Mufti Menk – Boost #01 Welcoming Ramadan

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The upcoming month ofams is a month of forgiveness and dedication to worship, where people need to practice more acts of worship, avoid drinking water, and focus on deeds. The importance of social media and the "here after" process is emphasized, as it is necessary to avoid causing harm and achieve goals. Prayer is a great gift for one's life, and avoiding sin and praying in a safe way is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Hiva. Allah Allah He was a big mine. We welcome the month of Ramadan with rabada. The first thing we do we see the moon we say the DUA, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to let the moon be seen whilst we are in the condition of belief. And we ask Allah Almighty to grant us the success of this beautiful month of Ramadan. The fact that we have entered it is an answer to a dua we've been making for months Allah Houma. maligna Ramadan, Allah has granted into us. So every time we said oh Allah grant us the ability to witness the month of Ramadan, well here he has done it. What was the point of that dua, the point of the DUA was we

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wanted Allah to give us one more opportunity to witness the month of forgiveness.

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I need the forgiveness of Allah so I need to forgive others who have wronged me as well to the best of my ability. It might not be so easy sometimes we find people having done something terrible to us. While I tell you even if you want to stay away from them because you fear they might do it again. Try to find it in your heart to at least just let go. Because then Allah will let go of your sins as well. One layer one layers Falco to him Munna

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feel Hola. Hola. Wala waffle rocking, forgive and embrace. Would you not like that ALLAH forgive you, meaning in return for that. When you show that you are forgiving, Allah will show you that he is the most forgiving. So this is the month of forgiveness, like that verse of surah. To Nora I just read now and saying, Indeed, Allah is the most forgiving, Most Merciful. My brothers and sisters, it is the month of greatness, the best month of the Islamic calendar. We welcome it by making promises to Allah that we are not going to go back to our bad ways and habits even when the month comes to an end. We welcome it knowing that some of us might not witness the end of Ramadan Am I right? We

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welcome it knowing that some of us might not see the day of Eid, or we might not even see the Night of Decree May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us the ability to witness the end of Ramadan and the day of Eid. But more important than asking Allah to grant us the ability to witness it is to promise what you are going to do if you witness it. We asked Allah to give us the month of Ramadan, I want to tell you it's the month of the Quran. At a loss is the one who does not pick up the Quran every day and read a portion at a loss. You haven't understood the month of the Quran, it might be compulsory to fast and one might argue it may not be absolutely compulsory to read certain portions

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of the Quran, but it being the month of Ramadan, the month of the Quran, you must make sure that your connection with the Quran is the most in this particular month. That's the word of Allah. If you don't recognize Allah, you don't understand His word and you're not making an effort to understand it, then surely you are at a loss we can do better. This is the month where we may not get proper sleep, and it is an honor. Did you hear what I said? This is a month where it is not a month of sleeping and eating. No, it is a month of dedication. You need to engage in extra acts of worship. That's what the month is all about. Quran you recite. You try to learn the meaning you try

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to pure, you try to correct your recitation, you try to follow what Allah Almighty has said. Similarly, it is a month where you become conscious of all your other deeds. Don't we give a charity in the month of Ramadan? More than other months, a lot of people hold their Zakah which is compulsory to give it in Ramadan.

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And many people would like to give extra charities in Ramadan. Do you know why? The deeds are multiplied in this month of Ramadan? The reward of the deeds definitely multiplied in this beautiful month of Ramadan. I want multiplication to your deeds. If you've been committing a sin or you have a simple bad habit, promised to quit it and quit it if you are serious. Allah will grant you the ability and Allah will bless you in return. If this is a month of solving matters and problems if you have an issue at home, make sure you sit and remedy the issue. Be it with your wife

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So, be it with your family members, brothers and sisters, parents, children or in laws may be uncles and aunts, nephews, nieces, cousins may be in the community. It's a time to resolve matters to the best of your ability. May Allah subhanahu wa taala soften our hearts. Brothers and sisters, it's a month of generosity. The Prophet sallallahu sallam was so generous in this month that he his generosity reached everyone, as though when the wind blows, and it reaches every single person at once similar is the generosity of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what was the generosity? Not just giving, but helping? Are you going to help others? Or is it just about yourself? This is

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the month of Ramadan, the month of Ramadan, we stay away from food and drink. We know that we stay away from permissible things. It's not haram to consume or to drink some water on an ordinary day. But in Ramadan during the daylight Allah says it's prohibited.

