Muiz Bukhary – The Astounding Victory of badr

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The Greatizedizedized Islam has led to many decisive victory, including the Battle of butter and the Battle of butter. The importance of fearing trials and prediction in dams and the success of Islam's golden years have led to many decisive victory. The history and success of Islam's golden years, including the Battle of butter, are discussed, as well as the need for reinforcing the army and teaching Muslims to use alcohol and force. The upcoming battle is discussed, including the strategy of war, the return of the Hare and the Hare, and the return of the Hare and the Hare. The segment concludes with a statement from the speaker.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam Allah ashrafi ambia even more serene Nabina Habib,

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Muhammad, Abdullah Abdullah Allahu Allah. He was happy he uploaded salatu wa automata slim, a MOBA for in stuffer identity double long bow firewall howdy howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Bashara memoriam of death to her vocal Lamb of the 13 da da da da da da da da da da da da da da Allah. Allah tala Chiquita de la Z's bada ooh Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim

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Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rafi

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nasarah kulula Julio.

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All praise and thanks to Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala

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who is our Creator sustainer nourish, protect and cure. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to Chava his choices of blessings and salutations upon our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of the AMA, my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, first and foremost I enjoined upon myself and then all of you all here to adopt a life of taqwa. And that is to fear Allah subhanho wa Taala and to be conscious of Allah subhana wa tada during every single second of our lives, if we wish to attain success in this world as well as the hereafter. Secondly, I advise

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advise myself firstly again and then all of you on here, not to latch yourselves on to this life of dunya.

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For the life of this dunya is very, very short. Allah subhanho wa Taala has blessed us with this life to prepare for the eternal Hara, where that is going to be our perpetual residence, not this life of dunya Look at this beautiful piece of poetry that was articulated by our beloved Imam Shafi Rahim Allah who stayed in lillahi

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palapa dunia waffle fetullah, Nevada, Salama, Alamo and La sadly hygene wattana Jaya lu lu Jetta sala de hacer una Allahu Akbar eloquent beautiful words in the La La Jolla Ibadan fatahna. Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala has intelligent slaves of Aqaba, may Allah subhana wa Taala make us all from his intelligence slaves are mean. Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala has intelligence slaves, tala Petunia, they have basically devoted this dunya they have abandoned this dunya will have full faith Allah and they fear the trials and tribulations of this dunya. Now the roofie ha they had a look at this dernier furama IMO under highlights that the hygiene wattana and when they realized that this

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dunya is not a place is not a permanent place for the people who are truly alive, Jai Lu hailu jetan they took it as a transitory stage they made this dunya as a transitory station, what the oily * Amalfi has to for now, and they took righteous actions, righteous deeds as a mode of conveyance to cross this transit restage on to the permanent hero Allahu Akbar. So let us not latch ourselves on to this life of dunya because it is extremely temporary, extremely short. The pleasures of this life are short lived.

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hardships of this life are short lived, nothing is permanent. Let us prepare for our hero. For that is what the history of Islam teaches us the lives of grace the lives of Sahaba revoir light Allah Allah He married the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. To sum it all up. This is what it teaches us that the life of this dunya is short. We are not here to live forever and ever.

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This blessed month of Ramadan

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that we are in it is known as a month of victory. It is known as a month of victory because many decisive victories took place in this noble and blessed month, the month of Ramadan is such a blessing and virtuous month. So there is no wonder that Allah subhanho wa Taala used this month to bring about decisive victories for the Muslim Ummah, such as the Battle of butter, the great battle of the foot of Mecca, the conquest of Mecca, the conquest of Andalus by which was spearheaded by Tarik ubinas, er, that is against the Mongolians against the Tatas, which resulted in astounding victories for the Muslim oma, that is such as iron, dilute hatori, which was spearheaded by sarafa

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de la UB, against the Crusaders, all of which were in the month of Ramadan, and all of which were decisive and astounding victories for the Muslim oma because the Muslim Ummah at that time, realize that this life is not alive, to latch ourselves on to and they place their firm trust in Allah Subhana. Allah, Allah the Almighty brought about great victories. Today wherever we look around, the Muslim Ummah is being battered from all four corners.

