Saad Tasleem – 3 Tips to Stop Rushing Through Your Prayers

Saad Tasleem
AI: Summary © The speaker gives three tips for stopping rushing through a prayer. The first tip is to pray as if it's the last time, and to be mindful of the body's journey. The second tip is to sit in a shape and not allow movement, and the third tip is to apply these tips to prevent rushing through the prayer.
AI: Transcript ©
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Three things you can do when you feel like rushing through your prayers. You're watching hashtag asleep.

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Number one, pray as if it's your last prayer. I know we've heard people say this I know I know sometimes the Imam or the or the person leading the prayer will say, Praise if it's your last prayer. But it's rare that people actually internalize what that means. What this means is that this prayer itself could be the very last time you get an opportunity to pray to a loss of data, it can be the last time that you've gotten a chance to ask Allah for forgiveness. And if you can imagine that this is the last prayer that you will ever pray, you'll find yourself slowing down and your prayer and taking your time inshallah Tada. Number two, physically let your body come to rest in

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each and every position in the prayer. So when you go into the court, let your bones and your body settle. Make your count of that time, say what you're supposed to say. And then move on. When you're in your heads though. Let your body come to a rest, be it still be calm, say Subhana Allah, and so on, so forth, and then move on from there in each and every position, which you can start doing right now with your prayer is make sure that your body is at rest in every position of your prayer. Number three, sit earther Billahi min a shape on that regime, we know that the chiffon actually attacks us in our prayer. And one of the easiest and quickest ways to get shaken out of our head to

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get those whisperings out of our head to get those distractions out of her head is to say Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from the occur chiffon. And in this moment, we're asking a lot to protect us from the influence of the ship on bonus point. Number four, what you can do to stop rushing through your prayer is that when you say a lot about a lot of something that we say quite often in our prayer, the competitive arm or the opening to beer, and to end the moving from one position to the other. We say a lot about what does mean a lot, a lot of means that a lot is greater meaning anything that we are doing anything that we were doing before our prayer, anything that we would

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want to do after our prayer, anything that is making us making us rush to our prayer a lot is greater than that. So every time you say a low bump in your prayer, remind yourself of one thing that Allah is greater than and inshallah tada with these three or four depending on if you heard the bonus one or not. With these four tips inshallah Tada, you can immediately apply them to your life apply them to your Salah, so you stop rushing through your prayer, and a Lost Planet Allah knows best. Until next time inshallah Tada, Assam, why they come to LA what I can do

Hashtag with Saad Tasleem Season 2 Episode 2

On this episode: 3 (maybe 4) tips that you can immediately implement that will help you stop rushing through your prayers in-sha’-Allah :)

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