the Quran, where there are in fact, differences of opinion. And there is a lot of common misunderstanding or it's some things are presented as though there's only one way of looking at them. And they actually have real life impact. They can affect a family, they can affect a marriage, they can affect the way children are raised, raised. And as a result, they can affect entire generations. And this idea is one of those places, if we don't discuss this idea, or really

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try to deeply understand patiently what this idea is getting at

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even if you don't agree with the conclusions that are going to reach which I'll address second. The fact that this idea does impact family life very directly. And it's a very fundamental principle because the Quran addresses extreme situations and pseudo Nyssa it actually addresses not the norm but the extremities and that's the that's the nature of constitutional laws, the Constitution of any nation or any great legal document. One of its qualities is that it does not actually address the normal in life. It addresses this extreme, you know, outliers so for example, laws will discuss things like murder or robbery etc. Criminal Law, why not?

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Not everybody's a murderer. Not everybody's a robber. But in case that happens that extreme takes place, we need to be able to deal with it. Right? So the same way, pseudo Messiah is a good example of laws that are in those in such circumstances, what are you supposed to do in places in which there's room for lots of conflict, and in that context, this idea has been given to us. So, the other thing that I will share with you and I say this with with all sincerity, we have to be humble to our own ignorance. So what I'm going to share with you is actually based on a research paper, written by a dear colleague of mine, Saki poseen, who's mashallah a very well versed scholar of the

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deen and also of comparative religion, and is pretty much on his way of completing his PhD at Oxford University after having studied Islam exhaustively, and is familiar with both the Arabic language exhaustively and also the Hebrew Bible and is versed in Hebrew as well. And he wrote a paper an exhaustive paper on this idea. On SUTA Nyssa, Ira number 34, he wrote a 46 page paper on it in English. And actually on social media today, I have put a link for that paper in the description. What he's talked about is way more complicated than what I present in the hotbar. My job in the FBI is try to simplify things as much as possible and take them step by step. But I think for many of

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us, this issue is important enough, that you should educate yourself higher. And so one quick comment before I get to the the conclusions that are made in that paper that I find more convincing than other conclusions is that we as Muslims have to know that our our religion, Islam is different, not just because we worship one God and some religions worship multiple gods, or we have our prayers on Friday, and they have theirs on Saturday or Sunday. It's not just, you know, different because of our rituals are different, or beliefs are different. It's not just different for those reasons, is different for some other fundamental reasons too. And one of those reasons is, Allah made it so that

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we become informed believers. Drew Illa, Allah He Isla, ba, sila tin Anna, woman, a tuber Annie, I call to Allah with clear insight I and whoever follows me this is what the Prophet was commanded to say salAllahu alayhi salam, you know what that means that we're informed followers of our religion, that we're actually supposed to study and learn the issues that are important in our religion, and have access to the direct sources. There are major religions in the world, who were for a long time, there were two extremes on one extreme, you cannot access the book, only the ordained minister, or priest, or Pope can tell you what the Bible says you cannot tell you, you don't have authority to

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read what it says or to ask questions about it, because you'll be blaspheming. And on the other extreme, is the extreme reaction, I'm going to read the Bible my way, you can read it your way. This is my conclusion. That's your conclusion. Let's all just do our own thing. So this one thing can mean a million things. And for a million people, that means a million things. So there is no truth anymore. Because the truth has become entirely arbitrary. It's like, you know, when you take a dot, and you can draw a million lines of infinite number of lines through it, a dot, that's what they do with, with religion sometimes. So you can have your truth I can have my truth. So on the one hand,

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there are a group of people that say, No, we have authority over the truth. And on the other No, no, no one has authority over the truth. We're all the authority over the truth. So you get these two extremes. What did our religion do? It? It demanded on us to contemplate our deen. It demanded on us to seek and understand, it demanded on us that we have to think and then it demanded us to not just come to our own conclusions, but to ask questions to inquire and to lead ourselves to what is the strongest evidence, this is actually revolutionary. This is the approach you take in science. This is the approach you take in investigating history. This is the approach you take in any field of

