Musleh Khan – Thematic Study of Sura An-Nur #08 – Conclusion

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of training children to avoid knocking before entering a bedroom is emphasized, along with the use of triggers in media and entertainment, including pictures and videos to portray beauty and their potential. The Surah Surah is a powerful statement of morality, and learning from the father and son is crucial to achieving Islam's teachings. Visiting strict rules, dressing up properly, respecting others' privacy, and learning from mistakes and mistakes is crucial to achieving Islam's teachings. Visiting the serah Surah is a powerful statement of morality, and practicing these behaviors and learning from their mistakes and mistakes will help students improve their future prospects.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rahim Allah Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Ali, he of total Salah woman while to all of our students online and all of us here so Mr. Alikum, warahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.

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As you see in front of you, this is the last verse that we concluded with. And we did finish this verse as well, as well, as we kind of zoomed over this one, verse number 59. So just a quick recap, training your kids to knock before entering the bedroom. That's what these verses are really all about. What did we say, was one of the deeper wisdoms behind this type of training? What did we say?

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Why should you train your kids this way?

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They've got a knock before they come in. Or there are certain times where it's just like, Look, if you don't need us, Don't come near this, don't come near the bedroom door. Why are we encouraged in the Koran to raise and train our kids this way? Why?

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That's exactly the problem, right traders.

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And you might not think that

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it's a big deal. And a lot of parents underestimate this. We live in a time where children are exposed to the things that perhaps, you know, were parents time when they were young. They were exposed to these kinds of subliminal messages and images, and so on and so forth. When they were past the teenager phase. Now you get that thrown in front of your face, when you're five years old, when you're eight years old. What's what we said to you a prime example is what is considered PG 13. Today is not what it was 20 years ago. So even just in entertainment in general, in general, cartoons in general, just TV shows and sitcoms in general. There are constant triggers that are

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thrown to our children into you and I and our Eman is constantly at a grind. What Allah subhanho wa Taala is helping us to understand is don't trivialize those triggers that could happen in your own house, when the TV is off when the computer is off. Nobody's on their phone. Those can still be there. So when you look at it from that angle, it this is a big deal. This is a huge, huge problem. So important. And then of course just to summarize, yeah, before Fajr afternoon and night, at the end of the day, children will be children, kids or kids. And that's where this verse came into play when the the Bella outfile roaming Komal home. When kids become mature, then they should ask

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permission just like those who came before them. And this is exactly how Allah clarifies his yet, for he is all knowledgeable and full of wisdom.

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Shall we students? So this is the verse that we continue with verse number 61 Hola Domina Nisa, then, and the women sitting with no desire for marriage.

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So what about these women lie over June anyhow? They don't desire they're not looking for a husband that's the bottom line and then a login to his fillet sila Hina, Juna Hoon in your Darna Thea, but one Hydra motor battery jetting be Xena, then for them putting aside their outer garments but not displaying Tabata Rouge. And if they still absorb the hijab that is better for them. We talked about what Tibet Raja was it came earlier on in the Surah. When we say not displaying their adornment or their beauty. What exactly this Tibet Rouge mean?

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What exactly does that mean? When we talked about hijab, we discussed what about Raj was and its connection to the hijab, I'll start you off. We mentioned that a hijab is not a garment that represents beauty. It's not like a fashion statement that she makes no, it's a reflection of her devotion and commitment to the instructions Allah gave her. That's why she wears hijab. And very different again, especially with culture in this day and age, you can go on YouTube, you can find hundreds of hijab tutorials, and so on and so forth. I mean, maybe some of them are good, they're helpful, especially for a young student that's just starting out on this phase. But when you really

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sit back and you look at the aim behind what people have taken the hijab and what they've represented it, what it's become for the world. It's almost as if the true essence of what hijab is and what it represents as part of her identity, as part of her commitment, as part of her Amen. Her devotion and her love for Allah subhanho wa taala. All of that's been thrown aside. So what Allah is highlighting here is that there is no problem for a woman who has reached a point in her life, where she doesn't care about marriage, she has no desire for marriage, that she can remove her hijab in front of anyone, she is not obliged to where he yep, that's the point of this i is the only a of the

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entire poor end that gives this exception. So and then Allah says not displaying heart to Baton Rouge. So at the same time, you know, she can use her own logic and her own common sense that if she feels like look, you know, Allah blessed me with a nice full head of hair.

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I got streaks in it, I might be 85 but it's okay. I still feel uncomfortable, that, you know, people might stare at me might, men might look at me and be like, mashallah, I wonder if she's looking for marriage, it could still happen. So if she has that fear from within, then that's what Allah is saying that if you have the, and by the way, that is not a reason for you to put the hijab on. Allah is saying that as a result of that, if you feel uncomfortable, then that's fine, if you decide to, and that image is a perfect example, that if you decide you still want to put on your hijab, then Allah says, well as start 15 Ohio law when there's a better free, meaning the she gets rewarded the

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elderly woman for making the choice to wear hijab, if she rewarded for that. Yes, that's what highroller one means here. It means that better for her meaning, you'll get the thumbs up and reward for doing that. Does anybody have any questions on this?

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No desire for marriage.

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We live in an age where people

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are a much younger age than perhaps this lovely lady.

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Does that mean that a 25 year old for example, that decides to get married? Good?

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Good. Good question. Okay, so for the students online, when Allah highlights that these are women that have no desire for marriage.

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There might be a 25 year old or a 30 year old that has no desire for marriage. does she belong in this A as well? The answer is obviously no. However, what's the deal? Like what's the evidence that restricts this a for somebody who is of that age, an elderly stage in their life? The answer to that is from the surgeon

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Have our Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam explaining this verse. And it's also how scholars explained this verse that it is known, widely known that for somebody who has no desire for marriage, the no desire here, she naturally doesn't have any desire for marriage. Very different from somebody who's much younger than her that decides, I just don't want to get married. But if a mashallah Tabata cola shows up in her life one day, she might seriously consider, you know, I never wanted to marry all these years, but then again, I never thought I would ever find you.

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I never thought that I would meet someone like you. This person in this area, doesn't matter who they are. Doesn't matter what they offer. I don't care what you do for I don't care if you pay for all my hospital bills, my medication, you take care of anything. I don't have no desire for anything like this. Complete different. So the end of the day, this is not by choice. This is just a non natural development in her life. She just reaches a point at a point where there is no kneecap for her. Does everybody understand? And again, our Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam companions, and scholars of the Arabic language automatically view and understand that this is what the A is making

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reference to. Okay. So that's important. Good question.

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Well, Allahu semi on our Alim and Allah hears everything and knows everything students, why does the end away? What's the connection? Why did the end off with Allah hears everything?

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And knows everything?

