Abdulbary Yahya – Avoiding doubtful matters – Al-Nawawi’s Forty Hadith #2

Abdulbary Yahya
AI: Summary © The importance of choosing shoes and clothing based on context is discussed, along with the complexity of the human body and its physical and spiritual aspects. The heart is seen as a place where everything is healthy and clean, and the heart is crucial for personal health and mental well-being. The heart is used to protect the body and is crucial for achieving success, with the heart being a driver of one's health and mental well-being. The heart is also crucial for personal success and reading between words and actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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We were talking about, we were talking about the shoes, right and haram. So if someone believes like for example that you can wear any type of shoes as long as doesn't cover the ankles because the prophets have

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been told that told the Companions do not wear hoof unless you don't have any shoes, unless you don't have any sandals or slippers. And if you don't have sandals or slippers, you can wear your hope but cut below the ankles. And when you cut it below the ankles indicates that it's closer to the sandals and, and that's the difference. The deciding factor is whether they have sandals, whether the ankles are covered. Because when you one thing when you rub when you when you wipe over your feet, your socks, if it's below the ankles is your wiping valid.

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It's not valid has to cover the ankles. That means that hoof Islamically if it's below the ankle, it's not a hoof. It's a sort of it's closer to a sandal or slipper. Right in this case, you can't wipe over it, so you can wear it. Some of the scholars have mentioned that okay, if that's if somebody doesn't have anything else, they could actually wear that. But if but what you should be wearing is none which is sandals or slippers, the slippers that we you know, that are well known, they don't cover most of the feet, just have some straps to keep it on the feet. But the main factor is the thing is below. So what I'm trying to mention here, if there are differences of opinion

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amongst the scholars, and you choose the one that they all agree upon, then FERPA disturber Alidade wherever they that he's safe. He's safe so like for example the meat or the people the book some people say okay, this is the meat of the people that book here and in this country it's permissible because they are the people that book

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even in Seattle I don't think there's too many people that book

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like they're against any type of weed like forget or they're even against the Christian so if they're gonna slaughter I don't think we can cover it we could we don't there's no, there's no legitimate response interpretation of that. But if you're like in the Bible Belt, you have people who slaughter and there are some people actually in even in the, in the in Seattle theater who slug you when you go to the slaughtering houses. Who do you know, who do you see more than Muslims? Anybody know?

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That not the Jews, the Jews, they have their own place already. They have. And so

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not Mexicans. You see the, the Orthodox Ethiopians.

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Like I've been, you know, like the one in Auburn, there's a slaughterhouse there that you can buy every time I go, the Christians, I see more Christians than anyone else. Right, but they're not regular Christians.

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They're the ones who

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are the Orthodox Christians. And they're the ones who when you're on Sundays, you will see them have even in the mornings, they are there is sometimes you confuse them with Muslims,

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when they will, but you don't confuse them because they wear the white hijab. Right when they go to in the morning of your Sunday mornings, if you ever drive home from

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work early in the morning, you will see them close to the, to their churches, right. And so they, they don't eat the slaughtering of the people or the book here. So they actually go slaughter themselves. They slaughter themselves. So the slaughtering of people like that. It would be something that's permissible for us to eat, do you understand, but there are some people who believe that America is a Christian country. And so the slaughtering of the people here is permissible, like chicken and so forth, as, as long as the slaughtering is done. And it's not done in Haram way where it's electrocuted, and it dies because of the electrification and so forth. Then, and of course,

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they have the

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you know, the, like government agencies that overlook these slaughterhouses. Right. That makes sure that they're slaughtered actually not dying because of the electrocution sometimes, but of course, you know, some whether

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they follow it or not, that's a different matter, because, you know, when it comes to meat, there's a lot of a lot of things that are in amongst Muslim Muslims. Right. And so if that's the case, let's say for example, you this is you don't want to make it more difficult upon yourself. But let's say you eat that was halal. And you don't go to Safeway and buy the meat there. Then on the Day of Judgment, he made a loss of haram Attalla even though there might be different opinion on some scholars, you're always you always pick the safe side. But if you believe you went and you did your you know, your research and your homework, you ask, or you have to shift that your you trust, then

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that you base your deen and you act upon that and cello that's acceptable for you. Also, but some people they say okay, that's that's accepted.

