Navaid Aziz – Journey Of The Soul After Death

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The conversation discusses the benefits of regret and energy worship in achieving a good ending to life, as well as the importance of creating a legacy for one's life. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning about one's naturality and finding one's own success in life, particularly in regards to the pandemic and transmission of COVID-19. They also touch on the negative impact of the pandemic on men and women, particularly with regards to transmission of the virus.
AI: Transcript ©
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you want to know

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to watch?

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Do you want

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when I was a bit

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my back. My dear brothers and sisters to them, I didn't want you to let go. But

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prior to this trip I had never heard of the city of Aberdeen before. You know when they sent me my itinerary, I was thinking Glasgow, Edinburgh, you know, maybe somewhere else in England, but I'm like Aberdeen, where are their business? So I was speaking to a brother in London, and I'm like, do you know what Aberdeen is? And he's like, yeah, it's somewhere close to Manchester.

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Okay, so I look it up on Google Maps. And I'm like, Whoa, this is all the way up north. So I want to start off by saying it's, it's a pleasure to be amongst all of you and

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opening your hearts and your hands and welcoming me, I really do appreciate it. Our topic for tonight is quite a serious topic. And it's a moment of reflection for all of us. But that doesn't mean that we are not allowed to enjoy partaking in it. And to give a small introduction to this topic, I want to share a personal story with you. I was in bed at about 1am this is about three weeks ago. And at that time, I started receiving, you know, a plethora of text messages, one text message after another. And I thought at one time, you know, why would someone be bothering me at this time, I didn't really pay attention to it. When I woke up on budget, there's 14 messages and my

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email box is full. I look and one of the brothers that I studied with, at this time University of Medina law he had passed away.

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Now what caught me about the story. He was 30 years old, his father was 30 years old, and he wasn't hit by a car.

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He wasn't stabbed, he wasn't shot. None of that happened. But rather he was walking home from university One day, he was teaching at the university, he was walking home. And all of a sudden, the colorable law, this brother had a heart attack at the age of 30 years old. And I thought to myself Pinilla, what a sign from Allah subhanaw taala, that you would see this brother that is in perfectly good health, he didn't have any health issues, you know, we need to find him. he exercised all of that. But it was the will of Allah subhanaw taala, that at the age of 30. after praying about the Lord, as he's walking that you would have a heart attack, and he passed away. And it was a moment of

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reflection for myself and my other colleagues as well. Because we remember this brother that he was a brother to whenever you would see him, he was like excessively happy. I'm sure you have people like this in your community, that smile a lot, the world would be falling apart. And they'd be like smiling in your face, you know, journalists, the Malaysians, Mashallah like that.

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And that was the type of brother that he was. And then this brother, you know, we're led to this image of a smile. But Rahim Allah, he had passed away. And I thought to myself, you know what, it's about time that we took this reminder seriously, that almost, he sends us these reminders of our colleagues, our friends, our family members passing away, so that we may derive lesson and take heat from it. And that is what our discussion for tonight is all about the journey of the soul after death. So let us start off by discussing what are some of the benefits of remembering death? Why would you want to talk about depth? You realize that in our context of the Western world, talking

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about death is something very taboo that no one does if you only talk about it, when it actually happens. But outside of that, it's not a social thing that you speak about. It doesn't take place at your dinner tables. And in fact, if you ever want to ruin someone's wedding, and as you were talking, we talk on death, see how the people react, everyone, everyone's moved, but it's the reality of the fact that one day each and every one of us in this room will die. No one's going to escape it.

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No matter how rich you are, no matter how young you are, no matter how powerful you are, no matter how educated you are, whatever the case may be, when your appointed time comes, the Angel of Death will not discriminate. Your point in time has come, and you will go away from the purchase of death is that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he tells us that the remembrance of death, it gives perspective to life. So the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, frequent the remembrance of the destroyers of pleasures. And this reminds us that when we talk about death, it puts things into perspective, that when you talk about death, you no longer covered

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things, you no longer covered better jobs, you no longer cover, you know, covering bigger houses and better cars, or whatever the case may be. When driving and you start thinking about your outcome, that almost kind of mentality puts you in this dunya for a limited amount of time. And your desire for this dunya should be proportionate to the amount of time you're spending there in. So if you want to spend an infinite amount of time in this dunya, by all means, come at this dunya by you know, infinity degree. But if you're only going to stay here for a small amount of time, the lecture designed for this won't be that limited as well, knowing that you're only here for a short amount of

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time. A second benefit to remembering definitely do brothers and sisters is that it softens the heart, the Messenger of Allah some of our new cinemas very rapidly, Bonilla de la Noma. He says that the heart, it encompasses rust and gathers rust, just like iron does after water Have you been put on it. And then the message of a loss of a loved one himself, he tells us that which takes away the rust. He mentioned the remembrance of Allah, and then the remembering of death, that when you think about death, it is something at the heart, and unbillable Mobile one of our predecessors, he said if I was to forget about death for one hour, I can feel my heart starting to harden, then I start to

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feel my heart, my heart becomes very hard. And it is it is not, you know penetrated by the remembrance of Allah. It has no effect when I read to the poor man. And this is something to think about that. You'll notice that when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam used to street in the lights for Salah, he would tell the people stole

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that string the lights, fill the gaps, and make sure you are straight. And then just before he would start the salon, he would tell them something, he would say some of those solder over there that pray a farewell prayer that imagine as if you're going to leave this world having prayed this prayer. And that is what the remembrance of death does. It gives you a sense of pleasure in your prayer so that you enjoy and you actually see something from it. You'll notice that our mentality and this is very unfortunate that when we stand up for prayer, the vast majority will stand up and pray for the sake of not wanting to be punished by us. That is our objective. But what our actual

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goal in service should be in that I'm praying today, I pray right now to get closer to Allah to attain the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And you'll notice something about yourself as a human being, that when you are threatened with fear, that fear eventually disappears, and eventually it disappears. But something that is based upon love continuously grows. Similarly, your worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. If it is based upon fear all the time, you're only upgradable as punishment, you'll notice that you're not going to want to do that after worship anymore. You want to find that motivation. But an act of worship that is based upon that is based upon pleasure, it is

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based upon enjoyment, then you'll notice that you'll increase your concentration in that act, and you'll want to do that act, and you'll find enjoyment and pleasure and that act is worth. And that is what death actually does. That when you think about death, all of a sudden you start to have to show in your salon, you think about death, the recitation of the Quran, it starts to move. And that is the effect that death has on the individual. A third benefit of death, one of our predecessors by the name of humanity and the settlement. He mentioned that the one frequency remembrance of death is blessed with three things. And the one who forgets about death, he is cursed with three things. So

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he says that the one that remembers death, he is blessed with three things. The first of them is that he will hastin and performing tilma he'll hasted and repenting to his Lord, realizing that when you don't know when death is about to come, you hastin and returning back to your Lord and remembering it and seeking forgiveness for your sins. And this is the kind of love you see this even from the messenger will love that if you look at the Messenger of Allah, the way of addressing the core of it, he tells him we are forgiven for you your sins, the future of death and the past of them. Yet the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he still sought forgiveness from us

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penguins on and if you look at the reasoning why it boggles the mind because he must

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trouble. So he wants to seeking forgiveness, for instance. And since we're already forgiven when he was seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala, that perhaps he didn't spend his time wisely enough, there is an alibi that he could have done, but he didn't do or perhaps there was something better than he could have done, but he didn't do. Or perhaps you know, there's something that may have been disliked, that he may have did. So he sought forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala, not for a sin, but the fact that he could have done something better. Now, how about the individual that doesn't have his sins forgiven? He's in haste in seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Because what if he dies, not having sort of us forgiveness, and managing the state of that individual? The second benefit of remembering death is that it rectifies one's affairs. What do we mean by rectifying one's affairs, you'll notice that the individual that thinks he's going to live forever, he will take his time to do anything. So for example, you have a friend who haven't been in touch with a relative of yours that you've cut off ties a relationship with, you may always think that you know what I can call them next week, I can get in touch with them next week, I can apologize next week, we can reconsider next week or next time. But the individual that remembers and

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realizes that he's on the verge of dying, your haste and in doing so, the individual that has a debt on his head, when he realizes that the slave is suspended between this world and the next until his debt is paid off, he'll hastin and paying off that debt. And this is what the rectifying of various means. that an individual and remember step he'll he's doing all of these things, but the one that thinks that he is going to live forever, that he will take his sweet time, and he will delay doing these things as much as he possibly can. The third benefit of remembering depth, the third benefit of remembering depth, is having energy to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala having energy to worship

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Allah subhanaw taala. You'll notice that from time to time, you run out of motivation, why do I need to worship Allah, what is the goal behind it, I still have so much of my life to worship Allah.