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And we're talking about the elderly women who have no desire for marriage. What's the connection?

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If you make this connection, this is one way that you know, you understand FCL

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is when you can connect the beginning of an idea or the subject of that as to how it is.

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The ending is always connected. Yeah.

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okay. Anything specific? Yep.

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Okay, good. So, these are matters of the heart. So Allah subhanaw, taala, hears and understands and knows what is in the heart. So that takes care of Eileen. Eileen is Allah has complete and full knowledge of everything. It's not an island, or Island. Like I could be an island you could be, or we all have real, we have knowledge, and we are people of knowledge, but it only belongs to Allah, that is complete knowledge of everything. So the connection is that, first and foremost, when Allah hears everything, every conversation that is associated with this subject, even if you got to really think you got to really put yourself in this scenario to capture its full meaning. Just imagine,

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right? An elderly woman,

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an elderly woman,

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if she's under the care of her children of her husband, or anybody else,

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with elders, who usually makes decisions for them about what to eat, how to dress, where to go, who usually does that? Is it them?

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And any of you who have taken care of elderly people, you know the answer to this, who usually decides how they live in the decisions they make and what they do.

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You do the one who's caring for them. So if it's your mom, Mom, you're not going to go there at all. No, no, no, no, you can go there's 20 people there. It's too noisy, or you're not going to like that.

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And she deep down inside might want to voice how she feels. So the children or the Guardians might say to her mom, you don't have to put on the hijabs taken off, okay, okay, I have to go all the way upstairs, I have to go look for a job for you that I got to go iron at dinner. We don't have time for any of that just don't worry about but deep down inside of her.

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She'd like to voice how she feels.

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She'd like to voice you know,

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the elderly community in general, in general, always want to fix

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someone to listen to them.

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And someone to just assist in their daily chores. So if they need something to eat, you can give it to them. If they need their clothes, you can help them get dressed. Just the basics. That's it. And number two, just to sit and listen to their lifetime stories of everything they've ever done all

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Again, if you are around old people in general, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You could just sit there and let them talk for two hours. And they will talk for two hours, and a lot more.

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And they'll tell you probably the same story every day and then you will be a half of all of their stories. You will be, but that's what they want. So Allah is saying that, even if she might not have that opportunity to voice how she feels, what she's thinking,

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Allah, is he listening to her? And you know, since we're talking on this subject, right?

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Allah listens to women in the Koran

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in a very unique way. You guys heard the story of how Lila bent Thaba or the Allah when her this is a woman that came to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. She complained to him about her husband, her husband was mistreating her and her process Selim when he's listening to her, he doesn't have a response for her at that moment because why Allah didn't reveal verses for him to present to this woman and guide her through it. It didn't come. So he's listening to her and she's telling a Gatto Sula, this is how my husband treats me and Annette later on, she got tired and he's like, You know what, it's fine. I'll just complain to Allah. And she turns her attention and she just starts

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talking to Allah this is most of my marriages is when my husband does to me is how we treat me and, and Allah sent the first verse and sort of telling Magetta but it's something Allahu Allah Lottie to Jedi Luke Effie Zoji, what's Shakila Allah? Allah who yes smack to how water Kuma Allah revealed the verse that when you got tired of presenting your case to the Prophet Allah so what was the meaning you weren't getting the direction? This verse is to remind you, and confirm I was always listening to you. When you complain to me directly I listened to you later on in her life as she became older, or I'm going to build hot tub is in power. He's the Khalifa right? He's in charge. He's the

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president. He's the leader of all the Muslims. And you know, when you're the president, you have a huge entourage of security and people that come with you everywhere you go. Right Just watch like how any leader prime minister or president how they move. They have like 14 different security guards and hundreds and hundreds of people escorting them everywhere. So I'm gonna have no hot tub has got a massive escort with him.

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Hola. What are the Allah one, huh? Caesar Omar and his huge party moving? She yells out Yeah, Omar. Yeah, Omar. Not yet. Amuro meeny Nadella, she just calls him out by his first name. Hey, Justin.

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Right. Hey, onload. So I'm going to be a hot tub. Just Just imagine how this looks. He stops the entire caravan and all his entourage. He stops them gets out. And he goes up to this woman how Levine tharla bottle the ALA horna. You know what she starts doing to him? She starts scolding him. Or oh, no, you're a big shock now, aren't you? Ah, look at you. You're the leader. You're the Oh, wow. Oh, no.

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She starts to tell him you better have Taqwa of Allah. Fear Allah. Remember where you came from Rhonda. Just imagine talking to the president or the king or the leader this way right to his face. You better watch out. And she went on like this for like a full hour when she was done, or gets back to his group and they continue moving. Obviously, the group is watching all these like, Yeah, I mean, meaning Why did you allow yourself to be scolded by her this way? And your own model the law horn looked at everyone and said, when this woman spoke

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a lot, listen to her. Above the seven heavens responded that they heard her complaint.

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So if she held me all throughout the night until the next day, I would have sat and listened to her the entire night. I would never leave her unless she told me, Okay, it's time for Salah go pray. That's the only way I would have left. You know what? You're gonna starve to death, go eat something, come back and I'll continue. That's the only way I would eat. That's what our mother says. So that level of humility

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of at the end of the day, this elderly woman.

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The connection with what we're discussing here is really very simple. Right?

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That at the end of the day, old people in general when they have something to say

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You should listen.

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You don't have to agree. But you should definitely sit there and listen. And nine out of 10 times, you will be shocked and amazed of the kind of advice and direction and stories you would hear. Okay? This is a prelude to the next verse, what is referred to here. Okay, so let's look at the next verse. It's pretty long, but it's very straightforward, yep.

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So she was telling her role model that don't let your position get to your head. It's pretty much what she said. But she's doing it in a way that there's not like, oh, Amuro moment, he's not she's not calling him out by his title. Nothing. She's just talking to him like a little kid, because she's an elderly woman. And the point is, is that in this day and age, if you talk to leaders this way, even if you're older and wiser than them, it's considered inappropriate, right? And disrespectful.

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Not even she just spoke naturally the way that she would speak at her age, which is,

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you know, the elderly don't have time to be appropriate and nice. Every single conversation, they have time to do that.

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That takes a lot of time and energy mentally. It's exhausting for the elderly people to do that all the time. You know, they just want to say,

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why I've been to nothing. Okay, you're alive. Okay. Bye. But really what they meant by that whole sentence was, are you okay? Is your day going? Well, and hamdulillah I'm so glad to see you. Okay, we'll talk a little later. But they summarize it all in three words that you could easily get offended by. We have Hadith of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam teaching us not to take every single word that somebody was attained old age personal. Because sometimes they might just say stuff to you. And you're just like, Whoa, I can't believe you talk to me that way? Well, they're old, they probably weren't thinking what they said to begin with. And if they're your parents, What did Allah

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say to do when your parents get old, and they start telling you, the daughter and the Son, I never taught you to cook like that.

