Nadim Bashir – GEM #03 The Prophet SAW Corrected People’s Mistakes

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the history of the Prophet sallali alayhi wa sallam's criticism and the importance of avoiding small mistakes. They give advice on how to correct mistakes in small issues, including fasting, praying, fasting, and taking risks. The segment also touches on the history of correcting mistakes in society, including the use of "medical issues" and "monitory mal-and-day" in the context of "medical issues" and "monitory mal-and-day." The speaker emphasizes the need to be gentle when dealing with people who are emotional and make mistakes, and finding the right time to correct mistakes and find the right place to do things.
AI: Transcript ©
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So inshallah on Monday nights as you will know that we have started a new series called Jim, this is in reference to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam and Jim stands for a genuine and excellent model mean that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a genuine man. He was not a double faced man. He had one kind of personality. He had the most excellent character and personality that we could ever imagine. And not only that, but he was a role model for each one of us. Last week we talked about that how did Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam deal with insults and criticism many times people will come and say things to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam as Allah says in

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the Quran, wala Padana Allah mu n. Posada rookery Maya Kowloon, we know that they will come and say things to you, that will be very difficult for your heart to bear. Allah subhanho wa Taala on top of that, he said he gave the remedy to the Prophet sallallahu it was send them he says for sabich behind the Rebecca welcome Mina Celgene wha Buddha, Rebecca Hi, Tia Kenyatta in this is Allah telling Rasulillah salam how to overcome their insults. Today inshallah we want to talk about that. How would Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam correct mistakes? See, on one hand these people will criticize, but that we're talking about today, how would russula Some criticize others? If

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Rasulullah Sam saw something that is wrong? Would he criticize or not? So this is what we're talking about today. The very first thing that we have to understand is that when you study the word criticism, there's two different types of criticism, there is constructive criticism, and there is destroy destructive criticism. Disruptive criticism is when you're getting or when you're providing criticism to someone with the intention of putting them down with the intention of showing your superiority and with the intention to show that how unknown they are, and how much that how much less they know. Constructive criticism, on the other hand is where you provide criticism, but you're

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sincere about the criticism, you want them to prosper. You want them to get better, you actually want them to excel in their life. That is why you're providing constructive criticism. And often what we see in our families, especially when it comes to parents giving advices to their kids. Often it is constructive criticism. Sometimes the methods can be off no doubt, but they are providing constructive criticism because they want to see their kids succeed. Now Subhanallah when you study the life of the prophet Sallallahu ala he was setting them you don't find that he would often provide constructive criticism, but the usually it is labeled in the seed or the province send them

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that he will often correct mistakes and Subhanallah when you study life coaches who are focused on developing a positive personality, people who are talking about how to make others around you better how to make others or how to correct other people's mistakes. Subhanallah they mentioned so many things, usually in our books, not realizing that you will find an example in the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is why Subhanallah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was without a doubt the best example for all of us. So the question is that how will Rasul Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam correct mistakes so today inshallah I'm gonna share with you

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a few tips that he will do in order to correct mistakes. The very first thing that we learned from the Prophet sallallahu while he was some is that a lot of times if the issue was minut if the issue was small, and there was no need to address it because it is not common Rasulullah sallallahu is someone who would generally not even address it. Let me give you an example. And as even a Malika the Allah one, you know his story that when Rasulullah sallallahu Isom came to Medina, everyone brought gifts to the Prophet SAW Salem, the mother of us did not bring a gift. She bought her son. She told us allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that I'm not here to give you a gift, but I'm here to

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give you my son and I want him to serve you and I want him to do your Hickmott at that time was Allah Azza wa sallam said no problem. And so the Allah will I'm think about this, he's a child. Children often make mistakes, children will sometimes forget. Last Last time I said this, that when we read stories from the life of the prophet of Salem, we have to read between the lines, we often don't understand the magnitude of the story, because we don't read between the lines. reading between the lines tells us that unless was a child and a child is bound to make mistakes, a child is bound to forget unless you allow on saying that when he will make those mistakes, those mistakes

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were not common. They will not recurring time to time, they will probably he would probably make mistakes because he was a child. But he says that in nine years, never did Rasul Allah says those who also Allah or some scold me, never in nine years I served him. Did he ever

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Was he ever harsh with me. And this is once again to, for us to understand that if the issue is small, that sometimes letting it go might be the best option for us. A lot of times when we see the small issue, and we pounce on a small issue, we can a lot, a lot of times cause more damage than doing good learning how to let go and Subhanallah if you look on the grand scheme of things, how many times you and I we make mistakes, how many times you lie, we commit sins? That's it, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala hold us accountable for every single small sin? answer is no. There's Allah subhanho wa Taala hold us accountable for every single mistake. The answer is no. In fact, I often

