Musleh Khan – Understanding Surah Al Kahf #11

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses three instances where a man poked a hole in a ship and killed a child, including a woman who poked a hole and killed a child, and a man who poked a hole and killed a child. The group discusses the "has been done" titles and the importance of protecting and protecting one's own life. The speakers emphasize the need to be honest and not allow anyone to know what is happening to them, and to practice and learn from the experience to avoid negative consequences. The segment also touches on the importance of maintaining family ties and maintaining a positive outlook, as well as the secret ingredient of maintaining family ties, including being willing to forgive and tolerate negative behavior. The segment ends with a recap of upcoming sessions and attendees are encouraged to attend.
AI: Transcript ©
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procession of Musa alayhis salam and his intern, you shall ignore noon. And we said that you should ignore noon while he was set out.

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We said that this individual is

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more than likely the one who was given the throne or given the leadership of Benny is Surah Al after the passing of Musa alayhis salam. So, this is really important everything that is unfolding before our eyes in this particular story is really critical because it is also part of shaping the next leader. So all that he is learning and he is grasping from Musa alayhis salam is going to be integral in the leadership that he will carry after the passing of him, are they his salatu salam. So

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although we are a diverse number at

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the last verse that we look at,

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is, there are three instances that Musa alayhis salam encounters with a man, a noble man, some say his name was clear. Others simply

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titled him as the court entitles him as a noble man, some Some scholars say that it was a prophet, but we don't know exactly if he was a prophet or not. Because he does, as you see the story unfolding some of the things that he knows what he does, and the consequence of the only profits are given that knowledge. So any profits are given the outcome of whatever decision they make. Now, they're given the outcome of that decision as well. So the fact that this pious man tells Musar, ladies, look, whatever I do, just don't ask me anything. Just trust, what we're doing, shows that he has some knowledge and insight of what is to come later on. And those are some of the clues that

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scholars used to say that this man was potentially a prophet. But then there are other Hadith and other narrations as well that don't highlight that. So it's kind of a conversation that's just been left up in the air where similar alumni believed that he could have been a prophet. There's the you know, there's category categorize prophets into two categories. You have major prophets and you have minor prophets. The major prophets and messengers are the ones that came with a brand new scripture. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is considered a major Prophet Musa alayhis, salam, Isa, Allah, He, salam, and so on. They each came with their own scripture. All the other prophets are

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considered minor prophets, because they reiterated what these previous messengers and prophets came with. So they said that he could be one of those categories as well. Nevertheless, we are at let's just do a quick recap of the three instances, we looked at one of them already. We looked at the fact that when this man poked a hole or destroyed a ship, and the wisdom behind all of that, we looked at the second instance, where this man took the life of this child, and Musa alayhis salam, we said that being the person that he is, he can't sit there and watch any of this unfold without some input without contributing in some way us to stop or understand why this was happening. And I

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believe that, okay, photosphere LM LM two hits me Holborow. Did we do number 80 as well? Did we actually go into?

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Yeah, so we didn't start at right. Okay, let's just go at 79 Just to sort of recap what we were doing and then we'll jump into at Hoca. Step 79 is for the ship. It was for people that were trying to work in the ocean, and I wanted to cause a flaw in it. And right behind them there was the king. So after all was said and done.

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This man eventually shown and explained to Musa alayhis salam why everything that happened happened now

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for the athletics, they had to defend talakad Rocky, okay, so he explains why he did it. We're gonna see more of this reason a little later on.

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Santa Monica. Okay, so let's go to ad two is I believe what we're at because we've done ad one already. We've done AD and AD one.

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We didn't

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I did up to ad

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hoc, okay.

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Until the aluminum

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so we didn't talk about it.

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When the child was killed, we didn't come to that as yet.

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We just mentioned that briefly. Okay. Okay, gotcha. So

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okay photo Smith or LM LM to hit to be Holborow Paula Certegy Duni in sha Allah who saw the arola RC laka. Amara Okay, so you find me so 79

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Yeah, no, wait a minute this ad Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. That's why

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there we go. Okay. Call ahead if you Rocco beanie will be Nick.