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Once you put so much salt in there, and they're saying this to her to their daughter, in front of her whole family, and her cousins and her children and her friends. This is what you cooked. And I taught you way better than this. And I put some ketchup or something on this to get some flavor like God, how would she feel? Initially, she'll be like, Oh my god, this is really embarrassing. What did Allah say don't do. Don't say, oh,

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fella, taco Lahoma.

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Don't even show a reaction. Just swallow that moment. Just accept it.

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So when it's your parents, the whole different ballgame, a whole different ballgame, especially when they're old. Okay?

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Lay silent, or

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lay silent era Maharaj. So what's this verse all about eating at each other's home. So a little bit of an intro, what is referred to here is the fact that they used to feel too embarrassed to eat with the blind, who is they? The Companions them.

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One of the things that they did very often in Medina, is that they would invite people

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from the special needs community to come and spend time with them. So they would invite people who are deaf or blind, who, you know, mentally, they were struggling mental health issues, as a whole all forms. And anybody like this, who was around in Medina, the companions that made it a point to invite them over to come over, have lunch, come stay with us, and to serve and protect, right. So sometimes, these individuals,

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sometimes these companions would feel too embarrassed to eat with those individuals. So imagine you invite somebody from the special needs community. And sometimes you would reject and say, you know, I could, but what are people going to say? What, you know, I'm going to invite these people into my home. I'm just a little embarrassed by it. You know, it's a cultural behavior that still exists till this day. It still exists till this day. And the prophet Ali sought was on every time he met somebody who was disabled or had special needs or anything along that line. His sunnah was that he would stop talking

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with anybody who was around him, and he would go and meet them shake their hands. So you'll probably will see like lectures and hot teams will do this as they're walking out, at least I mean, I can probably do much of it now. But before if you see somebody in a wheelchair, you actually okay guys, don't ask me no questions, and you'd go there Salam Alikum Hauer and you make dua for them. And that's a Prophetic practice of the Prophet or use what was was salam. And continuing with this, because they could not see the food or where the best morsels were. So others might take the best pieces before they could you see what happened with the Companions, they were afraid to invite some

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of them, especially somebody who was blind, because the blind person couldn't see what was in front of them. So everybody else who could see will take all the best pieces, and they would left with the leftovers. So to avoid all of that, just don't invite them at all. That's what they decided at this point. So Allah revealed this verse, to set the record straight of how to deal with these types of scenarios. Okay? So Allah says, There is no restriction on the blind, or the disabled, or the sick, nor on yourself if you eat from your homes, or the homes of your fathers, or your mothers or your brothers or your sisters. Now, two things to keep in mind that you want to note about this area.

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Number one, yes, this is etiquettes of eating from each other's homes. But number two, it is also connected to the area of hijab, meaning that she can take her hijab in front, she can eat in the homes of these individuals that she can also remove her hijab, in front of, so she can take her hijab, obviously in front of her father in front of her mother in front of her brothers, right of her sisters, and she can relax, she can eat there, and so on and so forth. But in context, this is the second point, it is talking about, specifically this scenario, and how the Companions treated individuals from this particular community. So others might take the best reason or they felt too

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embarrassed to eat with the special needs community because they could not sit comfortably, and their companions might take advantage of him. So this was another problem. It wasn't just the fact that they couldn't see the best pieces. But there was also this fear that if they can't hear and they can't see, then people are going to take advantage of them and just give them whatever or not give them enough or tell them things that really aren't true. You know, it's such a, my new detail, it's really interesting that there's a yet that's devoted to this kind of etiquette. And they felt embarrassed to eat with the sick because they might not eat as much as the others. So they were

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afraid to eat with them in fear, they were unfair to them in some way. That's the key, okay, students, at the end of the day, all these companions who chose not to sit and eat and break bread with this community, they were afraid in fear that they would have treated them unfairly in some way, shape or form. So then Allah highlights Don't worry, there's no restriction on them. Well, this if they eat from your homes, or they go to your father's house or your mom's so your brothers or your sisters or your paternal uncles paternal and maternal uncles, maternal ends, or from the homes that you have keys to meaning you might own multiple properties, or you might have like, you know, a

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particular room that you have access to, that you bring people from the community and you serve them a meal. So Allah says no problem if you bring people from this community there and you serve them as well. There is or the homes of your friends so you might have access to somebody else's house.

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There is no blame on you eating together or separately. Now don't misunderstand this A is a has a very specific context to it. Don't eat

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there is no blame on you eating together what's Allah talking about? Eating together with who?

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Eating together with who?

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special needs community right? You gotta some people have taken this verse out of context and said, all we can sit together and free mix with anybody.

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Because look what Allah there's no blame if you guys just sit all together and it's all one big happy family. No, that's not what the A is talking about. See how easy they could

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pick at the verse. So really important when Allah says eating together, and very specifically, he's making reference to this particular scenario, or separately, or in other words, you serve this community but you

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are not necessarily there Right? However, when you enter houses now this I really love check this out

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for either the whole tubu 10 whenever you enter houses

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for suddenly more Isla and foresee come greet yourself with a greeting of sound. So when you walk into your home and nobody's home, what do you do?

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You still say a Salam Alaikum why?

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Angels are there. And if for some reason angels decide to stay away from your home

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you see, Sal, I know you don't want to say salam alaikum to the gents, right? But if for whatever reason, you still say Salah morally come

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to you.

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There is baraka, there is blessing in doing that. Still say salam alaikum to yourself. Okay, very, very basic but important etiquette. Then Allah highlights why

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suddenly, more Allah and fusi come to hear 10 Minar in dilla. Greek greet yourself. So when you enter, greet yourself with this greeting of peace from Allah, that is bless it and good. Do you guys know the salah means salam ala, right?

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To hear means of greeting.

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So this area is saying that the Salam is a greeting from Allah to you. It's an it's a greeting that Allah has taught His believers to use.

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Greeting is also used generically, in other verses as well. Greeting is also Hello, Hi, good morning, anything that's considered polite, when you say hello to anybody. So this area also highlights that whatever greeting Allah has taught you, you should use that as well. So it addresses that when you walk into somebody else's house, not a Muslim home. But it could be like extended family, you could be a revert. So you're going over to your parents home, who's they're not Muslim, so you have keys to walk in. So you could say a Somali come to yourself. Or you could just simply say hello, and good morning to anybody who's there. And that also is something bless it and good in

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the sight of Allah. So just in conclusion, just having good etiquettes when you enter your home or anybody's home in general, it's important that part of your advocates is that you greet the people that are there. How do you greet yourself without the sedan? What do you say? Like what's what's a greeting to myself? That is the salon.

