Nouman Ali Khan – How Gratitude Shapes Our Lives – Khutbah

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The host discusses the history and actions of the Israeli Authority, including their actions against their neighbors and their actions against their neighbors. They also discuss the struggles of the Iranian President and the use of force during the pandemic. The segment later touches on the struggles of the Iranian population and the importance of showing gratitude and laughter in their culture. The speakers emphasize the need for people to show gratitude and laughter in the face of difficult situations, and stress the importance of not being caught in the current "utterance" of feeling grateful.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah Allah de la Motta who wants to know who want to start filming when we will be here when at our q&a when I also believe him and sruti and fusina woman sejati Molina de la la la la, la la la jolla. When a shadow Allah Allah illallah wa la sharika Allah when the shadow Ana Mohammed Abdullah he what a pseudo of Salah hola hota Allah Buddha Deena Huck leaves Hara who Allah de Nicola de Vaca fabula he shahida for some Allahu alayhi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira Sierra Nevada in the cul De Sica tabula rasa de Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were in a shuttle ohmori mcdata to her in Napa llama la la la la, la la la, la la la la la la la

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la la la la ministry Carnival gene was Kala musala COVID escallonia mata La La come enjoy comin Alif around, so Muna consolata with a B Hola, como esta Yun Anisha accom leikam Bella Ravi Kumar lien what is the center of bukem in Shackleton azita nakum wala Inca photo in other Bella shadid

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makalah Musa intek photo antimo mindful of the Jamia in Allah Hello Honey and Hamid

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rubbish at least recently Emily looked at me listening of Coco de la Mata Mata and multi v La ilaha illallah wa la Miranda, mina alladhina amanu having a solid heart, whatever, whatever. So, I mean, arable land, I mean, my mother had

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the Quran on many, many occasions speaks about the plight of the Israelites, but only slightly. And there are many chapters of their history that are included in several suitors of the Quran famously sort of Bukhara, but many other places as well. What I want to share with you today are three art and belong to select Ibrahim, and some lessons from them that have to do with the history of the Israelites a lot. What he does sometimes is he takes a very small scene from this long history that this 1000s of years of history of the Israelites, centuries and centuries. And then he takes a small scene and gives us timeless guidance from that one small scene. And so he does that in these shots.

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And this is a scene of the Israelites having escaped Egypt. They've been under persecution for many generations now. And they've been kept as a slavery's, what that means is they live in ghettos. They live in this kind of sub, you know, subprime kind of housing or substandard housing. And they are in a military encampment. In other words, they can't just go outside, whenever they feel like it, there's military presence outside, and they have to go by their permission. On the one side of it, they're landlocked, because their security checkpoints, they can't just go wherever they want, and the soldiers forced them to go do labor, men, women, children, you can imagine young men watching

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their parents being whipped and beat as they're doing work, and they can't do anything about it. And if they open their mouth, they're slaughtered, that takes place. And he's keeping the slave population under control. And on the other side of it is the river. And the river flows towards the palace. So if they try to escape by water, they'll end up towards the palace, so there's no way for them to get out. They're completely locked, and stuck in this situation for many generations. And of course, it's a limited space. And you also have to understand phenomena is a political, he is evil, but he's also a political genius. So he understands that if he keeps this population under control,

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and they're obviously going to have children, and among those children will be men, and there will be women and women, men make good labor. But when these boys grow up enough of them, they're going to be when they're teenagers, or 20 years old, or whatever, they're going to be hot headed. So when they see their sister being harassed, or their mother being slapped, they're not going to take it. And if there enough of them, there might be a revolution, they might stand up against him. So he understands that he has to control he needs to slave labor, but he can't have too many of them. Because they'll they might revolt and throw over the whole country and his kingdom. So even though

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there's the biblical analysis, and some have in the Anthropocene have also accepted that that view that he saw a dream that someone from those children are is going to overthrow his empire. I'm also giving you kind of a political backdrop to why he's having those nightmares. You know, he's having those nightmares, because if there's enough of them, they will overthrow his empire, some one of them will rise and the other you can't, you can only suppress people so much, until they can't take it anymore. So his policy became every other year, he's going to slaughter all the boys.

