Navaid Aziz – Setting the landscape for the Prophet – Seerah Halaqa Part 2

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The history and importance of Islam is discussed, including its rise and its cultural and political/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological/geological
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in hamdulillah Hina Ramadan is there you know who understood when I was a bIllahi min surely and fusina woman so yeah Tiana Nina Maria de la HuFa la medulla Who am I you blue for the hottie Allah or shadow en la ilaha illallah who have the whole sad color or shadow under Mohammed Abdullah who Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa the early he was so happy he was seldom at the Sleeman Kathira and my dad Allahumma de Medina, Elana alum, tena alumna, Yantra no one's gonna be my London I was in Maya Kareem mean you're below the mean, my dear brothers and sisters as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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I will begin with the question that I left you with last week, which is why do we think there are no prophets sent after the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam What did you guys come up with? The smella?

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So that is one element to it for sure that Allah subhanaw taala had completed the deen of Islam, so there was no need for other prophets to come. That is one way one reason definitely insha Allah. But Allah subhanaw taala had also perfected Judaism, Allah subhanaw taala had also perfected Christianity, yet prophets came Why was there no need for another deen or another religion even after the smuggler?

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There wasn't a prophet. I don't think many people would listen to that message, because POTUS was already claimed that he was the last one on Messenger. And

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I think because of that the new religion would have been able to uphold truthfulness. Excellent. So you've gotten very technical, and I love that. So the the claim is very accurate, that Allah subhanaw taala had revealed in the Quran, so to La sub, that there were going to be no more prophets after that. But what we're looking at is what has happened to be more specific, that allowed Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam to be the last prophet, like why is it that Allah subhanaw taala didn't stop at ISA? Why didn't Allah subhanaw taala stop at Musa or any of the previous prophets? Go ahead.

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Exactly. So that's repeating what I've just said. So the ayah in the Quran, the Hadith, the seal of the prophets, Allah is all of that we will acknowledge and we will submit it to, but think of a worldly reasoning. Like what has happened, think about what we've learned last week, what has happened, that there wasn't a need for another prophet,

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the people in the world

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they came not just for the people of Arabia, but for all of mankind

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came to their tribes.

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To me with the wisdom and said you came for all of mankind. Excellent. So that's definitely one of the wisdoms, whereas previous prophets were sent to particular nations and to particular people, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent to all of humanity. And this is going to be a circular argument in nature as well, because being the last prophet, he had to, by default, be a prophet for all of humanity. But I'm still looking for something specific.

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Think about the dunya what was different in the short amount of time that the prophesy son came with till now till all of the millions of years that came before

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he was also like one of the people that

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knew more, and because like, you took the messages from the other prophets and messengers, and then he told them and that also gave him like, excellent, I love that answer. So there was some summarizing messages from other prophets and messengers. So there's there, there was no need. Excellent. I'm gonna give you a one last 10th And then I'm going to give you the answer.

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According to urbanism, what was the miracle of the process under

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incorrect urbanism, I specifically mentioned something

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excellent, the preservation of the spirit of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Even husband Rahim Allah He said, Had Allah subhanho wa Taala sent no other miracle, proving the prophethood of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, other than the detailed documentation of his life, it would have been sufficient, it would have been sufficient. So what we learn is that in terms of preservation and documentation, prior to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this did not take place in that level of detail. So what has happened now is that not only are there detailed documentation during the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where the Quran is

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being written down, where certain individuals who are not scribes of the Quran, are also writing down a hadith. But this whole genre of preservation is now coming into existence. The whole science of hadith is coming into existence, a critique of narrators, a critique of historians is coming into existence.

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So everything that mankind will need to know from the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, till the Day of Judgment, it has been perfectly preserved in the Quran, and in the documentation of the life of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. So that is number one. Number two, the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was the most Beloved of Allah subhanho wa taala. Right there was no prophet more beloved, there was no prophet that was more dear to Allah subhanho wa taala, then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so Allah subhanho wa Taala chose his best and most beloved to to have the weightiest of jobs, right? And this is where you need

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to look into the psyche of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, can you imagine the level of burden you have to live with every single day, knowing that you are the last prophet sent to humanity? That Can you imagine the amount of pressure you have to live with that after you there are no more prophets? So if you don't do your job, well, it's over for mankind that even Subhanallah look at the amazing job he does do as a prophet impeccable jobs, right Allah, there could not have been a better profit. Yet what happens to humanity after the demise of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shortly thereafter, right? There were a few good years after the death of the Prophet

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sallahu alayhi wa sallam, but what happens to humanity? Again, over time, mankind, even the Arabian Peninsula, it eventually becomes misguided. And we continue to see that till today. So it's very important to look at the historical context of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and what is happening out if we've saved this if we right over here, and maybe this is just for you over here, there's not gonna love it.

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Now, because out of has showed up slightly late, we're gonna give them a chance to answer the question. You caught the very ending of it. But why was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the final and last messenger? You don't have an answer?

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Nothing that you came up with. Okay, just love it. So the summary of which is two things. Number one is that process alone was the best and most beloved of Allah's creation and the best of prophets, and there is no prophet that could ever live up to that standard after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Number two was the documentation that the prophecy Selim came so close to an era of where literacy was being increased and documentation was being done, and the sciences of Joshua ideal and doing a sunnah were all taking place, that it was possible to document the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and his message to such precision that there wouldn't be a physical

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need after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam along with the other answers that were mentioned. There's an ayah in the Quran and Yama command to become Dena calm. And Hanuman there been another Hadith that alludes to such as well. But if you take those away, what are the worldly reasons, then these are some of the worldly reasons that we look at. So now we get into the early history of Mecca. Now, I need to give a couple of disclaimers here, history is not my forte, in fact, of all the sciences, it is the one that I enjoy the least.

