Musleh Khan – Women Mentioned in the Qur’an Class #1

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of strong connections with Islam and the physical presence of Allah, as well as the need for forgiveness. They also touch on the concept of the "naughty woman" and its physical presence. A woman hesitantly shares her secret, including a woman who teaches Islam and talks about her mother and her children. The transcript also touches on the importance of learning about Islam and its relation to mothers and children, as well as a dish called "three" and its relation to the Prophet Alayhi.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Ashraf al Anbiya you will mursaleen Nabina Muhammad Ali he of total Salah what attempted to slim and buried once again to all of us here to students online said Mr de como Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.

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And welcome to a brand new course, as you see on the screen courageous women in the Koran. And this course will run for about six I believe six sessions. And in sha Allah Tala, every session, we're going to look at maybe two or three of the great women have mentioned in the Quran, and we're going to study all of them, we won't leave any person out, even those that are just referenced to but we don't know their names, all of that we will discuss. So the idea with this course is very simple. This is not a course on the biography of these women. Okay, because that is something you can read on your own time.

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What we're going to do is we're going to focus on why these women were selected to be placed in the Quran, we're going to look at their legacy. And we're going to look at context as well. We're going to look at what aspects of their lives Allah chose to highlight. And it became a lesson and a reminder for all of mankind till the end of time. So this is not just any average study of figures of Islam and figures that are mentioned in the Quran. Like these are the elite and the, in the the figures that have been selected by Allah subhanaw taala and he wanted to have it in his Koran, have them in his Quran, why? That's what we're going to focus on. Then we're also going to look at the

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lessons so whatever these women went through and what they experienced what it means to us. This is not a course just for the sisters. This is for all of us. This is for the entire ummah.

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So despite that the title may be focused just on the female figures, it is a lesson for all of us insha Allah Who Thailand. So with that being said,

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you know my routine, I encourage you all, to take certain notes down in a way that's befitting for you. If you want to bring your your iPad or whatever your tablet or computer if you want to write, that's all up to you. And you will get these PowerPoint slides as well at the end of the program Inshallah, okay, and my routine is that I write the slides as the sessions continue.

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I shy away from scripting myself with anything. So as I'm thinking, if something happens during the week, I throw it in and make it part of the course that I feel is relevant and then we can benefit from. So why are we studying this? This is the first intro to the course of why are we going to talk about the subject? So here's a few reasons why. In poor ethnic stories, more often than not, we find depictions of women possessing notable wisdom,

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resolved piety and strength of character. So there's no question that when you look at all the stories of the Koran, and where women are mentioned, it's the vast if not each, and every moment, there are lessons that are life changing. You know, with other figures that are mentioned in the Quran, you'll get life changing lessons, but you'll also get reminders, you'll get certain things that are repeated for other prophets and messengers and other figures, but not for the women, every single one of them have a place in the Quran, and every single one of them come with a unique lessons behind them. So we're going to look at all of that in Shaolin. Though the majority of the

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poor ethnic narratives involve men well, over a dozen women figures are also featured in the sacred history of the Quran. There is still this one here, I'm going to I'm going to keep coming back to quite a bit, probably every session is this huge misconception about Women and Islam, their role in Islam, the importance of women in Islam, and how they are mentioned and talked about in the Quran. You guys know, I don't have to tell you that there are, I guess you could say so called experts, and people who thrive on misinterpreting and misrepresenting the Quran. And they love to talk about when it comes to women, and how they're mentioned and talked about in the Quran. This is definitely one

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of those cherry pick type topics, that people who love to abuse the Koran would use as a tool or a weapon against Muslims. So it's really important that we understand these roles, and why they're mentioned and so on. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam said in the pre Islamic period, we used to have no regard for women whatsoever. This is going to set the tone of why the subject is here, why Allah chose to put these figures in the Quran. In before Islam, we used to have no regard for women. But when Islam came in Allah made mention of them. This caused us to realize that they have rights upon us. So before Islam, things were pretty awful. For women. There are other Hadith that narrate to us

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that women were always considered property. So when a father dies, and he leaves behind his wealth, to be inherited by his children and members of his tribe, as part of that inheritance would be his daughters. So he literally put their names in the will, and say that you can have this person you can have that person like it's a pretty awful practice. The worst of it pre Islam is we all know and we've all seen there, there are certain there specific sutras that mentioned this, that allude to the idea that women or if you gave birth to a female child, that nobody wanted a female child. So they buried them a life. And this is found in a couple of suitors in the Quran. Surah zohore of

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Sudha Tannehill

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what either bushier I don't be male Dorabella Rahman he Mithila Avila wedge whom was swept down well who are Kelvin. So this particular verse whenever they were blessed with a daughter on them,

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and the first thing that they used to do is Vula wudhu. Vula is a shade their faces became dark. What that means is they just got really angry, the tone of their face, everything they're expression, everything changed. It was like just somebody died when they saw that a dog daughter was born. That was the attitude of the motion equipment, but pretty much the world at large during that time. My question for you all

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All right. And before we continue on that note, why was it so bad?

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Particularly for women? Why? How'd that happen? Why were they abused and you know, mistreated, and in extreme cases, they were not even wanted? How did that happen? Does anybody have any thoughts on this?

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Then nobody speak up for them. Okay?

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Anything else?

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Because men tend to be like the hunters of the good, good, anything else? Good.

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Basically, you know, I hate to use these words. But again, it's for us to get context and look at the history of what all the things that happened, what led to him.

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Basically, when he came to war,

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men were there to fight to, to participate, to engage the enemy, and so on to conquer lands. And the women also where they were all restricted to the sidelines where they felt they did not have use for them.

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Which is a pretty awful thing, right? So when Islam came,

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this is one of the most important points when you talk about women in Islam is Islam liberated women. Islam gave women strength is slave them inheritance gave them rights. So don't ever let anybody tell you that Islam degrades women.

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You know that Islam Miss Muslim abuses, and has no sense of

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honor with respect to women, they have no voice, they have no say. And I mean, just talk to anybody who knows nothing about Islam. These are the things that they're going to throw at you, right? So this hadith, when Islam came, and Allah made mention of them.

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This caused everybody to realize, okay, now the tables have shifted, but they shifted to the point now where now she can inherit. Now she can also have wealth. Now she has a voice. That's what Islam did, it empowered them.

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So we're going to eventually come to Okay, so if that is what Islam did for them,

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how still until this day, there they are still somewhat misunderstood and misrepresented. You Ever hear the saying, bad habits die hard?

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Yeah, sometimes, the old habits they just don't disappear. They get carried on from one generation to another into another. And we see that till this day, there are certain cultures in the world

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that sort of still carry the same attitude towards women, just kind of see them as things and abuse them and use them. Allahumma Stan, the lives of incredible women are also shared in the Quran, Allah has preserved their stories, so that we can learn from their courage, belief and determination, propelled by their hope and trust in Allah, these women of faith birth city saved their families ruled kingdoms and stood against oppression. Now, lastly, I right there.

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When we, if we were to just disregard everything that we've just said, Why are we studying the subject? That's a sufficient answer as well. Why not?

