Muhammad West – Ramadan 2016 – Heroes Of Islam 7

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The history of the region where the Muslim Empire was established, including its border crossing and difficulty to conquer, is discussed. The region was ruled by the new governor of Pakistan and eventually led to the disposal of the army. The region's legacy remains Islamic and the culture of the region remains under greatly reduced control by the Western powers. The success of the Chinese in obtaining the title of Islam was recognized by the Western powers.
AI: Transcript ©
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are we learning shaytani r rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam O Allah Schopenhauer, serene syedna, Mohammed Ali, he was mine, my beloved brothers in Islam. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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How you doing?

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She thought all those who are sick and Ill last easy for our students who are writing the exams, they will pass an F be successful. And for those of us who are working people who may or may Allah have mercy on us as well. I mean, we continue with our series, the heroes of Islam. And we spoke about three generals in the last couple of nights we spoke about Mussolini, and thought it means he had the two generals who conquered the western North Africa, and Spain and Portugal. And then we spoke yesterday about Mohammed bin Qasim, the man who conquered Pakistan, and went all the way into Kashmir and was on the verge of entering into China when he was called back. Today we will speak

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about the men who actually reached China. And they were two generals fighting on the Eastern Front, Mohammed bin Qasim in Sindh. And in this man katiba, even Muslim Rahim, LA and another general at the same time, all three of these men are operating at the same time, and they will continuously winning victory after victory. And the empire that was expanding. He was born 669 and he passed away 715716 again, a very short life, only only about 40 years that he lived a very, very short life and again, a career cut short due to politics. So who is this man? And how, what did he do? And what was his achievements. He became the governor of corizon. And Hassan is that region of Persia or Eastern

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Persia, and Modern Renaissance of Persia or Iran, and Afghanistan, they are neighbors, and what assan is this region that is part of Western Afghanistan and Eastern Iran, and he distinguished himself as a conqueror of Clans, oxiana, trans oxiana, who knows where that is.

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Who knows who that is? Well, prize

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of one.

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All right, it's an area and we have to that's why there's gonna be a lot of maps in here. Because, yes, that's that region, that region, the oxus River, it's beyond that this was Pakistan, that area as a region that we not very familiar with. It is like a strong slim area. Remember how it came from that land? Many great scholars came from that area? And how did Islam reach they will talk about it today inshallah. So he was from a family, there's quite a bit of a Muslim boy in Basra family very closely aligned to the Armenians, although he wasn't from a very powerful tribe. And therefore, as a young young Gen young soldier, again, this man's we can never escape from hijab and Yousuf and he

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was the governor of Basra. He was actually the overall leader or governor of the eastern part of the Muslim Ummah, everyone in the east, whether you were in Santa Clara, San macaron, or in Persia, you basically reported to him and he reported to the halifa. And he noticed kotova, at the age of 21, as a very competent soldier, and he gave him an A small army to suppress a rebellion in the city of La in Iran, and he was very successful. And therefore, he pushed the halifa to appoint this young man as the governor of corizon. So Horace Mann is the easternmost province of the Muslim Empire, beyond Horus on his enemy lines, so this was a border border terrain. And we said that the Arabs reached

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this, the Muslims reached this boundary within the time of Satan, they conquered the Persian Empire, and the Persians themselves, were not able to go beyond this, this region, because the land that went beyond the river, this was a very tough and difficult terrain, a very difficult land to overcome. So let's look at the map. Let's look at the map of what we're talking about. So if we look at the map here,

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we'll see corizon is really the greater florissant is that the red area, and the Muslims didn't conquer all of it. They basically went up until the river and if you go further up, there we go, that's that have an effect, the word or the name, trans. Trans. Trans oxiana means the Land Beyond the oxus River. So beyond that river is this land and in fact, even Arabic, it's called La, the Land Beyond the server. Because this server, the oxus River, or the amo Daria, as it's called, by its people across the river is a very, like wild and difficult land and the people that are tough and rough, and it's not easy to concrete, and in modern days time, it's basically Uzbekistan. It's it

