Musleh Khan – The Life and Times of Imam Malik (ra)

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The Life and Times of aluminum Ehrlich model torella discusses the importance of foundation in learning to be a good Christian and the benefits of shave manners and shave advice in shave learning. The Prophet Muhammad had shave manners and behaviors that he would have liked to learn from, and shave advice is essential in shave learning. The importance of shave manners and shave advice is also emphasized. The history of Islam is discussed, including the importance of finding one's own guidance and avoiding waste of time. The speaker also touches on the struggles of individuals living a good life and their families.
AI: Transcript ©
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The Life and Times of aluminum Ehrlich model torella. Furthermore, we mentioned Does anyone remember when Mr. Malik was born? I mentioned the saucer who was here last week with me.

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so we mentioned that Imam Malik Rahim mahalo was born in the year 93.

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Okay the year 93 after the hijra, he was born after Abu hanifa Rahim Allah by 13 years.

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And Imam Malik he himself said I was born in the year 93. Because there's a great empty laughter there's a great, there's a bunch of opinions as to when Eman Malik was born. Scholars have narrated that he was born in the year 90 all the way to 9897 9690 and so on. But 93 was chosen simply because Mr. Malik himself stated that he was born on this day.

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And this year,

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it was cinematical rahimullah. His mother was pregnant with him for two years.

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And this is possible and we know this in the shed era, that this is very much possible that someone can be pregnant for this amount of time. This is clearly it was said this Allahu Akbar them on the authenticity of it, but this, the information about the mathematics mother is very little. As a matter of fact, there wasn't even a name mentioned who she was.

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The name Imam Malik. His name is actually Malik Eben Ennis or Rahim, mahalo, Darla, his great grandfather was a Sahaba. And part of all the battles of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, except the Battle of better, okay, so the Battle of better his great gun grandfather didn't take part in that battle, but every other one,

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the great grandfather was part of it.

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His grandfather, now, not the great grandfather, but the grandfather, he won your tab urien. Senior from the tab here.

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Furthermore, this tab there from the tab here, even so his grandfather also helped with the compiling of the portal, the portal and

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his father, as we mentioned,

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there wasn't much documented on him. You know, although all that's mentioned in the books of the life and times of these events, when it comes to the parents is very little in them. There's no name mentioned of his father, the only way you can figure his father eldest through his lineage, lineage. However, a specific name and about his father, there isn't much mentioned about him. All that's mentioned is that his father used to take care of the family. He was a just men and took care of the home.

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Not much, not much, as we mentioned his narrative about the mother, as far as his upbringing is concerned. How did Mr. Malik rahima seeking knowledge? Okay, so his upbringing when it comes to seeking knowledge about Islam, like all the scholars, what's the first thing that all scholars begin to do when they seek knowledge? What is the first thing they do? Anybody knows?

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memorize the poor and

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read the poor n and memorize it. And this happened during the time of Imam Ahmed Rahim Allah when a student came to him. And he wanted to be part of the Holocaust part of the lesson that email McNamara was teaching.

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So he said to the shaylee team, and he said, Yeah, he said, You know, I want to be a part of this. So Mmm, I had asked him one question alone. He said, Have you memorized? And he said, No. He said, Go back, memorize, pour, and then come back to me.

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So it shows that the importance of memorizing the Quran is part of the foundations of anybody to seek knowledge, memorizing core is the assess or the foundation whenever you want to seek knowledge. There's a very famous saying amongst the trilemma that nobody is a true student of knowledge. Nobody has reached the level of paliwal or even a student of knowledge unless they have memorized the poor and this is the least they can do. Other scholars went as far as saying no one has the right to preach Islam give a horrible read lead the solar unless they've memorized or and so this shows the importance of somebody to have foundation in their knowledge. And what better foundation is there

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then what Islam is derived from the entire religion is derived from the core and

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when it came to Hadith in America, Rahim Allah was extremely brilliant. He had a powerful memory and one of the sellers during his time narrated 32 emails.

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Malik told them 30 Hadeeth. So one day Mr. Malik returned back to this teacher. And he said, All 29 of the heavy thing he was missing one.

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So the sheriff returned back to him and said to him, that there was never a time that I was studying Hadith, except that every word that was said to me, I remembered it. This is what the teacher is saying to Mr. Malik. So when Imam Malik heard this, immediately, he remembered the 30th Hadith. And he said it. What is the benefit of this? You know what happened? This Shay is nameless, even she had, he said to Imam Malik, 30 Hadees in front of him and told him repeated back to me, all 30 an email medic because of his powerful memory. He heard all of this just once, and he repeated back 29 of them. So the chef is telling him to say Listen, you know, you're still young. Whenever I've been

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whenever whatever I've learned, it's stayed with me. So you got to try harder. In other words, you got to work harder than this. And supine, and all he was doing was missing one Hadeeth 100 howdy alone and there are many stories like this. Remember, hottie an Imam Muslim Rahim Allah going through the same experience.