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The Muslim oma has been thrown from the frying pan right into the fire. And when we talk about fire, let's not forget the folly of Allah Ibrahim alayhi salatu wa sallam who was the single believer at that time was the whole world. This believed in Allah subhanho wa Taala. He was the single believer, and due to that belief, and because he called towards Allah subhana wa Taala, the Kufa they made a huge fire and Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam was catapulted into that fire. And look at the beautiful statement, Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam, the great failure of Allah actors at that moment has gone a long

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way Vikki Mona.

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Now see, as Buddha Allah, Allah is sufficient for us has gone a long way near mal Joaquin. Allah is sufficient for us. Allah is the best protector. Allah is the best person to put your affairs in. Allah is the best person to keep your affairs with. Allah is the best protector. Allah is the best helper. It is Allah the Almighty that we need to be turning towards my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam. They're coming back to this noble month of Ramadan, and

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the decisive battle of budget. This battle, my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam was indeed a great battle, which was recorded in the annals of history, a battle that was an astounding victory for the Muslims for the Muslim Ummah at large. This battle took place on the 17th of Ramadan. In this very month 1400 odd years ago, two years after the hegira after Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Sahaba Allah Allah He migrated to Medina, two years after the hegira this battle took place, Allahu Akbar and at this data, how did it begin? There was a caravan heading from sharm towards Makkah, a caravan that belonged to the Quraysh specifically, it belonged

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to Abu Sofia. It belonged to the crush and this caravan was headed from sharp Damascus towards Makkah, the news goes through the sort of lines and along while he was selling them, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam declares that the Sahaba revoir Vita Allah Allah Himeji Marie and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Muslim army should intercept that caravan and take hold of that caravan. Because the Muslims when they were in Makkah, they always walk London. They were boycotted and they were driven out of their homes. They had to leave their wealth, their homes, their personal belongings and migrate to Medina Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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lm saw this as an opportunity to take back what belonged to them. And remember, whatever said and done, it was a command from Allah subhanho wa Taala to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a sort of law. He said a long while he was a lamb woman, a young tieguanyin However, in who are in law, you have, he does not speak out of his own desires, whatever he speaks is divine revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So it was the command of Allah. So to sort of La he sent a long line he was Selim gathered the Sahaba it voila, hit Allah, Allah imaginary, and called out for who to call and he mustered a group of an army to head over and intercept the caravan of the courage. Now

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the caravan of the Quraysh had valuable belongings, valuable belongings, and the news that had traveled to a sort of why he said Allahu alayhi wa sallam was that there were only 40 men guarding the caravan whilst it was traveling from Sham to Makkah. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gathers 300 or 313 men, and they go ahead to intercept this caravan. Now what happens is about Sophia, in general, he was a person who had a very guilty conscience, because of all the evil that he had inflicted upon the Muslims when they were in Makkah. So he always had this feeling. He had this fear, this apprehension that any time the Muslims might attack us, so he used to take a lot of

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precaution, at times, even when he used to go on business trips, or when the caravan had to cross from long distances towards Mecca, he used to send riders ahead to check on the situation. And this was one time when he personally went to check on the situation. He personally went to check on the situation. And when he went, they go by a well, a particular well, and when they reach that, well, Abu sufian he notices that there is there were droppings of cameras left behind the dung of cameras. So he goes by the dung of these cameras, he takes it in his hand and he crushes it, the minute he crushes it, he realizes In other words, he had the expertise to do so he realized that these In

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other words, the cameras had been fed with the dates of year three, the dates of Medina so he cries out these cameras have been fed with the dates of Medina. That means the Muslims are trying to intercept our caravan immediately send a distress call to Mecca for them to send reinforcements to help us Allah Akbar. And at this time, an amazing event took place in Mecca, Attica bins, Abdulmutallab, rodeo long line who embraced Islam later on. She was the art of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. She sees a dream. She sees a dream in which a horse rider comes galloping towards Mecca and cries out a distress call. He cries out help help that we are being attacked. And then he

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climbs a mountain Hill and he throws a rock a huge rock which knocks on the ground and shatters into pieces. And the piece is not all of the houses in Mecca. Some scholars have the opinion that that rock in the dream of Attica Raja longline had that dream that rock actually spoke and told the the mccanns that death is approaching towards y'all. She took this dream as a dream that was a bad omen. And she went and informed a lab bus, the uncle of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she informed him of the dream, the miracle.

