Muiz Bukhary – Sahih Al Bukhaari #3

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the need to be cautious and not give up on others' suggestions, as well as the significance of the Sun statement and the use of numbers and time limits on the live stream. They also discuss the importance of learning to obtain positive messages and sharing them on social media, emphasizing the need to practice these practices and share them with others. The upcoming week's class is finished with a follow-up session on "will" and "willing."
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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So today is episode three or class three of Sahih al Bukhari

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just going to give everybody a minute or two to tune in and then we will commence inshallah Medina

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I hope everybody can hear me loud and clear Instagram, Facebook does any issues with the audio just drop a message but I have a strong feeling that you will be hearing me loud and clear inshallah

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my my connections strong. So, if you feel like the video is breaking or, or, you know, getting, you know, if it's if it's getting stuck at certain points, just check on your connection as well in Sharla. If you can move closer to perhaps your

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Wi Fi router or switch to mobile data, I think you'll be able to get a better connection in Sharla.

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If some of you I mean, in the sense for those of you who know about this class well and good, but for those who are tuning in today

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this is a weekly class on Sahil Buhari on the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah. And this is Episode Three. This is class three. So we have already had two classes two episodes the past two weeks. And if you would like to

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benefit from those sessions if you'd like to tune into those videos, you can check them on YouTube on my channel. Just search for Sahil Bihari I mentioned my name, you should be able to get the videos in Sharla

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so I think we can start. So I'd like to start off by greeting everybody once again as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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wa sallahu wa sallam Ashraf al anbiya evil mousseline. nebby you know have you been our karate our unit Nam Hama devotee Abdullah la vida le he was happy he of todo salatu wa Tom with a slim Amanda.

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So as always, we start by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. We ask him, the Almighty, the Lord of all was the exalted, we ask him for his help. We ask him for relief, we ask him for ease. We ask him for healing. We ask him for a cure. We ask him for protection from this virus and other viruses. We ask him to take things back to normalcy. We ask Him to forgive us of our shortcomings and we ask him to

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be kind on us and be merciful on us. By taking things back to normalcy. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to fill the hearts of those families who have lost their loved ones to COVID-19 to fill their hearts with patience. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to reward our brothers and sisters who have passed away due to this pandemic. With lofty ranks in Paradise We ask Allah azza wa jal to ease things for the entirety of humanity. Allah subhanho wa Taala help every single human being going through difficulty during these chaotic and trying times. And lastly, we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to send his choices to blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam he said family members, his companions, and all those who preyed upon his bark with utmost sincerity until the day of

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so many brothers and sisters in Islam, we are moving into day three into episode three into class three of Sahih al Bukhari. So in the previous class last week,

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we concluded with the life of Imam Al Bukhari, or Hema hola so the first two sessions were introductory sessions today's session is also somewhat of an introductory session, we're going to be talking about the book a little bit, and then moving into the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam. Now in the previous two classes, we spoke about the life of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah that led the legend Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah we spoke about his life in in detail and hungry life was very interesting to study about this great legend about this Imam. We have heard his name so many times have come across his name many a time. I'm sure there's not a single lecture, or a single

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sermon that you sit down to listen to, except that you encounter the name of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah because the scholars are no doubt going to mention a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and say that the Hadith has been recorded in the book of Eman, elbow, hurry, rahima hula, so such a fortunate individual may Allah reward him, may Allah reward him with the highest

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ranks of paradise for his service towards the oma of the prophets that allamani evangelism. So we spoke about his life in a lot of detail and if you'd like to watch those episodes like I said, don't hesitate to go to YouTube and check out the episodes. In the meanwhile we'll have one of the brothers or sisters posting the links in my comments as well. Maybe Shan can do it, please post the links. You can't do it on Instagram, but you can do it on Facebook, where you will have the links below if you'd like to tune into the previous episodes. Now we move on to after the demise of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah because in the previous class, that's where we concluded, we stopped at the

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demise of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah. Now I did mention in the previous class that after he passed away, there were many scholars, his contemporaries, scholars at that time, who witnessed dreams they saw Emmanuel Bukhari himolla. In their dreams, they saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in their dreams,

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and talking about Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah.

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So I did mention that in general dreams cannot be used to deduce laws of the deen we can't do that.

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Only the dreams of the prophets, Allah so that was Salaam are used as such, because they receive what he they receive divine revelation from a loss of Hannah Montana. You see, I can't wake up one morning and say you know what I saw a dream that I have been told that I don't have to pray anymore. I can't use that as evidence to stop praying. No, that doesn't work that base of Han Allah. But then on the other hand, dreams can be used to deduce positive messages because when talking about dreams, you have good dreams, you have bad dreams and you have dreams that come from our subconscious. So dreams are good positive messages from Allah subhanho wa Taala. As for nightmares and bad dreams,

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they are from shavon from the devil. And we have been instructed by the messenger salallahu alayhi wa sallam in regards to such nightmares that we're not supposed to go around talking about those bad dreams. If you witness a bad dream, as per the instructions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I mean, if you wake up suddenly, in the middle of the night, you are scared. You've seen a dream that has, you know, really shaken you up, then you're supposed to look towards your left and spit dryly. Now, please ensure that you don't end up you know, spitting on your spouse who is sleeping next to you. That might that might end up becoming another nightmare. You're supposed to

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spit symbolically and dryly towards your left as per the teachings of the prophets that alumni leave and he was supposed to seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala missing out to be letting the shirt on the regime. And if you are really scared, if fear is gripping you at that time, it is best that you refresh your ablution and offer two units of prayer and seek the protection of Allah subhanho data. Now as for such dreams as for nightmares, you're not supposed to go around talking about it. You're not supposed to go around telling people about it. This is a tangent, but I'm just mentioning it for your information. During the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam there was a man who saw

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a dream where in his dream, it was a nightmare. Basically, his head had come off, and it was rolling on the ground and he was running after it to catch his head. Now the next day when he woke up he started telling people about this dream. You know, he was really disturbed by the dream and he started telling people about the dream news travels to the prophets of Allah wiling where it will sell him. And when he finds out that this individual has seen a dream as such, and he's going around talking about it, he calls the man and he tells him not to go around, talking about his bedroom and he went on to tell him even you go around talking about your bad dream. Shere Khan loves the devil

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actually loves you know, because he's happy that he has succeeded in disturbing you to the extent that you are going around now talking about the dream he has succeeded in making you scared. So therefore if you see a bad dream, seek refuge in Allah Subhana Medina and get on with your day. Now, in terms of good dreams, though, you can deduce positive messages like I just mentioned. So there were scholars during the time of Muhammad Buhari that is after the demise of Imam Al Bukhari rahima hula who went on to witness such dreams and I shared a few dreams in the previous class. There's one or two that I didn't mention Abu Salah el Medina z.

