Muhammad West – Nuh A.S – The First Destruction
![Muhammad West](
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The segment discusses the importance of worshiping Islam, including the belief that only one person can dominate the world and the history of Islam, including the destruction of people and the first stop in history. The speakers also touch on the shameless people of the Middle East and Africa, the use of shameless people of the Africa, and the importance of political power and empowerment for small community groups and animals on the ship. The return of Islam to Earth is discussed, with plans for helping veterans and a return of large groups of people.
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We live in a treat on the rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala should have been listening CD now Muhammad Ali he or sipg remain my beloved brothers and sisters I said Mr. Ajay Kumar has a long way to go to.
And Hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen We always begin by praising Allah insha Allah Allahu Allah we testify that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah subhanaw taala we send our love our greetings, Otter salutations to beloved Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to despise his poor family whose companions and all those who follow his sunnah until the end of time. Now Allah blesses to be amongst the mean well, hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah, we praise Allah, we thank him for this
few days of Ramadan, and I'll accept all the acts of worship that we've done our fasting, our salah, our charity model except from us, counted heavy and our scales of goodness mela bless us with the full blessings of this month of Ramadan, we have been given Juma
this holy day in the holiest month of the year, may Allah subhanaw taala accept from us and make us all sinless Amin. We continue we had our series with Nabil Mousavi Salah is so unfortunately Adam Alayhis Salam, the First Men, we spoke about the first mandatory item and we mentioned how and every item was ultimately seem to the earth and Allah had given every item. A message in terms of this is the purpose of your life. Your purpose of your life as a Muslim is to worship Allah alone, to have a relationship with him in this world so that when you die when I die, and I meet Allah, I have a relationship with Him. If I neglect Allah subhanaw taala I don't believe in him, I don't worship
him. I don't I
associate a partner with him, then my deeds become null and void. Allah subhanaw taala also taught me to be Adam after he committed a sin. And we said this is different between us and the Christians. The concept of Toba and is differ, Allah acknowledged that he created a creation that is weak, that will come at sin, none of us will escape sin, we will all fall into sin. That is part of the deal. However, the way to come out of sin is through Toba and is different, and Allah will be always accepting of Toba. And it's too far, no matter how big the sin is. If the intention is to reform and to change, Allah subhanaw taala will forgive the one sin Allah will not forgive and this is in
Kiama. It's very important to understand.
When we say Allah will not forgive the one son, he will not forgive a sheikh. And the understanding is on the day of karma. You see, if you live in this world, and you make sense, and you make Toba, the hope is it's already forgiven when you get to Qiyamah. It's not the off the account when Hamdulillah. However, those of us who don't make Toba in the dunya, and we then stand before Allah with all our sins, now Allah has the prerogative to forgive or not to forgive on piano, he can ascribe a punishment. And he guarantees that even the worst of sinners will get a measure of His mercy on the day of karma, even if they didn't repent, so long as he didn't commit check. However,
if someone stands before Allah, He died upon chick. Then Allah says, Listen, I will not forgive on the Deaf piano. And so from the time of Nabi Adam,
maybe Adam and his offspring mates commit sin committed sin. In fact, the one brother Cain and Abel habit and cobble the one kill the other there was murder. In the earliest days of humanity, there's murder, and in sha Allah, Allah subhanaw taala will forgive all these things. So where did she come about? How did the start and we will talk now about the first, the first messenger that Allah has sent to mankind, the first destruction of the people and the beginning of Sheikh, the prophets of salaam says And of course, the story of Nabil new Elisa Salam, then of Esau Salam said that the period of time between the Adam and the renewal was 10 centuries, or millennia or more. And Allah
subhanho wa Taala would then say, now we know who is the first messenger to a people, because they invented a brand new sin, the worst of sins were Sheikh, and they were the first people to do this. Allah Subhan Allah subhanaw taala mentions about the start of ship and he notes people, Allah says, I'm eternally dooming, Dooney he earlier to you have you taken besides Allah, other Eli are the objects of worship, cool, how to put Hana calm, whether they have the chrome and Maya woman glucoraphanin comedy, so Allah so Allah says, In surah, in Surah Noor Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions to the people of nabina Allah says to them, that they will never leave or they say they
will never leave what do what sewer away or whatever your income and Astra will be no spoke to them and said, What is it that you're worshiping? They said we are worshipping What is the name and we are worshipping Sua and we worship
