Ali Ataie – A Crisis of Faith The Plight of Muslim Youth Today

Ali Ataie
AI: Summary ©
The " faith crisis" among youth is arguing against the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of the "immature Islam" of
AI: Transcript ©
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So I've been involved with a lot of youth, and there's a faith

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crisis amongst many of the youth. Many of the youth are through a

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chain, they have two faces. And the parents have no idea.

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We see them in the masjid. These youth, they make wudu they pray,

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they look like they have for sure. They listen to the Quran, they

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read the Quran, then they go to school around the internet, and

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they're atheist. They don't even believe in God. They're actually

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arguing, arguing against the Quran. On the computer in the

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masjid. They're reading almost half in the chat room. They're

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arguing against the Quran. This is very, very common. Why is this

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happening? Why is there a faith crisis?

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Well, there's many reasons why. Right? The youth have intellectual

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I met a brother from Afghanistan who was a Christian pastor, Afghan

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Christian, this is a big oxymoron. When I think of an honest man, I

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think of Islam. Right? Afghan Christian is like saying four

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sided triangle doesn't make any jumbo shrimp. It doesn't make any

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sense. Right? So why did you become a Christian? said, Well,

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there's, you know, astute Christian students at my college

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and they were telling me certain things and I tried to rebut them.

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I said, Well, have you studied Islam, you know, in detail. So I

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went to Sunday school when I was a kid. So your Sunday school? So

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what about those Christian guys that were trying to convert you?

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He says, some of them are seminarians, meaning they have,

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you know, master's degrees in divinity, their sons and daughters

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of priests and pastors, and your Sunday school education is

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supposed to help you in that in that regard. Right. So this is a

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problem with our youth, our youth, they don't have substantive

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knowledge, deep analytical knowledge, know how to interpret

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certain things. To put things in perspective. Many of them are in

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what I call in this Scooby Doo Islam, Scooby Doo Islam, Islam is

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a bunch of jinn and ghost stories. Right? That's all it is. His

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brother came up to me one time and said, I have a very important

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question for you. Very important, very private question. I said,

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Yes. How do I catch a gin? This is your very important question.

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Yeah. I said, brought that up front up. Fajr? No. Okay. Why

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don't you start with Fajr. And then we'll talk about gin and a

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few years in Java.

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But the same brother, you know, he talks about computer engineering,

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like he's Bill Gates, very precise, very technical, very

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articulate, when it comes to some good new I don't know, some

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worldly thing. Don't do anything. When it comes to the dean. Gen

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story, Scooby Doo religion, this type of thing. Why?

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Because they don't take the time to study the dean, the dean is on

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a simple thing. If you if you go to it's simply, it's a religion

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that everyone can grasp. At some level. That's true. But in this

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context, when are being checked, were being challenged, right, like

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my parents and back home and the mother countries, there was no

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internet, they didn't meet atheists. Right? Everyone was

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Muslim. The questions were regarding ortho Praxis there,

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they're 50 issues. Like, you know, how do I pray? What happens if

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this happened? What if I'm fasting and I vomit and these types of

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things? These were the issues of the day, and that generation,

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right, but nowadays, the youth in this generation, it's not worth

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the practice as orthodoxy. The question is not what is Islam? Or

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how do I practice? Why Islam is the question now? Why is there a

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god? This is a question a brother asked his parents one time is

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there how do you know there's Allah? His father said to him, a

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Sultan, Allah who will make will do and pray and Allah will reveal

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the answer to you. You can't even give them you can't even give this

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kid an answer. Why give some evidence? This is how he's geared.

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He's American. He's westernized. He lives in the Occident. Not in

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the Orient Orient. This is how he's how he's been socialized into

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thinking about Akita creed, orthodoxy, why should I believe

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he's going online and listening to Christopher Hitchens? And Richard

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Dawkins? Right. These scholars that teach at you know, Cambridge

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and Oxford, that are anti Muslim, not even atheist. They're anti

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theist. Like one of them said, there is no God and I hate him.

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There. Listen to these types of people talk about God talk about

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Islam, right? And they go to the Father, He says this, and this,

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what do I do? Go make woowoo? Go make me do? What does that

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continue to make you do? Don't worry about it. Don't ask these

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questions. Right? Because that's how he was taught when he was back

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home. But that doesn't work. They want there's intellectual

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curiosity. They want more substantive, substantive answers,

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and then we have another crisis. We'll end with this inshallah the

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audits are out of time. There are some youth who rise above this

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type of discourse, and they and they engage in deep study, and

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they want to be good Muslims. They have high Hinman's spiritual

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ambition. And then they go to their father, the sister goes to

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her father and says, I want to wear hijab. And he said, No,

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you're not allowed to wear hijab. Sorry, you can't do that. There's

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no but it's fun. Danny and I want to wear hijab and the father

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sister, I will answer Allah on that day. I will take it up with

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God on the Yeoman piano. This is the answer that came from her

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father. Well Paula in a cafe Rudy Latina Amaru it Teddy Russa been

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in a while not been hotter, Jaco mentioned the Quran, Soulja

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couple that the unbelievers they say to the believers Follow our

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way we'll take your sin story about it. Will vicariously atone

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for you this Christianity? What are you talking about? I'll answer

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Allah, you can answer Allah. On the Day when when everyone is

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terrified on that day, you're going to answer for your daughter.

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Right? You're going to run from your daughter Yaffe. You're going

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to run, flee, flee, Yuma the federal government asked me who

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want to be, and she's going to flee from you.

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Or you get this. His brother who wanted to study it is very common.

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This just happened. His brother wanted to study when he was in

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high school, you want to study the dean is a junior in high school.

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So he went to his parents, his parents said, No, you cannot study

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the dean, not even a little bit. You have to go get your master's

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degree first. Seven years later, the brother gets his master's

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degree, his parents call me.

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So you remember that brother a few years ago who wanted to stay? He's

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an atheist. What do we do about our son now? And well, seven years

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ago, you told me to get his master's degree, you probably went

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to some university and listened to the secular professors talk about

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Islam in a derogatory way. You should have let him study a little

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bit back then I can't do anything for you. Now I can talk to him. We

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talked to him, he's gone. Any of us? It's gonna be very difficult.

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Right? So we have to be balanced people. We have to be balanced

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people. We have to think about our communities, we have to support

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the communities. The first thing the Prophet salallahu Salam did in

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Medina after he took a census of the city because he wanted to know

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who he was dealing with, was that he built a masjid in the masjid

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isn't simply a place of such that even though that's linguistically

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what it means, it was a community center. The Masjid was a community

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center where the youth could go, and they can ask questions, and

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they can learn. And this is very, very important that we support

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these types of places. Right? Because the youth have answers.

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And if they don't get them here, don't think they're not getting

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them from somewhere else. They are and I must say you're in one of

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two states. Either you're being either you're calling people

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towards something or you're being called to something. That's it.

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Either you're calling people towards something or you're being

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called to something

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