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Mahalo is reputed to have said I heard about z del Mar was you know about saying Abu Zubaydah and moreover z Rahim Allah was a famous scholar from the School of Imam Shafi Rahim Allah, a famous scholar from the School of Imam Shafi. akima Hola.

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So he says, I heard Abizaid Alma was he saying that I saw a dream. Now this individual who is a great scholar from the School of Imam Shafi Rahim Allah, he's saying, I saw a dream where I was sleeping in the harem. I was sleeping in the Haram in Makkah, Subhan Allah you know, now you kind of envy such

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You know anecdotes and stories because we have been deprived of visiting the houses of Allah Subhana Medina. At this point, it is important to ponder and reflect what have we done to anger? The owner of these houses that he has cancelled his invitation that he has closed his houses. He is not allowing us to visit his houses handler What have we done to displease him? What have we done to anger him? And is it not important that we strive to please Him so that He invites us back to his houses so that he invites us back to the cabinet so that he invites us back to the beautiful mustard of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters

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in Islam, even so the sermon was about this, it is important that we reflect it is important to be in prospect. It is important that we use the time that we have now in isolation. What did the budded Yunus is that wisdom do in the belly of the sea monster? What did use valleys that wisdom do at the bottom of the well, but the prophets that allow elevated wisdom do in Nevada head on what did Ryan Maurice Neto Salaam do in the middle of the fire? amidst all of that chaos and turbulence, they turn to Allah? But unfortunately, a lot of us today, what are we doing? We're making fun of the whiners. They're making fun of COVID-19 we're making memes and videos and tick tock dances and whatnot in

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decent things. So annaleigh,

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further, angering a lot as a virgin, a lot a couple How foolish can men be? When this is a warning from Allah, this is a wake up call from a lot this is a punishment from Allah. For some, then we must turn to Him, seek His forgiveness, mend our ways, improve our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala. If we want Eliza Virgil to turn things around, if we want Allah Subhana Allah to take things back to normalcy. So it's important that we reflect on this My dear brothers and sisters in Islam. I spoke about it in a lot of detail yesterday, I spoke about it saying that even when righteous people are amidst mankind, as for the words of the prophets lie Selim if Allah if certain

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things become the order of the day, like in morality, if indecency becomes the norm, the the order of the date and the punishment of a law will descend in the form of plagues and sicknesses and diseases or misalignment of the law. One has he asks the facilities and the other sort of law, will the punishment of a law come down even when righteous people are amongst the people the prophets, Allah, Allah Islam said yes, even when righteous people are MIT's the people it will come down. And for the righteous people, it will be a mercy after witnessing the punishment. So for some of them, so you may have people who are not wrongdoers, who are very close to Eliza Virgil, who may be

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affected by the widest and who may even die by the virus and as per the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we learn that such individuals are going to be deemed as shuhada as martyrs in the eyes of Allah azza wa jal and are going to be raised amidst the ranks of the Shahada. So we ask Allah Subhana Allah to forgive us of our sins, through this trial, through this calamity, through this

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chaotic and turbulent time that we are in, we ask Allah azza wa jal to forgive us of our sins and help us to get closer to him. I mean, so many brothers and sisters in Islam, this abou say that or was he the famous scholar from the School of Imam Shafi Rahim Allah He says, whilst I was sleeping in the Haram in Makkah, I saw a dream. And in the dream, I see Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah azzawajal bless us all, to witness our beloved prophet in our dreams. I mean, please say I mean, I mean, just imagine during this time of isolation, to go to sleep, and in your dreams to see the profits that allow Wiley Valley were seldom giving you glad tidings, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.

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So this scholar, this great scholar from the School of remember shaffir He says, I'm sleeping by them by the Canada, and I see Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in my dream. And the prophets that along earlier he was terminal comes to this scholar to this chef and he says,

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Yeah, about a dead mother, was he For how long? Are you going to teach the book of a chef fairy? And when are you going to teach my book? Now the scholar was surprised. He says young sudama Do you have a book? As in Have you like, I mean, remember Chavez as I'm teaching his books, do you have a book so that I can teach it? The prophets that a lot while you already will send them that looks at him and says, Yes, john Miro, Mohammed Denise Marine, and Bihari Allahu Akbar, the province Elias and tells the scholar Yes, my book is the collection of Mohammed dibny is Marielle and Bihari. Even be wondering why? Because what is in the book of Muhammad Yunus Marilla Hurry, apart from the words of

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the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam. They are exclusively the words of the prophets, Allah Islam, the words of the messengers and along while evaluating

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In every heartbeat and that is why I miss the years that we spent studying the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because you know towards the latter stages of my studies, from morning to evening it would be color color also lice and Allahu alayhi wa sallam, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said this the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam did this, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did that so Han Allah. So now as you can see, many scholars many contemporaries during the time of Imam Al Bukhari, and after the demise of Mr. Malhotra himolla see these powerful and positive dreams in regards to

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Imam Al Bukhari, Allah so now Imam Bihari Okay, mahalo. How did this all start as in?