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Scholars differ. Believe it or not, some women say that even if you walk into somebody else's, also as a Muslim, you can say Bismillah just to yourself, and that's sufficient. That's a greeting that is sufficient for you to say

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you don't have to say a seller Marley when there's like an idol over there, there's a picture of something, you know, it's it's not the the ideal scenario for the salon. But at least Bismillah is just is is appropriate enough. And that's the bare minimum you should use okay.

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This is how Allah makes his revelation yet

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it's fine. You can greet and use the salam with anybody you want. And even if they respond, like I have even some non Muslim friends that are not of Arabic descent or anything like that, and he'll just say Salaam Alaikum to me all the time, just respond and leave it at that. So your job always is to respond to a greeting when you hear it. Allah says what you there who he told me to hear in Surah Nisa, whenever you are greeted with a greeting for how you be sending in her, then respond with something that is equal or at least better than it so respond is the point. So you are not required to give salam or hello to every single person you walk by which you are obliged to at least respond

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in some way shape or form, okay, their reward and what accounts and so on. That's Allah's territory, right? Because le qu Bay you know, la Hola, como te la la Cantera de lune This is how ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala makes his revelation clear to you in hopes that you will understand. So a couple of notes on this verse Mujahid famous terrier says a man would take a blind lame or sick person to the house of his or her brother or his aunt or sister or what have you and they would feel shy or embarrassed of that and say they're taking us to other people.

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Homes. Do you see what's happening here? What Allah is doing is highlighting for us to consider the feelings of the special needs community.

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Think about how they feel.

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And if you're going to say to them well, okay, and people do this all the time, okay? As long as we just give them something to eat, they'll be happy. So you know why? Why don't you take them to your house instead?

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And they might not. They might be blind, but they can hear everything they're going and they're like, Oh, my God, now they're arguing about who's going to help me here. And then when they hear the person, okay, you take him to your house and you feed them, you give them something, then that person will be quietly, no, I can't, it's not a good time. And all this time, this blind person is hearing this stuff. That's what Allah is highlighting. What I love about this is how sensitive Allah is teaching us to be with the special needs community, watch your tongue and what you say around this, this group around these people. It's amazing.

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It's amazing. And the Companions got this message. And look, look what some of the companions under Tiburon would say

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that they felt shy and embarrassed of that. And they would say they're taken to other people's homes. So this I was revealed granting permission for that. So sometimes the blind or the disabled will say, No, no, no, it's okay. You don't have to take me to nobody else's home. You don't have to really call that person to give me a ride. I'll just take the bus, I'll just call Uber. I'll just go to somewhere, I'll just go to McDonald's. Don't worry, I don't want to inconvenience you guys. What does Allah saying here? You you go out of your way to serve this community. And that's what you should do? Go out of your way to do that. It's remarkable, absolutely remarkable. From even just the

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little things. And even when you're you're planning your dinner or your lunch with members of this community, you got to be very cautious of how you speak and make reference to them, right? Greeting to others and to yourself injects blessings in the home. This is another incentive for you to say salaam aleikum to an empty home. It also calls upon Allah to bless your home and to bring peace and protection in your home.

00:37:32 --> 00:37:32

Are we good?

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00:37:35 --> 00:37:37

so it's eight o'clock, right?

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00:37:54 --> 00:38:03

Sure, very good question. Is there any link to the message in this verse? To the sort of Allah chose to place this verse in?

00:38:04 --> 00:38:06

This is the sort of what guys

00:38:07 --> 00:38:09

know, we all know what notice, right?

00:38:11 --> 00:38:12

So make the connection.

00:38:14 --> 00:38:15

When you

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make the extra effort

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to be sensitive towards people's feelings in general, you're very, you're the kind of person that's very careful of your choice of words. You know, one of the things that really irritates me is I'll go to like Muslim communities anywhere, they'll always be

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Muslims. And it could be like volunteers, it could be people in administration. It could be just people in a general community. They'll always have this attitude.

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Like they'll if they want to give you an instruction, a you sit down, don't move. Okay. Brother, sister. What are you doing Be quiet.

00:39:05 --> 00:39:31

This Aya Allah is saying, that tone of voice you use, and the choice of words you have all of that counts. Allah is paying attention to all of that. And it is a reflection of how much Nord Allah will bless your art and bless your life with 99% of the time. The people that are overall just a grouch in the way they speak to anybody.

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99% of the time. It is a reflection of their own Eman. They are lacking this discipline. Good etiquettes good mannerisms just talking to people. What is the problem of you just be nice, especially to your fellow Muslim. And then in addition to that, you add this additional layer of people from this community special needs community. Allah is saying Be extra careful.

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and extra cautious and as a result of doing that, I will bless you with more and more nor I will increase and strengthen the Berlin's of your faith in your heart and in your life. Why? Just because you're nice to people, you just you have a good tone and the choice of words, you're very careful of your choice of words. Does that make sense, guys? So one of those etiquettes unfortunately, generally speaking, as a Muslim culture, we're still learning how to do that. Still learning how to do that, you know, a while ago, I came here and the door the gate was locked in the parking lot, right? A few weeks ago. So I came I see like four or five cars, and I get out of my car, I walk up,

00:40:43 --> 00:40:44

I open the door and everybody gets in.

00:40:46 --> 00:40:54

One person just has to say to me, why do they lock the door? Why? Start just yelling at me? Like brother?

00:40:55 --> 00:41:44

It's security. Right? Do you remember somebody came here and try to break into the security man as far as safety? Like, just leave it alone? No, no, oh, and the same person, you know, walks into the masjid coming for Salah. They're going to stand in front of Allah after these like scream that you you know, he just like so unnecessary. SubhanAllah. So just like this is a really, really something that as a culture, we still have to keep learning. May Allah help us all, I mean, in the middle of miuna Latina and will be led to water slowly. This is the conclusion now last few verses of suited to nor the believers are only those who believe in Allah. Now what you're going to see is how Allah

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summarizes everything that you've learned and captured in the Surah. It's all going to come together now. Okay?

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The believers are only those who believe in Allah, meaning those who have true faith and Amen with Allah subhanaw taala and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And when they are in when they are meeting with him for a matter of common interests, so when they come to the Prophet alayhi salatu was set up, and all the believers are there together, and they have a question or an issue or they need guidance or direction. What you that can all matter who I am, or in German lemmya Herb who had died yesterday, you know, watch the etiquettes at its best. They nobody who's standing in front of the prophecy seldom is going to leave unless they ask his permission. jasola Could I get up and

00:42:41 --> 00:42:47

leave? Could I go across the road? Can I go to the bathroom? They won't do any of that? What's the lesson for you? And I?