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What's wrong with water when Allah says you know what? practice restraint, don't just become greedy. And don't be a person who's miserly. Don't be a person who sees things in once everything, be it permissible or not. You have 50 pairs of clothes but each time you go to the mall, you need another pair of clothes, you have 20 handbags, in fact not 20 Someone actually told me they have 100 handbags, I don't know if they were joking or not. But trust me nowadays with this community and society and where we're headed because of social media and everything else, I wouldn't put it past people under than that. What are you going to do? May Allah subhanahu wa Allah grant us the ability

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to prepare for the day of piano with 100 Good deeds.

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People say I've got this and I've got Ramadan is a month of discipline teaching you don't just get whatever you want even though you can afford it. If it is a waste leave it help someone else. Let me explain why. Today we see people with mashallah beautiful homes, lovely cars, nice clothing, they smelling good and they looking good. When we see them. We say Masha Allah, what, what a gifted person, they've been blessed by Allah. Just because we saw those things I mentioned, not realizing that if the person did not prepare for the earth era by doing multiple deeds in Ramadan, then you find another guy who doesn't have a home who perhaps is struggling, no job, perhaps is smelling a

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bit because he didn't have water to bath maybe perhaps he might have a little bit of struggle with his breath he might have struggled with because he doesn't eat he can't he doesn't afford if that person has invested in Salah and Quran and vicar and good deeds. They have the true success of the Hereafter for eternity. What's the point of me being beautiful and successful on Earth, and everyone wishes to have what I have the day my eyes close, and after that we get to the Hereafter. And then I see the loss because I forgot to prepare for the day I'm going to close my eyes. That is the day of the greatest loss. Allah says such a person has lost completely who is the loser? The loser is the

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one who lost the hereafter more than anything else. So when you see a pope who's preparing for the hereafter Wallah, he is better than a wealthy man who's preparing to fly on a holiday but for God Allah, the month of Ramadan comes in again and again. Because Allah wants us to enjoy both. Allah is telling you you working hard throughout the year mashallah I want you to spend one month working hard. We're working hard entering the palace of the hereafter. It's not impossible, and the palace of the Hereafter you will enjoy it. I have struggles, you have struggles, your health might be failing a little bit. My problems that I have, you may not know them, but we all do have issues.

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Allah says don't worry, prepare for the hereafter in the process. Sometimes these issues are there to tap you to say Come Come to the masjid. That's why when we have problems and we believe in Allah, don't those problems make us cry to Allah? Don't those problems soften us a little bit. So what was that? It's a gift. Allah says I gave you a problem here so that you can enjoy they Wow Subhanallah I gave you an issue here so that you can enjoy there. Some people's lives are such that they don't see solution to their problems in this world. Allah says Don't despair, I will give you the hereafter. Do you believe? Yes you do. Well, if that's the case, no problem. Whatever you've been through on

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Earth, it will be a bonus for you on the Day of PM. So we have the month of Ramadan to focus on build

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in the hereafter do deeds each deed you do multiplied by 10 multiplied by 100 multiplied by 700 and beyond, because it's the month of Ramadan. So this is the month where you must become conscious of it. How much Quran are you going to read promising Allah taraweeh is not a joke. Some might argue, well, it's not far off. I know it's not far, but it is so highly recommended. You should enjoy it. The term tarawih itself depicts a beautiful rest. I'm going to come and enjoy myself. I'm going to achieve Raha I'm going to relax with tarawih many of us we hear the Imam reciting and we say this guy is very slow. This guy is very slow. By the time he finishes, it's going to be Soho, Wallah, he

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it's not about slow or fast. It's about Correct. Beautiful recital. Beautiful recital, enjoy it. It's the word of Allah. If the word of Allah is irritating you and then you have the beat that makes you shake that does not irritate you, then you have a problem. You have a major problem. Do you know why the wrong things are irritating you Subhanallah but at times, we don't mind listening to something quite dirty all night. But when it came to a dinner Serato Timo sera levena an entirely him, you can hear every letter country. People say that's too slow photography, you're supposed to say in an ostinato Mr. Kamisato let's start we know you are wrong. This is the month where we're

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going to change that inshallah we're going to change that enjoy your Tara when you're building your akhira you're building your palace. It is the month where Chopin is distanced from us, but still we do wrong things. Do you know why? I always say we become little devils ourselves and Allah protect us. There's big explanation as to why Satan still comes about in Ramadan when he's supposed to be tired.