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What what instigated what spurred him to

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compile this amazing book this amazing collection of his imovel Bihari Rahim Allah was in a gathering under his teacher. His half a bin raha Rahim Allah so now if I miss Hart I have a whole long with the students remember Bukhara Kamala was his student and while he was teaching them he goes on to say, if only someone would combine a concise collection of the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam if only someone would compile a concise and authentic collection of the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam now the minute this teacher put out this wish of is this wish of his This is odd and rubbish of his life while it's teaching his students he remember

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Buhari is in the crowd in the gathering in the circle. The teacher says, Oh how I wish someone would combine an authentic and concise collection of the hiding of the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Malhotra himolla he mentioned whilst I was in that gathering that day when my shift when my scholar when my teacher said this, there was a spark that ignited in my heart and I placed the intention that insha Allah, I'm going to work towards compiling this concise collection of the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So many brothers and sisters in Islam was beautiful here is that this chef is hakuba radware. He is going to share in on the reward of the

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compiled ation of Eman al Bukhari or anahola. You may be wondering how so? Because was it not he who instigated it? Was it not he who you know put the idea in the mind of Mr. Malhotra Hola, and as per the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Abu Masato the loved one who he reports the prophets Elijah was report to him said whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like the one who did it a lot. Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like one who did it had it is recorded in the book of Muslim rahula. So this scholar the teacher of Imam Al Bukhari guided Imam Al Bukhari to do this. Remember before he went on to do it, and until today, people

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refer people teach and people read the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah Muhammad Bukhari rahimullah is amassing colossal amounts of rewards. And along with that the teacher who sparked the whole idea, who put the idea in the mind of Imam Al Bukhari is equally sharing in on the report. So this is the beauty of ID media, brothers and sisters in Islam, you share you point someone towards goodness and you will have a reward like the one who did it. So why not point others towards these sessions where we are discussing the words of the Prophet Elias and a lot of us share whatever we come across on social media without even thinking twice, like I said, during a time when we need to

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be introspecting and reflecting on the seriousness of this calamity. We are busy posting indecent things and immoral things and things that you know displease allies or things that are not productive, that do not benefit us in this world and the hereafter. So why not share matters of goodness share our teachings that involve the teachings of the Quran and the teachings of the prophets that along with it when he was in them. So let me remind you all as I usually do, please share these sessions across so that others can benefit as well. So that the reach is increased and so that we can all share in on the reward with the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So now coming

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back to the moment Bukhari Rahim Allah so like I said, this this the teacher putting forward his intention or his wish, instigated the idea in the mind of Imam Al Bukhari. Rahim Allah cmml Bihari Rahim Allah He started compiling and it took him 16 years. It took him 16 years to complete the compile ation of his of the Hadith of the prophets, Allah Almighty when he was in him, and he started compiling from almost 600,000 ahaadeeth they had 600,000 ahaadeeth. And he compiled and as I have mentioned the numbers before if you include the repetitions, then it amounts to $7,000

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Had it and if you exclude the repetitions and if you only go with the individual exclusive narrations, we have 4000 odd habits that have been compiled the book of abominable Hari. So he sifted through this entire collection that he had access to 600,000 ahaadeeth and he arrived at a very concise compile ation of 4000 odd, authentic hadith in his book.

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He compiled the book three times as in he compiled the first time and he felt that no, he had to make certain edits and he had to change a few things. And then he went on to rearrange the Hadith and certain a hadith he felt it had been he had very, very stringent conditions that you know, some of which I will discuss in a little bit. So he recompile it he, you know, if you will you have what do they call it?

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The, you know, yeah, the revised edition, like, you know, if you if you will, so he kept revising it. And he did it three times, and the last copy was completed in the Harlem in Harlem in Makkah, perhaps when he was on camera on hij he compiled and completed the last compile ation in Harlem. And towards compiling the book my brothers and sisters in Islam know Mr. Bahari, Rahim, Allah, he said, he sees a dream and he mentions the dream. He says, I saw a dream, where in the dream, I was fanning the prophets that Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam, I was fanning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, so that he does not feel any discomfort. And he took this as a sign that what he was doing

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you know, in service to the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and at times when he would sleep, many brothers and sisters and stuff, he would get up many times in the night. You know, once he started this mission of compiling the highlight of the prophets, Allah Islam, it is very rare that he would sleep comfortably throughout the night, because he would wake up, he would get up many times in the night. And each time he would wake up, you'd remember Oh, you know, I just remember that I did. He would grab his notebook and start noting it down. He will go to sleep they wake up again in the night and we have via, you know, heard of this and read about this with many

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geniuses, you know, you have people who are

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scientists and researchers who wake up in the middle of the night, there's this formula in their head, and they quickly jot it down and write it down lest they forget it. If I'm gonna Buhari rahamallah was doing this in the service of the deen of Allah Subhana. Bhutan, he would wake up, there would be a point there would be a hadith that he would recall, he would quickly note it down, lest he forget it when he wakes up. So you would wake up many times in the night making annotations, making notes and recording a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa ala he was sending. And now when you look at the book of amendment, Bihari, or himolla, many brothers and sisters in Islam,

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there is this

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distinct characteristic of the Book of Mormon Buhari Rahim Allah that the scholars of Hadith are aware of. And this is in regards to the debate. This is in regards to the chapter Isaiah version of the book of mama Bukhara him a whole lot. You see,

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normally, when you take authors, authors have different writing styles, they have different writing styles. For those of you who read a lot of books, you could relate to what I'm saying. different authors have different writing styles. And they have different ways in terms of how they weave the plot of a story. Now, certain books, when you open the book, it starts off with a cliffhanger. It starts off with a cliffhanger. It starts off with perhaps now for example, if you're reading a particular genre, if it's crime, or whatever it is, it starts off with this gruesome crime scene, and it intrigues you and you're wondering what's happening, or perhaps it starts off with something

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very exciting. And then it moves on. I mean, you go like 10 years ago, or five years ago, the author gives you that cliffhanger. He takes you, you know, into that moment of suspense and fills you with adrenaline, and then takes you back, he takes you back away 10 years ago, and this is how it happened. And the story unfolds itself. So each author has a different style of writing. Some authors go with perspectives. For example, you'd have like three or four main characters in a story. And you would start off with character, his view or perspective of the events and then character B's perspective, character sees perspective, character DS perspective, certain authors would write their

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books in the form of a dialogue. So you would have chapters that have dialogues between individuals. So authors out there have different styles of writing, you have different ways how you weave through a story and keep the reader hooked on to the story or the book. So likewise, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, the scholars have different ways of writing books. And if you look at the genre of Tafseer, for example, that I've set up remember when Akira Himalaya is different to the Tafseer of another scholar, because each scholar scholar had his own unique writing style, and the way they compiled things now for example, you would have a particular component

