Nadim Bashir – Ramadan 1438 ( 2017 Night 8) ( Duaa For Children )

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The speakers discuss their interest in Islam and their desire to recite a declaration of faith in the Arabic language. They also talk about a woman who lost her child at a young age and lost her father. The conversation touches on the loss of family members and the rise of women in politics. They end with advertisements for a new video about a football game and a brief advertisement for a news program.
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Do you want to tell everybody why you're interested in Islam
overwhelm the Shire?
Well, I'm interested in,
I became interested actually on my own, I grew up in a Christian household. And
I went through a lot of, you know, trials and tribulations and started wanting to learn outside of, you know, being Christian. And someone actually gifted me my first like, English translated Koran. And when I got it, I started reading, it was like a lot more than it was a lot more to the faith than what I had at first. And I started like, putting my trust into a lot more. And I started like learning more, and I started reading more and then
this, this decision that you have taken to take the shahada, this is purely yours, purely my decision and you're not coerced or forced into this decision. And this is with a full conviction of heart. Okay. So, what I want you to do for me is that I will recite the declaration of faith in the Arabic language first and you will repeat after me, I will break it down into pieces for you. And then we'll translate that to English and you will repeat after me okay. So begin a shadow shadow. Hola. Hola. Isla Ilaha illa Allah illallah wa shadow was how do Anna anna muhammadan Muhammad Rasul was so Allah Allah, I bear witness witness that that there is none there is no worthy of worship or
their worship but Allah Akbar Allah and I bear witness and I bear witness that Muhammad that Muhammad peace be upon him, please be upon him is his Messenger is His messenger and his profit and his profit that could be
that could be so Barry, I keep on saying, I feel like I'm gonna say Larry, but it's very, very, very you have join the fastest growing family in the entire world. This is without a doubt the fastest growing religion, and we just don't look at it as a religion we will look at as a family, everything you see everything that you see,
as our president once said, he looked at a bunch of people and said, this is this is a sea of love. Okay. So this is what you see is like a sea of love. Okay. And so, and we're all here for you.
And in for a lot of the youngsters over here,
just you go to college right now or No, I just graduated high school. He just graduated high school with high school while in high school. Why the high school? Is there anyone here from Wiley High School? Okay, he's from Wiley High School. He's from Wiley High School. You know him. I've seen him wrong. You see him around. That's just seen around. Yeah, just he hasn't bothered you. Right. Okay. Okay, so he's, he's one he's two. Is there anyone else from why the high school here? We have three. You can tell you can tell curly hair, curly hair. The there's a similarity there.
And there's one there in the corner of the blue clothes. So do meet with them if you can.
And also, yeah, one there to that. And we have who else?
Oh, okay. Nigel, just get up. Okay. A few. Yeah, so we have like, around like five, six here. So I request you all to please get in touch with Barry and welcome him. And if you have any questions, you can come to me or you come to us. I'm home by Georgia, and anything that you need, Inshallah, we're always here for you. Okay. Zack, go ahead. Congratulations. And I pray to Allah that he makes this journey is transition, an easy one for you. Okay. Subhan, Allah was the brother who took shahada after today after Juma. I told him that Subhanallah from the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala that not only He forgives all their sins, the previous sins, but Allah subhanaw taala will switch
all their evil deeds into good deeds. So all that crazy stuff you didn't
listen to good deeds and shadow. So literally, he's better than all of us. Subhanallah so we ask you now to make a prayer make a dua for all of us. That you know, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada will accept and keep us steadfast and keep you steadfast on the deen channel. Zach, good luck and congratulations. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
So if you can please do score, brother Barry to the back because there's gonna be a lot of hugs here.
a cream also for Falco Marta de Loup.
Along like bone
Hamdulillah he on a benign me been a watchman on what he name Murni Kenya will meet the dean II can obudu one Ian Canis Downey Dino soon on one of the most definitely
said all one Latina and named him
waiting movie ID him one more on clean me
what Nana Zilla Isla you
gotta walk in lemma
waha shout
him what has Sheldon now Allah you him kalasha you go COBOL can only mean no
more learning
more ONE in whom you
work Walker then he can John equal Lena B nada one Shailene in C one gene you hey bow boom Isla bow in Zulu Phelan calm only
one ocean
while he does law la ADA to leadin Allah You mean on I've been wanting wanting your bow on em for 34
Kateri phone fly you don't know he evidently hack
Elan eco model keytab mo
Well, levena Danang Memorial kita by Allah Munna and
Mona Zan
bakeable Happy Valentine Coonan
daddy in what I'm galima to rob began Sweden Kong well I did
learn more but buddy Lenny Kelly Matty Lam Uber de la Lincoln EMA De Waal who was semi early
on long
send me all long Honeyman. Hamina
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar.