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tell people, that when you make dua for the akhira, make dua, may Allah give justice to those people who committed against others. But when it comes to yourself, ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for His mercy on the Day of Judgment, don't ask Him for His justice for yourself on the day of judgment, because what that would mean is that every single mistake that you made every single sin that you committed, you're saying to Allah subhana wa Tada hold me accountable for it. That's why we always ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for His mercy on the Day of Judgment. So the very first thing is, do not hold someone for every single small thing that they're doing wrong. There are people who are just

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waiting for you Wallahi in life, there are people who are just waiting for you to make a mistake and they will pounce on you. Those are the people you stay away from in your life. Number two is Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will not always be direct in correcting mistakes. Sometimes he will take the general generic and the general approach. Let me give you an example. We know the story of those three men who came to the to the house of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they asked about the spiritual life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and to which they said what that this is what Rasulullah sallallahu is, um, does I on the other hand, I will never

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ever get married again. What did the second man say? I will pray every single night. What is the third man say? I will fast every single day Rasulullah sallallahu is on found out and he knows that this is not sending the right message to the community. Because our deen is about balance. Our deen is about balance. So what did the Prophet saw some do two options either. Number one, he can't call those three people and tell them that you are absolutely wrong and correct to their mistakes. That's not what Allah Salla some did. He got on the member and he made a generic announcement he taught people that this is how this is not what balance is. This is not what Dean is. I on the other hand,

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there's no one who excels in Taqwa compared to me. But I fast and there are days when I don't fast. There are times of the night when I sleep and I take risks. And there are times of the night where I

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devoted myself to Allah subhanho wa taala. And I on the other hand, I get I am engaged in the process and the action of getting married and so forth. So this is what salasar Send them getting on the member and addressing the entire crowd. Let me give you another example. But EDA was a servant of it along with Anna, Anna before she became a servant of Aisha, she was a slave to another person. She went to her master and said that if it's okay with you, I would like to pay you an amount that through which I can purchase my freedom. The man said okay, no problem. She went to Aisha Radi Allahu Allah and said yeah, I Isha. This is really Allah Tala Anna, this is the situation if you can

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help me raise some money, I can purchase my freedom. What did I saw the Allahu Anhu. She said, You know what, this is a great idea. Let me arrange the money for you. I will give it to your family, and through which they can purchase your freedom. And you will be a free person. And later on because I've helped you out, I will get a share of your inheritance. When she when she did arrange the money she went to the family of bonita. And what did but he has family say we want to keep the money for herself. And not only that, but we want to also have full share of her inheritance. When she came to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The postman was shocked that how is this

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possible that this family they are prioritizing money and wealth over someone else's freedom? Does a person go to that family and address that family? Was he harsh in that to their family? No. He understood that there's a problem. There is a moral issue in our society in our community. What did he do? He addressed it from the member And subhanAllah today, we have so many people who complain why are their issues? Why are our society issues being addressed with a member our most previous Friday Juma Kuba that talked about in highlighted a very serious issue that is going on in our society, yet people are still sending comments that why are these things being addressed with a

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member they have to be addressed with the member they have to be addressed to the entire

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MUTYH because once again, this is how Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he would address so sometimes so the second way of correcting mistakes is he was generic and SubhanAllah. Just to give you another example, you know, when people come to me and say, Oh, this brother, you know, his pants were too low, or this brother has seen his, his socks were stinking, okay, and this brother, this and that brother does and so forth. And even Subhanallah people when their kids are running around and so forth, drinks a lot, or their phones are ringing and so forth. One thing that I've always done is this is us learning from the sealer problem salaam, I don't ever address it right after

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because you address it right after who's going to be the one who's embarrassed. That person whose phone was ringing, yes. And that person is going to be embarrassed. You address the issue, but you have to sometimes be generic so that no one is embarrassed. The third thing that the Prophet SAW Allah while he was someone do would do in correcting mistakes is he would be gentle. Now, just to give you an example, an example that you and I we have heard so many times, but just for perspective purposes, a Bedouin man comes inside the masjid and urinate inside the Masjid. We know the story. When Rasul Allah, Allah has some do, he was not harsh with him, he was gentle with him, the Sahaba

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of the Allah who I know on the other hand, they're losing their minds. And rightfully so this is a man who's coming and doing something which is completely inappropriate in the house of Allah subhanho wa taala. They wanted to stop him Rasul Allah son was gentle with him. He said, Let him finish. He's already started. Let him take care of his business. Later on. He called him and he was gentle with him. Why am I mentioning this? How often do we have kids coming inside the Masjid? Now let me be very clear. We have kids coming inside the masjid small things here and there, they're running around here and there. Go to them, Be gentle with them. This is the house of ALLAH SubhanA.

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Without too, right. One man is urinating inside the budget. The problem is gentle. One kid is throwing a ball across, oh, hello, us, let's kill this kid, you know, let's yell at him and yell and yell at him and yell at him. I understand that if the kid is doing it over and over again, then we have a right to get upset. And in that case, there's no need for us to yell at that child. We talked to the parents that the parents should take the child and go in the back. And we've all we've always said this. If your child was going to be disruptive, we have a room in the back, take your child over there. But a lot of times we have kids that's coming to the budget. They don't understand the

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idea of the budget, that could be a good opportunity for us to teach our kids the idea of the budget. Just like Rasulullah saw Selim is gentle in teaching adult to an adult, not even a kid an adult.

