Navaid Aziz – 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi – Episode 19

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The Hadith title is discussed, emphasizing the importance of finding advice for anger and staying calm in order to avoid future problems. The speaker gives five tips to control one's anger, including avoiding unnecessary precautions, respecting others, and being rewarded for one's actions. The importance of balancing anger and passion is emphasized, and the need for individuals to channel anger in their proper way and expose it in a proper way is emphasized. The importance of letting out one's anger and finding a balance between its emotions is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu lillahi Mohamad ohana staring a hole in the stock photo. When I was a villa Himanshu Rudy and fusina woman Surya, Dr. Medina, Maria de la dama De La da

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da da da Juana La la la la sharika was shadow Ana Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira My bad, my dear brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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So we continue on with Hadith number 16. I know before Allah tala de la Raghu Rajan Khalid inhibition Allahu alayhi wa sallam oseni called a lot of dub ferhadija muroran Karnataka Rahul Bukhari on the authority of Abu huraira the Allahu anhu, a man came to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said, advised me he the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Do not become angry. The man repeated his request several times, and he the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advised him do not become angry, recorded by Al Bukhari. This Hadith was actually recorded by Imam Al Bukhari, with this wording, likewise by Timothy by Ahmed and

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by hockey, and others as well. And you'll notice that the wording of the Hadith, it plays a small difference as we'll come to see, when Allah hits Allah. In terms of a general understanding of this Hadith, this hadith continues with this segment of good character that we've been referring to in the past four or five Hadith. That Mmm, I know we are a human lives goal in compiling these 42 a hadith was to bring together a compilation of every aspect of Islam Do you have an aspect of Akita which is the first few Hadith, then you have the aspect of a flock, which is the middle few Hadith. And then there's a third section that we'll get to towards the ending of his Hadith as well. So

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we're still on that section that focuses heavily on good character. Now, one of the great scholars of Hadith that we referred to in the past was an hates me. And when he commented on this Hadith, he says, you look at the few words of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu, Allah was send them, and you see its profound effect. He said, If we were to ponder, just upon the immense amount of benefits that can come, as well as the great amount of harm that can be prevented through this Hadith, people would have taken this hadith much, much more seriously. And that's what you actually notice from the men, that when it comes to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he keeps asking

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the same question on messenger Allah advised me,

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it seems from what we see from the Hadith, at least, is that this man didn't think this advice to be too great that it wasn't sufficient for him. He needed something greater than this. And that is why he kept asking, but in reality, when you look at how much harm comes from anger and how much, you know, greatness can come from preventing anger, this hadith actually has a tremendous effect, as can be seen. So that's just a general commentary on the Hadith. In terms of the narrator of the Hadith, he has Abu huraira, viola one who, who I believe a lot of you should be proficient in his biography now, but just to summarize, summarize his biography again. He was born 17 or 18, before the year of

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the law, and he died 59 years after the Age of Law. He is someone that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made dua for for his memory. And likewise, he is the companion that narrated the most amount of Hadith. His name before Islam was up the shrimps and after Islam, it was up to him Annabelle Sakura dosi, and he became very commonly known as Abu huraira. due to how frequently he was seen taking care of the cats and the kittens. Now moving on to the text of the Hadith. The Hadith starts off by saying that a man came to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Some of the narrations actually mentioned the name of the man. But those narrations are

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actually with the authentic version of Al Bukhari. It just says that a man came meaning that his identity is not actually known. In the version of a Timothy, when you look at this Hadith, the man didn't come to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and say, advise me, he actually said, teach me something that will not be difficult for me. And I will be able to keep it in mind, teach me something that will not be difficult for me. And I will be able to keep this in mind. Now this is a very important characteristic of the Sahaba of the Allahu Allah home. And this is something that we want to try to bring back into our own lives is this element of asking for advice.

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You know, in our day and age, we will only ask for advice, if we're troubled by something. So we have a problem. We don't know how to solve it. Okay, let's go and speak to someone and get advice in terms of how we can solve this issue.

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Would you notice the Sahaba de la Han home, they used to come regularly to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and ask general questions that were on the same level of advise me. So some of them would

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advise me on messenger of Allah teach me something that only you can teach you. And no one else can teach me on messenger of Allah, what is the best of deeds, meaning the best of deeds that I can do. So these are general, you know, characteristics that the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu were very enthusiastic about. And it's something we need to bring back to ourselves. So whenever you're in the company of alerting the individual, whenever you're in the company of someone that you can benefit from, it is a very good characteristic to develop, that you ask them for advice, for perhaps it is something that you did not know about yourself that you will learn, or perhaps it is something that

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you didn't know what you had forgotten about, and thus you will be reminded, so you'll always be in a beneficial state when you ask for advice. And this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala answer to that yet. He tells us what Zakir fadak was looking for in a declarative meaning and remind For indeed, a reminder benefits the believer, meaning that it is only the believers that are constantly looking to be reminded that or it is only the believers that are constantly looking to be reminded. So now when this men man comes to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he says, either advise me, or teach me something that will not be heavy for me.

