Musleh Khan – Thematic Study of Sura An-Nur #07 – How Do We Gain Victory

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The Surah emphasizes the importance of obeying the Prophet Alayson and trusting the heart for Islam's success. Prayer and communication are emphasized, along with the importance of practicing Islam. Early learning is emphasized, along with the importance of privacy and early learning for children. The training process for children is emphasized, including dressing young and showing respect for children and rewarding parents for dressing young. The success of Islam is emphasized, along with the importance of protecting one's health and wealth.
AI: Transcript ©
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you know I was thinking the irony oh what sewer are we studying?

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Okay um yeah, we can start okay.

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Okay Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Allah He of total Salah woman wider Ummah variant, salaam, Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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And welcome everyone as we continue our journey through the thematic study of Sunita Nora. Now this perhaps today might be the last session with the surah. And where we go from here is I have another sort of that I will continue with you and I will explain a little bit about that at the end of today's session Inshallah, okay, but it will be primarily the same format, so you'll expect the handout every week, but we will just move on to another Surah insha. Allah, I did prepare myself to finish the school early anyway. So now that we are on the verge of doing that, it will be great. It'll give you guys some bonus material, at least for the first semester. So keep in mind that this

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first semester ends

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sometime in mid December. So just about a week or so before the winter break. And then we resume again for the latter half of the year in January onwards. Okay.

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someone talked to me about what are like let's refresh some of the things we've been chatting about with respect to the sewer.

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This is the area that we had paused at. However, last last class, we've gone through quite a bit of information, which I hope that by looking at your screen or at the screen you it kind of refreshes your memory of some of the things that we've talked about. You all remember what these images are about terrain of Allah subhanaw taala taking time to really discuss with us,

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just the animal kingdom, and the beauty and the complexity of what the animal kingdom is and what it represents. And we've kind of looked at, suited to notice version of how it discusses animals to us and very specifically, some of the creatures that are highlighted birds, all types of mammals, all types of animals in the sea and so on and so forth. And the wisdom behind this was that if we're studying skeleton nor then this is one of the many ways in life you can continue to ignite and strengthen that nor with you on Allah and everybody now knows what is the new word that I'm always referring to when we're talking about the new or the newer what are we what are we referring to

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our faith and our Amen.

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Remember that I showed you love on him. She described to us in authentic hadith that a man is light, right he man is a light and how do you

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Know that you have this note, how do you know you have this quote unquote light?

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Our Prophet alayhi salatu salam described to us many ways to know that you have this. And one of them is a sincere heart, a heart that is devoted a heart that is pure. And when I say pure heart that doesn't have any sort of hatred, or animosity towards anyone, even if you do have problems with people from time to time, you don't harbor those feelings, you don't allow it to remain with you. You don't go to bed every night with hatred in your heart for anyone, you try your very best to eliminate that, and vacuum your heart out of that as much as possible. And there are many, many, many literally hundreds of incidents of those Sahabas talking about the heart and how they've strive

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to keep their heart pure. And one very beautiful narration is one that I'm sure a lot of you have heard of armor of no hot dog, or the Allah one who was guaranteed Gen. Right. He was from the 10 companions, that whilst they were alive, they were guaranteed paradise. So one of the companions was curious, what is it about her Omar that got him this this reward and this blessing. So he spent a night at the house of Rama Rhodiola one because he wanted to see what is he doing or not doing that got him to this status. And during the night like there was nothing really different or nothing really unique about our model de la han he did sort of the same routine that all the other

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companions of Medina were doing. So the men this companion asked or model the next day.

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You know, what is it that you do? What is it about you that you got that recognition from the prophet Ali? So it was Salaam. And this is what Rama replied with. And he said that every night I go to sleep, and a remove any animosity from my heart. This is the thing that I do. And this is the thing that I believe that God to meet this blessing from the messenger, I'll use what was said in other words, he's saying, this is the thing that guaranteed me paradise. So all of this is talked about and captured in the Sora. And everything. At the end of the day, every subject somehow reconnects us back to preserving and protecting this node and this light and light of Amen. That is

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everything that we have. It's everything that we strive for. It's what we live for, we want to preserve and protect Nord. Now we're going to see how this surah is going to address the same issue. But it there are other ways and other day to day activities you're going to see are going to be highlighted as we continue towards the end. So let me take you now to the last verse in which we pause. We didn't complete it. But I believe we did most of it already. So a quick recap for all of us in the students online. Okay. As you see, the title that I put on this area is the area that has it all it says it all. And this is one of just a handful of verses that are really comprehensive,

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and sort of hold all of the basic lessons and fundamentals of all of Islam. So this particular area, remember we said let me just point it out this ignore our best sort of the Allah Horan said that this area is an air of the poor and that has everything so when what does he mean by everything? These are the things that he meant by that, by that statement. So comments. So it starts off woman utar Illa, or soul that whoever submits or obeys Allah and His messenger. So that's La Ilaha illa Allah that's your, your constitution as a Muslim. This is the basic foundation of all of his stem. So let you know he Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah is captured right there in the introduction of the so

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the basic Arpita and creed fundamentals are taken care of. Now, really quick question.

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You see this word? You'll turn, Tara. Now I pretty sure I mentioned this at least once in our in one of our sessions. There are two main words in the Quran that describe obey. You will have this one Torah. You heard of a play Allah Altero to a sword semirara. Now wa Alterna, that's one word, and then the other one is at Berra at Bell pull In Kuntum to hipbone Allah Fett Tabby only if you say that you love Allah, then follow me in process I'm saying. So you have two words as a follow what's the difference?

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We should all know this because why you'll see this contrast happening throughout the horn. You'll always see some verses will say, Tara Utila and other verses will say at Baron or Tabby only or woman yet heavier. So what's the difference between the two really really important so write this down okay. You have to write any Arabic like write it, transliteration how you want. So the first thing I want you to write this thorough T A apostrophe a thorough

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is obedience without question 100% complete submission however you want to word it so thorough te a apostrophe a

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that equals complete submission or obedience you are you don't ask any questions what Allah and His prophesy Salim said to do you just do it you follow? And you know some critics of Islam like to use this against Muslims and say look you have no say you're you're basically imprisoned into this this system. This this Shetty or these rules these instructions you have no say you have nothing. You guys are literally like slaved into this religion. Your response to that is yes Alhamdulillah Han I'm very proud of it. Because when I have Allah and His messenger a guiding me what else do I want? So I am very proud of that. So remember the statement of supplemental fantasy or the Allah Horan.

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You know a man came up to him and wanted to make fun of Islam so he said to him, yeah, Solomon your prophet tells you even how to squat when you use the toilet. So Solomon Alfa cod, Allah and doesn't say to this man, he doesn't say to him Well, in science doctors have proven that if you sit in a certain way, and you you know, it's good for the digestive system, and but he doesn't get into that, you know what he says? He says, Not Um, yes, that is what he does. He teaches us how to go to the bathroom. He embraces it.

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So there is a sense of pride and honor for us as slaves. When our idea of being a slave is towards submitting to Allah. That's, that's a, that's the best honor we could ask for. And we submit ourselves to the instructions of the Prophet early. So it was, so that's what thorough is write down the second word.

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The second word is, I don't know how you're going to spell this. Okay? It T Baron. So let's see how you spell this. It T Baron. Well, how I would spell it is i t tiba.

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The UN so i t i be a pastor fi UNUN It tiba own okay.

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And for those of you who want to spell it in Arabic, if you are interested in spelling it in Arabic,

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then you can do that as well. And if to the Elif.

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Okay, so it t Baron, it's bound. So this is the other word that is very common in the Quran to describe, to follow. So the difference now in this word is you follow by asking questions, you inquire. You're curious. You said follow the Prophet. Okay, um, how did he eat?

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Did he do his left hand or his right hand? And how, you know, how big were the portions of food in his hand?

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What did he used to eat? What times of the day did he eat? What when was his last meal? What did breakfast look like for him? And did he eat every single day? He fasted quite a bit as well. So when did he first so you want to learn about sort of his his diet and his overall health? How did he maintain that? That's you

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doing at Barone, you are following the profit tally. So to sum but you're also curious and you're asking anything and everything about him. So these are two forms of submission. When you follow Allah and His Messenger It cites wassalam. So which one is preferred? Neither they are both mandatory. They're both mandatory. If you have thorough, it leads you to a tee barrel.

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And if you have at Baron is the starting point to get the thorough they work with each other.

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So you will always fully submit yourself but at the same time, you're always learning and curious and asking questions, right? So really, really important to distinguish between these two terms so that at least it gives you some context when you come across these words throughout the Quran. Now here, it's a number 52.

