Navaid Aziz – 01 The Dangers Of Shirk

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and characteristics of Islam, including the worship of the Prophet sallho wa Taala and the use of "naive" to describe culture. They also touch on the definition of heat and heat perception, the use of "has" in English, and the history of sh collares and the importance of remembering people. The importance of flexibility and being mindful of the current environment is emphasized, as well as the need for everyone to take time out of work to be prepared for the future. The speakers emphasize the need for flexible workforce and social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi nasma

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when I was learning Korean phocoena woman say Dr. Molina de la who Fernando de la la la la la, la la, la la la la la la la sharika was shadow on Amazon Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira Yeah, yo la Vina M and o choco la haka, Takashi. Elijah. Mouton. 11. Toma, Simone. Yeah, yo nashotah hora de como la de da capo minasi wahida masala Nene has done in her marriage and Catherine Juanita, what's up? Oh, la la de de Luna de when our hand in Allah. Allah Kumara peba. Yeah, you're Latina. And I know topo La La Apolo COVID en sadita Yo, la coma coma como la casa Nova con woman a la hora de la casa was in

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La Casa De Sica tabula

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rasa heavy heavy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Sarah Marie Masha to her vaca da da da, da da, da da da, da da da, da da, da, da, da, da da da.

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In yesterday's lecture, we discussed knowledge, the benefits of it, and what our priorities should be in seeking knowledge. And what we mean by that is, what is the knowledge that we should be seeking? And what do we start off with?

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As we know, and as I mentioned yesterday, as well, that our heads as Muslims, is of the utmost importance, and that what distinguishes us from any other religion is the unification of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And how we worship Allah subhanho wa Taala alone without any intermediary, or without any people interceding in us, or for us, or in between us. And this is what distinguishes Islam from all other religions.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala he clearly explained us this in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala says and sources Aria, which is the 65th surah, in the 56th ayah. Allah subhanaw taala says, When Allah insha, Allah, Allah Buddha, that I did not create the jinn and mankind, except for my worship. So Allah subhanho wa Taala, right now has given us an explicit reason for our purpose of an explicit reason for our creation, and an explicit reason for our existence. And that is to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. And it's with great sadness that if you look around in the junior today, and you were to ask the majority of the people, even some of the Muslims, or who claim to be

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Muslims, at least, that why are you on this earth? Are you here to be that full time doctor that you are? Are you here to be that full time engineer? Are you here to be that full time mother or housewife? If you were to ask them this question, they wouldn't know that they only go to a spa massage and alone. They wouldn't know why Allah subhanaw taala created them. And this is why you see that the kuffaar goes something called a midlife crisis. It's when they've done everything that they wanted to do in their life. And you have nothing left to do after that. This is when you hit the midlife crisis. But as a Muslim, we don't face this problem. Because throughout our lives,

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throughout the stages in our life, we are always worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala, that ultimate goal of perfection in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala is never fulfilled until the day we die. And we always have a purpose, reassuring us and re

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defining us. And it grants us a will and an energy to strive in this dunya for the sake of the ACA.

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if you were to see and look around you, you would see that Allah subhanaw taala had created a purpose for everything, and everything has a reasoning behind it. Like we mentioned, the purpose of our creation is the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala there's no doubt about that. And likewise, the purpose of this message and that was sent over here is for the sake of worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala. And likewise, this mic is over here, so that the voice may be broadcasted throughout the room and to the sister section as well. So we see everything has a purpose. And thus, we see that Allah subhanho wa Taala didn't create anything for the sake of uselessness, everything that Allah

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subhanho wa Taala created, he created out of his infinite wisdom. So now as Muslims, it is our responsibility to fulfill and to use those things that almost hanos Allah created for the proper purposes.

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And one of the purposes that Allah subhanho wa Taala created for in this dunya is to live with one another right? We're gonna come cada Allah

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dynaco dhamaka that you left out of that Allah subhanaw taala created into tribes and to people so that we may get to know one another. And in this process of getting to know one another, we have placed upon one another. And this is another key characteristic of Islam, that if you were to take a moment to define Islam, and its key characteristics, and to give Islam a motto or a logo, we mentioned this in the footer. So Islam is a religion, or a way of life that implements justice. And the only way you can implement justice is by fulfilling the rights of everyone and everything. So in Islam, we have a creator, and our Creator has placed upon us, we have parents, and our parents have

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rights upon us. We have children, we have neighbors, we have teachers, we have students, all these people have lights upon us. And this is seen in the Hadith have actually seen into particular Hadith. One is mentioned under the chapter affecting Haile Bukhari. And this is a very interesting study, to mention the English alone.

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salmonicida see rajala Hassan who narrates the Hadith.

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And he says, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made myself and Buddha brothers. As we know when the Muslims migrated to Medina, one of the first actions that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam took after the building of the message was that he associated the Masai rune and yada yada, he will take a person from the Mahajan, the people who migrated from Mecca, Medina and took a person from the unser, the residents of Medina and made them It appears, and he made them brothers. So a group that was made was that of salmonella, sub c, and a Buddha. So when they sell minus RC, or the Allahu anhu, he went to go visit a Buddha. He's like, let me go see, how are we doing? Let's see

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what he's up to. So he goes to the house, blah, blah, blah, he knocks on the door, and oh, my God, that opens the door. And he's like,

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he sees her in a state where she's just, you know, as if a tornado had struck her or something. Or she was just in a state that wasn't very pleasing. And he asked, you know, Why are you in such a state. And then she said these words, which kind of Lima only to the 30 to be considered from those rainy days. The way that he said the words, they just stuck into my head, even though I didn't understand what he meant. But he said, a hookah Buddha, later who has written cydonia, that your brother a Buddha, he has no need for the necessities of this dunya mean that even though I am his wife, I am of no use to him that that's how much of an ascetic he is that he's always busy

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worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. And always busy teaching and remembering and so on and so forth.

