Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J04-054D Tafsir Al-Nisa 3 Part 2 and 4

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the concept of multiple lives and the idea of a guardian for women. The speakers emphasize the importance of not marry women under the age of four or five, dividing time between a man's wife and his children, giving women their brides for their children, giving women their bridal gifts, and not deviate from justice. They also discuss the importance of giving gifts and not taking on responsibilities that will impact their personal relationships. The discussion touches on the topic of the act of marriage, the need for men to give women their brides, and the importance of privacy and giving back to husbands.
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inshallah we will do a review of iron number three Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim we're in crypto Allah to pursuit Ophelia tama and if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls phunki whole mouth or Bella ko Mina Nisa then marry those that please you have other women month now with Olathe we're about two or three or four for in 15 aleteia de Loup, but if you fear that you will not be just FOA hatin than Mary, only one, Oh Mama, look at a man who calm or those your right hand possesses valleca Adena alerta Rulu that is more suitable that you may not inclined to injustice. Now, this idea is not recommending that a man should have multiple wives. This is not saying that

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that is a better way of living. Rather it is permitting it it is permitting polygamy because the permission for polygamy has come as a response to in Clifton if you fear. So this is not about is the hubbub any what is better. Rather, this idea is about the Dewey's, indeed the permissibility of The Art of Having multiple lives. Now, there are several interpretations of this idea. One interpretation is what we discussed initially, which is what we learned from the narration of eyeshadow de la horna, where she explained that basically a man would have guardianship of an orphan girl, and he would be interested in marrying her because of her beauty, but he was also very

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interested in taking her wealth. So through marrying her, he would basically have access to her wealth. And Allah subhanaw taala revealed regarding such people that if you fear that you cannot be fair to the orphan girls in regard to what in regard to their mother, meaning if you marry them while they have been under your care, then there's a chance that you will not be fair to them with regard to their mother. Right. So such men are told that do not marry the orphan girls instead marry someone else and you can marry up to four women even now, such a guardian would typically be eager to marry her the orphan why so that he could get her wealth and he could get away by giving her less

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money. Okay, and also have her as his wife while diminishing her rights. And this is mentioned in Surah Nisa i 127. Also, when Allah subhanaw taala says waste of tuna caffeine Nisa, and they request from you illegal ruling concerning women would allow you to comprehend why am I utilized akenfield Photography uttama Nissa E and Lottie Leto tuna who nama cootie, Bella Hoonah, water Laguna and Tenki, who Hoonah say Allah gives you a ruling about them and about what has been recited to you in the Book concerning the orphan girls to whom you do not give what is decreed for them. And yet you desire to marry them. Any you are in such a position where you are tempted to not give them the

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money that they deserve, right, you do not give what is decreed for them, and yet you desire to marry them. So basically, such men are told to not marry the orphan girl. And if they do wish to, then they have to be fair in regard to the MaHA and how do you know if they're being fair in regard to the Maha, they have to give Maha mythen and Maha methyl is basically Maha that is similar to the mother that was given to the girls contemporaries. You know, for example, what was given to her cousin when she got married, what was given to her sister when she got married, what was given to her aunt, etcetera. And basically, such men are told that if you cannot do that, you know that you

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will not be fair to her in regard to her mom, than there are many women out there, save yourself from falling into sin, and don't marry the orphan girl. This is similar to how someone says, you know, this onion smells very bad, so don't eat it. Instead, eat an orange, an apple, a banana. Now, this does not mean that eating the orange, the apple, the banana is something superior. Rather, it is a way of pulling you away from eating what is smelly, right? The goal is to pull you away from eating something that's nasty. So in this context, what's happening the goal is to pull the Guardians away from marrying orphan women, with whom there's a chance that they will not be fair to.