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So, the wisdom here is, we've already given you 52 or 51. As you already have thought, at Baron, you've already established at Barrow now, you already know who Allah is, remember, I know got introduced to Allah is you got to know a little bit about him. subhanho wa taala. Then there is a section which is Previous to this, about four or five yet that was all about following the Prophet Ali's auto service. So remember all these at take a look at it, he will either adore Isla water slowly he wore slowly he you keep going back. This was all part of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam

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where either door Isla water SULI saw at 48

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This is where it starts way up poor Luna men Bill Bill Rasool what alternate so he's met, he's being mentioned in about four to five eight, consecutively. So you already now have at Barraud Allah has talked about him. And Allah then said in the previous a remember this annual Kulu semi I know what alternate, so the only word that came from the believer when they were called to Allah and His Prophet to pass any judgment between them is we hear and we obey. So we talked about the attitude of a believer, the overall attitude of all of us as believers, is that

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and I believe you guys are all at this stage in your life, right? That's, to some degree, where we are at can vary, but we're all in the same place. Which is I don't have to verify that any of you love Allah. We know you love Allah. You know you love Allah. I don't want to verify that you love the prophet Ali Soto's I know you do. And we all know that we love the Prophet RT So to set this a does is how much do you trust? His rules? The outcome, the verdict of the Prophet Ali's AutoSum? How much do you trust it?

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Have you heard arguments like this where some Muslims will say, Oh, that was only back then. We have to do that now.

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like simple things like Believe it or not, even though it's it's kind of like a old conversation that's pretty much worn out and people don't really discuss it anymore. But the beard, there will still be some Muslims that we knew that, you know, you should try to grow beyond Don't worry about the beard. We have bigger problems in this world.

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Don't worry about that. And besides process 70 we're living in, you know, Saudi and everybody's got beards over there. It's a cultural thing.

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That's what the A is highlighting is like a process and it passes a verdict. Will you submit and be of these people? And you'll call Luciana Alterna. That's the kind of people you and I have to be. That's what we strive for. If you're not already there. We strive to be a people have semina, what Alterna and you do that with pride, you do that with honor or eco home only mostly home. Now, next point, and this will lead us into this a muffler on everybody see that word there? So two words to describe success.

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Success in the Koran? Fella Mosley Hoon. That's one. Have you heard of a in sort of nominal code? F Wilhelminian. Indeed, the believers have attained success. So a flag mostly, that's what you see in front of you there. That's one word. What does this word mean? By the way, we talked about it. Think of the farmer What did I say to you about the farmer?

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Keep going say again.

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When Yes, when the farmer puts the seed deep into the ground? How is he a reflection of this word?

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What's the connection? Uh huh.

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Good, so the farmer plants seeds into the ground. And he's got to wait at least an entire year or longer to harvest the fruits and make some money. So he's got to go through this entire year, nurturing and caring and taking care of his land, watering keeping pests and infestation out and blah, blah, blah and all of those things like he's really really got to invest time and work.

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Quick question, Has any of you done farming before? Like back home?

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No, you do it here.

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Because I know like, for a lot of us back home, you probably have done this or your parents probably were farmers and so on. Okay. So the point is like you can definitely appreciate. And if you do this now, I really would like to visit you one day and see where you farming.

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And that's, that's pretty impressive. It's very hard labor, I must say.

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So what will let you go home and mostly Hone. So the farmer is called this because they invest into something hoping for some kind of reward. We are all spiritual farmers. We are planting the seeds of our deeds. We're giving, we're paying, we're praying, we're fasting. We're doing all this. We're planting these spiritual seeds in our lifetime. But we don't get to harvest their reward at the end of the year. We harvest the reward when on the day of Yeah, that's when you harvest and I harvest right. Now this area, use the different word to describe success. So look at it. So we're done with this. Why Shala And fear Allah, what did we say?

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hatia here is this is what it's the kind of fear when you're constantly thinking about your past, you're afraid you ever do that sometimes, like you think back when you were younger, or yesterday or 10 years ago, maybe you weren't as practicing back then. So you think back in like, man, I was messed up and I really did some crazy stuff. But you don't think about it in a polite way that, you know, you don't think about it like oh, those were the days no, no. You think about it that Subhanallah men. Look at where I was, Look at what I was doing. And look what Allah broke into.

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When you reflect on your past,

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and you develop this sense of fear, and sorrow and remorse with Allah that is called Harsha. There are 11 words of fear in the Quran. This is one of them. telkwa is another Whoa, sure is another term, there is another 11 different words. So this is one of the 11. So hushes so what's unique about this from all the other words, now, you know, Russia is the kind of fear when you think back? What's what what you left behind? Why is that scary? Students? Why is it scary to think about your past, especially when you've when you think about the wrong that you and I have done in our past? Why this fear manifest out of you? Like why does that happen?

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What is it a sign of?

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Okay, what else? What is that a sign of when you think of your past? And you're afraid to sign up? What what is it that you have or don't have?

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Okay, good.

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It's a sign that you're Dora's are accepted.

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One of the signs that your dog has have been accepted by Allah is when you think back of the things you've done, and at that time, you enjoyed it and had fun with it. But now because you've come closer to Allah, you think back of it and you're just like, I just hope Allah forgives me. I never want to go back to that life. Again, when you start doing that. This is one of the ways that scholars tell us is a sign that Allah has accepted all of your doors. And in sha Allah, you will be of the people of gender in sha Allah. Okay?

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So that's hatia. So that's what Allah wants from us.

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The past matters to Allah. We are the ones we like, oh, it's in the past, forget about it. We can do that with each other with Allah, it counts, but it's the attitude that it's attached to your past is what's most important. And Allah calls that attitude. hatia That's what you need to have. And then the last part of the verse

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why a tap here?

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This here and be cautious. So Tukey What is this word come from? You all know it.

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taqwa, right?

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So, taqwa here,

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so you have the fear of your past.

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This kind of Taqwa when it's structured this way, why a tucky is the only area that has Tableau written in this form is the only one in the entire Quran. Every time every other time you will actually see the word telkwa. You will see how to potty you will see motor pain you will see words that will repeat itself from time to time throughout the Quran. This one Aya did it this way. So what is it highlighting to us about Taqwa? Very simple. This

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the aspect of Taqwa that Allah wants us to, to concentrate on in this area is not your present Taqwa that you're working on. It's where you want to be tomorrow and five or 10 years or whatever lifetime Allah gives you. Where do I want to go? What is it that I want to achieve? So an example of why a tepee an example of that is when you have Taqwa of the future, you're like, man, I've never made Hajj.

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But I really want to go for Hajj, I really want to go, I have the intention to go. And I really hope that I can get there at least once in my lifetime. When you when your attitude, your mind, your intention is thinking along those lines, you have the kind of Topo that Allah is highlighting in this area. And it's only mentioned once, which also entails that the people who think and reflect on their future future goals and ambitions, that all lead towards strengthening their relationship with Allah, it all leads back to their relationship with Allah.

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That kind of Taqwa is special with Allah. That's why it's only mentioned once. Because this is rare that people do that Muslims that believers do that the believers live their life and shape their decisions and their life in accordance to well, I'm going to do it this way. Because this is where I want to be in shell. This is what I want to achieve in sha Allah. Like I remember, I met a brother years ago, who opened a sadhaka account. So he has his regular bank account, just like everyone else does. But he opened this special account, where he called it the sada account. And it was this one account that him and everybody in his family will contribute to whatever they wanted whenever they

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want. So he sometimes he'd have his kids. This was back then when you had $2 bills.

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Some of you probably don't know what I'm talking about. Right? Thanks for making us feel ancient, but the other adults will remember the $2 bills and the $1 bill, right. So his kids will like come give, you know the dad $1. So Daddy, I want to put this in a sock puppet, I want to put this into soccer account. And this is what happened. And now today, from that account, he was able to take care of all of his kids college in tuition fees and expenses. I believe one of them like had needed braces, so he was able to buy the braces like, you might think, Okay, well, it's just a simple savings thing.

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That's part of your tepee where you're thinking even responsibly to live a responsible life.

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The things that, you know, financial consultants will you need to pay them to tell you less telling it to you in one word, you're just responsible in life, you're, you're cautious of your spending, you're cautious of your relationships with people, you're cautious of your etiquettes how you represent how you present yourself to others. You know, experts say that you can tell more than 70% of someone's personality. In the first meeting you have with them, that first conversation, at least 70% of who they are, will manifest and come out of that conversation. So the first impression is everything. It's everything. So Allah is like if you're thinking about like, you know, you always

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want to be the kind of person that people can relate to can accept can talk to and and you have way a tap here. So it's not just a spiritual Islamic ritual thing is just everything that you do. You somehow shape it, that at the end of the day, I hope Allah is pleased with me. I hope Allah will accept this for me. I may not be praying regularly or on time, but I'm really nice to people and I do good. So I hope Allah still accepts that. And Allah is telling you, I'm paying attention to it. And finally, for Allah eco homerun for us on this is different. This is the other word of success.

