Don’t Walk With Haughtiness

Mufti Menk


Channel: Mufti Menk

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Speaker 1 advises individuals to walk in a haughty fashion, even while doing so, and to fulfill the rights of the people by lowering their gaze. They also suggest stamping and walking in a moderate fashion, while reminding individuals to fulfill the rights of the people.

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When you walk on earth, don't walk with

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No haughtiness.

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Haughty means I'm feeling high and big. I'm

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the big man. Everyone else is small. Wallahi,

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no matter who you are, what you are,

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you are just known. It's temporary that Allah

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allowed you to have a certain position. You

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may have to rise to the occasion sometimes.

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You happen to be a prime minister, no

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problem. You rise to the occasion, you'll have

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to drive in your motorcade. You'll have to

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do certain things. You might have few guards

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and so on. Deep down, you're still just

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a human being. Remember that. Masha'Allah Tabarakallah.

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Remember that. That's one example. But the same

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applies to all of us. Today you have

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something. Don't allow that to make you walk

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on the earth in a haughty way.

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In another place in the Quran, Allah says,

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what do you think you're gonna do by

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walking haughty? You think you're going to get

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up to the mountains?

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Or you think you're gonna make

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a crater on the earth by stamping? So

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Walk in

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a moderate fashion.

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When you walk, when you're in the public,

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remember to fulfill the rights of the people.

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What are they? Firstly, you lower your gaze.

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All Muslims, male and female, lower your gaze.

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You don't have to keep looking at every

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single thing. One wonders, why is that the

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to protect your contentment?

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to protect your contentment?