Musleh Khan – The Prophets Prayer #05 – All about your intention

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The Bible and Sh--I" are discussed as both essentials for worship, including definition of the title "The heart" and the importance of intentions. Pranksters and misogynists often use the term "the heart" to describe actions and intentions, but the speakers stress the need for clear intentions for every act of worship. The speakers also discuss the use of the "meditation" concept in praying, including breaking out the act of worship and repeating the "meditation" concept. Pranksters and misogynists often use the title Islam for the purposes of worship, but the speakers stress the importance of keeping close proximity to each other and praying in certain moments.
AI: Transcript ©
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Come to the Learn Europe Bill alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Ashraful ambia. You will mursaleen Nabina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or la vida le he was so happy he married a man buried. Brothers and sisters Salaam wa Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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So insha Allah This is our fifth session in the prophets prayer describe the or the cyclical Salatu nebby by chiffon Alberni Rahim Allahu taala. The chef Rahim Allah one of the first chapters that he begins with, is he's after discussing facing the parabola. One of the following discussions or topics is standing in prayer, but we will save that at the end of our discussion this evening. Because it's a very short discussion. There is nothing really much in terms of its implications. Let's just discuss the Nia insha Allah because the Nia is important when it comes to our Shetty are not only in a solemn, but in all acts of worship everything that we do, for the sake of Allah azza

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wa jal, of course, must have a Nia or an intention.

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The Nia linguistically comes from the word Noah, the word Noah. Now there's a couple of linguistic definitions when it comes to the Nia number one, it means a direction in which one is heading towards or which one goes. So, if you say I made the intention to go to this particular house, in other words, the your intention is going towards the direction of that particular house.

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Number two, the second linguistic meaning behind it is moving from one place to another from A to B. Then another linguistic definition for Nia is the direction in which the heart has decided to go so your actions might be doing one thing, but your heart is something else. Some other LMS say that's your Nia because we will talk about this shortly, where the Nia begins is in the heart anyways. So that's what counts according to the Shetty or or an Islamic definition. Nia is divided into two categories, you have a definition that is general arm that is just a generic definition. And then you have one that is hos or something that is specific. So when it comes to the Islamic definition,

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there are two categories. When it comes to the general definition, the Nia is the decision of the heart to perform an action without wavering or maneuvering in that this decision. So this is the general definition, the need or the intention is the decision of the heart to perform an action. But what is the condition, just make sure that there is nothing interfering with that decision that you have in your heart. This is the general definition of what Islamic definition is of the nia. A more specific definition is the decision of one hot oven of the heart. So the decision of the heart to perform an action for the sake of Eliza gel without any doubt in it. So you see the difference. The

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first one is just a decision in your heart to do something. But the specific one that we're that might give us is you will have an intention in your heart to perform an action only for Allah. So that's the addition when it comes to the specific

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definition for the NEA. When it comes to now I'm just zooming over like a ton of information in terms of the levels of ni and let's just go to the evidences of the intention the evidences of the intention. The evidence is of the quarter and one of the words in the Quran that has a definition or has a direction pointing to this concept of intention is a word called a euro the Euro is the want or the desire to do something. Arata Yuri do your order. So this here we find it in various parts in the Quran that Allah azza wa jal uses this in sorted earlier in moron, a number 152 amongst those who want the dunu from men can you redo higher to dunia so Allah says in the Quran that whoever

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wants the life of this world this word, UT

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comes it comes from the word irata which means whoever has within the their heart the intention just for the dunya everything you do is only for the dunya. So this is one way that Allah azza wa jal steers towards the nia. Another word for Nia in the Quran is a harmless or sincerity and this is found throughout the Quran. Another word for Nia in the Quran is abt Hall. ippity Hall is to want something and allies so a Gil also mentioned this in sort of delayed verse number 18 to 20. He who spends his wealth to purify himself and not giving anyone has done a favor for him. The point is here brothers and sisters, there are various implications or connotations when it comes to

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intention, different forms of the word but they all complement OR mean something similar. When it comes to evidences for the Nia in the Sunnah, there are many literally there are many more than dozens and dozens of narrations that talk about the intention. The most obvious one that we all know is of course, aroma of the hot tub rhodiola horn, which is the most famous narration probably one of the most famous Heidi's in the world in MLM it will be near to war in America equilibrium Manoa so actions are judged by their intentions, so each man will have what he intended. This particular Hadith here is a hadith that deserves its entire discussion by itself. This Hadith here is the