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In the Koran, so it was this muffler Hoon. Now it's this fat, yuzu fat is very common throughout the horn.

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So what's the difference? Fat is is you are now a champion, you have the gold medal. Mostly you got to the end of the race.

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You're not necessarily in first place, though.

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You understand? You got into Jenna. But you're at the seventh heaven.

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You You didn't get into Jenna to fit a dose Ariela. That's fabulous. So that's the difference between the two.

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This area Allah didn't say that will let you go home will mostly home.

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So these are the people that are fat you soon.

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These are the people that really have attained success. They are true champions of Allah. These are the gold medalist on the Day of Judgment. These are the people that get the special honor, like the Prophet already. So it was salam described to us that

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there will be a group of people in Jannah that will be asked, what more do you desire? Alone? Ask them what more do you desire? And these people will respond to Allah said, Yeah, Arab? What more could we ask for? Here we are in your agenda. What more could we ask for from you? And Allah will respond and said, and say to them, you have said or have responded with the truth? Meaning? Your answer to my question was a good answer. It was an answer of gratitude and appreciation. And because of that, here's what I will give you. And that is when Allah removes the sitar or the curtain that blocks the people of Ghana. It blocks their vision from laying eyes to Allah azza wa jal and seeing

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him in his true form. So Allah will allow this special group to get the reward that is greater than Jenna itself, which is to see Allah in his true form.

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So that's fattiest. So I pray that all of us are from amongst Faison. Allahumma. I mean, right? This is why we, this is why we're here. We're here in this class, we're here striving in life, because we want to be amongst fat user. And I do this job because I want to be amongst values. So we're all on the same path together, striving for the same thing. And so Allah tells us that look, if I were to summarize all the rules of the entire poor and of all of Islam, just remember this verse. So highlight this verse and keep it close to you. This is a verse that you should use. If you're, you know, sharing reminders with anybody. If you're posting things online on social media, you want to

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send reminders here and there. Use this verse, and share it with people that this verse is one of the very few in the entire Koran that summarizes all of Islam and everything that Allah appreciates all in one verse, and look how short the verses okay.

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Okay, shall we?

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And take a look at this one last point, I want you to write this down as well. Okay, this last line here, you see.

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So this is another connotation or an extension of yet tepee that I also found in one of the tip seals, okay. It's actually this one I have here it's epsiode bubble, right, which is a type C, it I, I use from time to time. And in this particular Tafseer.

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It mentions this, I guess, definition, or importance of the usage of the word yet up here.

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Somebody who has so much fear about like they really, really, really fear Allah, that they go out of their way each and every time for Allah.

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So how does that look like in life?

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Somebody calls you and says to you, hey, just make dua for my dad. He's in the hospital. You don't know that person's father. You don't know them. But you know the person on the phone. You see them at the masjid or what have you, but you've never met the Father.

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So this person says to you, this is what's happening to him. And he's in the ICU. So just make Darfur

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yet tuck here. Is not that you make Dora that's mortality. You make the door. Your tepee is you do this witch hunt.

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Can I visit? Can I come? Maybe bring some Zamzam water for him? Can I come and just make some Dora? Can I come at least just visit him? Let him know that we are here. We're praying for him. Can I do that? Yeah, tuck key is you get all the info, and then you get in your car as soon as possible. You don't like, oh, killcare I'll inshallah I will visit him. Okay. Maybe next year, or month later? No, you make it a priority. The next day or the moment you have that time, or even you tell him you make the time. You stop your day for an hour and you get in your car and you drive, no matter what the weather is like, and you're doing it because of what? Because you really want to

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comfort the sick. Yeah, that's part of it. But what's the real reason why you're doing this?

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Because you just want Allah to bless you, except you increase you. That's it. You have way a turkey. So remember, the tepee. You don't just have Taqwa but you're going out of your way no matter how uncomfortable or inconvenient it is, you're going out of your way to please Allah.

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So really, really special. And again, like I believe that all of us of course have done this. All of us we do this and probably don't realize just you know the magnitude and reward that lays behind it.

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And some of you who take the bus to get here

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and you are part of this you are your deputy because you could have just stayed home and go online and use that option but you're like No, I can get to class what I don't drive blah blah blah I'm going to take the bus going in night in the freezing cold and and and this is you really going out of your way. So don't trivialize the additional steps you take to achieve good that others don't because they count for something special and enormous in the sight of Allah. Okay.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:17

Shall we continue? Students god

00:37:23 --> 00:37:32

yeah, there is I believe there's a PDF of it online. I've never checked but I believe there there is. I was told ages ago but I've never checked on it.

00:37:35 --> 00:38:23

Okay, let's continue we'll help assemble Billahi Jedha Amen. He him. They swore by Allah with the strongest of oath, let in our motorhome layer, ru June, two Cosimo, that if you were to commend them, they would come out and battle. So what's happening here, Allah is highlighting that there is a group of people that will show and illustrate this submission that they have to the Prophet. Allah He saw it was seven. So they're like, Yeah, women youth are Illa, water Sula. Yo, we're them. So we're here. And they say well Llahi we are with you. Your Rasulullah will lie he we're going to follow you. You're going into battle now. You're going into an expedition you're going on a travel

00:38:23 --> 00:38:52

and and we're with you, Holloway. 100% What led to Cosimo tell them don't swear to me obedience is known. In other words, Allah is saying I know exactly deep down what your real intentions are. So don't toy with my name, or Latok SEMA don't play around with my name. This is Allah this is like almost like a threat from Allah subhanaw taala Don't you dare mess with my name this way

00:38:56 --> 00:38:58

how many Muslims you know do that

00:39:01 --> 00:39:04

what uh, what age and time we live in

00:39:05 --> 00:39:31

what a time we live in. La he I'll give you the best deal Allah He man you can trust while Allah he you know, just do it. And I'll and I'll be there. You know, just go through and and and and and just get married to her to him blow is endless. And hula is saying to this group. And to all of us. Don't mess with my name this way.

00:39:33 --> 00:39:59

Obedience is known meaning power to mauto for meaning ALLAH knows who is really truly submitting themselves to him. In Allah habia Ruby Mata and alone Allah is fully well aware of what you were doing. So nobody is going to get special treatment now. So in context, this particular group what they were trying to do was trying to sit across the Salem. We are with you and your Rasulullah I know that all of them are with you as well.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:07

Allah He you were special, we are 100% you have anything to worry about with us. So this is kind of like,

00:40:09 --> 00:40:18

you know how in some classes, there's always the suck up student that buys the candies and chocolates for the teacher every day.

00:40:20 --> 00:40:31

You know? I mean, let me just say that if you guys want to bake me a cake, or bring me something, I will not treat it as you doing that. Okay?

00:40:33 --> 00:40:50

Are you give me I will not do anything, don't worry. So I will appreciate it. Right. So these people, they had their own agenda and that's what Allah is highlighting is like, Look, I know what you're up to. So don't think you're gonna get anything special out of it. Just because you do that. Okay.

00:40:51 --> 00:40:51

All right.

00:40:52 --> 00:41:36

Hold up to your law. Well, I'll take your old Rasul tell them to obey Allah and the messenger for interworx loan for in nama Isla Hema Hohman wa la comme ma who militum if you turn away then he is only responsible for what He is charged with and whatever responsibility you have been charged with. So what ended up happening here was the prophet Ali Sato Salam is not being told by Allah, tell all of them, look, you're all together as one obey Allah and me. And whatever additional blessing or effort that you carry, you will get rewarded for that.

00:41:37 --> 00:42:18

So I lay him a homerun what la Kuma Whoa, Milton. So whatever your you or them or the rest of the campaign, whatever you guys want to do, that is extra that is more, then you will be responsible for that. And you will be charged with whatever responsibility you are charged with meaning. So there are two ways to understand one interpretation is that this A is talking specifically to the moon efia pool. So if you look at it from that lens, now it's the complete opposite. Allah is saying to the monastic own who are lying to the Prophet and saying, Well, Allah, he were with you.

00:42:19 --> 00:42:43

That's what Allah is saying, Look, whatever they said, you the rest of you don't have to worry because they're going to be penalized, they will face the penalty for whatever they've done, whatever they're carrying, whatever additional burden, lies and so on and deception they're carrying, that's going to be against them. So then Allah separates those who are sincere and honest to everyone else. Quick question

00:42:45 --> 00:43:28

what does this AI on these AI it mean to you and I in this day and age, when we're thinking about all of us collectively as Muslims, why is it highly disliked and even a times can be held on for Muslims to categorize themselves of those who are more pious and devoted, as opposed to those who haven't reached that level? Why is it that these a yet are teaching us that you should never split? The two, you should still remain together as one amount of earthly Allah and Altero. So why do you think that is?

