Nadim Bashir – Revival #27 – Closeness through Gratitude

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The concept of thanking someone is discussed, with gratitude being viewed as a means of appreciation. The speaker explains that each type of gratitude is a gift given by the creator to us, and that thankfulness is a gift given by the creator to us. The speaker also touches on Allah's attorneys and their methods of appreciation.
AI: Transcript ©
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salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Muhammad wa ala early he was a big marine was settlement esteem and the cathedral cathedral about respected brothers and sisters and viewers around the world wherever you may be. I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect us I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept our pm I will say yeah, may Allah accept from us the month of Ramadan, and more than anything else may Allah subhanho wa Taala accept except our doors, all the doors that we have made in the month of Ramadan, any dua that we make after the month of Ramadan, those that were made before

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Ramadan, may Allah subhanho wa Taala accept all of them I mean your Allah Allah mean.

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So today I want to talk about another branch of faith something that you and I we have heard about many times, and that is the concept of slobber and sugar. Now of course I cannot cover Sabha and sugar in such a short period of time today I want to talk about only the concept of sugar and showing our gratitude to Allah subhanho wa Taala and being thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala first of all is that there is a great concept within our deen of being thankful to Allah subhana wa Taala In fact, the one ayah that you and I we recite every single day, the Surah Fatiha that we recite every single day in the very beginning of that what exactly is the meaning of Alhamdulillah

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Alhamdulillah is not only a praise of Allah subhanho wa Taala it is such a beautiful word that it combines both the concept of praise and being thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala so this is why we do this because Allah has given us everything And subhanAllah we look at everything around us. It is a sign that it is from Allah subhanho wa Taala and we should be thankful to Allah brothers and sisters, the air that you and I we inhale and we exhale the oxygen that you are we inhale and exhale. Think about this brother and sister This is a gift from Allah subhana with the honor today you go to a hospital or person who's extremely sick, they have to use the ventilator or they have to

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use an oxygen machine. Every single day they use the oxygen machine, they have to pay for it. Allah subhanaw taala has given us his air this oxygen for free. Allah subhanaw taala has given us this beautiful sun that we have, through his energy life is able to sustain itself on the on this earth. But think about this had we had not this planet, this order, the sun and the energy of the sun, the things would have died out on planet Earth. Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah is telling us you are using the energy of the sun, but you never see a bill in the mail. Like today we have electric companies, they send you a bill in the mail that this is how many kilowatts that you use. This is

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how much energy that you use. Now you have to pay up. We have never seen a bill in our mail from Allah subhanho wa Taala that this is how much sun you have used. This is how much sun your trees use your house use and so forth. Now you have to pay up brothers and sisters everything around us. It is it is a means of us coming closer to Allah and it should be pushing us and motivating us to thank the one Allah subhanho wa Taala and I want to share with you a very beautiful example given by Imam Ghazali Rahmatullah Allah in his famous book. Yeah, he gives the example of a king he says that imagine there was a king. And before he talks about the king, he says, that when you have a blessing

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when you and I when we have a blessing, what are we thankful for? Are we thankful for the blessing? Are we thankful for the one who is given the blessing to us? Or are we thankful for the one who has given us the blessing that we use that to come closer to the giver, what exactly what kind of thankfulness do we have in our life? So then he gives the example of the king and the king what he does is as to show His favor upon his servant from his entourage, what he does is he gives him a horse. Now this person gets this horse, and this is the first type of person he gets the horse. And he's so happy because he realizes that the horse brings him value. Through this horse, he's able to

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go and take care of errands through his horse, he can go and provide services to other people through which he can earn an income. So what he does is that he understands the

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The value of the horse, and for that he is thankful, not necessarily not necessarily to the king, but to the fact that he got a horse. This is one type of person. The other type of person is the person that he has been given this horse. And he is thankful to the king, by his thankful is very temporary. He thinks he thinks the king and he tells the king, that in the future, if you you know, he shows his, he shows he says good words to the king. He says, you know, words of praise to the King. But at the end of the day, his focus is more on the horse, rather on the king. And then you have the third person. So the first person had no concern for the king. The second person had some

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respect and honor in his heart for the king. The third person is a type of person who says, I'm going to use this horse to take care of the affairs of the king. And through this, hopefully one day, I will get closer and closer to the king that one day I will become a minister. Now I'm just simply a servant. But one day I can become a minister. And through becoming a minister, I can come very close to the king. So this person, he's using what blessing or the the blessing or the gift of the king gave him. He's using that gift that to come closer to the king. That's his whole goal. He wants to get closer to the king. The goal is unnecessarily the horse, it is proximity to the king.

