Nadim Bashir – Sickness of Heart
![Nadim Bashir](
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The crisis of the umjit is a result of the Prophet's actions, and the real solution is to use the Quran as an amoral framework. The heart's knowledge of Allah's message and the need for attention to the situation are important themes. The importance of finding one's heart and knowing oneself is emphasized, as well as the need to analyze one's heart and consider one's own actions. The segment concludes with a discussion of the importance of talking less and not being judge.
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going through different types of crisis, whether it is on an individual basis, collectively, on a on a community level and overall as OMA time after time. Nowadays, we hear more bad news about the Ummah, about the sufferings of the Ummah, about the state of the old man. And whenever we hear a good news, it is very rare. And we enjoy those times when we hear some good news. But overall, this woman is in a state of crisis. And Allah subhanho wa Taala while they're trying to go through this time, and we are looking for solutions to our problems.
The solution to our problems have been really told to us 1400 years ago, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says that a lot of people have the right length of the nobody there if this OMA a Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were to hold on to two matters. This one this ummah will never be misguided. There is no power on the face of this earth that can overpower the ummah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and his own Ma Ma sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will not be under anyone's power, or Dominion or control. But today, the unfortunate thing is that those two things are the two things that we have lost today. It is the Kitab Allah and the Sunnah of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In the Quran, Allah tells us that you have the Quran, and this or it can be a means of your salvation in this dunya. And in Africa. Allah says that for the Academy versus the human,
this Quran is not only a book of law where Allah talks by himself, and Allah says, do this and do that. But Allah includes the stories in this in this Quran in this book of Allah, and he said that they should serve as an amoral framework. And what this word in Arabic means is something that is connected to your heart, meaning that if I read a story of the Quran, and I don't benefit from it, if you read does not touch deep down in my heart, then I have not benefited anything from this from this from the story of the heart. And so the noble man, Allah says, Alif Lam mean teleca to Lita Bill hacking, that these are the eyes of Allah subhanho wa taala, who was the all wise and then he
says, who died while Ramadan and mursaleen Allah says this Quran is a source of guidance for you. And not only that, but it is a source of mercy for all of you to if you're looking for mercy, terms of the Quran, if you're looking for guidance, turnovers.
So the problem is that a lot of it he was saying that we see that in order to understand and be able to benefit from the Quran, we find that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he talks about this, in that hadith, there's something that's been highlighted in the Quran, that if we want to benefit from the Quran, it really comes down to one matter, honestly, that were zactly individually no need to point fingers at one another. Where is our heart? Which place is our heart in? Do I have a heart that is considered as a healthy spiritual heart? Or do I have a heart that is dead and sick? From inside? That's the question that we need to ask ourselves. And this subject at the heart is
something that has been mentioned again and again the Quran and the Sunnah as well. So love, it was Salah, the Allah and Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says that in the desert in Milan, that there is an organ in the body, he has sodomites if this is in the right place,
then everything else will be in the right place. That means that anything this person does, will benefit him, anything this person does, will benefit the people around him. But if this, if this organ is not in the right place, if this is corrupt, that everything this person will do will be considered as evil, he will harm himself and you put others in harm's way. A Buddha Lama it says that the heart is like that of a king. And the rest of the lives of the body is like the soldier, if the key does sound, and he can make the right judge the right judgment, and you can make the right call, his soldiers will be saved. But if that, if that king does not think in a subtle manner, that
this will affect your soldiers. Likewise, this heart is that King and the rest of the limbs of the body is are the soldiers. So he makes us wonder that we really need to ask ourselves this question. And let me tell you something else receptive brothers and sisters, there is a difference between our upper level God has given us
And the heart.
Today I can ask a young child, The Who is your Lord and He will say Allah is my Lord.
I will ask him that, who is your azul, and he will say Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And then I can ask him that what is your name? And you will say my team is a star.
But recently brothers, sisters in the grave, when these three questions will be put to any person, the connection between the mind and the heart will be severed.
And then whatever is in the heart of that person will come out. If the mind knows that my Lord is Allah, but the heart does not understand that a wall will not come from his heart.
If a person says that I love Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but his heart is another place when this question will be asked, the answer will not come that Muhammad is my messenger of Allah and His messenger. That is not the answer that will come. So how long will we see in this hadith? This hadith I just shared with you. Allah in Messenger said the moolah, the Mojave thing they say that the province of all party with some he mentioned this, after another famous Hadith of the Prophet, I think is set up, which is something that you all have come across and heard that in that Hala vegan, will haram vegan or non Halal Albanian will have I will begin obeying up
with a shaggy haired lady. Next to me and us this is a very famous Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Imam Shafi.
He says that before any person conducts any business, he should understand this hadith, that the other is clear, the Haram is here. And between these there are different areas of doubt that most people are not aware of this.