Alhamdulillah in your bill, I mean, I don't want manual washing Murni Kiyomi Dean. He cannot move. He can astounding. He Dino slipped off one of the most dumping. So it all one levena And I'm Daddy him. Waiting no more me it him one more on me than me.
Well in don't excel on them fill out do you only know
Sabine in
E and Debbie ona in love one hour in home in
on in our back and who want more money on Lulu one Savini he will who will be more than Khun OMIM talking about smooth law he he felt cool oh man Okay Okinawan small logging Oli D in two mini
one in two XL Rahman fill out the only low guns being
the owner a loved one in whom
on in Baca who are our money when no one's been he will who will be 30 in Gulu.
Who can run smooth long
vocal or
small logging in
to be
meaning. Wall Manickam I Lanta OKONOMI Magu Kira small longing Allah He won't buy them for smaller
Mamata equal in no border to La wa in Garcia en la Yoli Lu loan and be
him belonging in Becca who won't be more 13 was Elmore long he is new about Lena,
Melody, NAIC, Cebu is Masada Zona be maca. Daddy foon
what's going on? Man? I'm youth Gary small more here Lee we're in school. We're in Cheyenne Pleanala you Runa Isla
we're in our PA to move home in LA motioning
sent me how long Honeyman helped me
law Ecobuild
semi law halimun Hamidah
long haul
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar
long bone
long like
semi how long when Amen how me
along like Mount
I'm more like bone
Sermorelin Kumar augment more
modeling Kumar Rockman to more
So I want to hear what I have to
say. So no 100 level brought I mean was so there was someone that was studying Mohammed. While early was obvious marine I'm abroad before I begin. And before we even get to the question of the day, a member of our community, Brother Ali the week his father passed away today in that Allah he were in nearly Rajon. He has a brother who is sitting right here in the black shirt. May Allah subhanaw taala give his father a place in Jannah May Allah Subhan Allah forgive his sins, may Allah subhanho wa Taala convert his say
out into Huseynov I mean Ramadan I mean
so please do meet with him on your way out probably after
so Isaiah will be tomorrow and mass between two and 4pm and then it will be here tomorrow evening inshallah for Psalter Lhasa at 630. Mashallah, so the question for today is,
is for the brothers? The question is, which of the wives of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the last one to pass away? Which of the wives of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the last one to pass away
is not half so, so one out of the way
I shot two out of the way
okay, let that rather there Yes.
know not Maddie either medic all in the corner
Maimunah no ha ha
okay like five six all the way now Now should we get easier now? Joy is getting easier now.
Not so he either smoke in the back orange shirt.
Yes. No
say louder
OH MY GOD, ALLAH Tehran has the right answer.
It was worth a shot right
so before I begin one more announcement is that tomorrow the Iftar has been canceled. We do have Iftar every day
every Saturday at Mizzou, but because of the weather forecasts, he has been canceled for tomorrow. Mr. Lachman or Haim, I want to keep my heart that I saw today.
I want to share with you a story of a mother,
a mother who had a child,
and this child lost his father at a very, very young age. In fact, while this tall was an infant, he lost his father. Now, you can imagine what a mother goes through when she has to raise a child all by herself.
This child was she was while she was giving him therapy. While he was I mean, this is when he was even a baby. He lost his eyesight. This child lost his eyesight and he became blind. Now you can imagine what the mother is going through. She lost her husband. Now her child is blind. Every single day she will make dua for her child. Now, Oh Allah, please return his eyesight. And she never gave up on making dua to Allah subhanho wa taala. While she was making dua to Allah subhanho wa taala. She took her child, to other doctors, and all the doctors, they exhausted all their options, and they could not do anything to help restore the eyesight of this small child. But the mother was
never hopeless. She never became hopeless and she consistently made dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala every single day, till the night comes, that she goes to sleep. And she sees Ibrahim alayhis salam in her dream.