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So then, he's like, okay, so where is the Buddha and he's like, he's not home right now. So semana de la de la Sol, and he waits until the Buddha comes back, and he goes into the house together. And then a Buddha offers him some food to eat, and sell mangoes, I'm not going to eat until you eat. So Buddha goes to him and fasting. And then someone's like, okay, so he waits till he opens his back, and then they eat together. And then the next time comes, and Subhanallah I wanted each and every one of you to think about this. When you go over to someone's house, I don't know, as elders, it doesn't happen as much. But as kids, as Muslims, one thing we'd always have with sleepovers, either

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in the mosquito at someone's house, or wherever it may be. And at least not at someone's house. Number three, we used to have families from time to time, but as someone else's very son, we're too busy playing video games or playing any other forms of entertainment. But now look at sustainable da da da da da da da da da

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da da he got up during the night and was about to get ready to play as the mangoes Go back to sleep Not yet. Not yet.

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Now, the second part of the night comes and he wants to get up and play now, because this is his habit system. I stopped him again and he goes Not yet Not yet. Go back to sleep. So now the third part of the night comes and I would advise getting MPC now he's like When will he let me play I know he's my gifting is worth the money. But you know, I want to create Allah subhanaw taala so then

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he gets up and he's like, I'm gonna pray no matter what. But this time, since nine o'clock like a long time ago, he gets up with him and they play together. And after we finished playing semanas hace la Viola who sang who he gave these words of advice to Abuja. He said, In Arabic Allah can happen when in Africa Anika happen when you gallica happen,

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it happened.

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So, a Buddha Raja Maha who he got this admonition from Selma and segmento to him, that indeed, your Lord has worked upon you and your yourself and your soul has worked upon you and your family has rights upon you.

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So give every possessive right there abusir meaningful for the likes of every person. So without that went to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and told him this. And then the prophets of Allah when he was sent him said, saw the apostle man, that the man has spoken the truth. So we see from this, that

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as much as we want to worship Allah subhanaw taala. And as much good deeds we may want to do, it is upon us first, to fulfill the rights of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then at the same time, we have to fulfill the rights of those people around us as well. So again, this establishes the fact that Islam is a religion that fulfills us to the people that we have to fulfill the rights of our wives, of our parents and of our children. And likewise, this is an even more explicit heavy that is narrated in Bukhari and Muslim. So it's of the utmost authenticity, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was with my view, bingeable radi Allahu anhu. And he asked him,

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do you know what is divisive? Allah subhanho wa Taala, honestly, and why the bingeable or the Allahu taala, who, being that pious and righteous men that he was, he didn't want to speak out of knowledge. Right? He humbled Himself in front of Allah subhanaw taala. And he said, Allah Subhana Allah and His Messenger know best. So the prophets of Allah Hanyu went on to go and tell him, that the right of Allah subhanho wa Taala, upon his slave, is that they should worship Allah subhanho wa Taala alone and should not associate any partners with him. So then after that, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam estimize Yama Jamar, do you know what is the right of the slaves upon Allah

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subhana wa tada and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So he didn't like him until he got into law which I know who he said, again, being a humble man that he was that Allah Subhana Allah and His Messenger know best. So then you have a lot of audio send him, told him, that the white of the slaves upon Allah subhanaw taala is that the slaves should not be worshiped, should not be punished, as long as they worship none other than Allah subhanaw taala. So, as we see, that even though last time it was either is an infinite time to greater than us, and He created us and he sustains us. Yet Allah subhanaw taala at the same time, as the most just that he has worked upon us,

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and when we fulfill those rights, then Allah Allah subhanaw taala grants us waste as well. And He grants us the right not to be punished, even though Allah subhanaw taala is free to do what he pleases. So Allah subhanho wa Taala will not punish us as long as we fulfill his rights. And what is the light of Allah subhanaw taala it is none other than Sahib the essence of Islam itself. So now we're going to take a definition of the hate. And this is when we tend to really start getting busy.

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So we're going to take two definitions, and they're both very, very similar just with different wordings.

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The first definition is that of enamel. stephannie Rahim Allah who tada

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and he died in the year 11 188

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enam ssrna Rahim Allah Allah He said,

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I'm going to say the Arabic first and then I'll give you English, so if you don't get the Arabic you can at least get the English. He said a Shaheed

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for a for all the law he often if we're all gonna go da da da da da da da da da te zetten pase seitan Masada.

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So in ssrna Rahim Allahu taala. He said, that he is the simplification of the worship, in his worship,

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as well as believing that he is one and alone.

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In his essence,

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attributes and his actions to repeat the definition in ssrna Rahim Allah He said, that sahid is the signification of the worship in his worship,

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as well as having the belief or as well as believing that he is the one that he is one and alone in his acting, attributes and his actions.

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So this request definition.

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The second definition, like we mentioned, is very similar to it. And that is what it says, Take the English it is to simplify Allah subhana wa tada in his worship in his lordship, and his names and attributes. So this is just a more briefer definition of though he but they have the exact same implications. Now it's a time of law highlighting something so simple over here, all we have to do is submit to Allah subhanho wa Taala in his local area, which is His Lordship, and we only have to direct our worship to Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. And likewise, we just have to have the belief that almost

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Hello Jana has perfect name and attributes. So it was through this very definition. And through this very classification of Sahib that Allah subhanaw taala sent the messages to implement this, and that he sent down the book, so that we may know what it is, and then we may implement it. And thus, our purpose of existence as well was to fulfill this message that the MDR came with and that the books were sent for it was implemented.