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Like, do I have to justify why I need to study the women of the Quran?

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You see, what I'm trying to get at is, it's an attitude, like, if you concentrate on something that is considered completely normal and Okay, in Islam, but people focus and you know, zoom in that No, no, no, no, we need to really concentrate and put focus on them and really understand and it sets the tone that this is sort of like a special needs group.

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Know that there's something wrong. That's why we've got to spend a little more time focusing on them talking about them, because things are just and if we step back for a second and just treated this group, like the way we treat others, they become all one unit. That's why you probably heard the famous actor.

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When he was asked in an interview

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if he liked or, you know, he wanted to have a black history month if he liked that, that whole idea. I think it was it was Morgan Freeman, right? So he was asked in an interview. Do you like black history when he said No, I hate it. He's black himself. So when the interviewer asked like, why, how are you going to stop racism? He said something really simple but incredibly powerful.

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will make so much sense. He said, stop talking about it stop referring to me as a black men. And I'll stop referring to you as a white men. And I will refer to you as your name. And you refer to me as my name. So normalize all the races. And that's where I feel that sometimes when you concentrate on a group that doesn't really need that kind of attention, they just need to be treated like everyone else, that usually puts them on the same pedestal. Now, you get everybody on the same level.

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But it's a little bit more complicated. When it comes to women in Islam, it's a little more complicated and we're going to see how and why. Okay, but I still wanted to throw that in there just so that we have that to reflect on. These are some of the things that we're going to look at.

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So the wife of Imran Morion all those that you see as well as

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here ESEA the wife of fit around Adam spouse, all of these figures, every single one of them we will look at these are all the women mentioned or alluded to in the in the entire porcelain. This is a list of all of them Inshallah, right? So like I said, you will have all of this, it's just more for your reference. Today what we will look at is we will look at the life of ESEA and we may even start Adam spouse, but we'll see how it goes inshallah. Okay.

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Do you guys like that? Was that was pretty cool. You guys wanna see it again? Okay.

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Bismillah R Rahman. I was proud of myself. Apparently a three year old can do this, but I just figured out how to do it this the other day. Okay, let's start off with ESEA been to Musa him. This is her name ESEA been to Musa him. Without Him we don't have much

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information about who he was. Father. We don't know anything we don't even know his last name is okay. So but we do know for a fact that so if it was him is her complete name. headshell Rahim Allah yet.

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Gentle question, right?

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When we actually look at

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history, right? What was always the first name of the Father, right? What's a good tradition where after she got married, the name had to change.

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Like, I can't find anything where the name?

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Yeah, it's it's not necessary. Islamically for that to happen? Yeah, it's not a requirement. She is definitely allowed to keep her last name. But tradition, Islamic culture and tradition. It is encouraged because some of the Relena believe that when you go back to

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let me reword it. Some cultures in Islam believe that this was a way for her to guarantee inheritance guarantee rights is that she took the name of the Father, it was more of an empowerment thing for her. And none of that really is relevant in this day and age, especially where we are. So it's really just a preference dilemma. They they don't have any sort of concern on this on the subject. They don't encourage one over the other. It's really up to you. So for the most part, it's just all a cultural thing. Yeah. And it's lifted there

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is no hedgehog Rahimullah does everybody you don't even know Hydras if you don't know about him, Milan, is the first scholar to ever write an explanation for Buhari. Okay. He wrote 25 volumes to explain all of the hadith of Buhari.

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So he mentions among the virtues of ESEA, the wife of fit our own is that she chose death over royal privilege and torment in this world over the luxury in which she was living. And her insight concerning Musa alayhis salam was correct when she said, a comfort of the eye for me.

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Now, this passage here, this paragraph summarizes her entire life. This is everything that you need to know about, as it were literally breaking down this paragraph. So her virtue is the first thing she chose death over royal privilege. So that sets the tone of what was important to her. When we say she chose death genes. It's not that she just wanted to die. That was the only choice she was given. You either submit yourself to fit around, or you die. So she's like, Yeah, I look forward to meeting Allah way more than him. So she chose that row. So we're going to look now at all of this and break it down as we as we start her, her legacy.

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Her courage against evil. So as he had been was a him or her

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your logline. She's the wife of fit our own and adopted mother of Musa alayhis salam. Now, nowhere in the Quran or in the Sunnah does she refer to fit around as her husband?

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She never, ever referred to him as her husband.

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She only called him by his name. And you'll see the only area that she's mentioned in, in sort of the to him. She also mentions, when at Jeanne min fit her own, save me from federal not when that Genium in Zoji and saved me from my husband. So first point to note, why doesn't she refer to him as her husband?

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Why there's a there's great wisdom why why that happened?

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Put aside the religion she's married to this man, she had an arranged marriage

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with him, and she didn't want to. she disliked his character, and she never accepted.

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Closer, good. Anything else add to that?

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your husband? If you say, Yeah, I'm married to him. And he's right here.

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This is my electric is my husband, as opposed to?

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Yeah, this is my husband. But

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what's the difference between those two sentences? If you were to introduce your husband, but you just call him? Yeah. Hi, I just want to introduce you to Akhmat. I'm the guy married, as opposed to this is my husband, Ahmed, what's the difference between those two sentences?

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Not, don't you, you don't have to go that far. It's just all of our respect the title of a wife.

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It makes her different from every other woman. When I say okay, I'm married to this person. But then I asked her, she is my wife. That's the connection now that I only have with her that I don't have with any other lady or any other woman, any other husband. So when you refer to your spouse, not just by their name, but also by the title of your husband or your wife. That's an additional layer of honor and respect to him or her. I mean, you've probably seen tons of like, you know, videos on social media where, you know, okay, this is my girlfriend, as opposed to, this is my girlfriend, when does she'll be my wife. And then she stops and she's like, You called me your wife.

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Really? And the whole video is just like, wow, you actually said those words to me. And she's just like, over the moon. And the same thing with him. Sometimes she'll be like, Yeah, my boyfriend, but it's kind of like my husband, then he's just also freezes. And he's like, Wow, you look at me. I know, you really love me. I know, you really care about me. So it there's an element of that respect. And, and it develops and it gives a perception of deep, deep love and for one another. She never uses those words with her husband. Because as you mentioned, there's nothing to respect about him. Yeah, I'm just married to this guy fit around.

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And the adopted mother of Musa alayhis salam, everybody know the story, how this happened? Okay, so we're not going to go through it in detail. Because when we do come to the mother of Musar, the slum, then we'll talk about everything, and all the suitors that talk about that whole incident. But fast forward, she finds this basket that Allah steered towards her, and she immediately so here's the thing about Musa alayhis salam, soon as she laid her eyes on his face, and she saw this child, she immediately loved him.

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She fell in love. She's like, this is my baby. I'm never letting him go. So something was definitely beautiful and special about Musa alayhis salam and you know what's interesting? That's ESEA how she felt the first time she saw Musa alayhis salam right.