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Hadith that the majority of scholars of Hadith, they start off their books with it. This is why almost every single Hadeeth book you open, this is going to be one of the first Hadeeth you see there. The wisdom behind it is of course to set your own intention that when you study are in you know exactly where your intention should be at that particular moment. Whenever the prophets I send them uses the word in NEMA, it could mean two things in NEMA means to emphasize or it restricts certain actions that is going to be mentioned. So if you say in NEMA, and then you mentioned a few actions, it's just to show emphasis and as also to restrict a certain actions, actions that are

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going to be mentioned. The point is here brothers and sisters, this hadith of aroma of Malhotra de la horn, it mentions that our actions are only judged by their intention. And this shows here that without the intention, our deeds will never be correct. And as a matter of fact, they can never be accepted by Allah azza wa jal unless you have an explicit intention, the intention also and the same Hadith it mentions the intention also affects our worship with Allah. So adyen at the very least, every single Muslim must make an intention for a good deed. If Allah doesn't make it possible for you to do that good deed, then insha Allah, you will still be rewarded for the action. So remember

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before, sorry, after Sunnah, I use the example. Suppose the person he got into his car from his home, and he started driving. And when he drove, he got stuck in traffic. And this was something beyond his control. There was nothing that he could do about it. So what happens? Does he get the reward? Does he get the reward for the Salah or for whatever is going for at the masjid? Absolutely. Absolutely. This is an Hmm, this is a consensus amongst our lemma that he gets the reward that he prayed his salah and time, obviously he still has to come and pray the Salah when he eventually does arrive. But in sha Allah. As long as the intention is there, the reward is also there. Even if you

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are unable to do the action. As we mentioned, the intention is there. Let's look at some of the blessings behind having an intention. Some of the blessings behind having an intention. The Nia is the spirit that you have within you to worship Allah azza wa jal. This is why some of them don't really matter. They mentioned that the relationship between your intention and the body is like the relationship sorry, the relationship between your intention and your acts of worship is like the relationship with your body and your soul. You need both of them to be together. You need both of them to work hand in hand you cannot have one without the other.

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This here is extremely important for a solid because some people they may pray and get nothing out of the prayer at all. Because why the intention is not there. This is very common people that do will just pray, but they pray like the prophecy seller mentions

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They will pray like the chicken. So they'll just do the movement, like how the chicken eats. So they'll just do all of the movements but in their heart, they have no clue what they're doing, or they have no focus or no intention or no purpose behind the thought out. This is a huge problem. And even in another Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that this is one of the signs of yomo piano, that horseshoe will be removed from the hearts of people who pray. Now, I asked you a question, especially for those of us who have been praying for many, many years. You remember the first time you started praying? Or at least do you remember those early years when you were

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praying? How focused you were? And even if you think that you weren't, you really were, you were so focused that you had to pray, and you prayed on time. And you made sure that the sujood and loadall core and everything was perfect, but then it became habitual, it became a routine for you. So where is Sala from the time you started until the time today, evaluate yourself and look inside of your heart. Look inside of your intention? Where's your focus? Now, when you pray? You know, this is one of the biggest problems, especially for students of knowledge, students of knowledge, whenever this is like a general in a general perspective, whenever they go in, they learn about the deen

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they will come back some of them they come back with this prideful attitude. That let me give you an example.

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Before they went to study, wherever they went, before they studied the dean, they were so focused and everything was perfect when it came to the solder. But then after five or 10 years, you'll find that the student of knowledge feels as though now he has become more superior than anyone around them. So you know what they do? They start to intentionally show what they are allowed to do or not so in hopes that maybe if somebody comes and asks them, why are you praying like that? They can respond and they can show off their talent. So they'll pray and then they'll, you know, scratch their leg. They'll do this. And you know, they would dare anybody to come and ask them why are you

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praying and you don't look focused at all that you can say, Oh, you don't understand the sudden that you don't understand the poor? You don't know that? Do you know what shahabad he said? Do you know what shift listen this set about this is all you choose and permissible and so on and then they start to use the dean as a source to refute n start a confrontation. Abdullah even misrule, Dorothea Lohan said that this is one of the reasons you should never learn in person should never learn em. If their reason or their purpose is to go and refute others. to refute others. This is the only reason you learn I am Abdullah, even though the low answers don't even waste your time, don't even

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bother doing it all because it goes back to your nia.