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And then when you think about death, and you realize that each and every soul on the day of judgment in the hereafter will feel regret, the wicked thing, won't me or if I didn't go back and repent to my Lord, and the righteous or think all the way back and do more courageous deeds. So every soul is in a state of regret. And that regret is only alleviated by the remembrance of death, that when one realizes that one thing is going to stand in front of his Lord, and He will be questioned about how he spent his time, and what he did in this life, he finds the energy to worship for a while again. So when you wake up for budget, and you think of what the cold weather and the cold water, you

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realize that unless and without extra prep, something much more severe, which is the Hellfire, which can be avoided by the person that goes through the small struggles in this world. So when you need that extra boost of motivation, think about death at that time, that one day you will stand in front of your lawn, you will stand in front of your Creator, and he will ask you what you did with your youth, and what you did with your life. So these are the three blessings that he mentions. And then the three verses he's referring to are the exact opposite, that the one who doesn't remember death, he delays in performance over he doesn't find energy in worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala, any

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delays in rectifying these affairs, delays and rectifying these

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delays and rectify these affairs? So those are the benefits that our predecessors mentioned, of the memories of death, of the remembrance of death. Now, what is the ultimate goal out of this talk? What are we trying to achieve? what we're trying to achieve from this talk, my dear brothers and sisters, is what everybody would desires. And that is what we call

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having a good ending to this life, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he tells us in a very incredible body, in our motto with our team, that indeed, actions are based upon the lesson. Now what does that mean? What this means is that the deed that you die upon in this world is the de that to be resurrected upon in the hereafter. So when you resurrected the Hereafter, the deed that you died upon is the D that you will be raised up upon. So the one that died, pray to Allah, the One that died in a state of hygiene, the one that died in the state of remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala, he is going to be resurrected during that exact same thing. And the one that died

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or something, he will He died on Something Wicked, then he's going to be resurrected in that same state as well. And this is why it's so important to remember this fact that your whole life of 50 6070 years of it, whatever you may live, it comes down to literally a couple of seconds, that that moment of death when you pass away, how are you going to pass away at that time, is about to be in a state of remembrance, or in a state of heedlessness. And that's our ultimate goal. Now hopefully through this lecture, we're reminded of how to prepare ourselves for dying in the state of

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remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala, another state of hopelessness, and as what that is what we'll focus on towards the end of the talk. Now let's get into the issue of the soul. This talk was called the journey of the soul after death. So what is this soul that is created, you'll notice that in the Arabic language, there are two terms that are used for the soul. One of them is the term roof. And the second term of them is the term nefs. And you'll notice that sometimes they're used interchangeably as synonymously. And sometimes they're two different subjects. So in the core, if one of us talks about the roof is referring, and it's isolated, meaning that separated from

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everything else is referring to something very specific. So what he tells us in sort of, sort of is, yes,

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that he asked you pertaining to the room, then the messenger provides tools that tell them via the room, the spirit is showing the affairs of our for my Lloyd woman de feminine energy lavanila, and you have not been given the knowledge except for a little bit. So this is what it tells us that when it comes to the roof, we only know a little bit, that in fact, the details of it are with us alone. But what we do know about the spectacular thing about the rule is that this is what brings an individual to life than an individual without a roof, you will not be alive. And this is why you can take a functioning brain, a functioning, functioning kidneys, functioning liver, and a functioning

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body. And you can try to put all of these together. But as long as there's no room inside, the body will not come to life. And this is the greatest scientific miracles that are provided for you that as a scientist, you can take all of these things, put all those body parts together, get the blood to circulate in the body, but even then, the person will not come to life, and until a rule is placed inside of the body. And this is what the rule is, it brings something to life. Now once the rule is placed inside the body, you'll notice that this is where the last panel Dallas starts to call it a naps, it started called in naps. And you'll see that the nurses have different levels. And

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generally speaking, it is the nerves that incites desire. So for your desire for anything in this world generally comes from the desire to live longer, the desire to have more money, the desire to have more friends, the desire to have an increase of anything generally comes from the nuts. And you'll notice that in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala, he discusses the nuts into three categories and categorize them into three categories. And this is like one of the first moments of reflection now that in which of these categories does Uranus fall into. So the first category is what Allah subhanaw taala cause unnecessary money now that the nurse that is calm and serene, that money at all

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times, this soil is in a state of serenity in this life, and in the hereafter as well. So in this soil, when a calamity strikes this individual, they're calm and serene about it. That's as if nothing happened, they take their problems and trust very, very easily and safely in the year after that safety requirements are in in this world, almost gives them glad tidings in the hereafter as well. So now the question arises, how does this individual attain uncertainty, and has directly to do with two concepts, the general concept of the general concept of faith that an individual has, the more faith in individual eyes, the more serene he will become, the more he realizes that it is

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ultimately ours, that is in control of his affairs, and that there's nothing that he can actually do except for try his best. And once you try your best, you leave your affairs up to a lot. And this is what we call tawakkol. The second thing, having tawakoni numbers

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that you have you trust in Allah subhanaw taala, that he will take care of your affairs. And that is when a person attains serenity. And that is why that an individual that is you know, he gets into an accident an individual that something bad happens into his life. How does he get into a state that he remembers about that time? Because at that time, you're feeling grief, you're feeling pain? But how do you get to a state where you get to remember Allah subhanaw taala it's by building Emacs and building token. And I want to do a small exercise with you right now. So if you you know, heard this in one of my lectures before, please don't ruin it for anyone else. And you just do it anyways. And

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for everyone else is like a nice surprise. You get to discover who you actually are. You get to discover who you actually are. So let me tell you a personal story. When I was 14 years old,

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my older sister was four years older than me. She didn't like me very much. You know, I always like to nerd the geek. You know, the uncool, the black sheep of the family. So every time one of our friends would come over, it wasn't sufficient that I would hide in my room. It wasn't sufficient. I would go into the basement of the house. I would have to leave the house. You know, get out of the house. I don't want my friend

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Nice to see you.

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So eventually, you know, there's only so many places you can go, you can go to a restaurant, you know, you go play some basketball, whatever the case was, I eventually started going to my answers. And my aunt, she had a daughter as well, that was six months younger than me, and actually hadn't spent so much time in that household. Even with my cousin, we develop like a sibling rivalry. So for example, if she wants something, I will always have to get something better. So she got a bicycle, I have to get a better bicycle, I got a laptop, she had to get a better laptop, you know, and this is how life continued. Now, ultimately, when the title of the report cards would come, my parents would

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ask me, how would you do in school? But no matter how well I did in school, I had perfect A's, you know, whatever the case may be, the conversation always concluded, did you beat your cousin or not? You know, that was like their ultimate concern. Now, naturally speaking, the mothers know this, Mashallah sisters study harder. And you know, when it comes to their academics, they're more important than the brothers. That's the natural reality of the situation. So every report is like mystery for me, no matter how well I did know, my cousin is always doing better than me. But the seven of us hang on to Allah is that every person has their moment of victory. And you know what my

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mom, it was the day we went to apply for a driver's license.

