Navaid Aziz – Fiqh of Salah #02 a – Requirements of the Prayer

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The importance of praying before reaching the village is discussed, including the use of apps and the importance of knowing the preferred timing for prayer. The speakers emphasize the need for a general understanding of the calendar and the importance of physical understanding of the timing of events. The speakers also discuss the importance of praying at the start of a church's busy period and the humility method of praying. The speakers emphasize the importance of praying at the earliest time and avoiding dangerous waters.
AI: Transcript ©
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of mine or him and then hamdu lillahi wa Hornstein who want to talk a little, when they're also below him in short order and fusina woman sejati Anna Nina, Maria de la foto de la homeo de Lille, who further hodja or shawanda illa Allah Allahu la sharika wa shadow nama Mohammed Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira and my blood My dear brothers and sisters so that mighty Kumar from for La Habra cattle.

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So, here's a question for you guys. You're in the middle of a desert. And you get robbed these guys that rob you are so greedy. They say we even want the clothes that you are wearing. Okay, that's how greedy they are. To live in the middle of the desert with no clothes on. And the time for let's just say Australia is running out. Okay. You haven't prayed our city yet? In this situation? Do you pray or sir while you're naked? Or the closest village is this just say about an hour away, but the time for mclubbe would have kicked in the time for mother would have kicked in and you would have missed acid. What do you do in this situation?

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Okay, so we're gonna take a vote over here just to see how everyone feels about this. So how many people feel we should pray offset, even though we don't we're not fully clothed.

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Okay, fantastic, hands down. Hands, you will feel that we should delay it till we get to the village and we're probably closed.

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I'm sure some of you raise your hands twice.

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Okay, so we're gonna be discussing this in today's halaqa in quite some detail. And the issue is how important is the issue of the timing of the Scylla how issue How important is the issue of the timing of Salah. And this leads us into the discussion of the truth of the Salah, the truth of the Salah, so short of the Salah, all those things that are required for the salon, but they're not a part of the Salah itself, they are required for the Salah, but they're not within, they're not a part of the Salah itself, there's pretty much agreement, we're not going to say agema but there's a high level of agreement amongst the scholars that the most important short of the Salah, the most

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important component of the summer outside of the Salah is the actual time itself is the actual time itself. So just by glimpse of this, you can start to see that more than likely the majority of scholars are going to lead to praying before you will reach the village. Most of the scholars you want to lead to reach are going to you know agree towards praying before you reach the village but we'll discuss this at the very end beginning later on. So that having been said Let us start with the foundation of the chapter. Meaning that what is the foundational narrations and verses that this chapter is going to be based upon? So the verse that of the Quran that This chapter will be based

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upon is sudo to Nisa, verse 103 sorta Nisa, verse 103. where Allah subhana wa tada he says, For our clear masala in the sada to Canada, Mina Kitzhaber mahkota that establish the prayer Indeed, the prayer has been enjoined upon the believers at set times. So here Allah subhanho wa Taala, he gives the establishment of the prayer by saying establish it, and then he gives a second command, saying that it has been established at such times. So that prayer needs to be established within the set times within the set times. Now that is the verse Now what is the Hadith that this chapter of discussion is going to be based upon? It is the hadith of Jabari bin Abdullah, that he narrates that

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was visited by Djibouti and gibreel showed him the timings of Salah jabril showed him the timings of Salah. So that is read through the Hadith. So this hadith is narrated in the Muslim that remember, Ahmed for 14,011 Muslim female Muhammad 14,011. So gibreel Ali Salam came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said to him, stand and pray. So he prayed Thor, once the sun had passed its zenith. Then he came to me at us, and had said, stand and pray. So he prayed the prayer wants the shadow of each object had reached the length of that object. Or he said, once the shadow was the same length, then he came to me I'd Mark Levin said, stand and

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pray. So he prayed, once the sun had set. Then he came to me at a shot and said to him, he then he came to him in the shower and said to him, stand and pray. So he prayed, once the Twilight had disappeared. Then he came to him and frigid ads and said, stand and pray. So he prayed once the dawn lightened. Or he said, once the dawn became apparent, then he came to him and said, The next day after the hard time, standing pray, so he prayed, once the shadow everything was the same length. Then he came to him for us and said, stand and pray. So he prayed. Once the shadow each thing was twice as long as the original object, then he came to him for mclubbe. But Maghreb is only at one

