Haifaa Younis – The clock is ticking

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the age and pregnancy cycle, using the Khadija as an example. They emphasize the importance of not rushing to get pregnant early, as it is not the end of the world. The speaker also warns against rushing to get pregnant early and suggests waiting until the age of 30 to avoid complications.
AI: Transcript ©
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The age you know the clock is ticking

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which is a word I really don't like

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to use. This comes from medicine

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right simply because you know the fertility of

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the woman after certain age become

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less. My answer to my patients because I

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get this all the time how old do

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I say the Khadija when she starts getting

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In her forties?

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Yeah. And how many children?

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6, 6 children.

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right? 4 alive

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but total.

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So here you go.

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When Allah

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wants you to get pregnant

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what is He gonna say?

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Right? Say it again, Miriam, best example. Yeah.

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Yani, we have it. This is why I

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tell you Islam didn't leave anything, they didn't

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give us but we just

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don't pay attention sometimes.

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Seyda Maria, no baby, I mean, no husband,

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nothing, nothing. She became pregnant, right? Seyda Aisha,

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young, he loved her the most, not children.

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So what we say is

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for men, he absolutely advised

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young men

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get married early.

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If you cannot

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then fast. Why is that? Because look at

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around us the temptations

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right and to stay

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the way that pleases Allah is not easy

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so I need to help myself and I

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will say this also to the girls these

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days because a lot of temptations around us

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social media you know media everything else

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So to try to get married early, Alhamdulillah,

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but if you become 30 or 35,

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it's not the end of the world.

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Even if the society

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thinks it's the end of the world. In

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now again medicine if you see it like

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in the office, the average age of getting

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pregnant is not 20 or 25.

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No, it is usually late 20s early 30s

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very common after 35. Yeah.

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So don't delay it.

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That's what I always tell people: don't delay

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it and don't rush

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it. Leave it, Allah will just make du'a

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and Allah will send you in the right

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time the right place. But we,

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again, the time and the day we're living,

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we want to take things under

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And who has the control?

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