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And they would commit this mass genocide of children and throw the corpses in the river. That's what they would do. And this, this is how the Israelites lived for a long time. So you know, you can imagine the sorrow of one grieving mother, one grieving father. But can you imagine the sorrow of his entire nation that's grieving? The kinds of wars and crimes that are happening? Can you imagine the scene of soldiers going door to door and doing this? This is how these people lived and lived.

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like this for a very, very long time. And so when Allah azza wa jal finally opened the doors for them, which is a long story, how did he open that door for them? But that's not the scene today, the scene is not that I'm just giving you a little bit of background, so you appreciate where we are. Allows origin opens that door, the water parts, it's impossible to cross because they can't escape anywhere. Where are they going to go? The river is going to lead them right back to the military that's trying to kill them, but allows it which opens the water for them. And now they have a way to escape miraculously, and they escape and allows origin. You know, he he drowns the Pharaoh and his

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armies. But now, where are they? That's the next question. This entire huge population of people is in the middle of the desert.

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Men, women, children, huge, and they've left their home behind, they can't pack everything that they owned, you know, put yourself and myself in that situation. our families, our kids in that situation. They're outside in the burning desert, there's no shade to be found anywhere. And fine, we didn't get killed by the Pharaoh. And we didn't get shot down by the spears. And we didn't drown in the river. But now we're gonna die of starvation in the desert. And there's this restless, huge population, and it's leader is musala Islam. And he has to now now what do we do? We don't have a country, we don't have a home, we have nothing. What are we going to do? And so at that moment, Musa

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alayhis salam gives them a speech. He addresses them. And he is now going to give this population a sermon about how they need to handle the situation, this crisis situation. He says what if Karla musala called me his guru Matala, he Aleykum is Angela Coleman. Alif Iran in some have used here as mobile charlatan, meaning Musashi Salaam says people make mention of Allah's favor on you. From the very moment he's now that he's rescued you from the Pharaoh and his entire legacies, that entire descendants, now that you've escaped, make mention of a less favor. Now these people are thinking make mention of a less favorite when you when you when I think of a less Pharaoh, we think we have

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food, we have clothing, we have a car, we have a job we have, we have luxury in life, these are less favors. So he decides to mention a lot of favors to them. What favors of Allah should you remember that you should be grateful? So he says to them? Yes, who Muna consolata,

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the Pharaoh's and his people that used to humiliate you with the worst kinds of humiliation. Black in your faces. What that means is tearing your faces, you know, in old cultures to put tar on the faces to humiliate somebody. In other words, to have no honor for your family for the women of your family. The soldiers will do whatever they want. This is what you used to suffer. Yeah, so Muna comes to Elijah used to be hoonah Abner accom. They used to slaughter massacre. It's not yet the black moon with you. They'll be home and they used to massacre your sons. We as the human Anissa come, and they would allow your women to live because they'll produce more later. And for

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unthinkable reasons. Also, yes, that you read this article. The confusing thing about the signer so far, as he said, make mention of what allas fever, make mention of Allah's favor, the fact that they were humiliated, the fact that their children were being slaughtered. The fact that their daughters were being allowed to live, doesn't sound like favors. That sounds like some pretty bad stuff. But the commentary began, make mention of Alice's favor, which favors these favors. How can these be favors? The fact is we're overlooking one thing is MGR Khan. He rescued you from all of this. That's the favor of a lot. This is what you were in. He got you out of this, and this and this. And that is

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a less favorite. What happens is, when someone's in a crisis, what they see in front of him his the problem that they have right now, these people are seeing the desert in front of them starving and dehydrating babies in their arms. They're seeing the fact that they have no home where are they going to find food? Where will you find food in the desert? Where do you find water in the desert? You can't turn back either. What are you going to do it so you're in the middle of the storm? You're in the middle of this life and death situation? You can't think of what else? How can this be a good thing? And musalla Islam first says listen, as bad as this is there was something far worse. There

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was something far far worse that Allah has already pulled you out of that has already taken you out of the first step and gratitude isn't just a think of the good things Allah has done.