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You know, you remember when Musa listen got the revelation to go to fit around? Go back to fit around confront him? Because he's a tyrant Musashi Islam has? Does he have an army with him? No. Does he have any weapons or any resources? Nothing. It's just him alone. And then yeah, his brother came along. His brother was more or less like somebody that can speak on his behalf. Because Musar they sound literally says

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autoseal who? Matt Yeah, read it and you saw Deccani right. So just sent him with me because people will listen to him more, because his tongue is more fluent who will have so many. He speaks a little bit more eloquent and more fluent, fluent than I do. That's really all that he came for. So Allah

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louder. Is there a good chance that when Musa alayhis salam arrived in Egypt, he had to go through some security.

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He was the most wanted man in Egypt right?

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Yet he gets past all of that.

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All the securities have been security guards that have told the been told and commanded by fit around. If you see Musa arrest him, capture him bring him to me. None of them did that.

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He eventually made his way all the way in front of fit around the most powerful men at that time.

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You know, what their element they said about this? How is it that this man ended up walking into fit around city into his palace, straight to his chair and talk directly to him without being hurt without being arrested without being anything injured? Nothing. They're really mad. They said, it goes back to how ESEA reacted when she saw him the first time. Like there's something special about this kid. And chances are the security guards like Oh, you're here, okay? Go go. Just Just go talk to him. Like they got lost to some extent of how special Musa alayhis salam was, could have been his appearance could have been his luck. Could have been so many things. But something about him caused

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all the security of Egypt to soften their hearts and just kind of let them go continue just keep going till you get to fit around. So just keep that in mind like her reaction is not just a random one is my point right?

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She was revered as the second greatest woman of all time next to who

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she's considered the second greatest woman of all time. Who was the first

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I have a mother in my lesson.

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I have a hadith of the aloha aina

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I have a faulty man. Can I get that shirt? Anyone?

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No, no Isha. Okay, I shall let's throw it in there. So yes, a digital the logline is considered the the first the Hadith mentions a detail of the Allahu anha first than se his name is mentioned afterwards, as these are the Top Greatest Women ever to touch the ground. And they will also be the leaders of Janna for all the women. That's that's quite an honor. You are leading every woman that has ever touched the ground that Allah has accepted from the first day till the last day. You are the leader, you are of the elite.

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Okay, she secretly accepted Islam after witnessing miracles of Musala Islam. Does anybody know what miracles?

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What were some of the miracles that she saw? Come in? What was some of the miracles that she saw? So she basically, His appearance was definitely one of she was mesmerised and lost in his beauty. They say that now this is not Hadith. These are more or less stories that have been carried on over the years. There's a scholar by the name of Imam is the hubby or Hema alum. And he gathered I actually have it in my library, my office, he gathered about 30 volumes of just biographies of great women and men of the past all the Companions, those that came after him pies, men and women. And in there, he mentions that some of the stories that have been carried or passed on is that SEO to the Allahu

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Musa alayhis salam was an incredibly easy child to raise. He was beautiful and perfect in every way. He wasn't the kind of child I would like throw a fit once in a while, or, you know, take like one of the, you know, cups of throw it and break it across the lake, he wasn't that kind of child. He was just different. And so overall, raising him and teaching him, she also built this loving connection. And you know, some of the elements that was part of his miracle, like he was just a pleasant, Beautiful child, very different from the rest. Everybody who saw Musa alayhis salam, as a young child also fell in love with him. So these miracles started at a very young age and not necessarily

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after Musa lay son becomes a prophet, because those miracles now are obvious. Does anybody know what some of those miracles are? By the way? What are some of the miracles that Musa alayhis salam performed as a prophet?

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So again,

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so his staff turned into a serpent.

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So, how come the serpent like, didn't do anything to Musa

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because the atheist says

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that Allah tells him to throw the stuff to the ground, and then it becomes the snake or the serpent. And the word that's used is usually describes a venomous snake that's credibly dangerous. Why did the snake not touch him? Because Allah commanded it not to do that. And the reason why I'm saying this is very simple. When everybody else saw the snake they ran for their lives. They're like, if this snake touches you, you're dead. And Musa alayhis. Salam does. He's almost the same size as me, but he's not going to do anything. It was massive. It was giant. Is there another miracle? So SEO to the Allah Han is watching all of this, by the way, is there another is there another

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miracle that he performed, that we know of

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put your hand in your pocket

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to hold you, by law, something that looked like an egg. But it was pearly white, it was beautiful. It looked like a piece of pearl or treasure. But all of a sudden, now he's pulling out treasures from his pocket. All of these are miracles. Now here's the thing did fit around perform miracles in return?

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Was he able to do quote unquote, his own type of magic? Yeah.

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You know, Sierra, and magic in general was a thing back then. Right? It was a thing back then, you know, how they always talk about the mystery of the pyramids and how they were built, and so on, so forth. And nobody can't figure out why. I have my own theory, in my head, I visited the pyramids before. So I have my own theory in my head.

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Just just some of the reading that I've done over the years on the pyramids, you want to take a guess what I think it is?

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Not jinns, in particular.

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But if this is happening at the time of fit around,

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and magic was present, then

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then there's a possibility that that was also a tool that was used to aid them in building these massive structures.

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But Allah knows best, right? That's that's kind of my, my whole theory and take on the thing. Right, because I mean, anybody here gone to the pyramids? Yeah. So you can, you can definitely appreciate how massive and unbelievably insane the structure is and how perfect it is the mesh, everything down to the last inch is just perfect. So she secretly accepted Islam. After witnessing some of these miracles. Her marriage to fit around was arranged. She was exceedingly rich, but humble.

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As he instantly felt motherly love towards him. She told the Pharaoh or fit around about the baby, the incident has been described here. We'll call it a model to fit around.

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See, and Pharaoh's wife, the immoral affair around.

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So doesn't say her name. doesn't even say his wife immoral. Imran literally means woman.

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Zelda is the wife that's mentioned here. So that title is not. So what you get from that is that the title of my husband and my wife is not just given to anybody. It's not just a loose term you throw around, because think of all the things you have to go through to arrive at marriage with that person. And the intent is you're remain with that person for the rest of your life. That's a big deal. Who cares who Allah puts in that scenario to take those titles. Right, this person is going to be your wife, this person could be your husband. That's a huge deal. That's why Allah called Marriage Meetha Meetha cantilever that this was a sacred covenant like it's serious business. So

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we'll call it tomorrow to fit around quarter to kneel Lee Wallach, a refreshment of the eye to me and to the so it's very wordy. I don't really like this old English type of translation. So I'm going to give it to you my own words a little. So she says, pulled right to Iranian Lee Wallach hora. Have you heard this term before? So when you were in another source hotel for the con one of the doors that the believer makes his what we'll call a Latina and Robina

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generally Muslim men and women, women 30 year Tina colorata era union which are anelli mattina. Eman. So

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the parents they ask Allah and the believer asks Allah to make my children pull up, my wife and my children pulled her out to everyone. We use this term all the time, and most of the time it's translated as cool

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of the ice.

