Navaid Aziz – Living Life for the Hereafter

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam's teachings about the Yemeni and the Yemeni are meant to symbolize the life of the Hereafter. The choice of which way to pursue one's life is a conscious choice made at the beginning of the day. The importance of protecting one's health and integrity is emphasized, as well as developing a habit of being mindful of one's religion to maintain its honor. The importance of preserving knowledge for one's own safety is also emphasized. The speakers provide advice on staying away from certain areas of one's life, as well as avoiding smoking shisha and avoiding recreational activities.
AI: Transcript ©
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Vienna Mohammed was early he was a big mine, my bad. My dear brothers and sisters Samadhi Kumara Matala II wa barakato

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by show of hands who's performed hydro Amara before if you're going for hydro Rama before, can you raise your hands? Excellent. I have a question for you guys, when you are going between the Yemeni corner or the rockin Aliyah Manny and Alhaji al aswad. What did the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam teach us to say? What do we say?

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Yeah, which one?

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Okay, neither bad nor Excellent. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he taught us to say, between a rock and a Yemeni, the Yemeni corner and unhygenic us with the black stone. were meant to repeat the following Dr. Robin hnf dunya Hashanah, Warfield, karate Hasina, walk in other banner that Oh, our Lord grant is good in this life. Grant is good and then next, and save us from the punishment of the hellfire. One of the things I've often contemplated and I'm yet to find a definite answer is that throughout the whole bow of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not teach us a specific da, or a specific Vicar throughout the world, except in this one incident. And why is it

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Why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam specify between a rock and Aliamanu and I'll tell us what that were meant to be repeating this specific da, one of my own personal reflections. And like I said, this is not something that I found proceeded by me was that if you do rock, look at a rock tunnel Yamani points towards the direction of Yemen, and that was one of the trade routes that the Muslims had during the or people had during the time of the crash. So that manifest or symbolizes the dunya. And an euro look at alhaja last word. This was a stone that Allah subhanho wa Taala sent down from the heavens, and that is meant to symbolize the life of the Hereafter, or Jana, in

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particular. And then the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam teaches us this to do artists in the middle that Oh, Allah grant is good in this life. Grant is good in the next and save us from the punishment of the hellfire. And when you think about this, it's a journey from one point to the next, you start off in this dunya, you're going towards the hereafter. Now, as you're making your toe off is your toe off going to be in a straight line, it's not, in fact, it's going to happen at the very least in one curve. You may have multiple curves depending on how many times you have to go in and out of the crowd, which is also symbolic of our journey in this dunya to the hereafter. You're not always going

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to be at a high level of EMA and the accurate will not always be your focus, and you are going to be swerving in and out. So what tools do we have or what tools that we've been provided with and taught by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and by Allah subhanho wa Taala in order to facilitate the journey to the Hereafter, so that when we meet Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah subhanaw taala is actually pleased with us. And there are two tools in particular that I'd like to discuss today from amongst the many tools. tool number one is the concept of Zod. When we look at Zoho, you're hearing the terms of it often it is translated as asceticism or living a life of absolute minimalism, that

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you only take that which you need. And you do not take more than that. So often only hear stories of the zohydro the aesthetics of the of the of the past, we would hear that they would sleep on the floor, they would eat very little constantly fasting during the day, constantly playing the hydrogen keyamo level at night. But is this the real meaning of the hood? Or is this just one of the manifestations absorbed? And the reality is it is just one of the manifestations of Zoho? How do we know that? What is that based upon? Mr. Medina him Hello, one of the greatest imams of the past. He was asked, Is it possible for an individual that has a million dinar they have a million dinar to be

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as our head. So I want you to imagine a person that has a million pounds? Is it possible for them to be an ascetic? Would they be considered an ascetic? In our day and age? More than likely, we will say no, a million pounds is a lot. They are affluent, they are rich. So how can they be considered a minimalist? And this is where we go to see that this translation of asceticism and minimalism is actually incorrect. Because it is a frame of mind that begins in the heart. And in my mama got him Allah, he goes on to answer this question. And he says, yes, it is possible for this person that has a million dinars to be desired, with one condition that if it goes up, he doesn't become happy. And

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if it goes down, he doesn't become sad. He doesn't become sad, mean that whatever he has in his heart, his hands, it doesn't reach his heart. So his primary focus is not what he has in his hands, but it is the state of his heart. And that is what you're looking at at all times. So what is a better translation? absord so has my dear brothers and sisters

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is to turn away from everything that is not beneficial to the hereafter it is to turn away from everything that is not beneficial to the hereafter. We can simplify this even further. It is a conscious choice that we make all the time assessing and analyzing that which is beneficial now versus that which is beneficial later. And if you're able to use your your your mind to overcome your desire and choose that which will be beneficial later, then this is considered zoid this is consider Zod so let's look at the example of praying chiamo lies and tahajjud is praying to hydrogen clear model actually obligatory is printed obligatory No it's not. Whereas you sleeping at night is