00:42:49 --> 00:42:52

What's the lesson for you? What I in 2021 In this video

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What is Allah helping us to understand?

00:43:01 --> 00:43:04

How do you implement this lesson?

00:43:05 --> 00:43:10

In this day and age process elements are here. So how do you how do you bring this a at a life?

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So a couple of ways.

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The first the scholars tell us

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is that when por and or suna is being taught the peak of etiquettes of a student of knowledge is that they illustrate the best of themselves when they hear Paul Allah and parlor are sold to the point that if they need to step out of class, they need to answer the phone or they need to meet somebody go to the bathroom or what have you. They will never do it until they ask their teacher or their professor. Is it okay for me to go.

00:43:55 --> 00:44:01

So the peak and they're not doing this because of their teacher. They're doing this because of what the teacher is saying.

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You're getting, you're getting the best knowledge in existence. So you reflect with the best advocates you could possibly have. And your advocates are because you are hearing the prophet Ali Hassan was slammed words. I've said this to you before even though we don't have the Prophet alayhi salatu salam,

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we still have Buhari, still have Sahih Muslim we still have Hadith box. So we have all of his teachings, we have his sayings, we have his legacy. We have his etiquettes we have his life. We have all of that still here with us. So you treat that knowledge as though the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam is here and these Hadith are alive in front of you. So that's the idea. And that is what true leadership is all about. Then Allah continues in a dino Dino NACA Willa eco ladina. You may known a biller he was solely then Allah says this

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do not depart until they have asked permission indeed those who ask your permission, those are the ones who really truly are committed to you. So when they ask your permission do to something of their affairs. So here's part of the Prophet Ali's thought was salaams advocates with his followers. Now another way to understand this area is that some of the scholars say there's a very specific context here. And that is, these are individuals who are asking the prophesy Salem that they would like to leave his movement his following, they would not want to be part of Islam anymore. And there were people like that. They're actually asking, oh, messenger of Allah.

00:45:46 --> 00:45:57

We would like to ask that, you know, we want to leave, that's this party is not the introduction, this bar for either step there, nor can the barrel the shed near him.

00:45:59 --> 00:46:41

Then when they ask your permission, due to something of their affair, so something came up, they can't continue their journey with the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, you know, something happened, they can't continue, they can't migrate with them, they can't go to the Battle of or hood or hunt up, or or Ernie or anything else, they can't go with him. So they ask your soul look, could you exempt us from this, and that's where Allah says, for the layman term in whom was still fit Allahu Allah, that you as a leader, you must and you should give permission to those who ask to be left behind. And then of course, pray for them and ask that ALLAH SubhanA wa taala, forgive them and have

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mercy on them.

00:46:43 --> 00:47:25

Following the prophesy sell him through battles, expeditions, travels and so on, is an honor in and of itself. So if a companion for whatever reason, isn't able to do that, they asked permission for them to be exempted, the process that was being told you should exempt them from that. So they they are with the messenger there, they also understand that they are with Allah subhanho wa Taala shutting him here important matter that only can be done by its door, a motor is more generic. So that's this part here, shutting him this word, then give them permission to him amongst themselves. So basically, what I wanted to highlight here is that at the end of the day, there are certain

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things that only the Prophet alayhi salatu salam could do. And there are certain things that only Allah subhanho wa Taala could do. So at the end of the day, even if you can't be with the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam on an expedition or battle. At the end of the day, just understand that Allah is truly the one that controls all of your affairs. So if you if you can't be there with him, you can still be with

00:47:55 --> 00:48:01

Allah right. That's the idea. I'm Laurel and Allah.

00:48:04 --> 00:48:47

Lead to dry to dry or Rasul Lee bainer CommCare dua e barreled combat, although don't make your calling your door of the prophet Ali Sato some amongst yourself that call of the one the call of one of you to another. In other words, the Dora of the messenger Allah who saw that was sent that he makes for you don't think it's like any other door that others are making for you. Okay? So it's separating the door of the Prophet send him to you is not the same. If a homeowner makes dua for you. It's not the same of Abu Bakar, making dua for you, and so on and so forth. But the ILM, hula hula Xena, Yetta selalu, lemming, calmly, Wada. Allah already knows those of you who slip away

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concealed by others. So let those be aware who descend from his prophetic instructions that are fitna baby follow them or painful punishment. So in other words, those who decide to go against the prophet Ali Sato slams instructions, especially when he's right in front of them. That's what the idea is in sha, Allah says then expect that perhaps maybe a fitna or some kind of struggle will befall them, or a painful punishment awaits them. Because at this point, 63 verses later,

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if these companions have not decided their commitment with the with the Prophet it sought was salam. Basically, Allah saying

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is over

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and can't help you anymore. I gave you all of soda to Nora, and you still struggled to commit yourself to Him.

00:49:42 --> 00:49:46

You know, some elements say that when you study soda to Nora and you study it well.

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It's one of the sutras in the Quran that can truly truly guarantee you will die as a believer.

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You will die as a believer. It will help

00:50:00 --> 00:50:36

preserve and protect a man in your heart and as a result in your life, this one particular soldier, it's different because of verses like this. So, this is why I really encourage that, these sutras, they are a must for all believers must, okay. And finally, the last verse in any Lahemaa for summer work you will adult unquestionably to Allah belongs everything in the heavens on Earth or the Ala Moana and tamale he will only return when he for you in a bit or home, Bhima Emmylou.

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Already he knows that upon which you stand and knows the Day when they will be returned to him sales sort of thing nor concludes

00:50:47 --> 00:51:42

Day of Judgment Day of accountability. Allah knows everything has complete knowledge of it all. So there will come a time where all of us we will return for you in a bigger home, Bhima Emmylou. And Allah will inform them of everything they have done, Allah who be clearly shaped, and Eileen, a lot, of course, is knowing of all things. So that it students you have completed sorta to know what you hunt. And I started this surah by asking Allah subhanaw taala to give us the strength and your sincerity, to journey through the surah and completed and hamdulillah Allah answered our door. So here we are, at the end of this beautiful, beautiful surah. And what you all know how I like to

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conclude a surah with a short Dora, by asking Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept from us our efforts. I know for some of you, it wasn't always easy to be here. But I know that your heart and your intention is always to be here may Allah azza wa jal give you the full reward for that intention or for and for the good heart. And may Allah subhana wa taala, present preserve and protect the Nord in light of a man in our hearts in our lives. Allah Who mean? So that concludes this particular sutra. And what I will do, so for the students online,

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just hang in right there, because what I will do is bring up

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the next one, which is

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here we go.

00:52:39 --> 00:52:43

So wait, there's no such thing is a break.