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I find it very complicated. And I find it very vague and ambiguous. And I also find it very, very cumbersome. Like you can have a conversation with a person, and they're able to dictate what's in front of them, I'm able to dictate what's in front of me. And both of us are needed to dictate what's happening in the whole entire room because we're unable to encompass what's happening behind us. So all that to say if that's in one given moment, imagine you're covering hundreds of years of time, have hundreds of places, right? So that's something to keep in mind that I did not go through a verification process of everything. That Mirage Mohiuddin has said, mashallah, he seems to be a

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scholar of the highest caliber, based upon this book, I haven't seen any of his other works. But based upon this, he's done a phenomenal job. So whatever he mentioned, that is not something that overlaps with in something that I feel comfortable with. We're going to go with what he says. But if he says something that I don't feel comfortable with, due to a previous study or expertise, then I will clearly point that out. Number two, is that this early part of Makkah, and Arabian history is phenomenal. SubhanAllah. Because if you look at the overlap between the life of use of Ali Salam and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what does Allah subhanaw taala say about the story of Yusuf

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Walla who Valbona Allah, that Allah subhanho wa Taala is in complete control of his affair. And if you look at the way that things are set up for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be born into the Quraysh. And, you know, be in Makkah, while everything has happened, you see the phenomenal number of events that have to take place precisely and accordingly, in order for all of that to happen in order for all of that to happen. So that's something to pay attention to, in terms of how Allah subhanaw taala is in control of his affairs. So now we're going to start off with the history

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We have the Arabs. According to Mirage Mohiuddin there are three types of Arabs. Number one, the first Arabs and they are broken down into these three categories. Number one the perished Arabs. So we have the stories of AD and samode. These are the descendants of new Halley's salaam, and these are known as the first Arabs, they are not really relevant to the zero of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but when you talk about the history of the Arabs, it is important to mention them. Number two, you have the pure Arabs. So a lot of times when you hear of bunu Katan, or the catani tribe, these are considered the pure Arabs. But what is their history Exactly? The pure Arabs also

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known as the Catalonian Arabs settled in Yemen, and founded the empire of Sheba, also known as saba. As far back as guys know, talking, okay, if you talk, I'm gonna send you to the back.

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They founded the empire of Sabah, as far back as 2500 BC, BC, meaning before is Ali Salam, between 13 106 50 BCE, so their timeframe is going backwards. So understand that. So 1300 to 650 is going from 1300 to 650, as opposed to after a Saudi Saddam, it would go 650 to 1300. So just keep that in mind. They built a dam in Arab, and this dam is what allowed their civilization to prosper it allowed their civilization to prosper. Now, these individuals,

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they became more famous for the Queen of Sheba, the Queen of Sheba, meaning the Emperor's was a female. This was something that wasn't common. At that time. It is narrated that her name was bilkis. And you have the story of Saudi man, Elisa Lam and her in Surah number, a very fascinating story. Sheikh Abu Issa does a phenomenal job explaining this in his class known as dominion, you can refer to that for more details. Now. The Dominion of Sheba, it split into two tribes heavier and Cahalane, heavier and Cahalane. Now, I know there's going to be a lot of details and technicalities. If you document it, it'll be a lot easier for yourself to make sense of everything that I'm saying.

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If you're not going to document it, I can promise you even though the book in front of me, I'm still getting confused from time to time, so try to document as much of it as you can. So shortly after 100 See, the Human Rights gained control of Yemen, and forced Golan out and forced Golan out so human rights are in charge of Yemen and Caroline has now been forced out. Which brings us to the third type of Arabs. So remember first time first type of Arabs are the Paris nations second type of Arabs are the pure Arabs. Third type of Arabs are the Arab ised Arabs, so many people that in their essence were not Arab, but they ended up becoming Arab. When did this happen? These are the direct

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descendants of Ismail and he salaam these are the direct descendants of Ismail Ali Salaam in Makkah so you can imagine that Cahalane has spread all over Arabia, some of the places that they've also gone to is maca. At that time, it was known as Bucha. So the early name of NACA is known as Bucha. The early name of Medina is known as what?

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As yesterday. Excellent. So we're going to be going back and forth between these names. But just so that there's no confusion, we wanted to clarify that Bucha and MCE same city yesterday, and Medina, same city, as well. So these are the three types of Arabs. Let's look at their brief descriptions. So the perished Arabs. Little is known of these ancient Arabs except that they are considered to be the descendants of no Hadees Salam who inhabited the southern Arabic Arabian Peninsula, as well as an area in the north northern Polynesia known as Elijah. Then you have the pure Arabs, also known as catonian Arabs. They originated from Yemen and gave rise to the Empire of Sheba around the second

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century CE D divided into two main branches hamir and Cahalane. The Hammer stayed in Yemen while the Golan spread north and settled throughout the peninsula. Then you have the Arabs Arabs, these are the descendants of Ismail and he Salam and his wife, a pure Arab from the tribe of Judah Han arginine was a descendant of Ismail and became the namesake the namesake, meaning that all the Arabs Arabs known became known as Bhanu Adnan, the Adnan Nian tribes who remained in the central Arabian peninsula in the hijas and nudged regions brief summary of that. Now, what are the notable tribes under all three of these categories? So under the perished Arabs, we have added samode under the

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pure Arabs, you will have your home you will have heavier and you will have Golan from Cahalane you have some other famous tribes like the Husar like the O's like the coverage, all of these were under qahal

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on and then under the Adnan nians, the force famous of them been off the cliff and the Quraysh. These are the famous tribes that came under these three different types of Arabs. Why is this so important? We're going to jump to a future section which is talking about the various religions that are not diverse the various prophets that have come. So if you look at the lineage of Ibrahim Ali Salaam and they will be going into Ibrahim Ali salaam next from Ibraheem Alehissalaam he had two main sons which were who

