Musleh Khan – The Prophets Prayer #06 – The Athan, session 1

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary ©
The Spanish Congress of Louts is a federal holiday that is recognized as a federal holiday for those who attend. The event is recommended for individuals to give it and receive a recommendation for a person to perform the event. The importance of speaking up when praying and not giving false accusations is emphasized. The importance of practicing vocalization in the Arabic language is emphasized, and the importance of feigned and loud vocal exercises is emphasized. The segment also discusses the importance of practicing vocalization in the Arabic language and the use of different versions of the Zen.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allahu Allahu Allah early he was so happy to marry a Marburg cinema alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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so we're looking at the design today in sha Allah, the other than the other. Then let's look a little bit about the history of the event before we begin by defining the event itself. And before we even begin that license plate, b e m k 420. It's a Toyota. I'm assuming this person is blocking someone, b e m k 420, a Toyota. So let's look at the history of the event. Before we define what the event is. There is a companion by the name of Abdullah ibn Zayd Ansari Abdullah ibn Zayd al Ansari, what are the a lot more than once, one time he went to sleep and he saw a men come in his dream and came towards him and started circling him.

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And that man was carrying something in Arabic is called innopolis. And now causes pretty much a piece of wood or it's an object where it's made out of the horns of a particular animal and usually they would beat this behind a drum. And this is what the event was before was legislated. So he saw this man coming with this nap post and he's beating, beating in and making a loud sound with it. So Abdullah asked this man, what are you doing? So he says that I'm calling towards the Sala I'm calling towards the prayer

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so the this companion Abdullah he responds and he says, a fella De Luca, Allah who are Hiraman Derek, shouldn't I tell you have something else that you can do? That's better than what you're showing me? So this man he says better? Which means Okay, go ahead, no problem. So Abdullah ibn Zayd, Al Ansari, rhodiola man, he says,

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he starts saying to him, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Chateau a la ilaha illAllah, a shadow Allah, Allah Illallah until the end of the event. So then he wakes up. Abdullah, when he wakes up, he goes to the prophets of Allah, Hollywood, suddenly he tells them what he saw in his dream.

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And the prophets, I send them when he heard this, he tells Abdullah go to bln for inaho. And Min soltec. So he says go to go to be that because verily his voice can project louder than your voice. So what is the process and do here now he already approves of this event or this proclaim that this man saw in his dream? So Abdullah says, okay, he goes to Bilal. He teaches below the and then. And then, while he's teaching it to him,

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Omar Abdullah hottub is in his house. And he hears the event. He hears the sound coming from beta. So what does he do? He runs out of his house and he's holding his garment. And once he's holding his garment, and he says, He needs a hug or a tomorrow. He says, verily, I saw exactly what he saw meaning Abdullah, in other words, aroma of nahata had the same dream that Abdullah had as well. So when the prophets I seldom heard that or Omar hi that What is he saying? felly la Ilham, he says Alhamdulillah this narration is found in the sunon of Abbey Road. And it is an authentic narration defining the Asan is very simple, as then, literally means a proclamation, an announcement. And the

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reason why it's called Amazon is because the word event comes from an Arabic root word which is within within means your ears. So ozone is your ears, and then is the sound that you hear with your ears. And then is the person that makes that sound that makes that proclamation in terms of a legal definition, or according to the Shetty, on the other hand is an act of worship. This is the first point it's an act of worship, announcing the time for the obligatory prayers. This is the second point and this is crucial, because from the definition here when we say it is an announcement for the obligatory prayers. This shows you that the event is not required for any other prayer except

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the five daily prayers doesn't matter if it's a janessa eat or anything else. The that is only for these five daily prayers. There is one exception to this, which we'll look at why

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Come to that insha Allah. And also this is the third part of the definition, using statements and phrases that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself narrated the prophets on the lohani was something himself agreed and he narrated these words, himself. So we have a little bit of the history, we define what event is. So now let's look at the ruling what is the outcome of the event, the status of the event in our Shetty are, some of the scholars are of the opinion that the event is highly, highly recommended. But the most common and the most agreed upon opinion, amongst a ruler, man is that the event is a federal loan key failure. What that means is that if some people can do

