Musleh Khan – The True Slaves of Allah #03 The Slaves of Ar-Rahman
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The importance of being a Fratless believer is discussed, including the need to be mindful of one's actions and not to be the victim of one's actions. The use of words like "backs" and "backs" in Islam is emphasized, and the importance of praying at home and setting up prayer groups is discussed. The importance of protecting oneself and family is also emphasized, and the use of words like "naught" and "naughty," is discussed. The importance of praying at home and setting up prayer groups is also emphasized, along with the use of words like "naught" and "naughty," in different situations. The speakers emphasize the importance of setting up prayer before or after a certain time and keeping intentions and actions set for the next week.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam o Allah rasool Allah.
Allah He offered us Salah woman who Allah Allahu Akbar eliminate the Malian foreigner, one foreigner Bhima I limped Anna was it No, no Manya Karim or Beshara. Hey, so do your silly under your family's journey of Coco Coco Lee
Barrett. So, this is the area in which we arrived at. And we did not start this, is that correct? Yeah, we did not start this. Okay.
What I intend to do is because the booklet that I wrote, it's finished, but there's some areas in it that I'm really not satisfied with. So, is it okay with you all if I just give you a handout every class? Would that be okay? Okay, so you can still bring your notes with you, and your own personal notebook, but I'll give you a handout every week in sha Allah, last week's notes, as well as this week notes I will give you as well. But please, you're welcome and encouraged to take your own notes as well. Insha, Allah Jota. And whenever I feel the need, I will also add a few things on the PowerPoint as we're going through them. And of course, as always, whenever I teach the PowerPoint is
also yours as well at the end of the class. Okay.
Students before we begin, what is the difference between somebody that calls themself a worshipper of Allah as opposed to a slave of Allah?
If you say that I'm a slave of Allah, or you say that I worship Allah, is there a difference between the two?
Based on what we talked about, right?
When, when we mentioned, the worshipper of Allah, so let's do this. Let me just type in some simple, yeah, that's good. So if you say that you are a worshipper of Allah, your relationship with Allah is highlighted. Okay, your relationship with Allah is highlighted through rituals. There we go.
Okay, so this is more along the lines of rituals. So you pray,
fast, Hajj, etc, right?
This is the the essence of what you're, you're you're focused on, is I'm a worshipper of Allah. And so I worship Him through all of the rituals that Allah commanded me to do. And usually, this group is a group that focuses on giving Allah, what Allah expects from them. And when they're done doing these rituals, that's usually where the problem begins, is it creates and we mentioned this, in our last session that it creates this perception that you're experienced with Islam and with Allah is only based on what you do for Allah. And when you're not doing these things for Allah, then they live life expecting Allah to do everything that they want from ALLAH, so the relationship is
reversed. So when they're not praying, they're not fasting, it's okay. Now I need this from you, Allah. Now I want you to do this for me. So it's a slight nuance, but it's important as opposed to somebody who says no, I am a ABD. Okay? So I am, and we said that we will keep it as a slave of Allah. And this is not restricted by time or place. A worshipper of Allah is restricted by time and place, there's a time to pray, there's a place that you go, you can't just go anywhere and do certain rituals. But when you're a slave of Allah, it's 24 hours, it never stops. So now when you finish doing these rituals, you're still in the state of worship. Why? Because you're cautious of
what you say. You're cautious of what you do, what you consume, how you earn your money, how you spend your money, all of those things. When you go to sleep, you don't just go to sleep. You go to sleep and think about how did the Prophet alayhi salatu salam go to sleep? All right. You look at how what are the mannerisms that he used when he was eating? We you look at everything when you get dressed, you don't just get dressed for the sake of just putting on clothing. You start thinking and framing your mind. Well, how did the Prophet alayhi salatu salam put on clothing started from the right then he couldn't really do with his left. When he was done. He said his dorm said Allah has
made me beautiful and so on and so forth. That's the true and then slave of Allah. This is the mindset here. This is where I
wants you to be throughout this course, is always just think of yourself as a slave of Allah, I'm a full time 24 hours a day slave of Allah. When you do that, it'll feel like you're in prayer every day, all day, every day. That's how it would feel. So that's the idea. And that's where we want to be. And I think that that that is the essence of really preparing for the month of Ramadan. Now, with that being said,
come to this area, this area is where everything begins. This is going to be the start of the list of qualities of the ultimate believer in the sight of Allah, the qualities that are given or blessed to the super elite, the best of the best Muslims. These are their qualities. When you hear them at first, it may sound like very standard. But once we delve into a little bit of the language, and we look at the little bit of the context, you'll see that there's a lot more to it than what is obvious. So we've done this part, why are you bad, at bad is plural for AP, so we've talked about the slave. Now we'll add this name, alright, and then we'll worry about total ramen
and or EBO ramen. This is the category in which Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights that this group of slaves are the group of slaves that are guaranteed My Mercy. And when you have the Mercy of Allah with you, you are successful, you will succeed in this world and in the era, and you have nothing to worry about when you have the Mercy of Allah with you. So here's the here's the question. Now, amongst many questions that we're going to look at is, how do you know you have the Mercy of Allah? The answer to that is going to one of the answers, it's going to be many. So here's the first one is going to be what this talks about in this area. Now we all know what mercy is.