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So now, to understand something properly, you also have to understand its opposite. Like we mentioned previously, the actual book that we're studying is called ultra wide alaba are the four principles. And these four principles are four principles that are pertaining to silk.

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So in Ireland in understanding, so he's properly and protecting your head, you have to understand the SEC as well, because you will not understand something unless you understand its opposite as well. So to truly understand how to add, you have to know how to subtract, and in understanding how to multiply, you have to know how to divide it, this is when you get a whole picture of everything. So to properly understand. So here you have to understand, as well. The word here

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in the Arabic language comes from these three root letters of seen RA, and calf.

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Now, when these three letters come together,

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they have a linguistic definition of indicating some sort of partnership, or Association.

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Right. So that's why you will see that when you open up a business, and you want to have less of a partner in your business, this person will be known as a static, someone who is your associate, or someone who has a fear in your business. And as you see, this, he said just in in the south of the woods, between Zurich and said, so set linguistically is to have some sort of association or partnership.

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Now head on, or according to this area, what is happening. Now, you will see that throughout the ages, many definitions have been brought about some of them specific, some of them not as specific. But one thing you have to keep in mind is that we know it hit enter hit or opposite. So the way you define how heat will be relative, and will be directly related to the way you define circuits. So we define the heat as the fulfillment of the rights of Allah subhana wa Taala in his names and attributes, in His Lordship, and in his worship, right? So sick 10 D in any of these three things, it is to create a partner form of Allah, and many one of these three categories. But before we use

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our own definitions, let's see what some of these scholars of the past have used and said in defining

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our own Razi of Allah subhanho wa Taala who tada who died in the year 425. He said, Eric is defined as a forming partners with Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he died in 425. This was his definition of

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enam. So Kenny Rahim, Allah Hosanna. And you all know in a Michelle County, he was before he bought a car, he has the same as the fear or subtle party. And likewise, he has the same books in

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self as well, at the height of which is male author, nail author is basically a book of Hadith that is put together under the categorizations of so when you mentioned the book of taharah, you bring all of the a hadith mentioning, pertaining to the Hara. So basically, it's a book of * with a Hadith, that that's how we categorized the book. So it's a book of Hadith that talks about, if that makes sense basically, and if Allah does, so. So in our show, Kenya Rahim Allah, He stated, that sick is to make dua to other than Allah subhanaw taala. in marriage, in which only Allah subhanho wa Taala can be asked,

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or it is to believe that a certain object has powers that only Allah has, or to intend to please an object with an act that could only be performed for Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So you see that this definition, the remember so Kenya Rahim, Allah gave, it has specific to it, he mentioned specifically the act of dua. Now, one of the reasons why he mentioned specifically the act of law is that the US is one of the most important acts of worship that a Muslim does. And you see this in the various is and we'll take this in more detail, as we get into quite a lot about that. In actuality, Allah subhanho wa Taala simplifies the act of the law in society and you

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Allah subhanho wa Taala does this is to show the importance in it. So when Allah subhanaw taala? Or is this intelligence to say, Yeah, can I go do it? Yeah, can I stay? It means that you alone do we worship? And you alone? Do we seek assistance from? And we know that is a form of worship, right? I must find with Allah in proving the point that lies in the act of worship. Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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in the larina, yesterday, Iran and Iraq, he said, Hello Johanna gasoline, right. sama sandwich, Allah says in the first part of this ayah that call upon me, and I will answer you. And in the second part of this ayah, he says, that those people who turn away from my worship, so So enter Johanna, any form of humiliation, Salah Allah, clearly caused, and after worship. So, we see that again, a lot of data has established it now on this planet, what Allah wants us to see the importance of, and thus he shows it in social science he has, when he mentioned Dr. As an act of worship in specific that he says he cannot do that meaning that we say that Allah, Allah is only you

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that we worship, and more specifically, it is only you that we make dua of and it is only you that we seek assistance of. So we see the importance that to do our has in Islam, that Allah subhanaw taala even singlefied it from the general concept of worship itself in total, Satya, so this is why international Kenya Rahim Allah mentioned was specifically in this definition of his another reason he mentioned was specifically is that during his times, and in our times as well.

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It's with great sadness that we see that the data are asked for things. And likewise, the living are asked for things like this in this question and answer session that we had with Alicia Casa de la husana. He was asked the question that if we asked the living for something, but he is not here to hear, is this an act of fear or not? And

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he said, Yes, it's an act of sick. And it is with great sadness, that we see this in the countries back home. Obviously, you know, North America is so sick. And so we don't even have to discuss that with our countries that proclaim Islam, the likes of Pakistan, and Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, and all these countries that we come from, they claim Islam yet, at the same time, it's those places we find it the most shocking. And I remember two weeks ago, I was with my mother, and you were listening to a lesson or two.