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So either you marry the orphan girl with fairness, right? And what does that mean? That you give her moral method, the same manner as her contemporaries, and if you cannot do that, then you leave her and marry someone else. And this is the major and the well known understanding of this idea. All right. Now there is another interpretation

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have this idea, which is that before the revelation of this idea, a man would marry as many wives as he pleased at a time, and it would be more than four even. And he will also have orphans in his care. So when he married multiple women, he would have to reach into the orphans wealth in order to fulfill his needs. Right? Think about it, if a person has like 1015 wives, for example, and now he's got 30 children to look after. And he's also got, let's say, five orphans in his care who have brought their own money, alright, what they have inherited from their fathers. So now this Guardian has to look after his own family as well. So to make ends meet, what is he going to do, he's going

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to take the wealth of the orphans. So in that case, Alia Tama here, doesn't just mean orphan girls, but it means orphan children who are in your care. So if you are afraid that you will not be fair in regard to the orphan children in Clifden, Allah to cassuto philia Tamar, right, then what should you do, then? phunki Houma tabela Kamina Nisa, then you may marry what is pleasing to you of women, but how many Mithuna with Allah Azza wa robar, only up to four. So in this ayah elimite is being set that you cannot marry more than four women at a time. Why? Because then you will not be fair to the orphans in your care, you will end up using their wealth for yourself. So to save yourself from

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potential theft, right, do not marry more than four wives. Then there's a third interpretation, and that is that a man would marry several women. All right, and let's say one of them is an orphan. Okay? Any a woman who was an orphan, and she's, let's say, even that she's younger, okay. Now think about it. between a man and his wife. Typically, you know, there are arguments there are differences. Now, if a man is let's say he's verbally abusive towards his wife, what's going to happen? Her family is going to come in her defense, but the orphan who was under his care, right, who is going to come in her defense now if he marries her. So when you know that you cannot be fair

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to her, then do not marry her. There are many other women out there to marry you can marry up to four women even, but don't marry the orphan girl. So phunki Houma tabela Kamina Nisa II methanol Watu Latha waterbar. So the command over here to marry two women or three women or four women at a time this command is off EBA as in permissibility, this command is not off, would you it is not an obligation, meaning men are not being encouraged or recommended that they must marry two or three or four wives. No, they're being permitted. All right. And if a person is wealthy, then yes, you know they can afford so yes, they can marry more than one wife. But if a person is poor, and is barely

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able to support one wife, then he should refrain from marrying more than one. Why? Because it is sinful for a man to neglect his dependents. If a man does not provide for his wife, if a man does not provide for his children, then he's actually being sinful. And the Companions explained this, you know, a Buddha will do Longhorn who when he narrated the Hadith that will be mentor all that begin by spending on those who depend on you, a Buddha or the Longhorn, who explained that spend on your wife. So she does not say that feed me or divorce me spend on your son. So he does not have to say, feed me on my father, on whose mercy at whose mercy have you left me to and feed your slaves so

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that he does not say feed me or set me free, any don't put your dependents in such a position where they're desperate. So if a man does not have the financial means to afford more than one wife, then he must not do that. And if he marries more than one wife, knowing that he cannot provide properly even for the first and as a result, his children are hungry, his wife, her needs are not met, I'm talking about financial needs, then the man is actually sinful, the man is sinful. And if a man has more than one wife, then this is understood that he has to be just between his wives in regard to two things. First of all, in regard to the time that he gives each wife meaning each wife should

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have a turn, where that he comes and spends time with her and stays with her and this time has to be equally divided among all the wives. It is not correct that a man for example, stays with one wife for three days and with the other wife for four days. Okay, the time has to be divided equally. Secondly, he also has to be just between his wife

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lives in regard to infer, in regard to how much he spends on each end, it would not be correct that one wife is living in a tiny small apartment, all right, and the other wife is living in a mansion, this is not correct. Both have to be given equal amount of money, however, or other Inmar is not required, meaning a man is not required to give the exact same mud to each wife when he marries. Why because a person circumstances change. All right, and each woman is different. So for example, if the first wife asked for 20,000 as her Muhammad and he gave it to her, and now he's marrying a second wife, and she asks for 50 Okay, and he can afford that. Okay, so can he give it yes He can.

