Nouman Ali Khan – Faith In Allah’s Plan – Khutbah

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of learning from experiences and experiences rather than just words is emphasized in this conversation. The speaker discusses the long and complex history of Islam, including its impact on people and the importance of taking small steps to improve one's life. The conversation also touches on the impact of parent loss on children and the importance of learning to handle difficult circumstances.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah Xena who want to start you know who want to start Pharaoh? When we know Viva la calidad de

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when our ob let him in surely and fusina woman say at Mr. Lena man yes the hula hoop Allah mobile Allah woman. Hala hajela when a shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa ala sharika when the shadow Ana Mohammed Abdullah he was solo Allahu Allahu taala with Buddha with Enid Huck, leave Hara who Allah de Nicola de Vaca fabula he shahida for sallallahu alayhi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira and kathira

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Takahashi de tabula Well hi Ravi Have you Mohammed in salallahu alayhi wasallam we're in a shuttle Marina de to her We're in nakoula modesetting beta wakulla which is in Bala wakulla banana Zinfandel.

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The hula hula

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hula hula hula Humana shaytani r rajim. what is called a Musashi Fatah, hula abraha Abu Hamza Maharani Amaya Kakuma. Rubbish silly Emily Wagner Dr. Tammy lasagna, De La Hoya Tabitha en de lo TB La ilaha illAllah Allah homage and Amina Latina, I'm an amino Sally had whatever So Bill Huck, whatever, so the sub amino banana mean.

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My intention today is to share with you some highlights from a very unique story in the Quran. This is towards the end of South Africa have something we recite every Friday. And that's a Sunnah way, the prophetic way of letting us know that there are lessons in the surah that are going to be relevant in our everyday life. And we need to review them and renew them, especially on the day of Friday. And this guidance is going to protect us from all kinds of difficulties. The story itself is very long. And if I went into too much detail, it will take longer than the allotted time for the hubbub. But there are things in particular that I'll try to highlight. And I recognize that there

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are those of you that are listening, that may not be familiar with this story. So I'll give you some synopsis as we go. This is one of the events in the life of Musa alayhis salaam, the chronology of it is not known, but it seems it's very much later on after his great missions have been accomplished. The challenge against the pharaoh is done, the crossing of the water is done. The Israelites are somewhat there in the desert now etc. And it seems it's in that timeframe. But a lot as the widow calls him to task, he gives him a mission, essentially, that he has to go learn something. The first thing I'd like to highlight is Musashi, salaams commitment to learning, he

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says, and what I recited in the beginning of this hotbar, he said to his young student is you can say his intern, his Fatah, his young men. In other words, he took an assistant with him. And he says to him, lebra, who had a blue homage of Alba, when embryoscope hapa, I'm going to continue and stay committed to this journey, until I reach the place where two oceans meet, even if it means I have to spend multiple times a year, multiple lifetimes, finding it. He's telling this to his students. And all of this, the purpose of this journey is he's going to learn from someone. So the first thing he's teaching his student is that more than anything else, he himself is a student. And he's

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teaching his student, his own commitment as a student, I don't I doesn't matter if it takes me multiple lifetimes to find this destination or not. Because I don't know exactly where it is. I'm just heading in this in this direction, and you're coming along with me. But don't ask me to quit because I'm not going to I am that committed to learning. This is a lost way of also teaching us that the knowledge is about to learn isn't something trivial. Of course, you know that Musa alayhis salam is the most mentioned prophet in the Quran. He's also the recipient of the largest revelation, the Torah is significantly much bigger in volume than the revelation of the Quran. And he's, by by

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that definition, he's actually the most knowledgeable of all human beings until that time, he has more knowledge of revelation than anybody else that has been given. And yet this man is now being told. And he said, that he is going to go learn. And he and by the way, his followers, what are they called, they're called People of the Book, meaning people of learning, the people who whose take his religion, and even though they've made changes to it, they're called bar people of ink. In other words, this is the messenger Allah He sat down, who inspired so much learning, and so much knowledge that came after him. They were his people became known as the people of knowledge, and the people of

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information and the People of the Book. In any case, he's going to learn something that requires an extra effort on his part, even if it takes him lifetimes. There's something unique and valuable about these lessons, that even the book of a life that time is not going to teach him he has to learn this from somewhere else, even though he doesn't have this answer, and a lot will just give it to me but he won't just reveal it to him. Allah says in the Quran, Allah Allah Allahu Musa tak Lima, Allah used to speak to Musa alayhis salaam, directly indirect communication and engage with him in in a very rigorous communication. And yet Allah says no

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This is not the kind of learning that even allow will teach you directly, you're gonna have to go on a journey. So it is a very unique circumstance, you don't just pass over this little bit of information, you have to appreciate what's going on here. The most knowledgeable person in the world at the time is now being told you have to go learn a lesson from somewhere else. And so he goes on this, what seems like an endless journey. Who is this person that he's going to learn from? What what is what are his credentials? I mean, if Musa alayhis salam is going to the most mentioned prophet in the Quran, is going to be going to become a student of someone, we must really learn his

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name and acknowledge him.