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something that you have to do but you have to sleep the whole night to know you don't. So at one point after you've done the minimal that your body requires you are making a choice at that time. Will I continue to sleep something beyond what my body needs and just wants at that time? Or do I wake up and pray or do I wake up and pray if you wake up to pray this is considered Zod because you have made a conscious choice that I am choosing that which is more beneficial to the hereafter versus that which is just fulfilling a desire for now. So that is concept number one that is the concept of Zod. And then I want to introduce you to a second concept as I mentioned, that is known

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as the concept of water. Water is often translated as pi t based upon fear pi t based upon fear. But is this truly what it is? And again, the answer is no. Just the Zohar, it was a choice that we make for something that is more beneficial towards our Acura warra is a choice that we make to turn away from something that is harmful to our alcohol that is harmful to our health. So I want you to think about the choices that people make all the time, particularly in school when you're dealing with peer pressure, hey, should I smoke marijuana and pot should I be drinking alcohol should I be having you know, an intimate partner from the opposite gender, these are all questions that we will be

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going through as young people when we were in high school and that choice realizing that these are things that are harmful to our Acura, yet we abstain from them, then this is what is known as water this is what is known as water. Now, the reason why I start off with these two concepts is because if you truly want to live a life for the Hereafter, everything that you do in life has to be based upon knowledge, you have to understand that which is beneficial, and that which is harmful. And then you have to break it down into even the further five categories. All of Islam is divided into five categories, all of Islam is divided into five categories. So, every single action that you do, will

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fall in one of five categories, that top level being that which is an obligation known as fourth and the lowest being that which is haraam, that which is prohibited and forbidden and then between these two, you will have Mr hub or Mandoo or sooner that which is encouraged to do and then you have mobile that which is permissible to do then you have macro that which is discouraged to do. And that lowest level as I mentioned that which is how long which is absolutely forbidden. Now, let us understand these are the these categories. So we said the all of the highest level of them is that which is formed or wider without which is an obligation. Who can give me an example of something

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that is an obligation in our faith. What is something that is an obligation and our faith? Raise your hands if you know the answer, right?

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So Allah, praying five times a day is something which is obligatory, something that you have to do, there is no option, no ifs, ands or buts about it. Then we move on to that which is Mr. harbor that which is recommended to do who can give me an example of something that is recommended to do in Islam. Go ahead.

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I will accept that answer because I know you're an intelligent guy. You're not talking about Ramadan. You're talking about Mondays and Thursdays. So fasting on Mondays in Islam is something which is recommended to do the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to fast regularly on Mondays. And this is something that we're encouraged to do that if you do it, you're rewarded if you don't do it, there is no sin upon you. Then we have those things in Islam, which are permissible to do you're not rewarded for it. Nor are you punished for it. Who can give me an example of something in Islam. That is mobile. We have our brother in the back. Go ahead.

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Not you the brother behind you, the brother behind you. Yeah.

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Sorry. divorcing You're too young to talk about.

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We're not gonna get it.

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to divorce, let's take something simpler, something like sleeping something like eating something like drinking. These are all actions which are mobis within of themselves mean that there is no reward for doing them. And there's no punishment of abstaining from them, either, then we have something that is macro, something that is really disliked. And the definition of that which is macro, is if you intentionally stay away from it, you are rewarded for it. But if you do it, it is not something sinful, necessarily. So what is an example of something that is macro? Who can give me an example?

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Sorry, playing chess. So I'll broaden the category over there. And that is doing things which are permissible for a prolonged period of time. So for example, I want you to think of things that are permissible things like playing football, this is for the camera.

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Things like playing football, certain video games, certain TV shows that we may watch, all of those things that are permissible, but you do them for a prolonged period of time, doing those things for a prolonged period of time, would be considered mcra. Those are that is an example of something which is now moving on to haraam, that if you abstain from this action, which is haram intentionally, you're rewarded from it. But if you fall into this action, you're also sinful. What is an example of something that is hot on smoking? Excellent. So an example that is giving them something which is haraam, which is smoking, as we know, smoking kills it is harmful and detrimental

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to one's health. So if you do it, you are sinful for it. And if you make the conscious decision that you know what, I'm not going to smoke, and I'm going to stay away from smoking, then this is something you're actually rewarded for. So now when you understand these five categories, it is a lot easier to apply this concept of Zoho, and water. Zoho, as we said, is to turn away from everything that is not beneficial to our alpha, what are we said is to turn away from everything that is harmful to our Acura. So when we're talking about Zoho, you want to stay in the mobile in the monster hub. And in the obligatory category, when you're talking about what are you want to stay