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He doesn't have to give 30 More to the first wife, okay. So are they in mod is not required, and we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not give the exact same murder to each wife that he married. Secondly, are the results are not required in the walima Okay, for example, we learned that Xena radula Mourinho was the only wife at whose walima a sheep was slaughtered. Okay for the whim of other wives in eat, some other food was served. So phunki Houma tabula calm Mina Nisa, e Mithuna with Olathe robar. In other words, male tabula Kamina Nisa, what pleases you of women? This means that there is no sin on the man who wants to marry a woman whom he finds

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beautiful, right? Or, let's say if her lineage is attractive to him in eat, there's nothing wrong with that or her wealth is attractive to him. There's nothing wrong with that. So there's a hadith that we must understand correctly. Okay. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that a woman is married for four things, her wealth, her family status, her lineage, her beauty and her religion. And he said, Marry the religious woman, otherwise you will be a loser. Alright, so some people think that marrying the religious woman means that the only thing you see in a woman in a prospective wife is her religiosity. Okay? And this is not what the Hadith means. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said, go for the one who has Deen. But having Deen does not mean that she necessarily has to lack beauty, or that she necessarily has to lack wealth or that she necessarily has to lack goodness up. A woman can be religious and wealthy. A woman can be religious and beautiful. A woman can be religious and one off, you know NASA. So a man has to see, you know what he prefers the dean is bare minimum requirement. All right. And then after that, if martaba come if what he wants in his wife is that she should be let's say someone who's very tall, someone who is very slim, for instance, someone who is very beautiful according to the standards that he likes, then that is fine. He's not

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wrong in seeking that. So phunki Houma tabela calm Mina Nisa, and methanol with Olathe Aruba the well over here in twos and threes and fours the and the well over here is off the here any in meaning if you want then Mithuna to and if you want them to last three and if you want then robar four, okay, it does not mean two and three and four Okay, any seven that's not what this means, it means either two or three or four and he the while is after here for in crypto a letter delu then if you fear that you will not be just any between the wives for Haider 10 then only one meaning marry only one hola Malika a manucho or what your right hands possess meaning slave women valleca, Edina

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aleteia Rulu that is more likely that you will not deviate from justice. Now here if you fear that you will not be just what does that mean? Any if you fear that you will not be just a letter the loo any between your wives if you marry more than one right and you fear that you will not be just between your wives okay. Now, here justice is in terms of enough aka and time okay. Any in these two matters a man has to be just between his wives. So if a person knows that he does not have enough wealth, okay. And therefore, if he marries more than one wife, he knows that he cannot be fair with them. Then what should he do? He should marry only one. Likewise, if a man no

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Oh, that, you know, he's very busy with his work. The nature of his work is such that he's traveling a lot, or he's not good at managing his time, he forgets his commitments. The nature of his work is such that, you know, he's always dealing with emergencies. Right? And his wife already does not get enough time from him, then he should not go and marry a second one. Why? Because that will mean that he will not be able to give them their rights. So if you fear that you will not act with due justice, this is in regard to time and NEFA All right, in certain missa i a 129. Allah subhanaw taala mentions that we're lentes the euro and 30 lubaina Nisa wallow, Halston, that you will never

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be able to be just between your wives even if you eagerly desire. So, what does that mean? That means that you can never be just in terms of marhaba in terms of the love that you have for each wife, right. So for that, yes, you are not answerable? All right. Likewise, you know, a man may find one wife more attractive than the other, it's possible. So, he cannot be just in terms of intimacy. Right. So in that case, he's not sinful, as long as he gives to each wife the time that he has allotted. All right, then that is fine. So for in 15, a letter the loafer Wahida term, OMA mela cut a man or con valleca a dinner a letter Hulu that is more likely that you will not deviate from

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Justice what is more likely marrying only one or the word thorough Lou, this is from iron while lamb and ol me Zan is when the balance the scale is no longer straight. Okay, it's no longer even any it has inclined any one side is heavier than the other and or that the scale is faulty. So even when both sides are empty, and the scale is still you see that one side is lower than the other. Right. So our will is to deviate from justice to act wrongfully. So, what is being said is that if you marry only one wife, when you have insufficient means, then this is more likely to protect you from falling into injustice from acting wrongfully. And if you burden yourself with what you do not have