00:43:30 --> 00:43:42

So think of it that there's the average layman Muslim, and then there are scholars, Allah saying, no, no, no, you guys stay together. Don't separate and distinguish yourselves and put yourselves in pockets. Why?

00:43:45 --> 00:43:45

So yeah.

00:43:49 --> 00:43:50

Okay, okay.

00:43:52 --> 00:43:54

Because Muslims do this all the time.

00:43:56 --> 00:43:57

All the time.

00:43:59 --> 00:44:06

Like, you'll find, you know, a Muslim that in every community that's like, super religious.

00:44:07 --> 00:44:10

And if he or she doesn't know how to

00:44:12 --> 00:44:23

be responsible with that level of devotion and Eman that Allah gave them, it's very easy for that individual to look down upon everyone else.

00:44:24 --> 00:44:37

And to actually talk and treat them as though they are lower in status and likha Well, you know, I've been to Hajj 10 times and you probably don't even know how to spell Hydrae. So

00:44:38 --> 00:44:47

just you know, Inshallah, one day you'll get there. Don't worry about me. I come to I come to every Salah at the masjid. What's wrong with you? You should come at least once so

00:44:49 --> 00:44:59

the right track but I think like sometimes I feel like people if they divide themselves like from time to now or like they could divide themselves from being religious to not being religious.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:07

just just just for the sake of an excuse of saying, like, you know, like, I can do this because I'm not religious.

00:45:08 --> 00:45:20

And that's all well, yeah. And that's like a separate problem by itself, right? Those who try to validate that look, I, you know, I can be the way that I am talk the way I'm looked away and because I'm not like you,

00:45:21 --> 00:45:33

but this area is actually taking those who are religious, and those who have gone the extra step. And seeing all of you stay together. Don't separate.

00:45:35 --> 00:45:50

Allah's grouping all of them in one category, I'll tell you, Allah, and I'll tell Russell, that's what matters to me the most. But those of you who go the extra mile, you'll see you'll see the outcome and those who don't, you'll see that outcome. Why is there one more person go ahead?

00:45:59 --> 00:45:59


00:46:14 --> 00:46:15


00:46:20 --> 00:46:25

that's exactly the point, we are all one body.

00:46:27 --> 00:47:16

We are not allowed to split up. And I'm not talking about in factions in * or groups. That's, that's a whole nother level I'm just talking about within one community, you're not allowed. I am not allowed. You see, I'm an imam here. But I am not allowed to separate myself to a point where those around me will feel that he is in a place or at a stage where, you know, we'll never get to, I'm not allowed to give you that impression. And you're not allowed to judge in that way, either. What Allah is saying here, it's all about humility. And it's also the thing that all of you and me we have done to were to get to where we are now.

00:47:17 --> 00:47:24

At some point in your journey with Islam, did you not look up to people who are more pious and more knowledgeable around you.

00:47:26 --> 00:47:27

That's the whole point.

00:47:28 --> 00:47:30

Is that you want that

00:47:35 --> 00:47:36

supposed to.

00:47:37 --> 00:47:48

And in one of you said the same thing. The number one flaw that makes that so difficult is ego, and pride, it's at the top of the list.

00:47:49 --> 00:47:57

Because it's very easy for somebody who's in this position here, to let it get to their head so easy.

00:47:58 --> 00:48:33

And it's like you have to have will do to talk to them. You know, you have to, you know, book an appointment, you've got to have special time and this and that and it's very easy to get to their head. And the Prophet Alia slot was, you know, many times people around Arabia tried to find him and assassinate him, and they couldn't. And there's a one narration of a man who came from Yemen, with the intention to assassinate the process set him in Mecca. And he walked around in the marketplace into stores asking where is this man Mohamed, where is this man? Do you know where he is?

00:48:34 --> 00:48:38

And he walked right in front of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam and didn't know it was him.

00:48:40 --> 00:48:42

And Allah revealed to him, this man is here to kill you.

00:48:44 --> 00:49:26

And you believe it. Islam was sent as a protection to him and so on and so forth. But my point is this, this is the prophet of Allah. You think he'd be in like this nice goal tent, with 14 camels guarding it, and none of that. He's walks right in front of us, I sell him and he doesn't know it's him. So that's what's being captured here. It's really it's, it's deep. And it's something for us to really like, you know, when you think about it, it'll scare you how common it is, and how common this happens. It's almost like a culture that's developed over time, where in almost any community you go to, you'll always see that group or that one that won't affiliate themselves with anybody

00:49:26 --> 00:49:39

else. They'll only talk to somebody depending on how short their throat is, how long their beard is, how dark their niqab is, and all of that stuff, they'll only talk to that group and Allah is saying don't do that.

00:49:40 --> 00:49:43

And then what in toto who do

00:49:44 --> 00:50:00

and if you are going to follow Him that shows you will be guided there is nothing upon the messenger except to communicate in a clear manner. So that's the most important thing at the end of the day woman I love her solely lol Bella whole movie. So Allah is saying that look at the end of

00:50:00 --> 00:50:19

The day, even if you are true followers to him, he can't get you into agenda. But he can do that for you. He can just say, Okay Allah, you know, take this one and No, Allah just says, look at the end of the day, all he can do is just relay the message when it comes to judgment, that's my job.

00:50:22 --> 00:51:11

Stability in the land, what are the Lahu, Latina Ermanno minquan Why mule Saly head layer Stockley fender home, feel all the chemists stickler for lithiumion, probably him less promise those who believe or do righteous deeds, that they will have a strong place in the land. This is kind of like the area you want flying around in Medina for all the companions to see. So they look up and they see this constant reminder every day. So you see this. And it's a message for everyone. That Allah has promised that those who have true Amen, and who follow that faith with righteousness, that they will have a strong place in the land just like those left behind before them. So they will have a

00:51:11 --> 00:51:33

strong place in the land, meaning Allah will establish a legacy for you. Allah will establish a legacy for you, like people will appreciate you, they will respect you, Allah will do that for you. When that's the outcome, one of the outcomes of just being a humble and sincere individual. Let's definitely fend off a lot of chemists stickler for lithium in public him,

00:51:34 --> 00:51:40

whether you macchina nella Hoon, Dena, Homolka, tada, then Allah continues, and he says,

00:51:42 --> 00:52:02

just like those left behind, and so he may fortify for them their religion, which he has preferred for them. So as a result, Allah will also preserve and protect your legacy for all those who come after you. So you know how like, we try to teach our kids

00:52:03 --> 00:52:29

everything that our parents taught us, not just religious, but just like good etiquettes good teachings in life, all these things. So Allah says that, I will do that for you as well, like you will leave behind a good pious offspring, good people will be there that will continue to carry on your legs, which is something that every parent wants. And then Allah continues,

00:52:31 --> 00:53:20

and he has preferred for them and that he will surely substitute for them after they're feared security for they worshipped me, they never associate with me, but whoever disbelieves after then those are the defiantly disobedient. So in a nutshell, the rest of the area is simply those who violated this system of obeying Allah and His Prophet and following up with righteous deeds, etc, etc. Those who violated that by either worshipping other than Allah or doing these deeds for other than Allah, quick example, like somebody who just does good things, just to get the admiration and recognition from those around that sort of thing. Right. All of that is a form of shark woman Cafaro

00:53:20 --> 00:53:27

bardez Alec, so if, after all, is said and done, and that person's still this believes?

00:53:29 --> 00:53:30

You know, when I was in Medina,

00:53:33 --> 00:53:49

I could remember, remember one of the conversations some of our professors would have with us, they would ask us, you know, there are lots of non Muslims that come to visit us here in Saudi. There's 1000s and 1000s.

00:53:50 --> 00:53:58

And he says that, he asked this question, man And subhanAllah I think even now, till this day, I kind of think about it.

00:53:59 --> 00:54:15

As it says, How come they don't accept Islam? There are non Muslims that live in Saudi very close to Mecca and Medina, their whole life, like since they were kids, and they never will become Muslim. And he will ask us why do you think that is?

00:54:17 --> 00:54:34

And we have something similar where you might have like really coral close friendships with people. And it's innocent, you know, you're not trying to give them down or anything, but you're a devoted Muslim. How come they're not seeing that and wanting to do what you do?

00:54:35 --> 00:54:36

Why do you think that is? Yeah.

00:54:39 --> 00:54:43

Okay, so Allah guides whom ever he wishes, wishes.

00:54:45 --> 00:54:50

Anything else? So that guidance is with Allah subhanho wa taala. Okay.