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For me, but if it's doubtful in terms for you, then you when you leave the doubtfulness, then you fall into sadhana. Anytime you leave the doubt, you're following the Sunnah, why, with the exception of a few issues in which we will cut, we will cover some right now in sha Allah. So it needs a little bit more elaboration when it comes to that in terms of the principle behind that. And, and so when it comes to doubt, there are different reasons for why a person may be in doubt. Number one, when the one thing that can cause

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one thing that can cause a person

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a couple of things that can cause a person to doubt is

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we mentioned, the first thing is, uh,

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is, is knowledge. Right? First thing is sometimes it's because of the person's lack of knowledge, or, you know, lack of knowledge. And so he's doubt it's, it's doubtful for him because he doesn't have the knowledge because of lack of lack of knowledge. Sometimes, person,

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the reason why a person would be

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in doubt, is because of the doubt fullness of whether the acceptance, I've mentioned acceptance of a proof, whether that proof is applicable in this place, or or not. And we mentioned some examples of that. So, when it comes to the proof, sometimes evidence is improved. You have the same proof when you say evidence, and you don't know which one to follow, because some scholars have the opinion that is this proof is acceptable. Other say that that proof is not acceptable. And sometimes it's the same hadith is the same certain interpretation and certain interpretation, like for example, there, there are some interpretations that are acceptable, they're acceptable differences. And there

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are differences of opinion amongst the scholars. So what do you do when it comes to those issues? When it comes to those issues, of course, you just ask the scholar that you trust. And that's what you're, if you don't have the capacity to some people don't have the capacity to learn more meaning they don't have the time or they that's the their lifestyle doesn't allow them to learn more in depth in that matter. And so they become everybody, to a certain extent is dependent on another person. And so, to a certain extent, you're blindly following another person also, because but you're not blindly following a sense that you're following out of you know, you without any

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evidence, but you find someone who you trust because ALLAH SubhanA wa says, First Allah, Allah Vickery, Incoterm letter LM as the people of knowledge, if you don't know, for example, there are differences of opinion that both Hadith are used. And, you know, when a person goes to recall, and comes back from recall, right? When you come back from recall, some people they say, they put their hand here, the right hand or left hand, some people put their hands on the side, right? So the majority of scholars are of the opinion that you put your hand on the side, and both use the same Hadith. What is the Hadith, the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu, so whenever he raised, he rose from

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Rocco. He returned every joint to its mfah. City Mufasa is it to its joint to its original place, to an original place? So where's the original place?

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Some people say it's here, you know, you every everybody gets a nobody walks around like this. Right? And then some scholars like

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they say that you put your right hand over your left hand, because you're returning back to the original place.

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Original place before you went to recall. So is it original place before you pray? Or the original mfah City before you went to Taco? Do you understand? So that's where the difference of opinion but both are our opinions that you know, they differ during that time? And right now we might we're still, we still can't figure it out. Because the differences are still there. Do you understand? So in this case, you can just like you know, if you don't know which one you asked this chef that you trust, and he says okay, show your hand like this, then do so he says like that, then you know what, both religious opinions that is permissible. We need these they both have proof. In fact, it's the

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same proof. So there are certain times when you have doubts, and when you have doubts. What do you do you ask the people of knowledge. So you seek knowledge

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And then if you you know, of course, you learn more to the point where now you're able to understand a little bit more, you might be able to make a decision to the point where you might say, you know, I think this is the stronger opinion. And if you feel that that's a stronger opinion, then you don't have any other option except to follow that.

