Muiz Bukhary – Do you want your duas answered

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The interviewer discusses the upcoming sermon of the Prophet sallamps, which is in the middle of a harrowing and sad time for the mother of someone named knew of Islam. The interviewer emphasizes the importance of the Prophet's actions and actions of his mother in the world of Islam, and provides examples of how he uses them to make decisions. The sermon also touches on guidelines for the law, including avoiding materialistic things and staying true to guidelines. The segment ends with a sermon and a reminder to subscribe to the virtual semmen.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa ala ashrafi them via email mursaleen Nabina Wahhabi Bina karate ioannina. Mohammed Ebony Abdullah. Allah Allah Allah He was happy he of Belo sala de Botton with asleep, my bat.

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We begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. Make sustainer and Alicia creator, the Lord of all words, we ask him for help. We ask him for healing. We asked him for ease. We asked him for prosperity. We asked him for safety. We asked him for security. And on this blessed Friday, we asked him to send his choices of blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam his family members, his companions, and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of

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my dear brothers and sisters in Islam.

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We have a hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was once delivering a sermon, it was a Friday, a Friday like the Friday that you and I are in, but Subhanallah a fortunate Friday for the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this hadith is recorded in the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is delivering the Friday sermon.

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So NSW Mallika, the Allahu anhu. He reports that whilst the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was delivering a sermon in Medina,

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a man comes to the gathering. A man comes to the gathering, and he says Yasuda Allah, the prophet is delivering the sermon. The Friday sermon in a man comes to the gathering and says Yara, Sula, la Yara Sula, Allah

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was going on with his sermon, and this man had the edge of the gathering was trying to get the attention of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam Yeah, Rasulullah Rasul Allah, He cries out, until finally the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looks at them and because this is in the middle of the sermon, you have to understand, unlike other times, this is in the middle of the sermon, the prophet is giving the sermon and the man is calling out the Rasulullah Rasul Allah.

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So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam looks at the man and he asks him I'm paraphrasing, the narration goes along the lines of these words the incident goes along the lines of these words he asks the Prophet salaries and we are sued Allah. As in he looks at the prophet and says Yasuda, the prophet now looks at him and asks him, what is it what do you want? Now, the man says, Your Rasul Allah, there is no rain, there is no rain, we are in a lot of difficulty, there is no rain.

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So please call upon Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless us with rain.

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Call upon Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to bless us with rain.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he raises his hands and he makes a law who must clean

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or Allah make it shower, let it Chava.

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So Allah Subhana, as in he makes dua, to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, Allah, we ask you for him.

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We ask you for rain, we seek rain, and many brothers and sisters, and urban America, the Allahu anhu, who is the narrator of the Hadith. He says that we looked up at the heavens, and you have to understand the mustard of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a very simple mustard. And there were certain places in the method that had a roof over on top, and there were other places where it was open, where you could look up to the heavens, and even the parts of the places where you had a roof it was basically out of out of leaves and the fiber of palm You see, so there are there were gaps. So the companions they look up towards the heavens as the Prophet was making the

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Allahu masina Allahu masina look up at the heavens that it was a clear day. Just imagine Friday. You know, right now, even in my country, if you were to look up at the heavens, it's a clear blue sky, despite there being you know, rain yesterday and day before yesterday. For those in my country, they would agree and we pray that Allah makes the rain a beneficial rain and wherever it is not raining. We pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses the people of those areas with beneficial rain, I mean,

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so now they look up at the heavens and the sky was blue, not a cloud insight, not a cloud insight, not a cloud inside.

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Then suddenly, the clouds

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Started together. It started together, started to become dark.

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And it started to rain, it started to rain.

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The Doha of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was immediately answered, the companions, they look up at the heavens, the sky is clear, not a cloud in sight. And the Prophet is making the, upon the pulpit whilst delivering the sermon Allahumma spinna olabisi crane, we see crane, and then the clouds start together and it begins it begins to rain, by the will and the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Another revelation to share with you all before I get into the topic, and the content for today's sermon,

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Abu huraira, the Allah one,

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a famous Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He wrote the last one he embraces Islam at a young age, and he was an orphan he he lost his father. So he and his mother, now they go to Medina, his mother had not embraced Islam.