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One of the car that deals exclusively with the laws of jurisprudence, as in this scholar was focusing on the laws of jurisprudence. His Dempsey was all about it, have another scholar who would come about and focus on the literary devices in the Koran. Now this scholar wouldn't necessarily focus on jurisprudence. So there is no, there are no rulings, he only focuses on the literary devices found in the Koran. You have another scholar who would come about and focus on the eloquence of the Koran. You'd have another scholar who would come and focus on the stories and the anecdotes that have been compiled in the Koran, another scholar who would come and focus on the history that

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is in the Quran, another scholar would come and deduce lessons from the past, you have different styles of writing I've seen. And likewise, you have scholars of Heidi, who are different ways of compiling a habit. Now remember, Bihari Rahim Allah had a very unique style of compiling the Hadith. And this unique style was also found in his chapter ideation in terms of how he brought about chapters. As in, you could actually

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sit and start making sure explaining the style of how Imam Al Bukhari brought chapters because there were very subtle indications in his chapters. Now if he were to bring about a chapter chapter, let me give you an example as examples bring about clarity. Now for example, remember buka Rahim Allah has a has a chapter in his book, in his book in his compassion called Babu, Rafael buzzer Illa, sama Babu, Rafael basa in Asana. Now, this is translated as the chapter of raising your eyes towards the heavens. Now, as you can see the chapter Mr. Bahari I haven't Allah is not prohibiting it. He's not saying

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the chapter of the impermissibility of raising your eyes to the sky. But instead he says the chapter of raising your eyes to the sky. So now here, it's a subtle indication that Mr. Bahari Allahu Allah is saying that it is permissible for you to raise your eyes to the sky. And then when you go into the chapter, he mentions a hadith to prove a point. But on the other hand, you have another Hadith that Imam Al Bukhari rahula brings again in his own book, where the prophets are along, while he very seldom, he says, Now under supramolecular, one who he makes mention the Prophet sallallahu sallam, his report prep said, What is the matter with people who lift their gaze towards the heaven

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whilst praying. And he spoke very sternly concerning that until he said, they should stop that, or else their eyesight will be snatched away, as well as the professionalism. So now, the boxer is me saying, What is the matter with people who when they are praying, they lift their gaze towards the sky, they insula, then sarada in the arm, they're praying and they're looking at the sky. And the proposal is now very sternly said, they should stop that, or else their eyesight will be snatched away by the brothers and sisters in Islam. Let me put forth a word of warning.

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There may be some of us who think you know, let me try out the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. If you want to risk your eyesight being snatched away, then go ahead and doubt the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and experiment with the words of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the prophets, Allah Allah says and does not lie. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam does not lie. So you may be thinking, okay, but I've done it in my eyesight was not stashed away. So who says that your eyesight needs to be snatched away immediately, but if it is snatched away gradually, a lot of Malappuram protect us. So therefore, we will be extremely careful. When we

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come across such a high bead, we shouldn't allow the devil we shouldn't allow chevonne to come in and start planting mischievous ideas in our minds, may Allah protect us. Now, coming back to the chapter I remember because now we see this hadith that clearly states that it is not permissible to look up to the heavens, but in order to for you has brought about another chapter saying that it is permissible or other, he's acknowledging that you can raise your gaze to the sky.

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And in the chapter he quotes the worst in which Allah subhanho wa Taala says a fella Yama, una Elan ebene kafer fully apart. We're in a summer

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he gave Sophia had Do they not look at the camels, how they are created? Do they not look at the heavens as to how it is raised in Slovakia or maker subhanho wa Taala points out he says in these ayat, so the prophets are along. Why didn't you ever send him and he mentioned a hadith as well.

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He mentioned a high beef, okay, where

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as a hobby, I'll make a dad or your loved one.

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He drinks from the drink of the profits and allow Halle Berry

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without the knowledge of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so perhaps the Prophet had something to drink. It may have been milk it may be water. So it was the prophets container utensil Mikado, the one who he drinks of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam drink without his knowledge. And in this report, it states that he went to the mosque and he prayed the Prophet sallallaahu Selim and after praying he came to his drink, and he uncovers it, the professor along it whether Islam uncovers his drink, and there is nothing in the pot, there is nothing in the utensil, it's empty. So he looked up at the sky. And now with Corrado de la one who is saying, I said your

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lot, now he's praying against me and I am doomed. I am doomed. The Brahma Soleil Islam is going to pray against me because I drank the drink of the prophesizing without his knowledge, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mozzarella, mozzarella, and I mean the one who was sent as a mercy to the verse, the kind of Prophet, the loving Prophet, the teacher the guide, the exemplary role model, he goes on to prayer Allah feed those who have fed me and give drink to those who have given me to drink What a beautiful though as a handler, no reprimanding no scolding Nothing of that sort. That was that is m says feed those were fed me and give drink to those who have given me to drink so many

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brothers and sisters in Islam. This had these points are there when the Prophet was making the law he was looking up at the heavens. So Emanuel Bihari Rahim Allah is bringing about these two a heartbeat and reconciling and clearly stating that inshallah

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inshallah Sala, it is not permissible for you to raise your gaze towards the heavens but outside of Sala and that's why he brings the chapter and he brings a heartbeat and clearly states that outside of Salah when you are making Dora outside of Salah when you are reflecting and pondering on the creation of alliances imagine you can definitely look up at the heavens, you can look up at the skies, there's no prohibition, the prohibition is only in Salah. So as you can see just based on a chapter there's such a lengthy discussion and so many teachings of the prophets that along it very seldom that come into play that come into place. And this is because of the unique style of Imam Al

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Bukhari Rahim Allah in the way he brought about chapters and this is just one tiny example. An example that you know, I quickly referred at this point and as prepping for the class, you will inshallah see many more

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very illustrative examples of this unique style of his as we go on and as we study the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam from the book of Imam Al Bukhari, Rahim Allah now Mr. Malhotra him a lot. He went on to compile this book. And the scholars after Mr. Manohar Rahim Allah went on to write explanations, as you can see, very humbly, what I am trying to do is create a video series. So in today's context, I mean in the past you didn't have you didn't have instruments to do all of this. So the scholars of the past wrote explanations today and until today, basically you have you still have scholars who are writing explanations, you have scholars who do lectures, you have