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So now when we get to that allows, when all he says is what are the abdomen or batinah they found us one of our servants. Literally, the Quran describes this teacher of musala Islam as one of our servants. I know that in our narrations, and some of the opinions we find his name to be hotter or colder is pronounced differently. Koran deliberately does not mention his name. You will think this is a very important individual. And there's even an argument whether it's human or Angel, not a it's not an issue in the Quran. The Quran didn't ask that question. We don't have to ask that question. The Quran gave us one bit of information about him. He was one of our slaves. What does that do?

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That actually teaches us something profound about those who reach the heights of knowledge. They are nothing more than a slave of Allah. Their titles, their credentials are insignificant before Allah. He's a mysterious figure that Musa Elisa just knows this is the person I have to learn from. And it's really interesting. Also, Musa alayhis salam does not ask him his credentials, and say so I'm supposed to learn from you. I mean, where did you graduate from? What revelation to you get? Well, who are you supposed to be? Like, you know, when you're learning from someone you want to kind of size them up? There's nothing like it. He's sorry. Listen, I'm straight up, goes to him and says,

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America Allah and to aluminum Mr. Olympia.

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May I follow you? Can I say No, he didn't say hello to alimony. Could you just teach me? I came all this way? Because apparently, you know, some things I don't know. So why don't you just tell me I'm already tired. laquered Latina Min safaree na na na Saba Quran also describes musallam on this journey, we've been pretty exhausted. Mind you. This is the same musala salaam who's crossed the water, who's been in the desert, who's done quite a few pretty exhaustive things, who's been in muddy and almost dying of dehydration to find water. This is the same Musa that went on this journey and says I'm pretty exhausted by now. And after this exhaustion, he doesn't say can we just sit down

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here and learn now that it's been a pretty tough journey for me. He says, to this individual, this abdomen, a mandala. He says to him, Hey, who can I follow you? This is interesting, because it's what he's going to learn isn't just words, he has to follow him. This is a kind of learning that will come from experience. It's not it's not book knowledge. It's not classroom knowledge. It's experience knowledge. And this is something musallam already knows, this person will teach me something that cannot come from books or words, he's going to show me certain experiences. So he's asking permission to follow him. And only by living those experiences, will I learn something. And

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of course, his response is your you don't have the patience for it. Let us Tatyana sobre. Your I don't see you as capable of withstanding what's going to be coming. I don't see that you have the grit, the perseverance, the patience, it takes to learn these lessons. And Musa alayhis. Salam then convinces him and by the way, most of them could have also said, Excuse me, I don't have patience. You know, who I deal with. I dealt with borrowed. I debated with him, you know whose leader I am, but who is slightly. I don't have patience. You know, what the kinds of things they've said to me. He doesn't say that. Clearly, Musa alayhis, salaam, you and I know how his patience has been tested

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throughout his life. Throughout his life, time and time again, his patience has been tested. And yet, these lessons his teacher is telling him

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they're not that easy. It's going to test your patience, you're going to lose it, you're not going to be able to withhold it. That's a pretty, pretty powerful statement to make. And for cron, to record it like that about musala Sam, and he says that he do it in sha Allah Hassan, you'll find me patient in sha Allah, if Allah wills, I'm not saying that I have that capability before Allah grants me that capability, I will demonstrate patience to you. Okay, so that's his prerequisite for this learning. This is important for us because we learn before we learn anything about these lessons. What we have to internalize is that these lessons cannot be learned if you're not patient. And these

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lessons will only be learned if you're and my patience is tested. If we're put in difficult circumstances, these lessons are directly related to difficulty and hardship, where your patience and your grit is going to be put to the test. So this is what musasa has been told and of course, musala so let me see in difficulty before, this is not new for him. So he's pretty confident he'll be able to manage the situation. So they go on their way.

