Mufti Menk – Scholars For Dollars

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The speaker discusses how some denies their own opinion on a certain topic, but the reality is they are actually promoting the opposite opinion. They use this negative opinion as a way to impress their family and avoid being criticized. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of working on one's behavior to avoid being caught by jealousy.
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There was 1 scholar who saw the prohibition
of a certain thing and he was vocal
about it and he belittled others. His son
was affected by a disease.
When that happened, he was forced to follow
the opinion of the other scholars. The irony
of it is while behind the scenes he
imposed on his family the opinion of the
others, he kept on promoting the opposite opinion
simply because of pride. And I told him,
I said, do you know what? Why don't
you come clear and honest and tell the
public that I've been saying this, but I'm
wrong for my own son. I'm using a
different opinion. And do you know what he
said? He said, no, I still agree with
the original
opinion, but this is only necessity.
So I'm using it for my family. So
I said, is there not a necessity for
the whole Ummah?
Look at how the scholars are making fools
of people. Then they they con us and
they say, well, those are scholars for dollars.
Scholars for dollars is a is a term
used by some to refer to others when
they have no other way of challenging them,
when they are not confident with the truth
that they have within them. You are belittling
someone. Not all of them are like you,
my beloved. Not all of them are like
you. You can ask around. Even here in
Bosmont, there are certain scholars who bring you
the dollars
instead of taking from you. Ask them. They
will tell you. They will confirm that you
know what? These scholars, they are not scholars
for the dollars. They are scholars who give
the dollars. Not all the scholars are poor.
Some of them are wealthier than some of
the wealthiest you would know. You don't know.
Why be jealous of them? They didn't steal
the money. They didn't sell the deen.
Don't think things
up with your mind
because of your jealousy. Work on it. May
Allah protect us all from jealousy.
Jealousy will eat your good deeds like
fire eats dry logs.
The reason I mentioned this today, we as
the masses need guidance and as scholars, the
needs to be told, listen, differ and differ
strongly but
with utmost respect.