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That's one meaning behind pura to Ariana Cora to Aryan also means when you cry out of joy and happiness, like when you see your kid performing will do for the first time all by themselves. Like that's a coda to me one moment, right brings you to tears, but it's joy and happiness, poorer to you, and also means all of your stress and pain goes away, when you see that moment, whatever that moment is. So she is really saying, this kid is so special to me, like, I feel something different. Just looking at him, I feel something totally different. So that's polar to you. So you see how much much like these words are so much deeper than what they appear to be? Let's talk a little more I

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certainly am foreigner, and to own a toughy, though, while at the war homeland in Sharon. So she says lead up to don't kill them. Why would fit around do that? By the way? Why would even think about doing that?

00:36:06 --> 00:36:08

Why would you just take this innocent baby and just kill her.

00:36:10 --> 00:36:33

It was killing all the babies and mothers as well. Right? So this was just on the list. And it made it even worse, because this kid just showed up out of nowhere. It's not like you can go back to their family. So there's even more of a reason for him to just get rid of this kid. But she stands up and she says don't kill them. Because maybe we can benefit from them. Or we can even adopt him.

00:36:34 --> 00:37:03

While we're home like a shirt on. And nobody around us is going to know or realize, like this kid is ours. Like we can keep it really discreet. And we'll select who sees him and who visits us and so on. It was said that, you know, she couldn't have any children. Right? This is why the idea to just adopt this child came to mind. But it could also mean that she literally because of her reaction and love the attachment she developed that she wanted to have this child Yep.

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So this was my next point where I'm the fact that she stands up. Now remember, fit around,

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fit around. When you I always, like I've said this many times over the years, right? I really believe this. If a human being gets to a point where they start killing children, there is no hope for mankind. Like if children become an enemy, and they are literally being exterminated.

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What's left, there's no humanity left, if that's what a how humans will treat children. So because of again, because of their innocence, they can't defend themselves. They can't speak, they can do nothing. They're just literally that innocent.

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So she stands up to him. And she says to him, don't touch this child.

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Allah, allow those words sunk into his heart. This is the worst heart perhaps to ever walk the face of this earth, the deepest, darkest heart ever. And who stands up in front of her a woman and says, Don't touch him. And then she even says, You know what? He'll be beneficial to us. He'll be he'll he'll help us out somehow, as if fit our own needs it. He's the richest man. He's the most powerful man. He's got the most servants and slaves as if he actually needs it. But Allah allows it to happen softens his heart. So there's like these hidden miracles that are happening in this area. And

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here's the next point that I want you to just keep in mind.

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This is the bravery of women in Maclaurin.

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This is the first example. The women of the poor N, all of them.

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They never shied away for standing up what they felt was right.

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Not one instance of the entire court and that any woman has mentioned that she shied away or she was scared and she didn't stand up for what she felt was right. Every one of them did that. And you'll see it, every single story we go through. You'll see how these women you know, Subhan Allah, the courage that they had, they literally stood not just in front of the face of the enemy, but even the leader of the enemies, and they didn't care.

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They had no all they feared was Allah subhanho wa taala. You know, some of the earlier men what they said as a result because of this courage that's being painted about these women in the corner.

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And why Allah blessed that women are the most reliable.

00:40:07 --> 00:40:17

The most reliable narrators of Hadith. Like, nobody has preserved Islam better than women.

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None. You know, I'll tell you that when you study Hadith sciences, you go through a lineage, right? This person narrated to this person who narrowed to this person all the way back to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, right? And we know each of them.

00:40:38 --> 00:41:09

There are endless amount of names in a hadith chain, that are weak, that are people who lie they made up stories, right, so those names are addressed. And depending on those names, that's how you grade the Hadith. So a hadith will become, let's say acceptable, but it's not completely authentic. Why? Because there's a name in the lineage that's questionable. Maybe they don't have a full biography of who that person was. Or they were known to tell a fib or a lie here and there, so we can't really trust them.

00:41:10 --> 00:41:23

So we have lots of male names like them. Scholars have authored volumes of books, just on the weak names to watch out for when you're when you're looking at Hadith. Guess how many female names are in that list?

00:41:24 --> 00:41:32

Zero. There does not exist one female narrator of Hadith that is questionable, in all of the history of Islam.

00:41:34 --> 00:41:43

When you hear a shadow the Allah mine had that she narrates a hadith. You never ask questions about the authenticity, it's 100% authentic all the way. So

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Allah gifted women, this incredible

00:41:49 --> 00:42:01

A B ability to preserve and protect the deen. This is why you may hear speakers I like I make like I say it all the time in my talks hookbaits all the time. There's no Islam without women.

00:42:03 --> 00:42:42

There's no Hadith without women. Buhari took and put his collection together also he narrated and he listened to Hadith from women as well. Like there's no Islam without them. So don't trivialize when you look at let's talk to Lou. I certainly and foreigner. Oh, Natalia. Hawala. Well, homeland assured she knows her husband. Well, who Melania Sharon. So nobody's going to really like pay attention. We will keep it real discreet. She knows that. That's all he cares about? What are people going to think that the you know, our kid is somebody we just found that floated in from the from the from the river? What are people going to say? So she knows he's like, Don't worry, nobody's

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gonna say anything. Okay. One day.

00:42:47 --> 00:43:02

There's a famous story, it's it's probably the only story that comes close to something authentic about ESEA. What are the logline, the vast majority of her stories, like I went through every one of them that I could find online through books,

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every single one of them were classified as either fabricated or just simply die if they were unreliable. This one here in particular, was the one that was narrated the most, I found this story in a few books. So some arena may say there looks like to be some truth to this story, just because it's been carried on. From you know, many scholars have narrated it, so it seems like it might have some element of truth to it. The daughter of fit around from someone other than SEM, heard her hairdresser say

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Bismillah. So she reported it back to her father, as he would find this a reason for execution. So he sentenced the hairdresser and her children to a public death in a pit of burning copper. So all because she said Bismillah all because she displayed her Islam.

00:43:59 --> 00:44:00

Does that sound familiar?

00:44:02 --> 00:44:10

That sounds like the story is one that we probably hear every now and then. In this day and age. When you display your Islam,

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you get targeted.

00:44:13 --> 00:44:54

So it was no different back then. Except of course in this case, it's it's very extreme. So he sent his her and her children to a public death one by one, the Pharaoh had the children thrown in, thrown to their demise until it was just the hairdresser and her newborn in our hands. At this point, the hairdresser felt some hesitation. And Allah caused her newborn to speak Miraculously, the baby encouraged her that the punishment they faced in this world is nothing compared to the one in the next if they sacrifice their faith. So what's the moral of this whole incident?

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

What do we get out of this whole situation here?

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00:45:04 --> 00:45:06

incredible amount of strength

00:45:07 --> 00:45:10

as a mother, that's just unbelievable.

00:45:13 --> 00:45:20

She resists the same smell that the profits are lower. So Scotland is waiting in Australia to rush the wet weather beautiful

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some, some scholars mentioned that, but it as far as I know, there is no authentic narration to link this to that to that incident, right? That fragrance could simply have just been a fragrance from jet Jenna, somewhere in Jeddah.