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stead of me going I have I'll just share some highlights with you. The first stop on their journey is that they asked this man, this teacher of his and musala Islam, they board onto a ship patidar Kiba Safina t now when they bought onto a ship obviously there are people there travelers and they asked these people can we ride with you? So they've done them a favor. The circumstance is not just about a ship I have to you have to understand. Now we have a situation where there are people who did other people a favor. The people that own the ship have done masala Salamis teacher favor by allowing them to ride along with them. They go on this ride Harada he starts going you can imagine

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goes to the bottom of the ship and start ripping out the planks and damaging the ship. It's now starting to sink from inside. And moosari sounds like a horrible holiday.

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Have you just damaged this boat so you can drown the people that are on it? What are you doing? What an unheard of thing you're doing local caching. What are terrible finger up to? How could you do this? And the teacher turns to him and says Allah McAllen, Nicoletta Sati, Amaya, Sabra. And I tell you, you're not gonna you don't have the patience with this. You can't learn these lessons.

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And he says, Okay, now to ask if need be monazite without any memory or Sora. Okay, okay. Don't Don't hold. Don't hold me to this. don't penalize me for this mistake. And don't make this hard for me. Fine, fine, fine. You just do what you do. But before we go any further, I want you to appreciate something. There are people that are going to be in your life in mind that you might be doing something good to you did something good to them. And they do something terrible to you.

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And you're standing What?

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How? Why would you do this to me? Or you're a bystander watching like musala seven as a bystander watching. They did something good for us. Why are you hurting them? The last person you shouldn't be hurting is the one who did good to you. You know, like the poet says, I live over ramaiah toquilla Yeoman. Hello, Mr. De Rahmani. I taught him how to do archery every day. And when his shot got really good, he shot me. You know, that's that this idea is so weird. I was helping you. I did so much for you. How could you turn around and do this to me? This is what Musashi sama shocked about? Anyway, this is the first lesson they go on. He doesn't know what the lesson is yet. He's still got

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questions in his head. Why did this happen? You don't have the patience. Let's keep going. Time for lesson number two. And they go on to Lesson number two, and they see this kid. They don't know who the child is. And he just kills the kid. This man kills a child. This child has done nothing to you is committed no crime. You don't even know him. Musa alayhis salam is in the absolute shock. By the way. This is the kind of person Musa alayhis salam is the kind of individual that when a person was being beat up, he intervened. You remember earlier on his in his life, somebody was being beat up and he intervened and said, you know, modulating your talent.

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And he went up and he just he punched the guy stopped it from happening now he's seen a child be killed.

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The shock and anger and frustration of moussaka tell Thompson zakia laughs

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Are you seriously have you killed a pure innocent soul? Without it having or this child having committed any crime? What kind of unheard evil Have you just committed a new crime

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and the teacher turns to him again with this corpse of a child in front of him and says

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good luck I

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didn't I say to you, you're not going to have the patience for this. You can't handle this

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color inside too. Touka and che in Banda.

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Okay, he said fine. If I asked you anything else then okay. You don't have to accompany me. I got it. Okay. Bella familia de niro Dora. From my end. I have no excuse, are you you have every reason to leave. If I if I if I do if I cross the line one more time, I've been disqualified. Now we've got two circumstances so far. One in which people did good to them. And apparently they did bad back in the other nobody did anything to you. They have nothing to do with this one. Why would you harm them? Why would you do something to them. And this is also something unfathomable for musasa. And then you get to the third circumstance and they for whatever data you read when you accommodate they

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went to some town and for about a you know you leave for a day they refuse the people refuse to be hospitable to them in the least bit. Hey, do you know where the well is when we drink the water shut the door in their face, pushing them around. Nobody's offering them any help. You know, and they're not they're clearly not welcome where they are. About you leave Houma is, you know, I don't know, as a kid, I watched a lot of Western flicks. New guy walks into a salon and everybody kind of somebody's chewing on a straw just staring at him. Like there's about to be a gunfight or something like they're not they're known. They're not welcome here. You know what you're doing here, stranger,

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that kind of thing. So when that happens, and they're not welcome there.

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walking by and they see this monument type wall that's broken down and it's tipping over you need to onion Papa, it looks like it's gonna tip over and damage the whole street. And his teacher says, Yeah, we're gonna work on this wall, we're gonna fix this whole wall. In the middle of town, people are cursing at them, people don't care for them, people are clearly letting them know you better leave here, you better get out of here and they're fixing the street in the middle, they're fixing this wall in the middle. And Musashi sounds like these people are terrible to us.

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And they won't even give us so much as a sip of water. We've been working and laboring here all day building this wall.