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So she goes for a driving exam first. And I'm not going to admit to this, but it was something along the lines of she goes through the exam, and I'm trying to level up.

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So she goes through her exam, she comes on board, tears in her eyes. And she's like, Mama, Bob, I feel that in the back of the house.

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Now, this puts a lot of pressure onto me. It's like, how am I going to handle the situation, I have to pass, I'm going to look like a fool. So I'm over my driving exam. And this is what I want to invite you along. I want you to do my driving exam with me. So we get into the car. And the driving instructor goes, Mr. Aziz, I would like you to reverse the car, right? So I want you to imagine you're in the driver's seat right now. And you want to reverse the car route. So you turn the car on, you look in the mirrors, it's absolutely clear. You put the car into reverse, and you start to pull out, you're going back, you're going back, going back.

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You hate something.

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Now, my question over here is, what is the first word that comes to your mind at that time? What is the first word that comes to mind at that time? Now you can be honest with yourself, you don't say it out loud? Obviously, the person said it out loud.

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That's not what I'm asking for. I'm asking you to be true to yourself, what was your natural reaction at this time, and you'll notice that people will vary. Some people have a natural reaction. They may say, of course, when that's, you know, the reality. Some people that never said a word of remembrance, that's the reality. But the reason why I bring this to light is because this is an everyday occurrence than everyday occurrences that someone is driving on the road and accident happens, lo and behold, that person's life is taken away. Now that person one day could be well protected, bless all of you. It could be you, you want to think about if that is you, what is the

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last word that you just died upon. And this is why I was he tells us in the Quran, how the believers supposed to react and their DNA and our software to masiva call you imagine

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that those people that are struck by calamity, the believer is mentioned remember, or they say indeed to Allah, we belong to Him, we shall return. So that is what the reaction is supposed to be. And then another look to my inner, they're the ones that have this reaction, that their stuffs in such a state of serenity, suddenly a state of calmness, they're actually in control of their actions. So when this calamity strikes, they remember a lot and the rivers are taken care of. And that is why they're called the triangle soil. And in this soil, their interest is with a lot. And then the year after Allah gives them the glad tidings, then the second type of soil is not allowed

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to sue. This is the exact opposite of enough. So Neptune

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is the nuts that is purely inclined towards evil. So I want you to think about the story of use to find a center when you supposedly said I'm just before he's placed into prison. Can someone tell me why he's placed into prison? Raise your hand and tell me why was he placed into prison? use money, so why was he placed?

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She plugged in a plank. So the wife of the minister, she plotted and planned, she wanted us for this and she wanted to seduce him, but he would not give it and then based upon this, you came up with a scheme would that made it seem that useful as a chapter when in reality use for the cinemas innocent? Now, I want you to look at the words of the wife of this minister, that after the innocence abusive is proven

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What does she say? She says, Well, we will never see in enough cinema to be sued, that she says I do not free myself from blame, I am guilty. For indeed the soul inclines towards evil. And this is what we saw is that in inclines towards evil, and this is something very dangerous, that if you have a soul that is constantly inclining, towards evil, it's not about human desire, desire is natural, but we mean that it is constantly inclining towards evil, they're always wanting to do something bad, that is a very dangerous situation to be in. So it is a soul that is distinct from Allah is the soul that finds gratification and disobeying Allah subhanho wa Taala. That is what the amount of muscle

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is. And this is the worst type of soul. And you'll notice that this concept of good and bad, it comes into play when the moment of death actually comes. Because you want to make sure that you have a good soul. So to get that special treatment that we're going to be talking about, then the third type of soul is a soul that is right in the middle. So it's not completely amazing. Nor is it you know, the worst of creation, but it's smack bang in the middle. And then this is the number one, the self reproaching soul the self blaming song. And this soul is the soul like when he does something bad, it realizes that it does something bad. And thus it needs to do something to make up for that

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it that he did. And this is what the concept of regret is that have you ever under trying to understand that? How do you explain regret, that when you do something bad when you don't wake up or

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when you bad by someone, when you look down at someone, all of a sudden you get that instinctual reaction inside of you that you know, oh my god, what did I do, I did something wrong. That concept of regret is from this self reporting saw the nuts to the woman that Allah subhanho wa Taala placed inside of you and nh criteria, they need a compass that lets you know when you've done something wrong, and the individual that repents to Allah, this compass stays in tactical conscience, it will constantly remind the individual that you did something wrong, repent back to Allah subhanaw taala. But the soul that is not relieved the soul again, you know, ignores this regret, then eventually

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this regret goes away. And so no cause will no longer constantly know when it does something wrong. So this is why then when you feel that regret, don't think of it as a you know something to bring you down and put you down. But think of it as a reminder from Allah subhanho wa Taala that almost sent you this regret to rectify your deeds and rectify or repairs and to rebuild that relationship with the people and with Allah Subhana one's Island. So those are the three types of souls. Now when it comes to our life, you'll notice that our life is a four stages, and each stage is greater than the one previous to it. So the first stage is when we are in the wombs of our mothers as Pinilla,

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whatever miraculous stage this is that you came into this world without having a clue without having a hint that you would possibly exist, then lo and behold, that was brings you into existence from fluid from a bodily fluid human created, and unless I don't agree to the existence, so the Messenger of Allah, Allah, it was seven, he tells us about the first three stages of life. He says that the first stage of life is that the individual he is like a small city. He's like a small seed, and he stays like this for 40 days, then for the next 30 days, he turns into a clot of blood. And then after that, for the next 40 days, he's turned into a morsel of flesh. And when this person turns

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into a morsel of flesh, at the 100 and 20th day, this is what almost kind of went to Allah instills the rose, inside the womb of the mother inside this Muslim question. After 120 days, after four months of existence, this is what the role is placed. And this is why you will after the fourth, the fourth month, abortion pretty much it becomes clearly how long was at that time you're taking a life and even the baby that passes away and the stage of pregnancy or as a fetus, you preach and as a woman because it became a soap at that time. This was listed at a stage 120 days. And this is when you're in the womb. And now you will stay in your mother's womb for nine months give or take you

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know a couple of weeks. Then the second stage of your life is when you come into this world. So you come into your physical body. And in this physical body you will stay for 60 or 70 years and you get to experience the life of this world and what it entails. Then the third stage of your life

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is the stage of the buzzer. The stage of the parser

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and the parser is when you are placed into the grave. But the day of judgment has not come when you're placed into the grave when the day of judgment has not come

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Based upon, you know how close you live to the Day of Judgment, this could be a long period of time, this could be a short period of time. And in reality, you'll notice that Allah subhanaw taala actually changes the laws of physics for certain individuals, that the individual who hadn't went to Seoul, this period will go by very, very quickly that will go to sleep in your wake up, and it will be the day of judgment. But the person who is evil and wicked when he's in this stage, it feels like it will never ever end. And it is prolonged and prolonged and prolonged. Similarly, think about your life in this world, that when you're having fun, you know how quickly an hour or two goes by, you're

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watching a movie, and the movie starts and it finishes, and two hours have gone by. And then think about another scenario, a time where you're doing an exam, and you haven't studied for that exam, you keep looking at that blank paper, and then you keep looking at the clock. And it's almost as if the clock starts going backwards. Sometimes it's like how slow time is going. every university students do this from time to time. But that's the concept of time and how it changes from individual to individual in terms of their perspective. Similarly, the life will be like that. Then the fourth stage, this is the stage of eternity, when you get to the hereafter. So the inhabitants

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of Paradise are an eternity in pleasure and enjoyment. And the inhabitants of Hellfire are in an eternity of punishment, and you know, a very difficult situation. Now, I want to expand a little bit about the creation of the soul. So that you'll notice in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala. From time to time, he mentioned how each individual will face death twice. And then you may think, how will an individual face death twice. And in order to understand these verses, you need to understand the nature of the soul. So Allah subhana wa tada in the Quran in surah, number seven, verse 172. So number 172, Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us, and remember, when Allah subhanho wa Taala

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extracted the progeny of either from his loins, and he made them testified

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to him.