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is how can you smile at him a salon right? From a sack, all of the profits that we're familiar with, they all came from him. Yusuf Ali salaam, a YouTube though so the man

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inside he Salam, Zakaria Musa Harun all of them are from the side of his Huck, who came from the side of his smile 1000s of years in between, no one came other than Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this shows us the desperate need that the Arab tribes had for a profit. Right? So from the time of Adam samode, no profits have been sent to the Arab tribes. So the Arab people were long overdue for a profit historically, and then due to the events that are taking place, meaning the shirt that is spreading amongst them, they will also do for a cleanse for someone to educate them for someone to come and purify them. So that is what is happening over there. So now we

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come to the story of Ibrahim and he said, Ibraheem Alehissalaam his timeframe is roughly between 1800 to 1600. Before Isa he Salam, in the area of Iraq mortar, particularly in the town of Aurora, you are, and this is where his story takes place. Now, he's travelled quite a bit, and particularly he there's a very nice map that those of you that are interested after the class, I'll show it to you, but the journeys that Ibraheem Alehissalaam took, starting off from from earth to Haoran, to Basra to Hebron to back to Jerusalem, right? And back, right, and then his journey continues after that, but these are the main cities that he travelled to. So he becomes a very key figure, and it's

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important to know the dates

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of his arrival. Now, Ibraheem Alehissalaam he initially married Sarah, Sarah and Ibrahim alayhis salam, they live a very, very long time, roughly 90 to 100 years. So it is said that Ibrahim Ali Salam was 100 years. Sarah was 90 years and they do not have any children. They do not have any children at all. And then finally, Allah subhanaw taala blessed them with their first son is Hawk through which all the prophets came down. Now, during the journey with Sarah, Ibraheem Alehissalaam actually bordered Egypt, he bordered Egypt, and it is mentioned that he came across the Pharaoh. And it is also mentioned that this is the story of an emerald that he came across this tyrannical ruler

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for lack of a better word, who tried to seduce Sarah, and Sarah outright refused. She was a pious and chaste woman, and she would not be compelled or forced into doing anything indecent. The ruler recognizes this, the ruler recognizes this, then the ruler as a gift ends up giving hajat to Sarah ends up giving Hijjah to Sarah. Now, who is Hotjar it's very fascinating. If you look at different narrations about this, the predominant narration is that hija was a slave girl. And she was gifted as a slave girl, to

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to Sarah, there is another version and this is what

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Dr. Mirage mentions that her gender was, in fact, the daughter of the federal or the daughter of Nimrod. So she wasn't actually a slave girl. She wasn't actually the slave girl, but she was the daughter and she was gifted to Sarah, to be in service and to learn from this pious, righteous and chaste woman because he wanted his daughter to encompass similar characteristics of piety and chastity. But he only quotes one source for this he only quotes one source for this. So Allah knows best the predominant norm narrative, the majority still may make sense. Now, why is Murad trying to do this? Allah knows best what his actual intentions are based upon what's being said. He's trying

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to counter the Christian narrative that Ibrahim alayhis salam and Ibrahim Ali Salam is from

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The closest of prophets to Allah, you know, he's the Khalil of Allah subhanaw taala. So you can imagine, you know, making an accusation against a prophet is a major sin. But you can imagine from the closer prophets of Allah subhanaw taala like a Khalil, you make the accusation that he committed Zina, and that he had an illegitimate child. No one has Ishmael, as is the biblical narrative, you know, Allah subhanho wa Taala is free from such blasphemy and show the prophets of Allah subhanho wa taala. So that Ibraheem Alehissalaam he, in fact, did not have a slave girl that he had an illegitimate relationship with, but rather, she was a free woman who he married and had this son

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named Ismail or Ishmael, according to the biblical narrative, because he mentioned both of these points back together, back to back.

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So now, this is in summary, the story of Ibrahim alayhi salam, how he had his hack, how he smiled, and he said, um, comes into play. Now we compare the biblical story with the Quranic story, and with Quranic story, a lot of it is found in the Hadith as well, not just the Quran, but I use that as a loose term, that according to the biblical story, Sara gets jealous of her children. So she banishes her. She says, Get out of here, you're no longer welcome. According to the Quranic story, Ibraheem Alehissalaam is actually commanded to take hijab and is married to the city of Baca to the city of Baraka. And they traveled for 40 days by camo till he arrives there. And you have to understand the

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setting that's taking place over here. The city of Mecca, literally has nothing there. Besides a few odd trees, you see mountains everywhere. And you see just see this empty Valley. no trees, no crops, no harvest, no people, most importantly, no What? No water, how are they going to survive without water? So this is very integral to the story. So eventually, Ibrahim alayhi salam, he goes there, leaves them behind. And you see the Eman of Hydra. We shared the story mentioned in Sahih al Bukhari that Ibrahim alayhi salam he is not turning around as he's left hijab and Ismail, this brand new, fresh little baby that's just born as he's walking away. You can imagine perhaps it's too painful

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for him, that he feels that if I turn around, you know, I may be deterred, and I may have this desire to stay behind with them. But Allah subhanaw taala is sending me on a different mission. And she calls out Ibrahim, where are you going? Ibrahim? Are you going? Till she realizes Allahu America beha did Allah subhanho wa Taala command you with this oil, Brahim. And you can imagine that as he's walking, he's just nodding his head, and the big smile that he has on his face, because she's figured it out. That she knows that Ibrahim Ali Sudan, he's not going to just leave his family out in the middle of the desert with nothing there at all. Just abandon them. Like that's not a

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characteristic of a man, let alone have a prophet of the highest magnitude, right? So she figures this out. And then what does she say for letting you know Yeah, and Allah that if that is the case, then Allah subhanaw taala will never allow us to perish. Allah subhanho wa Taala will never allow us to perish. And it is at that time that Ismail and his salaam starts crying. The angel Jibreel comes with his wing or he himself, you know crushes the ground, and the spring of zum zum eventually comes forth spring of zamzam eventually comes forth, and now they have water to survive. Now, not only is there water, but back to back at that time nomadic tribes, they are constantly searching for water.