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Another wisdom or a blessing is that one may reach a higher status, you can actually raise your status in front of Allah azza wa jal because of your intention. Imagine the two people are praying the exact same prayer, but their rewards are going to be different from each other because of their nia. My reward for my salsa is going to be different from the person beside me. And the Imams reward for his Salah is going to be different from everyone else, then the person who prays and missed out on his reward is going to be different from everyone else. But we're all praying the exact same prayer. What makes you different from the person beside you is what you have in your heart. It's how

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focused you are when it comes to you're in tension with Allah azza wa jal

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also, when it comes to one another blessing is that some actions may come to an end, but the reward for the actions they never end. So you can actually become very old, very weak and you can't do the act of worship. So example is like imagine in Ramadan, the old man who's been fasting for 20 3040 and 50 years of his life, when it comes to his 60th year, he doesn't have the stability too fast. He's too old and he's too weak and he can't do it. But what happens is that his heart is crying for this hardest thirsty for it. So he wants to pray and he wants to fast but he just can't do it. Allah azzawajal rewards him and gives him the thumbs up gives him the reward in its entirety, as though He

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fasted in that entire month of Ramadan. A person can be rewarded another blessing is a person can be rewarded for their action, even if the outcome is not the one that he had desired. A person can be

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rewarded for their action, even if the outcome is not what they expected it to be. So if a person makes an intention to do something for the sake of Allah, so adyen and then they can be rewarded, even if the action doesn't take, doesn't take place. And this is based on a particular Hadith narrated in behati, and many, many other ahaadeeth as well. However, listen to this one is narrated in Sahih, Muslim.

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There's a story of a pious men from the previous generations before us, there was a man who made an intention to go out in the night and gift, sada made an intention, I'm going to give sadaqa there's a couple problems that happen. The first person that he finds, and he gives sadaqa to was a thief.

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So the next day, the people heard about who he gave his son up by two, so they started to talk about it. And when he heard about what the people said, he said, Al hamdu, lillah, Allahu Akbar, Allah has given me the ability to give charity and set apart to this thief. The next night, he did it again. And he gave sadaqa. This time, he gave it to a rich men, person who has all the wealth in the world, so that people heard about it, and they started talking about him. So what did he say Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar, he praised a lot. The third night, he goes out, and he gives sadaqa. And he gives it to a woman. But the woman is a prostitute. And so the people they heard about this, and they talked

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about it, when it came back to him, he says, Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar and he prays the love for it. The prophets of the love while he was send them tells us that Allah azza wa jal sent an angel to the person

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to the person himself, who was giving love sada sent an angel to him. And this angel said, the charity that you gave to the thief

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may possibly make him stop stealing, because of the sadaqa you gave that thief will, there's a possibility now he would never steal again. The charity that you gave to the rich man may cause him to be more righteous, and he would start to give more of his wealth. And the charity that was given to the prostitute may cause her to stop doing that work and never be on the streets again. And so this is why a person can be rewarded for their intention, even if the outcome was different. This is why brothers and sisters, whenever you go to some massage it and you see like some some men or women that are outside like Muslim men and women were outside and they would stand especially on Juma. I

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don't know, maybe some of you have seen this. Like, you'll go for Juma. And you'll see like some of the ladies and the men, they'll just hold a bag and they'll they'll start to do the whole the whole trauma act, you know,

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just everything every day, why in the world possible comes at you, right? But then you ask yourself,

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what would you lose? If you just dropped a quarter, or you gave a loonie or you gave something for the sake of Allah? Would you get rewarded for it? Absolutely. You have nothing to lose. And if you decide that look, you don't want to do it. You don't trust her or you saw her at timmies the other to hear something so you like you're not going to give her anything. That's your decision. But the person who decides to do this, they're rewarded for it. You know, once there was a time when a man when a little boy came to shift, a shampoo at his father, Chef Mohammed a shampoo at rahimullah. So one time the chef thought he was narrating the story to us. And he said he says My father was a very

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pious man. And he says to him, I remember this incident that happened to him. He goes one day he came home and he saw his father crying and crying and crying. And so chef Matata came to his dad and he says What happened? And chef mythos father says today a little boy came to me and asked me for a reality. Just one reality, which is like 50 cents or just just around that area. Right? Well, 50 cents. So Chef molotovs father says, he asked me for this one reality, and I didn't have anything to give him. That was it. And he started to cry, cry himself home is an older person and adult. He cried himself home and cried whilst he was home.