We said that mercy is What does anybody remember?
Mercy is tolerance. Acceptance, love appreciation. So when Allah puts up with us, all right, Allah gives us certain instructions. And if part of mankind doesn't follow those instructions, they're in essence disobeying Allah. But Allah still says, otherone a stitch of local link, just call upon me and I'll forgive you. Allah still says that if you pray, I will forgive you. I will have mercy on you. That's Allah subhanho wa taala, tolerating mankind that despite our weaknesses, despite our ignorance, Allah will still keep the doors of opportunity open for all of us as long as we're sincere. So this group here is going to be that group. Now they entered into that door. Here's the
first quality. So what are you been told ramen? Hola, Xena, yum. schoon are a little out of the home. Now. This is the first part here. So first is
when they walk, when they walk they walk with and then we'll just write the word weakness.
And then we'll explain what this is all about crime. So when they walk, they walk with a sense of weakness.
So it's really interesting to me why Allah starts off with just walking.
This requires no knowledge. Like, there's nothing that Allah is telling us to say. Allah is highlighting the posture and behavior of this elite group of believers. Allah says, when they walk, they walk on Earth with a sense of humility. They're humble.
This area is explained by another verse in Surah, Al Israel, it's verse number 37.
So verse number 37. In Soto is Surah explains what this walk is. Now the Arabic word that is used to describe weakness or humble is how now so just to remember, this word, how, nah, that's the word that Allah is talking about how we're gonna, how when it also means to like bend something. So something that can be
something that can be shaped or bent or changed. All of that falls under Halina, a sense of weakness and humility, so they don't have a swag in the way that they walk. None of this has to do with any book knowledge. This is just somebody conducting
How they carried themselves. What we learned from this is that a lot pays attention to how we move from one place to another. Allah pays attention to our posture, how we stand. A lot pays attention that when you walk, or you conduct yourself in front of others, all of that matters. You know how we say actions speak louder than words? Yeah, this is the area that highlights your actions do speak. They do have a voice. So you have shown I'll have the homeowner they walk on this earth with the sense of humility in them will either help the homeowner Jaya, he wrote up Pilu Salama. So the first is that Sona
so we're dual, we'll do our best to kind of like number that Marine. So what's mentioned in this, here's number two.
What either Hall toggle home Ranger you don't call blue. Salem. Okay.
Here's this, to me is really amazing. Like, these are the eight like I told you, it would really change. Change your attitude and your view on things. First thing is pay attention to is this word caught up comes from the word Holton.
Does everybody know the difference between a hot tub and conversation? So the reason why hot is called hot, but it's because it's done in a loud voice. And you're trying to project your voice out for as much and as many persons that can hear you as possible. So even if there's no microphone or even if there is a microphone, you're still trying to project your voice in a way that you don't usually speak like that one on one with somebody, you don't say us more or they Kumar Allah here or what occur to how are you? We don't talk like that. But in Alhamdulillah nonmetal, who understand you know, Allah azza wa jal commands us in the Quran, and so on and so forth. Your the tone of your
voice changes, the volume of your voice changes. So everything's amplified in a whole Tibet, this area is using this word, because it's talking about this.
When the foolish, this foolish people, address them, improperly, improperly, they're raising their voices, and they're shouting at you. Like this verse, it feels like it was revealed to us in 2024. Like, because it's so relevant of when you know, Islamophobes are shouting at you, or people shouting slogans against Muslims and against Islam and so on. So Allah is directly addressing the when people yell at you,
and Allah call somebody that has a loud voice. Allah calls them jell Hill,
which is not a nice title to have, this is not a title you want to carry around. Because of their, it's what we would say they have a big mouth.
And it's not, you know, this is a big mouth, that's intentional. You know, some people are naturally loud. That's not what the I was talking about. These are people who intentionally project their voice to put you down, to develop a sense of superiority over others, or to simply make fun of you insult you. And there's a saying that experts have that.
In an argument, when somebody starts to raise their voice, it's the first sign that they're running out of things to say, and then raising your voice leads to like, okay, insult and an insult leads to something else, right? So the first sign that this person just like, has no cause no care or concern for what you have to say, is the shouting. So you now the believer, if you want to be with Roberto Rodman, if you want to be under this category of the ultimate believer, how do you deal with this scenario? So one last thing I will share with you this word Joe Hill, okay.
So, let's put it here. Real quickly. Okay. Joe Hill, everybody heard this word before? What is Joe him?
Ignorance. That's usually the common translation, right? So when somebody is ignorant, what are they?
So when you're saying that's a Jackal is ignorant, what are you saying about that person then?
They are a jet Hill is somebody that has no control.