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They see this spring of zamzam that has sprung forth, they to now starts coming to America. And as soon as you have water, and as soon as you have people that necessitates that people are going to start doing trade. So other food items are coming in other cloud items are coming in. And all of this stuff is going to come in because it now becomes a part of the route that people are going to be taking. Ibrahim Ali Salam eventually comes back, and they build the cabin, and they build the cabin. And it is such a beautiful story of a father and a son activity, like this concept of doing a brother together to raise your children upon righteousness. Such a beautiful story. And there's so

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many lessons throughout those interactions. Subhan Allah, where Ibrahim and Ismail they're building together, and ismail Ali Salaam is being taught the value of hard work and labor and serving Allah subhanho wa taala. But he's also taught humility, that at the end of which Ibrahim alayhi salam, he basically teaches him that even though we're commanded by Allah subhanaw taala to do this, don't assume that it will be accepted, and then he makes the DUA Robina Taco Bell Mina in Kansas Samuel, Arlene

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that, Oh our Lord, accept from us. For surely you are the all seeing and the All Knowing. So just because you do a good deed, you've been commanded by Allah to do it, it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be accepted by Allah subhanaw taala, that humility, that it is a favor of Allah upon us, to serve him needs to be there, right, that sincerity needs to be there. And then you also see the various dua is that Ibrahim alayhi salam makes at the head of them is that he's thanking of Allah so he's thanking Allah subhanaw taala that he was blessed with a smile on his Hawk at an old age. And then he makes this dua Robbie Gianni mocha masala to Minnesota Yeti Robina or Taco Bell dua

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Robin are fairly well usually they are within me Nina yo, Maya Coleman is up like this dua in particular such a beautiful dua that oh Allah make me one that establishes the Salah and from my progeny as well. Right? So it's not just that Oh, Allah make me establish the salah. You know, I'm not too concerned about my family, but he recognizes the importance of you and your family establishing the Salah Robina with acaba again. He asked Allah that Oh, Allah accepted this dua, even though it was Allah subhanaw taala that guided him to this dua. Right. Rabanal fairly well, usually they hear that Oh, Allah forgive me. And for my parents, while moved me Nina, yo, Maya

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Coleman, Hassan, and for the believers on the day of judgment and resurrection. And this teaches us the prophetic attitude towards forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala. That the prophetic attitude is we don't just want forgiveness for ourselves and for our loved ones, but we want it for all of humanity and for all of civilization and for all of the believers. In the Hadith narrated by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he tells us that for every believer that you seek forgiveness, for you will get a good deed you will get a good deed. So making a general dua like this, that Oh Allah, forgive all of the believers, there is an immense amount of reward, right and immense amount

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of reward. Because just in our living time, we're looking at over a billion Muslims Subhan Allah just in our living current time, let alone all those that have preceded and all of those that are yet to come till the Day of Judgment. So now, we get to the story of Ismail and he, Salam. So Ismail alayhi salam, he's living in Makkah, he grows older, and eventually he needs to get married, he needs to have his own family. So what ends up happening is smile and he Salam ends up marrying the daughter of the chief of the Durham tribe, and he had 12 sons with her he had 12 sons with her and he remained in that area and as custodian of the kava till approximately the age of 137 years old.

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137 years old Subhan Allah and that is the story of Ismail Alayhi Salam. Now, we're not taking any questions right now questions at the end inshallah.

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Go ahead. I just wanted to say he stayed till 137 My great grandma, mashallah, she's almost 100 usual, Allahu Akbar. May Allah bless her and protect her. I mean, does that look at I appreciate that comment. But even comments now we're going to save to the end of the session inshallah. Okay, thank you so much.

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So now, what happens from the time of Ismail Ali Salaam and the Durham tribe that eventually

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comes there is that the Durham tribe eventually ends up abusing their power. So they recognize that they have the Kaaba in their control. You have pilgrims from various faiths that are coming, and they're abusing their power. They're restricting who can come they're restricting, who can go, how they're served, so on and so forth. So as this is happening, but no other none.

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partners with the Husar tribe, and they chase out the jewel humps, they trace out the jewel hubs, but the Durham's before they leave, what do they do? They bury their treasure, and they cover up the well of zamzam. They bury their treasures, and they cover up the well of zamzam. So you can imagine that they've been in control for almost 2000 years of the city of Mecca. And before this happens, that is what they end up doing. They ultimately resettled in Yemen, and the Husar tribe became the leaders of Mecca. So after the June homes, the Hooser I tried became the leaders of Mecca. Now why is this important? Because up until this point, only Tawheed is being practiced only through hate is

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being practiced or hate is the official religion. If you want to call it of Mecca, the only worship Allah

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subhanaw taala following the legacy of Ibrahim alayhi salam through the tradition of Ismail and he, Salam. So now because our tribe ends up taking over Mecca, and they're not looking for the well of ZamZam, because other wells have sprung forth, they're no longer in need of it. People have been coming in and out. It is a flourishing city. But now what finally happens is that the leader of the Husar tribe, Mr. Abdullah, hate, he is the first person to bring an idol into Makkah. So he went to Syria, he got an idol named hobo. And this became the first idol, the first, you know, fake deity that was entered in to Makkah. And eventually, this is how the tradition began. So when you look at