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knowledge. When you want that knowledge to be more and more and more refined, you don't just take somebody else's conclusions and say, they already concluded I don't have to think about this again. No, you reinvestigate You ask questions, you come to your own conclusions. And there's no such thing as a blind acceptance of any conclusion. Everything is transparent, everything is open. And that is profoundly revolutionary. And that is why we have such respect for our scholarship, because they didn't just say, Do this, don't do this. They said, Do this, and here are my reasons for why you, we think you should do this, or this is our conclusion. And this is our process. They don't just tell

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you the conclusion. They tried to outline the process that led them to that conclusion. And then other scholars can come along and say, I disagree with you. I have I'm looking at the same evidence, but I'm coming to a different conclusion and here are my reasons and you know what happens then healthy debate happens, healthy conversation happens. One doesn't call the other coffee, but they understand each other's different thought processes. You understand? And this in this itself is a revolutionary thing. This is not something you associate with religion. In religion. You

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You assume people just follow without asking any questions. This is what makes us different. This is what makes the citizenship of Islam, all of us equal, not just equal, that we stand in the same line in prayer. But all of us equal that we all have the right to inquire, we all have the right to seek a better understanding, right? And we don't necessarily arbitrarily say, Well, my conclusion is this no, my conclusion is subject to criticism. My conclusion can be questioned by somebody, not on the basis of my appearance, or my accent or my background, but on the basis of the evidences that I'm providing. Somebody can say you presented this this as evidence. But what about this counter

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argument? What about that counter argument? Right. So this is the process by which we refine our understanding. And this is a really mature approach to our religion. And so the conclusions that I'm going to share with you that I find convincing, I've studied the facet of this idea, since I started studying the Quran. And, you know, particularly sort of decide wanting to understand what's going on here and some other places. And it seemed to me that a lot of times the conclusions that are being reached in our traditional sources, are essentially saying somebody already did the work. Let's just conclude what they concluded. And we kind of replicate what's already been said, in constitutional

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terms. They call this legal precedent, legal precedent, meaning somebody else already reached a conclusion, because they reached a conclusion, we can lean on their conclusion, we don't have to revisit the issue again. So with few exceptions, in some places in the Quran, people really leaned on, you know, pre existing conclusions that have been reached by scholarship, and then revisit them again. And nowadays, there's also a fear, I should caveat, all of what I'm going to say with this, because I think this is important. People assume your intentions, when you're trying to do research, they assume you're trying to come up with a new interpretation of Islam, that's trying to be liberal

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or progressive or in with the times, etc, etc. I just want to be open upfront with you and say, I'm not interested in being politically correct. In fact, you'll see that the conclusions that I'm trying to share with you aren't politically correct. They're actually not there, they would be in the in the modern liberal sensibility, they will be actually pretty unpopular conclusions, but they are what the Quran says. So we have to be open and upfront with what what Allah has where it says, I don't have and as a Muslim, I believe that the case should be we shouldn't have, we shouldn't feel intimidated by being in line with the current circumstances. And the same way we shouldn't be

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intimidated by being loyal to our history, at the expense of the text, the text Kalamata Allah illallah, WA Kalamata, Allah, this, this is, the word of Allah is in the highest place. And so this is why our great scholars, they learned from their teachers, and at the end of 20 years of learning from them, they ended up concluding something different. That's actually our history too. And that's, that's their, that's a show of their loyalty to the word of Allah to seeking the truth. And I pray all of us become like that. And we raised a generation of kids that are like that, and lead us in a way that we couldn't do ourselves. So I want to start talking about this, I want you to

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understand the controversy are the conclusions that I'm going to disagree with are rooted in one, one word and desire, and the word is not hitting. That's actually not where the controversy or the the conflict of opinion lies. The real issue is what is new shoes. That's actually the real issue. New shoes, which I talked about last week was uprising and I tried to connect it to infidelity. I connected to a wife cheating on her husband. That's what I talked about last time. And I tried to give the evidences for why new shoes and this idea means infidelity. Now, those scholars that disagree with this position that I'm going to share, they believe that no shoes means any

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It actually means disobedience. So if you asked your wife to cook, and she didn't want to cook, that's the kind of issues if you asked her to come to bed and she didn't want to come to bed. That's the kind of issues that is their view. I'm arguing based on the textual evidence and based on the contextual evidence, that new shoes actually in the IR means disobedience does not mean disobedience, it actually means in fidelity rebellion in the institution of marriage itself, what makes the marriage sacred itself, which is why it makes sense that the same word new shoes was used for men, and I are number 128, while in the Morato, half has been very hard to choose and you choose