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He heard about the dream, he told her, don't tell anyone about this dream, keep it to yourself, but he himself could not contain himself and he started telling people until eventually the news goes to Abuja. Abuja comes directly to Al Abbas the uncle of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and asked him Now we already have people we have from the men, people who are getting revelation. Now do we have women also getting revelation? Are we having women who are also getting divine revelation to predict the destruction of the Meccans to which he insults Allah bas? radi Allahu Akbar, and he moves away the people around.

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You said a lot while you were sent them. They say Yeah, but you were just keeping quiet while he insulted you and he insulted your sister. How dare you keep quiet. Go and ask him what his problem is. And I burst it along. Then who he goes up to Abu jihad, and he goes up to ask him why he had insulted his own sister Attica bent Abdulmutallab when they may

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face to face. They made eye contact. And Ibis was about to fire at him. asked him the question. A horse rider comes galloping into Makkah cried out, held. The caravan of the Qureshi is about to be intercepted, and the caravan is about to be attacked. We need reinforcements to go and help that caravan Allahu Akbar. The dream it was not even three days and Allah subhana wa tada brought about that dream Allahu Akbar.

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So nevertheless Abuja *. Now the minute he hears this news he musters an army, he musters an army which was 1000s strong Allahu Akbar, Taoism strong, they had 700 camels, 100 horses, and all of these cabins horses and soldiers they marched out to protect the caravan of the Quraysh. Now abou Sofia in general, who was a very clever and cunning individual, he takes a detour. He takes a detour The minute he found out that the Muslims are trying to intercept his caravan, and he reaches Makkah safely. The minute he reached Makkah, he informed Abu Jamal, he informed the Americans I have reached Mecca safely. There is no need to fight the Muslims, y'all can head back. So many of the

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Americans at that time. They also thought it is best that we head back there is no need for bloodshed. There is no need for a fight, because after all my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, something to be highlighted is that the Battle of brother was a battle between oppresses between tyrants and between weak people. The Battle of Babel was between large numbers and small numbers, the Battle of weather was between half and between battle. The battle was bad it was between truth and between false hood, the health of Allah subhanahu wa taala was with the Muslims because the Battle of badger was a battle of Alberta and Alberta because the Battle of budget was

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amongst family members. Allahu Akbar, cousins were fighting cousins, uncles were fighting nephews and brothers were fighting brothers, fathers were fighting sons. This was this battle was between family members, there was no other reason other than the word of Allah subhanahu wa taala being raised Hi, Allahu Akbar. This was a decisive battle. And after all, the minute the news comes to the to the army that Abu sufian had reached Makkah safely, many of them decided there is no need to go and fight because our caravan has reached Makkah safely. But Abu Jamal who was adamant who was stubborn, that we need to teach the Muslims a lesson, we need to teach Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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send them a lesson. He was adamant on marching ahead and facing the Muslim army and fighting them. So he says, No, we have to march ahead and we have to win this battle. And we have to celebrate afterwards by drinking alcohol by parking by making our women Sing for us. We have to go ahead and fight the Muslim army to teach the Muslims our lesson to teach Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lesson and this army they marched forward Allahu Akbar mighty respected elders and brothers in Islam 1000 men versus 313 men 700 cameras versus 70 camels 100 horses versus two horses. There are numbers that the Muslim army was outnumbered the odds were against them, but also the law. He's saying

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Allahu alayhi wa sallam gets news of this huge army that is heading to fight them. He immediately calls for a Shura. He immediately calls for a consultation, a Matura between the Sahaba Ridwan Juanita Allah Allah Himeji Marine, and then he says to them,

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I asked your advice or your consultation in regard to this matter. He wanted to know the pulse of the Sahaba revoir heat island. To which immediately Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allah, who stands up and says, Yasser Allah.

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You can march ahead, we are right behind you. You're rasulillah wherever you go, we go Allahu Akbar. And then Omar radi Allahu anhu stands up and he says something similar Yasuda, la you can march ahead. We are right behind you. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam still kept asking for their advice and their consultation. And then methodology is what are the last one. He stands up and says he says a profound statement and astounding statement.