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So for Abu huraira, the Allahu in terms of family in terms of direct family, it was only his mother. And for his mother, it was her son Abu hurayrah hora de La Hoya. So, and you all know about hora de la when he was very close to the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wasallam a real, real seeker of knowledge, a student of knowledge, he would spend so much of time with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wasallam, learning from him studying by the messenger sallallahu. So whenever he would go home, he would sit down with his mother and and narrate to her, he would tell her all what the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam would say.

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Now as per this particular Hadith, this particular narration, and it's recorded in the book of Imam Muslim Rahim, Allah One day, he, Abu huraira de la one. He was very excited, if you will, and he was with a lot of zeal, you know, informing his mother about what the prophet sallallahu Sallam had said, and he was firmly inviting her to embrace Islam. Now, perhaps the mother at that time was, you know, maybe she was busy with something or whatever it is, she, you know, became annoyed. She became annoyed and she went on to say things that were not appropriate, if you will, towards the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Naboo hora de la when he was sad, he was sad because she had

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said certain things that he disliked about the messenger. He was so sad he started to be and he started to cry. And he runs to the Prophet of Allah. He runs to the Messenger of Allah and he says jasola Allah Yasuda Allah, please pray for my mother. Please pray for my mother, so that she comes to Islam so that she embraces Islam. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at that juncture. My dear brothers and sisters, as per the Hadith, he raises his hands Allahumma de ebihara

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Allahumma de Gama de Herrera, Allah guide, the mother of Abu huraira Allah guide, the mother of Abu huraira Abu huraira de la Han, his heart was light. He was overjoyed. He was happy that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had made dua for his mother. He now goes home, he goes home, he returns back home,

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only to find my dear brothers

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and sisters in Islam and he arrived home. I'm paraphrasing the incident goes along the lines of these words, he knocks the door and he can hear the sound of water. And the mother is purifying herself. And then she comes out she opens the door. And after opening the door she had you know, after she had Shabbat she opens the door and she says yeah, about hurayrah or Abu huraira a shadow and Illa Illa. Allah was a shadow and Mohammed Abu who was for

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I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship other than Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and please remember salatu salam I mentioned his beautiful name many brothers and sisters. Mohammed is his slave and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, abou hora de la one whose joy you know, it cannot be described. He was so happy and he rushes now to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was shedding tears of joy, shedding tears of joy and happiness and he goes to the Messenger of Allah and says Yasuda Allah, Allah has responded to your supplication. Allah has answered your da and he has set on the right path, the mother of Abu huraira

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and then now he requests jasola supply

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Get unto Allah subhanho wa Taala so that he may instill love of mine and that of my mother to in the hearts of the believing servants, and let our hearts be filled with their love. Again the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam makes to our well let there be love of the servants of yours, abou Herrera and his mother in the hearts of the believing servants and let their hearts be filled with the love of the believing servants. In other words, let the believers love Abu huraira let the believers love the mother of Abu huraira. And let Abu hurayrah and his mother love the believers and until today, my dear brothers and sisters, do we not love abou hora de la Juan, and do we not? You

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know, for a fact, almost every talk almost every reminder, almost every lecture almost every sermon, almost every sermon, we come across the name of Abu huraira de la one, because he has made mention of so many a Hadith of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wasallam and Abu huraira, the Allahu anhu he states in regards to this, that this do our so well granted by Allah, that no believer was ever born who heard of me, but did not love me, every believer who heard of me Loves Me, basically, that's what he's trying to say, every believer who has heard of me or who or who hears of me, loves me because of the DA of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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Now, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, what I hope to touch on today, Sam, and it's a very important topic, given what's happening around the world. And and you know, not just not just in today's landscape, this is something that is applicable for all times. This the importance of the law, and how much we need to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala supplicating unto him, and what are the ways what's what are the etiquettes? When it comes to there are a few tips if you will, in terms of getting your daughters answered by Eliza, which one? Do you want your ads to be answered by Allah subhanho Medina, then Oh, brother, or sister, listen attentively to these steps. Listen attentively

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to these guidelines, if you want your ads to be answered by Allah Subhana Horton, if you want to know the value of da and how important do i is in the life of a believer the listen very attentively to these teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So, before I get into the pointers, before I get into the guidelines and tips, there is a small tangent that I want to address.