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The scholars mentioned that he was looking for advice from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is a characteristic that we should develop for, for ourselves. Secondly, the scholars mentioned that his constant questioning of this,

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you know, seeking for advice, shows how enthusiastic he was for this. And this is in enthusiasm, of self development of wanting to improve and wanting to get better. Now, this sort of enthusiasm will only stem from a person recognizing and realizing that we all have weaknesses that we need to work on. Right? So taking time out of our lives, and reflecting upon this. And as something that you know, what, the early predecessors or at least from the earliest movies, they called maraca, you know, loving upon yourself, what are the sins that I'm constantly falling into? What can I do to solve those problems? This is what this man was looking for. Because he knew that the Messenger of

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Allah Azza wa sallam would be the best individual to do this now and hated me. He comments on this, and he says that possibly the reason why the man kept asking this question was because he didn't see any significance to the answer of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he mentioned that it is also possible that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knew that this man had an anger problem, and that is why he kept reminding him do not become angry, do not become angry. But his conclusion in this hadith is that both of these points are inaccurate, that the man you know, not taking this hadith seriously, that is inaccurate, because he was from the

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Sahaba. And he understood, you know, the heavy wordings of the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam, but rather he was just enthusiastic for more advice. And likewise the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam only giving this advice, because he knew that this man had an anger problem is also not true. Because the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he knew that these words would be recorded, and that they were heavy in weight, and that they would go on to benefit many people many people around him and you know later generations as well. So the statement of length of do not become angry. The scholars derived from it three different interpretations that we want to reflect

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on. When Allah tala interpretation number one is that this hadith is saying that you need to take all of those actions that will help you not to become angry. So that is what the head, the taqdeer of the Hadith is, that you need to take all those actions that will help you and prevent you from becoming angry, that will help you you know, fight off that state of anger. So, what are some of the things that the scholars mentioned that a person can do that will help an individual

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control their anger, the scholars mentioned five things that which we will share with each other. Number one is saying out to be let him initiate ontology. So when a person starts to become angry, it is at that time, that they should seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from a shaytaan the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He once saw two men arguing, and one man lost his school altogether. And the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told this man, should I not teach you something which if you were to say it, it would help you overcome, you know, this anger that you are feeling? And he said, Of course you are a soul Allah and the Messenger of Allah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught him to say, oh Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim.

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Number two, the importance of staying silent, the importance of staying silent. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he advised people that when they become angry, they should remain silent. It avadi by hadoken folia. Scott, the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam says that whenever one of you becomes angry, then he should remain silent. And you notice the wisdom behind this that you know how many relationships are destroyed and how

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Many things are said in anger that can easily be prevented if a person chooses to remain silent. So when you become angry, just remain silent shut off. And you'll notice how many problems are saved. Things like divorce, things like cursing, things like, you know, taking oath that we can't live up to. Right? All of these things are done in a state of anger, especially the issue of divorce. People think that you know what, if I get angry, and I divorce my wife in a state of anger, this divorce isn't going to count. And in reality, that's not the case, I want you to think about this logically, what type of man divorces his wife, while he's hot in a state of happiness. He's like, you know

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what, I'm happy today, I'm going to divorce you. And the divorce doesn't work like that. There was only happens when you get angry. In the few instances when scholars have mentioned that divorce will not count, when a person becomes angry, is when a person gets into such a state of rage that he no longer has control over his actions, or what he says. And even then, when the court is making a judgment on this individual, he will ask for secondary evidence that is there any proof that outside of this incident of divorce? Did you ever get into such a state of rage, we lost control of what you were saying and what you were doing. If that can be proven, then this will be accepted in the court.

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If that can't be proven, then the claim of rage will not be accepted, as well. So obviously, divorce is a very heavy thing. And that all we all a lot of the times it happens when it's in the state of anger. And when it happens in the state of anger, the son has completely neglected very, very Unfortunately, there are certain procedures that need to be fulfilled before divorce can take place, meaning that a man shouldn't have had * during that time. I mentioned not to divorce her during her menstrual cycle, you know, these sort of things, they should have taken other precautionary measures, like the separating of the beds, the advising of one another, you know,

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leaving some distance from one another so that they longed for one another. So all these precaution measures all go out the window when an individual gets angry, and they divorce their spouse. So this is something that should be kept in mind. So that's the second piece of advice that remains silent during that time. The third piece of advice is change your physiological state, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He says that when one of you becomes angry, then let him sit down, and he was angry, still not subsided, then later, let him lay down during that time, and then his anger will be subsided. And this is something that you will experience in your own life, that