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And he made them testify. Am I not sure Lord, call you mothership. He said, Oh Allah, we recognize that we testify to this fact. Now when did this happen? If you look inside the body, you'll notice that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, he explains the story of creation, that before us actually created the physical bodies, he created the spirits. So the bodies were not in existence, it was as if they were dead. So this is the first death that is mentioned in the Quran, when it is only the souls that exist, and the bodies cease to exist, that they're not present. They're not alive. And at that time, Allah made the soul testify that Am I not your Lord. And all of the swords

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they said yes. And then I go into others. At that point, he says, so that you will have no excuse on the Day of Judgment, that you didn't know who God or who your Creator was. And that is what you will notice that inside of each and every individual is this concept of the fifth row. That is this concept of searching for truth, this concept of searching for the Lord. This is what comes from that covenant that God took for us that he made us testify. Am I not sure, Lord? And this is one of the greatest questions each and every individual ask themselves is what is my purpose of life? Now for Muslims? And under the law? That's a very easy question we were created to worship Allah was someone

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who hasn't read the Koran, or doesn't have this direction, this becomes the most challenging question for them, then why am I placed on this earth, and that search, it emanates from that covenant that we took.

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Now, here's an interesting tidbit about this story.

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I want you to think about the last time you met someone, and one of two things happened, that you met someone and instantaneously, they became like your best friend who was like instantaneously, you fell in love with this individual. And then you wonder, you know what happened that I know other people my whole life, and I've never enjoyed the company or like them, as much as I like this individual, that I want you to think about the exact opposite scenario. You meet someone in a couple of seconds, and you feel like punching them in the face. You're like, I hate this individual. You know, what's wrong with this individual? You know, I just want to get rid of them. Now the question

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arises, why does this happen? Why does this happen? I show

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in the chapter of creation, she narratives from the Messenger of Allah, Allah. She narrates for the Messenger of Allah, Allah Allahu regenda.

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That source, they're like conscripted soldiers, that those of them that got along in the past, they will get along in this dunya and those of them that did not get along in the past do not want to get along in this dunya and that's what is

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referring to that instantaneous spreadsheet and an instantaneous animosity, it stems from something that happened a long, long time ago, that when your souls were created, they didn't get along, or they got along really well. And that is when your body's actually means now you get along really well, or all of a sudden, there's like beef amongst you, and you don't know why that is what happened. So that's just a small tidbit. So all this kind of data encrypted the source, before he created the voice, and these saws they stay with Allah subhanho wa Taala, open until our side on the other creates the bodies, then the bodies are born into life through the placement of the soul. And

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then as you know, when the appointed time for your death comes, then the soul is extracted out. And again, the physical body dies again at that time, it dies again at that time. So this is the second death, the two deaths that are referred to in the Quran, the first of them is that what it is only when the soul is in existence, and not the body. And then the second time is when the body actually dies. That is the second death that is being referred to in the poor parliament, that is second death that is being referred to in the format. Now that is get down to the crux of the matter, let's get down to the crux of the matter, the actual journey of the soul at the moment of death, the

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actual journey of the soul at the moment of death. And you'll notice that this discussion is predominantly relies upon one heavy, this heavy was buried in

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the cylinder will be known as the muslin, these three famous collections of honey. And the scenario is as follows. That once the message of a loss of a loved one, he was set up as an area and

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he was sitting in the graveyard of the unsolved you sitting in the grave where some of the unsolved people of Medina had passed away. And then as he was just sitting here is sticking his hand with which he was drawing lines. And he told the people at that time, that seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala, from the punishment of the grave, seek refuge in Allah subhanaw taala from the punishment of the grave. So they said all so long will we be punished in our graves, and then the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam goes on to explain the journey of the soul as it passes away. And as I tell you this journey, I want you to envision it that Imagine that you are firstly the good soul that I

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tell you about. And then I want you to imagine what it feels like to be that wicked soul and hope that you try to avoid being that wicked soul. So let's let's do some a lot while you send them. He starts off by telling us that when the moment of death comes, a person who will see the angels, and the angels will see them from a distance. And he will realize that the moment of death is coming to him at that time. And it will happen in an instance mean that as soon as he sees the angels, you will not have time to replay, you'll not have time to do good deeds, but it will happen in an instance. And then the soul will start to leave the body. And it starts from the bottom, and it

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leaves from the top some of the scores, which then leaves from the mouth, others mentioned that it leaves from the nostril passenger nasal passage. And that is one that when the soul is leaving, you'll notice that the eyes do always fixate on something. And it is the fixation on the soul. And that is why once the sword leaves, you close the eyes because you know you're staring at the soul and you close it at that time out of respect for the individual. Now notice the glad tidings and almost kind of data says the individual right away, that individual that had a good soul that they did the quaint deeds, he mentioned that the soul leaves with ease, it leaves with the utmost ease as

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if you're pouring water into a glass, that is how easy the soil will come out to the body. And then once the soul is taken out of the body, and Angel from the heavens will come and they bring a shroud from the heavens that has the fragrance of gender in it already. And that soul is placed inside this amazing shroud that is soft, it is silky smooth, and it has this amazing fragrance. And it is eventually raised to the seven habits. So through each heavens, the angels at each level ask Who is this amazing, you know, well fragrance, individual that is coming, and they will say he is showing so the son of swords, so he or she is so and so the daughter of so and so. And they will be called

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by the best names that we had in this dunya and the best deeds that they did. Now imagine

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that in this world, you don't get any recognition. No one cares about who you were or what you did. No one bothers to say thank you. But as soon as you pass away, you can get appreciation that you want to design that as the angels are telling you that one of the noblest creations of Allah, they're saying this is the amazing servant of Allah. This is the amazing individual that worship Allah and you're remembered by the best deeds that you did and when the best leaves that you have in this world, and this happens from stage by stage up until they reach the seventh heaven to meet our listeners.

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goes on, and on. And on at that time says, Bring forth their deeds, and place it in other places,

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which is like an area where your good deeds are preserved. And then at that time, the soul is back into the grave. And at that time, that is when the questioning actually begins. So at this time two angels will come by the name of Moncure. And then they come to the individual, and they will ask you individual questions. And this is what a lot of people don't know, a lot of people think that the angels will ask three questions. But in reality when it comes to the righteous soul, if you look at the actual test, the Ranger soul is asked for questions, he is asked four questions. The first question is, who is your Lord? So the obvious answer to that is almost kind of a Tada. The second

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question is, what is your dean that what When did you fall? And the answer to that is Islam? And then the third question is, who is this man that was sent to you, and that was the Messenger of Allah Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. Now, this is where a lot of people think that the questioning ends. But this is not where it ends, my dear brothers and sisters, the righteous soul has actually asked a fourth question that the individual at that time is asked, and where did you obtain this knowledge from? What was the source of your knowledge? And the individual will say, to combine? Now the amazing thing about the Reggie soul is that you ask these questions very quickly, that just save

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the exam that you already know the answers to. It's just about filling out the answer sheet, you don't even need to think about it. And this is what

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tells us if

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you suddenly come in a

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different hierarchy donia more often than others kind of Atlanta, He grants steadfastness to the believers, but of course they started with their true and beautiful statement of learning. Not only in this world, mean that not only is it your foundation in this world, but in the hereafter as well, that when you are looking for those answers, all your answers will be found in Mohammed Ahmed Sula, and this is what it is referring to. Now, then the individual will have a window open toward him. And when she was seeing his place in Paradise, and he was starting to enjoy some of the blessings of Paradise, and he will see his place in Paradise, and he will lay down to rest at his time will go

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very, by very quickly, until the day of judgment comes now we pray that Allah subhanaw taala basis of this category.