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If you wanted and hit the lotto hautala, he actually you could have been paid for this work, at least, maybe we would have gotten a couple of dollars here and there. And maybe we would have eaten something. But that much. And he says this is it. This is the time you and I part have I feel Ah, Kobe knee or vaidika. It's interesting, the story began where two oceans meet. And it it's ending where they apart. You know, those two are now parting and in a sense, they're all both also oceans of knowledge, Musa alayhis salaam is the ocean of knowledge of Revelation. And this teacher of his his the knowledge of this other kind of knowledge that doesn't come from books, but now they're

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party. And so now he tells him the reasoning behind all three of these, there was a greater plan from Allah. And in this plan, those people whose ship was destroyed, actually, their ship was about to be seized by the Navy, the king was taking every ship to add to his Navy, when they came by their ship, they saw the ship is damaged, they said no good for the Navy, they let it go, they're gonna suffer damages, they're gonna have to fix it up, but at least they still get to keep their their livelihood, they can still earn a living. In the case of the child, only Allah could have known that down the road in the future, this child was going to be a criminal tyrannical disappearance. And

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Allah gave that child an outlet agenda. And Allah allowed his parents also relief of great calamity that was coming their way. Nobody could have known that except Allah. In the case of this wall, Allah was looking out for two orphans in that town that was so mean to them, whose father left a great deal of money behind and that money was buried under that wall. If that wall tipped over, people would have seen that treasure they would have the kind of people they are we know what kind of people they are, those kids wouldn't have seen a penny of it, that would have been eaten up by somebody else. And a law wanted that those kids grow up one day and are strong enough and protect

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their assets. And then they dig up What is this? This was the lowest plan. But in all of this, None of this makes any logical sense. I mean, unless you know, unless plan, you're not going to know the logic behind something terrible that happens. What I'm getting at is sometimes you're going to do good for people. And you're not going to get compensated like that, well. Sometimes people are gonna do terrible things to you, you haven't done anything to them. Sometimes you've done good for them. And they only do horrible things to you, or somebody else. You see, these are these things around you. And when this happens, your patience is going to be tested. How can they get away with this?

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How can they do this to me? Why would they do this? I want to give you one more place in the Quran, which is also in a sense related to the people of Mussolini and Ivan Soto very interesting language.

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You know, the Israelites when they were established and when they finally became an independent nation. Eventually Allah azza wa jal actually in in the history of the Jews in the history of the Israelites, they were ransacked and invaded by foreign nations multiple times. And Allah mentions two major major invasions in certain Islam. But the way he mentioned understand that the Israelites, the Jewish community of the time, we consider them the Muslims of that time. You have to understand what that means. They were the Muslims of that time, that was the oma and they lived in a town and then non Muslims came non believers came and invaded them for Joshua Hill, Allah Dr. They broke into

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every home, you don't have to go further. When you describe soldiers breaking inside homes, then you know what happens next. That doesn't have to be spelled out. Everybody can know anybody who understands war knows when militaries go into civilian towns, all unnamed kinds of atrocities take place. But that army that came in, you know what I'll call them.

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He says bathala cameri badalona coolibah. Essentially, we appointed over you, meaning we sent to invade over you servants of ours. The strangest phrase, those people were disbelievers enemies of Allah, pagans attacking Muslims, and what did Allah call them? His servants? Sometimes people do that do terrible, terrible things. They don't even know that they're serving a larger plan from Allah. They don't even know it. They don't even know that even in their rebellion against the law, they are actually at a less service. They don't even know the believers might not understand why this is happening to them. They don't see the future script. They don't have that curtain lifted

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from Allah. Like in the case of the teacher of Musa who said, Look, this is going to test your patience because you don't know what's behind the scenes. All you see is what's

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happening in front of you, you don't know what's going on, you know, in the background, that is only this is Eileen will be with Shahada. Allah knows the unseen and the seen, we only get to see what's in front. And when it when we see what's in front, we go crazy. We lose patience. How can they do this? How is it a lot that has happened? You know that parent, those parents who lost their child are not going to say, Oh yeah, I guess he was going to get older and be a big pain. And they're not going to say that they can say How did I let this happen? Why did my child have to die? And those same parents if their child lived 20 years later, I wish you died when you were young, the kind of