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Now we mentioned two incidents that took place during the time of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So now one might wonder, oh, you know, this perhaps is only for the prophets of Allah. Because when we go through the lives of the prophets of Allah, we see, for example, in the story of a YouTuber, that was Sam, he makes to IRA and his two eyes and said, But Allah subhana wa tada in the story of subrata, in the story of the Prophet Yunus, Alice, that was when we see him making the law and his do is eventually answered with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And in the life of the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam. As you can see, there are many, many, many incidents to

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prove the Tao of the prophets of Allah being answered by Elijah. So one might wonder, perhaps, this is something exclusively for the prophets of Allah. Let me prove otherwise, by giving you a few more incidents.

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There was a ruler, long, long, long ago.

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He was a diabolical ruler. He was a tyrant. He was an oppressor.

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And he had a wife, and I think you all know who I'm talking about. And a great prophet of Allah was sent to his palace, was sent to call him to Allah. But he chose the path of arrogance, the part of the devil, he chose to deny he chose to reject, he chose to turn away from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Who am I talking about? I'm talking about Farah.

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So the wife of Iran, the wife of Pharaoh when

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she when the message of Allah came to her palace, through the prophet Musa alayhis salam, she embraced it. She embraced it. She was the wife of this diabolical ruler, this tyrant and he was keeping her well, he gave her every comfort, if you will. She was the Queen living in the palace. Until he found out that she had embraced the message of masalas latos law. The minute he found out about this, he started to inflict torture upon her and he taught me

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I heard her tortured her tortured her so much so much, that at one point she is being tortured My dear brothers and sisters, she is being tortured for what? For turning to Allah subhanho wa Taala she is being tortured to the extent Allah mentions in Surah two hareem which is the 66th chapter number 11 well Bob Allahu methylene levena Amano merata fear our own is call as Rob de Bernini cabin eaten Phil Jen.

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When a genie fear Ono, Armani wanna Genie mina komiza on me in

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blah, blah, blah who must lll, Edina mn O.

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Allah sets forth an example for the believers who is the example the wife of Farah our own who prays who makes Dora What does she say?

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She makes Dora

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so what what's the DA and by the way, this

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this this door has been captured in the Quran and we read it on a regular basis such a powerful this da Allah captures it in the Quran.

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If God is the college Robbie Benelli is can be eaten Finjan

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oh my lord.

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Build a house for me. near you in paradise. Look at the beauty of the doula she chooses her neighbor before the House. jar cabela dot jar. habla de in the Arabic language r means neighbor. Okay and that means house so she chooses her neighbor she wants to be next to a law close to you yeah, Allah a palace a house for me.

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When a genie mean around and and save me from around where am Allah he and his evil deeds when a genie minakami loyalty mean and save me from the wrongdoing people.

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My dear brothers and sisters in Islam.

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Imam Ibn katheer Rahim Allah He mentions in his ear.

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At the minute she made this da. The da has been captured in the Quran and we're going to read it

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until the end of time we're reading it.

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No soon as she made the DA, the heavens split asunder. And her place her house in the heavens was shown to her. Now she is being tortured. She is being tortured, and she's suffering and at this juncture, her house in the heavens that was answered in her house in the heavens was shown to her. And now her heart lightens. Her face lightens. And she starts to smile, and the people inflicting the torture upon her. They were confused. She were inflicting torture. And instead of being in pain and crying, why is she smiling, they go to Iran and they say your wife has lost it. Your wife has lost it. We are torturing her inflicting torture upon torture, we have intensified the torture upon

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her and here she is smiling and laughing. If around, couldn't believe his ears, he wanted to see this for himself. So he comes to see it. And by the time he comes to his wife, she had breathed her last and Allah had taken her soil.