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was Pakistan, Tajikistan. This area, we heard these names, but we're not really familiar with it. So let's look at the modern day map of of this area. Yeah. So we're talking about really Uzbekistan is the land we're talking about. So you have was Pakistan the Muslims conquered

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Basically Turkmenistan, so you're to the south or to the down this this region, the Muslims had basically conquered much of it was Pakistan is way. It's a new frontier. To the south you have Tajikistan. And above Tajikistan, you have a land called Kyrgyzstan. And then to the east, you have China. So this is the last frontier before you get to China, the last states before you get to the China, the Chinese Empire, and the fact that these lands were not controlled by Persia, or the Romans or the Chinese tells you that these people were not easy to conquer. They didn't have an empire of their own. They were nomadic. Each city ruled itself. They're like warlords, but it was

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really difficult to conquer them. And going across the river was a dangerous, dangerous thing to do. And Kuta was gonna go across the Rio de oxus River. So this land lies between two of us. This is the first of a oxus River. And if you look at the three names across the river, you have a very famous city samarqand very famous city, and you have bahara on the other side, who comes from bahara Mr. Bahari, right. So this is this is the land we comes from Uzbekistan. Across the river towards the south, you'd see you have the on the mouth of the river you also would have a city called Terra, Terra, mammoth remounted Amelie most of the Hadith scholars came from this region, great scholars

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came from this land with often entered into Islam. So Uzbekistan lies between this river on the one side, and then there's another River to the north. The seal Daria is two rivers if you go to the next slide.

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Right. So this is the other end. So it lies between two rivers if you want to picture the campaign that Kotaku Teva had, you have two rivers running parallel to one another. To the south, you have one kingdom, the taggi Kingdom. In the center, you have another strong kingdom with hora, and this land of Bukhara. And into the North, you have another kingdom called Howard isn't a very famous mathematician customers area. So this is the two the three regions that he would have to conquer, and he would cross the river. And let's see how how he failed.

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So he was the governor, and he costs the first his first job. So the Muslims had secured. If you look at once again, we can see these pyramids, if the cursor can come up again.

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Right up here we go. That's theorem if, and that's the crossing over the river, that's the city on the river. If you hold that city, you can cross from back and forth. And the Muslims were holding it but not very, very well. pyramids and bulk. And that area around that region was very unstable, every time the Muslims had to recapture it after the people would rebel. And now that potato was the governor of this region, he would have to see to it that that region became subdued. So his first mission was to subdue this area pyramids. And this area of as you see the that's the old name to hardy Stan, which is Tajikistan today, right? So we see this area to the south of the river. This is

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what he had to do. And he went in with a small garrison of Maine. And he was able to negotiate any preferred using a peaceful treaties. And he knew that the people they were at war with one another, so he would side with one with one ally, and fight against the others. And not long after that, within a year or so he was able to recapture the city of Bala and thermal and He therefore secured the river. That's the main thing, being able to cross the river and come back. He then moved and the real area of concern was the central region sort of the

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way Sofia, this is where bahara is and Samarkand. Basically it's the heart of Pakistan. This area the Muslims had never really conquered up until this point. The Muslims had never conquered that area. And at that time, the people of that area were having a bad Civil War. They basically took over the Capitol, Samarkand was being ruled by an outside leader. And no matter how many times though, cu table tried to conquer this area, the people stood together against him and yet and he was forced back across the river a few times and a judge was furious with him. And each time they would have a new strategy of how they were going to conquer this area. In 709, basically, after

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three years of trying, CUDA did something that he didn't do before. He would the normal strategy is you conquer the lands around the difficult city, and then you slowly progressively get closer to that more stronger city summer can be the strong city and hora is the two strong cities. He retreated across the river

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on the south and then he went back over the river in the north, not where they would expect him to cross and He attacked Mahara directly, the people they were not prepared and he was able to take control of bahara without much without much. Too much bloodshed. And he did this all the supplies attack. Now. The capital summit Academy, this is the strong city. They were forced into a peace treaty.