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And the stick over there. He's just, you know, making a mockery of the spirit that is committed in the country's calm. And it's really, really ridiculous. You know, analyzing how influential people are basically what happened in India and Pakistan, that after as time went on, we all know the concept of Olia right, that they are the friends of Allah subhanaw taala. So they started to claim that such and such people were from the idea of Allah subhanaw taala, and that they had some divine powers, and they could help us in certain aspects. Now, when they attribute this to people, you can somewhat make sense of it that yes, the people can be from the idea of Allah subhanaw taala. But now

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when you start attributing it, to dogs, and donkeys, and you're like, what's wrong with these people? So this speaker is talking about

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these places in India and Pakistan where people will go, and those places are, there's one called Akasha and the other one called a kata, and kata and although it means like a donkey and Kota and odo means a dog. So they would go to those places. And they would make, you know, and say, you know, Allah, through the likes of such and such person, or such, and such thing, which is beloved to you, except our while, or granted, or they would go to such an extent, and they would say, you know, you're something beloved to Allah. So we asked you to grant as a child, and this is a type of, you know, notorious evil that takes place in our countries, a lot of times when a civil law last year,

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so that we see that it is, you know, taking place in all places at all times. And this was one of the problems at the time of the moment, okay, anytime as well. So this is another reason why he specifically mentioned to us so when he's mentioning the act of dwell over here, he's discussing the Olympia of Allah subhanaw taala. And he said, oh here is actually the right of Allah subhanho wa Taala, to be worshipped alone.

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So they didn't continue with the amendment so can use definition. He goes, that circuit to make to add to other than Allah, in matters in which only Allah should be asked or to

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believe that a certain object has powers that only Allah has. And now you know Michelle Kenya Rahim Allah is talking about the rudia of Allah subhanaw taala. And what we mean by Google via the actions of Allah subhanho wa Taala himself, and this are the actions to create, to sustain, to grant others, to give life to take it away, basically causing death. These are all the actions of Allah subhanaw taala. And likewise, to control the tone. And what we mean by this is the movement of the moon and the sun and the stars. These are all from the actions of Allah subhanaw taala. So now enamel, kokanee Rahim Allah is talking about the aspect of obeah. And then in American era, Allah, he ends

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up by saying, what you intend to please an object with an act that you only need to form to Allah subhanaw taala and thus the ends of witnessing the Olivia of Allah subhanaw taala again, so again, we see that number so can you come over here discussing and defining and share this as we have defined it, there it is either to associate partners with Allah subhanaw taala in his robe, obeah Allah here, or is a snap and sefa and obviously asna are the names of Allah subhanaw taala The Beautiful Names, and these are the lofty attributes that Allah subhanaw taala has. Now let's see how Muhammad Abdul Wahab Rahim Allah who was the author of the books that we shall be discussing,

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defined here.

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He defined sick as directing an act of worship to other than Allah. He says directing an act of worship to other than Allah, such as calling out to others as well as Allah,

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or intending an act of worship that Allah has commanded to other than Allah.

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So that is his definition. Right? So he is restricted

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to the Olympia of Allah subhanaw taala alone. And obviously, you see, the reason that he does this is that is shirking our time, the vast majority of it takes place in New Haven, Los Angeles, Anna, and this term, Olivia, like we mentioned, is in worship, it is not often that you will find that someone can will say that I'm able to create, and I'm able to sustain, and I'm the one who grabs the risk, right? These types of concepts in Islam, not only in the sun, but in the world as something very rare. You will not find a religion that claims that there is a man who can kill sorry, there's that there's a man who can grant life and sustain things and control the sun and the moon, you will

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not find these type of things. So that's why you see that Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab Rahim Allah Allah, He restricted his definition of sick to audio here alone, as this is where the majority of shift takes place.

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Now let's see how Allah Allah Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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now this is where we start with the question. Is this a general question for the time being? Nothing too complicated?

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Allah subhanaw taala we know has felt as equipped with many commandments.

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Right? So in reading the Quran, from the beginning of sorts of Fatiha all the way till the end to sort of Who can tell me what is the first commandment that Allah subhanaw taala commands us within the Quran?

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Starting with turning to social Fatiha, what is the first commandment that Allah subhanaw taala commands us with? And just to give you a hint, it's not necessarily

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who can think of the first commandment that allows title data gives us an

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excuse, you

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know, that's towards the ending of the call as we're talking about the beginning.

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That's not a commandment. That's just a cover that they believe in it right?

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So we're looking for the first ama from Allah subhanho wa Taala. When

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I find

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that's the sort of area

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we're looking from the in the beginning of the Quran.

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You had the answer, right? I'm just waiting for the ayah

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Excuse me.

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Know that Allah, Allah subhana wa Tada. That's like, Allah Spanish Allah. Dah, dah, right? We're looking for a commandment from Allah subhanaw taala to us.

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You have it. You said it.

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Okay, now where is this commandment? Where's the I

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know Alhamdulillah is a cover. Alhamdulillah is a cover?

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No, he I cannot produce a cover. We're looking for an AMA Allah. Allah is saying do this.

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Right towards Allah. Allah sing worship me alone.

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Give me another two or three seconds anyone

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know yeah you haven't you need to know the first couple of episodes of Lakota. So at the beginning

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Okay, fine, I'll give it to you guys and Sam. The first commandment that are less titles and orders of swift as I mentioned desert hola Hydra is that we should worship Allah subhanho wa Taala alone.

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Allah subhanaw taala says, yeah even so do raba Cammalleri Kala cocoon, one legging in an incognito land a contract upon

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meaning worship Allah subhanho wa Taala This is the first commandment from Allah subhanho wa Taala to worship Him alone, so must Panama's Allah says, all mankind, worship You Lord, the one who created you and those before you in hopes that you may attain taqwa. So this is the first commandment in Surah Baqarah in ayah, number 21.

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Now let's ask something just as difficult. Okay, just as commandments take place in the Quran, because the Quran is also filled with positions. What is the first position in the Quran?

00:31:14 --> 00:31:15

That is incorrect.

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00:31:21 --> 00:31:25

the concept is correct what I'm saying. The idea that I'm referring to is

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it's the i right after this idea.