Most people are not aware of this. They didn't say the is after this hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim, he said that there is an organ in your body. And what do they mean? What is it possibly implying by saying this, he's implying that when a person understands and when a person knows that it has a knowledge of what is hunted, he will have the knowledge of what is wrong, he will have the knowledge and this is what I can do it business, you have to know that this is what I cannot do. Everyone listening knows that a yes may five times a day, every post every month, every Muslim knows that he cannot come in contact with libre, every Muslim knows that consumption of alcohol is
prohibited within our religion. But what is knowledge? And what is the heart the knowledge has there is knowledge. But it comes down to the heart that if the heart is not in the right place, doesn't matter how much knowledge a person has, the person will not do the things which Allah subhanaw taala is expecting him will which Allah subhanaw taala is expecting from him. If his heart is not in the right place, he will know that a person who can who does business with labor, Allah in His Salah while he was in a word, declare war against that person. But this person he won't get involved in labor, because it's on his heart is not in the right place. Knowledge says that consumption advice
but if his heart is not in the right place, that he will consume alcohol, it comes down to the heart, we're certain brothers sisters, it does not come down to how much we know.
So this is why we need to really pay attention into the bucket of Allah subhanho wa taala. He tells us a story of when he started. They came to deciding he set up Musa there is a person in our community who has been murdered. What do we do? Musa Allah is He means dua to Allah. Allah says that tell these people to sacrifice a cow. What do you do after that? Take the shin bone, shin bone of that cow striking on the dead person for Filoli who will be baldy Have a good day and you're in good motor? Well, you need them AIGA de la I let them down, you know, this person will come back to life. And he will reveal the name of the criminal, the one who carried out this crime. And Allah said that
why is he doing this so that he can show the people beneath his saw in his sights for those people who are intellectual, those who have your oven, they will benefit from this. But then in the following year, what did he say for
me embody
the password, Allah then talks a lot about a hunger policy and how I heart that has become hard to a heart that's not in the right place. So that's why the question is really comes down to one question. Where is my heart? Is my heart in the right place? Or is it
in the wrong place, and just like you know, some few, several weeks ago or months ago, there was there was Ebola taking place in Dallas with all the news, Ebola first in America in Dallas. So the doctors were telling us that in order to make sure that you are you diagnosed with Ebola or not, these are a few symptoms you have to look at. If you see these symptoms within yourself, then you need to go and get yourself a mental hospital and determine whether you have Ebola or not. There are symptoms likewise in the Quran, and the Sunnah Novoselov it was setting up there are symptoms of what is considered as a sick heart and what is considered as a healthy heart. I will share with
those I'll share I will share those things with you. And the next book by Chava Barack Obama now what I'll do when I find that when he got a good thick and hacky stuff a lot honey welcome we sat in Australia first off in
100 Allah and having to lay down and want to start even want to stop you know, but
ended up getting the letter or make up for the first one that
was what I wanted to do and then optimal rasuluh my blog article with Isla Fil A Majeed would have been rather often in learnership or jivas been laid off man or him in the level of an advocate that we saw no doubt in me. Yeah, he went to the front door and he was selling the sliver along the Sunday that we haven't had anyone. Come on Sunday Tala Rahim Allah had the right to come in and have a wider
market I brought him on and he brought him in.
He said receptive brothers and sisters. There are few symptoms that if we find these things within our life, then it really is the time has come. To wake up, smell the coffee and get busy to change our hearts. If our heart is in a place and we are, we are questioning the orders of Allah subhanahu wa Isla that this is a place of concern. Why because a people money is sorted did the same thing to what Allah says to the Sahaba and we do not and I do assume that can come as either use an oven when you thought a song came to these people in the story I just conveyed it I just told you earlier on. When Musa came in and said that this is what Allah is telling you. This is after Allah same but he
saw in what did they say to Musa? I tend to
this is a joke to humans. Are you kidding with us? This is after Allah has saved them from from Quran
says we are crushing the orders of Allah subhanho Medina, we really need to look at our heart. When it comes to the matters of solids. I cannot stress upon the importance of solid promise allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is sitting on his deathbed and the last words are coming out of his beloved and blessed mouth is the importance he's stressing about the importance of Salah take care of yourself, take care of your sloth, but after the hunt minuman and Medina who fees for that hidden costs your own. Allah talks about those people who take care of the salon who are concentrating in their salon, look at our salon. If I stand up for salon, and I am lazy, my heart is not in the right
place. If I stand up in I consider Solana to be a chore to be a burden, then my heart is considered as a sick heart.
When I was a title of a boarding house, the most beloved time of the year, if I sit there and say why would God Why do I have to first in believer not only six months away from a Milan, the only six months away from Milan really over six months? A lot of times we take it as a burden when it comes to giving zakat. Why do I have because I've given the card with a heavy heart. Guess what? That is a sign that you have a sick heart. When it comes to our character. It doesn't matter how much knowledge we have. But if our character in our mannerisms are suffering, that's a sign of a sick heart. We need to look at these things. If I do things, I'm insincerity, there's no sincerity in my
actions. Last time you had heard about the budget, talking about loving each other for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. What that means is no strings attached. I love you because Allah wants me to love you. That's it. There's no other reason. I didn't want anything from you. There's no personal gain for me. When a person is insincere in his actions, that's a sign of a sick heart. We need to take a look at our heart. On the other hand, what is it
sign of healthy heart that when we come when it comes for some time that I am standing for a loss of a highland with IDA, I have given my time for ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. There is no need to rush in my salon. The sign of a healthy heart is that when a person comes to the budget, he is happy coming to the masjid, he considered he considers it as a blessing. There are those who come to the masjid and they are restless, like a fish is restless outside the water that as soon as the slot is finished, people run outside the machine like a man is on fire.
