Wael Ibrahim – Break the Cycle – Porn Addiction

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary © In a series on the topic of Islam, the hosts of the episode discuss the use of pornography to motivate people to change their behavior and create negative the Prophet Muhammad's motto "the way you do it" to encourage change. They also discuss the importance of not being caught in the addiction cycle and the need for consistency in media coverage.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam my brothers and sisters in Islam. Ramadan Mubarak. May Allah subhanho wa Taala enable us this year to create a positive change in our lives a change that would bring us closer to Allah subhanaw taala and earn his highest gender. I mean, I mean, I mean, and that's why we have created these video series which would be in sha Allah, Allah discussing tips, suggestions and strategies for you and for myself and for everyone to create a positive change in our lives to break free from undesirable habits, especially *. As you may have heard me

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talking about this a lot. In my previous videos, I have mentioned that this is one of the most dangerous traps at trap that shaitan has been using to drag you away from the purpose of our existence and that is to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah says in the Quran, Allah, Allah hotel Gina will insert a Lally Abu, I have not created the spirit world jinn and humankind except for one purpose, and that is to worship me alone. That's your purpose of life my brothers and sisters, you will not born to do *. You're not born to watch these filth. You were born for a very, very high purpose. And this is as as as it is an introductory session for more episodes. To

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come. I wanted to just set the tone and tell you what are we going to do in sha Allah every episode so every episode we're going to give you the suggestion. You're going to in sha Allah motivate you through the horror and, and the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. And at the end of every episode in sha Allah tala, we're going to make a decision, a decision that you're going to follow in sha Allah because a decision is not just an utterance of few words like from tomorrow, I am going to change or I am going to change this Ramadan without doing an action. Allah Subhana Allah Allah says in the Quran, for either as MTA fatawa kilala la once you make an intention, once you

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decided to do something, then put your trust in Allah Subhana Allah ttan and one may ask what does that mean what is what it means to put my trust in Allah? subhanaw taala Does it mean that I would say in sha Allah tala tala I put my trust in Allah and then sit back, relax and do nothing? No. The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam explained to us in a narration, what does it mean to put your trust in Allah subhanaw taala he said, lo and negombo calluna Allah Allah Hochuli, if you were to put your trust in Allah Subhana Allah properly as he should be trusted, as as you should, as you should be relied upon, he would provide for you, he will assist you in the same way how he provide

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for the birds who fly in the early morning with their stomach empty, and go back to the nest with their belly full. So the birds have done their part they have moved they have taken an action. And this is what you're going to do in sha Allah Allah at the end of every episode is to make a decision that will be accompanied by an action because let me tell you very frequently, Allah subhanho wa Taala will not come down to change you. Allah subhanaw taala is not going to send down angels for your sake. But Allah subhanaw taala can intervene The moment you take a step toward the change. Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran in Allahu Allah euroma Coleman had a euro maybe enforcing him,

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Allah subhanaw taala is never going to change any condition of any group of people or any individual for that matter unless they change what is within themselves. So once you sit you take a step forward toward the change. Allah subhanho wa Taala can do wonders and can change you from within. So are you ready my brothers and sisters in snap? If you're not ready, then this Ramadan will be just gone. Like the previous Ramadan. I know that you were stuck in these addicts in this addiction for so many years in the past. You were stuck and you couldn't even scream you are you were tortured in silence you couldn't share your grief with anyone. So here's an opportunity for for you to open up

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in sha Allah Allah with a las panatela this Ramadan and create some positive changes in your life. Are you ready? I am only the boat but you are the captain. So you are leading the whole journey. without you. The ship is not going to go anywhere. So May Allah subhanaw taala grant you that strength to start afresh this Ramadan And may Allah Subhana Allah grant us

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Consistency because this is what matters. We don't want to just become better Muslims during Ramadan and after that we go back again to our bad habits and bad addiction. We want to ensure allow data to be consistent. So the first tip in sha Allah in this introductory episode is to run and search the door of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he used to say a llama in me as Luca thaba the filament or Allah I asked you continuously I asked you to grant me steadfastness upon my affair. recite this day and night. Ask a Lost Planet Allah to grant you consistency. May Allah subhanaw taala reward you for watching May Allah subhanaw taala benefit all of us from these

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episodes to come. And if you benefited already from this episode, and if you think that other people around the world will benefit from such episodes in sha Allah tala, I asked you humbly to please click share and spread the word around Jazakallah Hira Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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