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The second category of people, mothers and sisters is the evil and wicked. So this is the soul of the disbeliever. And the person that thought they could escape the grabbing and punishment of Allah subhanaw taala this individual starts to receive His punishment. As soon as the Angel of Death comes. As soon as the Angel of Death comes rather than receive a great timing. He sees evil and wickedness and he sees ugliness at that time. And then when he saw this being taken out of the body, it is funny to hold on, it is fun to hold on, that it is literally holding on to the body scraping itself. And I want you to think about something very painful that you've ever been in a classroom

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that has a blackboard, and then someone takes the nails, and he starts scratching on that Blackboard. That screeching sound, you know how painful that is, there is more painful when the he was weakened. So as leaving the body, it is more painful than that, that that is how your body's holding on. And it's real fighting for assignment, let me stay inside this body. But at that time, the angel of death, it snatches it out. And rather than placing it in a beautiful shroud of Paradise, it places it in one of the shrouds of the Hellfire that has one of the worst statues that you can imagine that you can imagine that if a court says, You know what in the heat and the middle

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of the humidity, how that would smell. Think about you know, maybe if you had the means that was left out of the refrigerator or the freezer, and you just stay there to run that power standard comes, that is what the smell of that soul will be as he is being moved up into the heavens. So with each stage, the the angels are asking, Who is this wretched and wicked person that is here, and he will say he is so and so are the seniors so and so. And they will be called by the worst of things that they were called by. And the worst thing is that they did in this life, that is how they are going to be remembered as they're being brought up. And then they're brought up to us.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala will say place this individualists deeds and as a gene that you know, get it away from you. And then when we sit down to there, so we sat back down to the grave, and then mocha and Akira will come again. The mocha is that here, this is when we will ask those three questions.

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The disagreements will only be asked three, who is your Lord? What is your need? And who was the man presented to you. And with each time they will start, they will stumble. And they will say, I don't know, a version of this has been mentioned that each time they say, I don't know, a hammer is taken as your head is smashed open, and then it is put back together to ask the next question, a result of not having steadfastness. And this is Julian Mendes, he didn't have dialogue with the live, so they won't have dialogue with the entirety, no steadfastness whatsoever. And then once they fail their examinations, their evil deeds are brought to them. And it is in a state of forgiveness, and they

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stay with them. And then at that time, a window of the Hellfire is opened, and then they suffer, and the singing that state of suffering, till the Day of Judgment, it does not pass by quickly, but it is painful, and it is slow, and there is no escape from it. And that is the state of the soul after they passed away. Now, this leads us into our discussion of punishment in the grave, that there is a need that needs to be understood in its proper context. That was silent combat or the woman who passed away he was from the leaders of the unsolvable the people of Medina, when he passed away, he said that now seismic provider is going through the punishment of the grave, and he is receiving the

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least punishment that anyone will receive. And that is the type of thing of the grave, the squeezing of the grave. And then you'll notice that in other generations, the Messenger of Allah says that whoever does such and such deem, he will be saved from the punishment of the grave. So how do you reconcile these two statements that you have one of the normal companions of the assault, he is receiving a punishment of the regiment, and he describes it as the least punishment that anyone will receive. And then you have another statement that if you do such and such deep, that this individual, you'll be protected from the punishment of the grave. The way you reconcile these

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narrations, my dear brothers and sisters, is with the following, that the punishment of the grave is of two types, a general and a specific, a genuine type, which is to purify you and cleanse you of any mistakes and misdeeds you have, and that is going to be the squeezing of the grain, which is the absolute minimum that anyone will face. And that will be for a short amount of time, then the second type of punishment is that which is specific, meaning individuals that did specific bad deeds, they will receive specific punishments. And this is based upon the handling of the message of a loss of a law, it was set up that one day he is with his companions. And as you're walking past these graves,

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the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, he takes a branch, and he places it on the graves. So

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why are you doing this? And he said, I'm doing this in hopes that by the time the leaves on this branch dry up the punishment of these people and what have stopped. So they said you had a civil war, what are they being punished for? And he said that the first person, he didn't look after themselves, when they went to the bathroom mean that he didn't contain a state of cleanliness, that either they weren't careful when they went to the bathroom, or they didn't clean themselves after they went to the bathroom, one of two possible scenarios. And then the second individual was a number one, meaning that this person used to spread evil things about other people. Now, not only

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did they spread evil things, but they did it with the intention of causing fights amongst people. And this is the Arabic language is called Amina. And this is one of the worst things that you can do with your tongue. Like after disbelief. This comes into like the second or third category, that you start spreading things about people with intention to call for to cause fights and friction amongst them. And this is one of the reasons why people will be given specific punishments in the grave. So that is a specific punishment that we'll be giving. Now, what I want to conclude our session with some time, what I want to conclude our session with is, firstly, how do we ensure the fact that we

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have a good ending to our lives? And then the second thing is, what are the things that will benefit us even after we pass away? What are the things that will benefit us even after we pass away? So now that you understood that, you know, these are the journeys that the souls are going to take, you want to try to figure out how do you make sure you're on the side that is going to paradise and it has all these, you know, great benefits that come with it. Now in reality, it is a very scary thing because the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, he tells us that a righteous person, he will continue to be righteous, until there's only an arm's length between him and theranos. So I want you

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to look at your mark, the tar the tip of your finger, all the way till your elbow. That is the distance between

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The individual and paradigms and then call them destiny overtakes him. And then he dies upon that dr. D, and is thrown into the hellfire. And then you have an individual that lives his life, it will give us a voice. All they did was evil. And the distance between them and the Hellfire is another arm's length. But then because our destiny overtakes this individual, and then they're taken to paradise, what went wrong? What happened? The scholars mentioned that the only thing that will guarantee you a good ending in your life, is living your life with sincerity, meaning the individual focuses on having sincerity with the lowest penalty. Now, what does this mean? sincerity with the

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last panel data means is that you tried to be in private, just like what you are in public. So in public, you're someone that speaks good words, someone that praise someone that gives charity, you have to be congruent to the degree that you're doing the exact same thing in private, that How many times do you pray privately? How many good things do you say in private when no one is watching you? What are you doing when you are alone? That is what congruency and sincerity comes down to. And that is a test of sincerity, that if you're completely one way in public, and another way when in private, then that is a very dangerous sign. We know that no one has hypocrisy, but more

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specifically, it is a sign of insincerity that I was giving you an early sign that Be careful my sleep, if you're not congruent, it is a sign that you will have a bad entity. So the people may think that you're only an arm's length away from Paradise. But in reality, you're being thrown into the hellfire. And same thing with the individual, that they may keep doing bad deeds. That's not the point, every one of us says, but the individual that has sincerity in his heart, and he's repented for love, no matter how many sins he does, even though the people may deem him to be an evil and wicked person, due to an ounce of sincerity that he has in his heart, or she has in our art, our

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will make them from the inhabitants of Paradise, that is the most important thing you want to focus on, is that you're registered in private, just as righteous as registered as you are in public. And you want to make this a goal that in your day, you want to find at least one deed that you do that no one else knows about. That it is only between you and Allah, this can be two records that you play, this can be an act of charity that you do, this can be an any activity by them, that it is only between you and a lot. And this is the only way you will ensure that you have sincerity when you die. And you know, when the lights are there, we have those two slips. Then we lead into the

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final topic of discussion, which is what do you want to leave behind? That, you know, if you look in self help and self development, there's this great talk of leaving a legacy behind what is your legacy going to be when you pass away? And this question is based upon a very slimy concept, that I want you to think about your eulogy, that when you pass when they're going to pay your genetic, they want to describe who you are, how are they going to describe who you are? Will they be this is the brother that had a nice job, this is a job. This is the brother that drove that, you know, 1968 Buick, how are they going to describe it. So you want to think about that, that good deeds, that