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away from the hierarchy and the macro, you want to stay away from the hierarchy and the macro. And that is a good way to look at it. Now what I want to share for the vast majority of discussion today is a famous Hadith. And I think it ties in quite perfectly, because we have quite a few young people with us. Now the reason why I want to study this headache in particular, as Muslims, it's very important that we always bring everything back to Revelation. We always bring things back to the Koran and the sooner that is where guidance lies that is where safety lies and that it will be our ultimate guide to paradise. So we have the beautiful hadith of a Normandy been Miss shared that is

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reported by a mountable Claudia and Muslim. I know Amanda bin Bashir in the Allahu anhu call similar to Rasulullah sallallahu I knew he was sending me a call. Whatever no Amano b e Ll o ne. in Valhalla Allah bayona in the Hama union, verbena Hama. musta behat nyalam ohana katheer Amina nurse for many Taka Chabot hot fucka disturber early Dini, wherever the woman Walker official bohat walkoff and haraam Cora Yara Howland Hema yoshika yaka fee, Allah inadequately Malkin Hema Allah in him Allah He Muhammad Allah indefinitely Jessa de moda it Asada had Sahaja dokolo wait if I said that if I said Elisha dokolo Allah wa Hello called Mustafa Khan.

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So I don't mind having Bashir. He starts off by narrating this hadith by pointing to his own ears, he points to his own years and he says, I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, so why does it normally with Misha start off this hadith by pointing to his own ears, because the nor mine of English God Allahu anhu. He was actually a very young man, when he met the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and heard this hadith. And some of the companions and some of the Tabby I mean, they actually doubted How is it possible for a young man of such a young age of approximately eight years old to hear such a comprehensive and impacting and knowledge based Hadith

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from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So a lot of the scholars that came after him, the presumed then unknown man, he actually heard it from another Sahabi when a new mind got older, and then he skipping the Sahabi in the middle, and directly and relating directly from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and No madam Bashir. He is refuting this he's refuting this claim by saying, I heard directly from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam, which shows us something very important over here. Number one, the importance as young people in learning our faith, you know, often we think when I get older when I turned 15, when I turned 18, when I turned 20, that's

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when I'm going to start studying Islam. Yet we see from our normal neighbor Sierra De La Hoya young Sahaba

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eight years old, he is learning this from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And then we also learn from the side of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam the importance of teaching young people, you know, often we think we can only joke around with young people and just have fun with them and play games with them. But the reality is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us that you have to take young people seriously as well. And when you plant those seeds of education from a young age, that is when they grow up to be scholars. And that is why hamdulillah it's such a pleasure and honor to be here today. Even though the vast majority of people in this room are

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perhaps a quarter of my age or even younger than that, because we're fulfilling the student of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in teaching young people. So I'm hoping this is something that you will take seriously. Now I know we have a lot of youngsters from the north from Yorkshire, and one of the Sooners of seeking knowledge is gathering that which you learn. That means taking notes and revising. So it may not be possible for this session. But as you guys continue throughout the conference, try to get some papers, try to get some pens, if you have a phone, maybe take notes on your phone, whatever it may be, but try to preserve the knowledge that you learn. And you revise

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that knowledge and you implement that knowledge. And that is when that knowledge will stay and will be approved for you on the Day of Judgment rather than a proof against you. So that's just some simple advice to all that are present today. So normally they've been Bashir, his points with his years and he says I heard directly from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam in Valhalla, you know, in Hama Bay, you know, meaning that everything that is halal has been made clear. And everything that is haraam has been made clear. What exactly does that mean that it has been made clear? So I want you to look outside today, there's quite a few clouds, you can tell that the sun is there

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because it's daylight, but you can't necessarily tell which direction the sun is in. Unless you mathematically figure out that, you know, it's it rises in the east, and sets in the west, and it's approximately 1230 right now. So it's somewhere in the middle of the sky that you may be able to figure out, but can you see exactly which direction it's in? Not necessarily because the clouds are blocking it. So is the sun clear today? The answer is it is not clear it is blocked off by the clouds. So I want you to think of a day like yesterday, when the sun was out fully. There were very few clouds, and you can see the direction of the sun. This was clear. So when Allah messenger

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in the holiday union in the kurama Bay, you know that the halal and haram is clear. It means they're clear, like the sun, that everyone knows what is halal. And everyone knows what is haram? Is everything in Islam, halal and everything in Islam? How long? And we learned from this headache? The answer is no. That there are certain things in between that are Mr. behat that are doubtful, that are a gray area there like the cloud. Not everyone will be able to decipher through them and figure those things out. But what exactly does that statement mean that in between them or Mr. behat? Does it mean that people want to be able to recognize them as doubtful

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matters? Or does it mean that people will not know the ruling of those doubtful matters? Now another version of this headache, the version that is reported by a telemovie?