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as mentioned for men also, because for men, it's not an issue of disobeying the wife just like it's not in the first case, it's actually a violating the institution, the sacred institution of marriage. And that's why that's being mentioned there too. The other issue is we're not afraid, or where you know, when you mentioned fear, fear is of something that hasn't happened yet. That's what fear is, disobedience has already happened. You're not afraid that your life is not going to put enough salt in the in the chicken. You're afraid of something that you haven't verified yet. And so the IRS talking about something anticipated something assumed that hasn't taken place yet. And

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that's for more on that inshallah read on that read the paper and also kind of

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Listen to the whole belt from last week on what no shoes means. Here, I would argue that it means infidelity. Now, if it does, in fact mean infidelity, then we have another issue. And that is that there are two suitors I'd like you to remember there are two suitors Surah, two missa, which is what we're looking at, this is number 34. And there's sort of two new, which is iron number surah number 24. So four and 24. To make it easy, right? These two solos, talk about similar subjects. They're actually in Revelation. They're close to each other in the time of revelation in Medina, in the middle period. And also, this one talks about what what should be the punishment of Xena soltana

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early punishments of Xena and so to know also punishments of Xena. There are other parallels between these two Sutras, the ethics between men and women, the code of marriage, all of that's been discussed the two fundamental places you go to in the Quran, or either solo to NASA, or you go to pseudo tour, you know, those are the two that are really deeply connected to each other, though the subject is talked about elsewhere too. Now, having said that, if this ayah means new shoes, What did Allah say about we're talking about women today, not men, but I will say that in this also the Quran is revolutionary. It's absolutely revolutionary. In the Arabic language, you have nouns that could

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be masculine or feminine. So you have Muslim on masculine Muslimah tone, feminine, you add a Tamar buta at the end and the word becomes feminine Khatib is a writer katiba tone is feminine. But there are some words that are only used for women.

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There are some words that are only used for women. So there's no you no need to add the Tamar bootha. Because you're not you're never going to use it for a man like her. ELB is a woman who's menstruating. She's had a period. You're Not You don't need to say how EBA because there's no masculine feminine, it's just one. It's only applicable for women. So they say hi, same way for a pregnant woman. They don't say hi Mila. They say hi, Mel. Hi me means pregnant woman, even though there's no timer Buddha. Why? Because some words by common sense can't be used for men. And similarly in Arabic literature before Islam, Nash's, not from new shoes, Nash's was only used for

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women. Women that are cheating on their men were called Nash's, in poetry and other examples. And the Quran is revolutionary because for the first time the Quran said this crime can be committed by a man just like it can be committed by a woman by the Arabic literary heritage, this word was only associated with women, but an iron number 34. Allah connected it to women, and I am number 128. Allah also connected it to two men. And so Allah azza wa jal has actually revealed something profound here. This is a crime against a law, not a crime against a man or a woman. And so a man can be guilty of it, and a woman can be guilty of it. Now how that's going to be dealt with is going to

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be different. And I'll address that in a separate clip. But having said all of that, What did Allah say if a man fears that his wife is not being loyal? Actually, it's not talking to the husband, this is the next thing we're going to talk about. When Latty, the Hapuna new shoes are on those who you are afraid are being rebellious. And I've already defined what rebellious means. Who is Allah talking to? Allah is actually using the plural form here, as if to say husbands are included. But it could be that the husband didn't notice. The husband didn't notice. But father in law noticed. It could be the brother noticed her brother noticed that she's doing something that her husband doesn't

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know. It could be her, you know, her. Other family members noticed her cousins noticed her uncle noticed her I noticed everybody's talked about and that's why when we get too far evil hunta counsel them, it's not limited to the man counseling, the wife. It could be there's an openness, it's the lesser Encana. What it could be is, it could be anybody who's noticing this kind of thing. Maybe I should bring it up. And now let's understand what Moore's Law means. It doesn't mean that you go to your cousin and say, Hey, by the way, I noticed you're cheating on your husband. That's not what it's saying. It's saying maybe you should just open up, talk to them. Because what have means to say