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And the wisdom behind it brothers and sisters that one L'Oreal could have saved you from ever entering a loss hellfire. Well, there is.

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Nobody here doesn't ever want to touch or see the hellfire.

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150 cents or quarter can be enough that you never see a less hellfire. Why do I say this to you? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said one Hadith That's enough, it will not wallow will be paid tomorrow, fear the fire or protect yourself from the fire, even if it means to give a half of a data, insight aka or charity. Imagine you went outside and you gave somebody a chocolate chip cookie. And you gave them just a cookie and you said here I just want to give this to you for the sake of Allah. That chocolate chip cookie could save you from ever entering Alice Hellfire that's actually more valuable than a half a date, would you pay anything for half a date? Nobody

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would imagine if you gave a quarter and a loony and a toonie or whatever it is, all of these things panela can be enough to save us all from ever touching a loss how firewall is below. Now, also when it comes to the NEA, they have been sent down for us for the following reasons. The NEA is important to us for the following reasons number one, to differentiate between regular acts of worship and other acts of worship. To differentiate to show us the difference between the things that we do our regular acts from actual are dead. So if I cook, as opposed to praying, the Nia is what separates these two because cooking can also be an act of worship. But what's the shout out? Or what's the

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requirement is that it all depends on the idea. Going to sleep every single night can be an act of worship. But the condition is it all goes back to your nia. Another reason why this concept of the intention is so important is to differentiate one act of worship from another act of worship which is obvious. Also it is to differentiate between an act of obedience as opposed to a sin. Now let's get into the nitty gritty. Where does the beacon the Nia or the place of the intention is always in the heart. So what do we say about the person who comes to salah and they want to say the Nia out loud. This is only allowed into circumstances where you proclaim an intention only to circumstances

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This is allowed. Number one, of course isn't going into the state of at all. When you want to perform the Hajj or the Ramadan. This is one of the times where you will make your intention and you do it in a very soft spoken voice I would you believe it scholars even differ how you actually make the Nia how loud your voice should be and how loud you should speak. So this is the first exception to the rule. The second exception is of course the sacrifice, the sacrifice when you when you are about to sacrifice an animal to say the best manner Bismillah Allahu Akbar. This is also an exception to it where you would say that particular intention, all the other times when it comes to

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the NEA is nothing more than an addition to our religion. Now there's a couple problematic issues with a person who wants to say their intention out loud for the seller. saying the intention out loud for the seller is not is not only a problem in terms of going against the Quran and Sunnah. But even logically and practically there's a problem. Can you imagine if you walked into a Masjid you made a Nia for salata, rasa, and then you realize it was actually the huddle. Can you imagine if you made an intention that you want to pray and you pray behind this particular Mmm. And you pray you made an intention for the huddle. But in your heart, you made an intention for five rokerites

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instead of for, you know your old age or something, you kind of mixed up all the numbers, there's too many problematic issues. So what is the safest way to deal with these issues? It always comes from the heart. Then when it comes to also the NEA scholars, they differ exactly when you should have an intention when it comes to Salah. Should you have the intention when you're standing up for prayer? And it's time to say that you should your intention in your heart be ready at that present moment? Or should it be ready from the time you perform will do or before the will scholars they differ on this lmm Abu hanifa Rahim Allah mentions that you don't need a specific intention for

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every act of worship. Let me give you an example. And this raised a very interesting point. When it comes to the intention. The majority of the orlimar mentioned that you must have a Nia for every act of worship. So if you're going to perform Muldoon, your Nia is to perform the will do

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For Salatu lorisha then when it comes time to pray there Asia, then you need to have another Nia further Asia. Now here's where Abu hanifa said no. Abu hanifa says, if you have an intention to perform in Asia whilst making Waldo, then the intention for the Sala is already combined, it's already there with the with the will do, like it's obvious what else are you going to be making the intention for will do for anyways. So here in this case, the scholar said no, because why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and this is the hadith of automotive new hot Bob, that every single action must have an intention. However, that opinion is still there. That opinion is

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still there. And I don't know, I think I may have given this example in another message. You know, brother calls me from New York. And he says to me, we have this new Imam. And this new Imam came in front of the masjid and says, You don't need to have an intention for a Salah. Because having an intention for Salah is better. It's an innovation.