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it, then it's exempted from the rest. What that means is if you put that into a practical perspective, if you have a bunch of massage it in the community or in a city or in a village, as long as these massage IDs, as long as they perform the event and they adhere to it, then it is exempted from other places your home if you decide that you don't want to perform the event in your house, that's fine. Why because you have a group of people or a group of organizations or massage that have fulfill this obligation of the event itself. Let's take a look a little bit about the blessings of the as the blessings of the event number one, the first blessing blessing the prophets

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on the lohani he was setting the mentions to us that the people the more than or the people that will have the longest necks on the Day of Judgment are the the noon the people who have the longest necks on the Day of Judgment are going to be the more of the known. This is a hadith narrated in Sahih Muslim. Now what does that mean that you have the longest neck on your moral piano? What that means is that everybody will know who that individual is his status and his honor and his recognition will be raised on the Day of Judgment. So he's going to be honored on that day. A second blessing of the more as in his Hadith narrated in Bukhari and Muslim, as hadith of behold a lot of

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the Alomar. And he mentioned that if people knew that we are the munez. If people knew what is within the NIDA or the event, if people knew what was within the event, and the first line in a Sala, they would crawl towards the prayer. What does this mean? It means if you knew the reward of being in the masjid, just before the event goes, and then after that, you knew the reward of standing in the front line of the prayer. If you knew exactly what the reward was, even if you had to crawl to the masjid, you would crawl to the masjid. Another narration mentions even if you had to vote on who would be able to stand in the front line, you would sit there and you would literally

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vote who will qualify to be in the front line.

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Number three third blessing is a hadith of Abner omoto. If there are more of the alohar he mentions that then we'll add then who has given the event for at least 12 years, what job but the whole agenda, just listen to the words, the person who gives a then for at least 12 years in his life. It is wise to for him to have Gen Y Gen but level Gen. You notice this Hadees doesn't say the harlot level Gen. He will just enter Paradise. It doesn't say that it says that he's wajib which means that there is no turning back this person in sha Allah is guaranteed gender by Allah azza wa jal then it continues, every single time a person gives the A then they will get 60 senate 60 blessings, and the

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person who does the comma gets 30 blessings. 30 has senate why mentioned that at the end of the Hadeeth the head he starts off whoever gives the as then watch a bit level agenda if he does it for 12 years, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was such a genius, he knew that this is impossible. Like it's literally that difficult for somebody to do this consistently for 12 years. So then he caters to the majority of the people who are able to just give the event once in a while whenever you enter a method that will as it is not there, you're the only guy sitting standing there. So what you do give the event why because you'll get 60 Senate, then the person who gives the

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event may not be the person who will call the comma. So you're standing there perhaps maybe the more than, you know he went to the washroom or something just before the saw that so the person who steps up and gives the comma 30 blessings for them. A fourth heading

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There's one that's very, very powerful. The profits of the lamonte was sort of mentioned and authentic had Ethan Bahati that whoever amongst the gins or the show or the shell team, or human beings, the gyms or the Shelton or the human beings, whoever amongst them have heard the event shahida shahidullah who Yokoyama, they will actually testify that that person gave the event in this in this dunya. On the day of judgment, their test certification will count. Now, some of you probably might be thinking, or how does that work? If whenever the shaitan hears the event he runs away? Well, the way that you tie this together is the heaviest says heard, when everybody whenever

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the jinn or human being heard the event, whether they respond to it or not, is irrelevant that Heidi just specifically mentions that they heard the other day. So when the shale teen and the gins, they hear the event, even though they run away. The point is they're running away from something that they heard. So that alone counsel, and it goes as a test of vacation for the more than on Yom Okayama.