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The best explanation is that the chiefs are tied up. The main ones are tighter, but the little ones they roaming around, they come and disturb you and I in Ramadan get angry. It's the month of discipline the month of habit building build your habits. What's your tang walla he Ramadan is a month of watching your tongue because the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says that clearly that those who are going to protect their tongues will achieve the reward those who are not going to bother what they say and they utter falsehood and whatever else vulgarity. They wasted their time fasting. They wasted their time fasting. So this is why we say my brothers, my sisters, watch your mouth in

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Ramadan. Your life will change when you watch that because after Ramadan, you become conscious. Let me say good words beautiful words, connect with Allah. If I can do tearaway for the entire month mashallah I come faithfully standing faithfully standing in taraweeh I promise you the five daily Farad will become very simple for me. It's like so easy in two minutes, five minutes and it's done. Mashallah, it's going to be easy. But if I'm not going to push myself in this month, I'm going to lose it.

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This afternoon or this afternoon, I was thinking about how old I am. And how many Ramadan's I've seen. So say for example, you are giving my age away. Some of you might know it, say, say for example, I've had 50. Ramadan's. I'm never ever going to have 50. More Ramadan's. You know why we're not going to live to 100? We're not chances are almost no, when I say almost nil, naught point naught something percent, which is not counted, the bulk of our 6070 7080 gone. Guess what, how many Ramadan is left? A few Ramadan is left for you? How serious? Are you going to take these Ramadan? It might be the last one, like I said right at the beginning. But nonetheless, if you want to think

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that perhaps I'm going to live through a few more, how many more so if there's six more left, because you're already 70 years old, if you think you might die at 76.

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And what gives you the guarantee you're gonna die at 76

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I promise you one thing, when you begin to enjoy your acts of worship, you start looking forward to the meeting with Allah because you know, you're going to go back to a Lord who is merciful, who's kind who's forgiving. So Allah gives you the month of Ramadan to be able to reflect again and again, please ponder during this month over who you are, where you came from, where you are right now what is expected of you what you are doing what you are not doing what needs to be done, because where are you heading? Ponder over that. Where are you heading? What would you like? So stay away from bad habits Bad Company flocked to the misogyny and enjoy bring others with you. Make it something

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meaningful, reach out to people, feed the people mashallah be helpful. Be kind in your homes, learn to dress better, no matter how you are dressing

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There's always a better way of dressing. And part of your dress code

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is where you allow your eyes to go.

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What's the point of allowing your eyes to go in every way, you know? Subhanallah and you covered up? What was the point? So to watch your eyes, that's why Allah Almighty when He talks about it, he talks about lowering the gaze both for the male and the female.

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Khalil meaning I would do mean Assadi him wire Famo photo Jehovah tell the believing men to lower their gazes and protect their private paths. Straight up statement straight up.

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Imagine unless telling you know your gaze protect your private paths. May Allah protect us. My brothers and sisters we're going to enjoy this month by the will of Allah enjoy it in Ibadah in Quran in tilava. In helping out one another reaching out, our brothers and sisters in Gaza are struggling. They are restrictions on Masjid Al Aqsa right now May Allah grant them the ability to fulfill all their Salawat in Masjid Al Aqsa during this month of Ramadan. May Allah protect them from the harm of those who intend harm because too many people intend harm against the ummah of Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu sallam,

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the purity, they frightened of it. They frightened of the purity of worship, they frightened that people are increasing in number in terms of entry into the fold of Islam, they frightened of it. May Allah Almighty protect us all.

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So I don't wish to go beyond 20 minutes. nonetheless.

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This evening, we read verses where Allah Almighty told us about the condition of the believers who do good deeds, they will enter paradise. And he told us about the disbelievers who are not interested in the Hereafter, they will go to hellfire. It's Allah. Allah says, and it's up to him. He says that the hypocrites who are neither here nor there, or those who hide the fact that they are not Muslim and pretend to be Muslim. For them, Allah says, We will deal them a severe blow and they will suffer in this world and the next May Allah Almighty protect us from disbelief and hypocrisy. And may He help us to connect ourselves with him in a beautiful way. My brothers and sisters, I give

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you one beautiful gift. When we speak of the month of Ramadan, Allah says I prescribed upon you fasting and at the end of the verse, He gives you the reason he says like I like them, the good. He says lol lecom The code we've heard that so many times every year we hear it. It means if you fast properly and you do whatever I've told you to do, the reason why I told you to do all of this is in order for you to achieve Taqwa. Right. So if you do it properly, you will achieve Taqwa. So if I achieve taqwa, one might ask what will I get? Well, Allah says,

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in the same Quran

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was in FIRA to become more German, I don't know has some hour to one hour we'll do it that limit 30 Allah says, compete with one another or make haste towards Sadio and Busara Make haste faster than others make haste towards the forgiveness of Allah and Paradise.