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So obviously, this caused a huge problem in the community, huge problems. And I've had some people stop praying there. And the brother calls me and says, What do we do? Because this guy is crazy. And I said he's not crazy. He just took a different opinion. But the problem is this person here did not have wisdom in this opinion. The Wisdom whenever you have LTE laugh, is to know when to use it and when to just stay quiet. Don't mention it. Some places you don't mention LTE love. It doesn't mean you deny it, it just means that the Hickman wisdom, it's not the right place. It's not the right time. What this Imam should have done is understood what the people were used to and stuck with it.

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As long as the people were used to something valid, there was nothing held on about it, then what is the issue? Why would you want to come and break those ties break that unity, and instead use the opportunity just to educate there's another opinion, this is the opinion of Imam Abu hanifa. So brothers and sisters, the next time somebody does come and say to you don't need an intention for Salah for every single prayer, there might be some truth to that, because of Imam Abu hanifa his opinion however, majority of our lemma is of the opinion that you should always have an idea for every act of worship. Now what are the conditions when it comes to having a sound and correct

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intention? Number one is of course you need to be Muslim. Number two is you need to be you need to be in the state of sanity. So you mentally have to know what you're doing. You mentally have to be aware of what prayer you're going to pray and so on. Number three is you need to be at the appropriate age. Obviously a child can tell the right from wrong. So they're exempted from this. A person who is more can left there at the appropriate age where they can tell the difference between right and wrong. They need to have an intention and know exactly what it is that they're doing. Number four is there shouldn't be any doubt a person cannot have doubt in their intention. You have

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to be firm when it comes to the intention of what you're doing. This is also one of the Sholto one of the conditions of the Shahada. One of the conditions of the Shahada is a term called the pain or a concept called your pain, which is certainty. You have to believe La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah is without a doubt the truth. Some people you know what they say they say I remember a sister A long time ago used to say to me, I believe in the horror end. I love the poor end. But you see that verse that says that the man can have more than one wife. I'm not so thing about that particular verse one everything else Mashallah I love the Koran. There's a problem here, not only

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with her, or her belief in the Quran, but there's also a problem with her Shahada with the toe heat in her heart Because why? One of the seven criterias of the Shahada is you have to believe for certainty that everything that Allah has sent down, there's a good wisdom behind it, whether we understand it or we don't have knowledge and number five is also knowledge of what the intention is being made for. You cannot make an intention for something you don't know anything about. A number six is the proximity of the intention to the action, in other words as a general rule, that the intention should be present at the beginning when the action starts, the intention should be there.

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Just Finally, when it comes to the intention is just some of the things that are relevant to us in the sort of changing the intention, when or how are you allowed to change an intention when it comes to the fallout? Suppose you want to change it from one photo to

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to a different fuddled this here, if you do that, then it makes the first intention invalid. And if you start the prayer with the intention of the vote, and you want to change it to salata Larson, then the first intention becomes valid and the second one becomes correct. But how do you do it? How do you do it, the Salah has to be broken, you cannot start an intention and then change it during the act of worship. So this is according to the majority of all the format that have they agree on this, that when you say Allahu Akbar, and then you just realize, wait a minute, I made an intention for the hotter but it's actually awesome. You can just, you know, spiritually in your heart, change

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it back now to answer. You need to break that solid, and then you need to start again. This is a huge problem. When it comes to somebody who doesn't get the tech bill, who doesn't get the first Soraka. So they're running, running, running into the masjid. And they want to get the Salah, they missed the first or the second rocker and they say Allahu Akbar, and was there praying the pre second or aka third Raka, but somewhere around the fourth or Raka, it just clicks to them. Wait a minute. This is also I thought it was a little harder. So what do they do here? What the person here scholars they differ now on this issue. They unanimously agree that the sauna is invalid and they

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need to repeat it simply because of the nia. But the question that they differ on is when do you do it? Do you break out of the Sala at that very moment? Or do you just continue and pray with the Imam until he's finished and then you pray your Salah over again. Scholars they differ on this issue majority of them and Allah azza wa jal knows best is that you break the Salah, and then you start again. And if you need to follow the email, follow the Mmm. And continue with him. When the email is done, then you get up and you make up Docker ads that you finish. This is how crucial The intention is when it comes to our prayers.