00:31:35 --> 00:31:36

Okay, Allah, Allah says,

00:31:37 --> 00:31:42

Yeah, yo, nessa Dora Cammalleri Kala Cammalleri in comic con la la empresa con

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la la la cama.

00:31:50 --> 00:31:52

ones in the ministry 99 Salah.

00:31:56 --> 00:32:03

Exactly, for La da da da da, da da, da da Mo. So this is the first position from Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So Allah subhana wa tada says, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, he and da da don't want to stand alone. And if you look up, if you look at this ayah Allah subhanaw taala at the beginning of this ayah he think that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who sent down the earth, the rain for you, and He is the one who was made to the earth last for you. And then he ends up the I think,

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and I don't want to say don't set up rivals with Allah subhanaw taala while un state is going to see that the first commandment that Allah subhanaw taala gives is to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala and the first thing that Allah subhana wa tada prohibits us from, is to worship anyone other than Allah subhanaw taala or to worship anyone with Allah subhanho wa Taala. The word nted actually means a rival. Right? And this is the same concept that we're going to be finding an external of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when defining as well. So let us move on to the Sunnah of the prophet of Allah Hi, new center

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as it emits odorata Allahu Allahu Neri, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked him and this is also likewise narrated in Bukhari and Muslim that he asked him,

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do you know what is the greatest of sin? And we had mentioned previously how the Sahaba of the Allahu taala know, they were humble people, that they wouldn't speak without knowledge. And even if they had the knowledge, sometimes they were reluctant because of the fact that Allah subhanaw taala His Messenger was more knowledgeable than them, so they won't say the answer. So now over here, Abdullah, he probably knows the answer to the question that the that Allah's Messenger sallallahu wasallam is asking, but due to humbling himself in the independence of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam he goes, Allah and His Messenger sallallahu Sallam know best.

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So, Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says

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that the greatest of sin

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and Tejon Allah He made then wahoo Allah the halaqa that it is for you to create a rival former subhana wa Taala while he is the one who created you. So this is how Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam defines that it is to set up a rival with Allah subhana wa Tada. So this is the definition that we find in the Quran and the Sunnah.

00:34:28 --> 00:34:29

Levy, Allah,

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Anchorage, Alaska for you to have. I mean, Giada has many uses in the Arabic language from them is to use and to make up and to set up and those types of things.

00:34:49 --> 00:34:51

So in Saigon and in LA law, he didn't wanna do

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so hello

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Is it working?

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00:35:06 --> 00:35:11

Okay, so that's what the prophet sallallahu wasallam said in defining.

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So this is how we could understand and define it is to set up live was with Allah subhana wa Taala even though we know for a fact that Allah subhana wa Donna is the one who created a. And the general idea that we're trying to get at right now is that one of the ways that we know the importance of the Hadith is that these are the first things that Allah Subhana Allah commanded us with and prohibited us with. Now, as parents, and as teachers, you'll see that when you're making up a guidelines, and rules for your students or for your children, the thing that you combine them with the infant first, and you finish up with them, the thing that is first is usually the most important

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and it's what Allah, Allah does in the Quran, that the first thing that will commanded with his devotion, Allah, Spanish Allah, and the first thing that we are prohibited from is the association or the taking of partners with Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Now, if you look at the wording of that Hadith, and you look at the wording of the first position, that Allah subhanho wa Taala he says that he is the one who sent down the rain, and he made the earth of Eros meaning an autodidact that you can rest on it. But as Allah he and I don't want to tell him, so don't say that why was when Allah subhanaw taala and also in the hadith of idleness, that it is to set up a neighbor with a left hand with Allah wa He is the one who created you know, the point that we're getting across or you're trying to get across, at least, is that Allah subhanho wa Taala bestows so many favors upon us. Right? He granted us our eyesight, he created the earth

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voice, He grants us rain, so that our our that our crops may go, and he granted as so many other enormous blessings. Yet, how is it fair, that we show our gratitude to anyone other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now just take yourself as an example, right? That there's a person who gives you money, he's like,

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I'm going to give you a second set amount of money. And, you know, I want you to build a house or whatever. So let's just say you start building these houses, who and this man continues to give you money, but at the end, you end up giving those houses to someone else. So now this man is giving you his money to build the houses, yet you're giving that poverty to someone else. And same thing over here, that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who bestows all these blessings upon us. Yet we are showing our gratitude and directing our worship to other than Allah subhanho wa Taala and that react becomes even more severe.

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So now, how did it come about?

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We all know that the first human that Allah created was Adam alayhis salam. And Adam was the first in the beat, that he was the first prophet.

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And likewise, we know that the first or soul that was sent to this earth was no honey Santa. Okay, so the first movie was either Monica when he first or soul was no. Now we all know of this philosophy, or the differences of opinion, and the defining of a navy and our soul. But let's just take what's equally splendid with the semiotic mala mentions, in much, much fatawa. He mentions that an A B is a messenger from Allah subhanho wa Taala, who is sent without a code of law.

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And his people don't rebel against him.

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So, he is the messenger sent with a code of law,

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which is a message was sent without a court of law.

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And its people don't rebel against him.

00:38:59 --> 00:39:01

And the euro zone

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is a messenger from Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Who is granted a code of law and his people rebel against him. So I'm gonna say niara mala, he puts two main conditions. One is that he has to be given a court of law, and secondly, that his people will rebel against him. And this is the National Center of Allah subhanaw taala that every time a messenger was granted a court of law, his people would naturally rebel against him.

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So how did she react? First of all, we see that Adam and Eve was the first lady from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And obviously, he will not come a chick with a left hand with data we all know this perfect. And then between IBM and know, what 10 generations right? And it's this is reported by Raja Allahu taala and Homer, and is what we shall be discussing right now.