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time, and it remained the same. Then he came to him for Asia and he shall being

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When half the night had passed, or he said a third, so he prayed a shot. Then he came to him for budget once it had become very yellow, and he said, stand and pray. So he prayed for God. And he said, What is between these two is the time what is in between these two is the time. So in this hadith of Jabba the Allah who I know when jabril came to visit the prophets of Allah audio send them he showed him the beginning and end times of each Salah, the beginning and end times of each Salah. So now, when you look at the Salah calendars, you have your apps that give you a notification for Salah, you're probably curious, hey, how do they calculate, you know, the timings for Salah itself.

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Now what I want to give as a disclaimer over here, your app, and these calendars are not always going to be accurate. Let me tell you why. I was in Sweden last February, if I'm not mistaken, February of 2014.

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And we were in a lower city. And they were showing me the calendar of I hire city. And they showed us that the horror kicked in at 121 What time did Australia kick in at 122. Meaning that you had literally one minute to break your door. And if you didn't fit in that one minute, you would be gone. Now imagine a person that's working, he's gonna have to start preparing like one to 15 because as soon as 121 kicks in, he has exactly one minute to pray, how much of that prayer needs to be prayed, you know, we're going to be discussing this was one of the last portions of the Hanukkah, but it shows that you only have one minute to pray. Now they obviously use algorithms for

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calculations. And those algorithms don't take every scenario into consideration. So it's very important that have a general understanding of the calendars. But more importantly, understand what is the actual timing for each Salah. So let's just say hey, you know, my clock says my you know app says this, but when I look outside, it doesn't look right. So for your native city, it's very easy because you're you're you're familiar with it. But when you're outside of your city, don't just rely on your app or your calendar, but rely on physical understanding of these timings and stuff, physical understanding of these timings itself. So let us start off with Why did gibreel start the

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sell off at the heart? Why did you come to visit the process salon at the time of the hood? They said this is because vote is the first Salon of the day. The hood is the first Salon of the day, because the budget time of prayer it actually starts as the sun is rising but before the sunrise itself. So it's not technically a part of the day itself. The first prayer of the day is the the heart of prayer. And that is why gibreel came to visit the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at the heart. And that is why in this hadith vihara is the first prayer of the day. And then fudger is the last prayer of the night budget is the last prayer of the night. Even though in our minds, 5g is

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considered the first prayer of the day. Next thing that is related to 5g 5g is perhaps the most trickiest prayer to understand 5g is the trickiest prayer to understand, because it is dependent purely upon the siting of the toilet, the sighting of the toilet. Now in Arabic tablet terminology, you will have a fragile chasm, and a fragile, a Sadik, the true the false fragile, and the true fragile. How do you distinguish between the two. So when you're looking at the sky, and you know early in the morning, you'll notice that you're going to see two types of lights. Light number one is a vertical light is it is it is a light that it is in the middle of the sky, and it just goes up

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and down like this. This is what we call a professional chasm. And this will generally occur anywhere from 15 minutes to about half an hour before truth budget kicks in 15 minutes to half an hour before the truth budget kicks in. And during that time, it is not permissible to prefer budget it is not permissible to prefer that even though you start seeing this twice that come about this is what we call a budget Al Khattab then we have an fudgier a sodic. And this is a light that perpetuates all along the horizon meaning east to west, that is how far the light is going. And that is truly when you know that project time has kicked in fudger time has kicked in. So that is the

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beginning of the budget time. When is the time for budget end, it is the time when you see the sun is above the horizon. As soon as the sun becomes above the horizon, the time for 5g has ended. Now if you notice your calendars, they have a time for shuttlecock. This is generally what they call the sunrise. Now your calendars on average, they'll give you a five minute leeway before the actual sunrise. So they'll tell you that the total is five minutes before the actual sunrise just because they don't want people praying that close to the sunrise time itself. As we'll come to see it is one of the prohibited times. So that is the time for budget. Now we're not going to get into discussion

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of Medina just yet. They'll come later on meaning according to each method, what is the preferred time and why did they actually say that? Number two

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We get to the start of the whole time, the start of the whole time, the scholars are in consensus that the score, the start of the whole time starts. As soon as the sun hit its zenith, meaning the sun hits the highest part of the day. And as soon as the sun starts to decline, then that is the beginning of the hard time, that is the beginning of the third time.