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A few points to note regarding the event in De Palma. So let's get into the nitty gritty stuff. Now. A person is recommended to give the event and the karma even when they are traveling alone. Even if you're traveling by yourself, there's a recommendation was to have highly recommend for you to give the event. And this is based on authentic hadith in Bukhari,

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once gave advice to a companion. And he says, verily, I see that you are a person who loves taking care of sheeps. So when you are when, so when you are in your pastures, so when you're within those field areas, taking care of these animals, or you're in the wilderness, raise your voice and make the other end. So here the prophets I send them orders this man, even though he's by himself, he's traveled away from his family, you still should make the event. As we mentioned, the event is only for the event and if PAMA is only for the five daily prayers, but there's one exception to this. Now, this exception is not for them, but it's for

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Proclamation. Some of you might have heard, there's a couple of prayers like the sorry, the eclipse prayer. And

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there is one other prayer as well the eclipse prayer and the spa, the Prayer For Rain, these two types of prayer, it is highly recommended for the person to take the microphone and say, a solder to Jeremy solder to Jeremy and literally means that the prayer has been established, a prayer has been established. And the other he can repeat this as many times as he needs to. So he will literally take the microphone and he will say our solar total gem era, a solar to gem era and he can say it as much as he can. And this is the way that he would call the community to come to the masjid and pray.

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Another important point when it comes to the air, then is that it is permissible. This is the general ruling it is permissible for a woman also to perform the event and the comma, but with one condition and this condition, of course is that other men cannot hear her giving the event or the comma. The evidence for this is the Chateau de Alomar. And whenever she was an Amana, whenever she would leave other women in prayers, she herself would also give the other and the Yakama some of them as the dislike this like Imam Malik Imam Ahmed, they said that there is any karma but no other than mmm Abu hanifa he says there's nothing she doesn't have to do anything. She can just literally

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start her prayer. If I'm a chef, he he mentioned that there's a cut off or dislike this to the event, which you should at least do the poem. The whole issue is her voice. Because according to someone with a man her voice here is acts like an owl when it comes to the solder. That's why whenever a woman she's praying behind a man. And if the man makes a mistake in his recitation, so he's like Polo Houma law who had min shall Rima holla, he makes a complete dead mistake. She doesn't correct him. She doesn't say Allahu Samad. What she will do is she would clap. This is exactly what she would do in the prayer. Why? Because according similar lemma, her voice becomes an hour or acts

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like one at least within that act of worship. So that's where the issue but as I mentioned to you, the general rule when scholars look at these three opinions is that it's permissible for her to do as long as she lowers her voice. Another point

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This is very relevant to us are recorded as a recorded event or an event that you hear off the internet or the radio.

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Are you allowed to follow this event and let this event count for you. Let me tell you why this is so important. Because a lot of people, especially in Ramadan, they will take their cell phone, and they will set it to a little have the whole prayer times all said there, and they'll wait and they'll wait until that as that happens before they break the fast or stop. They're so cool. That now that's fine. Basically, what's happening here is that that phone is acting as a timer. And that's okay, permissible No, no issue here. The point is, is that are you getting get the reward for repeating after this event you hear on the phone? The answer is an obvious No. Why because you need

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an intention for a proper event to happen. You actually need a physical person to be there. This also eliminates another problem as well that a lot of people do. I mean, some kind of let you know, we live in a time where a lot of Muslims look for backdoors to get things done, they're always looking for like the easy way out. So you have this other issue of can you also follow the event of Mecca and Medina when you're watching satellite, you know, you see your favorite mo ads in there. So you turn up the volume. And it's also you know, time for Salah for you so you use the same event. The same ruling applies here. So it's not accepted as a as an event, but you can most definitely use

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it as

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a timer. Now the words of the event are of two types. Now here's the first type that we're all used to. This is the event reported by Abdullah in his aid, and a lot of them have that same narration that I just gave you in the very beginning. This is the one that we're all used to this is a Sahih and then narrated in as soon as Abdo so Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Allah we're going to show to a lady Hello shadow Allah Ilona la shadow and I'm Hamadan. A solo shadow when I'm having a lot of solo. Hey, our Salah twice, higher Allah, Allah twice, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illa Allah, that's the first that's the one we're always used to hearing. Now there's also a second