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Emma Safina to mechanically Mr. King. Okay, so this is 79 here. And as for the ship, it was for people, that torso, this is 70 9am reading right now, just to recap. So as for the ship, it was for people that were trying to work in the ocean.

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So, what we're learning from here is a couple of things. Number one, sometimes when something appears awful, destructive, nothing about it seems to be attractive or good. We have no idea. So the first lesson that we learned from this is that we have no idea the higher and the baraka that Allah puts in everything that we see or we come into encounter with. So it's based on there's a couple of verses in the Koran that sound like this. And TakaToshi where Jared Allahu Fi hi, Ron kathira. Another one says

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that, If you love something, you may love it. But Allah has placed evil in that, then there are things that seem evil to our eyes, but Allah has placed good in it. So think about like when you go to the dentist, and the dentist says I need to work on your teeth, you've got a couple of cavities. So what's the first thing that the dentist does to your mouth, they start to numb your mouth, they bring out the world's longest needle

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and you kick back. And no matter what you do, no matter how many dollars you say, this needle, you feel it in every inch of your body. But the point is, that's the pain you go through, so that you don't feel the pain of when he does what he needs to do on you. So you go through something that in and of itself, there isn't anything good about it. It's painful. It's not something you look forward to, but you do it because of the greater good behind it. This could be set for pretty much everything and anything in our lives. You know, sometimes I have students who will ask me things like, why is that that I that Allah put me alive in this day and age, I used to get some students

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that would ask me that. And I don't know what's going on in their minds what they're thinking, but they would ask like why why do i Why am I alive now? There's so much happening. Why wasn't I live during the time of the Prophet Aliso Tucson? Why wasn't I a companion? Is there any wisdom in Islam that tells me why I'm alive now in this day and age and I'm not next to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. Maybe it's a question that people you know, some students think about? And the answer to that is, well, there is no clear cut answer. The first answer you would say to someone like that is, look, Allah created you and Allah chose your time and place. Secondly, Allah sees you have what it

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takes to carry the message of the Quran and Sunnah because he told us, don't you dare leave this earth on this morning, unless you are Muslim. So Allah sees you have what it takes to carry this message. The third thing is you are meant for this moment in time, like Allah put you here because you are a less choice to be here now alive. And if Allah Allah says in another sort of, if he wanted to, he could replace you, and put somebody else better than you somebody who had done more wrong than you. But they constantly turn to Allah for forgiveness, they repented. So all of this is captured in these scenarios, don't just think of them as three random scenarios that are unfolding.

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This is the one wisdom behind all three of them is that despite what it might appear as something terrible, wrong and pessimistic, there is greater good that will come out of it, as we'll see. And we're starting to see that now in the interpretation. So this man says to Musa alayhis salam it was for people that were trying to work in the ocean, and I wanted to cause a flaw in it. And right behind them was a king around the corner. He's confiscating every single ship by force. By the way, are we allowed to do this? Like if we fear or get some intel about something terrible around us? Are we allowed to like sort of deceive and manipulate the enemy to protect and save our lives?

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Yeah, absolutely. 100% 100% This happened like, pretty much during every single war and battle you'll ever read a bell of people who may dress or act or walk or disguise themselves, as though they were

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Part of a particular nation. But instead, they were part of the targeted nation, the people who were targeted and killed, because they were associated with a particular group, religion, minority, whatever the case is, so they changed their look and their disguise. They're actually like, endless, endless stories of back in World World War One and world war two of those who were targeted, those were put in concentration camps and things like that, who were able to escape all of that. And they disguised themselves, like the Germans, they disguise themselves like others who were persecuting them, just so that they wouldn't be caught so that they have a fighting chance. So this idea of

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pretending that something whether it's you or something that you own isn't what it really is. And you do that for the sake of protecting yourself and your property is absolutely allowed. Is that a form of lying, by the way?

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Like, are you being dishonest? By doing that?