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And when is the time for the hot end. And this is going to be a difference of opinion amongst them, or they will just introduce this right here. And now, according to the majority of scholars, the time for the hood will end. As soon as everything is one times its length, meaning that the shadow that you see of yourself is the exact same size that you actually are, then that means the time for God has ended, and the time for us has begun and the time for ourselves has begun. This is the opinion of the majority, with the exception of Imam Abu hanifa, with the exception of Imam Abu hanifa Rahim Allah, who stated that the time for us to begins when the shadow is twice its length,

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meaning that you have an object and when the shadow is twice the length of the object, then that is when the time for us actually begins. That is when the time for us actually begins. Does anyone know why Mr. malla? held this opinion? What was the basis of this opinion? Why did he award your opinion that it should be twice the length?

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There must be a hadith I love the approach. Very good. There is definitely a hadith. But what is the Hadith that the basis upon? Is there a hadith that says twice the length? No, there is no Hadith that says twice the length. But there's something else that he's basing it upon? What is he basing upon?

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Anyone know?

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Sahabi? No, it's a hadith from the process other than himself.

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I'll give you a hint. It has something to do with the summertime.

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Going once going twice salt. So what Imam Abu hanifa himolla based his understanding of this upon is that during the time of the process, it was summertime extremely hot, and more than one to go and give the other and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told them why then upgrade, meaning let it cool down a bit. A second time this happened process and said the same thing. A third time this happened. The professor seldom said the same thing. And then the process alum finally said you know what, go ahead and give the other and go ahead and give the event. So according to a member of hanifa Rahim Allah, the fact that the professor said them delayed the heart of prayer for this

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extended period of time, it shows that it was a prolonged period of time, where that when this cooling down truly begins is when the sun is between one and two shadows is between one and two shadows. So he said once it has reached the second shadow, then that is when the time for our set actually begins. Because the process alone would not command the more than to give the man after the time of thought had had finished, he would not command him to give the than after the time for thought had finished. So do we understand his reasoning here? Is everyone clear on that? Anyone not understand?

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Was this one instance, it was just one instance that we have recorded. There were many instances with a processor, he delayed the Salah, because of the heat. But this is the one instance we have where was delayed three times and there was showed like a prolonged period of time for it to be done.

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Now we have the time for us. And the time, beginning time for us. It is contingent upon the end time of God, the time of God. So as you understand the time of God, you also understand the beginning time of ourselves as well, the beginning time of ourselves as well. However, what I want to highlight over here is that this is now one of the first prayers where you have a preferred time to pray. And then you have a necessary time to pray a preferred time to pray. And it's a scary time to pray. And you'll notice that this is one of two prayers that the majority have said there's a preferred time and a necessary time our sir and Isha are the two prayers that have preferred times

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and necessary times for God not so much. So even though you know there is some slight difference of opinion on that, does it have a preferred and necessary time? So now how do we understand the preferred time to process and the necessary time to process the preferred time to pray ourselves is from the very beginning of us your time all the way till the sun becomes a bright yellow, meaning that before the sun is setting, you will notice that it becomes a very bright yellow, almost an orangish color. We said this is the preferred time to pray asset. Now if you pray after that, this is the prayer of necessity mean that you should only do so if you have an extremely valid reason. So

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someone had fallen asleep they just woke up. They were busy working the whole time and he didn't have an opportunity to pray then they can pray to that time but

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should not be, hey, you know, I'm watching a show right now, or I'm busy playing a game or checking my emails. So I'm going to delay their time till this long. So I sometimes should not be delayed till that time where the sun is extremely bright. And you can see that you know, literally it's almost the ending of the day, it's almost the ending of the day. Now, if you look at the Hadith in Sahih, Muslim, narrated by Mr. Raja lahoma, the time for us continues as long as the sun has not become bright. And the time for Mojo continues, as long as the Twilight has not disappeared, right? So this hadith makes it very clear that the title still continues, as long as the sun does not