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type of event that was narrated by a companion by the name of Abdul Maha Dora, l Jana, he Abdul ma zu RA, l Gemma he rhodiola horn. He mentions that and by the way, I looked up this particular Sahaba he was actually one of the more athin in Mecca, he was one of the more than in Mecca. And he also mentioned that the profits on the lahardee was seldom taught him the as an in the following manner. So here's the other than that he was taught by the prophets I send them himself. Now this here is a narration found in Sahih Muslim, so there's no doubt in its authenticity. Now imagine hearing an event like this. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Shed one era in the LA

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Chateau La ilaha illAllah.

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Muhammad Rasulullah a shadow and Muhammad Rasulullah. A shadow Allah, Allah Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Lola, Shadow, Mohammed rasulillah shadow Anna Muhammad Rasulullah Haryana sala de la sala de alfalah, Allah, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allah, Allah Illallah everybody here You heard what happened, right? There was a repetition. Something was repeated twice. What was it, it was the Kalima? It was the test, deification in the event itself, Shadow Allah, Allahu Allah, twice was repeated again. And it showed one number hamato rasulillah was also repeated. This is also an authentic way of performing the event. So events are of two types. Now the issue here is this,

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which are then should you use, which is the event that you should use, according to the real amount, what they advise here at this particular point is that both events should be used occasionally. So this way, you can preserve both styles. For a lot of us I'm sure you're the first time you're ever hearing an event like this. And as I mentioned to you this is a hadith narrated in Sahih Muslim, it is Hadith number 868. You can look at it look it up yourself. And it's mentioned here to repeat that Kelly met twice. But the reason why this doesn't happen in our times, or at least it's not that common is simply because it's a time factor issue. A lot of people will have to leave after the

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soda, we don't have that much time to lengthen the prayer, things like that a lot of logistical problems that happen, which is why the most common thing is we always use the shorter version of the

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the other

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When it comes to the karma, something very similar happens. Now listen to the karma that we're all used to. This is the karma of Abdullah ibn Zayd. Same idea narrated in sunon of Abbey Road, Lahore put a logo to Chateau La ilaha illAllah a shadow under Muhammad Rasulullah. So we're not repeating anything twice here. Hi Dr. la sala, hey Allah for that, but palm is a solar powered climate. So aloha put a low but allow you to have a look, that's the one we're all used to. The second one is that you're basically repeating everything twice. This is also another version of the event. And sorry, the comma and this is found in the soudan of a bita would the sunon of Abbey Road and this

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here rightfully so, is the karma that the same Sahaba that narrated that different event is the same one that narrates the other your karma as well.

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Abdullah Dora lgma the Aloha and he mentioned here that basically you're repeating everything twice, so he'll so the the month and we'll give the apartment he will say, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, a shadow Allah ilaha illAllah shadow Allah, Allah Illallah shawanna Muhammad Rasulullah shawanna Muhammad Rasul Allah, and he's repeating everything twice. Again, it's also an appropriate way of giving the comma, which one should you use, same ruling applies here as it does to the other. Occasionally it is permissible to use both in terms of the strongest opinion of all of these recorded wordings that we see here. That as I mentioned to you to use them

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occasionally you want to note this down that this is the opinion of Ibn taymiyyah Rahim Allah. And even Tamia has a very classical standard way of explaining why this is so important. And simply you mentioned whatever is established in the Quran and Sunnah with authentic evidence, no one is allowed to reject it. So that's the issue here that we have. Now let's look at a couple of fifth issues when it comes to the

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when it comes to the earth on the moon, versus the Mmm, which one here when I say them, then versus the,

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the Mmm. So we want to know in terms of blessings.