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Paradise. Its size is greater than the skies and the earth. It is prepared for the moon kin. That's what Allah says. That living with Kin. So if you fast properly and you spend the month of Ramadan correctly, you achieve Taqwa. And if you achieve duck WA, you will achieve Paradise because Allah says We prepared paradise for those who have Taqwa or hit that limit again. You see the connection between the two. You fasting, Allah says so that you can get Taqwa. Now that I have Taqwa Allah says Well, we've prepared something for those with taqwa, and welcome because now you have Taqwa. So enter Jana SubhanAllah. How do I know I have Taqwa?

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You know if you have Taqwa or not when you're conscious of the rules and regulations of Allah, if you made a mistake or you sinned, it hurts you. It makes you regret. It's a sign of TBWA

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you have to repent sign of Toccoa That's why Allah says sorry, Oh Allah, ma Farah, the tropical. Make haste towards forgiveness. You committed a sin quickly repent, don't delay quickly repent. When an obligation is upon you and you fulfill it. That is a sign of Taqwa. When I can't wait to pray, and I'm so excited, I want to do the good deed. It's a sign of piety. And I want to tell you, Allah does not

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I just accept anyone and everyone to do good deeds. He chooses you. How does he choose you? By putting it into your heart? Let me go and pray. Let me do this good deed. Otherwise we could say, You know what, I'm so tired. I was at school all day. I went to varsity all day. I was at work all day. And you know what I need to sleep? Let me just quickly shower, eat, and go and sleep. What about prayer? It didn't even feature in your equation. That was ALLAH rejecting you because you rejected him. Subhan Allah Astok that Hola. Hola. Hola. Wala Quwata illa biLlah. But when a person is conscious about his income, he's conscious about his food. He wants to help others. Automatically

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Allah will help him to develop a piety. One day you will find him coming to the masjid and when he tastes the sweetness of the man, he will never quit it again.

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Allah invites you to come to pray. And Allah invites you to come to pray in such a unique way that if you feel that you need to pray and you feel connected to prayer and you feel at a loss when you've missed a prayer. You need to know that you've answered the call higher.

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Come to success whose invite is that Allah, Allah told you come to success and you quickly coming Allah He you should be considering yourself honored that you came. May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us the strength and the energy to do the right things. May He always keep our hearts magnetized towards the Masjid. May He always want me and the Gize us to do the right things. And when ever there's wrong things to do, may he create a barrier between us and those wrong things because men in his nature, he sits in his schemes and he plans he plans how to do things in the wrong way. Sometimes he plans to sit and to go and attend a place perhaps to go to the clubs or the

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pubs or to eat a bit of interest or perhaps to commit adultery or to go and gamble or do alcohol or do intoxicants man sits in schemes and plans. If you make a dua Oh Allah create a barrier between me and the sins Allah will put a barrier between you and loosens. As you want to go somewhere suddenly you have a flat tire. What happened? Allah says we just answered your DUA. Everybody is going to be busy at the club for two hours and you're gonna be busy fixing your tire. So don't swear saying if same BS to Say Subhan Allah hamdulillah Allah Allah Allah, take the tire out, put it back because you need to know that was Allah He loves you enough that you didn't end up there. Allahu Akbar month

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of Ramadan. Remember? And this is the last thing I'm going to end with it.

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Don't plan to sell in Ramadan No way. No way. You know if you aren't so strong to be able to do so many good deeds. The minimum is don't sin. Don't you agree with that? The biggest gift you could give yourself is to abstain from sinning because you already know sitting on zero then you can start doing good deeds. But when you start singing you on minus minus 10 minus 20 Come on month of Ramadan. If you are going to do good deeds, it will be multiplied. If you don't honor this month then the bad deeds might drag you down. May Allah Almighty protect all of us Akuto li ha wa sallahu wa salam ala Barra Carla Medina Muhammad salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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