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Imam Malik Rahim, Allah was extremely poor. He was so poor. That it was said that when he used to go and seek knowledge, he had no money for books, no money to travel. And the house that he was living in, had a roof. And he took the roof and sold it so that he can get money to buy books. And he was living in this house with no roof. All he cared about was the realm and All he wanted was his books. So this is at the the level of how poor Mr. Malik started off. Eventually, we will come to this eventually he became very rich. He became so rich. He wore the most expensive perfume that was ever heard of in the city that he was living in, which is El Medina.

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Everyone knew him for his attire, his clothing that he would wear, he would always be dressed the best out of anyone. His clothes would be perfect in cleanliness in smell, in beauty and appearance. He also had a ring that he would wear on the ring it said has to be a level when they are middle keel, which is the same statement that Ibrahim alayhis salaam, said when he was thrown into the fire. This was the same door that he was making when the most frequent had done that to him.

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We come now to the teachers or the show you have an Imam Malik Rahim Allah

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Imam and no we are human law states in one of his classical works, called a Tel Aviv. Leah smart or the bell a smart with low heart and this is a collection it's about two volumes that has names of various companions, the seller and those who came after them. It has a brief small biography of each of these people. Some of the some of the early mid memorizes these books it's about two volumes and memorize the entire things were literally hundreds and hundreds of shapes and their names and their backgrounds and who they were. And mmm and no, we are human law states in the same book that Eman Malik had over 900 shapes 900 teachers that he took from

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800 of them were from the tab you're in 600 of them came after the tab.

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Okay 600 of them came after the tab you

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in America Rahim Allah It was said that he loved to learn from one particular scholar by the name of Abdul Rahman, even hartamas, who was at the time and Imam Malik was only seven years old learning from the sheriff and Eman Malik used to keep his shifts.

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He used to keep these shifts to such an extent that they would be like a father to him he would literally be side by side at seven years old, the tender age of seven. What are what are kids doing at seven years old now? I know we're not saying to be at the extent of Imam Malik. But the fact that Mr. Malik was interested in knowledge at that age, just interested in learning about Islam is incredible. These are the benefits of why we study the life of the self. Studying the life of the salaf is a way to increase our Amen. This is one of the main reasons why this whole hadda is happening. Why we sit here and we study the lives of these men.

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To see struggles they've gone through to perfect and learn the religion of Islam. Once there was a time when Imam Malik Rahim Allah, he was with the same with a shape. And he loved the shape so much that he wanted to shape all for himself.

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So he went to the children of the shelf, his his kids, and he said to me said, Listen,

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if anybody comes and asks for your father here, give them these dates and tell them your father is busy with someone else. So the kids will be like, okay, they got dates from your family. So they'll tell anybody, anybody who wants to see the Father. Yes, he's busy with someone. So this way, Imam Malik had him all to himself, and constantly constantly would be learning from the same shape.

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As we mentioned, Imam Malik Rahim Allah studied and began studying at a very tender age who was very young.

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And he once approached his mother and a mom, should he begin to write what he's learning? Okay, should he begin to write what he's learning? mathematic is asking his mother this

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the reason why we're gonna mention this is so you can actually picture how young America is. The mother is putting clothes on Imam Malik she's getting she's helping him get dressed, because he's too young to dress himself. And she's and he's asking her, should I write what the shapes are teaching me. So So Pinilla, you can see at the age you can understand, put a picture in your head, how young these machines are, how young they are. And the mother eventually told him and Malik don't write yet. However, I mean, an edible hologram, you know, try to learn from manners of the shifts try to learn from their actions first, before you learn from their knowledge. Seek principle,

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anybody who is going to seek knowledge, you learn from the adab and the law of the mushiya. Before you take from their knowledge, you know how you can tell one of the ways you can tell when a shave has adapted, when a shave has manners, the first time you meet them, you will always remember them. After that moment, you will always think of them, you will always remember them because that first meeting was a positive one, it was a good one. And it was a meeting that reached your heart. This is the one of the most effective ways you know that that shape has a HELOC or that a man has manners, that Imam has good actions, good words. And insha Allah there is some sincerity in that person, the

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first meeting you have with them, as opposed to some

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some leaders when you meet them, you know, they they give you this impression, though, that are really interested to hear what you have to say, because they meet hundreds of people or 1000s of people all the time. So it's just like, like you saw them and they just kind of walk away. They don't look at you. They don't do the extra little things to make you feel comfortable with them. And to keep that brotherhood between you and them. You're so this is why Imam Malik Rahim Allah His mother told them, don't worry about writing the knowledge yet. Just watch and learn, observe and learn. Because if I shave has added, if I teach her has manners, then everything else that they

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speak, will have bulka in it. Allah azza wa jal will put blessing into those words as long as a person has added and we know this in the sooner that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stated in authentic hadith, that the people who are going to be at the highest level of Paradise will be those of the best of luck. Not the most knowledge, but the best of luck. So this is a very important, we can literally sit and speak about manners forever. Manners is one of the most beautiful topics in Islam to discuss.