00:45:50 --> 00:45:56

So, this baby, Allah caused a miracle to happen, it spoke Okay.

00:45:58 --> 00:45:59

Here's my question to you.

00:46:00 --> 00:46:02

Why don't miracles like this happen anymore?

00:46:05 --> 00:46:10

Wouldn't it be awesome once in a while, that our baby our infant child can put us in our place.

00:46:12 --> 00:46:23

Remind us Hello, even though I wake up throughout the night, you still gotta wake up provider who say something, just remind us, okay, I'm fed now go and pray like something?

00:46:24 --> 00:46:27

Why don't things like this happen anymore.

00:46:28 --> 00:46:30

There are 11 I have spoken about this, by the way,

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the time of miracles like this is over. They don't happen in our generation, these types of miracles, you know, throwing the staff and turning into a snake, you know, causing, you know, like the whole famous incident with the padeen, the gin during the time period of Sulaiman. She went, obviously, you know, got the throne of Bill piece, and flew it over to Palestine. Right, with just literally in a blink of an eye, which we're going to talk about, by the way, I have another theory about that. I'm going to throw it, I'm gonna throw it to you, and then you tell me what you think about it, right? So these things, they don't happen anymore. Alright, so it's really important to

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understand the this age is done with why. And I'm saying this because there are Muslims that still believe or expect that these types of miracles should happen. Like Allah punished a group of people by raising the ground and flipping it upside down. So people like all the tyrants, and, and so on, this is what they need to have, oh, Allah flipped the ground, you know, in this country in that country. It doesn't happen anymore. This is each merit, there's a unanimous consensus that these things won't happen. So then what do we do?

00:47:50 --> 00:47:52

If we can't have moments like this?

00:47:53 --> 00:47:56

Does that mean? Okay, too bad for you guys?

00:47:58 --> 00:48:10

Or do we have something in place where we don't need to? or expect these miracles? We don't even need them? Is there something in place of all of that? Yeah.

00:48:11 --> 00:48:14

The Quran itself, period. That's our miracle.

00:48:15 --> 00:48:29

That's why we are the OMA of the Quran. And that's the last that's why it became the last message. Because it's basically Allah saying, this is the last thing I'm gonna give you. You don't need no more miracles after this. This is your miracle until the end of time. Okay.

00:48:30 --> 00:48:33

SitePoint Is it allowed to practice Islam secretly?

00:48:35 --> 00:48:38

Because what did ESEA do after this?

00:48:39 --> 00:48:40

This whole incident?

00:48:42 --> 00:48:45

What she heard the Bismillah, what did she end up doing?

00:48:47 --> 00:48:58

She started listening and taking it more and more serious. And she started to become more attached and in love with this, with Islam in and of itself. And by the way, that's another benefit of that whole story, right?

00:48:59 --> 00:49:16

You never compromise your deen for nobody. And despite whatever the climate may be out there, you still strive to be a Muslim, you still strive to hold on to your identity. Like I was at a meeting a couple of days ago. And there were like,

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non Muslims, but there were lots of Muslims a massive meeting. So we all went around the table to introduce ourselves, right? So everybody did that. There's a couple of Muslims that were there. And I know some of them when it came their turn to save her name. My name is Mohammed but you can just call me mo

00:49:39 --> 00:49:41

and that was a just stick to Mo.

00:49:42 --> 00:49:43

Don't do that.

00:49:45 --> 00:50:00

Right. Be proud of your identity, because that's what Allah told you to hold on to. Don't try to water it down or twist it in a way so that that identity disappears, but there's still a name at least there's still a title. Don't do that. You

00:50:00 --> 00:50:12

He learned that very quickly, that as long as you hold on to your deen and you're proud of your faith, that Allah subhanaw taala will protect it. And that's what ends up happening in that situation. So that brings me to this question now.

00:50:13 --> 00:50:41

Are you allowed to practice this some secretly? So our example of that is just think of somebody who accepted Islam, but her parents don't know. So she has to, like, hide her hijab. She's got a high praying. It's a very common scenario, by the way, very common. more for her than him. You know, some some of the guys go through that as well, but mostly her. So my parents don't like, I've done a lot of shatters that way.

00:50:42 --> 00:50:47

So, what do you think? Is it hypocritical to do so?

00:50:51 --> 00:50:54

I don't know. Well, I know but you tell me

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because even with

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our Palestinian brothers and sisters that are very yours,

00:51:04 --> 00:51:10

nothing is stopping them, but our weaker brothers and sisters, they're not.

00:51:11 --> 00:51:12

I mean.

00:51:15 --> 00:51:25

So I get that right. Like when you're confined, and you're controlled, and all of those things. You're absolutely right. In a scenario like that.

00:51:27 --> 00:51:33

You can't do anything Well, you're not required to do anything in front of Allah. If that's your scenario, right?

00:51:34 --> 00:51:53

If you're if you could be killed by just praying then you don't pray you pray with your heart you pray with your eyes, right? We have all those options in the deen but push aside the those those options for a moment and go to the Revert. She just became Muslim, but her parents don't. Is she supposed to be like, Well, mom, dad, I did this for a law not for you guys, so too bad.

00:51:55 --> 00:52:22

But then they might disown her. They might even abuse her. They might threaten her. They might force her to go back to her old ways. You're not going to put that on in front of me this that. So Can she do it secretly and privately? You answer is how did Islam start? Go back to that moment. When the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam first got the revelation. How did the Dawa begin

00:52:25 --> 00:52:33

you know, do you know where was happening in private, like spaces within the mountains, like tiny little caves?

00:52:34 --> 00:52:35

Think about it.

00:52:36 --> 00:53:01

You have the Muslim community there. And the only way they can gather in a quote unquote, Masala or Masjid is they have to find caves in the mountains and secretly climb up and hide and meet and just like, okay, Allah tells us this, I just want to remind you all about, okay. Don't speak so loud. That's that was that's how Islam began. So

00:53:03 --> 00:53:09

go back now to the question, is it allowed to there is nothing hypocritical about this.

00:53:10 --> 00:53:50

Because for anybody to count this scenario, as a hypocrite, you have to have what you have to have the intention that you're you're doing, you have to have an intention to do it that way. I intentionally want to hide my faith, because I'm embarrassed. I don't want anyone to know. That's a different scenario. But when you're left with no choice, because you're afraid you want to avoid problems, you want to avoid tension, you want to at least maintain a decent relationship with family. There's nothing hypocritical about it. As a matter of fact, it's it's the complete opposite. There, oh, man, they say use your wisdom and gradually, slowly.

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Bring your faith out. The people can see but do it in layers, do it slowly. Right. Um, that could be a you know, one approach to us. So I just wanted to make sure that this was clear. Because when you look at that story, it's very easy for somebody to assume that oh, why is she hiding her Deen? Why is anybody going to hide their genome? That's perfectly okay. She witnessed the death of a believing woman under her husband's torture, as she had declared her faith before fit around. You tried to turn her away from the faith but ESEA refused. Where did she get the courage to stand up to him?