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the in a more relaxed state that you become physiologically, the less emotion you'll feel during that time. So when an individual is sitting down, he's going to feel less emotion. When the person is laying down. He feels even less emotion, but a full person will be in full emotion, when he is standing up when he is standing up. And the Messenger of Allah says Allah taught us to sit down in that situation. Number four, and there's a difference of opinion on this Hadith, that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says that it is indeed shade bond that incites anger and shaytaan was created from fire and nothing cools down fire like water. So whoever gets angry, let

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him go and make water let him go and make although she called Vania Rahim Allah, he considered this hadith week. But other scholars, they considered this hadith to be harsh, and other schools considered this Hadeeth. Debbie has said, and it was implemented by some of the predecessors. And this seems to be a sound advice. sound advice from two aspects. Number one is that when a person goes and makes withdrawal, especially with cold water, this does actually help them cool down. So it helps the body cool down, and we'll help the person cool down. But where I consider this advice to be strongest from is the angle that a person leaves the room that he became angry and so an

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individual that's a serious one and I we get into a fight, we get into an argument here in the masala our egos will tell us stay where you are in that same position and fight your opinion until you win. Right? That's what your ego will tell you. But logic and what Islam will tell you, you know what, leave the argument, it's not worth it. Everything that you're fighting for at the end of the day is not going to be worth it. And that is why just leave the room altogether. And then solve this issue solve the problem when both parties are cooled down when both parties are cooled down. And that is the effect of leaving the room to go and make withdrawal. That is why I believe it is

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strongest strong. So even if the Hadeeth is not authentic, leaving the room from personal experience is something which is very, very valid, that don't let your ego get into the way control your anger. Leave the room when you're cool down, come back into the room bimala into Allah. And then number five, and perhaps this can be one of the most effective methods is that look at all the detrimental effects that anger has. And then likewise look at all the benefits of controlling one's anger. And we'll get into the benefit benefits of controlling one's anger in a little bit a bit in the heat

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in terms of

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detrimental effects, we've all experienced it, you know, that's time where someone sends you an email, and you're responding to that email on the spot, when you know you shouldn't be responding to that email, and how many detrimental effects come out of it, perhaps you get fired from your job, perhaps someone gets angry at you, perhaps a relationship gets ruined, a lot of things can happen at that time. Likewise, an individual, you know, when they get angry, it's not just about, you know, the relationship being lost at that time. But it's about what happens even after that is over. So even after that is over something called hepped develops inside of the heart between two angry

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parties. And this concept of health is a very dangerous concept, where a person starts hating another individual. So anytime you see that individual you feel like making against them, you feel like harming them, you feel you wish that, you know, bad things would happen to them all, because you got angry at them at that first time. And you didn't resolve the issue in a proper way. So Hector develops, and that is like the after effect, that is, you know, much, much danger much, much more worse than the initial conflict itself. So that's what it leads to, as well.

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Now, when you the fifth and last piece of advice, that you mentioned, Java, that we, you know, would like to implement, in terms of the good things that a person achieves when he controls his anger, there are many, many things right, there are many, many things. So some of the things that a person achieves when he subdues his anger, is that he attains the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us some sort of a limit on where Saudi Arabia morality mirror become agenda, agenda agenda to our to an odd, right that

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right Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, and race towards the forgiveness of your Lord and a paradise, a paradise whose expanse is the distance between the heavens and the earth, prepared for the motto clean. So here are my notes and he mentioned two things, the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala and paradise itself and paradise itself prepared for the MacGuffin know Allah subhanho wa Taala. He goes on to define who they are right under the viewpoint of his server, what Dora well, Calvin and Hobbes will have seen and in us, will la who have been sinning.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala, he gives the the following characteristics that they are the ones who give in times of prosperity. They're the ones who give in times of adversity, and they are the one ones who control their anger who try to subdue their anger. And they are the ones that pardon people. They're the ones that pardoned people. And then the fifth and last one is that these people strive for excellence in everything that they do. They strive for excellence in everything that they do. So who can repeat the five characteristics?

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Besides money, please memorize the verse

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not those characteristics, the characteristics of the Mottaki? What are the characteristics of the meetup in we just mentioned? Sorry, no stick one of them.

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inshallah. shallowford

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fantastic. So there's two of them, that they give in the way of Allah subhanaw taala, in times of prosperity, and in times of adversity.