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scholars who have classes who have video series in regards to this compile ation of Imam Al Bukhari or anahola. So in terms of explanations, mainstream ones, you have 300 of them, some of them complete, and some of them partially completed by the scholars of the past in regards to the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah. Now another unique thing about Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah has style of compiling a hadith is that he was very, very stringent with his conditions, in terms of compiling a hadith because you might have been wondering when I mentioned that he had access to 600,000, a hadith. But if you exclude the repetitions, he only went on to compile 4000 odd exclusive narrations

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in his book. So from 600,000 to 4000 art, so we were wondering why what about the rest? Now, the reason as to why he couldn't incorporate those other narrations in his book is because he was very, very stringent with his conditions, for example, because I can't go into all of his conditions due to the brevity of time. For example, one condition that he had in place was that look, they are between the narrators as in

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the narrators of a particular Hadith that he was going to bring into his book,

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have to have met as in the meeting between narrator's was compulsory according to him and Bihari rahula, as in the narrator's should have physically met. So you may have a narrator from one part of the world and another part of the world. And it was very important for Imam Al Bukhari if he were to accept a hadith that these two narrators if they are in the chain of narrators, it is wajib it is obligated that they should have met so perhaps the two of them came on camera and they met in Makkah, and now

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is where they heard from one another. So this meeting was mandatory, according to Malibu high rahula. So now when you look at the chain of narrators, you won't always find this condition being met. So therefore, Manuel Bihari rahula had to forego a lot of narrations without bringing them into his book, because he had this stringent condition in place, if I am to include an aeration of the professor lavish them in my book, Luca was watching the narrator's of the chain should meet it is mandatory. So conditions like this made it

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very, you know, this, this this verification of government, Bihari for him a whole lot. So you had the very, very authentic hadith that were compiled in his book and that is why my dear brothers and sisters in Islam until today, that this is why his book is dubbed as the most authentic book after the Quran, because he was so stringent. He was so vigilant in accepting a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam now his students his famous student, Mr. Muslim Rahim Allah and and you will have, I mean, for those who are not even familiar, not even very familiar with the science of Hadith, he would have come across the name of Mr. Bukhari and Muslim almost together many

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a time because we say Rama hola Manuel Bukhari Muslim Rahim Allah the book the Hadith has been recorded in the book of Amanda Bukhari and Muslim Muslim I have been lobbying he is very, very close student. He goes on to follow me behind Rahim Allah style. But Mr. Muslim Rahim Allah did not have very very strong conditions like Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah as in his style was slightly different. At the end of the day, every single individual, we are all unique, we are all unique. So we have our own unique styles. So despite him following him in certain aspects, he had his own unique style in terms of compiling and he went on to compile his own book, and that is the compilation of Mr. Muslim

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rahimullah, which is also a very interesting combination. And therefore later on the scholars were actually I mean, after Imam Al Bukhari and Muslim Rahim Allah, we are at times in a confusion in terms of this difference between mmm Bukhari, Imam Al Bukhari Anima Muslim Rahim Allah because they, the two of them had such unique styles. So there is this statement in Arabic that the scholars, you know, generally mentioned when talking about mumble Bukhari, I have a whole line in my Muslim but I'm Alana, I'd like to share that the naza comb wonderfil Bukhari Muslim a, as in the people were in dispute, in regards to email Bukhari and Emma Muslim as in the naza, meaning they were in dispute

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about their styles, you know, in a good way, not in a bad dispute as in not in a negative way in a positive way. They were in a dispute in regards to the styles of Mt. Bihari Anima Muslim Rahim Allah, leather here wa kalu Aina to cut them, and they were in a dispute as to, you know, Who should we give priority to, as in the two of them are legends, the two of them are giants in the science of Hadith and the two of them have unique styles, Who should we give priority to? For cool too. So this person who has, you know, basically come up with this he says, and I say, look for the far pal Bihari you say Hatton comma fapa, fierceness sinner it Muslim Ooh, a beautiful statement he says

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that Imam Al Bukhari Rahim, a whole lot has gone way ahead in terms of authenticity. And Mr. Muslim Rahim Allah has gone way ahead in terms of his style of arranging the Hadith of the Prophet, Sunnah. Listen, he is his style was more so you can you can put it this way. Mmm Bihari Rahim Allah was very stringent. So in terms of authenticity emammal gohari molars style of compile ation is very, very much stronger than a Muslim rahimullah. As for methodically arranging the haddie, avoiding repetitions, and methodically arranging the hided Mr. Muslim or Mr. Bhalla has gone past Imam Al Bukhari in terms of authenticity you have vomited Bukhari Rahim Allah leading the way and in terms

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of methodically arranging the Hadith in the book, you have Mr. Muslim Rahim Allah leading the way. Okay, so these are a few distinctive features in regards to the book of Imam Al Bukhari or Hema hula. So now without further ado, I would like to go into the book of Imam Al Bukhari. Rahim Allah. But before I go forward, I'd like to explain something. Now, like I said, if you omit the repetitions, you have approximately 4000 non exclusive narrations of the prophets lie Selim in the book of

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Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah, so there are four. So therefore

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4000 odd narrations. So therefore, what I would like to highlight here is that, henceforth for every session, I'm going to try and cover as many of the hobbies as possible. So I'm not going to be only dealing with one hobby per session, I'll try to deal with as many a handy per session. And we are also not going to be going into the hobbies in a lot of detail. Because we could if we wanted to, it's just that

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doing the math, if I cover 10, a haddish, with the help of a lot per session, we're still going to take 400 sessions to cover all 4000 a Hadith of the prophets lie Selim in the book of Imam Al Bukhari. Hola, we're gonna end up with 400 classes 400 episodes Han Allah. So therefore, I mean, I'm ready for it in sha Allah. But it's just that I would like to point out at this point, that

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for the convenience of the viewers and the students, I'd like to try and cover as many hobbies as possible per class per session. And in terms of covering their hobbies, too, we will try to do it in a comprehensive way in a very concise way, where we address the important points because with each turn the words of the Prophet sallallaahu Selim, it's like a deep ocean, many brothers and sisters in Islam. It's like a deep ocean, or this beautiful garden is beautiful, well manicured garden, the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so how Allah, the scholars of the past, the scholars before us, have done so much to maintaining this garden. So in terms of what I'm doing with

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you all is just me going into that garden, gathering flowers and coming and giving it to you beautiful flowers from the garden of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam.