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Because he made his ship look like it was falling apart? Is that like, deceiving somebody? Or shouldn't you like what a lot of people say as soon as you shouldn't you just trust Allah, Allah knows what will happen to you. So just leave things the way they are, be honest. Don't try to deceive anybody and just trust Allah.

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Is what do you think is the right approach to this? Believe it or not, these are questions I've gotten from students who say this, right? And your life and the sanctity of life comes before all of that. Okay, so this is not a form of deception. This is not a form of lying, per se. Right. This is a tactic that is used

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again to deceive the enemy to the to deceive those that are persecuting others, so it's not even categorized into that conversation. People are the one that put those these sorts of things into that conversation, but it's not even close. So I miss the Phenom. So yeah.

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handsome man.

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Know there, I know that hadith that you're talking about. Many scholars say it's not an authentic hadith. There, there isn't an authentic snad, or a chain of narrators to that particular Hadith, and there's more like it as well. But no, that is not an authentic hadith and you do not put anything like in our culture, the Western culture, don't we sometimes put like a string or somebody on something on the kids for? Don't ask me how I know that, by the way, right? Don't ask me how do we know that? But sometimes they put that little string.

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All right, oh, for hip cups or whatever it is, right? So all of those things? No, they're not Islamic. They're nothing to do with our deen. I'll give you a principle. So you'll always know the answer to questions like this. Our religion does not have mumbo jumbo things that we use to make ourselves more pious or closer to Allah. There's nothing that you wear. There's nothing that you tattoo on yourself. There's none of those ornaments or, or items or different things that you need to have, in order to practice our routine. We don't have nothing like that. So the moment you come across any practice or reading or culture, that is wearing a certain ring dressing with a certain

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type of clothing, cutting their hair a certain way, any of those things immediately. Our religion does not do that. Our religion is as pure as it gets. All that matters with us is that you conduct yourself you act like a Muslim and that your heart is pure and you believe in Allah subhanaw taala that you trust him to take care of everything. Now just because you brought up the evil eye. The best way to deal with evil AI whether it's on yourself or somebody else even before after the evil eye has come is you start off with the three poles they are the most powerful source of the entire Quran. For evil I pull the willow ahead fed up and so the Xs. Second thing is you can also do so to

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tell Fatiha and you can do to record See, these are the prime sources, but the strongest of them is the three points. What you do is you repeat those sources in odd numbers as many times as you want. So the way it works is and you should do this every night. You should do this every single night. Because that was the practice of our Prophet dilates. lottosend Does everybody know how you read on yourself before you go to bed? This is what the prophesy setting needs to do every single night. He'll put his hands together like this. Okay, just create a small tiny hole and he put his mouth over it and he would start to recite, pull wallow ahead.

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So this is literally you're lying down on your bed, you're under your

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blanket durian pill. Man Rahim Allah who had low summit till the end next door Bismillah AR with the Mirabell fell up next Surah Barak the nurse when you're done, dry, spit in your, in your hands three times.

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And then you start to rub your entire body all the way down as best as you can right down to your toes. You do this once, and you repeat this process as many times as you feel you need to sew once three times, but just keep it in odd numbers once three times five times, you can do that on yourself. And you can also do this on somebody who isn't able to do it on themselves. So like an elderly person or a baby or a child, you can do this for them as well.

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Anyhow, we can go on and on about that. While they are they will say to you is that 100% Bismillahi Tyler, it works 100% I can prove it to you. But I won't.

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It'll just open up a whole nother conversation. But I can prove it to you that to a quota see and these pose they work when shaitan wants to get you during the night and you've recited it unconsciously or these three coils, the shaitan cannot touch you or anybody else who's done this cannot come near you. Okay, so just keep that in mind. Okay, so there, I wanted to cause a flaw in it. And right behind them there was a king around the corner. He's confiscating every single ship by force. So these are some of the words that were

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mentioned in the in nothing that I want to highlight. So verse number 81 Min, Hola, Musa Cana Ebola, me Nene. Sheena, asked for the boy, then both his parents were believers. So listen to this. Both his parents were believers, then we were afraid he would force them to rebellion and disbelief amongst our Alayhis Salam called this boy intelligent help force his parents to disobey Allah based on his intelligence, okay? Because why? Because of the word hola means us. But here's the thing. First and foremost, we alluded to this in our last class, are you allowed to practice such a thing when you know you're raising a child that is rebellious, that is being raised and showing all the