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And that is, How did sherek come a boat.

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So if you ever saw the Allahu tantanoola, he knew that between Noah and Adam, were 10 generations, all of which, which followed the law of Allah subhanaw taala upon the truth, meaning that he didn't deviate in any form, the committee did whatever, whatever Allah subhanaw taala commanded him with. But as time went on, they started to differ amongst themselves. Right. And

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if this took place,

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from the people who are those who are righteous, and those who are not witches, as Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in other eyes of the Quran, our souls have an inclination towards good and towards evil, and some of our souls will have a more inclination towards evil. So what happened at this time, was that the righteous people that died at the time of

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not only time and money, Windows 10 generations, they were the people thought, look, we want to remember these people, right? We don't want them to be forgotten, because they were such righteous people. Right? And Allah subhanho wa Taala, it mentions them specifically in the Quran, who those people were, if you look in Surah, Ayah 23. A must find what Allah says, will call you later on.

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When I don't know I don't want us to I don't wanna you wanna? Yeah, okay. So let's find out what Allah mentions. Five people here specifically, he mentioned what,

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and NASA, these are the five key pillars, right? If people are the five pious people that existed prior to the time of No, Elisa Lam.

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And those the people at that time, and the community at that time, they were like, since they were such like these people, we don't want them to be forgotten. So let's think of ways that we can remember them. So then she told us to come to them. And he was like, Okay, why don't you make a portrait of them, so that you can remember them? And they're like, Okay, then, you know, that sounds like a good idea. And then Stefan was like, how about you put it in front of you? When you're praying? Then the people said, No, you know, our prayer is only tell us how not only we don't want us to distract it from that, right? We don't want to deviate from that. So then, as the generations

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went on, and the portraits were behind them in front of in front of them, the people were like, these are saturated people, you know, we should remember them even more. So say something to them again, and was like, Okay, once you put your portrait in front of, you know, when you're playing, and then click on him to them, instead of having portraits, why don't you just make sculptures of them or idols of them. And if you can remember that even more, put them in, in the middle of your community, or in the middle of your city. Every time you guys go by it, you will remember how righteous these people were panela how evil Satan is that he's using these nice words, and hide

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these next ideas, but in order to deviate mankind, and this is how she actually started, that when those sculptures were placed in the middle of the town. People started to remember that yes, these are righteous people. So maybe if we asked them, they'll be able to help us. And this is how we see that originated and that Allah subhanaw taala sent no honey salam to the people that said can be gone. And I must stand with Allah wanted to bring the people back to Tel Aviv so that he sent

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new Elisa Lam to the people.

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So this is how sick originated.

00:43:43 --> 00:43:45

Over the five people were What?

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And most of these were the five brightest people that existed prior to the time of No.

00:44:06 --> 00:44:07

Excuse me.

00:44:09 --> 00:44:13

Yeah, it was between the 10 generations between Adam and Noah and he sent him

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okay. So, now, after having mentioning all this, what should his house should came about? What are some of the reasons that are sorry? What are some of the dangers of silk and what are what is it that makes silk so evil? We all know that it is the greatest of sin, right. So what are some of the dangers of silk and why do we fear

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so much?

00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

So firstly, we know that Allah subhanho wa Taala

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sent in the Quran, in Soto nothing is 36

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Wanaka basnet sequel to Medina, Sudan and Abdullah with

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us over here, that every nation was sent a messenger. Right? And why was this messenger sent?

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The so that our panels are in a dealership and that the lady shunned and so who is anything that is worshipped besides Allah subhanho wa Taala so this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala send the messengers. So now what is so dangerous about sick and why do we need to know so much? Firstly, sick is dangerous, because it is the only sin that Allah subhanho wa Taala will not forgive.

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Right? Our messenger sallallahu wasallam has told us that even if the sins of any item were to become like the foam that is on the sea and the ocean, if it was to even become that much, Allah subhanho wa Taala would forgive them with his mercy. And we know that Allah subhanaw taala is the most forgiving and the Most Merciful, yet at the same time, there is a sin that is so grave that Allah subhanaw taala will not forgive it and that is the sin of Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned into is exclusively in is number 48 and 116 of Surah Nisa must find what Allah says, in the law, or use recorded via Ramadan as a reclaiming

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some of Kenya's Allah says that Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala will not forgive that he has partners associated with him, and he forgets anything other than that. salad sandwich elements in the mix twice again, number 48 and 116. Instead of the Nisa that Allah Subhana Allah will forgive all sins, with the exception of sin.

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So now we know that

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Allah subhanho wa Taala He will forgive us for stealing. He will forgive us for committing Zina, he will forgive us for lying even. And we know that these are all actually despicable, that Allah subhanaw taala has even implemented for those for them, that the one who steals is to have his hand chopped off, and the one who commits Zina, he is to be depending on situation, he is either to be killed, or he is to be stoned. Right? These are punishments that Allah subhanaw taala has legislated for the person showing how despicable they are in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he has legislated a punishment for them in the dunya and in the US, all right. So now

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this shows us how evil these acts are. Yet at the same time, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that He will forgive all of these sins, with the exception of silk so that you will get the idea of how evil silk is that even though we may not realize it, it might not seem like a big deal to us. But it is a very big deal with Allah subhanaw taala and this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't forget it. And you look at the wisdom behind it, that we mentioned previously that Allah subhana wa tada is the one who created us, and the one who sustains us, and the one who granted us the rain from the skies. And granted, it's all the other blessings we can think of. Yet, why is it that we would

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direct our thanks and gratitude and praises to someone other than Allah subhana wa Tada. It just doesn't make sense. And this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala gets so angry at it.