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Because if you think this is correct, then you don't have any other option. Because you know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if you know that this is the sadhana and this is the way that it should be done. This is something that's agreed upon by all the scholars Ali Muhammad Shafi Rahim Allah He said, he met all Muslims and

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the Muslims are in agreement, I demand a Muslim and that means the scholars of Islam are in agreement and who must Minister ban Allah, who, when it's the man's law, who whoever is clear the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu. So it is not hard for him to follow anyone. Except for that. Because that that what he realized is it's the Sunnah. So for some people they can read, they know they understand. And Allah subhana wa has given them the capacity and then it's like, no, no, no, no, I am. I am, for example, and I'm humbly 100%, I'm Hanafi 100%, even though they're able to study, Allah gave us the capacity to learn and people who are given the capacity to learn you should

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use that capacity to learn to study, but there are some people who don't are not given the capacity to learn, you know, like you have some people in the village and you know, in the villages in the small towns and Somalia and Cambodia when they ask you a question, they just say, is this halal or haram? You mentioned, Imam Shafi. Sss, Imam Muhammad says imamo like, yeah, no, you're just confusing me. halal or haram? Right? Halal haram because even if you tell them the proofs, they don't have the capacity to learn it. You know, and then you have Okay, difference of opinion, okay, like, Okay, what do I do now? And that's why sometimes a person, some people, they teach others,

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they give the difference of opinion, this opinion, that opinion, opinion, like, you know, what, this is the opinion of the scholars, and then you go out of it, you become more confused, like, Okay, now, I thought I was gonna know what to do. Now I'm even more confused than when I started learning.

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And so you don't want that to happen also. So person you're teaching others is give them what you feel is the closest to based on you know, the capacity and understanding that Allah has given to you.

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Especially if you have students and those who want to know, just give them whatever is the strongest opinion so that they don't go out of it more confused than when they came in terms of studying before they studied. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He mentioned the completion of this hadith. I did. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam speaks about what he speaks about the heart, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, and of course we are Hadith number six.

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The messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, NFL just ADDIE model. Indeed, NFL just said the model, there is a flesh piece of flesh, in the body, either solid Hudson, * just localu if it is peer, it's good, then everything else is good. What does that mean? Some people might say, you know, the heart is only an organ that pumps blood, nothing else. Like everybody's heart, whether it's working or not, it's the same. Do you understand? So a good heart and a bad heart? What does that mean a healthy heart. Like, if I don't have a heart disease, this is healthy. Now the heart is much more than that.

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The heart and the Arabic language. And even physically the promises in our interview yesterday, mandala, the heart itself as also as Allah subhanho wa Taala is and Wilhelm Allah will die of Corona via and they have a heart that they understand not with it.

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So sometimes some people might think, well, you know, like the doctors have said that the heart is only in Oregon that only pumps blood it doesn't think it's not used to understand. It doesn't have emotions. When we say that it has emotions. It's just it's just allegorical. It's not real. It's not true. Right. And so this is what sometimes people say, but you have to understand that when it comes to the body itself. The human body

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is very complex. The DNA, the cells, each cell is very complex. The each cell people don't really understand. They might tell you that they can understand certain things and then hamdulillah Allah Subhana Allah gave us a lot in terms of the you know, in comparison to what's really

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out there, it's nothing oh my oh Tito Minella Illa kalila I have not been given of knowledge except for a little bit. So we think, you know, just like 20 years ago, the doctors thought that they were, they knew a lot. And then in those 20 years, there have been many discoveries. I'm not talking about in space, or outside of our body, you know, inside of our body, that we don't understand. And that's why those who don't believe in Allah subhanaw taala, they don't realize how amazing the human body is, you know, we don't understand how it really works. We sometimes we claim, and we think that we understand more than what we do, but we really don't, that's why they're, every single month, you

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know, like, you have the New England Journal of Medicine. You know, every few months that comes out, there's a reason, new discovery, some people are saying that this is healthy for you, this is okay. And then they find out it causes cancer. And they find out this does this to you, this does to your body. And they find out the body actually functions not like this, you know, it's like a little bit different.

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And so there's so many things that people are figuring out every single day, and it's only a few physical effort of zero, like in yourself, do you not see? Do you not see? And so the heart itself is a very, very complex organ.