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And also other scenarios when it comes to a funnel towards NFL or an effort towards a photo. All of these things are the exact same thing. final point before we just go and touch on the standing of the prayer is mixed intentions. Suppose you're praying but somewhere inside of your heart you have this intention that you're going to pray just because you want your dad to be proud of you. Or you want your mom to be proud of you, you know, so you make sure you pray. And you know your father walks in the room and he's Allahu Akbar, Mashallah. The first time my son is praying of Salah. So what do you do, you start to you start really bringing out the horseshoe in the solid just so your

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dad can see and be proud of you. Obviously, this is a huge problem. Now Ria or showing off has certain degrees to it. The highest level of degree is that the entire act of Salah or that act of worship is nullified. Whereas the lower degrees of us denotational Ria is that you will repeat that particular rock error or you will break the soil out and start again whatever the case is. The point is, is that this is a huge problem. I always

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stick to the opinion that the sauna is broken. And start again. This is the safest way to deal with this issue. Start off with a clean slate and beginning to the end in sha Allah with a holocaust towards Allah subhanho wa Tada. So the point is brothers and sisters is that the intention without it our acts of worship can never be accepted by Allah azza wa jal in their physical form. However, spiritually in our heart, depending on the circumstance alumnae accepted from us or he may not when it comes to the last concept that we want to discuss with you. Shahada Daniel Rahim Allah mentions in his book standing in prayer and mentions in a particular verse Whirlpool mooloolah he Pani teen,

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so stand up in front of Allah azza wa jal Fermin upright with devotion with sincerity. Now standing in the sauna is the primary method that you begin the Sala with. In other words, according to mmm and Nov. shafia, you rahima Holanda majority of the Aloma, it is followed for a Muslim to stand up in prayer. The only time that he's not allowed to do this is out of some sort of problem or necessity is too weak is too frail or whatever the situation is, he's exempted from it. Otherwise, that person must stand up when they're praying the Sala some scholars differ with the individual who intentionally doesn't want to stand up out of laziness. So a person walks into the solder and you

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know, he just finished playing ball for like four hours. So he's like, I can't stand up for a show man, you know, brother so and so is going to lead the salon.

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He always makes it so long. So let me sit down. So what happens here in this case is scholars they differ on whether this Sala is valid or not. Would you believe? Amanda chef Rahim Allah and also Amendment No who explains his mother benches and is much more that the Salah is not accepted for the person who intentionally sits down without a valid reason. However, the majority of scholars they say that when I say your scholars, the majority of the mazahub they agree that lasala is accepted however, it is deficient in reward, you lose some of the reward of that solder but the actual prayer itself is still accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah azza wa jal says in the Quran, Allah de

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near the Quran Allah ha PML wa Kaoru done while June will be him three levels Allah mentions the first one Allah clearly says to us, BM and so the one who remembers Allah azza wa jal whilst they're standing, some of the rdms said this is what is referring to salep pm and Jani assata. If that's not possible, what's your next option? That's when you sit down? If that's not possible, what's your third option, that's when you lie down, while Arla Jr. will be him on their sites. So either way, they're all of these three options are there what happens if you still can't lie down or even if lying down, you're mentally you're not focused, then obviously in this case, anything below that is

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an exception from the sada in and of itself.

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Remember, brothers and sisters also there are there's a hadith the prophet SAW Allah Allah He was setting them also mentioned to us that we are ordered to pray while standing. And if you're a lamb, you're stuck there. For then if you are not able to, then you can sit down for a lamb, you're still there, then you can lie down. So the prophecy set him himself also made exceptions to this in terms of how you stand in prayer, and this is the final point that we will conclude with, you ever noticed that some massages that you go to,

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when you stand beside somebody, they're always like, creeping up closer and closer to you, because they want to get their feet touching yours. And if you just leave like a half an inch gap, the person's right there again. So you leave another half and they're going to keep going. And before you know it, this guy beside you, he spread his leg like this wide just to get to touch the feet of both individuals on both sides. Then you have the other extreme, you might go to some masjids where the guy is praying like this. And there's a large gap on this side and on that side, he doesn't want to have his feet near yours at all period.