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something that reaches the heart. Hey, are you feeling okay? How are things between you and him? Are things going? Well, I don't know. I don't know if I love have any more about the conversation opens up right? And there's an opportunity to give some maybe you could do this, maybe you could do that. You're trying to find a soft way to fix something that you notice a steering in the wrong direction. Right. And that could be done by the husband. But it could be done by others who noticed too. It could be close family and friends that are noticing something and they're trying to help the situation. This is very Vahana. So there's an openness to it. But the second component is actually

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clear that it can only be the husband watching

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Have nothing Mataji if he notices that counsel is being given, but he's noticing that she's just becoming way too open talking to other men, she's way too friendly with the co workers. They're always calling that 11 co workers calling 11 o'clock at night, and they're talking for 30 minutes laughing and this and that. And, you know, and he's like, What was that about? No, it was just work didn't sound like just work, what's going on? You know? And he's like, he's bothered by that behavior. And it's now becoming extreme. Oh, no, I'm going out. Who are you going out with? Oh, just some friends? Who are these friends? Wait, I didn't say you shouldn't be going, well, you can't stop

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me. And then she goes out. And he's wondering what's going on? Or she just says, I'm really stressed out, I'm going out for a drive. Where are you going to go? Don't worry about it. Don't call me either. And she shows back up three hours later, four hours later, if he's going through that kind of mental *, and he's trying to tell her stop doing this. It's psychologically torturous to me, you talk to me about what's going on? This kind of thing isn't acceptable. You know, why are you so sick? Why have you become so secretive? And why are you blocking me out from things you're doing? And all of that is escalating, then the Quran advices. Maybe you shouldn't be sleeping in the same

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You should just sleep on the couch instead. Now, why is that there? There's a few effects of that. On the one hand, a wife that is in love with her husband respects her husband, and respects the institution of marriage when the husband says I think I'm going to go sleep on the couch, it's a really hurtful thing to say. It's not an easy thing to hear. That means does he hate me? Am I that disgusting? He's that mad at me? Why don't what am I even done? Like, if he does that? For no reason? Right? She says, Hey, so I wanted to ask you the other day. What did you mean by this? You know what? You asked me a question about what I meant. I think I'm going to go to the couch.

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Well, that's that's kind of crazy on your part. But if after counsel, and after talking about how I don't think you're being very honest with me about the way you're communicating, or the things you're up to, this thing has escalated to a point, he's so hurt by it, that Allah is teaching him something. Also, you continuing to keep things as they are, is enabling that behavior. You're actually making it okay for her to do whatever she's doing, that's hurting you. And at the same time acting like everything is normal. So you need to take a stand, and you need to step away, you need to sleep on the couch, you need to sleep in the kids room or whatever, figure something out. Why

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don't you do nothing more budget, leave them in the beds. Now a wife will be that's emotionally attached to her husband will be bothered by that and say, let's talk about this, we need to figure this out. And if we can't figure this out, maybe you're not good at communicating with each other. Maybe every time you start talking about something, it turns into a fight, it turns into a nuclear explosion, it could happen. Maybe every time you say something, right, it's interpreted the wrong way, you have a serious communication understanding problem. If that's the case, there are people in the family that maybe you can solicit the help of, or maybe a counselor that you can go see somebody

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who's qualified, who's neutral, who's not going to guilt or bash one or the other, just hear both sides out, and they just want me things to work out better. Someone who can keep confidentiality, who's not going to hear you out, and then later on broadcast that you know what these people are having so many problems. They even came to me to ask for help.

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You know, sad nowadays know what's sad is you're talking about it, you're disgusting, because people trusted you with their with their personal life, and you're making it a conversation piece. That's horrifying. So don't do that to people. But if the family friends, you know, because sometimes you let's be real in our families, a lot of times, if you put a filter, you know how you can put a filter on your emails, you can filter, put a filter on your searches, if you put a filter on your conversations. Every time we're talking about somebody else or somebody else's family, we're going to stop talking after the first sentence, you'll find a lot of silence at home.