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with him, and he prefer to negotiate and use peaceful means with him. But while he was there, once again, that southern region of Tajikistan, they rebelled. So as his army moves to the north, the South rebels and his brother has to come with another 12,000 men to once again put that area at peace. So now he's got an army in the south and east army in the center. In summer candy is a peaceful terms terms of how much someone can win the region to the north, however, isn't North again of this area. That's another kingdom. They asked him for help the king of our region, his brother was trying to overthrow him. And he asked who Teva senior army support us and we will pay allegiance

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to the halifa and will be an ally of the halifa. And he took his army and he marched all across the length of Uzbekistan, got to hardware ism, and he managed to defeat the enemy and return them to its King. But obviously, once he left summer camp, the rebels once again, right, so his army, and his army was not freed up, they said, this land can be conquered, we have to go back and he was on his way, marching back, when he decided let us do something really crazy. And let's go straight to summer camp. Let's attack the city head on, like we did the bahara and see what our men are made of. And he's exhausted army. Eventually they agreed and he attacked the heart of this area. And he

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besieged the city and he couldn't into the city to strong city. And he was besieging it with his troops at the same time an enemy came from the other side to to attack him. So now this is a dangerous situation. Imagine you will be seizing a city and another armies on the way to surround you, and you trapped in the middle. So how does he get out of the situation? He said, the only way we're going to survive this is we need to destroy that army, the enemy army before they get to us. So he planned an ambush. And this army much bigger army came through a valley and he was able to surprise them and he attacked them from multiple sides, while at the same time holding someone can

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40 besieging it, he was able to defeat this enemy. And when that enemy was finally defeated, the people of summer can realize that they're not going to get out of this. And they peacefully surrendered the city. And he he gave them very fair terms they expected after breaking a treaty, remember that a peace treaty with him. When he left to the north, they said we will be at peace with you. But when he left, they rebelled. So at that time, what you did if an enemy broke the treaty, you punish them severely. You basically annihilated the army, all the soldiers you took out and either made them slaves or you executed them. He didn't do this. He allowed them to remain in the

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city. And he just took a text from them. And this made him a legend in the area of, of Uzbekistan, and the people when they didn't yet embrace Islam, but he allowed him to join his army. And he said, My mission isn't just stop here. My plan is to go beyond this area, all the way into China. And he now controlled basically his army in the north and in the south. He took the army he went back to how Verizon because they rebelled against him, and he recaptured that land. So now he controls this whole area between the two of us. Now, this next frontier, the last step, before you get to China, before you get to China, you need to cross the second level, we said we need to cross the river. And

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he now basically split his army into the queue of the you know, the capital unos the capital of Uzbekistan.

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Yes, the skin Yes.

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How many surprises you've been to the region. Another area video, I know you geography really well. So the king of escape, he was the guy that sent the army to destroy quite a bit while he was besieging summer camp. So that city had to be taken. And this is now beyond the next River. So he sent his army to Tashkent. And he'd seen the other army of ease towards the land of China. And he fought on the two fronts, he kept he captured the skins. And he fought with the Chinese and basically controlled what they call the

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Fergana Valley. This is the last region before you get to China. If you go back to the thing, go back to the slides of the countries even go back to the maps quickly.

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Go back Yeah, so yeah, we listen this look at it. So he conquered

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Tajikistan to the south. Then he moved up to South Korea, where Samarkand he conquered that area, and then moved up to how our resume which is the North, right, if you go all the way to the up top left, you'll see how our isn't all the way they say you conquered this region. And now he held the slant when he had to deal with the king of Tashkent. If you look at the two the three move to the right sheshe right. That is Tashkent. And when you had the Ferghana Valley town that leads to China. So he sent these armies one to Tashkent and one into that valley, and he coordinated both armies at the same time. So he managed to take the

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And he met the Chinese because the Chinese were controlling that region. And he managed to defeat them in that region and push the boundary now up until China. And it's mentioned in history that the Muslim envoy to China, because the Muslims didn't really want to enter into war with China. They wanted to have a peace treaty with the Chinese. The Chinese were like, well, you people, China has been here for 1000s of years, we rule this region, and we're not afraid. So the negotiator said, you shouldn't be afraid, because you're standing in front of an army whose frontline, it's fun soldiers are here in China, and the last of its soldiers are waiting in Portugal. Alright, so this is how big