No self control, so they don't control they have no control of what they say. And they have no control of what they do. They let themselves loose. Whatever comes out of their tongue, that's what they're gonna say. That's the gel. Whatever they feel like doing. Just do it. Have no concern how you feel or how hurt you're gonna be. That's
TJ Hill. So when we say that the J Hill is ignorance, we're highlighting that this person is saying what they're saying or acting the way that they're acting because they have no idea. They don't want to know. And they don't even care to know. They don't want to have that control over what they say and do. They want to just be let loose, whatever comes out of their mouth or whatever they project, that's what you're going to receive. They don't want any sense of guideline or control with respect to what they say and do. That's j. So there's somebody that has no control the Arabs, they also say that the Jackal is somebody that can't control their emotions, as well. Right? So anger and things
like that.
So put it all together. This Jahad who can control what they're saying starts shouting at you.
Or your response if you want to be in this area called Who said I'm the only respond with peace. We've talked about this before. So what do we what does this mean when when it says to respond with selama?
respond in a dignified and civilized.
So they respond in a civilized and dignified manner.
Can somebody give me an example?
Somebody's cursing at you and yelling and shouting every slur? Making racist comments Islamophobic, this and that. And you're standing there?
And you remember this area? What do you do? Do you say? Listen, my friend, let me just talk to you about Islam. If you do that, you might get punched, because it just irritate them more that you're not breaking. So how do you how do you practice selama in this situation right now.
Can set Emma also be just silence? Yeah.
Stella can also be a response, but your response literally can be one word. Like, okay, done by that Selena.
Selena could just be opening the opportunity for conversation. So you say something done. Okay. When you're calm, we can talk.
That's defusing the situation? Don't act five. Don't add more fire to fire. Okay, so that's Salem in this area.
You told me
easier said than done.
This is not easy. It sounds so straightforward. It's so stressful. Most people can't do this.
Most people can't control themselves, especially when somebody is insolvent assaulting you, or your children or your family? Or right in front of everybody at the mall at the grocery store somewhere? Putting on the spot embarrassing you?
Does Islam? Is this a in any way?
hinting to the idea to whatever insult comes your way? Try to swallow it and just respond nicely.
So So what's really what's the essence of the message in this a like, what is it really trying to teach us
there's a time and place for everything. Okay, so if I want to punch you in your face, not here's not the time, but if you meet me outside in the parking lot, we'll take care of business.
the ultimate dignity of a believer is that they never escalate an intense situation they never add to it.
That's the goal of the idea is that however you choose to respond, whether it's by being silent or saying something or doing something, like let's say somebody's this person is really trying to attack you and they put their hands on you. So you push them back. You don't pull out a gun. Right? You just push them back and just get away. But you do it in such a way that you don't want to escalate it any further. That's the true message of sedima. Is that when you respond, being civilized and dignified is that you don't add more and then the situation gets worse. Students if that does happen, where you try to do the right thing, and it does get worse. What do you do in a
situation like that? There are limits they say, Yeah, it's really up to you. If you have to defend yourself, defend yourself, right. Sometimes you might be called to do something that is really not true, but the situation calls for defend yourself, protect yourself, your family and so on. So
either hot or humid jet, you don't Pilu Salem, by the way, the example that I'm giving you is only with strangers. This is also at home. There's also with your husband, with your wife and with your children.
All right, and the Prophet alayhi salatu salam told us a hadith we all know, hydrocodone, hydrocodone Lee, actually, the best of you are the ones who are best to your family. Unfortunately, we live in a time where
Muslims took that hadith and flipped the wording to the complete opposite. And Muslims unfortunately not all just in general, we have this culture and this habit where the worst of us comes out with our families and the best comes out outside the house. Right the worst behavior the worst tone, the worst. Everything from the words chosen and how people talk to one another how they behave at the dinner table all of it all the worst habits come out at home when the hadith is actually saying the complete opposite you know sometimes like if you go out and you're told you have manners you're in the restaurant, you know eat Keep your hands off the table, but at home like his foot is on the
table here TVs there everybody's laughing That's the against what the student is calling us to. And I don't mean that okay, next time you go to the restaurant put your feet on the table but the point is is the best of your etiquettes has to shine at home first and foremost. So what you the halter the home manager you don't call to cinema Okay, any questions on this before we go on?
Verse did you guys write down verse number 37 install detail Israel is the explanation of this area where a lot says what attempts she feels out of the model ha. Don't walk on Earth model how with this sense of pride and arrogance in Aculon topical oral Dowell and tabular cul de Bella Tula so you can't split the earth and you can't climb and break mountains.
The person who walks with like arrogance and pride.
They think they own it. All. Right. So that's that's the message and sort of tell the story as a last thing. You can't split the ground. Like you're just as weak as the next person. And you can just climb a mountain and then destroyed after you're just as weak as anybody else. So know your place. That's the message in sorbitol is Surah verse number 37 Okay,
let's go on.
Well Latina Joby Tonelli Robbie him SuperJet dang well PMM
they are those who spend a good portion of the night prostrating themselves and standing before their Lord and standing before their master. Okay.
Is the another beautiful?
So the previous students how many qualities so far have been highlighted in the previous aim? So two main qualities right.