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the capacity for, then you will act wrongfully. So what lesson do we learn from this, we learned that we should not take on responsibilities that we do not have the capacity for, right? Even if something is permissible, but if we do not have the capacity for it, then we should not take it on. Because if we do take it on, and then we don't give it its right. And we fall short, we could be actually committing injustice, right? There are people who would suffer because of our bad decisions. So then he got a dinner a letter, Hulu. And you see we have to be very careful when we, you know make commitments when we take on responsibilities when we increase our work. That, you

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know, these are decisions that don't just impact us as individuals. They also impact our families, they impact our children, our spouses, or maybe our co workers. So we have to be careful when we take on additional responsibilities that we should be confident that we have the capacity for them, otherwise we will fall into injustice. Now there is another interpretation of this valley cut at dinner Aletheia Hulu or Hulu. Are y'all any alarm Are y'all is once family. Okay, so a letter olu any that is more likely that you will not have a huge family. Okay, any Mary only one so that you do not have multiple families to support and this opinion is attributed to Imam Shafi. But the thing is

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that the fear of having a family to support is never a reason to not marry, right? Because Allah subhanaw taala told us in the Quran that he provides us and also our children. And Allah subhanaw taala also tells us that He is the one who enriches were in 15 Islington for sofa unique Kamala home and fugly into the Toba 28 Allah's Panther I mentioned that if you fear I Isla, same route, any poverty, the inability to provide for one's family, then don't worry because Allah will enrich you from his favor. Right? And if that was a reason that do not marry more than one other

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otherwise you will have multiple families to support then why would Allah subhanaw taala allow men to have relations with Mama look at a man who come, because that will also result in having children and then a man has to support them. So that he can dinner a letter oluwo does not mean that you will not have a big family, you will not have many dependents to support rather it means it is better so that you do not inclined to injustice you do not deviate from justice. Then Allah Subhana Allah says what are two Nisa Elsa, Ducati, hinda, Nicola and give the women their bridal gifts graciously add to Nyssa give the women women over here means zodat wives. And the address here is to the husbands

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that when they marry, they must give the MaHA to their wives. And the address over here is also to the Olia to the guardians of the women. Like for example the father when he marries his daughter off. All right, he's being told that you have to give to the woman to your daughter, her Mahesh, meaning the mud is hers. It is not yours. It is so Ducati Hiner it is their bridal gifts. It's their property, any of the women, not yours. Now. So the card by the way is the plural of the word Sudoku. Ah. Okay. And Sudoku is another word for Mahara. It's also called Sadhak Suad dal Elif ca. And it's from the word SIG, which means truthfulness. And the reason why Muhammad is called Sadhak is because

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it proves the honest commitment of a man in the relationship. It shows that he is truly committed, that he is spending on his wife from the very beginning, that He's not just going to marry her and then abandon her. Alright, so what Adam Nyssa also Ducati, hinda, Nicola. Now there is a number of things we learned from this idea about Maha about Sadhak. Okay, first of all, we learned that it is an obligation upon the man to give him a hug to his wife, at the time of Nikka meaning when a man marries a woman, than the man has to give them a hug, to his wife, and this Maha Allah subhanaw taala says give it near Latin, one of the meanings of the word Nicola is for the law and he has an

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obligation, okay. And he this is not something that is a choice for a man to make. No, it is a responsibility on him, he has to give them out to his wife in Surah Musa al 34, Allah subhanaw taala mentions that at regional Kawa, Munna Allah Nyssa that men are in charge of women be my felt that Allah Who Baba whom Allah about by right of what Allah has given one over the other, meaning Allah subhanaw taala has given this status to men over women and also Wahby MA and for Coleman, I'm wily him and because they spend from their wealth, so the man has to spend on the woman, the man has to spend on his wife, when first of all when he gives her the MaHA and secondly, for as long as she is

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married to him, he has to spend on her and he has to give her in fact, to me any maintenance, financial support in the form of you know, paying for the rent paying for her phone bill paying for food, paying for clothes, etc. Right. Now, if an e ka, a marriage contract was done without any mention of the Mahara Okay, let's say Danica is done and the mod is not mentioned. Then remember that the Nikka is valid. All right, but the wife is still entitled to a mother. She still deserves a Maha and that mod will be my rule methyl. Okay, a Maha like that of her peers. Because Allah Subhana Allah says in surah baqarah 236 that legend AHA alaykum interlocked uma Nyssa marlim Tama sunnah out