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Because Imam Malik Rahim, Allah is very well known for Hadith. He's very well known for his knowledge in Hadith, it's important that we take some time to discuss his relationship with Hadith. In America Rahim Allah was very strict with Hadeeth extremely strict like no other before, mainly because he respected howdy in and of itself that it was the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because of this love that he had for Hadith, he eventually became an Imam. He was extremely reliable. He was extremely honest, trustworthy, and he had the sharpest of memories in our medical rahimullah

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as Sophia, and a third

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Rahim Allah who was also a great scholar of Hadith, those who are around him they said that he reached the level of the chefs of bajada Rahim Allah and he once said, no one was more strict in narrating Hadith than a man medic. These are the words of Sufi an authority. an Imam, a chef Iraqi mahalo once stated, that if Imam Malik had the slightest doubt in Hadith, he would evade it, he would ignore it, and he would pay no attention to it. If he had the slightest doubt in Hadith, that it could be tainted with some sort of the efficiency or could be weak in some areas, you would ignore it, and he would leave it alone. So this shows the reliability of ultimate medical

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rahimullah. He spent his days and his nights developing respect to Heidi and understanding it. He took tremendous courage and patience with Heidi. He would spend days and nights hours and hours day trying to understand how teeth and learning it and practicing it as well.

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There's a very beautiful story about Imam Malik that was narrated about him more than a dozen times it was narrated that they said that whenever someone used to come to Mr. Malik's home, and ask a want to ask him a question, if it had to do with the Koran, or it had to do with Philip or it had to do with Pepsi or whatever the case is, Imam Malik will come out of his home and answer the question

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will come out, listen to the question answered. And then he would return back to his own.

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However, if anyone came to him, and they asked him for a Hadeeth, or asked him something about the results of the law, he will send them an email, Malik would tell them to wait.

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And he would go into his home and he would take a shower. He would find the best clothes that he could find. He would even tie his head with the turban he would find the best perfume that he could find he would comb his beard, he would oil it and clean it. He would come up with his best clothes, and then he would answer the question on how do you or then he would narrate it. And this shows how much importance and love he had for the Hadeeth of photo school salovaara he was selling them.

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Once there was a time when he was teaching, and there was a scorpion climbing his chest.

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There was a scorpion, and he knew the scorpion was there. And he remained and the students who were listening to him, they saw the scorpion, they saw that there was something moving, then the scorpion stung him. Now, if you ever been stung by a scorpion, I've never been stung by a scorpion. But I have no brothers who have

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and to hold the pain for just a few seconds is unbearable. Just a few seconds. So Mr. Maliki got Scorpion and he remained there and he continued to teach until he was finished. He was teaching how do you think he wanted to stay there till he was finished? The students asked why did you do this? And know the scorpion was there, then it's telling you why didn't you inform one of us so we can help you. He said, I did not want to interrupt the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Swipe bared the pain. And I waited. And I didn't want to cut a sentence I didn't want to cut the words of our messenger. So I continued until I was finished with Subhan Allah. This is the patience

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and the honor that I didn't have for knowledge. This is why they are considered to be a hurdler in,

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because they love knowledge. They love to study it. They're not studying it for any other games. They're not studying it because they want to give doodles, they want to give lessons and lectures. They want to write books.

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The people of knowledge they study it and under because they love it for what it is. It is the true and ultimate happiness in this dunya and it is the true and ultimate way for someone to reach a law zoologist paradise.

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Also, there's another narration

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that it was said that anytime someone would come to Mr. Malik, and they would speak about Hadith.

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And if they spoke in a loud voice, Mr. Malik would become extremely upset at this extremely upset, and he would tell them stop. And he would quote the ayah

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and even sort of Gerard we're allies. So it just says yeah, are you healthy in no latter of our swatter home folk of Sultan nebby

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Oh you who believe Do not raise your voice above the voice of our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this was his interpretation. He understood the eye in such a way that

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when you speak a hadith or when you speak messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you do it as though he is working

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You, you speak about it as though he is around you. And so don't raise your voice don't speak in a loud manner but speak in a quiet, soft and constructive manner. mm Malik Rahim Allah as a teacher. How was he as a teacher? After memorizing the Sunnah, after memorizing all the Hadith, the knowledge, he began to teach and he was only 17 years old. There is another narration that he meant Malik Rahim Allah used to give fatwa about shuttle Ramadan. People used to come to Him and ask Him various questions regarding Ramadan.

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And at the same time, as he's answering the questions he was eating, and it was in Ramadan, this was happening, which meant that he wasn't fasting, does anybody know why?