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pain you've caused us. Those same parents will say those words. But alone, you don't know. Well, luckily, I know until not that element Allah knows and you don't know. Allah. Allah has knowledge and you don't have knowledge. This is the kind of lesson that Musa alayhis salaam could not just have been told he had to experience it. Why? Because you can read about patience. You can learn about you can listen to Honda about it. But if you're experiencing something, you're experiencing a kind of situation where you cannot understand why this is happening to you. Why is this happening to me, and then still no not accept Whoo hoo Shara loco calm, but who are highroller calm, don't think

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this is a bad thing for you. There's good in this for you. There's good in it for you. If you can internalize that, then you've learned one of the most important lessons in the Quran. One of those lessons that could not have been learned easily even by the likes of Masada, Islam. And if it's not easy for you and me to internalize that lesson right away, that's okay. It wasn't even easy for musala salon. We're not being expected to turn into angels, we're not being expected to not be frustrated, to not be angry to not lose patience. That's not the expectation from a lot. As a matter of fact, even someone of that status of Musa alayhis salam from from Oulu, as we may not know, so if

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he can, multiple times be told, look, you're losing your patience, I told you, you're not going to be able to handle it. And who are we, we are going to go through those circumstances. But this story and these, this, this guidance is going to remind us that we have to take a step back sometimes, and just look at a lesson plan and say, I submit to it, there is something good in it in this life and in the next. And you know what, I'm going to accept that.

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And this is the lesson that most artists I've had to be given, we are not going to have someone like, you know, massage teacher who will walk around with us. And when something bad happens, you will By the way, I know you're frustrated. But you know the real thing, you know, you lost your job right now and you're really upset. But actually a much better job is coming and you would never have even applied for it. If this didn't happen and you're going to move to the town you always wanted to move to but that's all planned out for you. But I just didn't want to tell you that so i right now I know you're pretty depressed because you don't have any savings. You don't have money to pay the

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rent and electricity bill and everything's falling apart. But just wanted to let you know there's something in the source code you didn't understand.

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That's not gonna happen with us. That's not gonna happen. That's that's only with that messenger and that lesson that he had to learn. And through that we know that there's always a plan. Because of this story. We know there's always a plan. And the plan of a lie is always always meant to be something good. You know, that knowledge that this man had, or this individual had, I'd say be to be careful how they describe his knowledge. He says Athena who I met him in Indiana, where alumna Hamid LaDonna. Alma, he says about this individual, Allah gave him a mercy that comes especially from us and then secondarily he says, We gave him a knowledge that comes especially from us. In other words,

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that knowledge that he has, before it is even knowledge it is a mercy. before it's even knowledge, it is a mercy from Allah. That was important to mention, because everything he did didn't look like mercy. It didn't look like mercy, not from the naked eye, not from the eyes of the scene. But from the eyes of the unseen there's mercy in that to me, Allah azza wa jal give us eyes of human and really a heart that can withstand difficulty, withstand hardship, whatever hardship you're going through in your life, whatever circumstances that are that are weighing down on you. And may Allah is able to give you the faith to know there's something good behind this that is on the horizon. You

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just have to hold on to your faith. A lot of Colonia welcome and Hakeem when a family what Yeah, call me it will kill hockey hamdu lillahi wa kafa wa salatu wa salam O Allah de la Vina stafa Susana Bala Mohammed Nabina Muhammad in El amin where Allah alayhi wa sahbihi edge many hula hula zojirushi kitabi hickory Medina Kula Arabella him in a condo gene in a La La La La Jolla soluna lnav yeah you Hello Dena amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam Otis Lima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed

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Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim El amin in naka hamidah Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed Kamara Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim El amin in the middle Majid Mr. de la Rahim Allah, it's up in LA in the La Jolla movie I deal with a son what he thought is in corba, when he manufacture he will mooncup what are the

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Cool, I love little metal snowmen. I can solder in a salata, kind of mini Nikita makuta

This Khutbah was recorded on October 6th, 2017 at the Euless Campus

The story of Prophet Musa (PBUH) and Al-Khidr in Surah Al-Kahf is a source of profound guidance for situations many of us find ourselves facing in our daily lives. It begins with Prophet Musa’s (PBUH) relentless commitment to learning despite the fact that Allah had bestowed so much knowledge on him that his disciples were even called the People of the Book. Although Allah spoke directly to Prophet Musa (PBUH), He decided that these particular lessons will not be prescribed. They must be experienced. In their journey, Prophet Musa (PBUH) watches impatiently as the wise man, Al-Khidr, damages a ship, kills a child and builds a wall without asking for compensation. His actions shock Prophet Musa (PBUH) until Al-Khidr explains Allah’s merciful design. No matter how difficult our trials are in this world, we must have faith that Allah’s plan is always for the best.

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