00:54:32 --> 00:54:44

Where do you think that came from? And don't say it's from Allah because yes, everything is from Allah. Think more practically, like what did she should do or not do? How did she get this courage

00:54:46 --> 00:54:51

after witnessing that, the hairdresser and her family and you know,

00:54:52 --> 00:54:59

any any woman being able to witness that other woman you put in that position and having watching her children you harder than that and the way that it was

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00:55:05 --> 00:55:19

Yeah. Good. So she probably she saw a situation that was far worse than her own. So she says, Look, you know, there are people obviously going through much worse than me. I have no excuse in this regard. Okay. Anything else?

00:55:22 --> 00:55:37

There's a lot more to her courage on where it came from, you know their stories of SEO to the logline her did, she would be up during the night, just praying, not Salah like us just her own way how they would do it back then. And

00:55:38 --> 00:55:48

I guess you can consider it like her own type of T emulate her own type of tahajjud where she just had this incredible love to connect with Allah.

00:55:50 --> 00:55:54

Does anybody know what that looks like today?

00:55:56 --> 00:56:00

When you have a strong connection with Allah, how does that look like?

00:56:04 --> 00:56:55

It's not enough to just say it. Oh, I love Allah so much. I pray to him. I do all of these things. So yeah, my connection is there. No, you don't even have to say it. How do you know you have their alumni, they say a ton of different things. But here's the few number one is that you love Allah. And that love comes from you. I'm very easy, and it's very natural. So you're able to control what you say in what you do simply because I love Allah so much, I don't want to disappoint him. And that love comes from here, the heart. So a unanimous consensus amongst our lemma is that when you love Allah, that starts from the heart. And the fact that you can say and live a life that you love Allah

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is an immediate and direct indication that Allah loves you. Because when Allah loves somebody, he allows them to love him.

00:57:08 --> 00:57:31

We don't think of love this way. Usually, when we love somebody, it's usually a benefit to them, that we love them. If I say I love you, for the sake of Allah, that you can also benefit from my love, and then your love for me at the same time, we can sort of benefit on our relationship gets stronger and closer and things like that we're willing to help each other, serve one another, and so on. But with Allah, it's the opposite.

00:57:32 --> 00:57:45

Allah gets nothing from our love for Him. Right? He doesn't benefit from it, he doesn't need it. So the fact that you love Allah is a sign that Allah loves you, because He allows you to love him.

00:57:50 --> 00:57:50

Just think about

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the fact that you can pray, and, you know, pour your heart out to him, and control your desire out there. All because you do not want to disappoint this creator. That is a gift that Allah gave you, gave you that ability and that strength to do that. You know, if Muslims really understood that privilege, that love will just continue to manifest it'll just get deeper and deeper and stronger, because you'll end up wanting to just do more and more and more and more.

00:58:26 --> 00:58:29

You know, emotive no hot tub, what are the loved one

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used to have a whip with him, okay. And he had this whip during his Califa period, because anybody who was up to no good or committed a crime, back then there wasn't any like sort of like, police type structure that came later on during the time of Omar ibn Abdulaziz or the Lavon. Right. But before that, it was just really the Khalifa that would enforce any laws, and anybody who needed to be punished, he would also be the one responsible. So some young guy was guilty of some kind of crime. So Omar punished him with the whip. After it was done. The man looked at Omar and said, Wallahi I did not do the crime that I'm being accused of.

00:59:18 --> 00:59:21

Now back then, Wallah, he meant something.

00:59:22 --> 00:59:30

What the remote did when he heard that he took his whip and he gave it to the men and said, Give it back to me.

00:59:31 --> 00:59:47

I apologize, but give it back to me. If I have a wrong Jew. I deserve it in return. The man took the whip and gave it back to him and said, forget about it. It's done. You went home. Fed your time the next thing when the man got up, he's gonna go to the masjid he opens his door.

00:59:49 --> 00:59:52

Guess who's sleeping on the floor in front of his door

00:59:53 --> 00:59:58

or a modal the Aloha line. So the man looks at and says Armando, what are you doing here

00:59:59 --> 01:00:00

and normally

01:00:00 --> 01:00:19

I said, I couldn't sleep the entire night I stayed right here to wait for you. Because you have to do one of two things. You have to punish me. Or at least say to me that you forgive me. If I have mistaken you, if I have mistaken punished you wrongfully just say that you forgive me and you pardon me.

01:00:20 --> 01:00:38

The point of this is very, very simple. Omata definitely, without a doubt, loves Allah, and strives to do his job, as fair and as truthful and honestly as possible. Correct. His whole legacy is like them.

01:00:39 --> 01:00:54

And so he goes out of his way. And especially if he's ever accused of running somebody, he stops his entire life until he can sort that out. And for me, when I saw this, when I read this story, I thought to myself,

01:00:55 --> 01:01:00

look how much Muslims hurt one another.

01:01:01 --> 01:01:03

And still go to bed at night.

01:01:04 --> 01:01:38

This peacefully go to sleep, no big deal. You know, they'll stop talking to somebody for 3040 years or anything their whole life, no problem. But our own model, one of the greatest human beings to touch the ground. Look at the extent he goes to just to gain the forgiveness of this person, just random guy who was potentially a criminal, he did something wrong. So my point here is that that's how you know that Allah loves you. It keeps giving you an opening these doors so you can do the right thing. And that's a privilege for us not for a lot.

01:01:39 --> 01:02:18

So she witnessed the death of the death of this believing one. But the point is like, all of these elements is how ESEA was able to build that courage she had time for herself, she would self reflect. She took her duty seriously to raise Musa alayhis salam. And she also allowed Musa alayhis salam to also choose his journey, which will come to a little bit later. An example for all of mankind. Yes, Salam we only have 15 minutes left, okay. An example for all mankind, as sia was a sincere believer and fully submitted herself to Allah. I love this area. This is the only area that she's alluded to in the Quran. But Subhana Allah

01:02:19 --> 01:03:09

just just look at this a how how she speaks to Allah. Everything you want to know about SEL Radi Allahu RN has heart is in this area. Allah says all vulnerable Allahu Mithila post Barber is literally means to strike. Doorbell also means to hit doorbell linguistically means to make contact with something. Okay? That's why when you perform time the Prophet alayhi salatu salam said in the Hadith, taught the rib or what the rib hit the ground, doesn't mean like punch it just like paddock make contact with it. And then remove the excess and perform your time. So don't about to make contact to some extent right? Allah says, I want you to listen to this example as though it

01:03:09 --> 01:03:17

literally just like slapped you in the face like it caught your attention immediately. So every time Allah starts an area with Baba

01:03:18 --> 01:03:33

it's just like yeah, you will Latina terminal. There is a lesson there. Pay attention to it. This is an example you need to take. So Allah says well thought of Allahu Mithila Allah gave an example. Lila Xena avenue for the people who believe in moral utter fear around