00:54:51 --> 00:54:59

Anything else? Think about it. Why, when you're surrounded with so much of Islam

00:55:00 --> 00:55:04

What Allah loves and expects from us, you're surrounded by but still,

00:55:06 --> 00:55:08

they're not inclined towards Islam.

00:55:09 --> 00:55:11

So there's a number of factors. Yeah.

00:55:14 --> 00:55:14


00:55:17 --> 00:55:24

This area, at the end said a word that will that would help answer this question, this word, fastball.

00:55:26 --> 00:56:03

You're gonna say something, because they don't want to. Yeah, that's part of it, too. There's just no need, there's no desire, I don't want to live in that system. I want to be able to have the home via the freedom to say and do as I please, I want that life instead. So it's the the lust for just fulfilling your every desire in life. It's at the end of the day guidance belongs to Allah. But Allah sent so many examples for people. But it's still not happening. And this could probably be happening in some of your homes, where you and certain

00:56:04 --> 00:56:09

individuals in the house are practicing and taking Islam seriously. But there's always that one.

00:56:10 --> 00:56:30

You know, that one in your family in my family, every family's got that one. That you're going towards Islam. And they're gone to Saturn. The going just to get a different planet, there's a different way. And you guys are praying in the house, you practice you do everything but this one person Snuffy.

00:56:31 --> 00:56:35

One reason for that is this word here. Facetune

00:56:36 --> 00:56:37

fasciae *

00:56:38 --> 00:56:55

is the one that by nature, they are just corrupt. They are inherently corrupt, like, your example isn't going to twist or turn an influence any change.

00:56:56 --> 00:57:02

They are the way they are because of whatever reason only Allah knows. This is just the way it is.

00:57:03 --> 00:57:19

So Allah is highlighting that there will be some that will ignore all of this guidance and good around simply because they they just dislike it. They're not interested in I don't want that. Yeah.

00:57:21 --> 00:57:22


00:57:25 --> 00:57:39

That's part of it as well. And that's fast as well. facet is eventually you leave it out. And it starts to decay, and rot and get moldy and ultimately becomes dark.

00:57:41 --> 00:57:48

So that's also called fiscal, which is the root word of this is like you leave, you leave a fruit out, and it just starts to decay.

00:57:50 --> 00:57:51

The second question you had?

00:58:05 --> 00:58:06

Yeah, yeah.

00:58:08 --> 00:58:12

Allah never holds us accountable for the things we don't have control over.

00:58:14 --> 00:58:27

That's a hadith of our Prophet, our risotto said, Allah will never hold you accountable for the things you do, you cannot control. Don't we use a statement all the time, or this is the order of Allah?

00:58:28 --> 00:58:36

You know when to use that statement? Right? So the example I always use is, if you wake up for Fajr at 10am

00:58:37 --> 00:58:42

or 11am, or just before though her, you like her father of Allah, what can I do?

00:58:43 --> 00:58:51

And for unfortunately for you, it's been the mother of Allah for the last nine months. You've been waking up at this time.

00:58:52 --> 00:58:54

That's not the mother of Allah.

00:58:55 --> 00:59:00

There is no excuse for it, you will be held accountable. Why? Because

00:59:02 --> 00:59:23

those nights before you went to sleep, that person was on Netflix till two in the morning. Then they ordered a pizza at 1am. So they couldn't sleep on a full stomach. Or they were just chilling and doing their own thing. So when fetcher rolled around at five o'clock in the morning, they were just knocked out. They didn't set their alarm.

00:59:24 --> 00:59:33

You do not You're not allowed to say that's the color of Allah. Hodder of Allah is not used in the things you can control.

00:59:34 --> 00:59:59

You do your part, and the color of Allah is the outcome of that. So the process you don't say it's part of Allah that you have to make an effort there. It's the outcome is where, okay, I went to sleep early. With an empty stomach. I set my alarm. I woke up on time I prayed Fajr on time. Alhamdulillah that's the color of Allah. Why? Because you did

01:00:00 --> 01:00:07

You follow through the step where you do nothing. And you get the outcome that you don't want. You still you don't get to say the colorable law,

01:00:08 --> 01:00:21

even though in essence it is, but this case here, there's a huge level of accountability involved. Okay. So just keep that in mind. Did you have Yeah.

01:00:30 --> 01:00:30


01:00:35 --> 01:00:41

You still have responsibility to attend. But at what point is that responsibility?

01:00:43 --> 01:00:51

You only have a certain amount of energy? Good question. Yeah. Good question. So,

01:00:52 --> 01:00:53

you'd like to try.

01:00:54 --> 01:00:55

But at the same time,

01:00:57 --> 01:01:04

at a certain point, like once you gauge a point, and I guess, like your example of like,

01:01:06 --> 01:01:12

the uncle of the Prophet, even just a moment of his death used to live in all four very examples.

01:01:13 --> 01:01:58

But it's difficult because like I said, you have finite time. Yeah, I understand and for the students online. So the question is, where do you draw the line in terms of helping those around you that need guidance that need advice, you're trying to encourage them in the right direction. And it can be exhausting for all of us. If you're a parent, you know exactly what we were talking about here. If you're a parent, and you're trying to raise kids in this society, with all the social pressures and all these things around you, you know what this feels like? There, it gets to a point where you do want to give up. So what do you do? Is there a point where you can say, Okay, I can't

01:01:58 --> 01:01:58

do anymore.

01:02:00 --> 01:02:05

There isn't a clear cut, black and white answer to this.

01:02:06 --> 01:02:21

There's a couple things to keep in mind. Number one is the general rule of thumb for believers is that as long as we have the ability to, we never give up on each other. We never give up, we might

01:02:23 --> 01:02:35

reduce the level of effort and time that we give. As time progresses, as you get more busy, older, weaker, all of these things that might change.

01:02:36 --> 01:02:47

But your heart is still hoping for the best. This is why our Prophet alayhi salatu salam told us, famous Hadith you all know,

01:02:48 --> 01:02:58

whoever sees something muncom wrong in front of them. What do you do? You go and you change it with your hand.

01:03:00 --> 01:03:02

For Illa, Mia slaughter, if you can't,

01:03:03 --> 01:03:07

February Sani, then then speak out on it.

01:03:08 --> 01:03:35

So you're following the same process in life with the people closest to you. So you're trying to change with your aunt, you're you're literally taking them to the masjid. You're literally giving them the Koran, you're really paying for them to go to class, you're, you're literally going out of your way to do this, then it gets to a point where, okay, you know, you've put up a lot of money, you're not you know, the person isn't really giving it.

01:03:36 --> 01:03:50

So you kind of your efforts change towards just reminder, reminder, reminder reminder. And then the Prophet Ali's thought was salam says in that case for Illumio, Solitaire, and if you can change with your tongue, then at least what

01:03:51 --> 01:04:08

then at least you dislike whatever is happening in your heart. Notice that the Hadith does not leave you and tells you to do nothing. So at least in your heart, this person doesn't want to doesn't want to listen to you anymore.

01:04:09 --> 01:04:45

The process I'm just saying that at least your heart should feel sorry for them like man, I just wish you could change your life. But I've been trying all these years and I'm not getting anywhere. But I'm praying for you, man. My heart doesn't like what's happening, but I'll still keep I'll keep you in my door. So you're not really there isn't really a point where you stop. But certainly gradually in life, the effort and the level of effort might change. And that's where generally speaking, you leave it up.

01:04:46 --> 01:04:59

For parents specifically ALLAH says, Who and full circle. What a honeycomb. Now, protect yourselves and your family from the fire pool.

01:05:01 --> 01:05:04

It means don't give up on your family.

01:05:05 --> 01:05:18

Never give up on your children. Let's talk to parents as well in the eye. So you don't ever give up on your children. Even if they're 50 and 60 years old, they're married, you got grandkids, you see your son,

01:05:19 --> 01:05:36

he's living on his own. He came and visit you. And it's time for Salah. And he didn't get up to pray you in your frail voice, you get up and pray. That's what Allah says, if you can just don't give up, keep reminding.

01:05:38 --> 01:06:27

And I tell this to a lot of parents who really like get to that point where they give up on their children. Don't kill your children. Never ever, ever give up on your children. It is the worst spiritual crime of your heart as a parent, always remind because at the end of the day, you don't know that one reminder. Could be the one that Allah okay switches the button on. And it happens quite a bit. I hear a lot of these stories of big, grown old men and women. When the parents have died ages ago, that after even their death, they start thinking about what their parents used to tell them. And then it hits them after they've gone. But they'll start making dua for forgiveness

01:06:27 --> 01:06:34

and making to offer their parents and you never know that Allah will reunite all of them together, right? You never give up.