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So my dear brothers and sisters, in this in this incident in this story, you can see that the answering of the has was not something exclusively for the prophets of Allah, you and I, it has been prescribed upon us as well. Doha, turning to Allah in Doha supplicating unto Allah subhanho wa Taala and we have so much to supplicate for my dear brothers and sisters.

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Now let me mention very quickly the guidelines that we have in place for today's sermon. guideline number one, my dear brothers and sisters when it comes to law, I want you all to bear in mind and this is a notion that has to be set in place very, very appropriately. A lot of us have got derailed thoughts when it comes to this this this part of the how many brothers and sisters there are is an A bad weather Allah subhanho wa Taala answers your dog or not.

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You have to hear to bear this in mind da is an EVA you know you'd have had a you to come across

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This statement and at times it would have propped up in our own hearts too and I've made so much of our but Allah is not answering my prayers so we turn our backs on destruction Allah, that is not appropriate for a believer. Now when it comes to when you consider the as in a bad it is like Salah, it is like Zika It is like some It is like hij It is like ombre, it is like sadhaka Now, when you pray, do you tell yourself You know what, I don't think Allah is answering my my Salah. So you know what, I'm not going to pray? Is it appropriate for a believer? Whether Allah is accepting your ibadah or not? That does not concern un un. It doesn't concern you and me doesn't concern us.

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It doesn't concern us servants of Allah subhanho wa Taala that leave it to Allah azza wa jal but what's our duty, we are supposed to offer our sada whether your honor is accepted or not, that is for Allah to decide, but you have to go on to do what to perform your ombre. So

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guideline number one point number one when it comes to Doha is to always tell ourselves that drama isn't a bad and therefore we should not be concerning ourselves with whether the drama is answered or not. Just as how we do not do so when it comes to Salah when it comes to hombre or Hajj. Do do people say that you know what? I don't think my ombre is going to be acceptable Allah subhanho wa Taala so you know what, I'm not going to go on ombre No, we go on ombre, we go on Hajj and we fast the month of Ramadan. With regards to it being accepted by Allah we hope for the best and we strive to ensure that we do it you know, we strive to ensure that we do it to the best of our capacity to

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the best of our abilities. So that it is inshallah accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So likewise, when it comes to the law, we have to bear in mind that we have to remind ourselves that there isn't a Buddha Dhamma is an iba. Therefore, you should not concern yourself primarily as to whether Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to answer your door or not. Allah says in the foreign sort of affair further Allaha mcculley Sina LaHood Dean, invoke or call unto Allah subhanho den vocally seen more or less comes from a class with sincerity with a last turning to Allah Subhana medalla sincerely for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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guideline number two this is an important one, I want you to all pay an attentive ear when making Doha when making

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use the Beautiful Names of Allah subhana wa tada Allah says in the Noble Quran in surah to our off which is the seventh chapter I am number 181 in Hill smart

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enough and the room being

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one Illa Hill, a smart person, Allah has the most beautiful of names Allah has the most beautiful names while in law Hill asthma or

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further Oh who be further who will be here, so call upon a law using those names by them. Now my dear brothers and sisters, you see Allah subhanho wa Taala has beautiful, beautiful names. And some of you might be familiar with the Hadith that talks about a small law Hill album, The Greatest Name of Allah is a virgin, when you invoke Allah subhanho wa Taala using the Greatest Name of Allah to Allah is answered by Eliza virgin.

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Now what is this name of Allah subhanho wa Taala I'm sure we would all want to know. Now we have different different understandings put forth by scholars, there are some scholars who would go on to say that perhaps it is this particular name, perhaps it is that particular name. There are some who would say that this is something only known to the very righteous and the ones who are very close to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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there's one opinion put forth and I'm going to be sharing

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two opinions, if you will, the two opinions that are that are close to my heart. And and we say that Allah knows best in this regard. So opinion number one is that the Greatest Name of Allah azza wa jal is the name of Allah.