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Actually, before we get to that, who can remind me the version of the Hadith that we're looking at right now who reported this hadith?

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Imam Bukhari and

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when we say Mustafa Khan Allah it means reported by Mr. Bukhari and Mr. Muslim. So the version we're looking at is reported by Imam Bukhari and Muslim but if we look at the version of this hadith reported by Imam telemovie, the version that Imam metonymy the rahimullah narrates, he says that people will not know is this thing halal? Or is this thing how long he doesn't use the term must still be hot, but he talks about those things that people will not know if they are halaal or if they are Haram. So it's not the fact that people will want to recognize the mustard behat is the fact that people will not know what the ruling of the mustard behat are. Lai lama hanaki thielmann,

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a nurse and this will be the state of the vast majority of people. So if this is the case of the vast majority of the people, who are this minority, that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is referring to, and that is the people of knowledge, they are the people of knowledge. So here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam praises that people have knowledge. He says, while everyone will know what is halaal and everything that is haram, it is only the people of knowledge that will know the ruling on those doubtful matters. So what does that mean? We want to try to become the people of knowledge. And people of knowledge does not necessarily mean that you know

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everything about Islam, but it means that you begin your journey of studying Islam while you're young. If you're able to memorize the Quran, memorize as much of the Quran as you can be able to learn

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In the Arabic language, learn the Arabic language. And when you begin with those, those two tools in particular, that is your beginning of your journey in studying and learning Islam. You add for that to the books of faith, you add to that the books of al Qaeda, you add to that the books of history, and that is how you increase your knowledge of Islam. And as I mentioned, it is not one particular stage that one reaches, but it's a journey, some people will be more and more knowledgeable than you and language, some people will be more knowledgeable than you inquire on. Some people will be more knowledgeable than you in Hadith. But you may end up being more knowledgeable than others in filk,

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you may be no more knowledgeable in history. So it's always a journey. And you have to be willing to learn from everyone. And that's the frame of mind you want to come with, that you learn from those that are older than you Those are at your own level, and those that are younger than you. As you are those that are older than you, they have a lot more experience and they can share their experience and their wisdom with you. When you study with those that are at your same level, you'll notice that this is an opportunity to get rid of any any AV and jealousy that we may have in our hearts. Because it's very easy to be jealous of people that are our own age when they have knowledge. But when

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you're willing to learn from those people, this is a great opportunity to get rid of that envy and jealousy. And then when you learn from those that are younger than you, this is a great opportunity to develop humility, that have to become humble, to realize that yes, there are young people that have a lot to offer as well. And this is why again, coming back to the Sahaba of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. We have so many examples of this, that you have seen your Sahaba who were participants of Baroda and have heard. They're learning from the likes of Abdullah bin Arbus. They're learning from the likes of Abdullah bin Ahmed. I know I might, even Bashir, all these young

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companions. Why? Because this is where humility lies. And part of knowledge is becoming humble. So you learn from those that are older, those that are the same level and those that are younger than you so you continue to learn. And this is something you do for the rest of your life. You consider yourself a seeker of knowledge, and you continue to increase yourself in knowledge. So that means on the weekend, if there's a conference or a football match happening, where you want to end up, inshallah you're ending up at the conference, that's the way it's meant to be. If you have the opportunity to watch a lecture, or watch something on Netflix, what are you choosing, hopefully,

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you're going to watch a lecture on YouTube instead of watching something on Netflix. Right? That is the frame of mind you want to develop because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam praises the people of knowledge here saying that they are the only ones that can decipher that which is not clearly highlighted and not clearly Haram. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he goes on to say, and this is the crux of it, that whoever stays away from those doubtful matters mean that it has not become clear to you what the ruling on those doubtful matters are. So you develop a position that if something is doubtful, I will stay away from it. If something is doubtful, I will stay away

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from it. If you develop this frame of mind, what does the Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam teach us? He teaches us that if you develop this frame of mind, you have protected your religion. And you have protected your honor. How exactly how you protected your religion and how exactly have you protected? Your Honor? So commenting on this part of protecting your religion, an individual that does not develop this frame of mind of staying away from that which is doubtful will eventually fall into the haraam as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam goes on dimension. But how exactly do they fall into the haraam? one of two ways that a person does the doubtful matters so many times,

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that is a gradual progression into the haraam, that people will say, you know what, it's only doubtful it's only doubtful, it's only doubtful till the fall into the harem, till they fall in to the harem. And in the second way, is more of a sliding scale. It's not a gradual progression, that a person just becomes apathetic, they just don't care. They're like, you know, what, it's only doubtful. And in that sort of situation, they fall in to the haoran. Just not a gradual progression, but it's something that happens instantaneously, because they don't care about the doubtful matters. So that is why when you learn something as macros, when you learn something is disliked. It doesn't

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mean that is a free pass to do it. It means that is something you should refrain from and try your utmost best to stay away from. And don't use the card that hey, it's only disliked. It's not how long because if you take that path, then that eventually leads to the harm that eventually leads to the harm. So that is how you've protected your faith. You have protected your deen. Now how exactly do you protect your honor? How exactly do you protect your honor?