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Fantastic, the one that controls his anger. And what's number four,

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he pardons the people fantastic. And number five,

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excellent. he strives proficiency, proficiency and excellence in everything that he does. So this first verse, it teaches us that Allah subhanho wa Taala has repaired paradise and forgiveness for these people has prepared paradise and forgiveness for these people. Number two,

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in terms of you know, this is like, supine Allah. This is like the dream of like every man and you'll notice why the messenger of lesser Selim particularly addressed this to the men is because it is particularly the men that have an issue with anger. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, Man cover my Verizon what who are called on Allah. widow who Tao Allahu Allahu Sinha fpml kiama Hata Yo, yo holla who Minal codename, Masha, that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Whoever restrains his anger, while he has the ability to implement it, and act on it will be called by Allah, for in front of all the creation, on the day of judgment, and

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Allah subhanho wa Taala will give him the choice of any of the hurdles that he wishes. And sometimes this is like, you know, when we talk about the rewards, as for most men, their ultimate vision of you know, gender and enjoyment in gender is you know, having a choice of the following. And here the messenger of last SLM is saying that when you have the ability to act upon

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Your anger and you choose not to for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala then Allah subhanho wa Taala will invite you in front of all the creation on the day of judgment and will let you choose the whole of your choice at that time. Even Raja Rahim Allah, He comments on this by saying, and this just isn't like a one time thing, meaning that if you control your anger, you know, 1000 times in this dunya, that this will only happen to you once, no, but rather for each time you control your anger, then you will have this invitation from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So this is almost like you know what, look for opportunities to get angry so you can control yourself. So you get this

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privilege from Allah subhanho wa Taala on the Day of Judgment. So that is one of the virtues of it. Number three, is that Islam recognizes the strong person to be not the one that is physically strong, but the one that is able to control their anger. So as men as men, we're very egotistical we always want to be, you know, the strongest person in the room. We always want to have, you know, the most amount of testosterone, but the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he tells us lays a shadow beside our intimate shadow lilium licona sarin Delgado, that the strong person is not the one who can put other people don't physically, but rather the strong person is the individual that

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can restrain himself in times of anger. So you want to be the strong person, then learn to control your anger during that time. So those are some of the things that are recommended to do when a person gets into a state of anger, to repeat them with lights Allah number one, he should seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from a shavon, say I was a Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. Number two, he should remain silent. Number three, is that he should change his physiological state. So if he's standing, he should sit down. If he's sitting down, he should lay down. Number four, even though there's a weakness in the Hadith, it is implemented by the people of the past and experienced

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teaches us to be effective as well is that a person should go and make withdrawal. And this has two benefits. One the cooling down effect of will do. And number two is that you change the room that you got angry, and so it'll help subdue the anger that you feel affiliated with that room and affiliated with the person that's in that room. And then number five, the importance of understanding and knowing the dangers of anger, as well as the virtues of restraint. So that is the first view that when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, let us know that it means do all of those things that are required to help you control your anger, do all those things

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that are required to help you control your anger. Number two, is that the second view in terms of understanding laptop is that a person should not act while he's in a state of anger. A person should not take any action at all, while he's in a state of anger. And this is related to the verse in the Quran in sort of out of verse 154, where Allah subhanaw taala says about masala he said them when I met sekadar, most unavoidable that it is when Musa alayhis salaam, you know lost his meaning he stopped becoming angry and took action. And this is something that Allah subhanho wa Taala praise. This is something that Allah subhanho wa Taala praised. So here the Messenger of Allah sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam is telling us that look, when you become angry, don't take any action at all. And this is something that we've addressed in the previous part, previous view as well, is that taking action in the state of anger has detrimental effects, you will say things you don't mean, you will do things that you shouldn't do, you know, becoming obscene, becoming vulgar, hitting things, punching things, all of these things that you shouldn't be doing, you know, while in the state of anger, that is what the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that do not take action while you're in a state of anger. And then the third view is that a person should not become angry

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altogether. Okay? The third view is that islamically you're not allowed to become angry. And this is where the dispute amongst the scholars actually took place. Is it haram to become angry? Or is it haram to act upon the anger. So certain groups of scholars said that just becoming angry when of itself is something which is hot on because this is from the characteristics of our shape on that as shaytani R, one of the characteristics of shaitaan is anger. And here you're being taught to not develop the characteristics of shaytaan which is anger. According to the majority of scholars, they said that anger is a natural human emotion and that of itself is not hard on what what does become

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Haram is acting upon that emotion. And it is at this time that you want to look at you know, why does Allah subhanaw taala create certain emotions? So we as human beings, What benefits do we get out of anger? What benefits do we get out of anger? And when you look at this from a psychological perspective, as human beings what we get out of anger is that Allah subhana wa tada created this as a defense mechanism. So whenever you feel threatened, whenever you feel harmed, the body naturally goes into the state of anger. And it is during the state of