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What are the blessings for each? The first one? This is the first opinion, by the way, is that the more as n gets a greater reward than the man, the more evident gets a greater reward than the Mmm. What is the evidence? The evidence is a verse in the poor and we've all heard woman Eisen. palolem mement. Dara Illa. Now, whoever woman accidental colon, and what is more beautiful and more righteous in terms of statement than the one who calls towards Allah, you see how strong this evidence is, it's a very, very open evidence, no one can deny it. So the more as in here, scholars say, of course, the President is calling people to righteousness. So he gets most of the reward.

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Second Opinion is the Imam gets most of the reward. And the logic behind this is very limited. They say that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself never gave an event, the whole of her or Russia do never give a then. And basically many of the scholars of Islam and the self they've never given a than even in our times, you're not gonna see like chef with a mean or somebody or the chef in batches that they wouldn't give an event shall ban you Rahim, Allah did it once. And it was recorded, it was like a huge event. shahabad is giving an event, why is just something that they for some reason, one reason or another, they just chose not to do it. Other students or other

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individuals were were given that role. The third opinion.

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The third opinion is that they both share great rewards in their own right. So they both share the same reward like in other words, the man has certain rewards that are exclusive just for him. Whereas the more than he's not exempted, he also has rewards that are also exclusive to him as well.

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All of these here complement one another. And of course me chef Gary and Amanda know the majority of scholars, they say that to them, then gets the most reward when it comes to the Sala why because majority of people will hear the other then, but not all of them will respond and pray behind the Amen. Everybody understand this point? Most people if not everyone, they will hear the other so the more as they will get the reward of everybody who's heard him. When it comes time for the salon, not all of them are actually going to hear it or respond to it and pray behind that email. So he becomes

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deficient in that sense.

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Number two second filter issue is the more as an as an

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Ma'am, so the man he gives the A then. And then he wants to also lead the Sala is he allowed to do this or not for opinions regarding this issue number one is that he has a choice, but it's better for him to do both, he has a choice, he can just

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assign someone else to be the email, but it should be him. Imagine this opinion, the man who gives the as an he is actually recommended to also lead us in lazada. And obviously, it's because he took on that responsibility of being the more admin then that shows that he's a responsible, mature individual. So he should also be trusted with the Imam position as well.

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A second opinion is that if he's not qualified to be an Imam, then he can just do the other then the third opinion is the opposite of that. The the opposite of what we just mentioned here, so he's not qualified to be a more than he doesn't have a strong voice. But let's just say he memorized Korean or something, or he has a beautiful voice is just not loud, and he can project it very well, then, of course, here, he will just be the mm and not the more than the third, the fourth opinion is that he has a choice, either or so you see the difference between the fourth and the first opinion, the first opinion gives you something that's a little bit better for you to do, which is you should try

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to do both. The last opinion it's all up to you, you decide whatever you want, and that is alone are them alone those best but the most correct opinion that they literally have a choice in the matter. Last couple points. inshallah, before we conclude

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some qualities that are desirable in a more than the more than he should be a person that is trustworthy and reliable. He should also have a loud voice and a pleasant voice that's beautiful to hear. It's pleasant in its delivery, as well. He should also be knowledgeable about the times of prayer. So let me tell you, this brothers and sisters, looking at the clock, the timings of prayer is not an indication that you have knowledge of the solid times. Let me repeat this again. If you have a watch, or you have a cell phone, or you look at the masjid timings, and you depend on it, this is not an evidence in the Shetty or it doesn't even count. What must happen is that you as a as

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in you must know or have a good idea of the timings in terms of what are the signs that you look for outside? What are the changes in the horizon, whether the changes in the color of the sky, then you can add timings to it. This is why when we talked about the timings of prayer, we mentioned a very, very explicit statement. There is no exact time for Sala nobody can say that Sala is exactly 543. And if you pray 545, then you've prayed late, nobody can say that a couple minutes before a couple minutes off, it doesn't make an issue. That's important for us. Why? Because when you go to one question, the majority will probably like 550, you go to another method, it's 547. You go to a third

