Navaid Aziz – Introduction To The Quraan 10 02 09

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The Prophet Muhammad sallail's teachings and holy Water of Islam are discussed in a series of lectures, including a presentation on the spiritual teachings of Islam, a discussion of the holy grail of Islam, and a presentation on the holy water. The definition of the holy water is different from the traditional definition of "well," and the importance of learning and listening to the Quran is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need to practice these techniques to improve chances of winning a court case and prevent future similar mistakes. The title of the Koran is a reference to the book they read, and listening to the title is important to our health and creation.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the middle, no one is stoked.

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Keeping with our customs this class is Nikon is just an introduction to a series of lectures that will take place in the future.

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About three years ago, in Toronto, I delivered a seminar called introduction to the sciences. And the sciences are actually available on YouTube and on Google Video, so if anyone's interested in you know, following the discussion and also see where it leads, you can refer to those videos this night Donna

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is the miracle of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he gave to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when we think about the MDR of Allah subhanaw taala. He says, each messenger and Prophet, a special miracle with this miracle. This is what they use to convince them that they were a prophet or messenger of Allah subhanaw taala. So know Allah tala. He has the ark, Allah subhanho wa Taala destroyed all of the earth, except for that which was in the art, and then you have moved on into what was selected as a miracle. Everyone should know that.

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14 the Red Sea, Allah subhanaw taala destroyed the army of their own, and 14 the red team through Masada history. And likewise, any Charlie salon, he was able to revive the dead, and he was able to cure the sick, and he was able to bring about birds from clay. These are all miracles that Allah subhanaw taala gave later on.

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But when it comes to the profit or loss on a Westerner, even though you have small miracles here and there, you don't have anything major, from the miracles of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is that he would get a pot of food or a carton or not a person, a jar of milk, and he would able to feed he would be able to see many, many people with it, you know, an upset and not an abnormal amount. This is from the miracles of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. But again, it's nothing major in comparison to 14 the sea or bringing the judge alive. So what was the miracle that Allah actually gave to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it is none other than the Quran. The Quran

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was a miracle that Allah subhanaw taala gave to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which he used as a proof against his people. Meaning that the people of this time they recognize that this was his miracle, and the challenge and Allah, Allah, whether we challenge his people to report on their will, they will challenge this being one verse that is similar to it. And we will never able to do so. Now when we read the Quran, we don't recognize the miracle that is within it. But if you look at how grammatically perfect it is, and how fluid it is, and the wisdom that is in it, and likewise, the information that is in it is impossible that we can have this except to the wave of

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Revelation. And this is something that they recognized yet they refuse to accept. So this was the miracle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that Allah subhanho wa Taala says down to him.

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Now linguistically speaking, what is the Quran actually mean? That as we know, when you study any sign Islamic Lee, you're always faced with two definitions, a linguistic definition and a conventional definition. And usually there will be some sort of relationship between the linguistic and conventional definition. And what we what we mean this is something that is known in English as well, that certain words, they will have an understanding linguistically like in the English language, you have one meaning, yet when you use it in your business, you have a separate lingo. So what we're discussing over here is the Arabic language and the lingo of Islam. So the Quran is in

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good shape.

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It has four possible meanings that the scholars came up with. And from them because you can will take at the end of this is I Tada.

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So Lama Sabri Rahim Allah, he was from the earliest,

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the earliest scholars of the year, he died in the fourth century. He said that the word Koran comes from the word torah, which means to recite, or to read. And this is something that makes sense, because the Koran is there for us to contemplate upon and for us to implement. But in order to be able to do that, you have to read the Quran. The Quran, he said, comes from the verb Cora, which means to recite, or to read

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another opinion state that it comes from Karana, to join or to associate, how many brothers here have performed such a show of hands?

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That majority of people have performed a job again, when you studied the rules of hedge, there are three types of hedge that are acceptable. Does anyone remember them?

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tomahto? Yes. What's the second one?

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Okay, is not in the way this Karen. And the third one was?

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Anyone know what they're doing?

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At the hospital.