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And if you look at the example of the words of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam being an ocean, then I am the diver jumping into the ocean diving into the ocean, and coming out with pearls that have already been taken and polished and kept ready for us by the scholars of the past. malnati bought them handsomely for their services and contributions to the dean for the oma of the Prophet sallallahu it he well he was selling so now in terms of chapter number one I'm just grabbing a copy of the book of a memorable funny

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so the Imam starts off with the first chapter being Kitab boo kita boo boo dill washy. So the the chapter of the beginning of why the beginning of revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now under this chapter My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah He commences with a very, very important Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which I am going to be mentioning in a bit. But now in terms of the chapter, the chapter of the beginning of revelation kitabi, dill wahi, the chapter of the beginning of Revelation. Now you might be wondering, what's the connection here? Because we're talking about revelation as in the Quran, you have to understand

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that for on the Koran is ye and the sooner is also why

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my wandering share, can you please repeat that?

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Let me repeat it for you. The Quran is why and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is also why, what is the proof for this chef? The proof for it is in sort of a loss of Hannah Montana, he says, one more young declining, however, in who are in love with you. You have the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in regards to the deen of Allah azza wa jal, he does not speak out of his own desires, in who are in law, what you have what he speaks, his divine, the revelation that has been revealed unto him what you you have in Hua Illa wa Yun? That's the proof many brothers and sisters in Islam, the prophets are alone Marley Valley wisdom, his Sunnah. So what is the

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definition of Suna the definition of Suna the the technical definition acqualina be set along while we were using them for Ireland to be set along while he was in a Coronavirus Allah Allah Islam you have the statements of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the actions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the approvals of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So perhaps you have a matter where the Prophet did not say anything about it. He did not do that matter, but he approved it, he didn't disapprove of it. So that is also part and parcel of the Sunnah of the prophets of Allah Islam. So this entire

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The Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam inclusive of his statements, his actions and his approvals. They are Wahid from Allah azza wa jal so kita boo within the chapter of the beginning of Revelation, now under that chapter, Hadith number one, Hadith number one, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this hadith is narrated

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and yes, he had been sorry the land sorry, call Bharani Mohammed Ibrahim, take me and then who sent me I will come Ivan waqqas lafia fool, Sameera to Omar Abdullah hottub Roddy Allah one who Island membury Paul semir to Rasul Allah, He said la la vida, he will send me a pool. Yeah, are you Hannah's enamel ama Adobe knee yet? We're in Mr. liquid. limbrick Mr Nava Furman can a teacher to who in a law he was ruling for he gerado in a law he was also a woman candidate he gelato Holy dounia you see boo ha Umbra Athenian ki hoo ha for his rato Illa Mahajan in a like to repeat the study again and we ask for the help of Allah Subhana Allah as we begin this beautiful combination

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with Hadith number one, the beautiful words of our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he asked the help of a Lawson Hannaford Allah that He helps us on this journey as we embark on this journey rubbish roughly so that he was Sidley Emery was awkward the term in the saniya coding

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idea he had been in sorry Dylan sorry so on the It has been reported from your haven sorry that I'm sorry who says Bharani Mohammed bin Ibrahim A damy Mohammed bin Ibrahim A damy. He informed me and then who sent me I look for my bin walk past a lazy that he heard I look over even what pass because a lazy he heard I look Mama, the son of waqqas la FEA. Yo, cool say Sameera to I heard Omar Abdel Fattah I heard a mirror I mean, I heard Omar open in a hot tub of your loved one who is a member on the member on the pulpit.

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Call and he said Samir to rasulillah he said a long while he was sending me a pole. I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying yeah, you heard nurse, op, but in normal armor Aloo Binya enamel armado been me Yeah.

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actions are according to intentions. actions are only according to intentions. Were in nama Lika Limerick in Manoa and everyone will only get what was intended for enamal equilibrium Manawa they will get according to what they have intended. For man cannot he drove to who in a lie he was holy. Now, whoever migrates with an intention for Allah and His Messenger for mankind, he drove to LA he was a Sunni, Whosoever, his migration was for Elian, His Messenger for his euro to move it along. He was only his migration was for Allah and His Messenger, woman kind of hidden not only dunya Now as for the one who was migration was for some worldly matter, our maratea and give him her or to get

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married to a woman for his euro to Allah Mahajan. In a, then his migration was for what he Migrator. So that was an example that I had, the proper selection brings that Hadith to illustrate the initial point in normal Arma to be near that actions are based upon our intentions. So my dear brothers and sisters, this time, given that this is the first Hadeeth we are going to be going into it in a little bit of detail in shallow data. But like I said, Henceforth, and we'll be trying and covering as many high data as possible with each class with each session so that we we

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move at a faster pace and cover as much ground as possible in shallow data. And also, I'd like to inform the viewers on Instagram that there is a time limit on the live stream. So if it crosses 60 minutes, I'm wondering, is this Facebook I think this is Instagram. So there is a 60 minute cap on the live stream. So after 60 minutes the live stream

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will stop. But on facebook live stream will continue. So at that point, if you'd like to switch over to Facebook, you can switch over to Facebook and and continue with the class in Sharla. All right. So moving on.

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Now, who is narrating this Heidi? That's important as well. You see,

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the Sahabi who is narrating this Hadid is none other than Amara or the logline. Omar Abdullah hottub or the along one, Amir momineen

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de la one who is

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Who is Amato? The last one who is Rama Alfaro. He is from creme de la creme from the best of the best Glendale, the best of the best.

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He is buried next to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam, a very close Companion of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the closest companion to the Prophet after Abu Bakr. Siddiq are the so you have a book called the loved one who is buried next to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And you have a homer of a loved one who is buried next to the prophets and it says, but if you go way back, if you go way back, there was a point with a hammer, the last one who did not agree with the prophets, Allah and Islam, which is very interesting. He didn't agree. He didn't agree with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa and he was sending.

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Now, there is this

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there is this mention

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of how Amara de la man who embraced Islam, there is a particular incident that is reported.

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One day, on one of the last line who he decided, you know what, I'm going to put an end to the prophets that allow it to Mohammed Salah multivalue Islam because if I do that, then I can stop all of this. He brandishes in sward, and he sets out to kill Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now on his way, he bumps into an individual, a companion with embraced it was keeping it a secret. He looks at the law and he says yeah, where are you headed? You know, your your face doesn't look good. And you're brandishing a sward on one of the last one where he says I'm headed to put an end to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now this companion who was there tries to divert or the longer as much

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as possible because he knows by him going this way, it's just unnecessary trouble.