And she says to Ibrahim alayhi salam, that this is exactly my situation. I made dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala over and over again, and nothing has happened yet. Ibrahim alayhis salam said that Glad Tidings are for you that Allah subhanho wa Taala has in fact, answered your call. And Allah subhanho wa Taala has, when you wake up in the morning, Allah will restore the eye sight of your child. When she woke up in the morning, lo and behold, her child was able to see who is this child? He grew up to be a mumble hottie Rahmatullah YALI, a very famous Muhaddith who has compiled a collection, which they automatically say that his collection is considered as a Sahil kotoba Nikita
Billa heeta Allah, brothers and sisters originally the reason I shared this story with you is because number one, we are all concerned when it comes to our children. Each one of us none of us can say that we have a perfect child. All of us there is something that bothers us that is something that not bothers us but concerns us when it comes to our child. Because as parents
We see that there's we can always see the deficiencies within our own children. And what happens in many cases is that if our child is doing well in school, if they're bringing home straight A's or B's, and they are doing everything fine, we don't make dua for them. As a parent, no matter what's, what is bothering you, regarding your child, always make dua for your child, and don't give up and making dua for your child. And it may seem it may seem that nothing is helping, nothing is helping. But remember that they have Allah subhanho wa Taala is on the way, a father came to me and said to me, that I am fed up. He says that I can no longer take it. When I see my child and the and the men
and the health crisis that their child is going through. He's saying that I can no longer bear this. Where is the help of Allah subhanho wa taala? Why should I make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala I've already made dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala and I had to remind this parent about the story of Imam Muhammad Allah Allah because as a human being, we want instant results. We want to instant results. And Allah subhanho wa taala. In many cases, he's not about instant results. He wants to see our dedication. He wants to see how committed we are to Allah subhanho wa Taala because when you want something, you're going to keep on asking and asking till you get that just like a child, just like
a child. In fact, a stubborn child that until they don't get that chocolate or until they don't get to go outside. They are going to keep on bugging their parents over and over again. So when it comes to Allah subhanho wa Donna, and it's fair enough to say that if you want to be a stubborn slave of Allah subhanaw taala be that keep on asking Allah tell Allah subhanho wa Taala make dua to Allah that till you give me this I am going to always ask you and when we when ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada sees that dedication within a person, then Allah subhana wa Tala he accepts a dua of that person. And in times like today in times like these days, there is no better time to make dua than these days. When
it is Ramadan. It is it is raining outside. We are fasting between Ananda iqama we come here and we sit here make dua to Allah subhanho wa taala. Make dua for your children. If there is something that is concerning you about your child, make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala I pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala that he accepts all of our to us. I ask Allah subhana wa Tada the older the Wiser we have made regarding our children. May Allah subhanaw taala accept all those to us. And remember the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim, there are a few people whose eyes are not are not rejected and one of them is the dua of a father for their own child is located so thoroughly.
Al Hamdulillah bill, I mean, a Walkman or Hain Manichean Dean II, again on Moodle one Ian Canis Dowling Dino slipped off one of the most daunting so it all levena And I'm doubting him. Well, you didn't move me I lay him one more on me mean me
a woman can ma
Yeah, you know why John?
G behave in nursing method. Gay men who feel Whoa man. He lays me haughty mean.
Guy then he comes in and he will care Feeding America and we are Malone. Walker then he can feed in Korea in Cameo brahmagiri Me and em guru fi. One I am going on in loving. forcing him woman showed on what either.
Call Hulan
Nina had
the more long Hi, John Morris Lanta say your sleeve or levena and you're almost oh nine the long you are there boom share the need why the
Shadie Don't
be Nikon guru I'm
Semi long windy men Hamina
long like
a long like modem
Oh more
Alhamdulillah learn your bill al Amin unwashed man you'd want Hain Maliki a woman the E gun out and boudoir E. Canis dowry
then Oh Slin off one of the most Stephanie slim all Latina and I'm done I lay him
while eating moving
on me. Me
for me Femi, what do you
do who signed a long haul in Islam? Well me you read it at all the
wrong body on how Rajang
sloth saw this
guy then he guy John Law who read this let
me know what has slipped off mica most definitely him or the first one
do you need follow me and go don't let him down sell me I don't beat him. Well who will Ollie you will be Mac and we are men on well yeah man yeah short on Jimmy ie yeah man shell wanted to do anybody stuck sound
in what color? I only
mean in zero banaskantha About Luna be bow loose one Bella Luna? Well, Bella na Jelena la the Gentile Anna Cullen, who must work on Idina fi. L. Masha
in Becker hockey Manali Walker then he can actually bow both Lolly mean abou I'm Bhima
Allah Aloha
send me all love moneyman Hamidah
along like Bolton
a long like model
Love Like
Oh more.