The M Shuna. Idol oddly Hoonah. That's one and Paul Salem, that's two
here. Well Latina Joby tune, see this word? Yeah, the tune comes from the word bait. They tune if you know like, just basic, simple Arabic would speak to in house.
Why is house called bait? So in Arabic, you have several words for house you have second, you know, they tune you have doubt. You have lots of names. Why is the most common word we use for houses Beethoven, Beethoven specifically focuses on where you go to sleep. So it's called your house because you sleep there every night.
So some, some somebody may ask, Well, what about if you go to like a hotel or something that's not a beta because you don't live there. Right? You may sleep there. There's another Arabic word for that mcheza Or youngquist. You're just temporarily there resting and whatever. But Bay tune it's your home because that's where you spend most of your nights.
Now why do I mention that? Because Allah here highlights EB two in which is plural for beta. So when Allah is talking about our homes, what part or what is it about the home that Allah is focused on
your homes, during when,
during the night? See how language brings an area to life? Just because of the usage of this verb. It's not just like all your home in general. No, it's your home. But it's specifically during the night when everybody else is sleeping. When lit
The night between Alia Robbie him. Look they spent a good portion of the night. This word night comes from this word.
So they spent a good portion of the night. So what are they doing?
What's this good portion? Right? What are they doing?
Ta Hatchard
Okay, the night prayer dude is also called pm will leg, okay? It's also called tarawih they're all the same things, right when
it comes from the word Joe dune or Tjahaja or each other, which also comes from it's all the same word like jihad. It's like a struggle. That's why tahajjud is what it is. It's you have to break your sleep, rub those eyes get up wet your skin, your arms perform will do. And then you start bringing everybody else is just knocked out, the rest of the world is knocked out. For you to sacrifice something that your body depends on to stay healthy, you sacrifice that for Allah. That is a big deal to Allah. That is why their ultimate, they say that the person who prays to hedge it, if there ever was a guarantee to Janna, it would be that it would be the fact that the person prays to
hedge it. Because it will never happen where somebody prays to hedge it regularly and consistently, that they live a disobedient life. It won't happen. It's one of the blessings of tahajjud Allah will bless your life, he always have this thirst and hunger to do the right thing. And Allah facilitates and makes it easy for you to do all the right. That's what tahajjud does. That's why to hedgebrook comes first place if the compulsorily prayers are incomplete. Okay, so if they're not accepted, or they're they weren't performed? Well. The first prayer Allah goes to is he goes and sees Okay, well, how much 200 Did you pray, and based on your effort there, it will now supplement the weaknesses in
your foreign prayer, it will complete it. So this tahajjud
is incredibly, incredibly powerful. Now, you see, we have to talk about these things because of Ramadan is coming. Coming near right. So I definitely want to touch on very briefly on the tarawih. Okay, so let's just zoom through this because I don't want to spend too much time on that. Because tahajjud is being highlighted here. We just said that Hatchard pmla tarawih. These are all the same things. Okay. Total we is called Total we because it comes from the word Middle. Middle howa is like a fan a ceiling fan. Okay. Why is tunnel we named after a fan?
See, all of us we preach on all week, every year, you should understand why it's done the way that it's done and why you're performing it the way that you do. What what happens after four records of total we? What does the gemera do?
Do they just get up and start playing the other two and continue? Or do they pause? What are they? The rest? Right? They're relaxed. That's that's, that's where total we got its name from thought he gets its name because of the resting period after photocards. Some some places do it after six workouts, some places will go and they will pause at 10. It doesn't matter. It's like whatever you can pause after every two and take a five minute break. And it's all up to you. Right? So that's why I thought we got its name. Total we if we're talking about tahajjud when it's 200 usually prayed.
When it's the head you'd start like after a shower, or is it usually in the middle of the night?
So just like before fetcher. So the last third, the third part of the night, right the last third of the night. So you're looking at about two hours or so before Fajr. So if tomorrow we is the same as tahajjud intach. It's prayed that late and we're that early in the morning. Why are we praying today? We have to reshare
you guys, you guys got to get into the whole
the whole dispute about 20 and 10 rokerites thought all of that comes from the same conversation of why we're praying it after a show. We're praying it after a show is can you imagine if I went up and I said brothers and sisters I took the mic after a show one night and I said brothers and sisters
we will start talking all week tomorrow. And we will begin at 3am See you then.
This message here IoT University I'll totally his here. It's jammed.
Now imagine if we told
The committee to come back at 3am What do you think would happen? It'd be really difficult right? You might just get a handful of people that's why tarawih is performed after Isha because it's to encourage as many people as possible to come and perform it. And tada we are tahajjud es officially begins after Isha. That's the official time. But if you want to maximize the reward of total we Horta head should you pray it couple hours before fetcher. So if you want even more reward for thought all we where do you pray? Uh, do you pray it at the message? Or do you pray it alone at home?
So let's do it for Ben or the women that can do it at home.
Or Sidna is to pray at home by yourself. Even the men
you taught all week we're talking about that's it. That's the Sunnah is to go home and then you recite and pray as long as you want to breathe throughout the entire night. Then then leads to the next question. So why do we gather in a chimera and pray Torah we're at the masjid why do we do it then? The answer is the exact same why we pray it after Isha.