01:06:35 --> 01:06:43

And specifically with parents, you know, your dogs are always accepted when it's for your children. Okay, how do we gain victory? So let's

01:06:44 --> 01:06:47

let's continue because we're pretty much almost done this. All right.

01:06:48 --> 01:07:18

Well, the masala Zakhilwal to Rasul Allah Contura hemen. That's how you gain victory. Very simple, straightforward, a look at it. And we've already talked about all of this stuff. Obey Allah, establish your prayer. Quick question you always hear up Timo Sala wa T masala establish the prayer widen Allah just say pray why establish what's What is Allah trying to get out of us by saying up chemo salah? What is he trying to say to you

01:07:26 --> 01:07:45

make prayer a part of your life a routine a habit just because you prayed Fudger one day and you skipped five or you pray 10 late you don't have a pee Masada you can just like pat yourself on the back still pray Fudger at 3pm

01:07:46 --> 01:08:00

No you don't have to pay masala is you establish it to the point where it's a discipline in your life nothing gets in the way nothing gets into a human winter time I often see

01:08:01 --> 01:08:49

and I'm not saying you should do this right but just to kind of highlight what a pain masala is sometimes I would see brothers praying outside in the winter like the snow right there they have a prayer mat and they're just go just praying it's time for Salah Aki masala and I'm not saying you should do them but that's the kind of attitude like you will try your very best to protect and preserve Sala consistently throughout your life that's the kind of prayer Allah wants out of us and then with all of the rules of prayer so you can just pray but your heart and mind is somewhere else you don't have a key masala you have a part of it only okay then what Zakah so these two are always

01:08:49 --> 01:08:51

linked together in the poor N quick question why?

01:08:53 --> 01:08:55

Why is that cat always linked to Salah

01:08:57 --> 01:08:58

in the Portland

01:09:01 --> 01:09:10

see these are like basic fundamentals of our deen you should know this basic basic things about the Quran.

01:09:12 --> 01:09:18

Yeah, Zakat is definitely one of the pillars Yeah. Why is it linked to prayer all the time? Was that

01:09:22 --> 01:09:26

so the Zakat will help purify the salah. What do you mean

01:09:30 --> 01:09:31

Okay, okay.

01:09:32 --> 01:09:34

Good. Anything else?

01:09:37 --> 01:09:40

protection, protection against bad

01:09:42 --> 01:09:44

guys like to purify

01:09:46 --> 01:09:46

the rest of your

01:09:48 --> 01:09:49


01:09:50 --> 01:10:00

Okay, good, good. So, you all have touched it, in the sense that solar is pure

01:10:00 --> 01:10:01

Find your soul.

01:10:02 --> 01:10:39

You're purifying your arm, your leg, your life, your house, you're purifying your your heart, your Eman, your soul, you're protecting that stuff. It's a spiritual protection. Zakat is everything else physical, and starts off by taking the most important thing to, which is our wealth, our money. Without it we can survive. Like, don't be afraid to say that, like money is important, and I love money and wealth. Don't be afraid to say that. But if you're saying it with the same attitude is fit around and you have a problem, right?

01:10:40 --> 01:11:20

There's nothing wrong, like you can love your wealth, because you work hard for it. So Allah is now saying the thing that is so important to you that you love, you need to take only 2.5% of that every year and give it away to those who have nothing. And what that will do for you is that that will cleanse your attitude in life as a whole. Like, everything you come in contact with, you'll appreciate you'll have this like just this attitude of gratitude in life.

01:11:21 --> 01:11:23

If you don't have you're not complaining.

01:11:24 --> 01:11:31

If something's broken, you're freaking out on whatever, no, no, seven things you're taking, you're very calm, relaxed.

01:11:33 --> 01:12:03

The way you treat someone who is wealthy is the same that you will treat anybody else. Nobody's getting anything special from you. You know, you're inviting the rich, but you also invite the poor, you're inviting the scholar, but you're also inviting the average, like you have that attitude about life. Nobody is different in your eyes. When you start thinking like that all comes out of because you have taken the most important resource of your life and literally just gave it away.

01:12:04 --> 01:12:08

Now you link these two together, they actually work hand in hand.

01:12:09 --> 01:12:48

You will understand and realize the importance of is a cat if you're praying regularly and on time and you're praying with everything that prayer needs out of you. And when you pay your cat, your own guilt will kill you that okay, I'm gonna pay as a cat and I'm not even praying. I got to do both. They go hand in hand together. One is a purification of the heart and soul. And the other one is a pure purification of your worldly affairs, everything. Well, I'll tell you your own Rasul Allah, Allah Contura. Herman. The only thing I'm going to highlight here is at the end of this A, that you may receive mercy. If you want mercy from the messenger, Ali Salatu was Salam, then it's very

01:12:48 --> 01:12:52

simple. You need to obey Him. Quick question, what does mercy mean?

01:12:53 --> 01:12:59

I've asked this question. Like every class, right? What does mercy mean?

01:13:00 --> 01:13:03

We all use the word mercy or ohana? What does it mean?

01:13:15 --> 01:13:20

Um, this is the most common name of Allah in the entire port of ramen.

01:13:22 --> 01:13:27

Okay, so you got to like, You got to, you've got to understand this and keep it with you.

01:13:28 --> 01:13:30

If I say to you,

01:13:31 --> 01:13:32

if I say to you,

01:13:33 --> 01:13:36

like you've done something wrong to me, and I say to you,

01:13:38 --> 01:13:38

it's okay, man.

01:13:39 --> 01:14:01

It's okay. I don't worry, we're still friends. You can still come over. Don't worry about it, inshallah. You know, we'll figure it out. And you the thing you did was like, really terrible. Like, I don't know, I gave you some money. And I said, Hey, look, give this to some poor people. And you went in you went to Best Buy and just went crazy for yourself.

01:14:03 --> 01:14:08

And then you admitted it years later, look, I that money you gave for the poor. I actually used it on myself.

01:14:10 --> 01:14:20

I was being greedy. It got to my head. I'm sorry. And I could easily be like, I can't believe you would do that. Allah will punish you. But instead I say,

01:14:22 --> 01:14:30

Well, I am disappointed but you know, women. It's okay. Just pray to Allah to forgive you. But in terms of me, I'm not holding anything against you.

01:14:31 --> 01:14:35

It is what it is bubble. That's a reflection of mercy. What have I done?

01:14:37 --> 01:14:40

What have I done? Somebody hurt me.

01:14:41 --> 01:14:43

And I still

01:14:45 --> 01:14:50

I still forgave them. I still accepted them.

01:14:51 --> 01:14:54

I still appreciated them. That sort of

01:14:55 --> 01:15:00

we sin to Allah every day. What does

01:15:00 --> 01:15:15

Allah do for us. Every time we turn like this to Allah, what do you do for us? Allah still forgiving. That's that that sort of raw human is when you are constantly hurting or making the mistake.

01:15:16 --> 01:16:07

And Allah in return, continues to overlook and forgive you and how and and bless you with awful and also pardon those mistakes. That's why Allah says He is awful and are him. So he is exceptionally forgiving. Always merciful. Meaning doesn't matter how messed up you think you are. Allah just wants you to turn and just talk to him and he'll forgive you. That's right. So Allah is saying, If you pray and you pay yours, that cat and you follow process, Salem, loco Mizanin interesting word here because not everybody is going to get it. So law Allah is what we say in Arabic fairly Taraji, which is like, maybe you might get it.

01:16:09 --> 01:16:21

Mercy, not forgiveness is a part of Merci, merci is overlooking people's mistakes and flaws and still accepting them, still appreciating them.

01:16:22 --> 01:16:56

You know, all of you here have that Russia, India. All of you have that. And you have it in your own way with not just people with just life in general. So, you will see that in now that you understand what mercy is what to represent. You will see it more and more in your life, right? People that you could have easily cut ties with what you did, and you could have easily been upset with what you did it. Letter seven Alladhina Cafaro Morenci Xena fuel out of the woman whether or not all of a sudden mahseer Would you dare think that those who disbelieve are going to overpower anybody in the land? A direct

01:16:58 --> 01:17:35

a direct a for the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. When he's constantly being outnumbered in pretty much every battle. Every single battle he's constantly being outnumbered. Look what Allah tells him. Don't you dare for a moment think that just because those who believe this believe are going to overpower and destroy you. Because they have the number. They have numbers on their side they have resources on their site, etc, etc. Their place of refuge is in the fire. What a wretched destination. Students does this A is it also relevant to life.

01:17:36 --> 01:17:42

Today, when you think about the Palestinians, the Uighur Muslims, BOMA

01:17:43 --> 01:17:44


01:17:45 --> 01:18:02

This a Allah is saying Don't you ever for a moment think that these people who have power and use those power and resource to hurt torture and kill innocent people, that they are actually something

01:18:03 --> 01:18:07

worthy in the sight of Allah? Allah says, Oh, well, homeowner.