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So you have a tomato, Iran, and a foreign tomato is when you enter the state of a foreign uniform hombre, and you come out of the state of economics

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and karate, is that you do your hij. And then you do an ombre after it. And this is done together. Now Karen, is when you do two things together, they are mcaren. As in they're similar. They're joined together. So in Iran, what's happening is you perform your restaurant, you come to the state of Iran, you perform your ombre, yet instead of coming out of Iran, you stay in a home, and then you go to min on the eighth day, and later on charaka in the same Iran that you do, that you performed originally, you're only doing one. So this is called Iran because you're joining your with your Amara. So the thing that the Quran is similar, that Allah subhanho wa Taala really revealed ayah and

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other ayah and then they will join together and search for the surah as well. So the Torah came together, and that the Quran is actually from Quran or tanana, which means to join or to associate.

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Then we have a third opinion. And this was the opinion of a nama Shafi that he mentioned in his famous book of a solo. He mentions that the word Koran is just like the word in jail, and it's our that it has no origin whatsoever. This is a special word. There are lots of $100 shows for mankind and for himself and for his book that would have no precedents to it, that the Quran has no precedent to it, and it is an original word of its own. And a fourth opinion is similar to the second opinion of Katana, that in Arabic When you have tools,

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individuals who are contemporaries, what you call them,

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to other contemporaries, who lived in the same timeframe

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to configurable to people who live at the same time from the word Karana.

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You call them a cron, that is contemporary. Right? So another default definition is from a cron that there are contemporaries, meaning that they resemble one another and the similarities between one another. So the similarities are in this beauty, in its linguistic perfection in the beauty of its pros, and so on. So these are four opinions in terms of what is the linguistic definition of the Quran, the correct opinion and the opinion of the majority of scholars of the year and at the center of the Quran is the first which is that Quran comes from Cora, which needs to reflect

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now linguistically, and here's the challenge. anyone tells me the linguistic definition of Koran and lunch and dinner or on the tomorrow's

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lunch in general

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is that it

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will take hold on the conventional definition, the conventional definition of a lie. Okay. The word of Allah revealed to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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through the bream, okay, you're missing a little bit here and there.

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That is not

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that is not

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the actual word of Allah.

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Okay, anyone else want to add or subtract?

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Two or more for lunch and dinner? Okay?

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The definition and just so people know the next class, this is what I'm going to add. So one person will be asked this question. So learn it, memorize it, write it down, listen to the audio, again if you have to, but it is the Arabic speech of Allah subhanaw taala, the Arabic speech Allah, Allah, which he revealed to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in wording and in meaning,

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which has been preserved in the Messiah, and has reached us by muscle water transmission.

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So it encompasses six main things, or six main components, that the definition should compose a composer. It is the speech of the Arabic speech of Allah subhanaw taala.

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So it is the Arabic speech, meaning that it is something revealed in Arabic, that it is the speech of Allah subhanaw taala, it was revealed to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in words, and in meaning in Word. And it means that the report in words and in meaning were as we know that soon as the power structure and even those will reveal to the public comments a lot on Instagram, it was only revealed in meaning that the words were the positive sentiment, but the meaning or that which was intended was for more muscle.

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safely, it is preserved in the muscle, the very green books we see in ourselves is what we call a master. Meaning that from the time of the puppets of our sternum, till our time today, this is how it has been preserved in writing. And the way it reads, that is what they call a tomato or massage serum. And what this means is that it has been narrated and Kumbaya compiled and preserved by so many people, that it is impossible that any change or distortion, or insertion or deletion could take place, except that someone would notice and clarify. So it's being recorded and preserved by so many people that it is impossible to change.

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So that is the Arabic definitely was the Salafi definition or the conventional definition of the Quran, that it isn't composed a sickening thing. So everyone memorize it next week, this is it. This is what we are going to this is what one of the questions will be based upon. Now in terms of photos of the Quran, there are many providers of the Quran, but I just want to share one of them to show the great merit that a lot of times what Allah put in the recitation of the Quran.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala, as we know, is merciful time and just and when we do like this deed, Allah subhanho wa Taala modifies those deeds, depending upon the sincerity and excellence that we put into it. So you can perform one deed, but you will get the reward of 20 3040 even 70 times the reward of that deed. Yet when we do a 10 hour Sonata Anna only punches us for that one, and he doesn't modify the punishment for the sin. So now pay close attention to this example. I will tell you