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qualities of rebelling against Allah and His religion? Or you're allowed to just follow the A and take him out? So you're not, you're not of any use or benefit to me. So you go back to Allah, You can't do this. Why I say this is it might be common sense to you. But there are critics of the Koran that pull this out, and throw it at Muslims who don't know and say, look at your Koran. What it allows you to do, just because your your kid isn't almost slim, or doesn't want to be a Muslim. This is what your poor answers. And a lot of Muslims, when they come across, they don't know how to respond. It's a clear and explicit. Yeah, this was a shitty once upon a time, the Prophet alayhi

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salatu salam abrogated this kind of practice, you're no longer allowed to do such a thing. This was allowed back then during the time of Musala. He set up a lot of things were allowed back then that aren't allowed anymore. So just keep that in mind. It's more for us. So here's my next question. Why is this area here then?

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So if this is something that happened before, okay, login critics of the Koran will do this. That Oh, so it doesn't apply to this team? Okay, fine. That's a waste of a verse. Why did your God put that in there? What's the point?

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What do you think is the point

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of his team.

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But as students, what can we take from this as like, what point of reflection is there or less than behind this?

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As students like we're reading or do we just okay, that happened once upon a next? What do we what do we learn from this? Think about? It's very simple. Think about kids who follow the same path as this child on there. Aren't there kids today that come from good Muslim homes, their parents are practicing. But the kid is like from Mars somewhere like he's just a total different outlook, practice. Purpose completely the opposite of the parents and Muslims in general. Don't always have families like that today. How do you deal with that situation? Do you just be like, Look, I'm gonna put you up for adoption. I'm done with you. What do we do? We go through the jihad, the struggle of

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raising those children, doing our best with those children, because the Prophet alayhi salatu salam told us that when you have family and children like this, it's harder for

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for you to do the things that other families don't struggle doing, then your reward is what is your reward reward the same as those families that have it easy? Or do you get a little extra, your reward is doubled and tripled because of the struggle. You're trying to get to your son and daughter to go to one Masjid. But other families, it's like an autopilot. Whenever it's like their children, they love going to the message and it's just perfectly normal. And you might be thinking as a parent, my goodness, how could I get my kid like that? But the point is, you never give up, you keep struggling you keep doing everything that you can. It's all part of the baraka and blessing of you

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raising those children. And the second thing is we now know and we're taught throughout the Quran. Again, the lesson that we're getting here is that none of this is in our control. You know, Allah subhanho wa Taala gave us these children and told us how to raise them. And the outcome that's Allah subhanaw taala this territory, okay, we don't know. We don't know what to do. And the outcome of that Prophet, no, hallelujah, salam, what happens is and

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remember, he's a prophet of Allah, look what happened to his son, his son told him to his face. I'm not going anywhere. We're gonna stay right here, right to his face, in the middle of the flood, where all the mountains got drowned. You think that it'll kick into the sun that okay, maybe I should follow my dad, because he's the only one on a ship. Nobody else has survived this, all the mountains, the one that I'm standing on, and all the other mountains around, they're all disappeared, only my dad is told to get on Get on. And look at his face and say, Don't worry, I'm fine. And just leave him alone. It's because when it reached that level, that's what Allah subhanaw

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taala. Now this you can take this for what it is. Allah told no highlight his that his son is not from his family because of how rebellious he was. So if you have children that have gotten to that stage in their life, where they've rebelled to that extent, literally life and death, they don't care.

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Can you somewhat abandon them?

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To an extent you can, when I say abandoned? I don't mean you just leave them on the street? No. Well, when a child has reached the level where they are accountable now in front of a lump, which you as a parent is allowed to do is like, you know what?