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Because many brothers and sisters, every name of Allah, every name of Allah subhanho wa Taala points towards the name of Allah than him Allah. Well Illa Hill asthma or Krishna, and similarly in certain hasher, what does Allah say? Who along who la de la ilaha illa who al Malik al Manny colocado, Salah moodlemoot me

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No more Hi Amy no lies these

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can be super hands on long, super long Yo.

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Yo shriek uoN hola hola de la ilaha illa who he is a law there is no deity worthy of worship other than Him al Malik al could do a Salaam Al mcminn Al Mohammed Al Aziz al Jabbar al Motta Kabir, all these names many brothers and sisters, see they point out to Allah Al Malik the name al Malik is from Allah. The name Allah is not from Al Malik al Malik is from Allah, Allah Mata Kabir is from the name of Lacey so all these names point out to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So based on this opinion, Allah is the Greatest Name. The other opinion media brothers and sisters is that his Mullah Hill album is not one name. And this is another opinion that is close to my heart is Mullah Hill album is

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not one name.

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But instead it depends on the situation. It depends on your da it depends on your need. And this is why it is important that we study the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala so that we know which name to use at the appropriate moment. So for example, for example,

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you are making the art for cure. Now we are in the middle of a pandemic, yes or no, we're in the middle of a pandemic. So we're making the alpha healing. We're making the alpha a cure. So which Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala will you use,

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which name

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a Shafi

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Shafi, Allah is the cure.

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Allah is the healer Allahumma anta Shafi la Shiva Shiva Oke, Oh Allah, you are a Shafi You are the cure you are the healer, there is no healing, there is no no cure apart from your cure.

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So depending on the circumstances, depending on your need, you need to be able to do what to unlock the appropriate name of Allah subhanho wa Taala and make your doctor

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but a lot of us what we do is we only use one name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Why because we're not familiar with the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So this should encourage us to spend more time studying the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And using the names of Allah when it comes to our two eyes, if you want to do is to be answered, but Allah has urgent

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point number three when it comes to your house, as a believer, you need to bear this in mind, when you make a dua. One, your dua is answered in this world, one Yoda is answered in this world.

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If not, number two, your da will mitigate will mitigate as in it will reduce the intensity of a trial that you are in, have a calamity that you are in or have a trial or calamity that is on its way on its way.

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Let's say for example,

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you are sick, let's say you are ill May Allah protect you this is just for the sake of an example. Or an individual's child is sick. May Allah protect our children. I mean, may Allah protect our families. I mean,

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and now what does he do? He's making the alpha kill. He's saying Yeah, Allah cure me from the sickness. Yeah, Allah cure my child from this illness. Now, let's say if it had been decreed that the child's illness is going to become worse, so much to the extent that he is going to be on the verge of death. SubhanAllah but by this individual making the Odwalla Allah cure my child, Allah kill my child, what happens is

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the intensity of the trial is blocked by this individuals who are the intensity of the trial is blocked by this individuals to her. And what happens is the child's sickness does not become worse. It does not become worse. It was supposed to become worse. The child was going to go on to the word onto the verge of dying but because this person the father is making the Allah cure my child, yeah, Allah cure my child, the intensity of the trial of the calamity is mitigated. But at times because we fail to understand that, what do we do? We say, you know what, I've been making so much of so many weeks, so many months for the cure of my child, but Allah has not answered my

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Are Allah has not cured my child failing to understand that your dua has been answered in a way that is appropriately deemed by Allah subhanho wa Taala where the trial has been mitigated.

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Another example for us to understand is when Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah is above all these examples, but for our weak minds to comprehend to try and comprehend. And this I heard it from another from another show, another scholar was explaining this, but it's a beautiful point, and I'd like to share it with you all as well. Let's say there is an employee, okay, working for somebody in a company right now, due to and and that's what's happening. So panela around the world, employees are being laid off, salaries are being slashed. May Allah subhanho wa Taala, help us. May Allah help us with our economies, may Allah open those of Baraka and prosperity for all of us, especially for those who

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are suffering financially. So let's say now, this employee for the sake of this example, in the company that he is working

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the directors if you will, or let's just go with one boss, the boss has decided maybe due to poor performance, or perhaps because they're cutting, you know, costs and whatnot to reduce his salary. Let's say he was earning

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$500, let's say he was earning $500. Now it has been decided, Okay, they've had a meeting and whatnot, and it has been decided to reduce his salary to $250. From 500, they would have it, reduce it to $250. Because, you know, let's say there are a number of reasons.