01:18:08 --> 01:18:13

I look at this a bit, that there's also a bit of sarcasm in it.

01:18:15 --> 01:18:47

Last thing when we're home, it's like saying to somebody, oh, don't worry, your seat has already reserved in Jahannam it's already there. There's a place that it's already been reserved and booked for you. That's what metla hormone num is less saying their place is already set in the fire. And you notice that Allah says one homeowner, he doesn't say one went home Jahannam Allah highlighted the fire not Jahannam itself. Allah highlight the fire itself.

01:18:48 --> 01:19:07

So that also entails like, this is why Arabic is so beautiful, right? That Allah is highlighting the actual punishment. So these people are not just going to find a corner in Jahannam and be like, Okay, I'm going to be the last one.

01:19:08 --> 01:19:58

I'm just going to buy time when to hide behind this mountain or this tree. And I'm gonna wait no, no, Allah is saying there's a portion of the fire that is already allocated to burn and torture that that individual, it's already just demand and there's a reserved portion of fire for that individual with their name on it. It's flaming their name. It's unbelievable. Remember earlier on in the soda we talked about the hail that how fee you'll see will be mania share why you're sorry for who aneasha Allah says that when these when this hail falls, it will touch anyone and it will also miss anyone that Allah wishes or desire. So these ice bullets that are coming from the sky, if they hit

01:19:58 --> 01:20:00

your hit your car remember we

01:20:00 --> 01:20:10

said that pellet had your name on it. So it's the same idea with the fire for the inhabitants of it. And may Allah protect us from that right? I mean kids will be kids

01:20:11 --> 01:20:18

there's this is a new subject that's going to lead to the end of the sewer now yeah, you will let the you know and or people of Eman

01:20:19 --> 01:20:47

Leah steady income, Leah steady income more Latina Melaka Amen Kamala Dina lemmya Hulu Hello, Ming comme cela sama rato, people have email, make sure that the people whom you own the slaves that you own and those who have reached mature who haven't reached maturity yet, that they should ask your permission at least three times, right before Fajr. And when you put aside your clothing, your clothing at noon, okay, what is happening here.

01:20:48 --> 01:20:53

These are, these are house rules for children.

01:20:54 --> 01:21:09

This area is now going to address when you have young children that have not reached the age of maturity. So you see who haven't reached maturity yet.

01:21:10 --> 01:21:20

That they should when they want to come and knock in your bedroom door, mom and dad are in there, that they can't just waltz into the, into the room,

01:21:22 --> 01:21:33

they have to be trained to remember the knock three times. And then you leave when you visit some. So it's the same rule that applies to even kids in the home.

01:21:34 --> 01:22:13

They can't just waltz into the parents room for obvious reasons, right. So this is part of the tarbiyah or home training the children should have that they should know that okay, once mommies or daddies door, once the bedroom door is locked, if you want to come in, or if you need anything, this is what you have to do. You have to knock at least three times. And the same thing applies like if for some reason, you know they have a device, they can text you or something that's the same idea at least gives some kind of warning for obvious reasons, right? However,

01:22:14 --> 01:22:17

Allah says there are also specific times that this should be done.

01:22:18 --> 01:22:28

Especially right before Fajr. So the kids have gone to sleep. It's nighttime now. The door is locked, mom and dad have gone to bed.

01:22:30 --> 01:22:32

And then the kid wants to come in during the night.

01:22:34 --> 01:22:46

They the kid should at least let the parents know, like, make some noise hit the do something. Because again, for obvious reasons, right?

01:22:48 --> 01:22:50

So Allah says it should happen then.

01:22:51 --> 01:23:28

And when you put aside your clothing at noon, so this is what we say on the pay Lula. So after the her period, some time during the day, let's say he comes home from work, he's on a break. So he comes home to have lunch or something. And he goes up into the room, you know, he changes into his clothing, or he just puts on some shorts, and he just kind of relaxes and he kind of just takes a nap. So that's that time that point during the day when he or she is resting. And look what Allah says.

01:23:29 --> 01:23:53

What Hina told our owner Thea becoming the hero. So the parents hear actually, like they removed their clothing to relax. So that's the whole point of this verse. So that the children don't walk in on their parents and see things they're not supposed to see. My question to you is why?

01:23:54 --> 01:23:55

They're just kids.

01:23:58 --> 01:23:59

They're just kids.

01:24:01 --> 01:24:03

Why is that? Why is it such a big deal?

01:24:08 --> 01:24:09

But they're not even mature.

01:24:11 --> 01:24:14

Like, like a five year old or a 44 year old.

01:24:15 --> 01:24:26

So what if dad's in like, his shorts only and mom is you know, in her own garments that the father or her husband will see and so it's so what he sees like, I mean, he's just a kid.

01:24:27 --> 01:24:29

What's What's the issue here? Yeah.

01:24:30 --> 01:24:43

As a kid, you're in a phase in life where you're creating your own set of normal normalcy. Like, where, what seems normal to you, and setting it from ahead of time. Good.

01:24:44 --> 01:24:55

Good. So it's it's not necessarily about what they can recognize or understand. It's all about the early training, laying the foundation. Anything else?

01:24:56 --> 01:24:58

respecting the rules? For sure. Yeah.

01:24:59 --> 01:25:00


01:25:00 --> 01:25:31

Psychology, there is a concept that is taught called triggers, and triggers that you know the toy with your mind. And you could be at any age when this happens, like you'll see like an image. And it immediately triggers an imagination or a fantasy or a thought in your mind. So like, you'll be driving on the highway, and you see a billboard of, you know, a lady holding a can of beer or something, right. But she's barely dressed.

01:25:32 --> 01:26:15

You're not seeing the beer anymore, you're not seeing the alcohol, you're not even thinking about the alcohol. But that image triggered a thought in your mind. That could if you don't eliminate, it could eventually lead you to do what eventually lead you that when you're home and you're on the computer or on the phone, you ended up getting on to a website or a video that you shouldn't look at. So that trigger led to all of this. So this area, is concentrating on the triggers, even for children. You know how we say that kids are a lot smarter than you think they are?

01:26:17 --> 01:26:21

You know, and lots of new parents take this for granted.

01:26:22 --> 01:26:45

Lots of new parents take us for granted. Like it's something they have to learn as they grow with their children that and everybody here who has children, you've had you've had this before with your kids, where you're like, Oh, my God, I can't believe she knew that. I can't believe he figured out God, how did they know this? You're always like that. It can be about anything. Because

01:26:46 --> 01:26:47

kids know.

01:26:48 --> 01:26:59

And since we're on the subject, just remember where we live, right? What is PG 13 Now is not PG does not the same PG 1320 years ago.

01:27:01 --> 01:27:14

Okay, it's not the same. What was what's PG now is not what was PG 20 years ago. So the kids are exposed to more and more and more triggers at a very early age.

01:27:16 --> 01:28:02

So this is the kind of tarbiyah or train that Allah is highlighting here, start this stuff early. And then look continues. And after the night prayer, so even mimbar your Salah Tillery Shia. So if after I share, mom and dad, you know, have a bit of privacy, kids are watching TV or doing what their thing and they're about to go to bed, same thing, once the door is closed is the key thing, then they should at least seek some kind of permission. Then Allah, Allah says fella through our tillikum, three hours of privacy for you. What is that? So this is really interesting. Lots of Muslims don't know this, right? That

01:28:04 --> 01:28:07

as part of this training for young children,

01:28:08 --> 01:28:12

if you tell the kids, they're knocking on the door, and you say, look, look, look, we're busy,

01:28:14 --> 01:28:21

especially when they're young children before maturity, is there a chance they'll come back like 10 minutes later and bang the door.

01:28:22 --> 01:28:26

And they'll probably do it like 17 times in a row.

01:28:27 --> 01:28:36

And if they don't see you open the door, they'll poke their face in their lip at the bottom there and be like dawned on me.

01:28:38 --> 01:28:44

And then they'll shove their toys in there, whatever they can, just to get your attention.

01:28:45 --> 01:28:48

So part of the training process is look,

01:28:49 --> 01:29:00

there are going to be moments where you just want that privacy. So Allah is saying that this is a good number

01:29:01 --> 01:29:32

that to three hours. So in other words, Allah is saying is like a portion of your day, it doesn't have to be exactly three hours but a portion of a day Allah is saying you can allocate for yourself for you alone for you and your spouse alone. And the children them so you don't fall into the other extreme where you lock them out and be like, okay, just watch TV for six hours. And they're sitting there binging video after video, and mom and dad are nowhere to be found.