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I can't help you no more. came, if this is the life you want to live, you're, you're a grown adult, you can get a job, you're responsible, you can live if this is what you want to do. I've tried, I've tried try and I'm not getting through. But go ahead, do whatever it is Allah, Allah will account you want to count me anymore. You can do that, to that extent, right. But again, it's usually in the shittier. It's usually treated as a case by case situation. But anyhow. So these are the two things that tells mozzarella Islam, they're free, they will force them to rebellion and disbelief for Aradhana ubit de la humara, Buma Hiram min, so we intended that he replaced him with somebody better

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than him in terms of intelligence and purity.

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Zack Canton with Karabo.

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And he would be closer in terms of mercy and keeping family ties. You know,

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there's a lot there's a lot happening in this area. Okay. Liquid A says, We intended that this child be replaced with somebody better? What makes a child better in one family as opposed to another?

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It's outlined in the same aim in terms of here's the first clue.

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When a child is intelligent, what intelligence Believe it or not, the ruler may go in through lengthy discussions explaining this, what is considered to be an intelligent child.

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So let's see. So let's just keep it in religion, okay, just spiritually, religiously. So number one is somebody who obeys or follows the commands of their religion, the commands of Allah.

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How in the world does a child learn that?

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The same way you and I learned, how did we learn? To me go to the classes? Didn't we go to the talks? Didn't we get the reminders from our parents as well? Yeah. For your child to reach at a level. So the first thing that's mentioned here is that

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that intelligence here is the child's ability to comprehend and understand the importance of religion the importance of this Deen it's one thing when you tell a child what to do. It's another thing when you explain to the child what he or she should do. Huge difference. Most Muslim

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Families only do the first part. And they don't necessarily abstain from the second part, but a lot of Muslim families don't know how to explain Islam to their kids. They know how to tell them what to do, what they shouldn't do, but to explain the wisdom as to why that's very challenging. You know, for me, even though like, I have a daughter, now that's 11 years old, and that's the stage that I'm at with her. Where if it's time to pray, why daddy said to me, we'll do that it's cold, I don't want to wet my arm. And I'd have to sit there and start explaining why this is important. And I just do it the way that I've been taught that I know the best way to do it and what is it try to keep things

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as positive as possible so we start explaining to her about a hadith of every time you wash a limb what ends up happening to her since

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it all starts to fall off, you got to see my daughter she all she's needs as a sponge in her hand and they will look as she's wants to be scrubbing away her arm 14 times. It's like my my hand isn't strong enough can I use a sponge it struggled way more since. So you kind of embed that thought process in them and then you try to encourage them to little things of the blessings of will do like don't dry yourself after will do you know this is a very highly recommended sunnah is that if you're able to you don't dry yourself after will do let the water drip for every trip that continues to drip off of your body. Another sin is being taken away. So if you wipe it all off, you kind of

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reduce reduce that process of this is falling off here is a very, very strong and authentic sunnah of the Prophet it salatu salam, right, so when you're home or someplace warm, by all means,

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right? Yeah. So if you if you're cold, that's another thing, but you decide. Anyhow, so this is the intelligence and the next thing that is mentioned here, and purity. Number two, sometimes it's hard to teach children. So what do you instead do? You at least try to lead them towards a good life to do the right thing. To be nice to people, to be kind to the loving, to be caring to follow the rules, obey the laws, all of those things because why all of that leads to a good heart purity. That's Zakat is that can to purify?

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Well, karabell, Rama. Here's the third, third that comes out of this area three things are mentioned, why he did wanted to do what he did. And he will become closer in terms of mercy and keeping family ties, so Acorah about having mercy and keeping family ties. This is the third reasoning behind me he did what he did is that the next child will be a child that is merciful. Now we talk about mercy all the time. We talk about mercy all the time. What's mercy?

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What is mercy?

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Well, we say, may Allah have mercy? What are you asking Allah to do?

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to tolerate, overlook, forgive, have patience with this individual. This individual was imperfect, oh Allah have mercy, meaning have mercy and look over their faults and mistakes.