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anger that your adrenaline flow increases, your testosterone flow increases, and your body is capable of doing things which it normally wouldn't be able to do. So when a mother sees her child in danger, she becomes angry at that time, and she's beyond, she's able to protect her child, right, she becomes quicker she becomes stronger. So that is what anger is meant to be. It is meant to be a defense mechanism that we defend ourselves with. However, the flip side of this is that when you do have this defense mechanism, then it can also be held against you if you don't use it in its proper state. So now with that having been said, Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best the opinion of the

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majority seems stronger, that Allah subhanho wa Taala wouldn't naturally incite something in us, that is haram. And anger is no different from other emotions. So Islam does not hold us accountable for feeling desire. But Islam holds us accountable as to how we fulfill that desire. So same thing with anger. Islam does not hold us accountable for getting angry, but rather Islam will hold us accountable for what we do. While we are in a state of anger what we do while we are in a state of anger,

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looking at the example of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and relating it to his anger. I Chateau de la Juana. She says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never got angry for his own sake, but rather he would only get angry for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And you actually see this implemented in his very life, that unassuming nomadic are the alojado he was the servant of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you find on certain instances, that you know, being a young child, he would just go and like goof off. He's on the test from messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And he just disappears. The Messenger of Allah says and goes to find out what he's doing. And he's like playing around with the ball with the rest of the kids on the street. The Messenger of Allah saw some he didn't get angry with him, but rather he joined in and he started playing with him. And this is why is emblematic of the Allahu anhu he could confidently say that I serve the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for 10 years. And not once did he say off to me? Not once did he say off to me. So not only did he like never show he was discontent, but he never even said anything out of a state of anger. And same thing with any of his wives. You never saw the Messenger of Allah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam getting angry at them for something which related to their personal relationship, if you ever got angry at them, it was for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala along it was for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. And this is why, you know, it's very important to when we look at examples that this element from the life of the Messenger of Allah says Allah is taken as well, that when we do get angry, it should never be for our own sakes, but it should always be for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And you'll notice that this is where people will go to extremes, that you have a group of people that you know what, they get angry at each and every

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single thing, someone looks at them the wrong way, and they're getting angry, you know, why is this person looking at me getting rid, you know, and for useless and petty things. And then you have the exact opposite extreme that you know, something someone from their own family member is committing, you know, the flower, ah, they're not praying. They're doing all sorts of crazy other things that are against Islam, but they feel no anger, and no hero for the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala whatsoever. And there needs to be that fine balance, that when it comes to anger, anything pertaining to this dunya know that it's not worth getting angry over. It's never worth getting angry

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over this dunya because Allah subhanho wa Taala can easily really replace anything from this world for you. So whatever you lose, whether it is money, whether it is a spouse, whatever it may be, Allah subhanaw taala will easily replace it for you. And at the exact opposite time, do not become so apathetic, do not become so passive, that when it comes to the laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala that a person feels no anger whatsoever. When you see your fellow you know, brothers and sisters being killed across the world, for no other reason than Islam. This should be you know, inciting anger into you. And this angle needs to be channeled in its proper way that you know what we should

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do what we can to raise awareness for these issues. I don't know if a lot of you know this today. But the first murder in the name of Islamophobia in English took place yesterday, where a woman who was just you know, wearing regular hijab, walking down the street and a bunch of hooligans came and they killed her as a racist hate crime that this was the first crime in the first killing crime in the name of someone phobia that was done. And this is something that should anger us that you know, this woman's crime was nothing other than she was a practicing Muslim. Now it is up to us that once we feel that anger, we channel it in its proper ways. One creating awareness about it. Number two,

00:29:50 --> 00:30:00

exposing the you know, the the fruitless plots of of these races of these races. xenophobes. Number three is you know, making sure we're creating awareness with a good character.

00:30:00 --> 00:30:35

That Islam promotes and the fair that Islam brings about in communities and these sort of things right, but to fight go out and you know, fight these people and go above the law, then this is not from Islam Islam is actually opposed to those sorts of things. And then again, the exact opposite being, you know, what is just another murder, you know, who cares, it's no big deal this against Islam as well as Muslims, we need to have that, that hatred for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and murder in the sight of Allah Subhana Allah is something great, no, whoever kills one person, it's as if he's killed all of mankind, and the blood of a human being is more sacred than the cat

00:30:35 --> 00:31:12

bites of right. So, these are all things that need to be kept in mind. And you want to see how would the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam react in this situation. So the right balance always needs to be found that balance is never get angry for ourselves. But let us always get angry for the sake of Allah subhana wa tada when it is required, and then let us channel that anger in a way that it is most effective. That is channel that anger in a way that is most effective. In concluding remarks of this Hadith, there is a couple of things I want to mention. Number one is the desire that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to make it because Abraham