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of the Lulu Hoonah Fabula Alright, that there is no sin on you, if you divorce women, if you have not touched them in if you have not consummated the marriage, or if you did not fix him or her for them, which means that the Nikka happened without fixing them or her. Right. So then it is valid. All right, but it doesn't mean that the woman will not be given any Mohawk. No, she has to be given some kind of massage. All right. But let's say a man marries a woman, okay, without the intention of ever giving her the MaHA. Okay? And sometimes it happens at the time of Nica. People promise people pledge a huge mug, but they never actually give it and they have no intention of giving it even

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intention whatsoever. Then there's a hadith in Sahih at the Riveter Hebe which gives such a huge warning. And this hadith says that a Humala, Julian Passover Gemorah. Can, that any man who marries a woman and promises to give some kind of mug, whether small or big, but he has no intention to give it to her. All right, he's only deceiving her. And then he dies. And he did not give her her mug. And he had no intention of giving it, he never gave it he was just deceiving her by making those big promises. And then he dies without fulfilling that promise and he had no intention to fulfill it. Luckily, Allah yomo chiamata wa who was then in he will meet Allah on the Day of Judgment, while he

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will be considered Zanni. And he that man in the sight of Allah is who is Annie, someone who commit Zina, what are ya the biller? So what are two new cell so Ducati in the nella give to the women their bridal gifts, how graciously as an obligation as a gift and also remember that once the marriage is consummated, which means that the husband and wife are now living together, the husband was intimate with her, all right, then the MaHA becomes do any the man must hand over the MaHA to the woman okay. And this is a woman's right on her husband, it is a debt that the husband owes his wife and if he were to die, then it would be taken from his estate and given to her. So this is the

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first issue that giving the mud is an obligation on the men. Secondly, Allah subhanaw taala says what atom missa Sadu Kati Hiner give to the women their bridal gifts, the amount of the sadaqa has not been specified right how much is that bridal gift that has not been specified? So this means that there is no minimum and no maximum when it comes to the amount of the Sadhak of the model there is no minimum amount or maximum amount okay, what needs to be seen is two things there are two conditions First of all, is it maruf is this kind of Sadat acceptable is this kind of mod acceptable? And secondly, do they both agree to it and is the woman happy with it and is the man

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also okay to give that these are the two conditions okay. And this means that the mod can be money, a lot or a little, it can be gold, a lot or a little, it can be jewelry, a lot or a little, it can be a house, it can be a car, it can be a share in some business, okay. And it can also be something very insignificant, such as an iron ring. Right as the prophets of Allah who are who said, I'm set to a man that does a wedge, Willowby Hatami min Hadith, any marry, even if all you can give as Maha is an iron ring, right fake jewelry. Even that is acceptable. As long as she's happy with that. If she's happy with that, then it doesn't matter what the value of that matter is. Okay. And also

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remember that Maha can be something in material even such as we learned in the Quran about how Musa alayhis salam, he married his wife on the condition that he was going to work for 10 years, right, he was given the option eight or 10 years. So moosari Salon, that was the motto that he was going to give work for 10 years, right? Likewise, we learned in a hadith about a man who had nothing to give, but he knew he had memorized some Sutras of the Quran. So the MaHA that he was going to give his wife and she was okay with that was that he was going to teach her those Sutras of the Quran, so knowledge can also be Maha. Then we learn about ohm Salam radula marinha that the mug that she took

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from a bottle hat for the LA Mourinho is that avatar had embraced Islam. Right? He embraced Islam that was her Muhammad. And Muhammad can also be a favor such as Kitab, or freedom from slavery like the Prophet sallallahu Bridezilla, Mary Julia de la Mourinho and with her Muhammad was that he helped her by her freedom, right. And he also married Sophia de la hora and her and her Muhammad was that she was freed from slavery. So the amount of the Sadat is not specified. There's only two conditions. One is it maruf Is it acceptable? And second, do both men and woman agree to it? Okay. Thirdly, Allah subhanaw taala says over here, what at