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method, it's 553. What are you going to do? Are you going to go up to the to the admin there and be like you guys have wrong solid times? No, you're not because again, there's no exact time what there is though is an exact a proximity of the timings itself, the more of them should know all of this, the actions of the more than he should give the event while standing This is based on many authentic ahaadeeth then it should also be done in a state of will do it should be done in a state of Warden However, this is a recommendation and not a shot or a condition for a valid other than what he should be in a state of purity because the prophets of Allah Holly who was sending them dislike

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mentioning Allah's Name, except that he was in a state of purity. The event should also be given in a high place like how below the alarm used to do used to stand and use to elevate himself so his voice could project this here we don't really have an issue with that simply because we have access to a microphone you could be sitting in a corner somewhere or standing inside of a room as long as you have a microphone everybody's gonna hear you anyways. The morethan should also face the public these are all etiquettes they should turn to the right when they say hi era la sala and they should turn to the left when they say hi er that fella The question is how do you do it? Do you do it like

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this? Hi era la sala.

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No, what happens here? scholars are very very explicit about this. The amendment no Rahim Allah actually has a very, very detailed discussion on how this happens. So basically what would happen is that the person the malevolent will literally just turn his head to just a slight degree that his voice is not distorted from the microphone. It is incorrect for a Muslim to do this. To say hi era la sala

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And come back to it again, right defeats the whole purpose. Now the reason some of us probably might be wondering like, why why do that in the first place? This is not for any other reason except that you're just projecting your voice to the people on one end, and to the people to the other end. How perfect is the event, when you're doing this, you're saying hi Yala. sada, so come to the prayer, those of you who are on that side, I can't really hear me come to success. So those of you who are on that side, you can't really hear me, this is especially crucial for places where they don't have the microphone, it's the exact opposite. When you do have a microphone, when you do have a

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microphone and you turn away from it, you've actually gone against the certain of Mohammed Salah lohar, it was, because you're defeating the purpose of the microphone, you're defeating the purpose of that action. But unfortunately, you know, the reality is that we live in a time where a lot of things are just cultural, or other things are just traditional, you know, you grow up and you see that whatever he's always doing this, someone turned their whole body. I remember, actually, I know this one more, and then in one particular Mr. De golden, sometimes I give hot weather there. And I'll be sitting on the the mencoder of the pulpit, than the morethan will stand on my right and

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he'll give the event when he gets the higher lasala. He's looking directly at my face. And he's actually distracting me than anything else, he'll turn his entire body and he'll look at me like this.

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And he's looking at me right in my face, right? Then he'll turn around his whole body together. This is all brothers and sisters against the etiquettes of the event in and of itself. So it's important, crucial to be very careful with that. Also, from the Sunnah is to put the fingers in the ear, this was also an action of bilello, the loved one.

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to beautify the event. Next point is to beautify the event with one's voice. Now, this is the real crucial issue. How do you beautify your voice when it comes to the event? Because unfortunately, we live in a time where a lot of more than use the event time as a time for them to practice their vocal cords. And they practice their beauty in their voice. It's like an audition for America's Got Talent or something, right? They go up there and they just let it all out. And then some of them they get really, really carried away. You know what ends up happening? I'm sure all of us here have heard this. You ever hear when a guy's giving you that? And he's like, hey, Alan fella.

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And he's just squeezing every inch of breath out Why? What's the what's the wisdom behind it? This is a person who is uneducated, and very, very careless when it comes to the setup. And then you have other more than that just got even more careless than that when they start losing their breath even when they do.

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Just continue, they won't stop, right? So they'll pause and take a breath and then continue again. So so panela a big this is what the event eventually came out to be. Now what do you do in this case?