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How about us teaching that child? What is proper respect of the budget. Once again, a lot of times kids can get all you're also on your nerves, they will do it over and over again. But that is where if they keep on doing it and talk to the parents at that particular situation. The next thing that we have to understand is that when it comes to you see someone doing something that is wrong, you want to correct it. Do not correct it for your own ego sake. Correct it for Allah sake. Make Allah the priority here. Make Allah the centerpiece here of correcting that mistake. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw a man beating his slave beating his slave, very common. But also Lhasa Allahu

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alayhi wa sallam, he got upset. And he got upset so much that when the Sahaba heard Rasulullah sallam, he knew that it was Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but his his tone was very, it was very different. Meaning that there was a lot of frustration and the tone of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then what did he do? He said to this man of almost all of the Allah why not if it was true that the Allah one and he says that just like you are beating him, because you think that you have superiority over him. Remember that there will come a day that there will be someone who has more superiority over you, who has more power over you and more dominance over you.

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Meaning who Allah subhanho wa taala. So the province has set up even in correcting that person. He did not make it about himself. He made it about about his Deen, he made it about what is right and what is wrong. The fifth thing is to find the right place and the right time to correct a mistake. You know, let me give you one typical example. Usually when people go to the graveyard, and sometimes there are some diets that take place at the graveyard, often you find some people who are those you know, mashallah Sunni warriors. You know, if I see something against the Sunnah, I'm going to stand up right away, and I'm going to correct it. Okay. Alhamdulillah you have that nature, may

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Allah bless you. But that's not the right time to correct someone because people are emotional at the graveyard to you for you to go and tell someone that what you're doing is wrong. They're not going to listen to you rather you're they're going to get more upset with you. The point is that there's a right time and a right place to correct someone's mistakes. Rasul Allah says some comes to a woman she's crying She's emotional Roswaal some is telling her Be patient. What did she do? She pushed away last night in the physical sense me as you tell the prom salon, that leave me alone for in a column to see we must be more sympathy. Leave me alone go away.

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She doesn't understand that the province of Salem get upset with her. He understood that probably right now, if I even tried to tell him more is not the right place right now. So what did the Prophet SAW son do he left? He not sit there and say, Sister, how dare you go against me? I'm teaching you religion and you're telling me no, this is not the right thing to do. He never did that he left. Later on, she realized what she did wrong. And then she went back to Roswell Salem to apologize. The point is, there's always a right time and a right place to do something. People go to marriages and SubhanAllah. The, you know, you see how marriages are conducted nowadays. And I will

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say this on a tangent. You want to see someone's religiosity, their height of their religiosity. Look at the day that they're getting married or one of their kids are getting married because his, you know, there's a big there's a great scholar in the UK.

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His name is Juana Selim. Terrazza Oka, Mahna Mahna. Selim de rasa he says something very amazing. He said that on the most happiest day of your life. Either you're going to please Allah subhanho wa Taala or rasool Allah Azza wa sallam or you're going to please other people. You go Yeah, I mean, it's something very profound. Think about it. So the point is that even in marriages, when you see people doing all these factory shows and so forth, at that time, to go with someone to someone and say, Brother mashallah you come to the masjid but what kind of marriage is this? Your company haram you're doing this you're doing that he's not gonna listen to you she's not gonna listen to you

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because that is not the time to explain to someone what deen is so the province awesome taught us the right time in the right place. And finally, he would always make dua for them always make dua when the man came and said yellow so love permit me to commit Zina what Ross was some do He was gentle with him and that he made dua for him, when you see someone making a mistake, make dua for them that shows that you care for them. So these are just few things Inshallah, that I want to share with you. Number one is try to remember this now Inshallah, number one was, that did not hold me Do not correct every single small mistake number two was, Do not be direct, but many times you have to

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be generic. Number three is Be gentle. Number four is make your frustration about Allah subhanho wa taala. Because Allah has command and laws are being violated, don't make it about your ego. Number five is find the right time in the right place. And the last thing number six is what?

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Make dua for that person. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us grant us the o'clock of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam May Allah subhanho wa Taala perfect our characters immunoblot I mean, what is that going to locate us that I'm lotic want to live

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in LA Mussolini now almost Lima Do you want to meaning I want to move Mina team will quantity now look on it that thing was slowed in pain I was boarding Ponte one saw the Rena was Slav your auntie one before she you know she

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was before she I mean I want to call she is the one downside the lino one downside the party was on me and I was all in

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one heavy Lena photo gentlemen one Hatfield was the one that good enough. Long I guess.

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What's the guilt or I don't

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genuine Eileen.

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