Sara Mwalimu Morash mental law, a salam Wa alaykum wa Rahmatullah mall
along x mountain
Alhamdulillah in Europe denied me in a manual or Haim Maliki omit Dean II cannot go to Ghana styrene then I'll slit off one of the most definitely said all levena And I'm entirely him boy in email do bi li him one on me again. Me
Yeah Now I shall Jean Nouvel in CLM yeah Dean komatsuna mean Camilla co soon Aleykum
call Lucia he then our
fusina Want to motor hire to do near washing he do want
to see him and again caffine
there then he got me a call Rob book mo legal Romulan me who have Orofino own wall equalling down to
AMILO one hour Buka be involved really numb
on Well Rob bocchetta The money you don't love
me I shot you hate to come why as tell me about the
war of Bukal Vani you don't want
he or she he will come why yourself leave me down the Yasha
Coleman body in
to walk
in to want
to be more reducing all yeah call me on marijuana guy unethical come in
for seven foot down and moon
that Gula why
in usually
send me all long Lehmann Hamidah
Allahu Akbar
long like mountain
I'm long work
I'm more eco
Alhamdulillah your benign I mean, I'm wash Murni on washing Maliki Yomi Deen II, Ghana on World War II, ganas Dalian
Indian now slid off one of the most deadly sin all levena And I'm telling him why he didn't move yeah lay him while on me me
what John was calling
I mean I'll help him see well and I mean asleep phone call who had any luck he's out meet him one had an issue log in
for Mac and an issue Blanca.
Young Selena Elam long woman again and he he fell who else lino Isla Shu Blanca in
worker then he goes on and he gets even
more shrieking now what led him to want
to do money and wanting the you know what evolution long marathon woof
stone moon walk on who had he and
how soon Hey y'all
be Zanmi him
well, now I am on a rematch of Google Hanwha and I am Allah yes gonna smell logging. II will anomala yes Gurunath smoke longing Allah you have to draw and normally say GZ be Mac and stone. We'll call her the anime hounds don't hate your
lamb and
visa me him he lemon
bizarre me more and I am on to Google. And I am Allah Yes. Gurunath smell longing Allah He have all and gnarly. Say Yeah, Jay Z here. Dima, again with Delta rune. Walk on Ooh Mafi. Boonie has a hidden and Niamey Hollings want to lead on coding one more have a one more night as well Gina what
made that film finish and Wonka say I GZ him was found in hockey Menolly alone
send me a long Honeyman Hamina
a long black mountain
long or exponential
Salam Alikum warahmatu law a CRM while equal more augmented more.
humbly learned not to be not I mean of Walsh Manuel de la Haim many Kia will meet Dean he cannot lose one ear gana styrene Dino said all that being said all Polina and daddy him why email boom era him model low on the screen
all Luma feeble Tony had the hill and I am your fall you saw two lanes Oh Codina one Mohamed Ramon nada as wandjina What he made that for whom fee issue rock.