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become very bright. Now, does he mean mentioning over here that the tie process completely ends? No, he's talking about the preferred timing for us. So if you come across this hadith and sign Muslim, and you're like, Oh, my God, the tie for us it actually ends, you know, when the sun is bright? No, that's not what he's saying. What he's saying is that the time for us that is valid until the sun sets, however, the preferred time where you can pray at any time without a valid excuse of delaying is during that time from the beginning, till it becomes right after that, you should have a valid excuse, you should have a valid excuse. The start for mclubbe. The start for motive begins. As soon

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as the sun sets, meaning the sun goes down beneath the horizon, then that is when the sun actually sets. How long does the sun actually set for? And when does the time for Asia actually begin? Now we have a second difference of opinion over here. The majority of scholars said, as soon as the redness from the sky disappears, then that is when the time for Asia actually begins. That is when the time for Asia actually begins imaam Abu hanifa Rahim Allah, he was of the opinion that it is when the whiteness of the sky disappears. So if you notice the trend, you have the setting of the sun, followed by some redness in the sky, followed by a white light over it. And then that is when a

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shower will begin according to Imam Abu hanifa. According to the majority of scholars, they said that after the sun sets, and the red light is still there, then that is still McKillop time, once the red light disappears, then the time for Asia actually begins, then the time for Asia actually begins, what is the difference between the red light disappearing and the white light disappearing roughly about half an hour, 20 minutes to half an hour. That's the time difference that actually takes place. Now while this was the classical opinion of Emanuel hanifa, and the classical Hanafi scholars, a lot of the Hanafi scholars of this day and age have come in line with the majority,

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they've come in line with the majority, they said that as soon as the redness from the sky disappears, then you can establish a lot of Asia, then you can establish a solid, solid Asia. Now, what is the preferable timing for solid to Asia? And when is the end timing for South Asia? Now, this actually gets tricky. This actually gets tricky. So we know when a shot begins, let us discuss when the preferred time for a shot actually ends, the preferred time for a shot actually ends at Islamic midnight, it ends at Islamic midnight, how do you calculate Islamic midnight, you take the time of Maghreb the time of fudger the hours in between you divided by two, and then you add that

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time to the time of Margaret. And then that is how you get Islamic midnight. So for example, you pray Margaret, the type of Muslim is at 6am. And the time for sorry, at 6pm. The time her mother was at 6pm. And the time for budget is at 4am. How many hours do you have in between? You have 10 hours? Now you divide that by two, what do you get? You get five, you take that five, you add it to the time of Margaret, what time is Islamic midnight 1111 that is Islamic midnight. So our understanding of minute is is 12 Islamic Midnight in this scenario would be at 11 o'clock, meaning that you have to pre shot from the time that it kicks in till 11 o'clock and after that, then you will need a

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valid excuse to delay it then you will need a valid excuse to delay it. So now that is the ending of the preferred time, what is the actual time that a show will end? The actual time that a show will end is at your time, the actual time that a show will end is that for your time, however, the purpose should only be delayed till that time, if you have a valid reason to do so, if you have a valid reason to do so. Now, this leads us to our next discussion. What is the foundational ruling when it comes to prayer? Should it be played at its earliest time or should it be delayed? The foundational ruling to all prayers is that it should be played at its earliest time the first

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opportunity that you get to pray you should pray it with the exception of Salah to Asia with the exception of Asia. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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Then if I did not fear burdening my oma, I would have commanded them to delay the Shah prayer, I would have commanded them to delay the Isha prayer. Meaning that if you can delay the prayer without it becoming extremely burdensome, you should do so how late with the prophecy said I'm pretty sure prayers with his congregation, they would pray shall prayers, while some of the people are falling asleep, that one day the apostle and came to the masjid and the people had fallen asleep. We discussed this in the book of the heart that they had fallen asleep. And that is when they established the Isha prayer. So the short time should actually be delayed should actually be

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delayed. Now here's a question for you.