01:29:34 --> 01:29:59

That's the problem. And again, if you're those of you who are married, you know this is a common habit. Relationships have like it's a common thing. Just dump the kids in front of a screen and leave them there and you have your private time with your spouse and that could go on for hours, whatever it is, right? So that's what Allah is highlighting. Salah through our Atilla lay sorry Comala Allah him Judah houbara

01:30:00 --> 01:30:23

When, aside from all of these rules, there is no blame upon you or upon them. So outside of all of this, however you want to structure private time and time with the family. That's all up to you. That's open space throughout today for you, then Allah continues for they continue to circulate among you. Look how Allah highlights the behavior of children.

01:30:24 --> 01:30:59

So Allah is saying, despite all of this, throughout the day, they're still going to be coming into your privacy, they'll be jumping on your bed. Everybody again, when your kids were young, I mean, my kids are tiny. So I have this all the time. You know, I'll wake up my son's foot is in my face. My daughter shoved behind my back. And everyday it's like that, right? And Allah is saying, you know, they will continually circulate among meaning kids will continue to be kids.

01:31:00 --> 01:31:04

So what is the A are really saying

01:31:05 --> 01:31:08

that that kind of behavior is okay.

01:31:09 --> 01:31:27

Let them be kids. They're not robots, you train you program. Okay? Three hours, okay? Don't knock here. No, no, Allah is saying that despite all of these rules, their kids, it's going to take time and they're going to forget about it. They're not going to see the importance of it because why? They don't know what's happening behind the door.

01:31:28 --> 01:31:40

So they'll ask you, Mommy, what are you doing? Daddy? What are you doing and it's gonna be awkward. Allah is saying kids will be kids, leave them alone.

01:31:42 --> 01:31:49

I like this verse also because of just the attention that Allah gives children, young children.

01:31:50 --> 01:32:02

You're not Islam is incredible. This way. Subhan Allah, the entire OMA will stand up in prayer. For one baby. If a baby dies in Janessa

01:32:03 --> 01:32:09

just think about where that baby dies. Like, especially if you've prayed Jenessa in Mecca, Medina, one little baby,

01:32:10 --> 01:33:01

tiny, not even a year old, died for whatever reason. And five, 7 million people will stop what they're doing. And pray over that one baby. Like, it's it's absolutely remarkable the the training mentally that Islam gives human beings to value life, even if it's a tiny baby that doesn't do anything, doesn't speak can what it can do nothing for you. But because it died, Allah is saying all of you stand up and show respect to that child. So same idea here. And then some of you amongst others, but what phone are they comparable Kumala barreled. So in other words, they will go to some of the family more than others. So sometimes they'll only be picking at mom all the time, wherever

01:33:01 --> 01:33:23

mom is, they're like glue to her. She can't go into the kitchen, she can't go to the bathroom, she got nothing. They're always there tugging on behind. So Allah acknowledges that as well. Now that you have already studied a little hijab, you guys remember when we talked about the hijab of when the woman has to constantly fix her hijab? What did I tell you about that? Is it annoying? But

01:33:25 --> 01:33:28

what's the what do you get out of the just annoyance?

01:33:30 --> 01:33:35

Every single moment she's constantly fiddling with her hijab, Allah is rewarding her for wearing it.

01:33:37 --> 01:33:41

So Allah is saying every single time your children become annoying to you,

01:33:42 --> 01:33:45

but you still show them mercy. Allah reward you for that.

01:33:47 --> 01:34:14

Allah, Allah blesses you, and reward you get blessing from Allah, you get rewarded, because you are still showing love and acceptance for your kids. Just because they're kids isn't okay. Love gives you blessing for that. You might think Well, every parent will do that. Like I've said before, just because somebody has children doesn't mean they are a parent.

01:34:16 --> 01:34:33

Just because they have children doesn't mean they're a parent. There are there are pretty awful parents out there. So these eight are important. Then Allah enqueues Cavalli K Ubu Allahu La comunidad wala Marlene Hakeem, that's how Allah clarifies his a to you and Allah is full is all knowledgeable, Full of Wisdom.

01:34:35 --> 01:34:52

So you train your kids to not before entering the room. Is there a deeper wisdom behind this training? We've talked about the triggers? So that's what this question was about. And before Fajr afternoon and night, you should always expect it which we've already thought of so expect kids to be kids okay.

01:34:53 --> 01:34:54


01:34:57 --> 01:34:58

Let's stop here.

01:34:59 --> 01:34:59


01:35:00 --> 01:35:02

Let's pause here in sha Allah, because

01:35:04 --> 01:35:09

we have quite a bit of you know what we'll do hold on. All right, one second.

01:35:13 --> 01:35:54

Hmm, let me give you this one last day and it will pause here when it when it talks about senior women. Okay, we'll pause here. Let me give you this one last a while either better call out fire looming come when kids become mature. So as they grow, then they should ask permission just like those that came before them for Leah, Dino chemistry, then a Latina in public them. So your teenagers, young adults in the home, they should also do the same. They can't just waltz into the house or into the room, just because it's my parents. The side point that you can add now to this conversation is even if these mature kids don't live in the house till they've married they've moved

01:35:54 --> 01:35:56

on. We've already talked about that.

01:35:58 --> 01:36:06

A fundamental discipline is that they're not allowed to just show up at your at your parents house just because he my mom and dad, I can come anytime I want. No.

01:36:08 --> 01:36:14

So all of you who have children who live in other places, you can text them this.

01:36:15 --> 01:36:27

And hopefully they won't get the wrong impression right? text them this area and see what happens to them. Okay. Polyester, new chemistry. Code le que bien en la la comunidad so it ends up the same way.

01:36:29 --> 01:36:37

And that will is where we will pause. Next week in sha Allah, this is the the exemption for hijab.

01:36:38 --> 01:36:58

Okay. Lots of Muslims don't know that an area like this exists, where this is where a woman is allowed to remove her hijab or she doesn't have to wear hijab, she's exempted from it. So what are the rules that surround that mess? Allah that scenario, that's what we'll start off with next week. Now,

01:36:59 --> 01:37:00

what I want to say,

01:37:01 --> 01:37:07

as we conclude, so next week in sha Allah, who Tada we will conclude this surah.

01:37:08 --> 01:37:16

And I have another sort of that I would start with you. So I will send out a handout for the new students. And for also the students online.

01:37:17 --> 01:37:23

Do you guys want to know what that source is? Or should I just leave you in mystery and suspense?

01:37:24 --> 01:37:27

Wondering My God, what is he going to do?

01:37:28 --> 01:37:29


01:37:32 --> 01:37:33


01:37:37 --> 01:37:38

No, no, we didn't finish her.

01:37:39 --> 01:37:40

We couldn't

01:37:42 --> 01:37:43

hang up. We're here.

01:37:45 --> 01:37:49

Yeah, we have finished I think about 10 verses only, or something like that. Yeah.

01:37:50 --> 01:38:07

We spent a good time talking about eating the kinds of foods you can eat, eating meat and chicken from the people of the book that we spent a few sessions on that, and then COVID hit, then we I think we were talking about slaughtering the animal how that processes we talked about, we'll do.

01:38:09 --> 01:38:11

Anyhow, so here's here's this guy's

01:38:13 --> 01:38:36

I thought of sorta Telma EDA, but I will save sort of Telma EDA for January onwards in sha Allah, because why? We have just a few weeks, I think five weeks, six weeks left, before the semester is done. So I want to give you if you're okay with SUTA Lookman.

01:38:39 --> 01:38:45

Is that okay, guys? How many of you, how many of you have studied solid lock man before?

01:38:47 --> 01:38:51

Anywhere, like anywhere, you've gone through a tough sort of pseudo lock, man.

01:38:52 --> 01:39:31

So that's great. That's really good to hear. So next week, you can tell anybody you want, who wants to join the class. Next week is a perfect time. We can accommodate I believe, exactly 20 students in in person. And I think we are way past there. But the thing is, we don't have 20 people showing up every week, like, every week, there's a new face that pops in here. And it's like, you know, it's like Gibreel alayhis salaam rasa. Suddenly he shows up one time and then disappears for a little while it comes back again. So whoever these students are bringing what he taught us once in a while.

01:39:33 --> 01:39:59

That's the only fear that I have. So But nevertheless, if you know anybody who will be interested in sort of plan, especially if you have any young adult students, children, etc. Just invite them to come. Okay. You will have the same setup. I have a PowerPoint slide setup. You'll see all of that, and it will be a great discussion in Sharla. So look forward to that. Subhanak love Moby hamburger Chateau La ilaha illa and stop Furukawa Tubeway lake. I will see you all next week.

01:40:00 --> 01:40:02

Mr. de como hacer la heat wabarakatuh

01:40:08 --> 01:40:09


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