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Now, the employee is not aware of this, he is clocking in his hours, he is doing hard work, and he doesn't know that his salary is going to be halved.

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Now, what does he do? The decision has been made in the morning, and they're going to be informing the employee, let's say in the evening about this. In the evening, he goes to meet the boss, and he puts forward a request letter stating that his expenses have gone up and whatnot, and stuff like that, that he would like for an increase in his salary. So I hope you got the example he's currently earning five $500, the management has decided to cut his salary and bring it down to $250. But before they inform him of that decision, he submits a request, because he is not aware and he genuinely has needs, he submits a request letter for his salary to be increased to $750.

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So what happens now, in the evening, the manager gets the letter, the boss gets the letter, and he looks at the letter and he thinks to himself here, we are now about to inform him that his salary has been halved, to $250. And he's making a request for his salary to be increased.

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So yeah, miskeen, you know, he's going to be in a lot of difficulty. So what do they do? They discuss again amongst themselves, and they decide, you know, what, okay, we obviously at this point, at this juncture, we can't entertain his request for an increase in his salary. But let's keep the reduction of his salary on hold, and let him go on with his existing salary. So now this employee is informed in return, that your salary will remain a $500. Now, this employee, if he is not aware of the context, I want you all to put yourselves in his shoes. How do you think he will think he'll think I submitted a request for an increase I want $750. But they're just going on to pay me only

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$500. Little Is he aware of the fact that if he had not made the request in a genuine way, his salary would have been halved from 500 to $250. Similarly, my dear brothers and sisters, you may be in the middle of a trial. And for as long as you keep making

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you do as at times answered in such a way that it mitigates the trial or the calamity or the challenge that you are in. So don't give up on Doha. Don't turn your back on to her.

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Number three, if you do it is not answered in this world. And if you do R is not answered in such a way that it mitigates your trials or calamities and your challenges, then your da as a believer will definitely be answered in in in the hereafter. So don't ever lose hope when it comes to your da.

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guideline number four, this is an important one as well. guideline number four. You need to have good thoughts about Allah subhanho wa Taala when making dua Hadith is reported by Abu huraira law one where the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam is reported to have said and in the Vani Abitibi I am as myself

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servants expect of me who I am as my servants think of me. If my servant things good of me, he will have it. And if he thinks evil of me, he will have it. So your thoughts, your thoughts, if you think good of Allah subhana wa dallah then you can expect good from Eliza but if you think even so when you making the house let's say for example, you're making dua with regards to seeking forgiveness, yeah, Allah forgive me of my sins. Yeah, Allah forgive me of my sins. Some of us, you know, shaytan creeps into our minds and tells us you know what, Allah is not going to answer your house or Allah is not going to forgive you of your sense. Now we should not entertain this thought media broader

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media system, we should constantly keep killing ourselves. Allah Ville forgive me of my sins, Allah will forgive me. does Allah not describe himself as before, as Rahim as the Most Merciful as the most forgiving? no sin is too big for Allah to forgive, Allah will forgive me Allah will forgive me so constantly as you keep making dua keep having good thoughts about Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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The next guideline mighty brothers and sisters, is along with making dua, you need to strive to get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala through good deeds, through fulfilling the obligatory good deeds, as well as optional knuffle good deeds, this is of utmost importance, but not suffice to only keep making the harmony brothers and sisters, you need to try strive to get closer to Allah azza wa jal, we have a famous Hadith codici where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, You know what the Hadith good this is, it's not considered the Quran. It is from the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam but this is Allah saying this. So Allah says,

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men have moneta Lee Valley Jen for the adult who will help he who is hostile to a friend of mine to a valley of mine, a friend of mine, I declare war against that individual. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to say, my slave approaches me with nothing more beloved to me than what I have made obligatory upon him.