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It's not as simple is just something that pumps blood that's like, externally, you might see that even the blood itself, like Did you know that? Like, subhanAllah, how you know how amazing just a single drop of blood is?

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Do you know a doctor takes that blood.

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Right write? And they look at it.

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And in that blood, and that drop of blood, they can find out every single disease you've ever had.

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Just a drop of blood. Do you know why? Anybody know why.

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Like if you've had like say if they look if they took your blood right now,

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and they said have you ever had Have you ever had tuberculosis?

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They would be able to find out.

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Have you ever had a certain cold? They will be able to find out if you ever had the Coronavirus

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they will be able to find out just from the blood. Like when did you have the Coronavirus for example? Maybe three years ago,

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if you had the flu, any type of fluids they would know why do you know why?

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See how amazing this is. Because every time you become sick with a certain disease, or a certain sickness,

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the body produces a type of antibody.

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So that when that it's like inside the cell inside the blood itself, there's a map, there's like, hey, we see that we know what to do.

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The body knows what to do to destroy that. That virus.

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Right? That's where that's why that's how you know, vaccines work. How do vaccines work? Why does the vaccine work?

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Because your body recognizes that then the fight it fights it anyway, it knows what works, then it keeps it the record in the blood. Okay, this is what works. So if I see that again, this is what we're going to do.

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We're gonna do the exact same thing. Why? Because we did it before.

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So all that map is in what from the day that you're born until right now, if they took your blood, they would know what diseases you had.

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Because of the antibodies that are inside your blood, the blood that they can find out how amazing that is.

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Like souhan Allah and that's a small portion smoke is just your blood that Suhana Allah they can detect this and that and find out and you have a whole history

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in your blood. You have to host you can't tell your doctor say that. Oh no, I've never had the Coronavirus

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thing. How do you know your body told me you have it?

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Your body like what are you talking about? My body told me

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Subhanallah everything.

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So on the Day of Judgment,

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whatever you did,

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not only does your body recorded,

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your body remembers it

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remembers everything.

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Your blood remembers every disease you've ever had.

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Every sickness that you had, it's recorded in there

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know the day of judgment your hands are gonna talk the sick How does my head know?

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There's my hand have like, like a heart. Yeah Allah every single blood cell in our body records all the things that happen to us

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and if you're able to read that the doctor looks at it and he's able to read it. He says you just recently had the Coronavirus I can see it Yeah. Is that what is he looking at? Is he looking at the Coronavirus?

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Now the Coronavirus God,

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what is he looking at?

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He's looking at the blood, the antibody that kills the antibody that that

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you have that?

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Your body every single blood cell knows what you did you had it recorded all of that. And it remembered it.

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Every drop of blood in your body has it? Yeah, Allah how amazing is that? Think about that.

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How can you come from nothing. It's so your body is so amazing. It's so complex. And then on the Day of Judgment, your hands and your feet

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will remember everything that you did.

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And they will talk and they will talk

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and you were like, Who allowed you to talk to Allah.

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Allah is the One who

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Allah, our body records everything.

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And then the angels also recorded. And everything that happens to our body is recorded.

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Another Day of Judgment, everything will come out.

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Like if doctors can find out what your body recorded. I want to lots of hands. Such amazing. Amazing, our bodies are so amazing.

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And then the heart

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the heart, you think is just beat beats?

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Beats? It's such an amazing Oregon.

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Such an amazing organ.

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Do you have to put oil?

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You know you when your engine keeps on running? Yeah, the stop your engine if you let your car engine keeps on running and keeps on running keeps on running. What do you need to do?

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To make it run smoothly? Yes, yes, of course, oil. It didn't change all the time. A whole lifetime your heart doesn't need more change.

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Always working? Right? Normally a random normal heart until the end until the hand just keeps on beating. And can you even control the case? Can you stop eating for a minute, please?

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You can. Because if we were to stop beating you or die, like you don't even have control over your own body.

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There are certain things that you can control. And there are certain things Allah subhanaw taala says you don't even have control over it. And it's your own body. How can you not believe in Allah?