Ben Yehuda, and we worship worshiping yoke and NASA who these be what are these things? These are idols. Now, who are these idols? And how did they get these names? And they said, we'll never stop worshipping these five idols. Any commentary of this? Even our best companion he commentates on this abundance idea? And he says that the prophets and I'm informed them that these five idols were the first objects of Shere Khan Earth. These are the first things that were worshipped besides Allah. And these idols, these statues, who were they, how would they form they used to be earlier in the generation before nobody knew. They were pious men. olien scholars are
very pious people, and the people would come to them to learn to study. And when the chef of the molana he passed away, the people felt very sad. And so they would visit the grave of the saints, the grave of these Olia and they would remember the issue, and it will make them feel a bit better, and then they will become better in practicing. Initially, they would siara the graves to be reminded about these pious people, and then they would go back home and they would reform the deeds, then shaytaan saw the stream love and the connection they had with these the people had with these earlier, so shaitan came to them and whispered in them, why do you have to go all the way out? The
why do you why don't you build on the grave structures, make a mausoleum out of it, please make the shift the molana build a chroma MSR and perhaps even go a step further and build the statue. So you don't have to end Don't put the statue there in the cemetery put the statue in your homeless and in your town square on the parade. So that whenever you walk by and you see what are you see Yeah, oh can you see nostre it will remind you of Allah. And when things get difficult, this drought with a calamity you all congregate make dua to Allah but in the presence of the idol, the statue because this place is mobile. And so with time people began to slowly put emphasis and trust the statues
protect us the statues protect us from calamity even he kept on Allah protect we used to have the saying that we don't have natural disasters, the Kurama to protect us is incorrect. Only Allah subhanaw taala protects us from from calamity. And if the prediction comes into through the DUA and the Ebola we make here the people reciting Quran the people fasting, the people saying the Kadima that is where the prediction comes from. It is not through objects, or people or graves or shrines that brings about protection. Even in a harsh class, we said, if you were to steal the 100 or so at the Blackstone, and you put it in your car to protect you, it's not going to stop the thieves from
stealing your car. There's no power in the Blackstone. And so with time people be put dependents in these idols in these graves, and they started worshipping them. And this week, this is the beginning of Sheikh This is the start of Sheikh
so and somehow a side note, if you look at Sheikh This is shaytans gameplan, one on one. shaytaan knows that people by the nature, we would not worship something that we feel is inferior to us. And there's nothing greater than the men. So if you look at every religion, every religion that come a chick, what do they worship? The Christians worship Nabil Issa, the African tribal religions, they worship the ancestors. The Hindus have statues, mostly in the form of people. And these were what they call avatars. These were divine people. And so we have this natural,
this natural inclination. And shaitan has done this for many, many millennia. He gets us to revere certain personalities, we then become exaggerated in our love. We believe these people are special, and they have a special connection with the Creator. Now also important when he talks about Shake, shake is not the belief that there is other creators besides Allah, whatever pagan religion you find, even the pagans of Arabia Abuja *, they never said that the statue created the sun in the moon, no one is that crazy. No one vaults a statue and says this is the crater of the Sun in the moon. They believe these statues have a special link with Allah. And we are not we are so dirty. We
are so sinful, how can I speak to the Lord of the universe. And they use that analogy. You can pick up the phone and from the president or the CEO, you must go through his PA and through his and these are our connections. These are our intermediaries. And so they begin to worship these intermediaries. And this is really the genesis of Shrek.
That means also Nam when he was on his deathbed.
When he was on his deathbed, he was surrounded by his wives and two of his wives on cinema and Habiba. They were of the Sahaba that made the hijab to ever senior ever senior was a Christian country at that time. And so while the wives are on the Nabhi Salaam and they chatting with one another, whom Solomon who Habiba and are talking about the days in embassies, oh, you remember I was senior. Ya remember those big cathedrals? How amazing it looked, and Subhanallah It was like they built these amazing structures that I mean, somebody's laying on his on his secret and he knows he's dying. And he takes a moment to say
Then there'll be some says to his wife, Holly, he says, Those people are the ones who built places of worship. They build masjid or churches on the grave of every did like Wally. Every time a pious person dies, we build the masjid on his grave, who was righteous? And then they make in those budgets, pictures and statues and idols of these of these pious people, and eventually they start worshipping them. And he says, How do you think quality, these are the worst of creatures in the sight of Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala hates this. That's why I'm not on my surgeon. We don't have any pictures in the masjid. We don't have any statues on a we don't venerate any symbols or images.