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But given that Amazon was so determined as per the direction as per the narration, this companion says, you know, before you go to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam Why don't you put affairs at home in order in your home in order? First of all, the lawn looks at him quizzically and says, What are you talking about? my home, my family? What are you talking about? Then this man says, Your sister and her husband, your brother in law have embraced. And he did this only to avoid harming the messenger sent along to you. And he said, I'm the last one who pivots he turns around and head straight to his sister's house. Fatima bint al Hassan Fatima, the daughter of Al Fatah him as he was

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approaching the house of his sister. He's hearing murmuring the memory of the reading of the Quran from inside. Now, if we switch the camera to inside the house of the sister of Amato, the loved one who what was happening inside at that time was the sister of Amara de la one

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husband and hubub even Allah Otto the loved one were Companion of the Prophet they were seated together and her Barbara de la one who was teaching them how to read the fine. So they had a few manuscripts of the Quran and he was teaching them how to read the Quran. So that was the memory the Ramadan you heard. He goes straight to the dough and bangs on the door open the door open the door, Ababa, the loved one who was inside. He hears the sound the voice of Ramadan, one who and he runs into hiding because he did not want to encounter Omar the last one or the last one when he is angry. He is enraged. He was not an easy individual.

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Now the sister of a mother the loved one Fatima Vinton hatachi opens the door to storms inside the house and he grabs his brother in law by his collars and starts shaking him and asked him what is going on what have you done? The sister comes to save her husband and in the process of Amarillo pushes her she falls and now there is blood she's bleeding from her head Amaro the last one who sees the blood and he comes to his senses he comes down and she to at that point she asks him Yeah, Bella tabo Santa kata What do you want? Because at the end of the day, all Marley alone was a difficult individual. But here we have the sister of Amara, she was also tough. So she looks at him and says,

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What do you want? Yes, we have embraced What do you want? Now he sees the blood and he comes down. He comes down and he says, Okay, I heard murmuring. What was that? Can I see what you are eating? Then, as per that narration, the sister of our mother, we allow one who she says, You are not in a state of purity, go and purify yourself and come then I'll show you what you were eating. And he was that interested? As per the narration he goes, he purifies himself and he comes and now the manuscripts were given to him or the long line. And one thing to note Amaro the other one who could read and write the bulk of them at that time, were unlettered, they could not read and write but are

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only allowed one who could read and write and that is why he was also appointed as the ambassador for the fresh.

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So now he takes the manuscripts and he starts to read

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Bismillah R Rahman, e m. Bomb Ha.

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la can call on an ethash call il ke Li me Keisha

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z man holla Paul was watching Lola rock man while she still

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left home. Fish YT feel Auntie mama baby

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00:55:40 --> 00:55:44

again how bill Foley for in

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offer a lot hoonah

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Danny angley him cusu in the studio

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in any

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law Li t mean habeas corpus in our Ajay Dwyer

00:56:33 --> 00:56:34

The aim was

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in the book of Lana lake in NACA balewadi moocow dessi. Wha, wha enough Toka Fest, Amir and Lima yo ha, in any analog

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boo Do any of

00:57:06 --> 00:57:51

it. So he goes on to read. And these ions have a profound impact on him. Once it was done reading, he looks and he says can you guide me to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I would like to go to him and embrace the deen of Muhammad's Allah values for birth even an adult with a loved one who comes out from hiding he comes running out and he says yeah, Omar, the DA of the Messenger of Allah Allah Allah Islam has been answered in your favor. Now, the last one who must have looked at him quizzically and wondered, where do you come from now? And then he asks me off above what do I what prayer are you talking about? above or the long one he says only last week or a few days ago the

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Messenger of Allah salesianum was making Dora Allahumma is Islam. We had the llama rain or Allah strengthen and reinforce the dean with one of the two role models, either with Abuja *, or Omar bin hotdog. And Allah has answered the door of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in your favor and not in the favor of Abuja and now Amato, the loved one who is guided to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a double that time he goes in he knocks the door Hamza earlier long line, the uncle of the Prophet salesianum goes to the door he sees or Amaro the long line who by the dough he comes to the messenger and he says yellow so the light is Amara the dough if he intends good then

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the promise is him says let him if he intends Good, well and good if he intense bad, then it will be bad. So out of the Allahu anhu comes in the prophets Allah Allah Islam goes to him and says you have another hot dog What do you want? Or Omar What do you want? Or Santa Fatah? What do you want? Amara de la and it looks at the professor Lally cinnamon he says I had one La ilaha illallah wa Chateau and Muhammad Rasul Allah, I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship other than Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah, and the brothers and sisters in Islam. The Sahaba at that time were with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they

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all cry out law, a kebab, that Omar liloan has embraced Islam. Now, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam because of the responsibility of knowledge that is upon my shoulders, I have to highlight now this narration this incident is widely shared, and a lot of people mentioned it. But if you look at it from a perspective of the science of Hadith, we find that this narration is weak in authenticity. It is weak in authenticity, the story of how armor of the Lama embraced Islam despite it being shared all over. It is a much more narration as it almost everybody kind of knows about the story of Oh, I have heard it at some point or the other. It is considered weak in authenticity. If you're

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looking for a stronger

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National stronger report on how Roma are the last one who actually embraced Islam. We have a narration where over the last one who himself tells us how he embraced Islam. And when looking at the chain of narrators and other factors, we see that this narration The second one is stronger in authenticity. And I would like to share that as well for your information, Amaro the last one who he informs us that before embracing Islam till the time of jambalaya, I used to drink so I'm alumno says, I used to drink I used to consume intoxicants. And I had this habit that you know, when evening would fall, we would gather my friends and we would gather, we would go somewhere we will

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consume intoxicants. So one evening, one night, I decided to do the same thing, I decided to go hang out with my friends. And when I go to where we usually gather, none of my friends were there. And there were no intoxicants available as well at that time. So I look towards the camera. And I think to myself, you know what, given that I have come I might as well go and make a few

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circuits of tawaf, let me go and do throw off around the cabinet. So now I'm gonna do long goes to make tawaf and you're to understand that even during the time of janelia, even before people embraced Islam, tawaf was happening and they used to have their own forms of tawaf. Some of them would would make the law around the cabin, naked without any clothes, they would make towel off around the cabin. So I'm not allowed to go to the cabin now to make the off and he notices a silhouette. silhouette, you know, a shadow of someone standing by the cabin. Now he gets closer to see that it is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by the Kaaba in Sala prime. So I'm not alone

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thinks to himself, this is a good opportunity. It is dark, and people talk about these words that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reads, so I would like to hear it up close, you know, for my own years to see what he's saying. So what are the learner does is that he goes behind the cabinet as in,

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you know, the cloth of the cabinet. He goes been behind the cloth of the Kaaba, and he makes his way he slinks. No, he makes his way to where the professor line is.