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He was under age, he was too young.

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So upon Oh, he was too young, too fast. But he had enough knowledge to give fatwa to all those who came to him and he would be eating at the same time he would be speaking to these people.

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So at the age of 17, he began to officially teach. His class eventually became larger than his teachers class, all the teachers that he went to, and he learned from them at 17 years old, he began to teach and his class became bigger than all the rest.

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important note here.

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When you see a shave, or an Amen, that the majority of the community or people come to rush to hear what he has to say, realize that this person, they have some sincerity in their heart.

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And we've mentioned this before, how many times have you seen that there are brothers and sisters who have PhDs after PhDs, there are doctors in like almost every field you can think of. However weak, there is only a few people who are listened to them. When they cry, no one is crying. When they recite their recite perfectly and they begin to cry. However, it doesn't reach the hearts of those who are listening, as opposed to someone else who is of the extreme opposite. No PhD, he's probably sat and read a few books, or he's gone to university and he studied there for a bit, he comes back

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or she comes back and he begin to preach the entire community. The entire city is running, trying to drink out every single word that is coming out of this person's mouth. They're drinking it literally. They're waiting to see what else is he going to say what is his next topic? What is his answer to so and so question, realize that a person like this it is filled with bottle cap, and it says something about the sincerity of that person and what they are doing for the sake so again,

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it was said that Imam Malik Rahim Allah, He would never teach a science unless at least 70 shaves at least 70 chefs would say to him, we acknowledge that you are fluent in the science, we acknowledge this

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and we know that you will have knowledge of this particular science. So you should teach it you should answer questions regarding it. And only when this happened, then EMA medical rahimullah will begin to teach. And as we mentioned, at least 70 of the machine would come and tell him this.

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As we mentioned, Imam Malik Rahim Allah

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He lived in Medina his entire life, and he remained there and he began and he continued to teach.

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How many of us here have been to Medina?

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Okay, very few.

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If you go into the home right now in Medina, how to live the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you will find that there is an area called vo roba. But older is the garden of Paradise as the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in an authentic hadith, that whatever is between his men bar case, so the pulpit here the men bar and his house, all of that which is in between this this is in his message in owning all the massage it only is msgid. What is between It is like a garden from the gardens of Paradise. So anybody who prays there, who sits there, if they say I'm sitting in genda right now, the statement is correct. This is why mm Buhari Rahim Allah, where the Imam Bukhari

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Rahim Allah used to write a song a

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couple who wrote his Sahih al Bukhari, where did he used to do it? He sat between the member and the profits by selling the robot. And this is why some of the amount of Hadith they stated

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That Sahih al Bukhari was written in genda, you will see the statement, when you look into the explanation of Sahih al Bukhari in the introduction, you will see that they will say that this book has been written in paradise. What they're saying is it wasn't written in paradise up above, but rather it was written in the rolda.

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So Imam Malik Rahim Allah He used to teach in this area. And the reason why is that he wanted to teach in the same place that Omar Abdel hapa What do you love more and who used to teach, as well as the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to teach? So when these people were alive, this is where they used to sit in teach and so, Imam Malik Rahim, mahalo wanted to be in the same area. It was said that Mr. Malik Rahim, Allah love to imitate he was very, very much interested in a lot of the things that are most often a hot tub done a lot of the decisions that he made in his affairs, and so on and so forth.

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He remained teaching in the masjid until he became very sick, right beside the grave of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, this is where his doodles would happen.

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And it was around the grave of the messenger is where they described that it was a garden of knowledge. It was said that when people used to come, min Cooley fed genomic from all the different places in different countries of the world to come and pray in the prophet SAW the law while he was selling this Masjid, they would hear that there would be someone speaking, and this was the voice of Imam Malik, his classes were going on. And everybody who used to come, they would remain silent. And they would want to come and be close to the class. And they would come there from all over the world, and ask questions and get answers to various various problems, very, very situations that

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were happening in their country. And it was part of the method is important for us to hear to mention this point. See how we're talking about Hadeeth all the time. Howdy, howdy, Saudis. Now we know that there is something that supersedes Hadeeth, which is, of course, the poor. And it's important for us to know that even though Mr. Malik Rahim, Allah had such a strong love for Hadith, it did not equal the love that he had for the poor and the poor, and was always what he began his his doodles with his lessons with his classes with teaching with he always bet began with the poor and first and it was always understood, it was known that Mr. Malik rahimullah loved the poor and,

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and put the poor and always first before he would come and speak about how do you

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there's a beautiful story of Once there was a man who came to him, came to him and Malik Rahim Allah, and he traveled for six months to get to him. Six months, he traveled till he finally got to Medina, and he finally met him and medic, and he asked him a question.

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Now, the actual narration doesn't say what the question was, but he asked him a question.