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So the hardest half went up on Kulu what is the call?

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The call is here.

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Even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said at Taqwa ha ha now what is the point to?

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This is a duck wha Hona

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horse's head. Oh, he's a tough ha ha ha now

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just it's just in case you doubt. Oh, no, no, no, it's not there. It's here. Like no, no, it's not there. It's here. What does it mean? It's actually there.

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Which means what?

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The Taqwa what is the whole your consciousness of Allah subhanaw taala. It's in the heart. And whereas the heart

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just in case like okay, maybe the heart is the head man.

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No, attack was

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the hardest.

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And only recently, did you know that there have been studies

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that, you know recently we've had what we call the heart transplants.

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I know a brother who has father just he recently a while back he had a heart transplant.

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He had a heart transplant.

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And he said after the heart transplant.

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Like his character sort of changed a little bit.

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Like it wasn't the same.

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Every beef before he wasn't so emotional.

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We're not talking about fish.

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equally, but emotionally, he's different. Before he wasn't so emotional, now, every little thing makes him cry.

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Like, that's not something physical here

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is something emotional, something, you know, in his mental state, it's different.

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And, you know, when it comes to doctors, they're very, very keen when it comes to what kind of, you know, what's permissible, and what's permissible in terms of the information that comes out, especially for the owners. And when, when it comes to medicine, and in treatment, right, you have like rights or people or not, I don't know the or health conditions. If you don't want anyone to know that nobody should know, if someone donates something that if they don't want the person to know who they are, that you don't know, right, you have certain privacy laws in relation to medicine and the practice of medicine. So this, the family realized that they were trying to figure out,

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like, where did this heart come from?

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That they got, they said, they got a heart from a woman.

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And so they said, Suhana, Allah, he started acting more like a woman then emotionally. He's a man, of course. But he started to, like his emotional state was different. And everybody realized that, that that's not how who, how he was before. So when he did have that heart transplant, it did affect him. How did it affect him? He's, you know, where's his total he's done the same soul. Right with the heart is different. And so does it affect a person when it's like, changed? Allah Subhana. Allah knows best Allah subhanho wa Taala is our knowing. He knows our character, and he knows who we are better than we know ourselves. He knows what's best for us better than we know ourselves. But there

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have been many situations where a person

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like I told before, there was a man, there's a girl, this this girl that recently had a heart transplant.

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before the heart transplant, she was not into music.

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She was not interested in music at all whatsoever.

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Nothing like no interest. Now, after the heart transplant, she started becoming more interested in music.

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And so they wanted to find out whose heart this person taken for one way one way or another, they were able to find out and so they visited that house of the girl that was I think she was in an accident. And so they, they use her heart for this, this other girl. And they found that of course, she started liking to play musical instruments, piano and things like that.

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And then this family, of course, has the room, the room of the girl that passed away. It's still the same, they didn't change anything yet. It's still the same.

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So they visited the room

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together because you know, they came to visit and they visited the room of the girl that passed away. And of course, her heart is in this girl after the heart transplant. So they bring her to the room. And the girl. You know, the family opens up saying yeah, she used to love music.

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She likes to play piano. She used

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to also write her own songs, and her own music. And

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then they found they open a drawer or somewhere in the room they found out Oh, you see here this is her. This is the song that she wrote.

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Right? Listen, these look these are the songs that she wrote and she reads it. She reads the song. And then she stops

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and then the girl that got the heart from this girl that passed away. She she never she completed the song.

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single handedly she completed the song that her mother just saw for the first time she was just looking into the you know like stuff that's in the house or her room. She took us a look at this is her song and she's reading it. She stops and the other girl completes it.

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Like where did this other girl know about this? Never been in this room? She's not the person who wrote this. Right? What do you think it came from?

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Well I'm Kaluga life Kahuna via

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they have hearts that understand not with it.

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So the doctors might say this and might say that.

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But Allah subhana wa says you know there is

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of immortal blood. And they call this what they call the cellular memory.