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the sin of idolatry in Makkah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam clearly mentioned that AMRAP No, no, hey, you won't have the sin of everyone that came after him, because he is the one that introduced this disbelief, he is the one that introduced this, this belief. So now, what happens from that time till we move forward? Approximately 400 years after the birth of Isa he salam after the birth of Isa the history. So what has happened is that maca will now be reclaimed, and it will be reclaimed by the pre log of the kurush. How is this going to happen? So about 400 years after the birth of a Saudi Saddam, a Karachi man by the name of Kosei, married the daughter of her Lael Ibn

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hepsia, the chief of the tribe of cosa, so cosa, he, he marries the daughter of Holyland Kosei. If you look at the lineage of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there's, if I'm not mistaken, five generations, between Jose and the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. So we're getting to the coming of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So now we'll say he marries into the family, and the chief is eventually going to die. But the chief, he didn't want to choose any of his own families. He didn't want to choose any of his own sons. He thinks Kosei is an honorable man is a trustworthy man is an intelligent man. And he is picked as the successor he is picked as the

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successor. So that is what ends up happening. So now per se, eventually, over time, he too is going to be passing away. And Kosei he had four sons. The notable ones, which you need to know of, are abdomen, F, and up the DAR of the munaf and up the dot, and we're going to introduce the other slowly so abdomen if he was the most capable, but what's a favorite, his eldest son of the Dar, and the least promising of the four took the position of the monarch accepted his father's wishes, but in the next generation, meaning the generation after the monarch, half the Kure, supported abdominals, exceptional son Hashem, as their tribal leader. So the Quraysh are now splitting into

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two half of them want Hashem the son of abdomen, enough to be the leader. And then the other half wanted the lineage, or the control to be continued, as it was through Abu Dhabi.

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So now, they come to this agreement, that Hashem can take care of anything related to the Kaaba, and the rights of the pilgrims. And then the keys to H will go through the lineage of of the DAR and their descendants. Now, why is this important? Why is this important? Why is Hashem so important? So Hashem eventually, he ends up establishing a trade route, officially for the city of Makkah. Which surah is this trade route mentioned in?

00:34:00 --> 00:34:47

Excellent Surah Qureshi that right, the surah of Koresh, Rahul at the shelter, he was safe, the journey of the summer and the winter. So if you look at this journey that took place in the wintertime, they're going south towards Yemen, in the summertime, they're going north towards Syria, and those areas along the Silk Road. So he's established this for Makkah, and maca now becomes this bustling town that has this trade route for everything that you could possibly need. So despite the historical rifts that split the coalition to to every clan recognized Hashem has extraordinary leadership, and reviving the economic primacy of Makkah, by establishing the summer and winter

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routes in Syria and Yemen. Hashem eventually goes on one of these routes going north, as is going north. You

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He stops off at the city known as ye Philip. When he is in the airstrip, he comes across this woman. Salma bint amor, one of the most influential women of the huzzah Raj sub clan of Naja. Selma agreed to marriage on the condition that any child of theirs would remain in yesterday that if Hashem and Selma end up having a child, that child has to remain in yesterday. Now, Who is this child eventually going to be? They end up naming him Shaybah does anyone know who he becomes? Who does Shaybah become?

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shaper becomes Abdulmutallab. Exactly. He ends up becoming the grandfather of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So you see the possums connection to Medina has been established even before he is born. Here. It has been established, even before he is born. So they have a son named Shaybah. That ends up staying in yesterday. So a few years later, in 497, after he started his salaam, so this is 497. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is born in 600, roughly, so approximately 103 years before the birth of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam Hashem dies in Gaza, while in a caravan on Expedition to Syria. Okay, so now Hashem. He had three brothers of the chumps, no fun and mattala.

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Right. He has three brothers of the shrimps, Nofal and Muttalib. But since the first two were busy merchants of the shops and Nofal are busy merchants and you're going to see the Nofal name come up, whose son Will the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam eventually meet Nofal San Juan aka YBNL Nofal. Right? So understand this lineage inshallah. So there's some snowfall, our big merchants, so they cannot be leaders of the Quraysh. So it ends up being Multilib mattala ends up becoming the leader of the Quraysh. So now, many years after assuming a leadership of Quraysh, Motorola had to choose a successor. So Motorola now has to choose a successor. He's getting old, he knows he's going

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to die. He needs to figure out who is going to lead the corporation now. And Muttalib. He's heard amazing stories of what Shaybah is doing. And yesterday it intelligence leadership skills, economic skills, all of this stuff. He's heard all about it. So he says that rather than giving leadership to my own sons, I'm going to go and get Sabir from Yathrib. So Shaybah ends up coming on the horse behind Multilib. And people assume that Shaybah is the slave of Muttalib. So they started referring to him as a double matar lib. And that is how the name actually comes out. So Allah, that is how the name of the mythology actually came out, because they thought that Shaybah was the slave of

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mythology. Now Shaybah ends up becoming the leader and he accepts this title as Abdul Muttalib it seems like it isn't contested at all. So the name actually continues. So Abdul Muttalib lived with his uncle, until the latter died during a caravan journey to Yemen. After matalas death, his brother no fun, forcefully seized control of bundle Hashem, thereby blocking Abdulmutallab from succeeding his uncle, when the rest of Quraysh refused to arbitrate in this matter of Dawn Muttalib wrote to his maternal uncles in yesterday, asking for support at men from the husband's clan of Naja responded the entered Mecca and demanded that Nofal hand over the leadership of Hashem, to have the

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look further. And subhanAllah you see, like the history of war throughout, you know, Arabia at this point, that anytime there's a disagreement, there's always a fight for power, always afraid for clout, always a fight for prestige. And we see this happening back and forth. Subhan Allah so when we talk about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam unifying the Arab tribes, you have to put it in the context of its history, that how many people are being killed for frivolous reasons for no actual reasons. Vandala these people are being killed. So eventually they hand over the leadership to two of Hashem two of the Matata. After Abdulmutallab came into power, the coza entered into the