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Here masala Salaam is reminding his people and through the Quran, all of us. The a step towards being grateful to Allah is to remember the terrible things that have already happened that Allah has saved you from that he's pulled you out of already. This is what if you know so so? You either be hoonah abna como esta une Anissa accom What is it called Bella Arabic Omar Lim and that was it.

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Massive trial for you. In other words, this is nothing compared to what happened before. This is this is that was a huge trial and look at how am I even rescued you from that? If a lot has given you the favor of getting out of the hands of the most powerful ruler in history without an army,

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you know, how can you escape so people from the clutches of the most powerful military will fit our novel? Oh, Todd, Levine. autofill. Beloved, beloved, they used to take over whatever nation they want, nobody messed with them. Their armies were well established, pegged into the ground, there is no way for a civilian population to escape. And Allah got you out of there through impossible odds. Why are you being ungrateful? Why are you being angry? You should not be ungrateful. First of all, make mention of a less favor upon you. And then the next protect Okay, fine. I'm grateful. Thanks for the sermon. I'm really grateful. Now, that doesn't solve my problem. I'm still dying of thirst.

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My babies still crying. You know, the old people don't have a place to even sit down. Where are we going to live? We're going to die grateful I suppose. What do we do with this? We should we're expecting from Musa alayhis salaam now to give a hotbar about summer.

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You're in difficult situation, anybody who's going through a difficult situation, you turn to them and say you should have wide patience. This is what's required at the time. What is musala slam sermon? What is the end the Nara buco, the in Chicago, that as he didn't know,

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when you're your master, remember the moment your master has declared, he's made you open your ears to this announcement that if you were to be grateful, I will absolutely I promise it, I will increase you increase you and increase you.

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The hope that he gave is not about being patient.

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The whole body gave us about being grateful.

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He didn't say if you're a patient level solve your problem. He said if you're grateful if you're grateful. But he didn't even say if you're grateful Allah will make a way out for you like other places in Koran he says woman yet Allah Allah Hamas pleasure. Whereas taqwa of Allah Acquavella will make a way out for them. A lot will give them an escape, not in this is not even an escape. You know, because when when a person is in difficulty, and all you and I can think of is how do I get out of this mess? How do I get out of it? How do I get out of this pain? How do I come out of the hospital? How do I come out of this legal thing? How do I come out of this problem with that

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problem? That's all you can think of. Right now, Allah azza wa jal gives him a promise, if you can show the least bit of gratitude ceccato, the muddy I won't get technical, it's a hookah. But to say that if you can even show a single incident of gratitude in the middle of a crisis, if you're in trouble, and you're in, you're in dire situations, you're in desperate situations, and you can show that you are grateful to align those moments. What will I do as a response? Because it is at that time, before I tell you what, what Allah promises, it is, in those moments that a human being we're just human, what can we do? We are overwhelmed with thoughts about our problems. All we can think

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about is what more is going to go wrong. What is going to become of this? How is it going to get worse? What is How about this? And how about this, and these scenarios are playing in your head, and you're overrun by these scenarios, you're just thinking about, you know, bad and then bad and then bad. And it's just more documents this point, you know, compiling compounding and one on top of the other, and your thoughts are invaded by the negative, you're just invaded by the negative. And in those moments, when someone says have suffered, meaning, you let your mind attack you, let you yourself be self destructive inside of your head. And while you're going through that internal pain,

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just take it, we have somebody at hurts, but what is what is the profit Busan Tell, tell these people, and what is allows them to take from that one snippet that he makes it timeless advice in the moments of that kind of despair. You have to take your mind and you have to take your heart, and you have to focus it on things that will remind you what you what you should be grateful for. You have to stop thinking about your problem. You have to stop thinking about a crisis. You have to stop thinking about what's going wrong. You have to get get that out of your head, get that out of your heart. All you're focused on is what should make me grateful.