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Because it happens. So often there's a terminology for the cellular memory, like some of the memory, it's in the cells of these, you know, the, the organs. So, of course, contrary some people might say like, well, I said the head, but she didn't get into same brain, switch for AIDS. Right? This is the heart, but, and then other incidences, also, there's, there's, I think there's a book about if you look up cellular memory, even if you look online, look up cellular memory, there are many stories, you can find out cellular memory, the cellular memory stories and people who have cellular memory and heart transplant, you put those two terminologies together, you might be able to find some

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really, really interesting stories. Like this is like, wow, like goes against, you know, sometimes we think we know so much in medicine. But in actual fact, we know so little.

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We know so little that which we know compared to that which we do not know, is what we don't know, we know a lot compared to what we didn't know, we didn't know before. But compared to what's still left that we don't know. There's a lot more. There's so much more that we don't know,

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even ourselves, like we think we know so much. Well, you know what? Try to switch reverse the aging process, the aging process. Can you make the only dream people only dream it's like science fiction. But death, Allah created that, and everybody's going to die.

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And when you get older, you can't flip something, you can't change it. You can't change your body and make it younger, and they won't become younger forever. You just keep on can becoming older. Until you antigen.

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That that's where that's that's where you have Youth forever youth that you'll be young forever, meaning young in terms of like you won't grow old anymore. You don't need to asleep. You know, it's always you don't need to rest. You don't become hungry. All of that is gone. Like all of that has gone so like the angels don't need to eat won't eat it. She just makes us be where you are live. And Allah subhanho wa Taala Anna can do all things. But Allah Subhana Allah made us in this world the way we are right now.

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Allah in the future. So the model, indeed, in the heart, there is a morsel. If it is clean and pure, then everything else is clean and pure. So that means the heart is very significant is the area where Taqwa is and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? He said, Allah in the field just had a MOBA either saleha in a Salah, Hassan Salah has just said, oh Kulu if it is clean, Pierre, then the whole body is good. That means everything else about you is good. What are the faster that but if it is bad, faster digested, okolo. Allah he'll call it is indeed the heart. So what does that mean? What should we be doing?

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We should be doing all that we can to,

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to purify the heart and the cleansing of the sicknesses of the heart. So what you need to do we have to look at what because the heart itself.

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There are two aspects of it, you have the physical health of the heart, right? Everybody knows, you know, a good heart, a healthy heart, physically. But there's another aspect of it. And that's a spiritual aspect of the heart. If this heart is healthy, what is a healthy heart?

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A healthy heart is a heart that is clean and pure.

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And how would you keep it clean and pure by repenting to Allah, because every single time you

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commit a sin, there's a black spot.

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There's a black spot that's put on that said, that heart, there's a black spot spot, how does it appear? You can see it but there's also a spiritual part of the heart. And that sin causes the black spot to increase and increase and increase and it will increase to the point where it becomes totally black. And what happens to a heart that's covered up and it's totally black.

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What is the heart do?

00:34:50 --> 00:34:52

The heart is a

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place of understanding. Well, I'm Kulu Lai of Corona BIA. They have hearts at

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understand that with it. So that's why if a heart is covered up,

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and it is covered up with because of the sins, it will not be able to distinguish good from bad

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and bad from good. It's like when you're driving and your windshield is dirty.

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with dirt, you can't see the way you can't see the road. Or if you have glasses that are dirty, you can't see. So your heart is dirty, it's covered up. You can't see your like sometimes, in the winter, when your heart when you're when you're about to go to the masjid. Or you're about to go to work. And your windshield is is totally,

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you know, like ice that you're trying to turn out as to qualitat is taking too long, like I'm gonna miss. I'm gonna I'm not gonna go home, I'm gonna go to work late. So you like, try to clear just the spot, and you turn up as me but you have to go. So you're like looking. If you can't see what happens when you can't see.

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You might end up

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causing Yeah, you might have an accident as a result of because you're unable to see clearly. So if a person is unable to see clearly in life,

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then there's Shewhart there's doubts, that can afflicted

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doubtful matters. You can't see clearly. And so when the when the Prophet still along says

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in El halala yet, in El haram or by hand, or by number older mush, Debbie heads, there are doubtful matters.