00:31:12 --> 00:31:51

Allah, he reports that the Messenger of Allah Salam used to frequently say, a local Kadima tell happy Florida, Nevada, that Oh Allah, I asked, you have a truthful word and a good word, in times of prosperity, as well as times of anger. And this is something that's very important that you'll notice in times of extreme prosperity. And in times of anger, a person loses focus on the things that they say. But here the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam he used to supplicate to Allah subhanho wa Taala, that Allah subhanaw taala keeps his tongue straight and firm in times of prosperity, as well as times of adversity. Number two is that Allah has no basally he has a

00:31:51 --> 00:32:32

beautiful statement, he says there are four characteristics that if one possesses them, Allah protects him from Satan, and forbids the Hellfire for him, and forbids the Hellfire for him. These four are found in the one who controls himself, while in a state of craving, while in a state of fear, while in a state of lusting. And while in the state of becoming angry, and even alegebra himolla. He comments on this by saying that these four are the path to every evil, these four are the past every evil. So those four characteristics again, as a person who is craving, a person who is fearing a person who is lusting, and a person who's becoming angry, so when a person craves, it

00:32:32 --> 00:33:08

means you see someone else that has something, and you start to desire it. So this incites something in you to take action that you shouldn't be doing. Number two, when a person is afraid, when the person is afraid, their body starts to shut down. And those actions that they should be doing, they don't do. So when they have an opportunity to make change, because of fear, you know, they completely shut down. And they don't do it when the person is lusting. And perhaps in our times, this is one of the most important of them, that we live in such a hyper hyper sexualized society that we're constantly told, you know, look for instantaneous gratification when it comes to your

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lust and desires. And this is opening a great path for evil as well. So in the end, when you live in a society where lowering your gaze is not encouraged when you when you live in a society where you're encouraged over intermingle with the opposite gender, were encouraged to flirt. And this is considered like, you know, group activity, and stuff like that. It's absolute nonsense. So that is the third thing. And the fourth is becoming angry, becoming angry, and we've discussed the detrimental effects of anger. sinologist says, These are the path to every evil, and you want to contemplate upon this panel, every evil that takes place in this world will come from one of these

00:33:44 --> 00:34:04

four, that either a person desires something of this dunya and that's what coveting is, or a person is afraid of something or a person becomes angry, or a person has a lustful desire, every single evil will come back to this first panel. So that was the second thing. And then the last thing I wanted to mention from this hadith

00:34:06 --> 00:34:08

is that when you look at

00:34:09 --> 00:34:58

the issue of anger, the issue of anger is such a driving force that, you know, we're told in this society that you know, all you know, just do what you feel right? Doing what you feel it, it has adverse effects and there's some of that that needs to be brought attention to that, you know, this emotion of anger. When you look at how many things have gone wrong in the world. You know, a lot of it just has to do with anger, right? wars are started due to anger a lot of the times, right? People kill people due to anger, people steal from people due to anger. People oppress people due to anger. People will hit young children due to anger, and all sorts of all of these things, the result of

00:34:58 --> 00:35:00

anger and it's

00:35:00 --> 00:35:41

Pay such a heavy emphasis on controlling this one emotion. In fact, I do not know of any other emotion, that in terms of internal emotion that is given as much attention in the Koran or in the center as anger is. Right. So this is something that we need to pay a lot of attention to, and particularly in the gathering of men, since we are naturally prone to lose our tempers and become angry, it is even more so upon us to control our anger and lightoller and learn from this hadith. Well, Allahu taala, it was so much more cinematical in the Vienna Muhammad Ali he was he was set up. This will be our last halaqa before the month of Ramadan. And next week, we will be covering a text

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pertaining to the effects of fasting. Last year we did the chapter of fasting from a mental health. And I'm leaning towards doing the chapter of fasting from the local model. So that'll be next Wednesday, Bismillahi tyla at 830. That will be next Wednesday at 830 with the Knights Allah and then we will continue the amount no is 40 Hadith after the month of Ramadan in the light. And with that we'll open up the floor for questions and answers. Shall if anyone has any questions. I apologize my voice is low because I actually lost my voice completely over the weekend. And how they started to come back. And I was actually afraid I won't be able to do the halakha Alhamdulillah in

00:36:17 --> 00:36:24

Allah subhanaw taala is the best of planners and the lead came through. So if any of you have any questions, feel free to ask your questions inshallah.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:56

That the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he used to ask Allah subhanaw taala, Allah humma in the Anoka kennametal happy, if you are a robot, we'll look at that, Oh Allah, I asked you for a truthful word, in pleasure. And in anger. Anyone have any reflections on anger? Perhaps a personal technique that you have that, you know, that wasn't mentioned that, you know, we can all benefit from something that you do to subside your anger.