Because if you let people pray Torah week by themselves at home, what do you think is gonna happen? Laziness will kick in. People might get busy, they might ignore them, like skip a bunch of days or
their entire Ramadan. tarawih experience will be list. Every rocker. Cool. Hello, hello, Summit. Lamido. Next day, Apollo, there'll be nice Melina and that's what you recite because it's all the Koran. Maybe they know. So you Yeah, so you come to the masjid so you can listen to the recitation. And that you can get the encouragement when you're tired and you're exhausted. At least when you're in the masjid. You can kind of like get that encouragement, right? I mean, it's not part of our conversation. Well, I gotta I gotta throw it out. 20 or 11?
Who does he love? So 28
Okay, well, I'm just adding the 11th because of winter Okay, so, eight or 28? Anybody have 120 and a half? Eight? Does anybody have anything in between like a 15 or a 16? Or something?
Before before we answer them, if you go to a masjid and all here at it with a pre 20 Right? Yep.
If you go to a message and they pray only eight What do you do?
Yes long, but do you just pray the eight or after they're done to aid you just
add a couple of rockets on your own? Like what do you do or you just if they're doing a to stick with eight? What if you come here and we do 20 you stick with 20? Is that how you do?
So are you are you saying that? It doesn't matter? It could be eight or 22 the Sunnah is both is what you're saying
until the Imam finishes Okay, so if they have multiple Imams, which one do you follow? The one that switches out after eight or after 20
Because you know, like here we have multiple events. Somebody might just maybe one of the Kadima just recite photocards and he's done. Should you leave after that for you continue with the other emails like how does this work?
the answer is exactly what you said. The Hadith that says Italian studies, you pray with imam or Imams doesn't matter how many there are until the gemera goes home until the Imam stands up and he leaves which means that the Imam will pray up until when 20 autocorrects or Witter included with tiller. If you decide to leave after the 20 that is perfectly okay and you don't pray the winter at the masjid. That is perfectly fine. Because what a lot of people do is to continue praying at home. That's all okay. But if you want the complete reward of all of your sins forgiven and your Eman is reinforced, which is the reward of total we pray until the Imam is done whether they're praying
eight or 20. Okay. How much of the prophecy is settled on last question and we go back to this how many little carts this process that I'm pray for today we are 208 Hate,
love including the winter right.
Okay. Now,
so what do we do now? Because now we're seeing it
either eight or 20 Doesn't matter till the Imam is done.
But the Imam of Imams only prayed eight, including three Witter. So what about the process? Selim did? Shouldn't we just stick to that? Isn't that what we're supposed to do?
And even his wife is a shot of the low line has she said, I never saw him pray more than 11 rakaats I never saw him do that.
Talk to the management now.
I'm bringing this up, because you all are students of this DNA. Okay? And when you hear these words I throw at you
just process and think about it for a second. And you'll you'll be shocked of how much you will figure out just on your own by just sitting there thinking. What did I Isha? Really love? I know, what did she really say here? Listen to her words. I never saw him pray more than 11.
That's not how are you interpreting her sentence? are you interpreting her sentence that she's saying don't pre more than 11
says just stating I you know a fact that I've never seen him pray more. So is her statement a command?
No. So there's no instruction to stick to eight or stick to 11. You see how her statement is not an evidence to stick to 11 knockouts. She's just saying I didn't see him pray more than that. She's not saying don't pray more than I just never saw him do it. Where did we get to?
Where do we get 20 from? So based on the statement of Aisha Radi Allahu anha.
Clearly there's no limit because the process them didn't set one. If he wanted us to stick to eight plus three, he has to tell us don't exceed 11 orchid. We don't have a hadith like that. Okay, doesn't exist. Not even a Dotty four. And we don't have. So where did 20 come later on?
Do you guys know how to process that and pre thought Oh, we did? Do you know how it looked?
Just try to imagine this. Okay, just it's I can't even imagine. His first thought raka was all of sorbitol Bacara.
His oral core was just as long as reciting all of Bacara. And his Sajida is the same.
just imagine you are praying that long one would occur with the whole gym. How many people you think would have started with you and how many of the gym do you think would have completed? The vast majority would not be able to keep up with that. So Omar hora de Allah Han did a smart thing. He took the a tarot cards, and he chopped it into 20. So he shortened the recitation by adding more cards. So now the elderly could come. The week could come the children could come now everybody could participate. Why did he do that? Because you're you're allowed to do that with NFL prayer. You can toy around with it you can play with you can make it short. You can make it longer you can put
it into stead of eight you can make it 20 Shortland. You can do whatever you want. You can even make it $100 cots if you want. Right during the time of Imam Malik when he was the Imam of Medina, he prayed 36 autocorrects of Torah.