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By fulfilling that which Allah has made obligatory upon us, we get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then Allah goes on to say, and my slave keeps drawing nearer and nearer to me with voluntary good deeds by performing knuffel optional good deeds, you see Zakah is obligatory Zakah, for example, is obligatory so you have to give out your soccer. If you come under the category where is the K is obligatory, then you have to give it out by doing it you're getting closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. On top of that, if you also give sadaqa sadaqa is optional, it's optional, it's not obligatory for you to give it but by giving it you get closer and closer to Allah subhanho wa

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Taala praying Serato her praying fudger after Maghrib Isha is obligatory You have to do it by doing it you get closer to Allah azza wa jal by by praying Sora to Doha. by praying the sooner or robata The sooner prayers before your first present after your fourth prayers, by praying the higher to mustard. by praying all these soon prayers, you get closer and closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then Eliza just says

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as he keeps doing nefarious deeds, he gets closer he gets closer and closer until I love him. And when I love him, Allah says, I am his hearing with which he hears I am his sight with which he sees I am his hand with which he sees his and I am his foot with which he walks. If he asks me, I will surely give it to him. Now that's the point many brothers and sisters in Islam when it comes to the law, as you get closer and closer to Allah through your obligatory and your NFL deeds, Allah is saying, if my slave asks me, I will give it to him allow.

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long do we have? Do we not have so many things to ask allies over there when I say things? I don't mean materialistic things only. There are so many things so many matters that we have to raise our hands at Allah subhanho wa Taala. For some of you brothers and sisters in Islam, let us see is these guidelines. guideline number six is that you have to ensure that your food, drink and clothing a holla you have to strive to ensure that my dear brothers and sisters in Islam if what you consume is not halal. If what you are wearing is not halal. You cannot expect you to has to be answered but Allah azza wa jal, we have a famous Hadith that talks about this, where the Prophet slicin describes

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a man disheveled he's raising his hands and he's making dua. Well, I can Madame Ohara mama shabu haram or Melba suhu Haram. His food is haram his drink is haram his clothing is haram worthy bill haraam.

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He's been nourished in haram fun I used to jab Allah the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says how will his daughters be on

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said by Allah subhanho wa Taala

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so my dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

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it is of utmost importance that we strive hard to ensure that our food, our drink, and our clothing is pure is Hillel. We strive for this with the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, it is it is of utmost importance, that that we strive to do this to be that we strive to hold on to these guidelines and turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Seeking, seeking his his forgiveness, and asking him and him alone, when it comes to our eyes when it comes to our supplications. So my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. With that I conclude today's virtual semmen does echo law who hire all of you for tuning in from different parts of the world. Looking at the comments does akmola hydromet Allah bless and reward each and every one of you. Today is a Friday. And I there are a few more pointers that I hope to touch on perhaps in

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another sermon in sha Allah, there are places and times where you do as I answered, and these are something these are things that we need to seize. For example, you have on Friday, a special hour where if you make during that hour you do as an answer, but allies budget and we are seated on a Friday. So to seize this day to make as much as possible to send as much blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and as we conclude this sermon we pray ALLAH forgive our sins. Allah bless each and every one of us. Yeah, Allah open doors of prosperity, of Baraka of healing, of happiness, of safety, of stability and security for all of us and your law just as how

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you have united us through this virtual platform from different parts of the world. We sincerely make dua and to you that you unite us in your beautiful and lofty garden, in the companionship of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam, I mean, I mean, after that Dawa and in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen jayakumar la Hara, I look forward to talking to you all in another stream in sha Allah Allah. Please do share this stream on your feeds as well so that others can benefit so that others can learn about this beautiful Eva da with the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala desert como la hora B'Tselem Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

The Virtual Friday Sermon delivered by Sheikh Muiz Bukhary on the 06th of October 2020

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