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To missa give to the women the question is when. So, the time is not specified, which shows that mod can be macadam. And it can be given at the time of Nica, okay? And this happens typically, that at the time of Nika and indica is done. And at the same time, let's say a certain amount of money is transferred into the woman's account or Nica is done. And right after that the man comes in puts in a very expensive diamond ring on his wife's hand, and that is her mother. Okay, that's what they had agreed upon before. She's happy with that and the mod is given right there in them. Okay. So Mark, can we look at them, but Mark can also be more her, it can also be deferred. Okay, as long as both

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parties are fine with that, and depending on the nature of Maha, like, for example, in the case of musante cinema, of course, it had to be deferred, right, because he was going to work for 10 years. Also, in the case of that's a hobby he was going to teach his wife the Sutras of the Quran, that was going to come afterwards that was going to happen afterwards. Right. So basically, the amount the nature and the time of giving them a hug is left open. Why? So that marriage is made easy for people, right? It should be made easy for people. So what Adam Nyssa also Ducati Hina, Nicola. Now, Allah subhanaw taala says give to the women their bridal gifts how Nicola Nicola means a number of

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things Nicola is from the root letters known Hallam and Nicola means first of all something that is obligatory and is something that is a formula okay. So Nicola, give it to them as an obligation, this is a right of the woman and an obligation on you or men, you must give it okay. And he this is something that is fixed. This is not something optional. Secondly, Nicola also means Heba a gift, any give to the women, their bridal gifts, any there Muhammad as a gift, any as a gift that is obligatory on you to give. This is not a payment. This is not a favor, okay? This is a gift that you have to give. But then how is it a gift if you have to give it the thing is that Allah ma say that

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Muhammad is actually Heba min Allah Luminesce it is a gift from Allah for women. Okay. And Allah subhanaw taala is obligated on the men to give that gift, that gift on behalf of Allah from Allah. All right. This is similar to how, let's say your sister is going to a different country to visit some family. All right, so you call her and you tell her, I'm sorry, I couldn't send anything, please. You have to buy a gift on my behalf and give it to our aunt that you are visiting. You have to and she says okay, so she's giving a gift on your behalf. But she has to give it it's an obligation on her. Right? So the men should know that they're not doing a favor on their wives by

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giving them a Maha. All right, they're fulfilling an obligation on them okay. And that gift is actually coming from Allah. Okay. Thirdly, Nicola also means graciously, any flavor to knifes? Any give it happily and willingly not begrudgingly? This is not a tax on you that you have to give. This is not a fine. No, this is something that Allah has obligated you to give. So give it happily give it nicely. Give it graciously. All right. Now what happens with some people is that they give them a hug. But then their entire lives. They keep reminding their wives, you know of the mud that they gave. Some men have this really bad habit they keep reminding their wives of how much they have

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spent on them, how much they spent on the Mahan how much they spent on the wedding, how much they are spending on them, they keep reminding and this is not correct. And if the woman if she asks for something, he says something like you know I already give you your money. So don't ask for more. This is not correct. Give to the women their bridal gifts graciously for in Cleveland Allah come on che in Minho. Then if preburner they are pleased meaning the women are pleased, local for you as him to give up to you aren't che in something men who from it from what from the MaHA any if they are happy to give up part of their mug, okay, if they are happy to give you part of their mug, okay, but

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they make

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Third decision how nap son of their own free will, okay of their own volition any themselves they decide that they want to give some of their mug to their husband than is the husband allowed to take it? Because technically, you cannot take back something that you gave. Right? But think about it. This is a gift from Allah to the women. Right? It's not from the men it is from Allah. So this is why if a woman herself, gives some of her Mahal, to the husband, is he allowed to take it? Yes, he is. Because Allah subhanaw taala has allowed that he says fuck Hulu, honey and Maria, then take it eat it, how with delight, and also with wholesome results. For example, a man marries a woman and he

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gives her the mother of $50,000, let's say, Okay, now what happens? Three years, you know, she just keeps that money in her bank account, part of it. She invests but you know, she has it with her. Now what happens three years after the marriage, he gets fired, okay, and then all of a sudden, his car also breaks down. He needs a car, okay, he needs a car, and he doesn't have the money. And he's also obligated to take care of his family. And the wife sees that, you know, I have all this money just sitting with me. I have not had to spend it. I don't need to, you know, spend it and my husband needs a car. Alright, so she gives him 20,000. Okay, something from the mother that he gave her. And