Allah subhanho wa Taala is the only one that we worship. And so now he's also saying we should not attach ourselves to these kinds of objects and ancestors and graves and comets and Mazars. This is not our religion. So now the people of Nabi know are deeply entrenched in Sheik, they worship these idols and they said, We will never leave them these idols are the idols that protect us and give us strength and give us help. So Allah subhanho wa Taala had to send a reformer revival and he sent his first messenger. Now, again, sidenote, there's a difference between a Nabi a prophet and a Rasool who is a messenger in OB is anybody who receives revelation now the Adam is an OB because he
received revelation often to be Adam was Nabhi that is also received revelation. However, the elite of the Gambia, the Special Forces of the Gambia, the more advanced of the the higher tier of the Gambia accord, the Rasul the the messengers. Why, because the messengers will go to a people who are commenting, they're gonna get opposition, they're going to have a hard time the messengers have more difficulty and we know that nobody know who is the first messenger because in the famous Hadith about piano, where people will go from one person to the next they will say, speak to Allah intercede we all know the Hadith and and then he says, and I've seen I've seen myself myself go to
this one, the first mankind will first go to Nabil Adam, and said, You are the first the first Allah created speak to Allah. He will say no, not me. Go to not be No, he's the first messenger. The first man that has a battleship, isn't it? No. So Allah says about nabina Warlock arson and Wuhan Isla comi. We St. Nora to his people. And nobody knows it in Nila community rubine Oh my people I'm here to warn you. Allah has sent me to give you a warning, alert Abu Illa Allah do not worship anyone other than Allah. My brothers and sisters, you will read your hard times this month of Ramadan insha Allah. It is strange that sometimes when we read the whole Quran, we don't realize the single most
central theme of the whole Quran. There's only there's like if you were to extract one message, it's La ilaha illallah that there is none that I should worship other than my Creator. This is the ultimate theme. Every Nabhi said the exact same thing La La La La ilaha illallah in Surah Hood, if you read surah Hood, Allah mentions all the Ambia that came know and be the NABI Nabi Saleh and Abby Chu is one by one and they say the exact same thing they said, Oh my people, what are you worshiping La Ilaha illa Allah there is none worthy of worship but Allah. Then he says, Let me know in the hall for alikoum I'd have a Yeoman Aleem. I am here to tell you that you are on a path of destruction.
I'm scared that you are going to get a painful punishment in Kiama this sin that you're doing almost like going to forgive the sun for coral Malibu. So now the leaders the community put us they said Alladhina kufra disbelief Minko me he of his people mana raka Illa Bashara with Lana. No, we see you just like an ordinary Buddha like us. You want to elevate yourself you say that you're special, Allah speaking to you, you're crazy or you're a liar. We're maraca a tabby aka elanda, Dina whom are all and we only see the people following you. Although the worst one amongst us, the servants, the slaves, the poor. It is always the case that the first people to accept the message of Islam and the
Oneness of Allah are the people who are the lowest in society, the weak, the poor, the oppressed, and it's those who have the most to lose, the people have status and power. They don't want the status quo to change. So the CEOs, the politicians, the Kings, they seem to have you know, we look at you and your people, you only have the scum of the earth following you Why would we follow your religion?
Why Morocco Marlena Minford Well, no, no, no, no come Caribbean, we do not see except that the meanest among us they are followed, that they follow you without thinking that they are silly, and we do not see in you any minute above us. In fact, we think all of you are liars. So automatically that people have no rejecting him.
Nobody notices to him yet to them. We call me Allah. Allah here. I am not asking you for money. I'm not coming here to get some reward and some money or payment. I'm purely giving you advice free of charge in Algeria. Illa Allah Allah only Allah is going to reward me. Why am I gonna be targeted in Medina Avenue in the home?