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Because most of the time, the conversations we're having is about who's having drama with who and what's going on with somebody else's personal life. It's a horrible violation of our deen that we do that, you know, those who say salaam tells us not to be rude

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to Muslim mean, don't become obsessed with the personal matters of other Muslims. But that's just become the most common thing for us to do. No, no, I'm just saying I'm not saying anything. No, you saying I'm not saying anything is just you lying on top of saying it. This doesn't change anything. So the advice here being given the extreme measure that's been taken as the beds have been separated. Now let me tell you the Quran again describes the worst case scenario, something else happens as a result, not just psychologically, but also socially. If in fact, the worst thing possible is happening. He doesn't have proof. He doesn't have proof. But if such a thing is

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happening, and there is in fact a pregnancy, then the evidence will be clear. So maybe she'll stop dead in our tracks because now there's a paternity issue. And that sounds horrible to say

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But that's a reality in the world that we are all too familiar with. This, this is something that Quran protected the men from and families from. So he said well enough in my budget.

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Now we get to the next part, the part for which I started this entire series, and that is if that hasn't changed anything. In fact, the idea is that that step being taken, which is not with conclusive evidence, by the way, Allah didn't say what Lahti Tala Muna no shoes Ohana alati gala Muna Lucia, if you know they're cheating on he didn't say that. He said, Well, Lottie, the Hakuna, no shoes, if you're afraid that you're doing that, which means you don't have conclusive evidence. You don't have conclusive you have suspicion? Obviously, you know your wife better than anybody else. So if you have suspicions they're warranted. Something's going on. Maybe you're just paranoid.

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It's possible. Maybe after all the assumptions you made you were dead wrong. That's also possible. That's completely possible. But if the these things are escalating, I need you to understand it's not the same assumption. The first step was talk it out, figure out what's going on. Let's Is there something happening? Because you can just be straight with me? And just tell me I'm ugly? Or you know, I don't want I don't like you anymore, or whatever. I wish I wasn't married to you. This was a huge, but just tell me straight up. Just tell me. It's okay. I'm here. But no, you're not being open with me. And yet, you're still continuing that behavior. What that means then for a man is he now is

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gathering more evidence from before from the from the counsel stage, he's even developed more reasons to be suspicious. It's not the original suspicion anymore, because more red flags have been raised. And as more red flags have been raised, the reaction has become more severe, which is the separation of beds, but then even more red flags. So we're not 100% She knows she's doing something really evil. But the red flags are all there's a lot of red flags, and they're ignorable to the point where the husband without evidence is convinced that she's actually doing the worst thing. It's it's reached that point. When it reaches that point, again, I keep re emphasizing without what

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without evidence, clues, are there hints or they're explicit? He hasn't seen anything. He can't because that then he's reached this point. Now let's go to other places in the Quran. Because we're gonna pause at this point for a second. Allah says yeah, you have Levina Armand which then he Buka here, I mean of one in Nevada, one me,

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believers stay away from most kinds of assumptions.

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So even if he has red flags, assumptions, he doesn't have absolute evidence. So in the end, as close to reality as that may be, it's still a ven now, because this is about Xena. Let's be open. This is about Xena. Let's go to all places in the Quran that talk about the assumption of Xena.

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So, if I told you the two suitors that are connected to each other Anissa and Nora, in the south in the Surah, earlier on in the 15th, if Allah told us well at any at any ham income, you know, actually before that when Lottie, teen and Shadow Minister he called for especially to Allah hidden, or bottom, those who have committed a shameless act among your women, you better seek for witnesses against them, for people should testify, they've done this act. And when we dig into what that means, for people have had to see without any shadow of the doubt that the ultimate evil act of Zen I had, in fact taken place for people. That sounds next to impossible. But if that happened, then

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you know what it's talking about. It's talking about what in modern law we call the public display of indecency. If two people are doing Zina in public enough that at least four people can know what's going on. That means they're not just committing a personal sin. They're committing a crime against society according to Islamic standards. And different countries have different laws for how they deal with public display of indecency. If somebody walks outside *, they can get arrested, they can have some punishment, Islam devised a punishment for people that are doing the sexual act in public. And that was early on. four witnesses were present alguma punish them, give them pain,

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now give them pain or hurt them is open ended. What kind of pain Do you want to give them? This is not specified yet. Yes. Now, come back to the assumption. The assumption is that the husband suspects his wife, Allah azza wa jal took this for witness concept, and then revealed another Surah Surah two needs to know and in certain note, he took the same for witness concept. And further the argument explained it even further. And he said, No ledger, he be out of it. Shuhada for me to be Shuhada Allah and Allah who will guide you