01:03:36 --> 01:04:09

the wife of fit around so Imran back then was used as wife. But linguistically Imran literally just means a woman. Okay, linguistically, literally means one. But you know, cultures will take certain words and use it differently add an additional layer of meaning hijab is a perfect example of that, He jabbed does not mean a headscarf hijab is that those curtains that's hijab, but we don't use it that way. Right? So it's the same idea with the term wife here so immoral, the wife of children who prayed. So,

01:04:11 --> 01:05:00

SEO to the Allahu anha. We've already talked about how she refers to him as fit around, never as my husband is called to robinia InDeck she said, Oh Allah built for me close to you see this word here or in Duck. So there are two words in the Quran to describe being close to Allah. You have our Ender, I known that. And then you have Mara, me mine. These are the two words to mean be close to Allah. Mara is when is the closest you can be to Allah. Mara is the closest you can be to Him. And that closeness each and every time you get there. So for example,

01:05:00 --> 01:05:27

Ulisses will love mass sobbing, Allah is extremely close to the people who are patient, meaning Allah will protect them. Allah will love them, Allah will accept them, they will be the people of Jenna and Mara, Allah gives special care to those people, whenever he uses the word Mara, this is a special group that Allah has a special concern for are in that is more generic. So what is she asking for then

01:05:28 --> 01:05:30

she's saying, build me

01:05:31 --> 01:05:36

a house, anywhere near you.

01:05:37 --> 01:05:41

Just anywhere, just I just want to be around the vicinity.

01:05:42 --> 01:06:04

Just so in other words, you saying I'll accept anything that makes me close to you. So even if I'm not next to your corsi or your throne, at least near you, somehow, she's content with that, what you learn from that is any tiny little blessing you get, you absorb it and you take every little opportunity, you take it.

01:06:05 --> 01:06:36

You know, some Muslims, they just they what I call, they try to plant a tree upside down. So they want to stop, start at the top of the chain and work their way down. And there's no foundation, there's no planting of any seed, there's no no nurture to allow yourself to grow, to develop, just jump right to I want to go do this, I want to do that I want to be this, I want to be that and there's no foundation in place. She's thinking all about just the foundation, I just want to be near you and I'm happy. So that's the first thing in the

01:06:38 --> 01:06:48

beta, then everybody knows what beta is. Beta in literally means house. But beta is anywhere that you you spend the night in.

01:06:49 --> 01:07:20

So if you go to a hotel, and you spend a couple nights there, that's your home for three nights for two nights, right? It's the place where you go. And you will be you are a person that you will never be in public. So that person in the house, whoever you are in that house, so you know you wouldn't dress the same when you're outside. You wouldn't act the same when you're outside. That's your home. That's your police of privacy. That's called Vatan. So she says, build me a house. Okay.

01:07:22 --> 01:07:32

Basic Arabic. If you say l bait with Elif lamb. In Arabic, we call this Maratha means like, it's definitive. Like it's the house.

01:07:33 --> 01:07:37

There's no Elif lamb attached to this word. So it's non definitive.

01:07:39 --> 01:07:43

So she's basically saying, build me anything.

01:07:44 --> 01:07:50

Even like a small square, you know, corridor somewhere with a little roof, I'm happy.

01:07:51 --> 01:08:11

She doesn't care. She comes from the highest level of luxury in existence. And all she's asking for is anything that I can live in. That is near you. I'm happy. Just just any house, whatever, an igloo, I don't care, whatever. Just something.

01:08:12 --> 01:08:17

Do you? Do you see how the AI is starting to tap into who she is?

01:08:18 --> 01:08:43

She has no care. No need for the luxury. That's a really powerful lesson for all of us. Her true luxury and care is just being close to Allah. And she's willing to throw all the luxury of this world just to have that. We have tons of stories of companions who did you've heard of the companion Mossad ignore layer, or the Allah one.

01:08:44 --> 01:09:27

Mossad didn't Romain was considered to be the richest companion ever to accept Islam. Before he became Muslim. He used to wear perfume that when he was in a certain place in Mecca, in the morning, people would still smell the fragrance of the perfume later that evening in that same area, it's still in the air. His perfume was incredibly, incredibly expensive. Like some of the campaigns would have to sell their entire life all their land and home just to buy a bottle of what Musab Nomade had when he became Muslim. He obviously learned that there's a halal way of earning money and so on. So he gave away all of his wealth. He went from being the absolute richest, then on the battle of

01:09:27 --> 01:09:44

Orford, you've heard this story before, I'm sure you heard of the flag bearer of Battle of the man who is in charge of holding that flag. That's the only instruction the Prophet alayhi salatu. Salam gave Musab didn't hold this flag. So all the other companions can see where the meeting point is, right?

01:09:46 --> 01:09:47

That's all he got.

01:09:48 --> 01:09:49

The enemy king found him

01:09:50 --> 01:09:58

and took one limb after another. So when one limb got cut off, shove the flag in the other one

01:09:59 --> 01:10:00

because why

01:10:00 --> 01:10:41

The Prophet sallallaahu Salam told him to hold it, so he didn't want to let them down. When that limb cut off, he fell to the ground. And still he had the flag kind of sitting on his leg and holding it together. Then the enemy came and took his life pierced him in the chest, and he died with the flag on top of him, so it never touched the ground and Musab no matter. When it was time to bury him. They took the branches of a date tree, a palm tree, and they covered him with it because why the garment that he was wearing, when they pulled it to cover his upper body, the lower body was exposed. When they pulled it to cover the lower body, the upper body was exposed. That's how small

01:10:41 --> 01:11:09

his garment was. But it showed that he gave up every single luxury that he had just for a lot. And now he becomes one of the people of Jannah. And his legacy is a legacy that people will study till the end of time. There are tons of examples like this. Tons of companions who left it all for Allah. Se out of the Allahu anha is one of the first documented stories of any person doing that.

01:11:10 --> 01:11:17

And Allah captures all of it in this area. Then she continues she says Beighton fiddle Jana in Jana.

01:11:18 --> 01:12:10

Meaning a house anywhere in Jana. I don't care where I don't have any preference fine. When a gentleman fit around, well, I'm ready. Now she's going to pray for all of us. By the way, this part of the AI is a door for all of us, especially the women. She says, deliver me from fit around and his evil doing and save me from the wrongdoing people. When a journeyman federal environment when a genie mean a whole meal volume in the wrongdoers. In other words, the wrongdoers here is any other groups that act and behave like fit around, save me from them. But because the plural is used to rule a man, they say that this door includes all of the fit around like groups and people that will

01:12:10 --> 01:12:12

come after her until the end of time.

01:12:13 --> 01:12:31

So she basically prayed for all of us. Because we are all in this area with her we're all believers. We're all Muslim, we all love Allah, we all want Jana, we all want these things. So we're all part of this aim. Now one last thing when net Genie net Genie

01:12:33 --> 01:12:37

is is the term that you use when you pass an exam.