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those would mean that you did, that is what you want to be remembered by. That is the legacy you want to leave behind. Now the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that when an individual passes away, all of their deeds stop, except for three things, all the deeds done, except for three things. The first of them is knowledge that they have left behind knowledge that they have left behind, that people continue to benefit from. So maybe a lecture that you gave a reminder that you gave an article that you wrote something that you recorded, once you pass away, people benefit from it, and are reminded by it and continue to benefit from it. And that is why even after you pass

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away, you continue to benefit from it. And if you're left, then the second thing is that you have a righteous child that makes to have for you, meaning that you have children and you bring them the purpose and you seek forgiveness for you. So each somebody will raise their hands and they will say Allah, please forgive my parents, Allah have mercy upon them, or Allah raise the rents in Paradise, or ALLAH forgive them for all of their shortcomings. That is the second thing that will benefit you the two out of the wrenches child. Then the third thing the messenger

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mentions, and this is what I want to hit home. This is what I want you to focus on that it is a soccer journey. It is that replenishing charity that children continue to benefit you even after he passed away. Now in another Hadith, in the day, as soon as the Messenger of Allah Allah mentioned seventh

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names that are considered a set of the Gru. So what do you think about these seven things? And what is the underlying theme? So he mentioned the one who teaches people knowledge, the one who builds a machine, the one who gives the Koran as a gift to someone, the one that facilitates water for people, the one that builds are well, the one that plants a tree. And what was the last one was the

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number seven right now effect. But if you look at these six things that I've mentioned, it's about benefiting the people. So it's not about the individualistic deeds that you did. But it's about the benefits that you brought to the people. And the more benefits you brought the people, not just about religious benefits, but even about worldly benefits, that the more comfortable you are, the more benefit you buy people, the more charity it will be for you. So you think about you know, what is the underlying theme of facilitating water and building a world and you know, planting a tree, that all of these things will be beneficial to the people. And when people benefit from these

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things, your award will continue to increase so that when you show up on the Day of Judgment, and you have mountains upon mountains of goodies, you ask Allah Allah, where did this come from? It came from that set of criteria that you continue to get reward from these things, even after you passed away, you continue to get reward from these things, even after you passed away. And this is what I want you to focus on. This is what we call intelligent faith. That when you have a decision to make of doing righteous deeds, you have the option of let's just say praying to the guys, and we'll save him some time. Or you have the option of donating some money to take care of an orphan child or

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building a wealth. You know, you meant to do both of them. But in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the one that benefits the people is the one that will be great. And that is why the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he tells us home and nursing and five minutes that the rest of the people are those that are the Most Beneficent to other people. And that is the greatest act of cervicogenic. Now imagine if you would live your whole life like this, that you live your whole life for the sake of benefiting people. And this was a huge success, that if you look at the Messenger of Allah, He spent his days the services of people taking care of this taking care of the problems. You

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look at the young kids, it was the Messenger of Allah never walk around, and you know, change the world with him. You think about the old women that he just said, You sit around and you're nagging complain that he was the messenger will never come to the streets, they won't hold his hand and never complained to the Messenger of Allah. It was the companions that came with their marriage problems. And the Messenger of Allah saw someone help them. It was the orphan child, they used to come to the Messenger of Allah Subhana, Allah, I don't have anything, can you help me, and then he will provide for the orphan child. So his whole day was spent in the service of the people. And then

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his night was spent in the service of homeless.

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And that is the ultimate goal that you want to achieve that that everything that you're doing in the daytime is in the service of the people is benefiting and helping this world and making it a better place to live. At the same time, you're building your axiom, you're preparing for the abode of the hereafter that you're doing those deeds to worship Allah and please Allah and almost no daddy's preparing for you. You're just saying you prepared for the people in this dunya

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we pray that he grabs us October to the so happy for me personally, that it makes it the richest source and then it gives us the glad tidings of practice of being with the Messenger of Allah

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or Silicon

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Valley or something.

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You know, the brothers question is that we just spoke about the journey of the soul in the hereafter. You know, how about those souls that are struggling in this world right now, that those souls that think you know what I'm to sit for to be forgiven by Allah subhanaw taala and Allah subhanaw taala he says, like the biggest blind tiding that anyone could ever receive, as the brother mentioned, the verses that tell my slaves that have transgressed against themselves, laptops,

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do not disappear, do not give up on the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala Island were indeed Allah subhanaw taala forgives all sins. Now this is something to reflect upon my dear brothers and sisters, when you look at a righteous person, you see their present state. And then when you look at an evil person, a wicked person, you know, someone that you know, does bad deeds, you're looking at their current state. But something that I hope you've learned from today's lecture is not about how you live your life. It is about how your life concludes. And that is why you will see that the Sahaba

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before they accepted Islam, what kind of individuals were some of them, some of them used to burning their baby daughters alive. Some of them would form the kids, some of them would drink it day and night, but

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When Islam came, that transformation came with it as well. And that is what we want to focus on that you may think you have committed all these sins, you can be forgiven. Perhaps right now you're not praying five times a day, perhaps right now, you know, you may be doing services that you shouldn't be doing. But the key thing is, my dear brothers and sisters, is that concept of changing the intention of change, that yes, you may not change overnight. But you need to have that intention that you want to become a better individual, and don't have a chip on deceive you that the devil wants to see that makes you think that you cannot be forgiven by Allah subhanho wa Taala. But Allah

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subhanho wa Taala has opened up the doors of mercy and the doors of forgiveness for anyone that knocks on that door. And it's something very important to remember that right now, you may not be the individual you have the potential to be, you may not be the individual that he wants to be. But keep that intention there. See the health of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And as the Messenger of Allah, Allah mentioned, of course,

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that take these small baby steps and achieving your goal and being delighted that you will achieve them. Now, in this path to attaining righteousness, I will mention three things that have been a person can instill these three things in their lives, where they will be a righteous person, and they will die in a state of righteousness. The first ism I already mentioned, that is the importance of having sincerity, when you're writing for the sake of Allah, that you do deeds in private, just like you do in public. The second thing, my dear brothers and sisters, is your relationship with the forehand, I cannot emphasize how important it is to have a relationship with this book, that it is

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this book that I was sent as a guidance and is this book that I was sent as a source of tranquility and serenity, it is this book that Allah subhana wa tada chose to differentiate between a believer and a disbeliever. It is in this book that when you recite each and every lecture, or when your deeds are multiplied by 10, it is a blessing book, and you need to develop a relationship. We all know that in the month of Ramadan, we have these lofty intentions that I want to finish the call on in Milan, and we start off strong, you know, we'll finish the first five years, but then we get burnt out the last 25 years, they get end up getting ignored, what happens, it ends up becoming like

01:02:20 --> 01:02:56

that neighbor or that friend, that I want you to think about that you may know people like this in your in your life, that they only know you and wants to know you when they need something from you. So the only time they'll call you and ask to see how you're doing is when they need something from you. I'm sure you all know people like this. This is how we ended up reading the Quran that the whole year we ignore the call. And then as soon as the last panel to either, you know opens up the doors of mercy change them the devils in one device and good deeds, we try to open up the Quran between come try to become the best friends. That is not how relationships work. If you have a

01:02:56 --> 01:03:31

relationship with the Quran throughout the year, Allah facilitate that relationship with the Koran inside the bottom Ramadan as well. So hold on to the Koran, and it will be a close companion for you. And we'll even intercede for you in the hereafter. And then the third and last thing, at least in this light, that may actually be the most important thing. The importance of looking at who you're hanging around with who your circle of influence and your social circle is that if your friends are calling you towards vice, you're going to be doing evil and wicked deeds, whenever you have friends that are advising you to do good and to repent to Allah and to remember Allah and they

01:03:31 --> 01:03:47

prevent you from doing bad deeds that bring the lights on in order to not have that battle, that you don't have to encourage you to do bad you have people that are preventing you from it and are perhaps encouraging you to do good. So if you can find good companionship, that is one of the most important steps in repenting.