00:36:58 --> 00:37:34

I'll share one thing, there was a someone that I knew in Montreal, that every time he would get angry, when we were at his house, he would disappear for like 45 minutes. And we would never know where this brother would go. Until, you know, one day it was like getting laid and it's time to leave. So, you know, the brothers went to the brothers mom, and they're like, Look, we have to go, we don't worry what? You know, can you just let him know that we're leaving in Sharla. And then his mom, you know, she exposed her she let out his secret. Every time he got angry. He'd go and take a shower. So he disappeared for like 45 minutes and just like hanging in the shower for like, 45

00:37:34 --> 00:37:39

minutes. That's something that's the way he you know, he would take a cold shower, and that's how he would deal with his anger.

00:37:40 --> 00:37:41

Go ahead.

00:37:43 --> 00:37:59

Driving. Okay, shall I hope you don't get too too angry. When did you end up in like Edmonton public driving? But no, I agree. That works. You know, you put the windows down, you put some coat on, and you're alone in the car you drive as it's very soothing. Mashallah, very good. Maybe you're gonna say something?

00:38:02 --> 00:38:03


00:38:05 --> 00:38:17

pressing Enter too much, in my case, because I get extremely angry. Sometimes. Pressing ENTER leads to me having extreme headaches. Okay? So medical simple, how can I

00:38:19 --> 00:38:19

find a balance?

00:38:22 --> 00:38:57

You'll notice that between with every emotion, it goes through phases, there's an initial phase of anger, where your body's telling you look, you're about to get angry or about to get angry, and then you actually do get angry, and then the anger starts to decline. And I think in such a situation, when when a person does, you know, has have like medical repercussions from anger, before they even get to that second stage, where they do become angry, they need to cut it off at the first stage. So what are the signs that your body's telling you that you're about to get angry, so your heart starts beating faster, your pupils will dilate, you'll want to stand up, you don't want to sit down? Right?

00:38:57 --> 00:39:11

So those are clear signs that your body's telling you, you're about to get angry. So even before it gets to that level. You want to just you know, get out of the room, go do something different change a physiological logical state, distract your mind before you can even get angry. That's what I would suggest.

00:39:14 --> 00:39:15

Luckily, I know

00:39:21 --> 00:39:23

people's stupidity and get Steve.

00:39:24 --> 00:39:25


00:39:26 --> 00:39:27


00:39:31 --> 00:39:55

Yeah, what comes quickly goes quickly, so Allahu Allah. And then what I would say is that there is always going to be certain people that they know how to push our buttons. We need to keep our distance from those people. And other times you can just tell even if you don't know the person to this person is about to say something which is going to get me angry. So let me just you know, walk away or don't let this person speak. That's what we should try to do a lot. Let's add on. Go ahead.

00:40:01 --> 00:40:12

Anger is being created by somebody else. I discovered that if you you allow time, before reacting, you'll come up with a very good reaction.

00:40:15 --> 00:40:18

You only know you can react, alright?

00:40:26 --> 00:40:28

Of course you allowed time.

00:40:30 --> 00:40:31


00:40:32 --> 00:41:09

You will discover the opposite sign that's very, very true. This is where you leave yourself a buffer zone. And in my life, I think that's one of the that's been like one of the greatest things that I've learned is that when you're angry, do never ever write an email, never ever write an email that gets saved so much drama in my life, just because 24 hours later, it sometimes even 36 to 48 hours later, that's when I respond to the email. And it gives me a completely different perspective. Because you'll notice that when you get angry, your mind shuts down, it cannot look at the complete picture, it is focused in tune in on that one thing. So that's a very valuable point that

00:41:09 --> 00:41:18

particularly when it comes to email, always give yourself a buffer a buffer zone of like, 48 hours sleep on it after you wake up, that's when you should respond. That's very true.

00:41:20 --> 00:41:21

But then back ahead.

00:41:24 --> 00:41:24

Deep breath.

00:41:42 --> 00:42:02

See, that's very true. That's very, very true. I think a lot of the times it's like, for brothers, it's like, how do you get to the stage where you can tell yourself, okay, take heavy *, so you can come down. That's where I think a lot of people would struggle with vahana any last comments before we conclude inshallah anyone want to say anything?

00:42:08 --> 00:42:34

Okay, issue. Like, I know, from my first learning the past, that if you're a traveler, and you know, the minimum shop, if you know that you're gonna be more than four days, they're excluding the day you arrive in the day your departure, it will be more than four days. Once you get there, you can shorten your days, shorten your salary, if you want to be more than four days, but if

00:42:35 --> 00:42:40

you're within four days, then you can short it. Alright, so I was wondering, what

00:42:42 --> 00:42:47

else were we have to go into? Somewhere far away? Where it is possible?

00:42:51 --> 00:42:55

To suffer? Right? So I was wondering if you

00:42:57 --> 00:42:59

list 11 days, but nine days,

00:43:00 --> 00:43:00

one day?