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Because unless you think about you know, when people have a problem, like for example, you lost your job. Somebody comes up to you How's it going?

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that's not 100 in LA, because in your head, I lost my job. I have like one month's rent left if that I don't even know how I'm going to pay the electricity bill. My kids school tuition is coming up. I don't know what I'm going to do. But the Islamic thing disease Alhamdulillah so Alhamdulillah

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In other words, the tongue is saying something to heart isn't feeling.

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The heart is not feeling I have lots of reasons to be positive. I have lots of reasons to be grateful to Allah. And that compels my tongue to say Actually, it's more like I know that lots of problems but I guess I guess I'm gonna

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Shackleton here if you and I can internally this is this is a mental it's an emotional spiritual exercise internally we can actually find something to be grateful for

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find something to be grateful for and literally what Eliza agent did for, for the for the Israelites through the words of Mossad Islam? Is he showed them much worse scenarios, would you prefer that you were still living under under slavery? Would you prefer to see your mother's being treated that way and your daughter is being treated that way still? Would you prefer your your newborn babies and watch their blood spill? would you would you prefer that still has an alarm remove that calamity from you? Has any Isn't there something to be grateful about? If you can even think of something positive to be grateful about, at the very least you can say to yourself, things could have been a

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lot worse, a lot kept things from being a lot worse, that you can be grateful for. And that's something nobody else can make you feel you and I have to feel that for ourselves. But what will I do if we feel that it's not just for you to feel better? Because you know, in modern times when, you know, when self help books and this kind of psychology, psychological assistance and counseling or whatever, Think positive, everything will work out.

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Just be positive. Yeah, we're like, I'm positive, but I'm still going bankrupt. I'm positive, I'm still going to jail. So I'm positively going.

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What am I gonna do with being positive? How's it going to solve my problem? My problems are still right there in front of me. There's no solution. But what does Allah do? Allah says, Yes, your problems are in front of you. But I'll give you something nobody else can give you. Yes, being grateful is about thinking positively. But for a believer being positive is different from anybody else thinking positively. When a believer is positive, they're grateful to Allah, that's our positive thinking, What does Allah do in return, not as he did not come, I swear to it, lovely job. Awesome. I swear to it. And I emphasize and I emphasize again, and I emphasize again, this is noon,

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satilla is called, I'm telling you, I'm telling you, I'm telling you, I will increase for you, I will enhance for you, I will make more for you. Now, that's an ambiguous thing to say, I will increase for you, I will enhance you, I'm telling you, I will enhance you enhance you and enhance you.

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Another way you can even think of it is I'll give you more and more and more. That's what I was saying. I'll give you more and more and more. I'll make you more and more and more. But the question is more what

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you can give me more and more like if somebody says How's it going? What are your hopes with a lot I hope a lot increases me and increases you in what weight? Blood pressure? What do you want? What do you want to increase in? You have to qualify it right? Somebody says, hey, I've noticed that you increased.

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Oh, what is that? Did you increase in knowledge or patience? Or, you know, weight or facial hair? What did you increase in? Unless you qualify it, you don't know what you know, for example, even the term increase, it's because it's mobile, there's always some use of it. In Arabic, it's because it's ambiguous. There's a qualifier like obz the knee, Allah increased me. But that's open ended, increase me in what so we say a lot visit any element in knowledge, we qualify it. In this ayah. Allah says, if you're grateful, if you're in the middle of crisis, you can be grateful, I will increase you, I swear to it, but he doesn't say in what

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he didn't say, he did not come sovereign.

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As he did not come near Martin.