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That's Mercy. Mercy is not just to forgive or to spare someone from danger. Because that's how a lot of the times people use the word mercy as they use it to describe something could have happened to me. But Allah had mercy on me and it didn't happen. That is part of it. But that does not define the word itself. And how Allah subhanaw taala is merciful. When Allah is merciful to you and me, it means that Allah will put up with us how every day we mess up when we do the wrong thing or say things that we shouldn't or you know, careless in Salah, careless with people, etc, etc. Allah is still willing to give us another chance and put up with us. That's the Mercy of Allah. We also have

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mercy with our families, don't we, no matter how much they annoy us, if you have siblings, no matter how much they get on your nerves, everyday, you want to punch them in the head. But at the same time, you don't want anything bad to happen to your brothers and sisters. You don't want you don't want to see your sister in the hospital and be like, ha ha ha got you back. No. That's mercy. You're willing that no matter how annoying they are, you're still like, I can't live without them that he or she is a part of my life. They're my siblings and my brother and sister. So that's

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what's interesting to me is done Rama that Allah is talking about in this A is connected to family ties.

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You can keep family ties strong.

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What is the secret ingredient of keeping family ties? What is the secret ingredient? It would I will always guarantee you to have a family connection with not just your immediate family but with relatives and so on. What's the secret ingredient? It's right there.

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In front of us,

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isn't it? Don't you have to tolerate certain things about that annoying uncle. That annoying and the troublemaker that by the way, I don't even have to ask you. We all have one of those in our families. You know that one aunt or uncle or that cousin, you're like, every time you see him in alila, he won't know your origin. They just pulled up into driver. Go pretend you're sleeping goal.

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We all have one of those.

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But you don't cause any problems with them. You don't cut off ties with them. So in essence, what are you doing? You're tolerating them, you're like you not, no matter how annoying, they are still part of the family, we got to invite them over. We still should, even if only three of us talk to them, they still part of that we still will still invite them.

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So Rama mercy in the heart is the number one most important ingredient to maintaining and preserving family ties. You have to be willing to just tolerate an overlook forgive forget move on.

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That's for the wall.

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Well, gee dad, and ask for far as the wall is concerned. For Kennelly hola mania T mainly filled in Medina, it was for two other boys, both of them were orphans. They were orphans in this particular city, what can attack the WHO cans will Lahoma and their father was a righteous man.

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So this part of the area is missing in your translation, see where it says and their father was a righteous man.

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Before that, I want you to just right at the top hand corner, and beneath this wall, there was treasure. And beneath this wall, so look where the arrow is pointing on the screen. See both of them, orphans in this city, right here. So where the word city is just put an indication and this is where the sentence goes in there. Beneath this wall, there was treasure. Beneath this wall, there was Ken's who love him it, there was treasure. And this treasure, of course was for both of these kids. Another way to interpret this is that it was some form of inheritance for the kids can Zun is also a word to describe wealth that is left behind for others to inherit token.

00:32:37 --> 00:33:03

So underneath this wall, both of them are both of these orphans in this city. And underneath this wall, there was some treasure or inheritance. And their father was a righteous men. What can boo hoo male Saudi Hmm, so their father was a righteous man. So your master intended both reach both of them to reach mature age and they could extract their treasure as a source of mercy from their master. So you see what's happened here.

00:33:04 --> 00:33:53

These two kids had a men had a father very pious individual. And Allah subhanahu wa Tida had ordered this men to bury his wealth and his inheritance and to build a wall over build some kind of structure over where this wealth is buried. Why was it buried, because of thieves and other people that could steal and get access to it. So they were to resurrect some sort of wall or barrier to protect this treasure treasure. This is what Allah subhanho wa Taala wanted for these two kids. So that when they both reach mature age, so when they both attain an age, they could extract the treasure, and this would be a mercy from Allah. So they'd have, they would have access to this

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inheritance. And that would be something that Allah subhanaw taala gifts to them. The Mercy here is that Allah subhanaw taala will protect and allow them to have access to this at the right time. When math five to one Emory, I didn't do any of this on my own command. So I did it now explains. So that was all we in terms of the wall. The reason why me and Musa they said we went and we helped build the structure. Because remember what we said, they came to the city and they saw that these people were putting up a wall, but it was like it wasn't done properly, the structure itself was still very weak and so on. So they helped out build this stabilize this structure. And this is the