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In terms of protecting your honor, there are certain things that us just shouldn't be doing as a Muslim. So I want you to think how many people are from from Birmingham here. If you're from Birmingham, raise your hand. Is there like a real dodgy part of Birmingham? Can someone tell me a dodgy part of Birmingham? What's the dodgy part of Birmingham? You don't know, alum rock? I thought that's what the Muslims are,

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is the Muslims who are dodgy. Okay, so let's let's, let's put that aside, I want you to think about, I'm sure there's an area where like, all the clubs are, right, there's an area where all the clubs are. But someone goes with the frame of mind, you know what, I'm going to go to that area. But I'm not going to go to a club, I'm going to go to a restaurant in that area instead. And then as you go to that restaurant, you finish eating, you leave that restaurant, and you're walking through that area of the clubs, and someone from the community sees you. Now, what is their natural assumption that if person is walking through this area, where are all the clubs are, they probably went to a

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club, they didn't assume that when you went to a restaurant, or perhaps you have a relative that lives in the area, or some other positive, good reason that you may be there. So the general ruling is that even though it may be permissible to walk through that area, even though you're not going to any of those clubs, you shouldn't be walking in that area, unless you absolutely have to, unless you absolutely have to. And that is how you protect, Your Honor. Now, similarly, your honor is protected by the things that you do. So if a person is constantly in the machine and is not doing those things that are mcru or haraam, then that is a way that you protect your honor, as well. So a person

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doesn't drink a person doesn't smoke, a person doesn't do marijuana doesn't do drugs, doesn't have you know, intimate relationships outside of marriage. These are all ways of protecting yourself from your disgrace. And that's what you're trying to do. Now, why does the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned these two to two things together, protecting your religion and protecting your honor. They're meant to go hand in hand, people of religion are meant to be people of honor. And what we learn from this hadith as well, that as you take morality away, which religion is the source of, then people that do not have morality will not have honor, as well. people that do not

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have morality will not have honor, as well. So the two of them have to go hand in hand, and they cannot be separated from one another. In fact, your integrity as a Muslim is one of the most important things that you can have. Particularly if you're going to become a teacher in Islam, and you want to teach people your integrity is of the utmost importance. And that is why the likes of Imam Al Bukhari one of the scholars of Hadith that we're quoting from today, he spent his whole entire life trying to protect his honor, from lies and from becoming suspected of being compromised. So from lies we knew that even when it came to the smallest of things, like a man who had a donkey,

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and he's trying to call this donkey or by protecting by pretending that he had food in his hand, the Prophet sallallahu or the Imam of bucardo him, Allah will not read Hadith from this man, because he considered this a form of lying and deceit. So that is how he protected himself even from narrating from such people. And email Bokhari later on in his life, the rulers of Bukhara wanted their children to learn from the mammal body, their email, bokhara himolla refused to step foot into their palaces to teach them Islam. And he said that if you want to learn Islam, come and learn in the masjid out do not go to the policies of the rulers, and email him Allah was eventually in prison in

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prison for that the valuable lesson being he didn't want his be his integrity being compromised, he didn't want his integrity being compromised. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this is the conclusion of the Hadith or the center. Last thing in the Hadith, he gives an example he gives a parable. And this is something that perhaps is not as relevant now, because we don't have shepherds as much. But it was very relevant for his time when being a shepherd was quite common. So he says, The example is that of a shepherd that has many, many sheep. And those sheep need to graze on the grass they need to go and eat from this grass, that you will tell your sheep and you will guide you

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see that only eat from a certain area and do not go beyond this boundary. Because beyond this boundary is that which is harmful to you. So you can imagine they're like wolves there are there are other animals that will attack these sheep. So the shepherd has the responsibility of keeping his sheep in the certain area to graze from because if they go beyond it, then they can easily get attacked.