And during his time in Medina, at the same time in Mecca, they were praying just a little bit less than Medina and the reason why is after 10 rakaats in Mecca, they would do throw off and they'll come back and continue. So there's no tail off in Medina. So Imam Malik just kept on praying more and more rockets. Well, my point here is that sky's the limit. You don't have to stick to just 20 you can do 4060 You can do as many as you want. So those Muslims that want to push themselves a little further, they definitely can do that after the 20 they go home arrest and they continue all throughout the night. Yep.
Is it only a reward of such complete forgiveness when we pray?
So the best thing to do if you know you're not going to be praying when you get home yeah, you get the complete reward by praying with the man. If your routine is that you get home and you continue praying, the reward is there for you. Even when you're praying by yourself? So it's all about that intention you can start here and you finish up at home that's all perfectly okay.
All right. So yeah be tunel Europe be him like
This is really really like Allah is addressing a ton of different things by using this verb. But what I wanted to do about talking about tarawih and all of that is just you understand why Allah is saying Joby tune coming from the word Beighton because this area is calling us and reminding us to also pray at home. Use your home as a place of prayer. It is not from the sunnah to only pray outside at the masjid and exclude your home. No, the Sunnah is actually your fuddled. You pray outside of the masjid especially the men but you're sitting there prayers are prayed at home prophesy Selim would go home and Preston prayers afterwards. The reason why most people do it here
is for the same reasons we've been talking about right? People get busy, lazy and so on and then they might just completely disregarded so you kind of get it done here which is totally fine. Well the Latina abetone Yeah
just the tahajjud the Hadith specifically mentioned to her Jude because there are many Sunnah prayers or an effort prayers, but there's only one 200
Yeah, if they prayed their fault, and let's just say you know, they didn't they didn't perfect it as well as they should. But because they were consistent in tahajjud Yes, Allah will tell the angels take from their tahajjud and replace it with the photo that they were on short upon.
What about what about the
No, not for this particular scenario. No, it's only the to hedge should you know what the reward is for setting up prayers. What is the reward for praying all your sadness?
Does everybody know?
So let's let's just the soon as that you pray before and after the foreign prayers, what is the reward for that at the end? sins are forgiven. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will also build you a beautiful residence. One Hadith mentioned a mention. Another Hadith mentions a home that is built out of crystal but the point is a beautiful residence somewhere in Jannah. So it's a title of honor and blessing and forgiveness and mercy all of the things that we're striving for.
Okay, so we'll Latina up tuna layer rugby him sujeto piano soon Shouldn't it be pm and was Sujatha
prostrating came first than standing? Shouldn't it be the other way around? I mean, wouldn't be nice to just keep it in order.
So why is Allah mentioning such that first and then standing after?
So let's see students who's the thinker. Why would Allah mention such the first
mix the GU Institute you make your DUA, okay.
Okay, best place to make dua. Why, why in the such
So Allah puts such that first. Because Allah wants you to think about one thing when you're praying Touchwood which is well
just get close to him.
It's incredible. The Quran is so perfect. So such as mentioned first because that's what Allah Allah wants you to think about when you break your sleep when you stand up long reciting long sutras. The goal is Oh ALLAH. I don't want to just practice Quran. I don't want to practice may teach weed. The whole reason I broke my sleep and got up during the night, because I just want to be close to you.
Suja Den is not the same as Sajida
such does how we call the prostration right such with a timer built at the end. Here it's the Superjet and it's the verb is used. And it has this seat a little W there the shutdown
sujeto which is emphasis. So here's a little bit of the some benefit of the Arabic when Allah says Suja he's saying like, especially the Sajida like
When you are praying tagit and you get to that stage, they all make it good. Because I'm right there with you. Because you're the closest to Allah then. So Allah says, These people in their homes when they break their sleep and they pray to Me, and they want to get close to me, the best way to do that is take advantage of that Senator, make it good.
Make it good. Well, piano, the piano is, is everything else, think of it as everything else, everything that's not such. So there's it's a certain PM, even when you're sitting, you're kind of upright posture, your body is sitting but the other half is up, then the standing position so it kind of encompasses all of that. So it's kind of a less thing, the such day, like, make sure you make that good, but everything else as well.
Focus on and pay attention to Okay, so now we're talking about praying in the house. Is there any like particular reward or blessing for for praying your Sooners enough feel at home? Like is there any significance of doing that? Does your home benefit of you praying there?
Like what's the point of doing? Like let's just say you live right next to the message so you want to just go to the masjid you wake up during the night you jump into your car you drive two minutes and the message is open. So you want to pray there every night. Why is Allah encouraging us to pray at home or at least allocate some of the Sunnah prayers at home?
I heard it was like you
know that is exactly it. You don't want your house to be like the place where no Salah is done at the graveyard.
it begs the question, so if you don't pray at all at home, does your house really does it actually feel like a graveyard? Like a graveyard is a pretty depressing place. It's lonely it's quiet scary?
Is that how your home becomes?
Like what is the like the the analogy of use of comparing the home with no prayer to a graveyard? What's the connection between the two?
You see these are things students like when we when we look and we hear those headings to think about because it's easy to quote the heavy though don't make your home like the graveyard when the process data missing data. What is he highlighting? That he doesn't want that that is in the graveyard? He doesn't want that to be in the house?