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interpretation why? So their analysis will map it to who and Emory. I didn't do any of this because I felt like yeah, based on my own command, then we'll match them thoroughly. He'll SOBOROFF

00:34:51 --> 00:34:58

but rather, that was the interpretation you weren't able to be patient with. Okay, so a couple of notes you have there

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So even though take a look at the first point, even though they had, they were received with no hospitality and the people of the city, they imagine what the people who lived in that city are doing to orphans. So remember when most Saturday's came to the city, they were not greeted with open arms. Okay, they weren't. And they had to ask to like, Okay, can we have some place to stay? Can we do something. So if that's the kind of impression, the first impression of hospitality they got from this city, that imagine that what the city would probably be doing to innocent kids, kids with no guardian, no parents, right.

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So here's the other thing.

00:35:46 --> 00:35:50

Those of us who study Arabic, you'll notice that at the end of this area,

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this paw is attached to this sign. So here we say, toss there,

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earlier on, test thought player. So you hear the difference, toss the player and toss player. So this iron here

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is silent. This thought attaches itself now to this shudder. So it's the exact same area previously, except we pronounced this sign here, we're not pronouncing this it, we skip it, and we go to the next time. So it altered the meaning slightly, that whatever he was ordered to do, he did it, it's complete, it's over, he doesn't have to think it through the the command is been fulfilled, the mission is now been complete. That's the only linguistic benefit. So when you read this surah, you'll come across TelstraClear in here, toss there, at least you can keep it in mind that here. Basically, every all of those three scenarios that have happened have happened. It has all been

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fulfilled, Allah ordered it I did what my my part that I had to do, it's done.

00:37:12 --> 00:37:50

So the planning of Allah, saving somebody from economic trouble, which we've already looked at family's situation, the society is saved from crime, meaning if those two kids grew up, and they rebelled against their parents, that imagine, you know, what they would have done in society. Imagine what the kind of kids that could have been. So you you're not just saving parents here, you're actually looking out for the benefit benefit of the entire society, for potential crime and other problems as well. And of course, here with the wall, social welfare, all three is better for the future. And Allah subhanho wa Taala plan is always long term. You see that point where we say

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Allah's plan is long term, just highlight that, remind yourself of that. Because it's, it's a benefit that many people they lose sight of. A lot of times you don't see the benefit of your efforts, your patience and your work. Now.

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Most of the time, when it comes with Allah subhanaw taala, you have to wait, you wait at a time that he's pleased with. And many times you have to wait even until after one young PMF after your passing, then you will see the benefit and the fruits of your work.

00:38:27 --> 00:39:02

Okay, so we've already talked about the teacher engaged with the student, most people are not mature enough to judge on the inside room, but only on the outside reality, that's important as well. So take a look at the next point. Most people are not wise or mature enough to judge him on the inside reality. We can only judge based on what we see, we can judge based on what purpose or wisdom This will serve for us now or later on. So really something important to think about when you look at these.

00:39:05 --> 00:39:35

So take a look the example taking a plank from the ship on the outside, it's bad but he said I did that not Allah subhanho wa taala. So this is an interesting note to keep in mind. Prophets almost never associate anything bad or negative as Allah subhanaw taala is decree or Khadir it's not that it's not Allah's decree or they don't verbalize that. Because why? You know how like,

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if you if your mom cooks you something right cooks the family, a meal

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and you the son or daughter, everybody else loves what mom made today, except you when you looked at it, you're like, oh my god, we're gonna eat that again.

00:39:55 --> 00:39:58

But you don't tell mom that. You still smile?

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00:40:00 --> 00:40:05

You eat it up you look like you're enjoying it. It's just eat unused, don't say anything.