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He doesn't he doesn't say I will increase you in blessings. I'll increase you in patience, I'll increase you in strength, I'll increase you in perseverance. I'll increase you in the reward of the orchestra, I will increase some some offer. He doesn't qualify the offer, because he recognizes you're in the middle of a crisis, in which you have all kinds of things that need to be increased, your personal strength needs needs to be increased.

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The blessing of a lot needs to be increased the presence of angels around you needs to be increased protection from Allah needs to be increased, rewards need to be increased. There are things that need increase around you. That can't be limited. And Allah azzawajal in recognition of that says, You show me gratitude, and I will increase all the good things around you without limit and I swear to it, that's what I'll do.

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But there's another flip side,

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and he adds weather income.

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And if you dare become ungrateful, I'm not saying disbelieve here because it's in a cause of sugar. Right, so the transition correctly would be and if you dare become ungrateful, by the way, those people in the desert have every reason to be ungrateful. They have every reason to complain. Have you seen people standing for a long time in a line?

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You know, waiting for something waiting for at the post office or passport. You need to get a passport or you know, and people are cutting and use. It's hot and they're standing there. Some of you take your kids on vacation, and sometimes for the ride. There's like a

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40 minute line, and you're standing there like

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people are complaining, it's so hot guy, I want to do this, I hate Disney, etc, etc. You know, it's when your patience is tested and these are huge numbers of people. It's not an easy circumstance to be in. But Allah says anything even in the middle of this circumstance, if you people choose the path of ingratitude, if you people become people of complaint.

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Then he says in there either Bella Hadid, I punishment is really severe. I don't like ungrateful people. But the mercy of ally in this ayah is that he didn't say if you're ungrateful, then my punishment is severe. You know, when you say if and then there are two things become correlated with each other. If you do this, then I'll do that. He did that with gratitude. If you're grateful, then I'll definitely increase you as either knuckle.

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But on the flip side, while in Kazakhstan, he didn't say that in either B.

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Or in either we actually not even for another just inaudible actually, just remember, my punishment is very severe. In other words, I'm not saying if you're ungrateful in this moment that I'll punish you. But just remember, things could have been a lot worse.

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Think of it that way. Think things could have been a lot worse. Don't choose the path of ingratitude. Don't forget, because you know, when you think about people, when you think about the world, when you think about money, when you think about society, then all you're thinking about our problems.

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When you're thinking about Allah, then you can learn to be grateful. People give us a lot of reasons to complain in our life. The world around us gives us a lot of reasons to complain. As a matter of fact, we become a culture of complaining, you can't buy anything without looking at how many people complained about it.

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Right? You can't take a course in college without looking at a professor and finding out how many people complained about him. Or a school or whatever else. We're a culture of complaint. We're not a culture of gratitude. We have to now become people that Allah increases. So Allah says, well, the Inca photo in other Bella didn't finally leave you with this. Allah says, No, some people are so lost in their problems. They're like yeah, okay, thanks for this whole be grateful thing, but I got I got bigger issues you don't understand. Okay. You don't know what I'm going through. So keep keep your speech to yourself. Let me just, you know, sulk in my negativity. Let me just whatever or can't

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even complain now. You know, what's happened to me? Do you know what they did? Do you know what this happened? And you just like you vent. And the response to that is, what kind of Musa because you can imagine his congregation saying to him, seriously, you're going to tell us don't even complain.

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Not now okay. Yeah, grateful for what? The sand doesn't taste good. I tried.

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You know, people who complain and so what does he say? We'll call a moose in duck foo and Tom woman fell me on

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you become ungrateful. You all want to complain, go ahead, keep complaining. And you know what, if everyone on the earth keeps complaining, every last one of them becomes ungrateful.

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In the law, the honeymoon Hamidullah is, unless independent, he didn't need your prayer, he didn't need you to be grateful. He's not he's not, you know, offended by you not being grateful. And now somehow he's, you know, you took something away from him. You know, when you do something for someone, you help someone, and then they turn around and insult you. You could get offended, like I did all this for you. And you do that to me. Allah doesn't do that. Allah didn't need your thanks and restore appreciation or, you know, acceptance or acknowledgement, he didn't need any of it. allies, allies, honey, he didn't need it. He's independent.