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Now the second danger of sick is that prevents a person from going into Genesis, and he is obligated to stay in the Hellfire forever.

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So the second danger of sick is that you're prevented from gender and you are destined for the Hellfire forever. Allah, Allah says in total, not either. So number three, number five, higher number 72

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in whom I used to make the law he suffered haram Allahu alayhi. Wa who know that Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Whoever does work with Allah, then indeed, paradise and become prohibited for him and his abode will be the hellfire. So we see from this, that the second danger of * is that Allah subhanho wa Taala he prohibits the gender. You know, the gender is filled with so many blessings. I know all the men constantly think about the wholeness of gender. Just imagine that Allah subhanho wa Taala would deprive you from these great blessings of gender based upon this act of sin. So again, it's I am number 72 in total, not either.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala will prevent us from Jannah based upon this act of so all those blessings

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Instead I must find out Allah has created for us, we will be deprived of them due to the act of sick. Now Thirdly, sick is so evil, that it destroys all of our good deeds.

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Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah two zomer I am number 65

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who are Zoomer Iam 65

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one awkward Oh hiya la Cava Ellen Levine I'm in public law in a syrup de la vaca Nana Look, when Arthur Conan Amina.

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So I must tell you what Allah says here, that it has been revealed to you and to those before you that if you were to commit with Allah subhanaw taala, then all of your deeds would be rendered null and void and you would be from the greatest of losers.

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Now if you look at this ayah Allah subhanho wa Taala is directing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam directly, we know that it is not possible for the messengers and the prophets committed with Allah subhanho wa Taala. So this shows that

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the gravity of the matter, that if Allah subhanaw taala is directing the eye towards the MDR and the mursaleen, then it is even more so fun for us. Why is it most of us because we look at the wording of the ayah that all of your deeds will be rendered null and void. Right? And who are the people who had the most great and the greatest disease? They were the MDR and the Muslim, right. So now if Allah subhanaw taala is telling them that even though you have so many good deeds and righteous deeds, that if you were to come and check, even your D to be rendered null and void, so how about us as people who are constantly committing sins, and not committing the deeds that Allah subhanho wa

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Taala commanded us to do, then even if it is more so forth, that our deeds will be rendered null and void as they are even less. So this is a great and severe threat that Allah Allah gives us that it is through committing sick that our deed will be rendered null and void.

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a person who dies in a state of sick

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it is not permissible for a Muslim to seek forgiveness for them.

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That the person who dies in a state of sick it is not permissible to seek forgiveness for them.

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Allah subhana wa tada says in Surah Toba

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which is Surah number nine. I am number 113.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says my Canon nebby one larina am I know is Dr. O'Neill, Missouri kena. Well, okay, no kotoba so Allah subhanho wa Taala says, that it is not proper or defeating for the prophet or those who believe to seek forgiveness for the machine. So Allah, Allah again, right, he shows the evil of Syria, that it is not even permissible for other than that person to seek forgiveness for them. Right. Like we know when he puts in committed Zina, or when a person

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commits any form of theft, or lying, or any other evil deed, it is permissible, but rather it is recommended for us to say May Allah forgive them. Right? And this is why you see that we're constantly seeking mercy for the people of the past. You always think, Rahim Allah, right. And likewise, when you pushing guides, you're supposed to say, Aloha, Mashallah Omar, Hassan navasana, with Allah, forgive them and have mercy upon them. These are the words that we make for the dead people. But when this person dies upon sick, all of this becomes forbidden for them. And this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala prevented the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the believers to seek

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forgiveness for the machine, again, showing us how evil is

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this was sort of the Toba 113.

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Now, something that is, you know, a bit off tangent for this is that

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this person who dies upon sick, then it isn't even permissible to play his janazah like this, you can make seek forgiveness for him. It's not permissible to play in the naza. And it's not permissible to inherit from him either. So let's say you had a Muslim relative who was you know, one time Mister, you're destined to get some sort of inheritance from him. But if he dies on a state of sick or in a state of difficulty, then this inheritance for you becomes null and void. You're no longer allowed to inherit from him. And likewise, this person who at one time used to become a was Muslim, but died in a state of shock or prefer then likewise is the naza is not to be played either

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and my

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twice in order to be buried with a Muslim seems to be buried with the disbelievers. So these are the grave consequences that would relate that were related to this fourth point that we mentioned.

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History is so evil that our panelists Allah describes it as something as being legit.

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Now, nigga in the Arabic language

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Okay. So now, here it is so evil, that Allah subhanaw taala as he calls it,

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right now in the data or impurity, as that's what the data is in the English language, impurity is of two types in the Arabic language, it is a type that is called Sofia and Magnolia right. And what we mean by Sofia is a physical form of impurity. So, something like our urine is physically impure, it is something like substantial that you can see it yet and other times Allah subhanaw taala describes something as negative, which is not physical, right? When Allah subhanaw taala calls gambling impure, right, and he calls mine something which is measured and impure, then this is a metaphorical impurity, mean and it's not its essence which is impure, but it's rather the concept

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behind it which is impure, right? So this is how Allah subhanaw taala defines it, and Allah, Allah says in Surah Toba, this is the United surah. Again,

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verse number 28.

00:56:48 --> 00:56:54

in them and moose raccoon and there are mahana what Allah says, indeed, the moose raccoon.