So yeah, GZ Mosfilm. In who hacky munadi for the foreseeable lady now, then who will let them suffer him BYD Hellman WAMU Mao was Alfonso Mala. On an island more Bodell Bolu can move dandy in Oahu Aleksi and nanty Mount who shared one Afla was what we will let the shared agenda model share team why you want my auto shaft and one nuff love was zero almost daily fan Gulu was a tune our room
was a tune our room man and motor Shelby him while you're on motor Shelby Kulu means Emery he that a smell Wawa and to help boom Yeah, well my house on the wall Atos is an evil in a hula you're hateful most reefy Wamena an AMI hameau let them fall Moshe gooloo Me Mao wonzom M Konkona law what does that mean? Oh hold let it show you on in now all emcal Madhu I'm moving the money at the SS 100 me know what nice Nene Wamena naygn semma ninja as you
may know bought nice 91 Meenal Marzieh Wamena nine all
that Galini how Roma
uni mush them Allah died at our ham on again. Not be only behind him in golden domes law didn't mean Wamena
At least Nene woman and about bodies name
that Galini how a woman I mean
Iain mash them Allah Tala II
am Tom Shuhada It was long como la when we had that for many many if not all Allah Allah He can even you will learn NAS me avoiding I in law yeah then Paul Mel warning meaning
long like
semi How long would Iman Hamidah
a long like
a long like bone
I'm long
I'm more
and humbly learn your benign I mean a Walkman Ilahi name Manny Kia will meet the mean. He cannot and boudoir II ganas dying in Dino slim all flooded and most definitely sit all alesina And I'm telling him why he will do behind him while low more knee pain
hola Edie do female or he Li Mo have a woman I allowed me up on my mobile in guna ma 10 Then I will miss for her.
I gonna eat that and I would miss for Han Allah math in Z. I will Matthews eating fat in regions. I will focus on what he learned while eating maybe fair Manuel de la jolla Robair
in our back on our food and Rahim well I levena had who have one to let eel go for one minute. Well Connie was one I mean how can one now on a game show Homer Homer Elana hemella toward a warmer will have a
will how I will mouth Dale Bobby 1000 Then he has a now B belt will you him one in Florida the in
the in the book if Uncle Rob book comes all right Matthew
Wallah you will not do that. So who wanted to call me emoji Remi and Sam who led the national cool
love Ashok Walla
che guy then he got got a levena Corbelli him
who backs and all *
mean I'll
read you Lana in that that'd be our winner in one hour in
the Frozone old fallin Hill how gentleman barely fed
wouldn't have met Shuhada Latina Yes How
long have a woman
for you say he do? This had him out? water that was letting I get that movie i attina while letting me know now.
Beam Yachty noon.
At Luma how to one out of Boko Mala ecom Allah to shriek wubi che will be widely Dany Sana what I don't want to know
mean in
nosocomial II
wala Tanco Rabona fella who Shama One
Belt One one don't want to learn enough seletti How Rama Allahu in love in health then he must
be healed now lagoon
send me all law Honeyman Hamidah
along like them
long film
I love
Salam Watain Komarov mental no a salam ala eco more mental more
along like bone
Alhamdulillah you will not be not I mean a man on wahi team, Maliki a woman dean II Ghana out and blew it again astounding you know spin off one was dumping so it all lazy
lay him Lloyd in Mill Bo vi laying him off all knee pain
what anthem called Agumon and yet DME in landing Letty here I sent her her
shoulder what I will follow okay Kailyn what me is this learn who can live on Epson in Tucson we're either going to find in one can
we'll be on the learning for then he must walk
be he now Lancome that
awfully most Stampy
being oh oh wallet Debbie own stool gold Fanta if I'm wrong for being cool mine savvy then equal most law comm Be Here Now like that.
Don't don't
get better ma'am and Nyla lady Santa what up Slean and equanimity che watt of sleep and legal Alicia who then
mental now I believe or Elon be him You mean
Semi long Lehman Wilhelmina.
I'm Lauren
Long like
a long long
el uno
Alhamdulillah Neo Billa me in a wash Manuel de la Haim Maliki I will meet Dean he cannot go do what he can has done I mean the No sweat off one of the most deadly sin all Latina Nanda is a him why he really made a movie it him while on me
Well hi there keytab
humo bow
me oh what don't go down I like him total hammer
well Heather keytab
Debbie Oh went down food I Lancome total Hameln
uno in
Zeeland kita guano or event at Neiman Cava Nina was in goon
the loss and Team Love off in el tiempo Lulu
keytab or if at a naming Kalinina I will don't go to
Zillow you know Nikita boo Lankan mean home phone Khadija Bina to
become one who then Rama Furman of lemon get Debbie
was wonderful on Santa GZ Latinos the phone on Tina su Allah the BB ma again the foon helenium waroona in
the young woman Allah eager to do a book
deal on Bink young woman D bomb yeah big
enough and Iman Khan me min Corbin lambda con man at
BET V man he has hanging out all morning they'll do it all in
semiology along with iman how Amina
long like
long like
a more
Oh more
center more equal more off mental more. Sell more equal more metal. More