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Allah Do you think that we will reply, like how Israel replied to Musa alayhi salatu was set up Do you think that we will say it has

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forgotten or

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do you think that we will say you and your Lord go and fight whilst we sit back and watch the entertainment? Ne yaroslava we say you and your Lord you go and fight and we are right behind you Yasuda, we will be right behind you, Allahu Akbar, but also the life and a long while he was seldom once more asks, give me your consultation. Oh, my Sahaba and then Saudi Arabia long line, a great Sahabi, the leader of the unsought a Sahabi at his death, the arch of Allah subhana wa Taala shook the arch of us behind the word Allah tremble. He stands up and he says the Arizona law we are right behind you. You Arizona law. We believe in you Yasuda law, we believe in what you have brought

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Jaroslava even if you were too much into the ocean. Even if you were too much into the sea. We will follow right behind you Yasuda, la sera de la sera la bella Cortina much ahead with the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala go ahead with the blessings of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. We are right behind you. We the answers are right behind you Yasuda Allah and you have all right to use us in any way you want. You can use our wealth, you can use our assets in any way you wish. Because what you take and what you use is more beloved to us than what you leave behind for us. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. No wonder the ansara enjoyed such a great status in the sight of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam.

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Many respected elders and brothers in Islam Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now be assured, he got the Sahaba revoir Allah, Allah Allah whom he married and pictures can waiting for the kuffaar army to come to them. And at that time, another Sahabi if I'm not mistaken, alpha God even among there he goes to the suit of ice and a long waiting list and lemony asked Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Yasuda, la you are pitching camp here. Is it the decision of Allah subhanho wa Taala the or is it a strategy of war that you are deploying? to which those who I said a long while ago send them reply. It is a strategy of war. It is a strategy of war that I have deployed, and then

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he advises Yasser Allah I suggest that we that we can further down south and that we make a small well for us and let us block all other wells, restricting access of water for the Quran. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam accepted his Matura and they camped further down south and restricted the other wells so that the Quraysh would not have access to water.

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That night Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in eba he was sincerely praying to Allah subhana wa Taala because the next day would be the day of the battle. He prays to Allah subhana wa Taala first fervently throughout the night Allahu Akbar. These are the real Mujahideen. They are the ones who spend the nights in prayer and the mornings fighting for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala he prays to Allah subhana wa tada fervently throughout the night, Allah subhanahu wa taala bless the Muslim army in such a way even though they were so nervous even though they were so tense, Allah bless them with a peaceful sleep so that they slept the whole night peacefully. The next day

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morning. Morning comes and then the Kufa army has reached once again, I remind you of the numbers 1000 versus 330 700 700 camels versus 70 camels 100 horses versus 200 horses and my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, the Kufa army was armed to the teeth, they were armed to the teeth with all of the best weaponry available, while the Muslims half of them were not even armed. Allahu Akbar, half of them did not have proper shields to protect themselves. The battle begins there were three duels that took place before the battle. And after that the battle rages on. Allahu Akbar Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam just before the battle he says, Oh my Sahaba Allah the

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Almighty has promised victory for us. And then Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam goes around the battlefield. And he points out this is where Abu gehele will die. This is where Romania will die, this is where so and so is dying, that is where so and so will die all of which was taught by Allah subhana wa Taala to our beloved master most

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I mentioned a while while he was selling aroma rhodiola wine who states what law he right after the battle, we witnessed the statements of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam as being true, because wherever Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that this individual will die on this place, that person was dead there.

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The battle rages on Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam raises his hand and prays raises his hands and praise to Allah subhana wa tada Allah. If the Muslim army is defeated today there will be no one to worship you Yeah, Allah sent down your help yeah Allah help us yeah Allah He is in sincere dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala fervently making to us so much to the extent that Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allah who cries out Yasuda Allah, it is enough it is enough. Allah help is immediate Allah is coming Do not worry. Inevitably the help of Allah will come you are seeking so much of your to our will be answered. But also the law. He said the law while he was lm goes on to pray. And then Allahu