01:03:50 --> 01:04:26

And as we'll conclude with what we mentioned in the beginning, never ever despair at the mercy of Allah. You know, our relationship with Allah is based upon love and compassion and forgiveness. So I want you to think about your relationship with your mother, that no matter how many times we have spoken badly we have, you know, done silly and stupid things. Your mother always opens up her arms for you and will give you that hug it will be there in your time of need. I was trying to tell his messenger so a lot of it certainly tells us a lot a lot of I'm gonna be a guy that he may have he was that he had, that others weren't compassionate and loving and forgiving. Then that woman that

01:04:26 --> 01:04:35

lost her child and found it again. Then he asked them when this woman who lost her child found in a throwing into the house, but there was a child into the house where they said

01:04:36 --> 01:04:46

that she would never do so. And the messenger was awesome said they're always more compassionate, more loving, more forgiving than this woman is towards her child. So keep that in mind.

01:04:47 --> 01:04:59

So this strikes every person intends to change and praise or other cetera and are strong. And then things happen that bring you down, then you're back to the beginning. How can you ever feel that that

01:05:00 --> 01:05:02

Do you feel that is not

01:05:03 --> 01:05:12

enough? This is a reality of our of our generation, that, you know, I've seen practicing people that are the

01:05:13 --> 01:05:56

most dedicated people to Islam. But on the inside these people are having a crisis of faith. So a person feels that, you know, these problems happen in life. And then it's as if almost disappeared. You know, the reality of the situation is when your brothers and sisters that God is always there, that you are the person that supplicates alliances is, do I not explain this to you? The way that the places that I want you to think about the evil and most wicked is creation of a law, that without a shadow of a doubt, that creation is shaken, that there is no creation evil or that it believes himself, you know, this is like the godfather of evil. So now this godfather of evil, if

01:05:56 --> 01:06:05

you look into the story of Adam and the police, you will notice that Allah subhanho wa Taala answered both of their drives a lot of the album and he said that he made a promise to Allah

01:06:09 --> 01:06:24

that you do not forgive us. Mercy, what is surely we shall be of the losers. Now Allah answers this drive to the minute is obvious. This is a prophet of Allah, why would not answer their advice? When you look at it nice, it leads to me.

01:06:26 --> 01:06:27

He says

01:06:29 --> 01:07:02

that all luck give me time till the Day of Judgment, to lead your creation astray. So now the question arises, as it was a prophet he answered his door. But why would Allah answer that while the police because a lot of the times we get so focused on the person making the drug, we forget about the person hearing the dry answer in the draft, which is a lot that overheard the police and answered it not because it needs to someone special, but rather because the vastness and mercy and generosity of all of us.

01:07:03 --> 01:07:40

So you know whether what you have you done in Shaolin you haven't killed anyone, you know, you you've done some sense whatever it may be, if you can answer the ground, at least you can answer your door as well. So when you see forgiveness from Allah subhana wa tada know that Allah will forgive you, and that the more deeds you do, the more good deeds you do with sincerity, the closer you will feel to Allah subhanho wa Taala This is the reality of life. It is the son of Allah that when you go into deeds, you will feel closer to Allah when you do bad deeds, you get distant from Allah subhana wa Tada. So if you want to feel that closeness, you want to feel that proximity, do

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good deeds with sincerity, and you'll notice that that feeling will come back with the lifetime and never, ever give up that as long as you are aligned, Allah is giving you an opportunity to become a good person to make that change. And if she wants to record the radius, a father wants to give up and it's a thought and wants you to despair. But Allah gives you hope. And that is what you should strive for. The Messenger of Allah tells us and perhaps one of the most powerful that Heidi, that Allah is with the slave, whatever the slave thinks of Allah. So if you think of a love to be merciful, you think of a love to be compassionate, that is how you want to treat you and that is

01:08:16 --> 01:08:18

what you need to think of us penguins Allah

01:08:20 --> 01:08:21

will love

01:08:25 --> 01:08:37

my question that the soul after death go to The Good Place and partly Yes. Is it mean actually no, they come back to the grave. So every soul it comes back to the Greek competence

01:08:39 --> 01:08:48

to the soul, yeah. You make Salaam they know they cannot give an answer. I know Tada. He tells the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

01:08:50 --> 01:09:21

that you cannot make the dead people here. So you find certain narrations that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, that when the people walk away from the grave, the soul inside and hears the footsteps of the people walking away. And you notice the burden of the prophecy, instead of speaking to the Shahada of whether the scholars interpret this these narrations as saying that these are exceptional cases, that these are exceptions to the rule that the general case scenario is that the people who are in the gravely cannot hear and this is what the verse means that

01:09:22 --> 01:09:29

that you cannot make the dead people here, they cannot hear you. However, there are exceptions that almost kind of data will make from time to time.

01:09:30 --> 01:09:33

Will you make go to the province As salam o Alaikum?

01:09:34 --> 01:09:35

Salaam Alaikum.

01:09:37 --> 01:09:49

Go to Madina, munawwara right when people say he giving them crap, right, even Salam they give me an answer, that is not from that that is not true.

01:09:51 --> 01:09:59

That the Messenger of Allah tells us say Salaam upon me wherever you are, because it will reach me. So the person will give some

01:10:00 --> 01:10:32

I'm at the grave of the Messenger of Allah or the person who gives to them here in Abu Dhabi. They're exactly the same, because the Messenger of Allah just engineering, but rather he tells us that two angels can make it to him to angels who can be the Salaam to him. Now, as for the issue of spreading Salaam, when you go to the graveyard, you give Saddam's as a greeting to the people, not necessarily expecting a response. So perhaps there may be angels there, perhaps there may be other things there, but you're doing it as a reminder to yourself, that is why you look at these two hours,

01:10:33 --> 01:10:55

you will notice that the at the end of the day, what is it, we're in a coma, why is it that we will soon be with you. So it is a reminder for yourself that when you give greetings to these people, that you will soon be with the people of the grievous world. So it is just a reminder that you set Peace and blessings upon them. And when you die, there'll be someone that sense of peace and blessings upon you as well. So,

01:10:57 --> 01:11:06

if I cannot convey that, but if the message of a loss of a lot of items in response are not the right I cannot answer that question.

01:11:09 --> 01:11:10

And I do not know

01:11:12 --> 01:11:17

the things is that his judgment will be the

01:11:18 --> 01:11:19

the what is

01:11:21 --> 01:11:22

your your

01:11:24 --> 01:11:28

make up before the government become like the people

01:11:31 --> 01:11:37

in Linux density, right. So, it may already happen before the document date.

01:11:39 --> 01:12:13

But those are minor judgments on the Day of Judgment is in detail the judgment, when each and every single thing that you did, you will be questioned about it. So that is what it is about. So before that it is just minor things that you're being questioned about, you know, what is the standard was a lion was the Prophet is not an example of how you lived your life. On the day of judgment, you will be questioned about the details of your life, the seconds of your life, and how you spend them. And that is why it is such a dreadful thing to think about that how do we spend the seconds in our life, that you want to be held accountable for those things you want to think about? You know, are

01:12:13 --> 01:12:16

you actually spending it in the worship of us.

01:12:17 --> 01:12:22

So these are all steps that lead up to the Day of Judgment. You know, mela make us of the people who received it.

01:12:24 --> 01:12:53

I was just wondering about the process of the whole thing, taking out the body and mind that the pain and the point of death can be a little can be as little as it would be taken out of a divorce. And as severe as a so I thought was in sort stress for me. So, alternatively, to wonder before, I'd be grateful if you could clarify the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he describes the soul when it is being extracted into opposite extremes. Now, what is it important,

01:12:54 --> 01:13:12

you know, the actual wordings that is used, what is the point is that you understand the concept. So the believing soul can take it out with keys, and the discipline soul will be taken out with difficulty. As for the wordings that are used, there are many different wordings that are used, but suggests that don't focus on the wording, but rather focus on the concept of ease and difficulty.