00:52:45 --> 00:52:51

Oh, that's for kids, man. Don't take breaks. We'll go full swing when you're here.

00:52:53 --> 00:52:58

So with that being said, now we can put soda to Nora side.

00:53:02 --> 00:53:47

Please ensure that if you haven't done so already, all the handouts for this surah for Surah Lookman, excuse me sorted to know they're all been posted online into your accounts. So you have access to all of that. And just ensure that you keep those together. I did put a couple of quizzes, I'll post one more quiz. I don't know if you guys are doing it, but I'll post it anyway. Just so that you can test yourself of some of the things that we've discussed. And then in sha Allah, you can package that and look back at it at your convenience in sha Allah Hotel. Okay. Anybody have any questions before we move on? You guys ready for this? Are you guys hungry? Or

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are we ready for soda? Look, man.

00:53:51 --> 00:53:57

Now, one more time. Has anybody here studied sorta Lookman ever?

00:53:58 --> 00:54:08

Okay, great. That's what I was hoping for. Because that way, we can really delve into the surah and everything that it beholds

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this particular surah is great for all ages, so adults, teenagers, even children can relate to sorta look man. It is.

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It is a much shorter Surah than obviously suited to Nora. And this particular surah is all in reference to an individual by the name of Lockman Ali Salaam. And we are going to begin by taking a look at who lachemann Alehissalaam was a little bit of his biography. There is very little that is known of luck, man. So what you see in front of you is pretty much all that we have in terms of who this

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Individual was. So with that being said what became a studying Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Surah Lokman

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Lokman also known as Lokman the wise Look man, look man, look man al Hakim, this is the 31st Surah of the Quran and of course it is named after this individual. So as we mentioned, there is not much about him, but Ebuka theories Tafseer on the surah is pretty much the resource that you will find the most information about who he was okay.

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Shall we?

00:55:45 --> 00:55:57

Was he a prophet majority rule that he was not a prophet, but rather, he was a wise man of Ethiopian descent. Okay, so that's a little bit of his background.

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This was a short, flat nose with thick lips, individual. So he was very distinct in his appearance from Southern Egypt and well known amongst the Arabs, he had a reputation. What was his reputation? It's the third point, Look, man, was described as a perceptive men, always watching the animals and plants of his surroundings. How so is the kind of person that if you sees like a turtle, he doesn't just see a turtle ill Oh, so cute. He'll sit there. And he'll stare at the turtle. And he'll stare at the colors, its movement, its overall design how the turtle behaves, and he'll just start to go into this deep state of reflection and double deep reflection. And I mentioned this to you all, this

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is one of the most effective ways that you can keep knowledge with you. And it's preserved and protected with you. If you become a person of reflection, you're always thinking and reflecting on just life in general. This is one of the gifts that are gonna have that they can just like, look at an empty sky and throw a verse or Hadith or a story and before you know it that's chi comes to life in with you you start to reflect and look at the sky in a completely different way. So that's where we look man Ali Salam was always constantly reflecting and thinking of the animals plants and of his surroundings. Now we talked about plants and trees and so on and animals from certain

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he was bought and sold as a slave his master was a good man and respected Look man, look man was teaching and he was asked what is brought you to be like this meaning this high rank that you carry and look man said truthful speech. So here's what look man fields are the secrets to how Allah has blessed him.

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Number one, a man of honesty

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number two, a man of trust and number three doesn't get involved in things that don't concern him three golden rules of look man early he said.

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So those of you that are writing for sure. Note this down. Three ingredients toilet man's success to look man's honor that Allah subhanaw taala blessed him with so truthful speech

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always fulfilling His promises whatever trust was given to him always following through and of course doesn't get involved in any drama in any other issue nothing.

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And these are all based in the Koran there's so many Hadith and yet that reflect all of these teachings

00:59:00 --> 00:59:00

Okey dokey.

00:59:07 --> 00:59:16

Okay, so, with that being said, That's a brief intro. To look men are a Salam and

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the beginning of the surah first thing that you'll notice about suited look, Ben, is how similar it is to sort of Al Baqarah so listen to it. Alif Lam? Meem Surah Baqarah.

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Then this one says Tilka to kita Bill Hakeem. Okay, it's a little different. But then hold them work metallic, Marcin, who down Warahmatullah Marcin connects us to baccarat a little bit. But then listen to the next words. Love Hina you came moon or Sala, tunas, Zakka or hornbill earthhero, to whom you can.

00:59:56 --> 00:59:59

Same thing as baccarat hula, aka Isla who DM me Robbie him

01:00:00 --> 01:00:34

What will ecohome will mostly hold same as baccarat then sorta look man goes on women a nasty man yesterday lol Hadith Llyod Lang severely, and so on and so forth. So the point is the beginning of this surah it's really interesting how it is so similar to Baccarat. So what is the benefit of knowing that? Is it just a coincidence? No. Remember that how many of you have gone through sorts of Baccarat?

01:00:35 --> 01:00:41

And I think some of you have with me, right? You have gone through it with me. So

01:00:42 --> 01:01:05

when we went through sort of background, this was like years ago. One of the things that sort of Bukhara does, it's the surah that is the surah. Of assess and foundation, all like if you want to know what you need to be a complete Muslim, and also teach the world Islam SUTA Baca is your surah

01:01:07 --> 01:01:11

I asked one of my professors when I was in university, you know,

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I have to go back to Canada now and I'm going to be a speaker. Can you give me some advice? You know, he told me to do never forget it, because it was just like, wow, I never expected to hear him say he said, Yeah, mostly. Go read Sudeten. Bacara and go give your Dharwad I was just like, Oh my God. What does this all mean? The only way I'm going to appreciate the simple sentence this man has said to me, is I've got to go study Surah Baqarah when I went through sorbitol Bhakra. Then I understood what the chef meant. Then I understood how profound and comprehensive his response was. So suity baccarat starts off with Dawa with Eman all the qualities of faith and Arpita there's a

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large section of the sort of devoted to the altercation between Musa and that our own. So the troublemakers that you'll encounter when you're giving your Dawa, all that stuff, then it's got the most powerful verse of the Quran in that Surah

01:02:17 --> 01:02:19

which is where the a of marriage

01:02:25 --> 01:02:52

some of you are like, yes, the idea of marriage is the most powerful verse in entire Quran, right? No, right. So I had to corsi. So it's got all of that. It's also a very powerful Sutra of the top five sorters that you use. When you're doing Rokia, you're performing exorcism, and you're healing the sick and all that's all sorted out. So this surah Now begins in a similar way.

01:02:54 --> 01:03:11

Cuz this surah also will highlight and re emphasize re emphasize some of the basic principles of Amen. Now, let me ask you a question. When you think of Surah Lokman, what's the first thing that comes to your mind about the surah? What do you think about?