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And so handle I imagine you're traveling for six months to meet someone. We asked him a question, an Imam Malik said lottery. I don't know.

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And the man said to him, will

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you come here for so long for so many months? And all you've said to me is you don't know. What should I tell my people when I returned back to them? What should I say to them?

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You said Mr. Malik said to this man, he said, Go back to those people you've come from, and say to them that you've asked me this question and my response to you, God, I don't

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go back and say this to them. Imam Malik Rahim, Allah was known for this. He was known to constantly say, I don't know. He was known for this. As a matter of fact, when he was dying, he was sick for approximately 22 days. And during that time, close to his death,

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people used to still come to Him and ask Him dozens and dozens of questions.

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32 questions that were asked on the night that he died, he said, he doesn't know. So this shows his sincerity, up until his death. If he did not know something, he was the Imam of a hallucinogen. And even at that time,

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it's getting louder right?

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Even at that time, you said

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you said laddering This goes back to an

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important statement of even our best little deola one woman or one sibling, our best heard of a men who

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would answer every single question he was asked. Anytime this person was asked a question, this man would continue to answer all the time. So even our bus was eventually it was this was brought to his attention and he said, Men have the image noon, who is this crazy person?

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I led the Yuji, voila Cooley so that he answers each and every question that he's been asked, no shyness, no hesitation. This is never the lap or the manners of children. When they did not know something they did, they would never say, Well, I think it could be so and so. Or there is a possibility you can do this. You won't hear the statement from Angela. And if they don't know they will say Allahu Alem lottery we don't know.

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For this is a statement even that Allah azza wa jal puts in the Koran and says, that we have not given you accept only a small portion of this knowledge. Only a small portion of this knowledge. And this is why Allah azza wa jal says in Surah Taha and he commanded the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said

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to Mohammed, he said to him, what kohlrabi zucchini in and say, oh my lord, increase me in knowledge. He never said oh, you know, he never said to the Prophet I sell them asked me for power. Ask me for more wives asked me for for more status more money. He said only to ask me for this one thing only. And that is asked me for more.

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So this is shows that even among medical rahimullah, aside from his status and his honor and his knowledge that he had, whenever he was asked a question, and he did not know, he would say I don't tell another narration to place where a man asked him a question. Man Malik repipe Landry? I don't know. So the man said to him,

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this is a very simple question.

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I'm sure you can answer this question. Mmm Malik became very upset, was described as his face became read, full of passion. And he said to the men, who are you to say that knowledge is something that is easy. When Allah azza wa jal says in the Quran, in Surah, piara leka, Poland colon thought peeler, we will send upon you O Muhammad, a heavy speech, some difficult to hold on. And the knowledge of the Quran has, we are going to place this audio on it is going to be difficult for you to carry. So Mr. Malley became very upset that someone will come to him and say to him, Well, this is a simple question. I'm sure you can answer it. There's nothing simple about speaking on behalf of

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Allah azza wa jal when it comes to his religion. And he met Malik wasn't done. You figure that after he said this to the man, he'd leave him alone, he came back to him again, a madman he came back to the man and said, You know that he was upset just to show him how upset he was. So the statement and said that there is nothing easy about speaking what is highlighted in Allah's religion, and what is hot on in Allah's religion, there's nothing easy about this.

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For we all know, and understand that a lot of agenda will eventually bring each and every single person and then about cooler, cold and cold, every single word that they said, every single answer that they gave, and all those who were affected by this answer will all be question on behalf of that one person, he will have to give account for every answer that He has given. And those who are listening, all the people they've told, well, you know what, brother so and so set so then that message gets passed on to another to another to another to another, that one person will be asked about all of these hearts. And so he magmatic Rahim Allah understood this. And this is why he became

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very upset whenever someone will come to him and say, so simple question. Something simple you can answer this.

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We know of a famous statement of Imam Abu hanifa. We mentioned this last week where when he was studying the poor, and he said he found it difficult. He found it difficult to study the lie. Because children would come to him and ask him about the horror and

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children would come to him and ask him about the horror and so

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He found this difficult and he and he couldn't further go further in understanding the core and this is why he eventually came to fifth and he remained there. He found it difficult to speak on behalf of Allah azza wa jal on his religion, about what is halal, what is hard on what is permissible, what is not, as we mentioned to you, knowledge is something that is heavy and is something that is difficult. This is why the seller for Rahim Allah, they stated, anybody who wishes to seek knowledge, let them put on their metal shoes, meaning let them prepare for hardship, but then prepare for hardship. Seeking is never easy. seeking knowledge is never easy. And we've mentioned

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before the statement of Mmm, Chef de la when he said that a body that is rested and is at ease will never seek knowledge, we'll never have it. So this is a person who will always find comfort. You know, he's sitting in his home and he's relaxed. He'll open a book and he'll read about a particular issue a particular science, and then he will close the book and then he will begin to share out fatwah as though it is candy for everyone. And he will begin to teach and he will begin to do everything. This was never the methodology of seeking

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for seeking knowledge. It is the most difficult thing someone can ever Delve delve into. The great scholar

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Mohammed Amina Shanthi to Rahim Allah

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Sheikh Mohammed Amina Shanti Rahim Allah who died approximately 40 years ago. It was a great scholar. His students said at his time was a man that should be living during the time of the sahabas.