00:43:02 --> 00:43:10

Boy, my question is the day you arrive, even though you're gonna be alone for nine days, can you shorten the date?

00:43:11 --> 00:43:11


00:43:17 --> 00:43:36

there's a lot of details in your question that but just to keep it short and simple, I'll tell you what's permissible, and then I'll tell you, what's the the better the best thing to do. Okay, in terms of what is permissible, as long as you don't establish residency in that land, then you're allowed to combine in short in your prayers, okay.

00:43:37 --> 00:44:14

Messenger Allah says, up to 21 days, we have authentic narrations that he combined in short in his prayers. Okay, so that is what is permissible for you. The best thing for you to do, though, is that you shorten your prayers, but you don't combine your prayers. Okay? So for example, at the time of Lahore, if you're praying by yourself, you just pray to, and then you will not pray us there at that time, which will wait for the time to for us to come. And then you pray answered in its proper time, and you pray to us, that is the best thing for you to do. And if you can bring the machine that's even better, try to go and pray in the masjid, praying the German in the congregation, that's even

00:44:14 --> 00:44:49

better to do. Because when you're constantly combining and shortening, it creates a weakness inside of a person. And, you know, this is somebody from experience. When you travel a lot, you get into the habit of combining and shortening your prayers. When you come back to your land. Your initial reaction is, you know, I don't like praying for prayers, or praying on time, because you had this easy exemption. So I would say that if you look at the advice of the scholars of the past, is that the difficult task isn't to pray to or forecast. The difficult test is to be consistent with your prayers on their proper time. And this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala says, In the salata Canada,

00:44:49 --> 00:44:57

minima Kitzhaber mahkota so prayer prayer is shortened, but pray them at the proper time bid later on and that is the best thing to do.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:01

Yeah, yeah.

00:45:04 --> 00:45:07

Exactly, exactly. Yeah. Well, yeah, no problem.

00:45:16 --> 00:45:55

Okay, so I'll give you an example. So you leave Edmonton at the time just before mclubbe. And on the way back to Calgary, the time for magnet comes in. And the time for a shock comes in. So now, there's two issues here. One, are we allowed to not pray on the way meaning that you completely skip your Muslim Anisha on the way and pray when you come to Calgary? And the answer to that is yes. Now how do we pray Our prayers then once we arrive in Calgary once the time has passed, the way you will pray your prayers is that you will pray them in full. So maybe the Mongol Venetia example isn't good. But Dr. Nasir, let's just say you're leaving just before the time of the heart begins and you

00:45:55 --> 00:46:09

get here during the time of asset. So once you get into Calgary, even though you're traveling during the time of thought, once you get into Calgary, you pour your heart and soul and your answer in for and that's what you should do in a situation. Allahu Tanana.

00:46:12 --> 00:46:17

Yeah, you can combine but you can short in once you get back, you there's no longer shortening of prayers for you.

00:46:25 --> 00:46:49

Explain. So for example, you're praying, Lord shorten and he's praying thoughtful. So there is the validity opinion. They said yes, that's what you should do is that when the mom sits down in the second locker, that's when you should see salons and you can leave the prayer and actually went very far. They said you can see your salaams get up to takbeer again, and then join him for us. So so that is a very, very far fetched opinion, very far fetched opinion.

00:46:50 --> 00:46:57

That's not something I would suggest implementing what I would suggest implementing is that whenever whatever the Imam is praying, that's what you should follow us. Well.

00:47:01 --> 00:47:22

No, no, yeah, no. Okay. So if you join the Salah, with the Imam he's praying for, you're going to pray for for the heart. And once those four rockets were finished, then you can pray us that after that that's not a problem. But at no point should you leave the congregation and do your own Salah allows Alana, right?

00:47:27 --> 00:48:06

Yeah. What do you do in that situation? Again, there's a difference of opinion. And this is something that, you know, recently she called he was in town. And we had this issue where we were in Toronto when the issue first came up, where we got to the masjid. And the man was in the last locker and we needed to pray the Lord with him. And she will lead you know, he prayed one walk after that made salons and then he started praying ourselves. And I'm no wonder what is going on over here. But, you know, he said that this was the opinion of shaman basil hammer holla that the person who's traveling he's not restricted to the number of the Imam. But he said there should only be done in

00:48:06 --> 00:48:30

the case where you know you've missed some of the cell already. So if you joined with the Imam from the beginning, you could pray completely with the email. However, if you know that you missed two records already. Then when he makes a lump there's no harm in you making cinemas as well. But that's not the opinion we're promoting. we're promoting stick with the moment shall are beginning to end. Allow Tanana federal conclude with that semantic alarm will become the Casa de La La Land Records.

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