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alliance with Bernal Hashem, against Nofal and of the chumps that you'd think they'd learned their lesson. After all this is happening but no, they're establishing more alliances

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to eventually secure their own interests right

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Every tribe wants to secure their interests, particularly with the Kaaba, particularly with the trade route from Mecca. The money that is coming in the prestige that comes with it. Every tribe wants to claim it. Now, a historical moment happens over here, which is a pivotal moment in the Sierra, which is the well of zamzam is rediscovered. So Abdulmutallab he keeps having this reoccurring dream of this well, that used to be in the city of Makkah. And Abdulmutallab at this time, he only has one son by the name of Hadith. So him and Hadith had the accusation of being delirious as the exact accusation of going crazy. The start digging up this well, a which they have

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no evidence of, they have no proof of other than this reoccurring dream, that herbal mythology Shaybah is happening, is having. Eventually they dig the well of zamzam and again, the wellsprings forth amongst the various wells. And also they discover the treasures from the Durham tribe that were left behind, they discover the treasures from the Dora Durham tribe that were left behind. And although Abdulmutallab enjoyed a position of authority and Maccha, he was not content with having only one son. So what does he do? He makes nother

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who can tell me what another is

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a promise what does that look like though? It's not just a regular promise.

00:41:30 --> 00:41:40

A vow exactly that, Oh Allah, if you were to do something for me, I will do something for you. Right. No more questions or comments, please say please say

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You're still saying something, save it till the end. Please save it till the end.

00:41:46 --> 00:41:48

Thank you, okay.

00:41:54 --> 00:41:59

So he makes a vow, that Oh Allah, if you grant me

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more sons and basically nine more sons, the 10th of them, I will sacrifice for you. The 10th of them. I will sacrifice for you. So who are the other children that ended up he ends up having so Abdulmutallab, he has two wives, he has Fatima and he has had these are the two wives from Fatima. He ends up having hardest Artica Bharara Bara Arwa, Abu Lahab Zubayr Abu Talib or Mima, and Abdullah, the father of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who is actually the 10th son from Hala. He has a bus Hamza and Sophia. So these are all the children of Abdulmutallab, the key one you want to focus on is the last of the last son, Abdullah. So now,

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Abdulmutallab, he has to live up to his Well, you can't make a vow to Allah subhanaw taala that Oh, Allah, you grant me more sons, the 10th of them, I'm going to sacrifice for your sake. So he wanted to find a way out of this.

00:43:04 --> 00:43:41

What does he end up doing? He ends up consulting. And actually there's a very nice footnote over here, which I'll share the footnote and I'll go go back to it. The name Fatima. Is it historically a Muslim name? And the answer is no, that we see that there were many women named Fatima even prior to the daughter of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam. So it says that Fatima is a common name in the Sierra. Not only is it the name of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam his grandmother, but also Abu Talib, his wife who took care of him, and much later, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is the youngest daughter. So I thought that was fascinating to know, because often we would think that

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Fatima was a unique Muslim name, but the name precedes Islam altogether. Being the grandmother, and the wife of Abu Talib, the caretaker of the Prophet SAW, I said them are one of the caretakers of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam. So now, Abdullah mattala was desperate to find a way out from his oath. His search for alternatives led him to the north to the Jewish settlement of labor. On the advice of a respected elder, he began casting lots between Abdullah and 10 cameras, adding an additional 10 cameras, each time the arrow pointed towards the sun. So you can imagine you have

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sacrificing, keeping him alive, and he's spinning the arrow 10 times. And every time the arrow points towards sacrificing him, he adds 10 cameras, so he loses the first time he adds 10 cameras he loses the second time, adds 10 cameras, you lose the third time add 10 cameras, and you're there at this point of being sincere. Like Allah is showing him a clear sign but he's not like giving up right? Is it a sign to begin with? Allahu Allah right. We shouldn't even interrupt that. He shouldn't have done this in the first place. Like if you go back to prophetic Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually says that Nether doesn't bring out any goodness except from the

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person doesn't bring out any goodness, except in the stingy person. Meaning that you want to do something for the sake of Allah. Don't make a business transaction with Allah that Oh Allah, if you do this for me, I will do this for you. So that is the first lesson. The second lesson is if you're going to make a vow, like you clearly want to try to get out of it, right? And he's looking for answers that he thinks will be acceptable. And this is what he ends up doing. So on the 10th time, watch, this will be the 11th time if I'm not mistaken, the 10th or 11th time, he spends the arrow if finally lands at Abdullah, and he has to now sacrifice 100 cameras. So he sacrificed 100 camels, and

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that is how Abdullah was saved. Whereas in its origin of the law was to be sacrificed. Abdullah was to be sacrificed. So having fulfilled his oath of the mattala was determined to get his son married as soon as possible. So who does he find? I mean, to bent web from Quraysh. I mean, his father had passed away, and she was under the guardianship of her uncle willhave Ibn of the munaf, and Abdulmutallab approached willhave and asked for the hand of his niece. Not only did willhave agree to the union, he also consented to the marriage of his own daughter Hala, to Abdulmutallab. So his daughter Hala, got married to have done Medallia. So that is some brief history over there. Now we

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get to the last two sections. The last two sections for today we're going to cover what are the other religions around America? And what were the other civilizations around NACA. So, the religions in America at this time, you have the obvious which is paganism and idolatry. So you have the first idol that was brought in and eventually other idols are brought in as well. So around thought if a lot is brought in, in this area called Nakhla, and Erza is brought in an area called Coda it Almanack is brought in. And these are the famous idols that are mentioned in the Quran. These are the famous idols that are mentioned in the Quran, till eventually, even the city of Mecca ends up