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And then the most common one that we see is a person will pray as relaxed as they can be. Whereas the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the following. mean babble. Allah from the most preferred methods when you stand up in prayer is that you pray with your feet, touching the person's feet beside you. This is the best way to stand up when it comes to pray. However, now that I speak, especially to the youngsters here, don't get carried away with this concept. Let me tell you what I mean when I say this, some of the youngsters they make their entire whole sure on just the feet and touching the person beside them. They have no clue what the rock are, they're in. They

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have no clue what the Imam is reciting. They can understand anything. They haven't memorized anything. They can barely say there as car, but as long as their feet is exactly where it should be. This is the primary focus for them. And so for the youth don't get carried away with this. Because even if you don't do it, the solder is still valid in its entirety. The sauna in its reward is still there. It's just the fitness the perfection of the sada is what's missing. And this is why the prophet SAW Allah hottie he was seldom mentioned in authentic hadith and Bahati and cara, Bill scarab. rasa is Solomon says the ankle should be with the ankle. Now touching the ankle, there's an

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empty laugh on this, that even though this is the most preferred, some of the fuqaha said, it's not necessary for you to touch ankle to ankle, but you should get very close to each other enough that would prevent a small animal to make its way through between your legs and the legs of the person beside you. So there really should be just like a small amount of space between you and that person. The question here is what happens if you don't

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Touch the feet of that person, they want to stay farther away from you. What is wajib is that at least your shoulders should touch each other. Now, scholars of Hadith are very strict about this concept. They don't make exceptions. Imam Malik, no exceptions to this shallow body, no exceptions to this big defeat, ankle to ankle Case Closed. As I mentioned to you, this is the best option, it's the safest option, but just don't get carried away. If the guy beside you doesn't get close to the way you want him to. The final point that I want to mention to you is

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I personally I have prayed beside Shawn Watson, I bet I feel the whole I personally have prayed literally right beside him, I always remember this in the huddle. And I remember this whole concept about ankle to ankle and feet beside the feet and so on. So I remember I wanted to pray beside him. And I wanted to see how close he would get to me. This is Seamus in bed, you know, this is

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the world that we have today. So I said, Man, I'm going to see what's going to happen here. The chef Wallah, he, I had to get close to him. So I got very close to him until we touch shoulder to shoulder. And I saw that the chef did not make any attempt or effort to get his feet to touch my feet, none whatsoever. Then he had one of his top students beside him, which was the same thing. Then we had all of the other regular students praying around them, it was the same thing. So this kind of confused me. So eventually, I asked the chef, you know, the chef, I said, Why didn't you come cabin cab with me.

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And then the chef says I did.

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And then I didn't know what to make out of this. And then obviously a ton of students came around him and I couldn't speak to him. So I tried to clarify the issue with one of his students, and the student explained to me the shift also, the way to understand this Hadeeth of ankle to ankle is get as close as you can with each other. But it's not a requirement for you to touch each other. If you do touch each other, this is the best. And brothers and sisters always remember let's strive for the best. Don't go for the minimum or Okay, I don't have to touch it. No, let's strive for the best because we want to be the best. I wish I could say to you he was watching but I don't have authority

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to do that. But try your very best to stay close to each other in losada. This is one of the beautiful things why we have chef Bashir here, whatever he's checking the lines, he checks every single line for saddam. This is one of the wisdoms why. I mean, I asked the chef him to myself, why do you check all the lights. And this is actually one of the things that he told me and one, it just raises his honor and respect for him to perfect each of the lines as well in this particular manner. So let's try our very best to do that. And also to keep in mind to understand those who don't do it, they are not deficient. They don't you know are not crooked in their understanding. But also just

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realize that these are other opinions that they follow and they are all valid valid while Lahore as soldier knows best. So these are the words in sha Allah that we conclude with. And I haven't decided what I want to discuss next class. So just stay tuned in sha Allah, and we will discuss our next topic. I believe the next couple of topics that's mentioned the book is praying in certain circumstances like praying on a ship, the traveler and other miscellaneous issues using the sutra why what is the hokum or the ruling when it comes to the sutra? What type of sutra Are you allowed to have? Why is it that the majority of the fuqaha say that the sutra is not a condition for the

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Salah? It's not a shot for Lissa how to solder. But Chahal, Albania Rahim Allah mentions that it is a requirement you must have a sutra when you pray without it. Perhaps the prayer can either be invalid or it will lose reward in the solar. So these are some of the things in sha Allah we may look at when we gather in sha Allah this Friday, May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us to perfect our prayers. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us to keep a love and a sincere intention in our solemn earth. And most of all brothers and sisters, may Allah azza wa jal reward all of you for being here this evening. I know this is the family weekend. So I'm glad Alhamdulillah that you all chose to be

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amongst the family of the oma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam summit Allah azza wa jal reward all of you for being here, while often we don't wanna end in 111 or a bit alameen wa salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa

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