Rockin comentario Hello, and I am not going to ever push away
For a person who is sincere on Islam, so the the chieftains said okay, no, maybe we'll talk to you but you kick out to the masjid or the slaves or these dark skinned people or the poor people that women, you throw them out we need to be special. So that being said, I'm not going to do that. My religion, this religion, Allah subhanho wa Taala is that based on who you are and what color you have and how much you have in the bank account? I am not going to drive away those who have believed surely they're going to meet the Lord, but I see that you people are arrogant. You are arrogant. Welcome, welcome. Mannion. surani. mean Allah inter interact to whom Allah the Quran, and who will
protect me from Allah. He says, If I were to expel these believers
let me know says to them now now. Now comes the opposition. You crazy, you mad? You are charlatan? Do you say that you have special knowledge? He says what are Akula come in the house, in a house or in law? Well, I'm gonna leave so many times if you're a prophet, then come bring gold out of the ground if you're a prophet and bring the rain so he says I'm not saying that I have any control over the treasures of Allah. And I do not know the unknown. What occurred to me man, I don't say I'm an angel, whatever according to the Torah does the Eurocom line you to Hula, hula and I do not say that these people that you look down on that Allah subhanaw taala wouldn't be merciful to them. Allah
Allah will Murphy and fusi him Allah knows best amongst what's in the hearts of people in either limited volume in and I am not a one that does wrong. Many times you the Gambia are asked so now you show me if you are in Abbey, then show me bring the rain bring the money. I don't have any control. I am a slave. And that is our religion. Our holy people. Olia Ambia, they are slaves and servants of Allah whatever good comes from them is through Allah is missing. Allah gives it if he wants and Allah takes it from he wants God Allah call me in the lacuna, the human being an actor with hola taco acteon. Yet Fiddler from Santa Ana may not be new again. He gives a speech he says yeah, oh my
people, yellowfin looking with the new become. Well, you, Akira Camila, actually Musa, turn back to Allah and he'll forgive all your sins, He will forgive your sins and He will grant you success on the day of Tiama. Now we know if you look at the big story. It appears in the Quran throughout the Quran from Suzanna sorry, from Alif Lam Meem until the 29th part of the Quran the last we see of Naveen ukulele is called chapter two. And the way the Quran is brilliant set up it says it's gonna be no one is preaching from the beginning from Ali Philomene. He's preaching he's calling he's calling and then rejecting him insulting him, and he continues and he continues and so then we get
the end of an avenue. He's mentioned in the Quran is the surah of libido in the 29th Jews of the surah Tabata so now he says Call her up be in need out to call me Leila want to Hara so now the whole time he's speaking to his people in surah. No phenom speaks to Allah. He says Oh Allah, I have called my people night and day. But that means it whom do I Illa Theodora for the more I speak to him to them, the more they run away or in equal lemma doubt to whom the Tukwila whom, whenever I call them, and I'm speaking to them trying to reason with him. They put their fingers in the ears and they put the clothes over their head and they run away was stuck. Broomstick borrow and they act
arrogantly they abused me they insult me. I've been doing this for years. Yeah, Allah. For 950 years I've been calling and preaching and reasoning with him called filmer in niederau tomb Jarrah, sometimes they are Allah. I spoke to them publicly for called to stop Pharaoh. And I said to them make ECFR to the Lord in no kind of afara he's most forgiving. You see this summer Alec and with Aurora when you Matoba he's saying to His people, Allah will send you more rain, and he will tell you Don't be don't be unwell. He will give you money. All of us. Many of us here we want money. We want more children when good. Have you heard saying making Safar ask Allah to forgive you, He will
give you money and he will give you children we are looking Jannat and he will give you investments and farms while he Allah coma and Hara he will open all the blessings of the earth. Just ask Allah for forgiveness, man accumulator junella Cara, he's asking is like you can hear the frustration he says, What is wrong with you or people what is wrong with you? That you do not fear the punishment of Allah.
Allah, Eduardo and Allah created the heavens and the earth. And nobody nobody is continuously preaching Allah said one or the other Santa No honey, Allah call me further because I see him Alpha Santa. He was preaching to his people 1000 years in law him seen except 5950 years and his people rejected him off the 950 years the Allah mentioned most likely he only had about 25 less than 30 people, but our measures of standards he was a complete failure in our measurement of of a person that is going on. And that's why after, every time he would convince a people, then someone amongst the elite would replace them and convince him to go back to the sun. So then nobody notices.