This is what happens. If our heart is in the right place, then we will observe the character on the Hamid Salah while he was sending him if we if our heart is in the right place, that anytime we listen to the Quran being recited, they will be instantaneous implementation. What that means is should reflect on the spirit of the law while a person comes from your loved one he is a middle medium. And someone says that
you are not a fair, Emir, you do not do this right. And you have this these flaws, and all of your loved one he gets upset. That person will get to mess around with your loved one. He was accompanied by his nephew and his nephew and he sees the unworthy of love or is
his boy the inside? And what did he say to him? One I just heard from others. This was one I was sufficient to pull down under the Obama line. What does he say? Holding the offload? Well not been off? What are the hijacking? Forgive and ignore those who are ignorant right away over on your blog on he was cool and he was calling.
Allah says about the people whose hearts are in the right place in the medical field and lead either either in a law when the name of Allah is mentioned, regardless of who's mentioning it, whether it is in the providing eiga whether Allah has been mentioned as to whether Allah is mentioned in the Hadith, Allah says wodgina through their hearts, they tremble out of fear of Allah subhana wa Tada. How many 100 of us have we attended? How many workshops, have we attended? seminars, conferences, you name it, we've heard every single lecture in the world, we've heard the capacity and the Quran in so many different ways. And still, if our heart is not affected, it's a sign of a sick heart. So
that's why the promise of low volume so he has given us two things. There are a few things that he has given us, that how we can make sure that our heart is always in the right place. Number one,
is that always stay in a company of the righteous and sort of God have when Allah talks about his story of the youngsters who went to the cave, Allah says that a man was put to test and page and a half later Allah says that how can we protect her Iman, he says that was been a second idea to get their own button but about that when our sheep you need to know when our tagline ALLAH is talking about so Allah it was ALLAH, that stay in the company of those people who remember a lot of day and night. As long as you stay with these people, your heart will be in the right place. We have to continuously analyze our heart, we have to take account of ourselves. That's why the province that's
why he said the highest the more popular and to have taken account of yourself before Allah takes into account the view
that a ton of accountability has others composed he says
it has come extremely close. But you the human being you're still in Nevada, we're still in a state of unawareness. So we need to produce the analyze our heart, we should connect with the Quran. Allah subhanho wa taala. And so he talks about these people, that there are people who disconnected themselves and over the period of time, because they disconnected there was no reading of the Quran slowly and gradually Allah says football Allah, Allah you will follow.
Their hearts became hard. How many times do we read the Quran? Honestly, what is to listen to the mp3 in honor in our cars? What is to actually sit down and recite the Quran every single day? Allah says Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah.
We are to ponder and reflect over the Quran. So we can benefit from the Quran. But think about a person who does not even read the Quran. Forget about reflecting upon it, he decided to take our time to read it. That means that your heart is completely dead.
indeed revival,
how many times we sit how many times you read the Quran and finally, we make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala there's a hadith and MonoSol Allah Allah He was set up and he wouldn't make dua for its own heart. He will make blood for his own heart. He's the Dwyer the boss on Sunday he will make is Allahumma was so different. Oh turn of the hearts service Palooza now.
Direct my heart to your obedience, Allah Humann Kullu own changer of their hearts. Submit Illumina Allah,
O Allah make my heart steadfast upon your day. This is the dua that we need this to do, either we should make. Another thing that we can do to keep our hearts from becoming hard and spiritually dead, is to talk less. Now when I say this, don't misunderstand me and please do not misinterpret me. When I say when I say talk less it means that when there is no need to talk, do not talk. Why? Because do remember that every single thing that comes out from this mouth, the angels are recording it. And everything that we say we will be held accountable for this on the Day of Judgment, Allah will ask us for every single thing. In fact, there's a hadith narrated by a bit longer than the law
behind that promise a long line was um he says now
why did the killer do not increase in your cloud with other thing of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the villa for very excessive talking behind him he can now without the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala as what we'll find is a sign of a heart. So once again Dimplex different deep, deep entire moral this entire point, or if you want to summarize, this, in a nutshell, is the Allah subhanho wa Taala that also love I will send them has stressed upon the importance of making sure that our heart is in the right place, and not in the right and not and not in the wrong place. Allah tells us that these are the signs of a dead heart or a sick heart. These are the signs of a healthy heart. You be
the best judge. No one is there to judge you. No one can judge you better than yourself. You ask yourself where is your heart? If the heart is in the right place, we will do the right thing. Doesn't matter how much knowledge we have, like our heart is not in the right place. It doesn't matter how much we know we will always do those things that brings the anger of Allah subhanaw taala upon us may Allah is behind you, all of us the ability to act upon whether the center hurt we ask Allah subhana wa Tada that we visit a long holiday