01:12:38 --> 01:12:40

Okay, when you pass a certain

01:12:42 --> 01:12:53

know when you pass a certain mark or a certain place, and you reach to the other side, you're considered of those who are happy, victorious you one. So when a genie

01:12:54 --> 01:12:56

so in this case here

01:12:57 --> 01:13:30

to keep her safe to save her from anything to do with federalism, but to at least Just count me from amongst those that you're pleased with that we pass the test of this world and we pass the Omu pm and we get into Jana, so her dua goes farther than fit around is my point. She's not it's not just about fit around anymore for her. Yes, save me from fairground save me from all of his crazy actions that he does, but also just saved me in general. That's what Nigeria is it's used for all scenarios. So this area here

01:13:31 --> 01:13:33

is really and truly heard

01:13:34 --> 01:13:37

that someone other than sem make a similar dua by the way.

01:13:41 --> 01:13:51

This part of the DUA here's your hint. milipol Mill Valley mean and save me from the wrong doors. Somebody else made that exact same door

01:13:57 --> 01:13:58

there's another hint.

01:13:59 --> 01:14:01

It's in pseudo classes.

01:14:02 --> 01:14:08

Which is by the way, the most detailed Surah of the life of Musa Alehissalaam

01:14:10 --> 01:14:12

that's another hint.

01:14:14 --> 01:14:28

Well, sorry, he said um, when he killed that man, that security that soldier, remember the altercation had happen? Then he intervene and he accidentally punched the guy. He literally fell to his death.

01:14:30 --> 01:14:40

The first thing he says is he asks Allah in Neil WLM tune FC folfiri for Allahu Allahu Allah for all Rahim.

01:14:41 --> 01:14:59

So the first thing is that he says, Oh Allah, I wronged myself, man. Just Just think about this mindset. He accidentally killed someone. And he's blaming himself and saying, I'm the one that did the wrong because I overreacted I shouldn't have

01:15:00 --> 01:15:18

Like, who does that? Love people be like, I had to save this guy's life. You know, he was gonna torture this person. He's a slave. He's this and that I just I did what I had to do when he took a life and he did it and he felt like he did it wrongfully. Then later on the next area, when a journeyman or coal mill volley mean,

01:15:19 --> 01:15:28

He also asks Allah to save me from the wrongdoers. He makes the exact same dua as ESEA. So here's my question.

01:15:29 --> 01:15:33

Where did Musa alayhis salam, learn that dua from

01:15:36 --> 01:15:42

what does that tell you about mothers and the relationship they have with their children?

01:15:46 --> 01:16:04

When a mother teaches their child, a Dora or something Islamic, you can bet your life that that stuff gets engraved in the hearts of those children. When a mother does father's we have to work a little bit harder for that. Why? Because

01:16:06 --> 01:16:07

mother's a mother.

01:16:09 --> 01:16:10

And we're always working is

01:16:12 --> 01:16:15

she carried that child she was a mother to him before he was even born?

01:16:16 --> 01:16:40

Poor miskeen father six months after the child was born, he's still like, I can't believe I'm a dad. But she she was already a mother to that child. And everybody like it's just how Allah designed us right? Child is naturally connected to the mother. First thing when a child is born, at least here, what do they do? They take the child and they put it right on the skin of the mother so the child can smell and touch her and know okay, this is Mommy now.

01:16:41 --> 01:16:44

So chances are

01:16:45 --> 01:17:18

Mousavi slim learned that Dora from ESEA all the love are known. So you learn from that, especially for the mothers, just how critical and important it is for you to teach your children especially the doors, the door either before going to the bathroom the door before entering the door or before slammed the door before you wake up. And you will see that when a mother teaches their children these things, it's different. It's just different look. I have a daughter and a son, right?

01:17:19 --> 01:17:23

And you guys see, this is my job. I teach Islam full time.

01:17:24 --> 01:17:43

But my wife is a much better teacher to our children than me 100% And I'm not just saying that because you know we're on the subject. I'm telling you the exact truth like 90% of what my children know about Islam did not come from Me. I've never seen my 10 year old daughter type daddy's name on YouTube ever.

01:17:45 --> 01:18:09

Right nor do I nor do I care to see that either right as long as she gets her Islam, but what I do see is when daddy's out teaching and daddy's traveling, mom just taught sat with them before they went to bed and taught them another door. Mom taught them to Say Subhan Allah hamdulillah after Salah when they're praying mum taught him the door is after Salah mum taught them how to pray mama, mama mom did all of that.

01:18:10 --> 01:18:49

And they learn it. They grasp it, they absorb it. So don't take this lightly, that when Allah blesses you to be a mother that's not just You're responsible for caring for the child everything comes along with that package. That's why we they say that the mother is the first preschool middle school high school college university all have it it's hurt. So I think it's just a beautiful connection from Musa Ali said I'm using the exact same words that SEO or the Allah one has using oh my goodness, what's this

01:18:54 --> 01:18:56

this was from sorta heading

01:18:57 --> 01:19:04

Oh, I thought I wrote a wrote it in here. Okay, yeah. So so at the tech team at the very end, this is the last one of the last verses in that Surah

01:19:06 --> 01:19:06


01:19:08 --> 01:19:09

what is this

01:19:10 --> 01:19:11


01:19:13 --> 01:19:14

Kind of want to right now?

01:19:16 --> 01:19:20

It seems pretty random. Does anybody recognize what this plate of food is?

01:19:23 --> 01:19:39

Looks like there's some chickpeas tomato peppers. Looks like there's some meat or something in there. And it's sitting it looks like on some homeless or something or other types of chickpeas or something right or lentils maybe. So pay attention to this dish.

01:19:42 --> 01:19:53

Prophet highly sought was salam said there are many persons amongst men who are quite perfect. But there are none perfect amongst women except Maria

01:19:55 --> 01:19:59

as sia the wife of Iran and the excellence of Isha

01:20:00 --> 01:20:07

As compared to women, is that of third read over other foods. So what's this all about?

01:20:08 --> 01:20:09

This dish

01:20:11 --> 01:20:14

is what is mentioned in this hadith, it's called third read.

01:20:15 --> 01:20:30

This dish is one of the most favorite meals of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, if he could eat this every day he would. It's called third Eid. You can find it anywhere, even like if you go to

01:20:32 --> 01:21:16

the Arab side of Toronto, the middle eastern side of the Mississauga, you go there, there's pretty much every single Arab restaurant you can they have theory theory, they're just walking to one of those real traditional Middle Eastern restaurants and ask them for 3030. And you want to try it. And this is exactly what the Prophet sallallaahu Salam ate. So look how smart he is. He compares perfection and excellence, like how third read is over other foods. So people, the Sahabas at that time, when they got third read, it was like their wedding day like it was like eat when you're eating third eat like this is the best meal ever. So he compares that same analogy to these are the

01:21:16 --> 01:21:23

best women ever. But the point of this narration is not the 30 By the way, it's the fact that SEO the Lavon has mentioned

01:21:27 --> 01:21:45

let's pause here in sha Allah. We only had this one it was her death and then we went we were going into profit out of Mollison. So we could save this for next week in sha Allah and then jump right into Adam Alayhis Salam Okay, guys. Subhanak Allahumma we have decrescendo Allah Allah Allah and stuff federal power to the lake was salam aleikum Warahmatullah wabarakatuh

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