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Because of his piety, because of his immense knowledge. Some of his students even mentioned that he should have had his entire method, he should have an entire method for himself. It was a gift from Allah azza wa jal and his children are still alive here today.

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And once Mohammed Al Amina Shanthi to Rahim Allah was sitting in a gathering just as we are sitting right now. And there was a speaker speaking and he was saying, Uh hum did Allah Subhan Allah was there when when Tasha will color code together? He was saying that you know, Alhamdulillah knowledge is easy. You know, you can find books and you can find resources everywhere and knowledge is widespread right now. And Mohammed Al Amina Shanthi, to Rahim, Allah stood up and looked at the man in said what law he This knowledge is not easy, while law Heath Ledger is not easy and he repeated a third time while law he This knowledge is not easy.

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And I will repeat it a fourth time and say to you, while law II This knowledge is not easy.

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realize this knowledge is something fucky and heavy.

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And at the same time it is given to those whom Allah azza wa jal once goodness for into the studio.

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We continue

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and conclude in sha Allah with a life of time of an Imam Malik Rahim Allah. And we mentioned some of his students. Now we're not going to mention names of his students because as a matter of fact, lmm and nolli Rahim Allah collected the names of all of his students and he put it into a book form.

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And he said that the students of Imam Malik is an entire nation of themselves. So panela there were 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of students of Imam medic they're too much to mention men. No we will Rahim Allah just mentioned a statement and say that they are a nation of themselves.

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As far as some of his works is concerned. It is important for us now all many of us have might have heard of the famous book or collection of a hadith called Al wathba, which has been compiled by an email medical ye mahalo who Terada

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el mapa.

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At the time that it was compiled was the most authentic book of Hadith ever put together. an Imam Shafi Rahim Allah stated this himself, there is nothing more authentic than a mulatto after the horn. Question. Sahih al Bukhari we all know is the most authentic book of Hadith. So how can Imam Shafi say that? Lm what

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is the most authentic book of Hadith when we all know the entire oma has agreed that Sahih al Bukhari is the most authentic book

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How do we understand the statement of a man of Sheffield I came a whole lot of other

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Good. So Sahil Buhari was written was put together later. For example,

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an Imam Shafi Rahim Allah was born in the year 150. And we will come to his story in a moment in sha Allah. Allah Imam Bukhari Rahim Allah was born in the year 194

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mm. We Bahati was only 10 years old when Mr. Scheffer he made the statement. This is important to know because there are still people now who will say Elmo is the most authentic book of Heidi's that you can find and this is an incorrect statement. This is an incorrect statement because the way more data was compiled is in comparable to the way the man Buhari compiled his and the short route or the conditions that Imam Bahati went through. is in comparable to the shuttle are the conditions that Imam Malik Rahim Allah went through to compile this book. So the fact that as the brother mentioned Sahih, Bukhari didn't exist at that time, so everything everyone realized was only on al Motta, Imam

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Malik Rahim Allah put together this collection of Hadeeth, when he was 19 years old, it was said that more than 70 of the scholars at that time told Imam Malik to put something together because he was such a great scholar of Hadith, they said, you know, we need to preserve something we need to preserve some of the authentic works of the soul as a law while he was Solomon. So, after 70 of the scholars, praised him and encouraged him to do this, he eventually came together. And he put together the works of Malta, and just some brief insights in and of itself, the chapters are all organized in accordance to the chapters of film. And if you look at the books of fit, they will

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start off with a chapter of bajada cleanliness or Salah, whatever the case is. The interesting about the motha is that it starts off with solid, it doesn't start off with cleanliness. That's a whole nother explanation. That's a whole nother topic in sha Allah. But however, for our discussion here, it's a book of filk. To understand, and most of the Hadith in there are authentic. However, there is a laugh amongst the scholars about various Hadith and their authenticity.

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Having said that, that gives us just a brief insight of alma mater. And this book here is considered under the category of the sunon works. It is considered amongst the books that we all know and heard of anessa ie what Timothy wouldn't imagine what Abbe de would one more Whopper, while the Muslim man all of these other books of Hadith, these are all considered under one category called the sunon books, which are books that deal with fifth issues. Some of the famous quotes of Imam Malik rahima hola are as follows. Mmm Malik, as many of the other scholars he was a genius. And the scholars them one of the beautiful things about these gifted people is that they always have these beautiful

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phrases. They always have these beautiful quotes and statements that you can write literally volumes and explain just one statement of some of the scholars and what they say. For example, Imam Malik once said, that knowledge is not quantified. Rather, it is a light that Allah azzawajal places in the heart. So knowledge is not how much you will learn. But what you already know Allah azzawajal has put Baraka in this. And of course, the example that we've looked at already is may have many PhDs, as opposed to a person who has very little qualifications. And you find that this person is here. And this one is still here, or is at the bottom. And he's gone through all the struggles, and

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he still, there is no light or barakah in his knowledge.