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having 360 Idols under their main idol hobo. So paganism is one of the

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religions. Number two Zoroastrianism so this is where we're one of those things that I will disagree with the author. He goes on to say your astronism was the dominant religion of the Persian Empire, founded by the prophet zeroes thorough Zaroff, Surah, zeroeth, surah, in the 10th or 11th century, before he started his salah, there is this discussion on did Hinduism desert rationalism? Did they emanate from prophetic guidance were prophets sent to them, there is an argument that is being made as to the validity of the strength of its evidence is almost negligible. So it's more hearsay than anything else. But without a shadow of a doubt, Zoroastrianism was an other dominant religion. And

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if I was to go back and redo a book like this, and perhaps this is one of the things I might email in sha Allah, I would flip around the political powers before the religious powers, because it is the political powers that were actually spreading the religion, it was the political powers that were actually spreading the religion. So if you look at how Christianity spread, Christianity spread through the Roman Empire, right? If you look at how the Russian ism spread, is spread through the Persian Empire, do you have some exceptions to this, like Judaism, Judaism did not have an empire,

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close to that time period, it had empires prior to it. But that's how these religions were being spread. So that's something I would change in the book, as well. So then you have the third religion, which is Judaism. And you can see that they are in yesterday, but you can see that they are in cyber, and they are in other a couple of other places as well. Oh, sinharaja, Raj eventually move to yesterday. And the Jewish tribes opened their doors to them, they open data for us and cultures who are pagans at this time. And eventually what ends up happening is, the Jewish community starts to lose a quarter, according to the author over here, start to lose their own identity. And

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he started believing in black magic, and in divination, which I was not able to look up in terms of what it is referring to. Then you have Christianity, and he has a very fascinating piece on Christianity, where he says that Christianity eventually was embraced by the Roman Empire, and in 325 CE, meaning after each other he Salam. That is when the creed of Isa he Salam, being fully human and fully divine, was embraced by the Christian church. Who remembers what this creed was called. If you guys did more on religious education, that yeah, the creed of Nicaea the Nicene Creed

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that's when it became formalized. And prior to that, the Christian church had not embraced the divinity of Isa Allahi. Salaam, you had fractions and heretical groups from our perspective, that are holding this view. But it's not the official creed of the church. And in 451, that is when the majority of Roman Christians had officially adopted the concept of the Trinity. So meaning 451 years, after 451 years after, and they eventually, you know, they got into the Arabian Peninsula. So you see, in Syria, they had strongholds under the sun, it's, and in Yemen, and in other places, as well, and in other places, as well. Now, here's something fascinating. I'm going to quote a verse to

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you and you tell me where it's from. He shall not speak of himself. but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak.

00:50:56 --> 00:50:58

Good guess but that's not it.

00:51:02 --> 00:51:03

That's sort of

00:51:04 --> 00:51:12

not what I'm trying to achieve here. But I'll tell you the Quranic verse, and then why are young people and how, in who are Illawarra Ewha

00:51:13 --> 00:51:39

and najem. Excellent. So that Arabic verse is from sort of the najem, but this he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak is John 1613, John 1613, from the Bible. So this is the foretelling of the coming of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Bible. There's actually quite a few good books on this topic, the foretelling of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Bible.

00:51:41 --> 00:51:43

So that is the

00:51:44 --> 00:52:25

next major religion. And then the last of them is what the author calls Hanif ism, or the conifer as we know them. And these are the ones that remained upon pure monotheism. They were shunned from their societies, and they were just individual practitioners, as opposed to a recognized religion. So they didn't have a whole community of conifer, or groups of Hanukkah, or a city of Hanukkah, but they were spread out. And these were people that did not want to embrace idolatry, didn't want not want to embrace paganism, or are associated in partners with Allah subhanho wa taala. So these are the major religions that are taking place. Now why do we highlight this is because not only is the

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revelation coming to challenge, the idolatry of the Quraysh, but the two superpowers at that time, the Romans and the Persians, it is now coming to challenge them, as well. So if you look at the concept of the Trinity, Allah subhanaw taala addresses that thoroughly. And you look at the concepts of birth of resurrection, the concept of good and evil, all of that is being addressed indirectly towards the Zoroastrians, and then you have some sections that will address Judaism, Bani Israel as well, based upon their beliefs. Now, the bigger discussion over here is, we understand the religious context of Arabia. But let's look at the political context. Who are they being surrounded by? So as

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you mentioned, the two major superpowers are the Romans and the Persians. The Romans ruled a vast territory from the great city of Constantinople, all the way forward. So several centuries earlier, they had officially adopted the Trinitarian Christianity as the state religion, and it successfully pushed all competing theologies to the borders of the Empire. By the time of Muhammad birth sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in 570, the Romans had amassed a huge territory, encompassing modern day Italy, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, and North Africa. So this is where the Roman Empire is. Then you have the second competing Empire, which is the Persians. The society did Persian Empire was

00:53:57 --> 00:54:19

known to its inhabitants as Iran or Iran Shahara. They came to power in 224 ce before its ally salaam, and retained their dominance until the mid seventh century, until the mid seventh century, their territory included modern day Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, eastern Syria, and Turkey and parts of the

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Caucasus region, right the Albania Kosovo region as well part of that area. So they had it from 224 till mid seventh century till about 650 or so. Then you have the sonnets. These assignments were a pure Cahalane Arab tribe, who settled in northern Arabia, after being expelled by the emirates of Yemen, as we mentioned, they had to become Hellenized Christians. And he goes on to some of the differences between the different types of Christians. We're not going to go into that. But that was another empire that was around at that time. Their capital was Golan Heights in