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Akbar Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam suddenly looks up to the heavens and gibreel alayhi salatu was Salam descends from the heavens. archangel gabriel name is Salatu was Salam with an army of 3000 angels Allahu Akbar, the help of Allah subhana wa tada came down immediately. Hello, but also the lady said Allahu alayhi wa sallam takes a handful of dust and recites so you resemble Gemma Who will you will loan a dog and he throws it at the Kufa at that time, the translation of the ayah is that the great numbers will be defeated, and they will show their backs and they will run. But the amazing part as stated by the long line was that this ayah was revealed in Makkah, this ayah

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came down in Makkah, the minute the ayah came down. The Allahu anhu was surprised. He asked to supervise and run while he was send them the Rasul Allah Who are these large numbers and who will turn back short who will go who in turn swing their backs, who are these people to which Rosaura wise and avala was seldom kept quiet. And then over the Allahu anhu states on this day, on the day of back on the day of bother when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recited the ayah I understood why the ayah came down Allahu Akbar.

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Now when we having the help of Allah came down, the Muslim army started charging ahead Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam started encouraging the Muslims to go ahead, he started reciting the ayah was sorry, he Lama ferati mirabito. What Jonathan outgo has some are worried that Lin Mata Mata Ki rush towards the forgiveness of your Lord the rush to words agenda of paradise. The real estate is the seven heavens and the seven Earths combined together. The square footage of that genda would be the real the seven heavens and the seven Earths combined together it has been prepared specially for the people of taqwa Allahu Akbar, but also by said Allahu alayhi wa sallam kept on reciting this

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ayah and the Muslim army defeated the kafar resulting in an astounding and a decisive victory for the Muslim Ummah, which has been recorded in the annals of history. Allahu Akbar, may be a respected elders and brothers in Islam, so many lessons to be derived from this better, but the primary lesson is to never lose hope in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala to never lose hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala keep your trust firmly in Allah subhanho wa Taala your numbers may be small, your numbers may be small, but the help of Allah subhanahu wa taala is inevitable. If we turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if we mend our ways, all of what we see happening around us is nothing but trials and

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calamities, trials and calamities that should turn us and make us turn towards Allah subhanho wa Taala that should make us get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala if we wish to attain victory here, and if we wish to attain success in this world as as well as the Hereafter, I leave you all with a happy and authentic hadith which Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said the Hadith goes along the lines of these words, towards the latter stages, nations will gather, nations will gather and they will start calling one another just as how you call people to partake of food just as how you invite one another to partake of food. nations will gather a lot of nations will

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gather and they will call one another

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to annihilate to destroy the Muslim Ummah towards the latter stages this will happen and at that time the Sahaba

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they asked the supervising Allahu alayhi wa sallam Yasser Allah will we be few in number at that time? Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stated, nay you will be like the frog of the sea, you will be in large numbers, you will be like the frog of the sea, but the fear for y'all will be taken away from the enemies of Islam, and one will be cast in your heart. So how about

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Asya rasulillah? What is what is warhead? Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then clarify what will be the love for this materialistic dunya and the fear to meet molekule mouth the fear to me that word is love for this materialistic dunya and fear to meet molekule mouth My dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, there is no harm in amassing millions. There is no harm in buying expensive motor vehicles. There is no harm in building mentions nothing is hard, but we need to get our priorities straight. Are we going to live here forever? Are we going to take those expensive motor vehicles with us to the cover? Are we going to take those expensive mansions with us to the

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cover? Are we going to take all of those designer brands with us to the cover May we will be wrapped with one single white shroud which at times might be bought not with our money maybe someone else might buy it for us. The only thing that will travel with us to the cover will be our righteous deeds. So let us put our priorities straight and let us not love this dunya let us not latch ourselves onto this dunya but on the other hand, let's prepare for our Hara because we have been sent to this dunya to prepare for us Hara and we are not afraid to meet molekule mouth because we are eager to meet Allah subhanahu wa Tada. So let us prepare for that meeting. May Allah subhanho wa

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Taala forgive all of our sins. May he be Almighty except our good deeds, and may He unite us in the gardens of genda with our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam just as how he united us here this afternoon, and may He the almighty help us to make the best out of this month of Ramadan as if it is our last month of Ramadan. But after that Allah hamdulillahi Rabbil aalameen

Today’s Jumu’ah sermon from the Wellawatte Jumu’ah Masjid, Colombo, Sri Lanka

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