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The machines please early and you've just read this Hadith, that it is preferable to delay the shall prayer. You have to choose. I can either pray early in congregation, or I can pray late by myself. What should I choose? What do you do over here?

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So I'm going to say join the congregation.

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Fantastic how many people say pray shall late? No one hamdulillah. We have consensus. And that is the correct answer as well that pray in congregation, some of the scholars considered it considered it a fold delaying the sharper no one ever considered considered it a fault. So that which has more likelihood of being formed is given preference over that which is just a sinner over that which is just a sooner. So now in a situation where you're at your home, and you're praying by yourself or you're praying with your family, then yes, it is part it is better to delay the issue of prayer as long as it doesn't become excessively burdensome. Meaning that you can start off you know praying a

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shower early and you probably read the Quran properly, or you end up praying at the end of the time of Asia and you're reading like in altona Calcutta and kulula height, it's better to pray shot it's earlier time it's better to pray a shower this earlier time because the horseshoe and salah and it's you know performing it properly is giving preference to delaying the Salah is giving preference to the delaying of the Salah.

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So we spoke about the timing for Asia, we spoke about the preferred preferred timing for a sharp

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Now let's talk about the preferred timing of marketing.

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Let's go back to that. So when we were talking about McGregor, the Maliki method actually had a very interesting opinion that

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the time for motor continues as long as you have time to make wudu put on some clothes, do the then and the comma and pray five rockers and pray five rockers. This is what the Maliki method said. So they were very strict on their timing for the prayer itself. They said that the moderate prayer is extremely short. Meaning you have time to make although time to pray five o'clock is to give you flexibility for one rocker time to put on close time to make the done in a coma. And that's the time that's that's it for mclubbe that is it for mclubbe. Now, one thing that all the scholars have agreed upon is that the Muslim prayer should be prayed at this earliest time based upon what the

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prophet sallallahu wasallam said that my alma will remain upon goodness, as long as they hastin their mode of prayers as long as they hastin their Muslim prayers. So now, let us talk about the preferred timings for each month of the preferred timings for each method. So let's start off with the hanafis with the Hanafi madhab focus should be delayed and prayed once the sky has started to become bright and lighter. And this is based upon the narration of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam pray the fudgier when it is brighter, for it is greater in reward for it is greater in reward. Now, the other Medina and the scholars had these they didn't understand it like this, the

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way they understood it was that pray the fudger prayer once it has clearly become visible, so not when it is bright mean that the sun is bright, but pray when is clearly visible. So don't pay for it at a time of doubt. Because as you mentioned, the type of budget, you have a federal Academy and federal sodic you have to make sure that the time for budget has actually joined in. So that was the understanding of the majority. But he Mount Abu hanifa Rahim Allah and his mother they said that the bosses have said when it becomes bright, meaning that you should delay the fudger prayer till it is bright. And that is why a lot of the times in our own native countries, you go to Hanafi mustard,

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you'll see that literally very close to the Shamrock time. That is when they're actually establishing the prayer. It is based upon that Hadith. So they said that the fudger prayer should be delayed, they should be delayed. What was their their logical argument for this as well. They said if you delay the congregation, this will also mean that more people will attend the congregation prayer congregation early people are still waking up still getting ready, it's less likely that people will attend the congregation. Number two, they said that we should delay the congregation based upon the fact that if you pray closer to the sunrise, then people can pray. Stick around in

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the masjid and pray to Dhaka

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Sunrise, and then the people also get the reward of performing a hygiene and ombre the poster send them said that whoever prays budget and stays in his place and prays toorak eyes after the sun has risen, he will get the reward of performing and hygiene and an ombre hij. And Anoma this hadith is narrated in Timothy, and is an authentic hadith. So this was their logical argument. Now, when you look at it from a logical perspective, it actually makes sense that hey, you know, it's not such a bad idea. More people are attending the masjid. And you also get this opportunity for a greater reward of praying today or two guys, after the sun has risen. Then the whole prayer they said should