01:03:16 --> 01:03:19

What do you know about Surah Lokman without even having studied?

01:03:23 --> 01:03:23


01:03:29 --> 01:03:51

Good, first point, excellent. This man is not a prophet, but he's still honored in the Koran with his own surah. You and I are not prophets. But we can still be honored in the sight of Allah for just being the best Muslim we can be. What's another thing that you think about when you hear solo Look, man,

01:03:52 --> 01:04:07

the advice. So there's going to be the middle of this surah is going to be a conversation between a father and his son. And it's going to be advised the father is going to relate to his son, right?

01:04:09 --> 01:04:13

If the surah is starting off with the fundamentals of Islam,

01:04:15 --> 01:04:21

and it's going to eventually transition to an advice from a parent to his child,

01:04:23 --> 01:04:26

then what is the luck prepping you for at this moment?

01:04:27 --> 01:04:28

As a parent

01:04:29 --> 01:04:37

and as a child? What is a love doing to you by highlighting the fundamentals of your deen?

01:04:39 --> 01:04:53

This is the one thing that all parents must have. If you want to teach your children Islam is you have to be grounded properly with the dean first and foremost.

01:04:55 --> 01:04:59

You can't be the parent, which I call the drop off parent

01:05:00 --> 01:05:25

drop off parents, you know that parent is just drop them off to all the classes to all the talks to all the lectures. Except mom and dad isn't there can be that parent. So Allah is saying from the very beginning if you want to get this sutra, right and you want to practice with the surah as well, here's what you're going to need Alif Lam meme? You know what I love about caulifla mean? What does it mean by the way?

01:05:30 --> 01:05:31

What does that mean? Mean?

01:05:33 --> 01:05:34

Lahu RLM.

01:05:36 --> 01:05:36


01:05:38 --> 01:05:39

just Allah knows

01:05:43 --> 01:05:51

the confusion on your faces is like the joy of my moment in class, right? Yes, you're, you're absolutely right.

01:05:54 --> 01:06:30

Yeah, this is one of the things you know, if I ever get that opportunity to ask Allah subhanaw taala question. Or Allah told me what does Allah Fleming really mean? What is all these this disjointed letters? What do they really represent? It's amazing. It's one of the secrets of Quran. However, remember this. Allah does not reveal things in vain, without purpose without wisdom. Just because we don't know doesn't mean there isn't one. So what you say is, when you say Allah knows best, what you are affirming is, there is a meaning. But Allah knows what that is.

01:06:31 --> 01:06:53

Difference from saying? Nobody knows. This is just a mystery. That's it? No, no, you want to affirm that there is meaning behind it. Now, if we're going to talk about a conversation between a parent and their child, and Allah started off with words you don't know the meaning of so what does Allah already indirectly teaching you?

01:06:57 --> 01:07:00

Think about it. If you can do this with sodas.

01:07:02 --> 01:07:21

You definitely have a bright future in Tafseer. If you can do this, the when you can connect the patterns in the Quran. Allah started with a lift lamb mean in a surah that has this conversation with between a parent and his child. And these letters, you don't nothing about them?

01:07:22 --> 01:07:22


01:07:26 --> 01:07:31

Talking about the basics when it comes to learning Arabic or reading the letters, so it's putting

01:07:38 --> 01:07:49

the dividuals receiving that they see that I'm understand that, let me get myself in a mindset talk. Okay, good. And that's the point, you as a parent,

01:07:50 --> 01:08:14

you're not going to have all the answers. When it comes to teaching your kids, you're not going to know at all, you're gonna get stuck at some point where your child's gonna ask you stuff and you're just gonna be like, I don't know, I don't have a clue. And it could be the difference between whether that child continues to commit themselves or not. And then also you as the child, you're not gonna know it all.

01:08:15 --> 01:08:40

You're gonna have to humble yourself with this Dean, that you're not going to have all the answers. The lesson for people like us is Hugh have to learn how to say I don't know. For us as teachers, we have to learn how to say I don't. That's what I lift lamb teaches us. You've heard of Imam Malik. Malik Rahim, Allah when he was on his deathbed.

01:08:41 --> 01:08:43

Men traveled from Yemen

01:08:45 --> 01:09:06

and came to the Imam to ask him one question about a problem that they were having. And this is the greatest scholar in existence at that time. So he traveled came to him. asked the man, this is my problem. This is the issue we have in our country. Please give us an answer. Guess what the mathematics says to him?

01:09:07 --> 01:09:10

That a degree? I don't know.

01:09:11 --> 01:09:25

So the man now is like, how am I Gosh, how can you say you don't know? No, you have to tell us something. You are email Malik. You are the data data data. Sometimes we as teachers, we get this a lot.

01:09:26 --> 01:09:49

But you're supposed to be a leader but you're supposed to be a teacher. You're an Imam, you're a chef your your your your Imam Malik says to this man, go back and tell your people that Imam Malik says I don't know. That's my answer. So you just stayed firm with it. And this happened

01:09:51 --> 01:09:59

over 70 times before Imam Malik died at his deathbed. People are all coming, seeking photo and asking questions overseas.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:10

70 times he magmatic was I don't know, I have no idea. I don't I don't? I don't know. I don't know. And he's about to die. So that tells you like or lemma to get this lesson very early.

01:10:11 --> 01:10:21

Ignore our best symbol, the Allahumma called the person who has an answer to every question. He called them Majnoon called them. They're crazy. They're like, possessed in their head.

01:10:23 --> 01:10:35

So really, really sets the tone of the entire soda. All this is okay, we're gonna get into this conversation gal basics. Take this first lift la meme. We have no clue what that is yet.

01:10:43 --> 01:10:45

Some things we don't understand.

01:10:48 --> 01:10:53

It could but you would have to of course, be very careful with that.

01:10:54 --> 01:11:22

Right? Sometimes not all things that you hear, but don't know, meaning you should still obey not. So there's definitely a huge responsibility behind it as well. With only a poor end and very few things in this world you can hear and just obey it. Yeah. So the Quran? Yeah, absolutely. It's part of our our pita our faith, even if we don't understand, like, I don't understand everything important. There's a lot of subjects. I still don't get it.

01:11:23 --> 01:11:30

You know, I can highlight some lessons. But if you ask me truly what some some verses I will never know.

01:11:31 --> 01:11:37

Right? And I have to be able to say I don't know. And that's what at least Alif Lam Meem reminds me to do? Yep.

01:11:51 --> 01:11:51


01:11:52 --> 01:11:54

yeah, absolutely.