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And then you probably saw law while he was selling. He says every ruler has a sanctuary that if you stay within that sanctuary, you will be protected. You will say your dean

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And you will save your religion and the sanctuary of Allah subhanho wa Taala or his Muharram, or those things that he has protected, prohibited those things that he has prohibited. Now let us look at the following things. Why does the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam give examples, he gave examples to people so that they can relate to them, he gave examples to people so that they can relate to them. And this is a great way of teaching and educated, educating, because if you keep talking without giving examples, certain key messages will just go over people's heads. So that when you look at this example, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that there are certain

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parts where Muslims should be, and there are certain parts that Muslims shouldn't be. So when we look at those five categories that we gave, the obligatory, the most the hub and the MOBA, that is where most of them should be, that's an area that you can graze around in and be flexible in. But then there are certain areas that the Muslim shouldn't be, and that is the mcru and the haraam, that is the mcru, and haraam. So I want you to imagine if these are areas that you're navigating throughout your life, you want to stay in the mobile athmosphere hub, and obligatory and you want to stay away from the macabre and the Haram. Why? Because those are the harmful animals that will

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attack you and your religion and your integrity. When you participate in those activities. That is what is going to happen to you. And then you promised Allah Why do you send them brings everything together, that the sanctuary of Allah, this area that Allah has sealed off, and there's not one Muslims to go into? Are those things that Allah has made out on? Those things that Allah has made, Haram. Now, what is the valuable lesson we're learning over here? The valuable lesson we're learning over here is the haraam. You definitely have to stay away from your sinful if you fall into the Haram. Where's the macro? You're not necessarily sinful for falling into it, but you still need to

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stay away from it. However, there are certain times in your life that you may need to use the macro you may need to use the macro. What is an example of this? An example of using a macro and having to do the mcru

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when we look at salado Asia, when does the time for Asia come to an end? booking Tell me when is the time for salado Asia come to an end

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at the time for budget. So at the time of budget, salado Asia is officially over. But what is the preferred time for a shop? What is the preferred time for a shop

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the first half of the night, the first half of the night before Islamic midnight, that is the preferred time for salado Isha. What is the mcru time for Salah Felicia, the second half of the night. So I want you to think of you know most of these days is around eight o'clock Friday and I will be flexible just for the sake of my math will say is that five o'clock? Okay, so fudgier is at five o'clock. Asia is at a I sorry, Margaret is at eight o'clock. Let's help me with some math. How many hours are between Margaret and further? If Margaret is at eight o'clock, and budget is at five o'clock? nine hours, right? Can we divide nine into half? How many hours? Would that be? Four and a

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half hours. So I want you to add four and a half hours to Margaret, what time would it be?

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Have 12 will be 1230 at night. So that means Islamic midnight would be at 1230. In order to pray a shot at his preferred time, I have to pray a shot before 1230. After 1230 we have fallen into a time which is mcru which is disliked. So now I want you to think of an individual who is traveling. They're traveling let's just say from it, you know, Birmingham is pretty Central. But let's talk about like Scotland, you're traveling from like Birmingham to Scotland. It's like a an eight hour journey or something along those lines. You start leaving here after hours or you're getting into burnt into Scotland around 1am in the morning, you didn't have the ability to stop and pray your

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moment of inertia. At that time. you're praying a shot at one o'clock in the morning can no yes, it is something that is accepted. But it is something which is Macross. Yet Allah subhanho wa Taala allowed it for you. So when you look at those sort of situations, you should only be using the macros when you have to if you don't have to use them across, stay away from it. Try to pray your prayers at his earliest time. And that is when you stay away from the Makarov and that is when you stay away from becoming from those individuals. That takes their Salas very luxy basically. Now I want you to think of the same example a person that's very lazy with their Salah they constantly

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delayed to the end. So someone that prays fudger right before sunrise, someone that prays ossur right before mclubbe or someone that pray

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EISA, just before the time of budget, a time will eventually come, where they will pray fudger after sunrise and they will pray officer after Muslim and they will pray their Asia after budget. That is what naturally happens if you do not develop that frame of mind that I have to pray my prayers at his earliest time, and I have to stay away from that which is my growth. So in life, you only want to use the mcra when you have to. Now the last part of the Hadith and this is what I will be concluding with in sha Allah huzzah Allah is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he goes on to say, Allah, ineffable Jessa de moda, that, indeed, in the body is a morsel of flesh. If it is

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rectified and pure, then everything will be pure and rectified. But if it becomes corrupt, then everything will become corrupt. What part of the body is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam referring to?