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be delayed until it gets cooler in the hot countries. But they liked to pray early in the autumn and winter time. So they said the whole should be delayed when the weather is hot. But when it's not hot, then it should be prayed at its earliest time when they should be prayed at its earliest time also should be delayed so that more than the waffle can be performed, because it is more cruel to pray after ourselves as for the Hadith, so they delayed their logical understanding delaying of the Hadith is the fact that if we give more time for people to pray, they will pray more often. And then we shorten the time between Austin and mclubbe. Because that is a time you're not actually allowed

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to pray. Moderate should be prayed as soon as possible at all times. And then for a shot. They were of the opinion that it should be delayed until 1/3 of the night has passed or they should be delayed until 1/3 of the night has passed. How do you calculate the 1/3 similar to what we had said that you take Margaret, you take fudger and except this time instead of dividing the time into half, you divided into three and then you add that first third to the time of Margaret. And then that is how you establish the third of the night. That is how you establish the third of the night. The Maliki method. They said every single prayer whether prayed individual and congregation, whether hot or

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cold is to be performed in the earliest time because that gains the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala that's where the Hadith I asked the Messenger of Allah which deed is most beloved to Allah. He said Salah at its appointed time he said Salah at its appointed time. So according to the Maliki method, every prayer should be prayed at its earliest time, and no prayer should be delayed at all.

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According to the Shafi method, all of the prayers are to be prayed in the earliest time except for the horror in times of intense heat of the prayers are to be prayed at their earliest time, except for the hood, except during intense heat. The humbling mother they said, all the prayers are to be performed in their earliest times, except for a shot. And then though during intense heat, and margrave when it is cloudy, McGlade when it is cloudy, the Mugler one, if you understand why they made this condition, they said just so that people will not promote live outside of the time that it is actually not to be done. So they've made this extra stipulation to avoid that time of doubt. So

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if it's cloudy delayed a little bit and there's nothing wrong with it. There's nothing wrong with it. So do we understand the different Medina over here? Go ahead.

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Yeah. What's the

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How do you calculate that like when there's only 45 minutes an hour before? I would say about 45 minutes before the time really bright Yeah. And this will also vary from like summertime and winter time. So summertime, you have a little prolonged period of time between us and modeling. winter time is very, very short. So that time between the brightness of the sun and macula time could be even shorter than that. It could be like half an hour 15 minutes or so.

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The actual time?

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Little buzzer Yes.

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Yes on the intake team to terms of necessity.

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Intentionally this like for no for No.

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Reason. Yes, according to the humbling month of your sinful for doing so, your Salah is still valid, but your sinful for delaying it till that time and shooting it should be avoided. Now again, this is particular to the humbling method, the majority. They said no, you can. it's valid to pray all those all the you know the prayers until the time of necessity. And then there was some love on the astral prayer as well. But on your supper, it seems that you have more opinions stating that a person delays it to the time of necessity he would be sinful to do to pray after that. So it's better to avoid the time on necessity as much as possible. Although other any other questions on this?

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Go ahead.

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yeah. So what does this exactly mean when the pastor says that they will be

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going out of their range? Okay. Same thing with like the devil murders like if you're drowning if I were to get through it because

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so the hadith of martyrdom that Hadith actually just shows the levels of martyrdom, meaning that there are different levels of martyrdom and martyrdom is not just dying on the battlefield. So

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die on the battlefield battlefield is considered the greatest form of martyrdom without a doubt. But the process of just showing that it is a high level of martyrdom, now the one that dies drowning because he went swimming on vacation, as opposed to the one that dies defending his house. The both of them are similar, but the one that dies defending his house is a greater martyr than the one that dies drowning. Now similarly, here, the process of them is saying that the one that stays in his place and continues making the vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala and then he prays to lock eyes after the sunrises he used to reward for an homage and anomala now does it mean that the the obligation of

00:30:32 --> 00:30:39

hygiene oma is uplifted, but it just shows that the reward is there? What is that particular award? Allah knows best what that actually means.

00:30:42 --> 00:31:08

Unless there's like a reason to get up and move so for example, they're cleaning that part of the machine and they're like, Hey, you have to clean and you have to move then that's perfectly fine. But it was generally understood is staying within the parameters of the machine. So example you're in your place, and like man, I don't have to memorize the Quran and I want to read quote on now. So I just sit here twiddling my thumbs because nothing there No, you go grab a copy of the Quran, you can sit lean against the wall, meaning staying in the precincts of the machine, it doesn't actually mean physically in your spot. Work. Yeah.