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Singing the event. I'm just a terrible word to use, but basically vocalizing the event in that manner is actually the Sunnah, where it goes against the Sunnah is when you break the rulings and principles of the Arabic language. Let me give you an example. The Arabs here who and anybody here who speaks Arabic, you know exactly what we're talking about. Arabic When you pronounce certain words, in the meta, they all have limits, they all have a certain amount of time to use stretch words. This is what we call an Arabic Tajweed. Tajweed is not applied to only for an Tajweed is applied to the Arabic language this is what gives it its brilliance and its eloquence is that when

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you practice teach read rules, the Arabic just sounds that much sweeter. So as long as you maintain those rules, it's fine. So you can say hi or Allah sila.

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That's it. But if you say

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a lot

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more than what you're doing here is to two problems. First of all you've taken and you've placed a certain rule on Allah's name that wasn't there in the first place, which is the Met. Secondly, when it comes to Allah's Name, this is a huge problem because this falls into a very dangerous area where you might be making fun of the name of Allah. So if your name is Mohammed and somebody came up to you and say someone like Mohammed, um

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what are you gonna? Are you going to even respond to somebody like that you're gonna perform rocky on that person right away?

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So what you're gonna do, but imagine if you use that same, same method, and you use a last name, how much more so do you have to be careful when it comes to Alice's name. So the more as the noon all of those people who do the event, singing or beautifying The man is the sinner, don't get me wrong, you don't have to just literally stand there and just utter the words, you should try to beautify your voice. But just try to keep within the principles of the Arabic language and touch weed. And last point, inshallah we'll just pause here for today because Muslim is getting later. So in sha Allah, in our next discussion, we will continue until about 715, or 730, in sha Allah, but at least today,

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I didn't cater for that. So for the sisters, we will have our class right now inshallah in about 1015 minutes. But I just want to conclude by mentioning that. Now, in this time, here, we have various different versions of the Zen. And I remember a very famous morethan he got in front of the TV, and he said, You know, I don't do the mech, sir, I don't do the medini event. And I don't do the mystery or the Egyptian as an and I don't do this, I only stick to this particular then what happened here is that these classifiers are these categorizations of the event. This is not from our Shetty, or there's no such thing as a mecca, then we our own cultures did this. Our own cultures put

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this where when you hear a particular event, you know where it came from? So for example, the Mackie and medini, and then they sound like this, they will elongate Allah's Name. So they will say, a lot.

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Kumar, that's the method many then very classical. But then what others did is like, Okay, well, that's for them, we got our own style in Egypt or somewhere else. And then they will give their own version to the then a law honk, boom,

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boom, and then this is so it's unbelievable how much our culture just got involved into this. So brothers and sisters, why do I may say, why am I doing all of this for you? It's just basically to achieve one purpose. Every time you listen to the event, just ask yourself, What are you really listening to? And every time you hear the other, what's really hidden the heart? What's really increasing your ear, man? Is it the beauty of that particular person's voice? Or is it the event itself? The event starts off by establishing our operator, then it continues by telling us how to practice that out Peter. So it starts off with Allahu Akbar, then it goes to a shadow Allah the

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sarcolemma then the second part of the cadet should have went to Mohammed OTA sola, then it tells you how to practice it. How do what do you do? How do you Allah Salah what's the result for the person who prays kata for the helmet milone leccino homefree Sala tm harsher on so that's the result. hayyan and Fela, Allah gave success to the people who have harsh Oh who are sincere or devoted when it comes to their Sala then it ends off with Aveda once again, if that's what the event does for you, then you fulfill the goal of do that. But if all that you're focused on is just the beauty in the eloquence of the voice remember that this is only for the poor earn and nowhere else

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because the prophecy settlement says a you know a sweat to come build and beautify your voice when it comes to the poor end, but only that everything else inshallah has a certain beauty to it, you just have to decide what that is. So this is where we will pause in sha Allah and we will continue with the same topic the other then I will actually do a TIFF suit of the other as well in and of itself in our next session which will happen on this Friday in sha Allah, Allah May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us to perfect our prayers. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us to perfect our hearts and our sincerity and May Allah subhanho wa Taala reward our more as the noon especially those who

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have been doing it longer than you and I have been born. May Allah subhanho wa Taala give them the agenda that they are promised while our fellow derawan hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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