Oh Allah, He makes a DUA, my lord, leave not one of the disbelievers on the earth. We always talk about a
Love destroying the people I've never been to where it was only when there be no says yeah Allah I've had enough. I can't anymore. I have given up hope on my own people. Never does Allah destroy your people until the Gambia the Nabhi of that people sees ya Allah destroy them when the newbie throws in the towel, because these are his own people, these are his brothers and sisters, his family and he says, Yeah, Allah, there's no hope for them. I've given up on them. And he says, Yeah, Allah do not leave a single person on the earth that he just believes. If you leave them, they will mislead your slaves and they will begin none but other disbelievers. Now remember this was only one
community, one small community. I mean, all these people were just in a small value of allegiance was all so he says remove the disbelievers and insha Allah is shirk will be eradicated like a disease and it will we will continue back until hate so Allah then says to me No, what's now a full copy I'm gonna go and build a ship and I'll teach you how to build the ship. And every time there'd be no food boat this is busy making the ship of the people laugh at him. He says no, you've given up preaching and to carpentry now you become a carpenter now and as they make fun of him he says in the dust Hello money you making fun of me for England as hookman come to us foreign and soon you will be
the one that will be the one laughing first of all to Anna Munna money to use Z, who are you? Hello.
And we will know who it is that will get the torment had either Jamuna. So Allah says when the time had come, a word given the command will fire up to noon, and that the fire of the node that the Earth cracked open, water gushed out from the earth, and the sky began to rain, and the water of the earth in the water of the sky began to join up. And the flood began. And obviously everybody was running to a higher and higher place, but the water is not stopping. Eventually, the only place to go was in the off in the ship of libido, and the believers into the ship. Now we all know the story. And maybe it's a question to ask. We know in the Quran, as is in the Bible, and in the Torah that
nobody know, any small group of people into the ship and animals to buy two animals at a time. Now we ask how is all the animals of the world going in the ship? You know, and
scholars, and I'm gonna one of the move to continue because Lucy says and make sense, it doesn't mean that Allah cause the entire world to be flooded. This was only one single community. So think about a little village in a valley. And the only animals that were on that ship with animals they needed to survive, they were going to be on the ship for a few weeks or a month or so. So there's animals it was a it was for them to survive. It wasn't all the creatures of the earth that was on the ship would have just the creatures in that area. And that makes sense. Insha Allah and there's nothing wrong with that interpretation. And of course, Allah subhanho wa Taala since this flood, and
anybody who's been in a flood, the rain doesn't stop, you realize how powerless you are. If the rain doesn't fall, or the rain doesn't stop falling, you realize who the ROB is, you realize that our technology, our power, means nothing in the sight of Allah. And so eventually, the flood comes, and all those who are not on the ship, of course drowned. And eventually Allah says, Walk Allah, and Allah says to the, to the ground, a blamer, stop, hold back, your water is ugly, and you owe sky hold back your your rain, and the water was diminished by the decree of Allah. And his command was fulfilled, and was still at idle God and the ship of the ark. Allah says it settled on a mountain
called duty way This mountain is Alana, but most places in Turkey somewhere, but the mountains name is the amount of God this is where the Ark of revenue was settled. And Allah subhanaw taala then allowed these people to exit the ark. And so now, to conclude, this is the beginning of a terrible cycle.
Allah subhanho wa Taala will give mankind guidance, they will then take it and some will reject it, and then they will invent it again, now that shaytaan knows how to get ship going. He is going to start this again and again. And every time we're going to have a cycle of a community committing check in a V being sent to fight that shake. Eventually, they either accept or they disobey, and some of them are destroyed. And so Allah will speak about many civilizations that are going to be destroyed that people have had and some mood that people have shaped the people of Nabhi Luth eventually, almost all of mankind would be buried in shape and Islam will become almost extinct
until Allah since the revival and the reformer, Nabi Brahim will talk about him in sha Allah next week we will have just a few announcements quickly quick. are often program is Saturday which is tomorrow for one grant to support an orphan in sha Allah, one of the best acts that one could do in the month of Ramadan is charity and the most deserving of of recipients of charity of course orphans. So Allah bless you for those who have supported and those who can you know, even if 50 ran counts Insha Allah we have a soup kitchen as well and our nightly program on the Islamic revival for those inshallah who would like to follow you can join our WhatsApp line. Also Allah say no Mohammed
while Islam was studying and handling Ramadan me. I said I wanted the library