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Now, however, you look at the power of this ayah, in NEMA, in the Arabic language, is something that shows specification, like we all know the famous Hadith, in normal ama to be near that there are no actions except with intention. Now, what it does is, you're specifying the attribute to the subject. And this is what Allah subhanaw taala is doing over here. He says, In the most frequent energy, that the most recon are nothing but impurity and that all of that is specifically a thing, that nothing but you know, disgusting and nasty creatures Allah has done. And at the same time, we know that Allah subhanaw taala is, right, Allah subhanho wa Taala is pure, and it's holy. And the opposite of

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pure and holy is something which is so much fun with Allah is totally freeing himself from the mystery coin. And as we see that they are even deprived, they're even deprived from the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala he had to sign up.

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when they must be called or being called Magic, it is only the metaphorical term which is being used. It's not that if you say kinds of you touch a castle, you have to go make a dog whistle again, that's not what it means at the metaphorical meaning that the successful people due to the tip that they should be avoided, and that they were prevented from entering entering Makkah that

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prevented them from entering Makkah. And if you would read later on in axiom II number 28. Allah subhanaw taala prevented from entering Makkah, due to this metaphorical impurity it has due to the SEC

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Excuse me.

00:58:57 --> 00:59:08

mean is a criminal listed anyone who does an evil deed machine is someone who can mix it with Allah subhanaw taala. So every Muslim is a Muslim, but not every Muslim is a Muslim.

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Okay, and so that we see the fifth point.

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Now, the sixth point is that there are many a hadith that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam shows us the dangers of and prohibits us and warns us from

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right Don't worry, we will be taking a break soon. I know that people are getting tired and restless. We'll be taking a break soon inshallah. There's two more points and we'll take a break.

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So one of the most explicit Heidi republics of Allah hi Leo Salim once again sick is when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam narrates in in the merger, that if Uncle alojado Sam said, do not commit to sit with Allah, even if you are cut into pieces, so much time with Allah and His Messenger sallallahu wasallam

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prohibiting us from committing shit. He is saying, Don't commit stick with Allah subhanho wa Taala even if you are cut into pieces, right, so this is a severe threat that is coming from Allah subhanaw taala and His messenger that you're protecting us from committing sick, even if we are threatened to be cut into pieces, or to be burnt, this is the these are the exact words that even if you're threatening to be cut into pieces, or to be burnt, and it's hard, it was narrated in images, and was authenticated by Danny, or him ozada in an early December 2026

01:00:38 --> 01:00:38

Excuse me.

01:00:39 --> 01:00:41

I didn't don't have that written down.

01:00:43 --> 01:01:26

But I think it was even the soldiers who needed to study or love it, but that should be tucked up in Salah. So now the question may be asked, we all know the story of amount of new Yeshua or the Allahu taala. And the correct at that time, they threatened him. They said, either you revert from Islam and you curse the Prophet sallallahu wasallam or we will cut you. So Mr. Raja Allahu Allahu, he said, what he said in terms of cursing the nothingness of a lohani was sent him. And then he went back to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And he said, We are a school of law, I am destroyed, I have become a hypocrite. And any particular Mohan you sit and said to him, yeah, I'm not what is it that

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makes you say that? He said that because they cornered me. And he said, Unless you say these evil words about your profit, we will kill you. So I feared for my life. So I said those words, which will not be feeling about you. So he said, yeah. Mr. How did you feel when you said those words? And Mr. He responded, my heart was filled with the mind, just as the first day I have accepted Islam. So then the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that if they come back to you, and they threaten you, then repeat what you said, showing that Islam gives a sanctity to life, and that as long as a person's heart is filled with a man, and the only thing those things out of

01:02:09 --> 01:02:12

what's the word I'm looking for, out of fear. But there's another word

01:02:14 --> 01:02:47

out of compulsion, as you were being compelled to say that, then it is permissible for you to say those evil things. Right. So now how do we understand these two narrations that Allah's Messenger sallallahu wasallam is saying, do not commit check with Allah, even if you are cut into pieces and burnt it at the same time? Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that if these people come back to you, then say what you said, and don't fear upon yourself. The way we reconcile these two narratives is one in the actions of the heart.

01:02:48 --> 01:03:33

This heart, so it's the first study that we mentioned, do not communicate with Allah means that don't even let your heart connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right. Why is it a secondary thing? He said something physically but his heart didn't affirm it. Right? That's why the prophets of Allah Hardison asked him, yeah, I'm not How did your heart feel. So we see this the first way we can silent, right? The second way we reconcile it is that it is best that a person doesn't say those things, that he is forced into things, whether it be from words of Coco, Coco, Sunni Prophet sallallahu Sallam or whatever. That is the fact that you don't say it, right. But at the same time,

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since Islam, values human life and sanctifies it, then it is permissible for you to protect yourself and say those words, but the better thing to do is to stay firm upon your genes. And this was the example that we saw from the likes of the land and the likes of Somalia, and the likes of Yasser rajala, who challenged him. So, it is best to remain patient and inshallah you will die as a martyr. But if you choose to, you know, give your life preference, then that is permissible as well and there is no blame upon you.

01:04:05 --> 01:04:52

Then, on a side point is this Tillis and this is our last point, before we take our break, that there are many a hadith that talks about the major and grave sin and you see in all these Hadith, that the top of the major stains or the top of the grave sin always mentioned what Allah subhanaw taala So again, this is how we see one of the major dangers of that when almost no data talks about the grievous offense set is always mentioned at the top of them. Now obviously there are many dangers of fit, but we've taken six today and trust me you will be tested when this is over. So either today or tomorrow you'll be tested on this slow rumor that in Salah so this alight Allah will

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take a break now for let's just say about 10 minutes, so around six, let's say 610 inshallah, inshallah inshallah. We'll start

01:05:00 --> 01:05:05

up again was Allahumma salli ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam

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