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Another famous statement,

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and whenever somebody would come to Imam Malik Rahim, Allah and ask them, how's your morning? How are you doing this morning? He was he would always reply with one statement and he would say,

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my years are decreasing. And my sins are increasing, meaning My life is getting shorter, but my sins are increasing. This was a famous statement that anybody would ask him so how are you doing today? This is what he would reply.

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Another statement or another quote from Mr. Malik Rahim, Allah

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is he mentioned that I never loved a person simply because of the blessings of Allah azza wa jal and what he gave that person, so he magmatic never loved the person based on what Allah azza wa jal had given that person from the name of the Student Yes.

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But he would say, I would have to see the effects of the blessings in that person first, then I would love him. So an example of this is a person is given wealth, he's given knowledge, he's given understanding, he's given wisdom, he's given all the beautiful gifts of this dunya. But Mr. Malik said he would never love that person just for those things, but rather what he would see and he would look for is in the a HELOC and the manners of that person. And then we have mentioned that it is a HELOC and manners is what beautifies a person, a person is beautiful, not because of his knowledge. It is not knowledge that beautifies a person it is hearse and practices, the knowledge,

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that's when they become beautiful. That is when the true beauty of a person begins to show. And we see this from a hula and scholars, no matter where they come from, what country they come from, what background they are, what color their skin is,

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because of their knowledge, and they practice that knowledge. People will still love that person and love to be around them and love to learn from them. If a scholar wakes up in the morning,

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okay, he hasn't brushed his teeth, he hasn't cleansed himself. People still love him. They still want to be around him.

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Because of his luck, because he is practicing the religion of Allah azza wa jal.

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Some of the habits or the descriptions of Imam Malik Rahim Allah, how did he look? There is very few statements and narrations about this. It was said that Imam Malik Rahim, Allah was an extremely tall person who was very strong and robust. He was very fair. He wasn't a darker somebody was a very fair person. And he had the most beautiful of appearances. And we know this because he eventually Mr. Malik became very wealthy.

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And so he would wear the best perfume, the best clothing, etc. And so his appearance would always be beautiful in front of those who were around him, his clothes was actually custom made, he would have his cold sewn for him. And this is what he would wear. He was very keen, especially about the way he smelled. He wasn't as keen and how he looked in the clothes he was wearing. But he always paid most attention to when it came to appearance on how he smelled, because he was of the belief. And most of the times are like this. It's not what you wear. But it's how comfortable the people are around you. And the clothing that you wear is that going to determine how comfortable you are. We see this all

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the time, that we have people who will wear the most beautiful film, or the most beautiful hijab, or the most beautiful suit.

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And then you can pray beside them. You know, you can't be around them for a long period, where as opposed to someone can literally walk in with a T shirt and a jeans. However, you can sit beside him, you can speak to him for hours you can pray beside him and it doesn't affect you in any way. So the smell of a person has more of an effect on himself and those around them rather than the clothing that they wear and their appearance. And Imam Malik Rahim Allah used to eat a piece of meat every single day. He was he loves to eat meat to set the meat that he would eat was beef, Allahu Ireland on its authenticity. However, there is a very interesting story about a fruit that he loved.

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And he would eat this fruit all the time.

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Anybody know what the fruit is? For the banana? I'm sure the Somalis love that right. Somalis love banana and the rice. When you go to handys supine Allah, you know what my first time I went to have these restaurant, and I finished eating the rice and the beef. And then all of a sudden the brother brings a banana. I'm totally confused. I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this banana. But he said that this is the custom of the Somalis that when they eat, they also eat the banana with it. And eventually I learned that it's actually very, very, very healthy and very nutritious for the body. And now I read the statement of Eman Malik, he loved to eat banana. And he actually talked

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about it and he said that the banana sapan alone is a fruit like the fruits of Jenna. Because it's a fruit that you can find it all out the year whether it's summer or winter, the banana is always the same and you'll always have abundance in it.

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And this is an Suppan Allah who even quotes in a year and he says, This is like the fruits of genda and how Allah azza wa jal talks about the fruits of gender when he says

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Kula ha, de emomali Lu. Well, the Lua

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that you eat these fruits and you will eat them all the time throughout your presence throughout your time in paradise. These fruits are always going to be there for you. They're always going to remain the same. They're always going to be fresh no matter what time of the year it is. So Emma Malik actually said, it's as if Allah azza wa jal is also talking about the banana. And so he loves the banana and he loves to eat, eat it all the time. As far as his home is concerned, it was narrated that Imam Malik Rahim, Allah had beautiful furniture in his home, he noticed something here. Do you notice the Imam Malik.