00:31:10 --> 00:31:11


00:31:12 --> 00:31:37

There's a difference of opinion that is this any place that we pray in congregation or does this apply to the masjid itself? Unless I know it's Allah knows best. According to the General Theory, that any place with the people congregates to pray as long as they do it in that place of congregation is perfectly fine. But definitely it will not apply to you at your home. So like even if you pray as a family together, and they wouldn't apply over there, well, ah ha No. Go ahead.

00:31:38 --> 00:31:40

Time sometime in

00:31:44 --> 00:31:46

the pray.

00:31:49 --> 00:31:49


00:31:51 --> 00:32:09

So I'm going to discuss that issue in a little bit inshallah, but anything else pertaining to the timings itself? Is everyone clear? So, can people tell me what is the preferred time for us? Who can explain to me what is the preferred time for us? Except for people that I know people that struggle with this side of them what is the preferred time for us to prep?

00:32:11 --> 00:32:12

According to the majority,

00:32:18 --> 00:32:19

you have to point someone out.

00:32:21 --> 00:32:23

Sophia, what is the preferred time for us?

00:32:25 --> 00:32:26


00:32:27 --> 00:32:31

Okay, so from Okay, first time, when does a start time begin? When does it begin?

00:32:35 --> 00:32:40

What how do we define when the other time begins? What needs to happen?

00:32:41 --> 00:32:42


00:32:43 --> 00:33:20

when the sun begins to cool down, okay, when does the sun begin to cool down in terms of shadow? What? The Shadow becomes equal? This is the opinion of the majority and the Hanafi madhhab. They said what what did the Hanafi myth twice fantastic. Now the Salah to Lhasa is acceptable all the way until something happens. And when that happens, it means that it becomes this time of necessity, what happens it becomes extremely bright. And we said that's roughly about 45 minutes to an hour before the market uptime before market uptime. So that is the preferred time for us to from the time it begins till the sun becomes great. That is the preferred time for ourselves. Now preferred time

00:33:20 --> 00:33:23

for a shop Who can tell me the preferred time frame from the side of the room.

00:33:26 --> 00:33:28

Besides the people in the front,

00:33:29 --> 00:33:32

the late night that's too general and vague. What does that mean?

00:33:34 --> 00:33:36

The late half of the night.

00:33:39 --> 00:33:59

Okay, up until Islamic men they fantastic that is the preferred time to pray a shot and the closer you get to Islamic midnight, the better the closer you get to Islamic midnight, the better. Anything beyond that and you're treading on dangerous waters you try to and treading on dangerous waters. We get to issue number two now pertaining to that you have a question?

00:34:01 --> 00:34:05

Or sorry, there's us well, okay, fine, both of you can, but that's about it behind you go first, go ahead

00:34:06 --> 00:34:06


00:34:09 --> 00:34:13

different provinces. opinion on the topic. So

00:34:15 --> 00:34:39

if you pray with the congregation and you pray in the masjid, pray with whatever the masjid the priests. If you're praying by yourself, then the general rule of thumb is that you should ever always pray the prayer at his earliest time with the exception of a sharp a, shall you pray at the leader time. Allah Juana. So, once you if you don't pray on the first time, yeah. Does the report diminish? Yes,

00:34:40 --> 00:34:51

it does diminish according to some of the Medina actually becomes sinful at that time. So if you go from the preferred time to the time of necessity, according to the handle humbling both of you will become sinful to the pre show that late and same thing for the

00:34:52 --> 00:34:52


00:34:55 --> 00:34:56

One like one should do.

