Sadullah Khan – Nights of Empowerment Parables and Wisdom from the Quran Night 3
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Are older bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim
Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Assalamu alaykum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. We continue our theme layout at Tom
keen on masala hikma Quran, Kareem, nights of empowerment,
parables and wisdom from the Glorious Quran.
Charity as we know in Islam is one of the pillars of our faith.
And being charitable itself is one of the fundamental characteristics
of a true believer.
Anybody and everybody can be charitable in Islam. Because
charity in Islam is not exclusive to those who have wealth, or those
who have material possessions are those who have money, rather than
what anyone can do to enhance the situation of any other human
being, or any creation of Allah. That is considered as charity in
Islam, the prophets of Allah Allah He, he was happy he was seldom
said in a hadith Kulu salaam Amina Nasir Allah he's
Kulu Yamuna Rafi shims that are deliberateness Nene sadaqa. Well,
Kelly Matata, Eva said, this charity Do you for every person on
every part of his body every day on which the sunrises
to bring justice between people in charity. A good unkind word is
charity. But two people either want to meet with either an
employee or
even to remove something harmful. From the way from the path is a
form of charity, the best from your watch here he collected, even
smiling at someone that is a form of charity.
Keeping all this in mind, we reflect on a competitive statement
of Allah subhanho wa Taala followed by a parable in the Holy
Quran, which Allah subhanho wa Taala StrikeForce with his his
Alma roof era, Pharaoh means other party yet
a forgiving nature, a kind word, and a forgiving nature is far
better than giving charity followed by injury over harm.
In other words, to say something good.
To be nice to someone to be forgiving to someone is better
than helping someone and then insulting them through your help.
Allah then continues, yeah, you are nothing. Oh, you proclaim
not canceled. By reminding people of your generosity calorie you
know who we are and nurse you alive when we live.
Like those people who give charity charity to be noticed by people
without truly having faith, without without truly being
conscious of the Accountable what they do, those who could take it
and hurt people. The parable is for Mr. Liu who come after us of
for so about why we don't
have what is
the parable or their comparison is like a smooth rock and on the rock
raise some sand. And when the rain falls, when the rain falls, the
sand completely washes away.
Insane, you can climb something which can grow and benefit people.
And so to when you get charity, it can benefit the recipient. But
also it benefits the giver because there's a reward for those
for those who are on their terms, the rain and the rain here as you
know what they can learn. And whatever is in the sand can grow
and develop. The rain is symbolic of the blessings of Allah.
However, if you're a charity that sang on the rock, if your charity
belittles a poor human needs, the needy undermines those in need,
because you remind them of your generosity. Then the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a very well known tradition is
reported to have said people who do that law you can remove all
your will Tiama What are your what are
the among the people who Allah will not look into the DFP Yama
normally purify them? Who are those people among them
are the one who keeps reminding people what he has done for them.
So when you remind people what you do for them
then your charity is like the loser on the rug
and washes away. When the fall comes is no benefit is gone to
Allah has yet to be imposed on coffee
Allah guide those who are ungrateful
for waste a lot of reference to be charitable one and we ungrateful.
Because those who get what they give, are given what they give
from Allah in the first place those who give what they give, for
given what they got.
And they should know that in their wealth lies the right of those who
are denied, and that interfere.
In their wealth in their position in what they have lies the share
of those who may be denied, and those who are in need. From all of
The Quran promotes a culture of philanthropy, and charity, charity
that encourages generosity of the giver. But it also emphasizes the
need for the receiver of the charity, not to be insulted. In
other words, it promote generosity. It promotes people to
be charitable, but at the same time, it emphasizes that the one
who receives should not be insulted, should not be
humiliated. In fact, the person who receives should have the
dignity intact.
Our function in life, as people of faith is not merely to have and to
hold, but to give in to serve,
to get but not to forget,
and to do good, but not to hurt. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said in the last year on your OB mme He, Allah is at the
assistance of a person, as long as that person is of benefit to other
So in helping others, we enhance ourselves, for when you light the
path of another, even lighting the life of someone else, that light
also brings light to your own path and realize that in faith, no
one's installing faith than the one who bends down to help those
who are in need. We become enriched by enriching the lives of
those around us, those who need our assistance. I leave you with
three points for all of us to reflect upon. One good Luma
roofing sadaqa This is Islamic principle, Hadith Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Quran Luma aloof in South Africa, every
good deed is charity. And therefore, anyone can be
charitable and everyone can be generous. Number two, it is
evident from all of this, that the intention of a person when doing
any act, the intention is of paramount importance, why we do
why we do what we do, and how we do what we do, determines the
quality of our action, but also it determines whether the deed will
be acceptable to Allah subhanho wa taala. So don't give charity or do
any good deed for show or for any ulterior motive, because as it
assaulted near to look in Cairo mean Amalie the intention of a
believer is better than the D that he does. So, first point, everyone
can be charitable, and anyone can be generous. Number two, your
intention is of primary importance when you do what you do. And
thirdly, never ever let your goodness be a source of
humiliation for anyone else.
We're stuck with Allah wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.