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that the companions were sitting with the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam one day in the masjid. And a man entered into the message and he said salam, Aleikum, DEP Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said 10 so the Sahaba do love and whom they were curious, but they didn't say anything. They didn't know what was going on. Another man comes in and he says the ceramic was masala and the komisar 120. Again, they're curious, they don't know what's going on. But the only time

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a steward man comes in and he says Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, 30 now your curiosity and inquisitively get the best of them, and they are so Allah, a man came in and said, lamonica Mr. Chen, a second month payment, you say, 20 a third month payment. You said 30 What's going on? You know, why are you mentioning these numbers? So instead when a man comes in and he says of Salaam Alaikum, to the people, Allah subhanaw taala Jason can just within a Salam Alikum and when another man comes in and says Salam aleikum, wa rahmatullah Allah subhanho wa Taala. Give them 20 minutes. And likewise, when you add to who? Allah subhanaw

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taala gave him 30 minutes, so this long way. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. composed of many letters, Allah subhanho wa Taala gives you a 30.

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Now look at the data within a narrative.

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That is how people come into Lala Hollywood Selim said that indeed in each

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recitation of the Quran or chant center. And I do not say that Alif Lam mean, is one letter. But rather, Alice is a letter, lamb is a letter and meme is a letter. So just by reciting on it learning, you're getting the same amount of rewards, as the word pertain. Salam, alaikum, warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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Look at the amount of blessings, Allah subhanho wa Taala, put in the smallest of words.

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And this is enough of a reason and enough of a reminder and enough of a remembrance of the for the oil or the virtues of the karate, for chewing, to encourage you to respect it. So this is just one thing to think about. That when you're thinking about and hopefully we all think about this, I know living in our lives, we forget about our good and bad deeds. And we forget that one day we will be standing in front of Allah subhanaw taala with a scale and petabytes of good and bad deed. This is something you should always be thinking about. But one day when you do think about your sphere of good deeds, and you want to find a way to increase the good deeds, note that there is no better way

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to increase your good deeds and to make your scale heavier on the side of good deed, then reading the Quran.

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Now sadly, and our time rather than making the Quran, something that we rule and judged by and something that we implement, as the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in Surah Furqan, that becomes our cinema show up on your piano. And he will complain to a lot of times

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he will complain not about that my Omar was very greedy, or that he didn't give them the chart already. They didn't factor Ramadan, or that they abandoned some of their prayers, or anything like that. But he complains about in Nepal, Mr. Khurana Matura. Then, indeed, my people, my nation, they took the Quran as something worthy of being abandoned, that they abandoned the Quran. This is what the prophets are utterance complaint is now ignore

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Allah, he talks about the abandonment of the Quran. And he mentioned five types of abandonment. And this is something what I want to share and reflect upon with you that how many types of these abandonment are we actually guilty of.

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So he mentioned Firstly, that they abandoned listening to it, meaning that he abandoned listen to the recitation of the Quran. Back in the day, people would regularly reset the machine, and you could not, you know, sit in a corner except that you would hear the Quran being recited. And nowadays, there's no one coming to the masjid. So you don't see anyone who's setting the Quran. But we have the technology of listening to the Quran in our cars, listening to it at home in our mp3 players, and in our tape recorders. So all that facility is there yet we have abandoned listening to the Quran. And this is something very easy to be honest with you that when you're in the car, taking

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a long journey, you have nothing to do, right. There's nothing much you can do while driving, except to listen to one other thing to the Quran during that time. And repeatedly, if you listen to something enough, you will eventually memorize it. So let's just say you're memorizing the Dharma, the sutras are short, find a good reciter of the Quran, and repeatedly played a tour of the show memorizing and you know, maybe in two or three days, he ended up having memorized the surah. And you've never even read it in the mafia, just because you say you repeatedly listening to it. Secondly, he mentioned that the act that he abandoned acting upon it, the law and the prohibited,

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have it. They abandon acting upon it. And again, this is something very apparent that in our time today, we all know what we're supposed to do. And we know a lot of the things that we're not supposed to do, yet we have abandoned implementing the Quran. Thirdly, that the abandon judging by it and resorting to it as a

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resource of ruling, may Allah subhanaw taala attend to this Quran as a guide, whether it were supposed to rule our land, whether it was supposed to rule our family, and whether it would force resorts to and all of our disputes. So anytime there is a dispute with force to refer to the court as a way out. Fortunately, they have learned in pondering over it, that the Quran Allah subhanho wa Taala has to read and implement, but it is very important to reflect and ponder over it as well.