01:11:55 --> 01:12:50

Even if you see, you know, sometimes I hear answers, like, I heard somewhere, and then the answer comes up. When I grew up, I learned that it was halal. So it should be okay. can do that. Now with Allah's Dean, you either know it or you just don't. So that's it for me. Take care, I told Kitab al Hakim, those are in fact, the miraculous signs of this book, the Book of Wisdom. This one word is a summary of the entire soil with Surah Lockman is the surah of wisdom. We're going to define wisdom, when we come to those verses that highlight that subject. Okay. So this is a Surah Tilka to kitab. Al Hakim, that there are miraculous signs of this book. And of the signs that are miraculous, is

01:12:50 --> 01:12:57

that this book contains an enormous amount of wisdom. Very quickly, what does wisdom mean?

01:13:00 --> 01:13:02

Yeah, it's like,

01:13:04 --> 01:13:06

the knowledge of knowing how to act when?

01:13:08 --> 01:13:28

Good. So it's like knowing like how to put something. Yes, that's exactly what you know how to put something in its rightful place. Whether it's your words are your actions or a decision, you know, this is the right thing to say or do or not say or not do when you do that. That's wisdom. Yeah.

01:13:34 --> 01:14:17

So wisdom is the decision, and the edit is how you execute that decision now. So if you say to yourself, my wisdom is now is an appropriate time to have this conversation with him. But then the other is like, Hey, kid, come here and sit down and be quiet because I got to talk to you. Then you're missing one and you have one but you're missing the other right? Ticket? Yeah. Tokita Bill Hakeem, who don't work matter, Lil Marcin in guidance and mercy for those who excel. What's a Morrison, somebody who excels in their faith who reaches the peak? So people have Taqwa. That's what we found in Surah Al Baqarah. So I'm what I'm going to show you here is a contrast from this Surah

01:14:17 --> 01:14:18

Surah Al Baqarah.

01:14:19 --> 01:14:27

So the buckler started off with the people of Taqwa. This sort of started off the people who are much sin. So

01:14:29 --> 01:14:30


01:14:31 --> 01:14:56

we all know what that is consciousness of Allah. Morrison comes after comes later. So to get to Merson, you've got to graduate from Taqwa. So the people have sent excel in their religion. How so? Because of mercy. And in this compassionate book, we're going to highlight how this has manifested in in their life later in the Surah.

01:14:58 --> 01:15:00

So these are all additional facts.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:18

If it's for the one with our son, this is a makin surah and baccarat of course is a Medini surah. in Makkah, they had already reached a son because of the difficulties. And Medina there is a mixture of everything so Taqwa is mentioned. So in Mecca,

01:15:19 --> 01:16:04

because of all that they had to go through to just be Muslim son was very easy for them to get when I say easy, because of all those trials and difficulties. Allah bless them that they could reach the peak of their faith, meaning they were those who stuck with the process settle them then they were going to stay committed with him through Medina and the rest of their lives. Those who came into Islam later on, it made any poor and because of what Medina phase had presented, telco was highlighted then in there. So for example, divorce, the laws of divorce were completed in Medina.

01:16:05 --> 01:16:12

So Taqwa is highlighted almost every time divorce is talked about in the Koran. Does anybody know why?

01:16:13 --> 01:16:19

How do people start a marriage with accent Shala we're gonna get married for the sake of Allah

01:16:21 --> 01:16:24

you're gonna be my Isha I will be your Omar.

01:16:25 --> 01:16:29

We're gonna live like the companions. We were, we were we were everything.

01:16:31 --> 01:16:36

And then if problems arise, then he turns into a Buddha *.

01:16:38 --> 01:16:40

She turns into the dead gel.

01:16:42 --> 01:16:43

They go at each other.

01:16:45 --> 01:16:55

And Allah says when he talks about divorce, Taka, Taka, Taka, Taka because why? What's the first thing people lose? When divorce happens?

01:16:56 --> 01:17:06

They lose their Taqwa. We lose our Taqwa. All those nasty emails go back and forth. We see you in court you dot dot dot dot dot.

01:17:07 --> 01:17:17

Your house your car mine Sam feels like you lost your taqwa. So Taqwa comes in gets highlighted later on in family problems in life and so on.

01:17:18 --> 01:17:19


01:17:20 --> 01:17:35

just so you understand from when you look at swittel Bukhara, and you look at this surah and when you see those differences of Topo there and an air sign here, at least you have some context behind why it does that. Okay.

01:17:36 --> 01:18:10

Who don't worry Metallian myrcene in Allatheena, up mon sol, la tunas Zakka, those who established the prayers and pay there's a cat Well, home Bill Hirata, whom you can own. And in fact, especially with the afterlife are completely convinced. We've already talked about the importance of prayer is the cat from SUTA note, okay, so we don't need to repeat that here. There's only one thing I want to ask you. What is the connection now with this in the sutra, attend.

01:18:12 --> 01:18:16

So last fourth sentence is already about salah.

01:18:18 --> 01:18:21

And it's already about zakat. And it's already about the hero.

01:18:23 --> 01:18:24

That look,

01:18:25 --> 01:18:30

when you're trying to build a family and teach your children in your family Islam.

01:18:32 --> 01:19:11

Prayer is probably the only thing, the only tool that you will have, that could help you get through those difficult conversations. Those constant repetitive waking up your children for Fajr for the first 20 years of their life. And if you miss one day, they also miss that Feder and it just that grind of repetition and stubbornness, all these problems that come along with raising kids, all of that. So Allah says, Look, you got to make sure that Sala is pretty stable in your life. It's salah is the thing that keeps you sane.

01:19:13 --> 01:19:51

So you so you don't go out of your mind when you're dealing with all this. So that keeps people under control. When you can stop your whole day and do this. You have control. You're focused, you are focused, we're dedicated, you are calm, you are relaxed to have everything going for you. Because you can stop your entire day and everything that's going on and just pray. And the manner that comes with your money you pay ears, the cat, and then the afterlife is highlighted and becomes more and more prominent in your life. Okay. What I'll do is I'll pause there guys, let me see what's going on.

01:19:53 --> 01:19:59

And for about five minutes if you guys have any questions, we can chitchat about that for about five minutes. Well, let's pause

01:20:00 --> 01:20:04

Because the rest of what this surah has is quite a bit so

01:20:06 --> 01:20:14

stay tuned and like, if you all have kids that you think would gain something from the Soraa break them

01:20:17 --> 01:20:42

tried. So you see, you can take some of sorta Lapan, give you some strength and go back there and go back in battle. But if you know anybody, especially teenagers or even young adults that you think that can benefit from it, please encourage them to come Subhanak Aloha movie humbucker Chateau Laila, he learned stuff head over to Blue Lake. Let's pause here in sha Allah and at least for five minutes, I can take your questions

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