Ramadan FAQs #03 Inhale the Truth – Does Your Inhaler Break Your Fast

Muiz Bukhary


Channel: Muiz Bukhary


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The host of a video discusses the impact of fast and curious behavior on people's health. They explain that inhalers can damage people's lung function and health, and that fasting is a fundamental act of worship. The host emphasizes the importance of breathing and maintaining healthy health during fasting, and encourages viewers to take action to protect their health and well-being.

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Welcome back to Fast and Curious, your Ramadan

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FAQs answered.

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So today, inshallah, we are going to be

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diving deep into a question

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that impacts the lives of many around us.

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Us. The topic for today's episode is

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inhale the truth,

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does your

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break your fast? Now for those needing an

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inhaler, this question is not just medical. It

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is an emotional and spiritually charged one. So

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therefore, let us uncover the facts together in

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terms of understanding,

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this issue.

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So during the month of Ramadan,

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is a profound act of faith, a profound

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act of worship. It requires an individual to

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abstain from food, drink, and other acts,

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other specific acts, from dawn until sunset. But

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now what about our brothers and sisters who

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have to rely on inhalers for conditions like

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Does using an inhaler compromise their fast?

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To understand this issue properly, we need to

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first understand

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what an inhaler does, the mechanics of an

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deliver medication

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directly to the lungs to help manage conditions

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like asthma.

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Now, this is a crucial distinction.

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The medicine does not pass through the stomach

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but goes directly to the lungs to provide

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relief. So scientifically,

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since the medication is in an aerosol form

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and targeted to the lungs,

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it does not enter the digestive tract.

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This, my dear brothers and sisters, is a

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key point as fasting focuses on abstaining from

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that enter the stomach and nourish the body.

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So we have scholars who have deliberated on

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this matter, acknowledging the difference between sustenance that

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breaks the fast and medical necessity. So the

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view amongst many modern day scholars is that

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since inhalers

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are not a form of nourishment,

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and also because they are essential

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for health

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for people who have to manage conditions like

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their use

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does not break the fast.

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Allah knows best. So from a medical standpoint,

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breathing conditions,

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it is about maintaining their well-being,

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not breaking the spiritual commitment of fasting.

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Unfortunately, many who use inhalers during the month

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of Ramadan

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might feel guilt or worry that, you know,

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they're compromising their fast or they're not fully

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observing their fast,

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you know, they're not perhaps doing it the

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right way. It is important, my dear brother,

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my dear sister, to remember that Islam

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provides concessions

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for those in need, and preserving one's health

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is a is a priority that's deep

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rooted in the deen, in the faith. So

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as we have explored today, the use of

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an inhaler during the month of Ramadan

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by necessity,

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If you really need it, insha Allahu Ta'ala,

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it is not considered to break your fast.

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It is a blend of medical necessity and

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spiritual understanding,

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ensuring that every individual has the means to

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observe Ramadan

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in good health and piety with taqwa.

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Remember, fast and curious, your Ramadan FAQs answered,

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is here to journey with you through these

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questions. I hope to try and take you

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as many questions as possible, fostering understanding and

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So until next time, keep your faith strong,

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your intentions pure, with a class, with sincerity,

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and your health

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I wish you a blessed Ramadan.

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I wish you a blessed Ramadan.