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For you, for a person who has a clean heart, they're able to distinguish good and bad, right wrong easier because they can see clearly. But those whose hearts are not clear that halal, that's clear, that's haram that's clear as murder. So the beginning of the Hadith, and the end of the Hadith are not different. It's the same. I mean, they there is a connection between them, like Hala ROM and doubt format, because the heart can become sick. And if the heart becomes sick, there are different things.

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When the hardest sick is not healthy. The one is physically sick. What happens when you're physically sick, you can't go to the masjid. I mean, you can't go you can't do physical things, right? You can't get up from from bed, you don't have the energy to run, you don't have the energy to do regular work. Sometimes you can't even get out of bed because you're so tired and so sick. You don't have the energy because your body is sick, your body is sick. And those who have heart disease, or they have heart heart problems, where they get tired quickly. As soon as they do something very lightweight happens.

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They're so tired, then they have to sit down and rest. Even though that which for regular person, that's nothing. You wouldn't get tired. But if your heart is not healthy, and that's why people who don't exercise as soon as they start exercising, what happens.

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You start running one block,

00:38:24 --> 00:38:25

you go up the stairs.

00:38:27 --> 00:38:47

But if someone's running every single day, they can run five blocks and still not retired, right? Because their body is physically healthy. When your body is not physically healthy. It's hard for you to do things. And so the heart when it's spiritually healthy. It loves to do good deeds.

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He just loved to read the Quran, and you can't get enough of it.

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He loved to come to the masjid.

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You can't stay away. Because that's where you feel comfortable. You love to give charity and help others. Because that's what makes you feel good. And you're able to do it. When it's time to pray you pray. When it's time to do good deeds, you're quick and doing good deeds. But then when the heart is sick,

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when it's time to read the Quran, you really

00:39:23 --> 00:39:28

can't go anymore. You're tired, or you're distracted.

00:39:29 --> 00:39:59

And then when it's time to go to the masjid tired, I can't go. I don't want to go. Or when it's time to give in charity. It's very hard for you to give in charity. For others, it's easy. So those whose hearts are spiritually sick. It becomes very difficult for them to do good deeds. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he used to call Bilal to make the Hummer or call the Athan.

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He would say Aria and Ebihara.

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That put us at peace with it.

00:40:06 --> 00:40:08

Put us in a tranquil state

00:40:09 --> 00:40:24

with it because that's what they're looking for. And the prophets of Allah and he was saying, so we're doing that correlate to it for Salah and the coolness of my eyes, meaning the comfort and tranquility and happiness in the peace. I find it in prayer.

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I find it in prayer. So there are some people who find peace in other things, and many things, but a believer finds peace in doing good deeds. A believer finds peace and coming to the masjid. I believe he finds peace in reciting the Quran. And that's why the earth might have now found he said, louder. horrid, hello Buddha. If our hearts were, behold, pure and clean, if our hearts were clean, Masha Anam in Colombia Rabina, we would never get enough of the Word of our Lord.

00:41:03 --> 00:41:37

We would never get enough of the word of Allah. Why? Because that's what you love. But for some, it's difficult. For others, it's easy. Just like a person who's sick. It's hard for them. So like when you make the kid and methodology liath Corolla, so the make the thicket of Allah Subhana Allah the remembrance of Allah is the life of the person's heart. If someone does not remember ALLAH, it's like someone who's dead. Because the remembrance of Allah to the heart is like breathing.

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When you stop remembering Allah, you suffocate.

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When you remember ALLAH, then it has life.

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And that's why Allah Subhana Allah says Allah, basically Allah, that made no hollow indeed, in the remembrance of Allah, do our hearts, find tranquility, and all of these signs are mentioning all of this, because these are the word heart is used every single time

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the heart finds tranquility.

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So the heart is a very, very important morsel in the body.