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How can the people who accuse somebody of doing Zina, Allah said, How come they didn't produce four witnesses? And if they haven't produced four witnesses, then as far as Allah is concerned, they're liars. What is Allah saying for witnesses? Why is he saying for witnesses, because it's already been told in so rotten, so to missa? And he's bringing up the same content? How can you accuse someone of this? And you don't have four witnesses? But then how can a husband come up with four witnesses? It's impossible. All he has is either eyewitness account, or he's nearly absolutely convinced. I saw them walking together, I saw this or that I don't have 100%. But I'm pretty much I'm convinced that

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this is what's the case. Then Allah gave the husband an avenue to accuse his wife, and that's called Leon and that was given in surah. Condor. And Leon is he swears four times by Allah, that she has done this act. And the fifth time, he swears that if she has not done this act, and I'm accusing her falsely, then I pray Allah's rage and curse comes on me.

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And she has to respond to that Leon and say, four times swearing by Allah, he's wrong. I haven't done anything wrong. And the fifth time she's calling on the raging curse of Allah on herself if she's, in fact a liar, if she doesn't testify to that, because by the way, what's the purpose of doing that? Now you're putting your Ohana at stake? This is a criminal case in dunya. And if you It's proven, then the punishment will be the same and the other other which is the the lashing that's been described in sort of the news, but if it's not proven, and one of them is a liar, they didn't just lose a case or win a case in dunya they have now compromised their aka because they have

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invited Allah's curse on them just to win a false case. The save themselves in this life, then they've compromised their AKA, why, why is this so important? Because Allah considers this relationship so sacred, that if you're going to accuse someone falsely, then you better be willing to give up your entire Hara.

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For this got expensive. And if you want to save yourself the shame from this life, and can do the do the deed, do this. And then swear by Allah, if I if I've done it, may Allah's curse be on me, then Allah's curse will be on you, you just gave up your pocket to save yourself some face in this dunya.

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That's the notion. Now the Quran, you fasulo Barack Obama, I told you in this ayah in the beginning, when it came to counsel, it's not just the husband necessarily, it's the family, others can get involved. Then the second step, what's the second step, separating the beds now the husband is involved. Now, when it came to hitting when it came to hitting the surah already described, the only time you can physically strike someone for this act is if you have either four witnesses or you have Leon. In other words, the authorities have to step in the authorities. If you're going to strike them, it's not I get to hit them. The point here is all of these ayat together are making a

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conclusion that the family institution has to be saved by the extended family, by the efforts of the husband and the wife together. And if the worst case happens, then the state has to get involved. And when the state gets involved, like happened in the time of Madrid, Mahapatra, the Allahu Donna who a man accused his wife of new shoes, and he gave her counsel. It's interesting, why he's not giving somebody else's wife counsel, why isn't the husband himself giving because he understood the is not limited to the husband.

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And then he noticed that the new shoes hadn't stopped. So he actually had her quarantine for a few days, which implements the second part of the aisle, which is what, you know, nothing Nevada. And then when that didn't work, and he asked her, Are you going to go back and be normal now? Are you going to go back to not violating your husband's rights? She said, Well, I'm not going to stop. And he that was it. There was no third step. You know why? Because the husband didn't say that I saw how to do Zina. And there were no four witnesses. So the dark could never happen. However, you know, the Allahu Anhu was actually implementing the IRA as it's understood. And so he doesn't even take the

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third step because that the room for that wasn't there. So what is what is this teaching us? If you study the art of Xena and the art of saving marriage, in the Quran, you'll notice a trend. You know what that trend is? That Allah wants the husband and wife to do their best to save the marriage. Then Allah wants people that know them to try to intervene to save the marriage. And then finally, if the worst of it happens, that has the threat of disrupting society itself, then the government community authorities, then the Islamic authorities get involved and such cases brought worldly Wuhan for in Athena calm and if they obey you, what is obedience now mean? Well, if disobedience and

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desire or rebellion was infidelity, but if they come back to not violating those rights, for notable relatedness Babila then don't make a case against them. You know, if the law subito has a figure of speech