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our army is. And this basically facilitated the peace treaty with with China. So this whole region was conquered by this man with a baby Muslim. And we said, besides the conquest, winning land is easy. But what they were able to do is this region till today is 80 to 90%, Muslim, even through communism, Islam was banned for a long period of time this this area was all under communist Russian rule. And it was then of course, now that it's open, Islam has still survived and remained, and we know that the meaning of the great scholars like Mr. Bahari, mrsi, you know, to me the the scholars of the Suna came from this region Not long after this 50 years or so that Muslims that were second

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generation Muslims imagined even Biharis like father was grandfather was a non Muslim. And he's like of the greatest scholars in the history of Islam. When they saw Islam, they saw the truth of it, they embraced it wholeheartedly, and they were elevated through that. So the next step for him could table was to actually go into China. And he reached the wisdom of the city of China, actually into China, when all of a sudden the same thing that happened to Muslim to Muhammad Qasim and was able to say, they lead Hajaj passed away and the halifa passed away. And because he was a close ally with a judge, all the governors who were supporting a judge will basically taken out to the new halifa.

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They took away his position as the governor of corizon. And he took his army he had yet to leave, he had to take his family even out of the Muslim lands, and settle interstate. So that's the last city the last eastern city of the Muslim Ummah, to keep away from the halifa. Yet the halifa paid his own soldiers, and they killed him and his family, another great general, a great leader. And this is all at the same time, three of the greatest generals of the oma within that same year or two, were all executed for crimes they didn't really do after service they did for the oma, but the legacy remains in. And we conclude with those generals, that the legacy of Spain and Sindh and Transylvania, these

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areas would remain Islamic areas and from the the culture and the heritage and what Muslims did that other governments didn't do. They not only exported the culture and the religion, they imported the technology as well. It's mentioned during the battle with the Chinese, the Muslims in this area fighting the Chinese that they captured a group of people who learn who knew how to make paper. And those people were taken to Damascus. And you will find 2030 years after this. Books are starting to be written by the Muslims, because they learned the technology of paper. That's why before this, you won't find many books. But after this after this expedition to China, knowledge technology would

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expand and the Muslims would incorporate that into Islamic thought and society and Islam would become the center of the world's knowledge and thinking this is the efforts made by the Mujahideen. So we continue with our quiz tonight.

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We first answer the question, if any questions.

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No questions is a question.

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No. So we answer the questions of last night. Prophet Saleh was into which people to some wood they will seem to the people off some wood

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is the course of this tonight. So everyone gets that right. Everybody gets that? Right. Okay, so everybody gets that question right? prophets Allah has sent to the moon everyone, that's a free answer. Alright.

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Question number two, the angels of the grave what are the names? Rocky bonneted. a juvenile judge superior and Mika l mukarram. Nikita, what are the angels of the grave gold and Ibrahim's father, and it was mentioned I think in the Quran today with the recitation. What is the name of Abraham's father was his father is Huck or Azur is Maria Jose,

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who was Ibrahim's father.

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And now according to the law, we have a weekly prize giving for the week's quiz that we add now and we showed the log last week of yesterday we showed the log and no change they obviously we'd never quizzes today. So the top two fadlan raffia that we will inshallah you get both of you get prizes. Are they both here? Yes.

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Can you stick the price up to the sister circle I'd say that's a mug buka treats mug

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and then we said we'd like to give the rest of you valleys that make to our you don't answer questions you just make do and things come right for you as a random drop for everyone to see you who inshallah will get the price if you enter you still get the chance or let's see And the winner is

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Russia Israel definitely we know he makes the most to offer this these quizzes is finally one yeah.

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And then inshallah from tomorrow will we have the quizzes, please fill up the cards, and we have a new dronex for example, as a result of our signal Mohammed. He was lucky

Qutaiba Ibn Muslim

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