Do people go to like is it the sunnah to go to the graveyard and start like reciting Quran? No.
It's not a place you go to review your sorrows and review the Quran. Is it a place you go to study?
No, you don't take your books you don't take your tip, see it and go and study beside the grapes.
So the comparison is the process Selim is saying, Don't make your home a place where no knowledge where no discipline,
no extra diet and worship is done. Like how it isn't that the cemetery are too great. You don't do those things there. So what our system is saying is that you're going to turn your house into a lonely place where Allah's remembrance is, is gone.
You're going to lose his remembrance in your house. Just like if you go to the grave. If you go there and you think about nothing else, you just go there with only the emotion I love you. I miss you. Oh my god, I can't believe you. You forgot. It's very easy, especially people who go to the cemetery regularly. It's very easy to lose yourself and forget yourself when you're there.
You've got to walk in with an intention and a discipline to be like, No, I'm gonna go in there and focus, make my Dora talk to Allah, even though it's my mom in this grave. It's my dad, like the emotions can get the best of you. So when that happens, you start to forget everything and process them saying I don't want that to happen to you in your house. I want the remembrance of Allah to also flourish in there.
Everybody understand? So that's why the analogy is used. So we'll Athena up to Nelio Robbie hymns to Joan Wilkie and so this is the last day for Latina yopu Luna Rob benasque refinery, Johanna so how many? How many qualities did we extract from this? So let's put them all together real quickly. Their homes so not your aunt's house, not the place you go to sleep over visit? No No your home your place you live in. That's one. You turn that place
your turn that place
I like a mini personal masala it's like your personal masala and that masala is highlighted through your night prayers. So of the qualities of every battle Roman is that they are praying in their homes during the night and they're making a long lengthy sujood getting closer to Allah that's what's being highlighted here so you can word that as you please
okay well Latina Yoko Luna robinus refiner the Jehan
when you're in such de
during tahajjud
you're obviously making a lot of dua, right?
We're making a lot of dua, right? That's what we're doing. You're not reviewing any Koran and said you you just don't
look what happened here.
There are those who, those who pray Allah or bene keep the punishment of the Hellfire away from us.
Neither Colonel haram, for its punishment is indeed unrelenting. Okay.
The most common dua you make in your schedule, is you ask Allah to protect you from his punishment.
The Rebbe don't rush man. This is the most common Dora, Allah protect me from the fire protect me from the punishment. You know, I have met Muslims over the years
are very intelligent Muslims as well, who have said things to me like, like, what's the big deal if I just did like one thing wrong or a few things wrong? Like Allah is really going to throw me in the Hellfire just because I used to curse?
Like, okay, fine, I cursed when I'm angry. You know, I utter these swear words, and because I'm angry, but I still pray still fast. I still do all of these things. Well, that's really going to punish me for that.
What's the answer to that? By the way?
Of course,
Allah decides the weight of this in how you, you'd be you and I can't trivialize what we think is serious and what isn't? So Allah decides that. The second thing is that attitude of like, what's the big deal? So what if we did just a little wrong? Look at all the right that we're doing is actually the same attitude that the Jews of Medina said to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, when they were confronted, they said, Oh, well, if Allah is going to punish us, we're not going to be in Jahannam forever, we're just gonna be there at Yemen not to do that. We're just gonna be there for like, a few days, like maybe a weekend or something. That's
that's the that's the attitude of the Jews of Medina at that time. Some Muslims have the same attitude now. So So what, okay, fine, I go into Jahannam for one day, what's the big deal? what's your what's the response to that, by the way?
Do you would you say, No, I guess you can get it out. Like what do you what do you say to somebody who, who says, you know, what's the big deal one day.
Nobody wants to even see the doors of jahannam. Because to visually see it is a form of punishment, like you, the person would feel the effects of that. So one of the things that happens in the grave is that Allah will open both the doors of Jana and the doors of the hellfire and shown to that individual, it doesn't mean that he's going into an O Allah shows these two realities to him or her, they will see it, they will just literally, their eyes will just see these doors of jahannam. And immediately, if they were a pious believer, they will immediately ask Allah for his protection, just by looking at it because it's so horrific, that looking at it is terrifying. It feels like you're
being punished already. You know how there's some things in life like you just don't want to see it. And that's sometimes especially like youngsters, teenagers, or even younger, double like, I can't see a dead body. Like I don't want to look at it. If there was like, if I went to a geneticist, or there was a few and I don't want to see the bio, just I'm not ready for that. It's kind of like that same idea, but it's 100 times worse. So the believer here is asking Allah, not just to protect him to go into the fire, but to even come near it. And the evidence for that is this word. See this word here students
are up benacerraf sort of is the original word, sod Hurrah. And sort of fun means that you're going one direction and you steer off and you kind of like, you go on this
Have you go off the road? So you're asking Allah to steer me away. If I'm living a life that's taking me to the fire, turn me off and put me on a better road. That's, that's what I've been asked to find.
steer me away from this path that's leading to your punishment, and put me on a path back to you. That's robbing us to live in, sort of.
it's really beautiful because the usage of this word will highlight the attitude of a lot of young people. But I mean, in this day and age, even mature adults do it as well. Where they say I'm just gonna live my life man, like just leave me alone or just a couple of years. I just want to have fun. I just want to do whatever I feel like doing. That's the ultimate believer never thinks like that. They never think okay, let me just chillax and enjoy life for a bit then I'll get serious when I'm about 50
That attitude still exists even if you don't hear it, it still exists. We hear it all the time of Muslims who do that all the time. What's the big deal? There's so much stress in his world let me just enjoy just one drink just one outing.