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Arabic actually means to make a case against someone. And literally the implication here is the same. And the implication is that this is not an open license. And this is why we understand the words of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he says, LA, probably boo Eema Allah, don't hit the female slaves of Allah. Don't hit the female slaves of Allah, what is his, and he says this in the plural form, you know what that means? This is a general condition for the Muslims. We don't hit women. We don't hit women. And then in the most extreme rare circumstances, the Buddha implemented and what is that hitting that hitting is actually the same as the the journal that's mentioned in surah, Noor,

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and other places. And now this is a rich conversation. There's lots of evidences, there's a lots of correlation between different texts, there's lots of linguistic evidence, which is not the not the space for a hub, which is why would I want to do and I add, like these, I do believe we should take our time to discuss, I do believe we should examine all the evidences, I do believe we should have all the back and forth that there should be had on places like this in the Quran. So the OMA has a well informed opinion about what this stuff means. And it's not just so we can answer some non Muslim criticism of the Quran, or some non Muslim criticism of Islam. This is for ourselves, we've

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got to teach this religion to the coming generations, we've got to live by this thing, this timeless teaching that Allah has given us. And we cannot do that if we don't raise the bar, if we don't inform ourselves. So as this is my last hurrah on this subject in the form of HIPAA, what I'd like to tell you is Inshallah, over the coming weeks, I'll be broadcasting conversations with the author of the paper, section by section, what did he conclude in the first section? Why, what are the counter arguments? What are the claims against this conclusion? Next section, same thing, next section, same thing, next session, same thing, so that everybody can see the process behind reaching

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such a conclusion. It's not, it's easy to just, I could just say the same thing, don't hit them and just say it and then move on. Right. But I don't want to speak about the Quran in a way that isn't Thoreau, especially on something that you can say there's a difference about it. There's contentious views, and there's different kinds of views about it. So looking at all of the Hadith, looking at all of the linguistic evidence, looking at all of the ayat of the Quran, and reconciling all of that and constructing a narrative that is true to the word of Allah, as true as we can be. And at the end of that all of what we can say in the end is Allahu Allah, Allah, that Allah azza wa jal knows

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better. But in this, the last thing I'll share with you is in the in the next hotbar, maybe, or even before the hotbar, I will be talking about the flip side of this equation, meaning no shoes is for women, and that's what this I talked about. But there's also new shoes for men. And why is there a difference? Because if you study that II number 128, it's a very different conclusion, very different set of advice that Allah gives about men having the shoes, as opposed to women having the shoes, and women can read that or anybody can read that and say, there looks like there's a double standard here. They're not getting hit, because you really wanna but he didn't say, well, they were

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home. He didn't say any such thing. So how can we didn't say that? What's going on here? How do we understand it? So that conversation also needs to be had? Because we have to be, we have to have format need to have when we wouldn't be studying the book of Allah, if something's not making sense to you. If something's not sitting, well, y'all, I don't understand it. How is this fair? Y'all I don't understand it. How does this meet with the fitrah? Then we have to sit and talk it out. We can't just swallow it and say, no, no, I don't have to question anything. Because shaitan will use that unanswered question in your heart. He will use that against you and brew doubts about your deen

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inside your heart. And that's, that's more dangerous than anything else. That's the worst thing that can happen to your Eman in mind. May Allah azza wa jal give us ultimate loyalty to his word, and a commitment to not be afraid of saying what should be said in our loyalty to Allah and his messenger sallallahu alayhi salam, and may Allah continue to grow our understanding our love and our appreciation of his book and his messenger SallAllahu botica Loni Welcome to carotid Hakeem. When a family will come in it was a lucky

00:39:12 --> 00:39:54

hamdu Lillahi wa Kapha wa Salatu was Salam ala anybody in the dino Safa Susan Allah of Allah Mohammed Ibrahim Mohamed El Amin when he was happy Germaine, Allah azza wa jal fie Kitab al Karim but an older or older bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. In Allahu wa melodica who you saw Luna Allenby Yeah, you handed in Amanu Sallu alayhi wa sallam buta sliema Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed comas Aleta Allah Rahim Ali Ibrahim El Amin in Ramadan Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad Ali Muhammad Kamal Baraka, Rahim. Ali Rahim Allah Alameen, in Hamad Majid, everybody Allah, Allah, Allah luck in the La Jolla movie with your son but he is a quarterback when her and his

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fascia you had one cup. Well I think Rula Akbar Allah Yeah, level matters now. How can you solder in the

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So that's a kind of mini Nikita mahfouda

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