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He is referring to the heart. He says, Allah will he'll call that indeed, it is the heart. So this whole discussion today of living a life for the hereafter. it all stems with the state of your heart. it all stems with the state of your heart. And this will be my discussion for tomorrow. How do you actually get a pure heart? How do you get a heart that can receive guidance from Allah subhanaw taala. That is what we'll discuss tomorrow. But what I want to mention today is this whole understanding of Islam, it has to start from your heart. And when you purify your heart, it will lead to pure actions. But if your heart is not purified, it is going to be very difficult to come

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forth with pure actions. So focus your whole entire lives on trying to purify your heart as much as possible. Starting off by asking Allah subhanho wa Taala, for forgiveness for our sins, that every time a sin is committed, a blackdot is placed when you seek forgiveness from Allah and repent to Allah that blackdot is taken away. Number two, by asking Allah subhanho wa Taala for guidance that you see the best of all of creation, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is asking Allah subhanho wa Taala for guidance all the time. And he's saying that Oh Allah turn of their hearts, turn my heart towards you and your deen turned my hearts towards you and your deen. So this is the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So we should be doing this even more so. So making this the far and asking of guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So focus on purifying and rectifying your heart. And this is directly tied into what we've learned today, that an individual that continues to fall into the macro will eventually fall into the haoran, which will affect the state of your heart, but an individual that stays away from them of growth, and only grazes in the obligatory in the recommended and the permissible, their hearts will stay pure, and therefore their actions will be pure, as well. So this is just a brief summary from the Hadith, Mr. Norman, they've been assured

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that we can learn about how to live a life for the hereafter. Let us summarize everything that we've taken in two minutes. inshallah, we learned today that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us that our journey is not a straightforward journey to the Hereafter, but it is something that we will waive in. And that is why we ask Allah subhanaw taala for the best in this life, for the best of the next and to save ourselves from the punishment of the Hellfire, understanding that you are on a journey from this life to the next. And you want to try to save yourself as much as possible. Number two, we learned about two tools that we are taught the concept of Zoo hood, which

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is to stay away from those things that are not beneficial to our Acura and we will learn about what are and what is to stay away from those things that are harmful to our Acura. And then we learned about a Norma and Evan Bashir and why when he started off this heavy if he is pointing to his ears, to show that he heard this directly from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And then we learned that everything that is halal and haram is clear like the sun, but then there are those matters which are a few that only the scholars of Islam will know the ruling and thus therefore, it becomes obligatory upon us to seek as much knowledge as we can. And when we do that, that is the beginning

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of our journey of knowledge. And knowledge is not a level but it is a journey as well. And we want to learn from those that are older those that are that are out of our level and those that are younger. And we also learn today the importance of preserving the knowledge that we have by taking notes and by revising and by implementing and that is when knowledge becomes a proof for us. Then we learned about that concept of macro and why it is so harmful and detrimental and that if we fall into macro, we will eventually fall into haram if we become laksa days ago. With macros. We eventually fall into haram and when you fall into Haram, this is harmful

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For your own religion and your faith, and it is also harmful for your honor. We also learn to the relationship between the and honor and how they go hand in hand. And as a person increases Indeed, the increase in honor. And as they decrease indeed, they also decrease and honor and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam concluded the Hadith and this is our final point, that your whole journey of Islam begins with the state of your heart. So seek to purify it at all times, by seeking forgiveness for your sins. And by asking Allah subhana wa Taala for guidance at all times, while Allahu tada was sallallahu Sallam robotica. Then Vienna Mohammed was early he was a big

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Marine, we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make us of those that hear something and implement the best of it. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us of those that depart from this gathering, having our sins forgiven, and having increased in our knowledge and having increased in our Eman and not to make use of those that missed out on beneficial knowledge and not make use of those that do not act upon their knowledge and do not make us of those that left with any malice, hatred or evil in their hearts from this gathering. Allahumma amin, Allah amin, Allah I mean, now I believe we have a couple of minutes till

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a lot a lot. And I was told to answer any questions that you may have during this time. So what I will do is, I will take three questions, inshallah, what three questions Do you guys have that I can answer? Go ahead. Bismillah asked the question quite.

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Now, he doesn't want to ask a question.

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Do you want to ask a question? You're just raising your hand as well? It's okay. You don't have to apologize. If you have a question. You can ask it inshallah. That's what I'm here for.

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Friends are telling you to do something which is hard on, like missing Salah. So what should you do in that situation? How would you guys answer that question? So our young brother has a question that Imagine you have friends and your friends are telling you to do something Haram, like skipping Salah? What do we tell that brother

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get new friends, right? That's what we tell that brother get new friends. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he makes a very clear point to us, he tells us that a man is upon the religion of his friends. So be very careful. Be very selective of the type of friends that you take. The type of friends that you want, are those that are going to take you to the masjid to pray Salah, not the friends that are going to be Hey, skip Salah so that we can do something else. So that would be my advice that if you have the ability to get better friends, that is what you should do. But if you're in a situation where you can't get better friends, when they tell you to do something, Haram, you

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tell them to do the opposite. Tell them I'm not going to skip Salah, you're going to come and play solo with me. That's what you do in that situation. Sounds good. Excellent. Two more questions to go. I'll take two more questions in Sharla.