So Rob Reynolds three fun either but Yeah, hang in there either. But her candle hot on the only thing I want to highlight is this word here. Ohana.
harana is literally like
unbearable hot all man. So it's an unbearable bearable, even if it's temporary. So the example of the Jews of Medina, that's a hold on. So the believer acknowledges that the punishment of the fire is so unbearable, even if it's just for a short time. It's too much. That is why he we as believers never say we can handle a little bit of Jahannam with the villa. Right? We never say that because why? Even the little of it is unbearable. Does anybody know what is the what is the smallest punishment of the Hellfire?
What is the bare minimum? Does anybody know what it is?
I'm sure some of you know or you've heard it growing up.
The bare minimum punishment of the Hellfire you know sorta that sounds like this. Tibet. Yeah. Vela Have you wanted the Ohana and hormonal hormones kisser say your slur now on that tele hub.
One more or two?
murottal hottub. So, Abu Lahab Tibet Jada Vela be Lahab Abu Lahab. Who is Abu Lahab
who is Abdullah hub? Okay, who is Abuja? Hello.
Okay, so I Bucha hair comes from the same
tribe as the prophet Ali. So to Sunday meet, they have a lineage that meets together but he is more you could say is more closer towards the same tribe as the prophecy seven will have is his uncle. His uncle was also a sworn enemy to him. Salallahu Salam, right. So Allah says Tibet, you know, Tibet is like a curse. So Allah is cursing the hands of Abu Lahab How is Abu Lahab
I mean, I don't even want to get into all of the things that he used to do to to the Prophet. I just thought it was some from humiliating, making fun of him, insulting him embarrassing him doing all of these awful things and in addition to that, even his wife would also ridicule embarrassed spit on the process seven curse at him like the most awful things. But
despite all of that, you guys remember the the uncle of the Prophet or you slept with some apple Talib? I will tell him was sort of like a father figure to him. Everybody remember this name? Okay. When I will Taalib died.
The last thing that he says to the Prophet alayhi salat wa salam as he says that I can't go against the worship of my forefathers and Abu Talib died as a disbeliever.
I will Taalib took care of and protected the Prophet alayhi salat wa salam. So his scale looks like this.
On the one hand, he did not accept Islam.
But on the other hand, he protected and literally saved the life of
The Prophet is also something that weighs heavy in the sight of Allah.
So do things I will toilet, excuse Abu Lahab his wife will be fueling the fire, fueling the fire, she will be taking coal and fueling the fire that her husband would be punished with in Jahannam for what he used to do to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam. So one opinion says that, that taking the coal fueling the fire, that is the bare minimum punishment. That's one opinion. But the most correct opinion is what will happen to Abu Talib, the Prophet alayhi salatu salam pray to Allah after he died and he died as a non Muslim. Remember, this is like a father to him. So he's asking Allah, Oh Allah, you know, like, forgive him. He's like, look what he did for me, he protected me He guided me
in so much he did for me. And Allah responds and tells the Prophet alayhi salatu salam that Abu Talib will receive the bare minimum punishment of the fire. Do you know what that is? Hadith mentions? Right? I don't want to I don't want to be too explicit about it. Because I don't know who's watching. If there's, you know, young kids and things like that. But these rings, these bangles that fit around the ankle will be placed on Apple Taalib. And they will be lit with fire and heat. And the effects of that will affect the rest of his body. And this is all mentioned in the Hadith, that
he will be punished in that way. And that's the bare minimum. So Allah kind of responded to the prophesy salams plea and said, You know what, okay, fine, I'm not going to punish punish him. But I'll give him the bare minimum. And that's the bare minimum. So imagine, like going back to what we're talking about. Nobody wants to be in the Hellfire for just a few minutes. Nobody wants to see the doors. Nobody wants to go there for a day or two. If that's the bare minimum, that somebody else. Okay, so we'll pause there and shout Allahu taala. Next week, we'll continue. And, yeah, there's a lot that we have to talk about like a lot. But in sha Allah thailog Like I said, just a
reminder for all of us, just keep your intention on Ramadan. The goal behind everything that we're talking about is to get our mind and our hearts set for Ramadan in sha Allah. So with that being said, we pray that Allah keeps us on the straight path, and all that good that we learned from these eight May Allah azza wa jal preserve it protected in our own Amen. In our own actions in our own faith alone, that mean, well, as I said, we don't need hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen and I will see you all next week. Salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.