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He doesn't care that you didn't show gratitude. It took away nothing from his kingdom.

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It didn't upset him. The only one you harm those yourself.

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And if you're thinking if you're not going to be grateful, then who's going to thank him, you know, some really obnoxious atheist. His attitudes are? Why does your God want us to thank him all the time?

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Why is he so by other law? This is so so self centered? You know what they do? They think of people and they imagine a law would be like that. Because a person who always thinks people should appreciate me, people should think me, people should praise me as an arrogant, self centered person.

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And they think about people and then they imagine the law must be like that too.

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You cannot impose what creation is and then impose those thoughts on Allah a second cliche. What does Allah say about himself? Hamid fighting Allah Allah honeymoon, Hamid, Allah is praise, Allah is thanked in and of himself, even if there was no creation in existence that didn't praise Him, He would still be Hamid, his hummed would still be there. His praise and his gratitude would still be there if there was no one left to praise him.

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That's not the point.

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You're not doing this for Allah. You know, the shaitaan comes and tricks you Yeah.

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You're going through problems and Allah wants you to thank him. Sure.

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Why should I do that for a lot? What did Allah do for me?

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That's what a person will say. That's what a person will say when influenced by shippon. What should I Why should I do this for Allah? What has he done for me? Every time I prayed, I prayed I prayed and look where we are. As a matter of fact, the followers of musala salaam even before they cross the desert because the water hadn't parted yet, you know what they said to them? You know, Lena, we were we were being tortured before you got here. And thanks a lot after you got here. We're still in trouble. What's the point? What Thanks a lot, just new problems now. Like they didn't see the point. Why should I turn to Allah? It's not like my problems disappeared. And Allah responds if you want to

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be ungrateful. Go ahead, my promises I will increase you, but increase you on his timetable, not yours. It's not going to happen when you want it to happen. Allah has a schedule for when he's going to increase you how he's going to increase you how he's going to bring you out of your calamity. Jamaica so people have gratitude. And now that people have in gratitude, allow our hearts to internalize the teachings of his book barakallahu li walakum Corrales Hakeem whenever any way he can be it was the king hamdu lillahi Wa Wa salatu wa salam O Allah Abadi Latino Safa, Susana of Bali him mahatama bien, Mohamed el amin wa alayhi wa sahbihi Giovanni Paolo la gente kitabi Karim bada Nakula

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Rajim in a la llamada Akita who is a Luna lmdb Latina amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam with us Lima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed Camus Allah tala Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim al al amin in the Gambia Majid Allahumma barik Allah Muhammad Ali Mohammed Kamara Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim al al Ameen in the Camino Majeed are about a la la la la in the La Jolla, San Benito in Korba. How and in fact show you will uncover melodical lie about la

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consola in the salata canon

This khutbah was given on 9/29/2017 in the Bayyinah musalla.

After escaping the clutches of Pharaoh, Prophet Musa (PBUH) and his people found themselves in the middle of the desert with no food, shelter, or hope for survival. It was at this point that Allah chose to remind them about gratitude.

What we learn from this passage from Surah Ibrahim is that, when we are faced with insurmountable challenges and odds, we must recognize that it is only with Allah’s help that we can be successful. If we are able to rise to this higher level of faith and only think of reasons why we should be grateful to Allah, especially at a time when our mind is being invaded by worries and negativity, then Allah has definitely promised that He will increase every possible avenue for good around us.

With this divine guidance and formula from the Quran, may we all find solace during our difficulties, peace during turmoil, and success during hardships. Ameen.

Please share this reminder with your friends and loved ones. Ustadh Nouman will be giving a new khutbah every Friday inshallah. Please keep him, his family, and everyone at Bayyinah Institute in your dua’a.

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