00:43:15 --> 00:43:15

Went Yep.

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Of course. 100%. So the brothers question is about smoking shisha. But vaping perhaps even marijuana. These are all things that Allah subhana wa tada has made hard on. Now what we need to understand is everything that Allah subhanaw taala made halal, is because it has something beneficial in it. Everything that Allah subhanaw taala made Haram is because there's something harmful in it. So I want you to think about how clear it is about smoking, that there's been such an Active Campaign not to smoke, that even if you buy a packet of cigarettes, it's a smoking kills, it is detrimental to your health, right? It blackens your lungs, it causes so many diseases, it's bad

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for your heart, it leads to so many issues. But things like marijuana, and things like vaping and things like shisha is to become like the cool trend to do that. If you look at any pop star, you will see them doing these things and therefore we think you know what, maybe it's okay for us to do. My simple answer to that question is the person that's doing that action? Where do you think their afterlife lies? The vast majority of people that people call celebrities and pop stars and influencers? If they were to die in the state that they're in? What is their destination? The answer is their destination is jahannam unless they get guided before that unless they repent to Allah

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subhanho wa Taala before that, that's a different story. But if they die in the state that they're in the destination is Janda and you want to be very, very careful and think about what do you want your destination to look like? Do you want to be from the people of Paradise and the people

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of happiness, or do you want to be for the people of pain and misery and the people of the Hellfire? So when you do these actions, always think about hey, what if I died vaping What if I died doing shisha? What if I died smoking marijuana? What if I died drinking alcohol? What if I died committing Zina? You know, maybe the cool thing to do and maybe the enjoyable thing to do right now. But what if you died in that state? Is that the way you want to leave this world? And I'm hoping that every sensible person who will say no, no one wants to live in that state. We want to die read and caught on we want to die praying to Allah, we want to die. You know, performing hygiene Allah, that's how

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we want to die. So if you want to die in such a state, you have to live in that state. And if you don't want to die in that state, don't live in that state. That would be the best piece of advice. Allah subhanaw taala has made so many things. Hello. Enjoy those things as much as you can. You want to socialize and have recreational time, do as much of that as you want without compromising on the haraam. When it comes to the haraam, stay away from it, and you prioritize your Acura over your dunya because your dunya is enjoyment for a little bit of time. Whereas your Acura is an infinite amount of enjoyment. And the wise person will always say I would invest in infinity over my

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investment in a short period of time. Well, Allahu taala. I'll take our last question in Sharla. Last question.

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boiling, buying twice. Oh, we have a question here. Please go ahead. Yeah, go ahead. And eco sell off the law.

00:46:51 --> 00:47:38

Casa as in the shortening of the hair, is that what you're referring to? Excellent. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prohibited the oma from Gaza. Now what is causa actually mean as a means to shorten completely almost shaved down part of the head and let hear grow on other parts of the head. Now, this is a matter of fact, and not a matter of Akita. Now, why do I make that distinction and that emphasis matters of our pizza, or black and white, with little to no gray area, matters of filk, a lot of it is gray. And there's a lot more flexibility in terms of difference of opinion. So what we can say is clear aspects of kazaa. You want to stay away from those individuals that have

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like the the Mohawk haircut, you know, it's not as fashion as it was a couple of years ago, where you completely shave your sides, and you let the middle of grow in the middle. That is something that you should definitely, definitely stay away from. Whereas if you have something gradual, like a gradual fade, I personally believe that is something valid and not something impermissible, and that is something that you're allowed to do. But at the end of the day, you still want to be careful of something, why am I getting such a haircut, remember, all goes back to the state of your heart and the intention is that you're making is your intention at that time of getting this particular

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haircut, to impress your friends, or to look like a certain individual that you look up to. What is your intention behind it ever is to look like people make sure that you're distinguishable as a Muslim, as it is because you look after someone, let yourself look up to a scholar of Islam and see what their haircut is like. If you're looking after a celebrity and a pop star, then as I mentioned, keep in mind what is their destination of the hereafter unless they repent and are guided, that's not where you want to be. So keep that in mind. Now if you just for the sake of your own benefit, that's the style that you like for yourself. That's what you feel comfortable with. a gradual fade

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is not a problem at all. But you should refrain from shaving part of the head and letting hair grow in other parts of the head. And Allah Subhana Allah knows best will now break for salado and inshallah I will see you guys during the workshops. My workshop today is on mental health and Islam. So that's something I'd highly encourage all of you to attend insha Allah de Xochimilco sallallahu Sallam robotic on the Vienna Muhammad Ali. He was a big Marine, sometimes called the Hmong behind the shadow and I and I stuck Furukawa to who he like was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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