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And that will they not reflect and ponder over the time, our total commandment that the Koran with all its beauty with all of its miracles with although the blessing, Will you not then ponder over it. A lot of people talk about the scientific miracles of the Quran. And this is something great that you know, it shows that there is an aspect

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to Islam that is beyond worship and beyond restricted to the massages. But there's an aspect and that applies to our life and our creation as well. And this is something that helps our doctors when they read the Quran, and you think about the information that they had, maybe we can find some sort of link to it. And likewise, there are other miracles that are less time with Allah, put in the time that we took the time to reflect, we will be able to extract

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and incessantly. And this is something going important as we need. This applies to all of us as well, that the advantage in using it as a cure. And when we talked about the nature of the Quran, it is on various levels. Our very quick lesson that we took three weeks ago, it was about purification of the heart, one of the best ways to purify your heart is to read and reflect over the Quran. And then there is the physical concept of it as well. Allah subhanho wa Taala messenger has taught us to use a little arm as a means of cure, that when someone is sick, you will stay true to your say to dilemma as soon as you say the last two is a sort of chakra, your third eye. So all these things are

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a cure for individuals from physical diseases that allow the medication that you take, this is even more important than it because Allah subhanaw taala is the one who cures and this is one of the cures that he stipulated and reveals to mankind. And mankind again, always wants to decrease in one two, the doctors the first time they feel anything, rather than referring to the Quran or seeking cure from Allah subhanho wa Taala himself.

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Rahim Allah, he mentioned these five chance

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of abandonment. And honestly speaking, we are guilty of all five of them if you think about it, and then all of these individual is guilty at their own specific level. But do you really want to be and it's something to think about, again, of those individuals from the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam complains about on your piano. For his sisters, we have 24 hours a day. And if we maximize that time, and use it properly, we can always squeeze in 10 minutes or half an hour. But petitioners

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are most often just the objects that come their days will go by sometimes that just due to my busy schedule, unable to open the curtain. But the least that you can do is at least listen to it in the car, or at least played in your home while you're laying down or while you're doing something. This is a very minimal that you can do. And then you look at ways of improving that, that dedicate yourself to time 10 or 10 minutes a day, or, you know, a page of memorization a week, or whatever you're able of doing. Good brothers and sisters, this is what will help you on your piano. The Quran will be an intercessor for you. And as DEP Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the Koran

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project and not only that it will either be approved for you or against you.

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And in any of our discussion.

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There is a book on the sides of the Quran, in the English language, one of the best books in the English language, just in terms of the content. And it's relevant to our times. It's called an introduction to the sciences of the Quran. It was published by our hedaya publication, and there towards the end in this paragraph, which really, really hit me, and as we know that word from the heart, they take the heart as well. So the author when he wrote this, I really think that he's saying it from his heart and he really wants to advise the Muslim oma. So he thought it would be fitting that I will conclude with the same conclusion that he came with as well.

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And he says, It is interesting to see that Muslims of today have turned away from the great treasure that has been revealed to them the very speech of Allah. They have made an update to the family heirloom, to be treasured in exotic and expensive cupboard, yet to be uninhibited by the best covers of all their hearts. It is to be recited and nothing in the best and most melodies of voices, yet it meanings ignored. It is to be played high above over all objects in any room, yet to occupy the lowest station in their daily life. It is to be read Upon the death of an individual, yet the loving do not take lessons from it. And it needs to be written in advance

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and the most expensive of paper, yet to be healing our commandment and for his

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brothers and sisters, the Quran as a gift from Allah subhanho wa Taala to all of us. And yet we do show it to respect by placing it on the height of shelves, maybe sometime in a place where no one can even reach it.

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But this is not the purpose of the plan. I warn you and myself of a time where the Foreign Service net for mankind, that nothing shall remain from it.

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And then we will regret those moments in our life where we did not read and recite.

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The Quran is a reminder for us, it is a guide for us. It is what will intercede on your piano. And those individuals who abandon the Quran in this life, it shall abandon them and the Ashura and we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from such an ending, and anything good that I have heard from a lot of time to work done alone, and all phases due to him and any shortcomings or mistakes or deficiencies. Work on myself and say time alone will become a shadow on that line and a stockbroker

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