01:13:16 --> 01:13:24

You said in your talk that one day we should do things to benefit the people. And in one night, we should do things for the Aligarh as a university student, how can we do this?

01:13:26 --> 01:13:32

as well as balancing university life exams, sometimes it's hard to find balance, sometimes, especially when,

01:13:33 --> 01:13:39

you know, I don't know what that says, daily prayers itself. And we will get to do during

01:13:41 --> 01:14:18

now, your life as university students, I would suggest that make your life as university student and active in one of the greatest disasters of secularism is that in divided knowledge, so they say that there are things that secular knowledge and there are things that religious knowledge, but if you look at the history of Islam, you will see that such a categorization did not exist. A doctor became a doctor for the sake of online engineer became an engineer for the sake of a lot, of course of study physics and math for the sake of Allah as well as the scholar. And similarly in your situation, whatever knowledge you're seeking, as university students, do it for the sake of Allah.

01:14:18 --> 01:14:54

Now, what does that mean? What I mean by that is that as you're seeking this knowledge, think about the intention, why are you seeking this knowledge, the most minimal knowledge you don't tend to have? Is that, okay? I want to get a good job after this. But you can multiply your rewards right away. If you think of what I want to earn the holidays to provide for myself and for my family, then you can make your intention even nobler that when this knowledge I'm studying, you know, I want to be a service to my community, then you're going you know, your intention modifies in order to achieve so the one goal or your intention, the greater your reward, and that is how, as a university

01:14:54 --> 01:14:59

student, even your daily life becomes an activity better, because your intention is there to please a lot

01:15:00 --> 01:15:11

To be a disservice to the people, so don't restrict it by the just to reading Koran and praying and fasting. Ebola is much, much more than that. This is why if you look at the conversation between Why?

01:15:14 --> 01:15:53

Why does the woman say no? How do you achieve the pleasure of Allah? And almost it was I pray, I passed a maturity and a number who says, what do you do? And then he goes, I seek from my sleep, just that you seek from your prayer, meaning, I hope from reward for my sleep, just that you seek reward from your prayer, meaning when Why did you use to go to sleep, his intention was to worship Allah through that, that it is the right of the body that it gets expressed. So he's giving it its right. It's the meat of the body that it needs energy to worship Allah. So you sleep on time with the intention of waking up early to pray to Allah so that even your sleep becomes an activity

01:15:53 --> 01:15:59

better. So think about no normally your intention and be delighted that you would like to become an act of worship.

01:16:01 --> 01:16:13

I have two minutes left. If someone has a heart attack and the heart stops, and they are actually dead at that moment, scientifically, yes. But where does the soul go when the heart stops?

01:16:15 --> 01:16:16

I don't know what this question means.

01:16:17 --> 01:16:24

As soon as the person dies, the soul is taken out and independent of their righteous or not, you know the conclusion of that.

01:16:30 --> 01:16:54

You are very specific when you speak of the punishment paid by the hammer. How can you be sure this information you are sharing with people hear this, like I mentioned, it has three versions of it. The first is in the Muslim. The second is in the midst of attacking. And the third is in the center what we have found, if you look up these three narrations, one of the nurses were mentioning the height of being hit by the hammer while

01:16:57 --> 01:17:24

they go to work for you're talking for your initiative. For the sisters. However, the issue of not adequately providing for Muslim women remains a problem in many communities. How do you propose we deal with this? Also, we all understand the concept of modesty? When is it not a step too far to force the ladies to the back of the lecture hall and instruct others not to look at them and ask questions or seek to engage in the discussion.

01:17:28 --> 01:17:42

Our communities are filled with many, many faults, and you miss each other people that don't judge Islam by the Muslims, because Muslims are terrible. You judge his style, you know for what it actually is for what Allah revealed in the core island for what Allah revealed at the center.

01:17:43 --> 01:18:17

Newsome I agree that in all the problems of the world will not be solved by one CD. But the issue is I want to highlight some of these problems so that we can start solving them. You know, as a Muslim community, I feel we are like ostriches. If you look at it, the ostrich, what does it do when it gets afraid, it puts its head into the ground and thinks that whatever is going to attack, it will disappear. And unless it's heads up in opposition, getting robbed by the rhinoceros, that's what happens. The Muslim community does the exact same thing. We seek to tackle the symptoms. But we don't do a root cause analysis that what is the root cause of this, you'll notice that there's a

01:18:17 --> 01:18:58

large, you know, group of things that are leading to these problems, I can mention some of them, but the rest of them, you know, it is about opening up discussion and initiative and speaking your concerns. So now, let me start off by firstly mentioning why the sisters are sitting in the back, as we know of us cannot Allah sent Islam not as just a religion, but as a way of life. And putting sisters in the back is not a way of demeaning or degrading the sisters at all. But rather, it is a way of protecting and preserving their dignity, that when you look at something, you know, you do not want something to be stared at in negative light. And you'll notice that even as a woman, one of

01:18:58 --> 01:19:35

the most degrading things that can be done to you is that someone just stares at you constantly. And you'll be like, what is this person's problem that you know, they're checking you out, or they want to do something bad, it's just a degrading thing. And unless I know what other prevented the sisters from them, by giving them the job, and by asking them to be in the back. And this is not an act of superiority or inferiority, but rather, is the fact that Allah created the male and female species in two different ways. The man is very visual that he wants everything visually. And that is how is in case where the woman is not that way that she can sit in the back and she can look towards the

01:19:35 --> 01:19:43

brothers. And it's not good to be daydreaming about the brothers, they can actually pay attention to the lecture you produce. The longer you put the brothers in the back, the brothers won't have a clue.

01:19:45 --> 01:19:48

They already Don't you know, you guys don't see this. Perhaps the brothers are asleep.

01:19:50 --> 01:19:59

That's the reality. So nothing with the sisters and what is even worse. So it's about a lot understanding the creature that he created. So it's not an issue with curiosity and superiority.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:36

But rather is the way I was created the species and you understand them in terms of solving these issues. I believe sisters need to take it on initiative. Hey, Java is not something you wear on your head, it is something that stems from inside. So what is the it does not mean you don't leave your house, that is not modesty. modesty means that the way you conduct your life is mindful of time, that the way you interact with the opposite gender is the way that is pleasing to Allah. So Allah does not prevent you from you know, being beneficial to society and providing to society and you know, interacting with society. But Allah does prevent you and prohibits you from, you know, using

01:20:36 --> 01:21:11

your tools to manipulate people in the wrong way. So that is something to keep in mind in terms of what I would suggest. We need sisters that are self educated, that and I mean, religiously and secular, are using that dichotomy because it exists but in essence, it shouldn't, that sisters will know their Deen as well as they know their dunya that's what our sisters when she has a question, they can go to a sister and you know, get the information that can mean that they can have social gatherings and his family gatherings together, they shouldn't need a Male Speaker to come and educate them. So that is something that who will be the brave sister that was saying, you know, I

01:21:11 --> 01:21:43

want to be the sister that is more to educate the sisters in my community. You know, it takes courage and bravery to do that. It's not meant for everyone. But when the sister does that she comes back to the community, she becomes a greatest asset. So sisters need to take their own initiative, you do not need anyone's permission to seek knowledge, you do not need anyone's permission to share that knowledge. But you need to have the bravery and the courage to want to make that change. To start off with that religious knowledge first, then once you start off with that religious knowledge, you know, what the city allows you to do, what the city doesn't allow you to do? That is

01:21:43 --> 01:22:18

the first step in making that change. And that is what I would start off with the sisters need to take their Deen more seriously get educated, educated, educate themselves, their family members, and that is how communities are built. You know, they say if you teach a budding individual, if you teach a woman you've taught the whole household, and that is the reality that they raise the children. So with education, both religious and secular, we produce more, you know, progressive, active and reform societies I never want to see. So that would be an introduction to the discussion. We'll learn a lot from you all

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