00:40:06 --> 00:40:47

That's the same idea here that my daughter is doing with Allah subhanaw taala and what Prophets they do with Allah subhanaw taala is that anything bad that happens? They know it's going to be difficult. They know they could die from it. But they don't tell the master or leader, you made this happen. So they don't tell mom. You know, I hate this. What I'll eat it anyway. No, they just kind of keep that to themselves. Because they know that it's not a nice thing to say. Even if it was the truth. It'll make the person feel bad. What's for prophets and messengers? They do this for themselves not for a lot of feel bad. They do this themselves that they always keep a positive

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outlook and Allah subhanaw taala. clutter? You understand? Let me give you another example. So it's clear. Ibrahim alayhis salam made dua to Allah when he was sick. And he said, What either Marie tufa who is Shireen? Whenever I am sick, he cures me, Allah cures me.

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Do you notice that Ibraheem Alehissalaam didn't say when Allah makes me sick, Allah cures me. He says when I'm sick, Allah cures me. He doesn't spell it out and verbalize it. Allah, you brought this sickness onto me and you're the only one that can. He doesn't say that. That is the peak of etiquettes with Allah. Now is the peak. Another example you violate his stolen member how he was paralyzed, but lost his family, children all of his wealth, wealth, what is he What does he do is this to say, oh, Allah, you took everything away from me Give me strength? No.

00:41:44 --> 00:42:00

He says to Allah Messonnier Daughter, what into our Hamid Rahim. You know, Allah a little inconvenience touched my life. He lost his health, all of his money, all of his community, all 12 of his children.

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And all he said to Allah is daughter, oh, Allah says a little inconvenient for me.

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You know, with your mercy, you know, you're the most merciful. He doesn't even ask Allah to cure him. He just says, Well, I'm taught how to draw him in because of course, Allah knows what you're thinking. He doesn't even verbalize Oh ALLAH and need your help. He just says, You are the Most Merciful One. That was it. He didn't ask for nothing. He didn't outline in detail anything. And the next day festa Jebin, Allah, Allah responded to his daughter, and cured him, gave him back all his children, all his wealth, and so on and so forth. So this is the peak of etiquettes. When it comes to how we speak with Allah. Any words that might come off as negative or you know, you're thinking

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about it the wrong way. You remove all of that from your door. And you just leave that in the heart because you know, the one who controls the hearts already knows what is in the heart. When you do that, the LMS say you increase your chances of your DUA being accepted, because this is a higher level of etiquette you are exemplifying in front of Allah. And that is something to Allah. Okay.

00:43:13 --> 00:43:14

It's 30. Other.

00:43:15 --> 00:43:58

Okay, I've been told that we should pause at eight o'clock. So yeah, because apparently, there is a wake going on downstairs. And I do want to show a little bit of respect, especially if any of you want to participate there and or meet some of the family, you should do that. You should do that. Right, when somebody passes away, everything around us should pause. And you should make the time and effort to show your support. That is more important than what we're studying at this time in Shell law, right? So it's the administration advised me to just end the class around eight o'clock and give you guys all the chance to do that. At least go and extend your condolences and your Salam

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and meet some of the brothers and sisters that we don't often often see here in the masjid and continue to console them and each other in sha Allah. So next week, we will conclude this surah and this is the last and final story of the Surah In sha Allah the story of the oil pardoning

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00:44:21 --> 00:44:25

Yeah, it'll just be a full session a normal full session. Yeah.

00:44:27 --> 00:44:29

Don't worry, guys, I got you. What's the

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next week? Next week is the last class so we will start immediate same time immediately after Isha. And we'll go around as our usual time maybe about 845 or so inshallah?

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yeah, because there's a lot of things in this surah that excuse me in this section of the surah we've already gone through so we won't have to spend much time on them.

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But yes, next week, it is the story of

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Part Nine if you know any youngsters, any students that would like to be here for the last session, at least hear his story and and learn about the story of Ville pardoning, by all means, you're welcome to invite them, right especially any teenagers you have or you know of invite them to come, there's a lot to extract from the story of the codename that will be beneficial to them in sha Allah Jota. So by all means, those of you who want to attend the week, please go and do so and we'll see you next week. We'll ask you to download it and hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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