00:42:14 --> 00:42:20

If it is good, that means you keep it pure and clean. How do you click clean it, you clean it with a stick for

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you clean it with good deeds, you clean it by by remembering Allah and recitation of the Quran. And so when a person remembers Allah subhanho, wa taala. When a person does good deeds, the more they clean themselves, and that's why consistency is very important. That's why prayer prayer considered prayer is very important. Because every single day when you pray, you cleanse your heart. Because in the remembrance of Allah, it cleanses it. It's just like when you're praying,

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it's like your body when it gets dirty. You're cleansing itself. So all the time. So the heart that Allah subhanaw taala mentions,

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and it's in the chest. And that's where also the diseases and that's why the people of Jen now Allah says, When is that and MFE. So dorium mineral,

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we extract everything from the chest of the will, that means this enmity, hatred,

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jealousy, all of that in the become a one and Allah surah in with Akagi lien in Jana, you don't have any of that hatred. You don't have any of the jealousy, you don't have any of the Envy between each other. Everybody is just hey, you know, you're you're, you know, you have friends who have the same heart or good, same character. They're nice to you, they love you.

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They don't have envy of you. When you're with those people. It's you enjoy your time with him. Do you like to be with people who don't like you? Who are jealous of you? Or envious of you? No. Because even when they praise you,

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like, when they don't like you, even when they praise you it hurts.

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Because in their praise, there's something there that hurts.

00:44:16 --> 00:44:20

Even when they praise you, you have to read between the lines, uh, yeah. This guy

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outside they say but you know why they're saying certain things. It might sound good. You know, like, sometimes, you know, when, you know, between spouses, right, when they, when, when when you when you have problems, when there are problems between the spouses, sometimes like your spouse might say, so your wife may say something to you or your husband may say something to you. Sometimes you say something, and it sounds good. Everybody thinks it sounds good. But there's something there. You have to know between the lines read between the lines, you know,

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you're saying it, but it's like, yeah,

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it's like your wife says to you, right?

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When you're new, when you forget to go when you get to go to when you get to buy the milk, when she tells you go by Mark, she goes, it's okay.

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I'm okay. That's fine. That's fine.

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She says it's fine, right? It's okay. And you're like, you think it's okay?

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And then you sit down and you go, you sit down and watch TV and you see what will happen.

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She says it's okay. And you sit down and you watch TV, and then you realize, no, it's actually not okay.

00:45:34 --> 00:45:36

Are you serious?

00:45:37 --> 00:45:43

Our baby doesn't have well, and you're sitting down to watch but you said it's okay. Yeah.

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Right. And so sometimes, you know, so you when you're speaking to each other, even though it's beautiful that sometimes the words are okay, but it means something in Jannah everybody's heart is sincere as Pierre there's like nothing in between like,

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you know, you're not hiding anything. There's no jealousy, hatred or envy. Every word is just Salem and Sarah, just your greeting each other piece and only saying good things about each other and praising each other because this sincerely only and so the art the heart, how do we purify how do we clean it? So I will speak a little bit more about that I just wanted to mention that it's not just a It's not just an organ that pumps blood now

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what is the heart in the Quran and the word called toward for add the you know, like, either the pleura or Fuad and Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned and Kulu also hearts and Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions different words to describe that and so what does it mean? What aspect of it inshallah we'll cover some of that next week? When we continue with the Hadith number six Inshallah, because this, this is a very important idea. And as I mentioned, it is connected to the front, the beginning, remember, you might think, oh, there are two different parts of this hadith. No, there are two different parts, but it's connected because it's connected to the Shiva that those whose

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hearts are not clean. They always follow the Shiva. They always follow one more step behind the doubtful matters. And those doubt for matters are very dangerous because it will eventually lead you to

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read tarot and that's a result of what

00:47:46 --> 00:47:47

result of a

00:47:48 --> 00:48:10

impure heart and unhealthy heart spiritually. May Allah subhana wa Tada. Make hearts sincere. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to help us to strengthen to strengthen our faith and give us the best of this world and hereafter was a lulu Island. midwife. Anyone have any questions?

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Before we continue next week in JAMA

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