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In the Levant area, so they encompass parts of modern day Syria, Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon. And most of their kingdom was Christian as well. Then you have the luck omits the luck meds were also a pure Cahalane Arab tribe from Yemen, who had settled further east in present day Iraq. And they were a different type of Christian, they were a different type of Christian, then you have the Abyssinians. And this is going to be very important, because as we get to the story of Abraha, you will learn of the, the history of the Abyssinians. So formerly known as the kingdom of Axiom, the Abyssinians were the third major Empire so they were the third major empire, Romans, Persians

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Abyssinians, bordering Arabia, the Empire was established as early as 400, before Easter, Ali Salam, and they too, later embraced Christianity. In the third century after he saw the Salah, recognized for their seaworthiness. They progressively gained control over the Horn of Africa, Red Sea coast, and occasionally Western Arabia. So parts of western Arabia, they're gaining and they're losing, particularly Yemen.

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Then we have the Hemi rights, and the Hemi rights are the last group before the attack on Makkah. So the description of pure Arabs left off with the hemorrhoids in Yemen, after expelling the Cahalane Arabs, the hemorrhage control the Yemen, from 115 BCE to 450, after East Ali salaam, however, the fractured Empire was never able to regain its control. So we're speaking about the hangar rights, and they were in control until 450. What happened in 450 that caused their major demise, the dam that they had built in the Arab that was the source of their thriving that eventually had a crack in it, and ended up decimating, right. So now,

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Christianity is now going to appear, and there's going to be a lot of internal fighting until 523. The Yemeni King use of the Nawaz attempted to force the Christians in the Jalon to convert to Judaism, right. So the Jewish community has taken faith. They're forcing the Christians to convert to Judaism. And according to the author, he says that this is the story of sortal brooch. This is the story of sort of broach when they're fused, entire communities were exterminated. 10s of 1000s of faithful Christians were thrown into a ditch of fire, a massacre that scholars believe is referenced in Surah Thun brooch, so that was use of the Nawaz, imposing Judaism upon the Christians

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of that time. Now, as that incident happened, Christians got very, very angry. And they now come to conquer Yemen with the help of the Abyssinians. So backed by Roman forces Christian, I've been seeing Ian's reconquered Yemen two years after the massacre. And this shows this panel is every time a faith is attacked. There's a political force that will come and help that faith get back on its feet in the aftermath, Abraha and Abyssinian General, who had fought against the human rights quickly maneuvered into the role of Governor of Yemen. So this is how Abraha has ended up in Yemen, as an Abyssinia. So now what really triggers Abraha, to attack Makkah to things shortly after Abra

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has assumed control. He erected a Grand Cathedral in Sana known as Yemeni El Cap, I'm not sure of what the Arabic name is, but this is what he has over here. So we established a cathedral over there. And what ends up happening a man from Benaki Nana, just south of Makkah, traveled to sunnah and defiled the cathedral, he defiled the cathedral. So this was a bruh has reason that this man from Kenya, Ghana, South Africa has come. He defiled my sanctuary, I'm going to go into File their sanctuary, he needed the reason. But what is the actual reason behind it? Historically, it seems that the motivation was more economical, that why is it that Maccha this land that was once barren,

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and had nothing there could become this thriving economy, but Yemen that has this vast history, we had, you know, a thriving economy before the dam collapsed. Why is it that we cannot have this economy so that if we demolish the economy and Maccha people will now be forced to come to Yemen, people will now be forced to come to Yemen. So he goes with 60,000 soldiers and several elephants, the head elephant was known as Muhammad, the head elephant was known as Muhammad. So Abra has army first stopped at five, right? And the people of five became scared that you know, it wasn't us. We didn't do that we didn't do

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To create your sanctuary, it was the people of Makkah, but on his way to Makkah, now abre has stops at this area known as Moga. Miss, and Milan Miss, you find this form of cameras, no one's looking after it. So Abraham says, You know what, I'm going to take these cameras for myself, and he takes these cameras, these cameras actually belonged to the Quraysh. So now who ends up coming from the coalition Abdulmutallab comes to claim his cameras back of the methodic comes to claim his cameras back. And he has a very fascinating conversation with Abraha. Like you would think that Abdul Matata would want to convince Abraham that you know what, you're coming to destroy Makkah, it wasn't us. It

01:00:45 --> 01:01:30

had nothing to do with us claim innocence. But according to this, what does a bill Muttalib say? He says, I am the Lord of the cameras. And the temple likewise has a Lord who will defend it meaning the Kaaba has a Lord who will defend it. I'm here to take care of my cameras and Rubalcaba will take care of the Kaaba. So now, as abre has army is heading towards Mecca, all of a sudden, darkness fills the sky. And this is not the darkness of clouds. This is not the darkness of thunder. These are birds that are gathered together with pellets and pebbles of stones that are now going to tell it to the army of a bra. They're now going to pellet the army of Ebola. And this is sort of oil

01:01:30 --> 01:02:14

field taking place. This is also the year in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is born. And that is why the year of the birth of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is called the arm and feel the fear of the incident of the elephant. This is what he's referring to. Now, why aren't they using yours? Right? Why didn't they say this happened in such and such year? Because history from that perspective, has not begun to become documented in that way. History was only remembered by the major events that took place during those times. If there's no major event, history is not being re collected at that time. He mentions a very important point over here is the story of the

01:02:14 --> 01:02:44

elephant really true. I mean, this incident actually happened. And he says that this story has reached a level of tomato, meaning that so many people who were alive that witnessed this incident mean like the going of the birds, and that there were even some survivors that survived the attack on Abra has army that lives to tell the story. So without a shadow of a doubt, it cannot be denied. Subhanallah behind the cast shadow La La Land, a stockbroker to buoy Lake wa salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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