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And then he goes on to say, I came to a point where I was just in front of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there was nothing between me and the messenger apart from the cloth of the cada Allahu Akbar. And now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is in Salah. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reads the foreign Bismillah

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01:02:47 --> 01:02:50

get the bed thumb ooh dolla dolla

01:02:51 --> 01:02:52

bill Oreo

01:02:55 --> 01:03:01

mufa only qubee dorthy What am I doing?

01:03:03 --> 01:03:04

Nick OBD

01:03:05 --> 01:03:11

sorry in tn sahong. Hi Lee in Serbia. I

01:03:15 --> 01:03:16

mean how soon

01:03:19 --> 01:03:30

Murphy has aura can home our jazz una flin javion fan Helen Tara home.

01:03:33 --> 01:04:13

And who is reading the foreign media brothers and sisters in Islam, Muhammad salatu wa salam O Allah. Just imagine how beautiful and heart rending the recitation must have been shadows on down one spine as you try and imagine the position that armor the last one was in the words impact and penetrate into his heart. The light penetrates into the heart of the of our own model, the loved one, the Robert solomani, various finishes his prayer, and he turns and he heads off Rama, the long one who runs off of the Prophet sallallaahu. Selim, the prophets of Allah Islam, sensing the presence of Amara Leilani turns around and says, Yeah, but no hot tub or sand of hot dog. What do

01:04:13 --> 01:04:50

you want at this time? Amaro the last one we looked at the prophets Elijah Dimon says a shadow Allah Allah illallah wa unaka Rasulullah I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship and that you are the Messenger of Allah. The entire narration goes along the lines of these words I've been paraphrasing throughout the prophets Elias looks at our armor lay down, and he makes it out by touching the chest of armor. The last one Allahumma Abba did who he the Robertson Eisen goes on to say, yeah, Allah fill the heart of our oma ready to have all negative elements and emotions and fill it with positive elements of a man and faith and light. The professor al Islam prays for him or the

01:04:50 --> 01:04:59

loved one. And from that day onwards, many brothers and sisters in Islam are the long line who he becomes the closest. From that day onwards the Prophet

01:05:00 --> 01:05:41

Ramadan works on it and he becomes creme de la creme from creme de la creme the best of the best. The closest and the best of companions after Abu Bakr Siddiq are the long line. So many brothers and sisters in Islam, he this great Sahabi this great companion is the one who is narrating this Heidi. And it's important before we go into the Hadid to kind of have a feel about the companion narrating the Hadith, so that we have some context so that we know we have this we build this relationship with the companion who is narrating the Hadith. And that is why I did this and inshallah, what we will try to do is whenever we come across different companions of the Prophet of Allah, while he

01:05:41 --> 01:06:21

will use they will also try to share a snippet or two of their lives to build a better relationship with the companions of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam as we discuss the words of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam So with that, I conclude today's class and inshallah upcoming week, the same in the sense at the same time on Saturday, we will go on to discuss now the Hadith in normal, the method the text of the Hadith in Armada be Nia it's a very powerful, very important Hadith that constitutes a great portion of the deen as per the teachings of the scholars, we will go into it we will try to deduce as many lessons as possible and from there onwards we will move on to

01:06:21 --> 01:06:57

other Hadith has been inshallah long data. Before I conclude, I'd like to remind you all to try and share this across on your screens on your social media pages, so that others can benefit from the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well. And tomorrow, same time in Sharla data in the morning, I will be teaching tafsir intensive a class on Tafseer in shallow data on the words of the prophets that along when he when he said I'm currently dealing with certain Fatiha they are to be on an introductory session, we are discussing how the Quran was revealed to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam in regards to the completion of the Quran, certain certain fundamental principles in

01:06:57 --> 01:07:35

regards to the Koran and with that, we will move on to the Tafseer of suitable Fatiha which is a very important lesson for us to learn that the pursuit of sutra Fatiha because certain Fatiha is a surah in the chapter that we read many times during the day. So it's important that we study the Tafseer of suitable Fatiha so with that I conclude jazak Allahu hayloft for tuning in and in sha Allah this episode and the one before this episode two and three will eventually be uploaded onto YouTube as well for those of you who perhaps may have missed certain portion, certain portions of the class, and I hope you'll be taking notes I hope you've all been benefiting from these sessions.

01:07:36 --> 01:08:11

We pray as we conclude that a loss of Hannah Montana brings about ease please say I mean male loving about email loving about relief May Allah bring about healing. May Allah bring about cure and May Allah take things back to normalcy as soon as possible. May Allah forgive us of our shortcomings of our wrongdoings May Allah help us to get closer to Him. May Allah help us to improve our relationship with Allah with the Quran? May Allah azzawajal help us to welcome the month of Ramadan in the best of manners, and May Allah azzawajal help us to use the month of Ramadan in an extremely productive way. And may Allah bless us to attain many more months of Ramadan in a productive way. I

01:08:11 --> 01:08:45

mean, just as how he unites us here, across these platforms, across Instagram, across Facebook, from different parts of the world. I see people from Bahrain, people from the UK, people from Saudi from Sri Lanka and other places, it's very heartwarming to see your comments and I really like reading your comments and I try to respond to every one of your comments as much as possible with the help of a lot. So please do put in your comments and I will try to respond to them. And likewise if you have questions, put them in as well. I'll try to address them in the next class or in individual videos as well in sha Allah, Allah.

01:08:46 --> 01:08:47

I think we've been

01:08:49 --> 01:08:55

in class for almost more than an hour so I think with that I'll conclude Zak Mahesh was Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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