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Now Imam Al Ghazali mentions that if we look at all these three people, the very first person is truly not a person who is thankful. Think about this, if Allah subhanaw taala gives you an eye a blessing today how many times we don't realize that today you know things are going absolutely normal. And then all of a sudden you get a phone call. And there is all you see an email that there is a job offer a job offer that you never had expected. You're not even asking for it. This is purely a gift from Allah subhanahu wata isla. And you don't realize that it is from Allah subhanho wa taala. But you say you know what you're thinking to yourself, This is an amazing opportunity, I

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can make more money, I can be more happy in life and so forth. And without even realizing that Allah gave you that gift, that gift and gave you that job from from a place that you cannot even imagine. And then you start thinking that job. That's like the very first person who's only thinking the horse because he has value of the horse. And then Imam Ghazali you mentioned that you had a second person who did show his gratitude to the king, but he was more into the gift that the king had given him. And he says that this is the case with many people who believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala they understand they think Allah subhanho wa Taala either, but at the same time, their life is not in

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conformity with the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala meaning that they will keep on doing what they want to do in life. They have the blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala they acknowledge the fact that Allah has given them but they are not more concerned about coming close to Allah subhanho wa Taala so verbally they're thinking Allah but they're more into the gift or the blessing given to them by ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and then Imam was already mentioned that then you have the person who was even better the best person and that is the person who is being given a blessing from Allah subhanho wa taala. And a person says, You know what, I'm going to show my graduate to Allah subhanho

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wa Taala by using the ability or using this gift given to me by Allah subhanho wa Taala to first of all, of course I take care of it, I will utilize it. But at the same time my goal is to come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala and his proximity is more concerned to me is more dear to me than the blessing that Allah has given me. So think about his brother and sisters, everything that we have the job that we have the family that we have, how can we show the ultimate gratitude to Allah subhana wa Tada as Imam was already mentioned, is through that a person who uses these things to come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala He uses these things to please Allah subhanho wa Taala and he

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said this is the ultimate highest level of gratitude. And this is the gratitude that you and I we all should be striving for. So brothers and sisters, whatever we have, it is from Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah wants us to utilize it. But the goal is that we should use this to come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala and think about this so how Allah we are now very close to the day of Eid, we are approaching the day very very soon. And I want you to think about this in sort of Bukhara when Allah talks about our Eid, and he talks about the completion of Ramadan. Allah subhanaw taala uses the word

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Sugar there. See this passage is to the Bacara. It talks about Taqwa. It talks about, you know, being guided by Allah subhanaw taala. But when Allah talks about the completion of Ramadan, what does Allah want us to do after the completion of Ramadan? He wants us to show his gratitude. And this is an Subhanallah if you think about it perfectly, Imam was only what he had mentioned what Allah subhanho wa Taala is mentioning, it ties in perfectly fine, because Allah has given us Ramadan. Allah says what he took me to liberate that I gave you Ramadan, so you can complete its days. What are you to Kabila? And then you praise Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is why on the day

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of Eid, what do we do? Allah hu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. We do the tech bead we chant the tech bit of ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. And then Allah says, Allah, Allah come test Quran. Once again, the idea is that we use Ramadan, it is number one, a gift from Allah subhanaw taala. So it's not just about fasting, because if I just think about only the fasting aspect that becomes like the very first person that you want, because it had mentioned, and if I am just simply thanking Allah subhana wa Tada, it's verbal, we read it out meaning from our heart, and we just go through the days of Ramadan and so forth, and just get through them, then that becomes like a second person, but the

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person who uses Ramadan and says, Oh Allah, you gave me Ramadan, and I'm going to use a Milan to come closer to you. The objective is not Ramadan. The objective was not the fasting in itself. But the objective was to come closer to Allah was to apply and to implement and develop duckula In our life, and that is what I went, Oh Allah subhanho wa Taala that is the whole the ultimate highest level of gratitude that we can show to Allah subhana wa to Ana. So I ask Allah subhana wa Taala that he gives us the ability to be truly thankful to him, brothers, sisters, we have to show our gratitude and the best way you can show our gratitude as Imam Ghazali I mentioned in his analogy, in

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his example, is to do everything or to utilize everything to come closer to Allah subhanho wa taala. At the end of the day, we want to be close to Allah, we want to love Allah subhana wa Taala and in return we want Allah subhanaw taala to forgive us, we went to Allah to to love us because if we can achieve the love of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, then there is the greatest achievement that we can have in this dunya and akhira ask ALLAH SubhanA wa to make us from amongst the Shegerian Allahu Madonna, Manisha Accademy Allah make us from those who are truly thankful to you Oh, Allah immunoblotted Amin does that Kamala Hey Salam aleikum. rahmatullahi wa barakato.

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