00:34:58 --> 00:34:59

So my my opinion is still the same

00:35:00 --> 00:35:03

They should be prayed at this earliest time at this earliest time

00:35:04 --> 00:35:06

by its nature as long as the

00:35:09 --> 00:35:12

longest budget was 60 to 260 200 days

00:35:14 --> 00:35:47

so I'm saying in that situation where it's not burdensome upon the people so people have this understanding that you know, you you want to make salado jamaa burdensome upon the people, and this is not the way of the process. Right? That Yes, there's a certain time in place where you can pray for God that long University 110 at all sort of use of being recited by amadablam katapola de la no infigen there's a time and place for that, you know, maybe in our day and age, on the weekends, you might do that. But on the weekdays, keep it as simple as easy as possible. Because the goal is to get the people to come to the machine not to just throw them away. There was a

00:35:50 --> 00:36:20

Yeah, exactly, exactly what I was going to tell you a story, but I'm just afraid if someone knows who I'm talking about, it will look really bad. And it was there's the mom in one of the cities. And we were to go to the masjid and if we would see this Imam there, we would literally run away from the masjid. Literally, we wouldn't want to pray because his Zohar was half an hour long. And like, that's a silent prayer. And you know, as a young kid, you know, it's like you know Jaisalmer, you can recite, like pretty much most images, and then half an hour, and you're still praying. There's another time.

00:36:21 --> 00:36:54

You know, we gave excused because he was praying thoroughly. But in the first locker, he prayed all sorts of dakara. And this is like, on the first day of Ramadan, and it's like, no one wanted to bring that much to the rest of the Ramadan. And they brought the this a man from Egypt, so I mean, he knows gonna know who that is. But again, these sort of things. We want to invite the people to the masjid, we want to make it easy. So I would say the Imam should use the due diligence. No, there's a lot more flexibility on the weekends, there's a lot less flexibility on the weekdays. So make things as easy as possible for the people, you're praying by yourself. read as much as you

00:36:54 --> 00:36:55

want. No problem, inshallah, go ahead.

00:36:58 --> 00:37:00

Standardization and and let them be

00:37:01 --> 00:37:09

legitimate, or that's not what Ramadan is for the summer time. And we're gonna, I'll be discussing that soon when we talk about the timings for for in the summertime. Good.

00:37:10 --> 00:37:13

You said that they share the paper time, you

00:37:15 --> 00:37:22

know, the proof time ends at Islamic midnight. So, obviously, like the winter agenda,

00:37:24 --> 00:37:51

which is not the part of the show, winter is not a part of Russia, it is an individual prayer. Yeah. So winter is not a part of the chapter. A lot of times when we're when we're brought up, we're taught that Asia is forced on us, you know, for for too soon as two and three with the right. This is all separate from a show itself, a shop for the prayer is only for rock, guys. Everything else is outside the scope of the show prayer itself.

00:37:52 --> 00:37:55

We'll discuss that at a later time. inshallah. Go ahead.

00:37:57 --> 00:37:58

Pray that we

00:37:59 --> 00:38:02

will discuss that when we talk about the width of print, Sean. Yeah.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:08

So I heard like, sorry for like when I'm traveling,

00:38:10 --> 00:38:25

Jehovah and also you can combine Yeah, sure, you can combine Yeah, the best time to combine. We'll talk about that when we talk about combining of the prayers. inshallah. I'm just discussing timings. Now. I don't want to get outside the scope of timings. Okay. Last question on timings. Go ahead.

00:38:31 --> 00:38:49

So the general ruling is that when you look at the actions of the process of them is that yes, you would elongate the prayer, except when there was a reason to shorten it. So example, he hears someone crying, or he sees an older man in the congregation, then he will shorten the other night, the process of them would keep it roughly around 20 minutes or so. That's what the estimate is about. About.

00:38:57 --> 00:38:59

too long. Yes.

00:39:03 --> 00:39:09

That angry he was very furious, right? Is that because of their people? All

00:39:11 --> 00:39:42

right, that is true. So why they even jumped about the other one who was leading the people. And he said, the people complain that he's leaving the salon too long. So they complain to the pasta, Solomon pauses and told him to shorten the prayer. And that is why if you look at a lot of the times of the sutras that the process I'm used to reciting the short prayer, they're like what some people do when they leave yaksha. They're very short solos that are posted on your store site. And that is the general ruling that when praying congregation, the soloist should be shorter. They should not be prolonged solos, just to take into consideration the needs and necessities of the people alojado

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