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she makes that decision herself. Okay, she's not bullied into it. She's not guilt tripped into it. No, she decides on her own volition that she wants to give him something from the mother that he gave her. Is he allowed to accept it? Yes, he is. Because Allah subhanaw taala says for Kulu, honey and Maria. Okay. Now, first of all, this shows us that it is not lawful for a man to take anything from the money that he gave his wife, and he cannot go and take it himself. Okay, he can only take it if she gives it to him. So for example, if the husband and wife have a joint bank account, and in that joint bank account is the money that he gave her. And now what happens every month, you know,

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they both use money from that. And there comes a day when you know, he is now taking from the money that he gave her. This is not correct. He should put the money in a separate account. Okay, that is for the woman and women should do this you need. You don't have to mix all of your money with your husbands, you should have your own wealth as well. So, anyway, a man cannot take from the money that he gave his wife, he can only take it if she gives it to him herself. Okay. Also, let's say if at the time of marriage, you know, the man says that he will give her as my her a nice car. Okay, a car that she really likes. And it's a very expensive one, for instance, and that he will take her on a

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certain trip, okay, he will take her for hajj, he will buy her an apartment, he will buy her a house. Okay? And he says five years. Now this kind of mod is permissible. But then what happens in five years, he is not able to give it let's say all of a sudden his business is really going down. He's not able to afford any of that. And she says, You know, I forgive you. It's okay. You don't have to give me all of it or some of it. So this is also permissible for included Akuma and Chi Minh Hoon Epson for Kulu honey and Maria and in the man should not feel guilty because she has pardoned of her own volition.

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Okay, for Kulu honey and Maria now what is honey Marie me is a very interesting words. Honey is from her known Hamza and honey is basically something that comes or happens without any inconvenience without any trouble. And honey a bomb is when a person easily and enjoyably eats something. Okay? Any when they're eating it? It's very easy to bite. It's very easy to chew. It's very easy to swallow, and it's very delicious in the mouth. You know, like sometimes you're eating food, because someone made it for you, and they're sitting in front of you, and you're not really enjoying it. Okay, but you just eat

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needed quickly. Okay, you're almost gagging or you don't like the texture or you don't like the flavor. It's too salty or it's too spicy. It's not pleasant. It's not enjoyable but you eat it anyway. Okay, that is not honey. Honey is that you savor it you enjoy it. You have no difficulty eating you know, for example, like you're eating a burger and it's falling apart. You're eating a shawarma and it's falling apart that is not Honey Honey is that you're eating comfortably enjoyably without any problems? Okay, this is honey, when you eat food without any problems without any inconvenience, and you find it very pleasant and you find it very enjoyable. Okay, so eat it with

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delight. Murray, this is from me Murrah Hamza. And Marie is actually be esophagus, okay, the canal through which the food and drink pass into the stomach, Has it ever happened with you that you are eating something and maybe the food is really dry, and you feel like it's just stuck, right, just right under your throat. And then you have to drink some water to like wash it down. Sometimes what happens to eat something that's really spicy, or something that doesn't really suit you, and you eat it, and then afterwards, you're bloated or you have diarrhea, you have an upset stomach, you regret eating. Marie is food that you eat with wholesome results. It doesn't give you any problems later

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on. So honey, it doesn't give you any problems while you're eating. Marie, it doesn't give you any problems afterwards. So you get it, honey or Maria enjoy it and later on also, fear nothing. Okay. So, basically men are being told that take it without any guilt. Okay, and enjoy it and have no regrets. And this basically shows us that when a person consumes something unlawfully, then yes, there will be unpleasantness at the time of consumption and also afterwards, but when a person takes something lawfully, then take it without any guilt, don't feel guilty that you're eating something halal. Don't feel bad that you're enjoying a blessing that Allah subhanaw taala has permitted for

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you has given you know, enjoy it with delight have it with delight and then fear no consequences either. For Kulu honey am Maria so here men are being permitted to take what their wives give them off Mahesh? Okay,

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