Muiz Bukhary – Ramadan FAQs #05 Prickly Question – Do Injections Break Your Fast

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © In this episode of a monthly video on topics related to fasting, the host discusses the impact of injections on fasting, including the use of cookies and other non nutritional products. The host explains that these products do not break fast, but rather provide temporary healthy benefits. The host also emphasizes the importance of understanding and embracing the rules of Islam, as these are not meant to be used for permanent health benefits.
AI: Transcript ©
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And welcome back to fast and curious, your

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Ramadan FAQs answered.

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So today, we are going to be tackling

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a prickly question. Do injections

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break your fast? Now this is a topic

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that is not just about medical needs but

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it is also about one's spiritual dedication.

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So let's dive into the kinds of injections

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you might encounter

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and understand their impact on fasting. I hope

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you're ready, so let's get started.

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During the month of Ramadan or whenever you're

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fasting, raise questions because

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fasting in Islam involves

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abstaining from substances

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entering the body

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through conventional means,

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but does the same rule apply to injections?

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To answer this, we must

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into 2 main categories, into 2 main types,

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and non nutritional. So first up, we've got

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nutritional injections.

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Now these are

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IV intravenous

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injections that provide

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or hydration

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directly into your bloodstream.

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Examples include glucose

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or saline solutions because

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these solutions,

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these injections

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serve a similar purpose as eating or drinking.

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they do break the fast. They do invalidate

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the fast.

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Now the ruling here, Islamic scholars agree that

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if the injection

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is a means of sustenance,

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It invalidates

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the fast reflecting the principle

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that fasting is not just about avoiding

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food and drink by mouth

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but also about preventing

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any form of nutritional intake through any route.

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Now let's talk about the 2nd category, non

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injections. And by the way, these are the

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ones, the second category, most people are concerned

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about. They include vaccines,

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flu shots, insulin,

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or even pain relieving injections.

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Now the key here, my dear brothers, my

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dear sisters, is that these injections

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do not provide nourishment.

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They're only for medical treatment.

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Medical professionals

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that these injections

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do not

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serve as food or drink substitutes.

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scholars are of the view that these injections

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based on that principle,

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these injections, the second category,

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do not break the fast because they do

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not serve as food or drink substitutes. And

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this is the view that we incline towards

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and we state,

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Allah knows best, but

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these injections, the second category,

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they seem to not invalidate the fast or

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break the fast. So whether it's a flu

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shot, whether it's insulin for diabetes management,

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or whether it is a a vital,

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necessary pain relief injection,

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Insha Allahu

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your fast remains valid even if you take

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it. Now my dear brother, my dear sister,

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remember, the goal of fasting is spiritual elevation,

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but not at the expense of your health.

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Our deen is a balanced

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Our deen is a beautiful deen.

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Islam provides

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for those

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if they are in a situation where their

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health is compromised,

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they need it to manage a sickness, they

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need it to,

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manage an illness,

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Islam loves. Islam provides. Why? Because this particular

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category is not meant

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So with regards to the prickly question, do

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injections break your fast? We have learned

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that the answer depends on the type of

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injections do break your fast whilst

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non nutritional

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do not break your fast. Navigating the month

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of Ramadan with health challenges can be quite

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but understanding

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and compassion from Islamic teachings provide us with

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light, provide us with relief, and provide us

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with guidance. Thank you for joining me today.

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If you found this episode helpful,

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do like, share, and subscribe for more answers

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to your Ramadan FAQs. May your Ramadan may

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your fasting be filled with good health, with

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peace, and spiritual growth. Until next time. This

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is Maurice Buhari signing off.

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