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He seems to have been living a good life.

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He lived a good life. He ate meats every day. He ate fruits, he wore the best clothes, he had the best perfume. And he had nice furniture in his home. And it also was said that he lived in a beautiful home.

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And he also mentioned he was asked about this, why'd you live like this?

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Why are you not shy to take from this? Why are you not shy to abstain from the student? Yeah. And his response was, that these are the bounties of Allah azza wa jal. And so I use them in a moderate and a constructive manner. And I benefit from the blessings that Allah azza wa jal has given to me.

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And this is important to know. This is important for all of us to understand, it is not how long for us to seek wealth. It is not how long for us to want to live a good and comfortable life disciple here to live a comfortable life in the studio. where the problem is, is a sawed off when somebody begins now to waste their time, waste their efforts struggling for the dunya as the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that anybody who worships money will perish, meaning anybody who makes it their time, their health, every moment of their life struggling for money, then this is the person that allows so agenda will allow them to be perished in the dunya. And in the earth metal.

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However, a person who receives a lot of money and a lot of wealth and wants to live a good life for himself and his family. And at the same time, he pays his a cat, he pays his charity, he's always helpful to his community, he's always donating and he's using his money in a halal way. This is something that is sometimes even encouraged amongst orlimar to do is encouraged. So realize that this is even this even happened during the time of the setup is that if they did have money, they would try to use it in a constructive and in a beneficial manner. As far as his family is concerned, Mr. Malik Rahim, Allah He was married, okay, and he had a wife, who he loved a very, very much he

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praised his wife. He took care of her. He loved his wife very, very much. He had three children.

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Three of them were boys and one girl.

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So he actually had four kids. So three boys and one girl, one of his children, the girl Her name was faultiness

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and Fatima had memorized the entire motha

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that is a militia of Imam Malik. She had memory. And she was a young child. They said

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that the child Fatima was so young she could barely speak, but she had memorized the entire motha How did she memorize it? She used to sit by the door of Imam Malik. When students would come to his home and learn from him. She used to sit by the door and she used to put her ear against the door. And as she's listening to the Hadith being read to her father, she would memorize it like that supine a low when the students would make a mistake, she would bang the door and tell her father a he made a mistake. correct him you made a mistake.

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And even email Malik himself responded to the daughter in sets upon law. I've never seen I never thought that my little child will have this in her. So even Imam Malik he himself was shocked and surprised to see that his daughter had reached to such a level and then we conclude now to no category. And that is of course, the death of the great scholar and Amen. Alina medical Rahim mahalo tala, as we mentioned to you earlier, he became sick for approximately 20 to 22 days. It is not mentioned what type of sickness he had.

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said though, there are some narrations that I came across that he had some sickness due to his urine. There was some kind of problem there but specifically what it was a level RLM his final words that he left with in the studio is he said lilla Hill Emerald mill popular woman that, that it is to Allah azza wa jal that everything that has happened before and after it is in his control. Allah azzawajal is in control of everything. During his sickness, the day that he was dying, as we mentioned to you, there were still students coming to him and asking him questions. He was deathbed. And he would still have to give fatawa This is the sloop and the son of the alumna. There's a story

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of chef or Theremin or Rahim Allah, when he used to teach teach in mystery that held on there was a time when chef was a mean Rahim Allah became extremely sick, and he had to do a blood transfusion. They had to take a certain amount of blood from him. And this took time. So the chef was actually going to teach a class and they said, The doctor said to him, you can't teach a class right now. You know, we need to do this or else you're going to become more sick. We need to do this now. So he said, Okay, take me to the room, where you're going to do this. And as I'm lying down on the bed, put a mic beside my mouth so that I can teach my class. And so as the blood transfusion is

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happening, the shareholder akima hula huhtala is still teaching his class. And at that time, there were 1000s, who were sitting in the home learning from the chef. And so these are the scholars. These are the trilemma.

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And so Eman Malik Rahim Allah had the same same attention, he was given the same same priority over others. Imam Shafi Rahim Allah

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He stated, a very famous statement, saying that Malik was my teacher and my SHAEF. I received knowledge from him. And there is one and there is no one more trustworthy to me than email Malik. This is Amanda shaffir. Your Rahim Allah, seeing this ad mm Malik Rahim Allah died and he was 86 years old. It was one of the oldest out of the four events.

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In America, Rahim Allah it is because of this age. He was almost 90 years old. This is many of the scholars said he had so many teachers. And he had so many students, because he lived much longer than the other imams.

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And so this concludes our discussion of the life and times of an Imam Malik Rahim Allah older Allah

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