Muhammad Salah – Gardens Of The Pious #596 Prohibited Actions

Muhammad Salah
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the deeps of Islam, including the head of the method, the use of the word "the pray" to signal forgiveness, and the danger of war. They emphasize the importance of control for everyone to achieve their goals and acknowledge the need for forgiveness. The speakers also touch on the use of the word "the pray" to signal forgiveness and the importance of forgiveness in the heart of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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One moment only glory to Him or illness to be against his best religion to them. Allah God has been greatest, alone annoying Glory to him all day used to be the best.

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Alhamdulillah with Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad Medina had any also heavy demand. Welcome to another episode of gardens and I'm sitting in with Chef Mohammed for set for Sheikh Mohammed Salah members panel data cure him and with the Hadith of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam and the blessings of listening to the Hadith of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, and sending our peace and Salutation to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam and learning how to live our life, according to the teachings of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and we are still in the book of Gita al Kitab, Holman Haryana, the book of prohibited actions, and this is

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episode number 596. And we are in chapter number 254. And we stopped at Hadith number 1521, in the chapter of the prohibition of backbiting, and the commandment of guarding one's tongue

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and the Hadith that we stopped that as we see 1521 So let's start first with the Hadith and take some of the benefits that the ultimate mentioned with regards to the explanation of this hadith, the Hadith says and evisa Eden 100 year old the Allah one and in the way your son Allah Allah your Salah makan, either us will have no Adam for in the Quran.

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Tech flew out to get Pharaoh listen.

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The coal Attila fina for in nama nubikk For innama Lubich famous contest commoner we're in our digital yawata Jinnah Hello Timothy, which means, I will say the quadrille the Allahu Anhu he said that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, When the Son of Adam gets up in the morning, or the limps humbled themselves before the Tunc and say, fear Allah for our sake, because we are with you, it means we will be rewarded or punished as a result of what you do. If you are straight, we will be straight, and if you are crooked, we will be or will become crooked. And this is reported by Imam Timothy. And it's a sound Hadith. As you see here, the Hadith shows the danger of the tongue, the

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speech of the human being, and how the profit are you serve to serve as you see in the Hadith, something that we might not see with our own eyes, but it's happening every day. In the US perhaps know Adam, on the son of Adam gets up in the morning, on the son of Adam gets up in the morning, for indle Arbor Akula. All the different limps of the human beings that follow Listen, which means the word as we heard here, humble itself, or the limbs humble itself to the tongue. This is one of the meanings of it, it humble ourselves to the tongue, because as it's explained afterwards, because according to how the tongue is, the rest of the limbs of the body will be accordingly. And this is

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how it's explained. In the Hadith, fennel, Abba, Aquila, all of the different limbs of the human beings, it would humble itself to listen, and also the meaning of the literal meaning of cuff. As some other element they mentioned, it's with regards to rejecting the favors of Allah. So if the favors of Allah are rejected by the tongue, than the rest of the limbs, or the body will fall accordingly, with matters of actions, whether it's to be grateful or to be ungrateful to Allah subhanaw taala. It shows again, the danger and the virtue of the tongue, it depends on how the person would use his tongue and the good speech or an evil speech, and that the limbs of the body,

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it says it Turkey levena Allah subhanaw taala knows best how does it say that but we know in the Day of Judgment, the parts of the body of the human being will speak as the last panel Thailand mentioned that in the Quran, yo Mitesh had to lie in judo, idml center to home, that their hands and their legs and their tongues will will witness for them or against them in the Day of Judgment. So the parts of the body will witness for or against the person in the Day of Judgment. So it would say tequila fina, fear Allah with regards to our own selves, be dutiful to Allah means fear Allah subhanaw taala with regards to our own selves so that we don't you don't get us into the punishment

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of Allah subhanaw taala for international, we are basically by how you how you are the different parts of the body is

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by what the tongue says, Fine is the contest the commoner if you start fast, we will be steadfast if you're straight, we will be straight. We're in our judge. If you're crooked if you're bent we will be accordingly will become crooked to.

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One of the great meanings to get from this hadith is which is related to another Hadith and it you it has the same word of content and stamina if you straight we will be straight. There is a authentic hadith from the Prophet alayhi salatu salam reported by Timothy also that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said in the meanings of which then Linnaeus the key man, Emmanuel Abdon, had tester Kima called the men of a slave of Allah would never be straight, and steadfast unless the heart is straight and steadfast. wallenius the key man called boo Hotez, the key man, Lee said, and his heart would never be straight, unless his tongue is straight. So as if when you put these two

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Hadith together, as if the limbs of the body basically, they why, why are they urging the tongue because what is meant by the foul speech, and what the tongue says is the heart and once the heart is corrupted, then the entire body is corrupted. You see here the relationship, it's a very important one to understand. Because many people, they think that their speech is not even counted as part of their actions, in which its actions in itself. And also they don't pay attention to the fact that whatever we say, the heart is affected by it. And what is meant by the whispers of shaitaan, to get the person to say words in anger, or to say words of evil, what is really meant by

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this is the heart of the person to corrupt the heart. So there is a direct relationship between the corruption of the tongue and the corruption of the heart. And once the heart is corrupted, the rest of the body, the lips of the human being, beings is corrupted. And this is how the hadith is explained in the light of the other Hadith. And that's how the deen of Allah subhanaw taala and the way from Allah the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW Selim, one explain the other in a beautiful way of basically putting our hands into the subject into the ailment into the disease, we get to know what's in our hearts, by the revelation from Allah subhanaw taala. So that when we are

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warned, we are warned really from the danger that way it is the reality of things, not just some nice words, to make us scared of something or hope for something but really, this is a reality. So as you see here, the tongue What does a person say, would affect one's heart, and if the heart is affected, then the man is affected, which is the entire purpose of our life. So this is something that is happening every day almost panel, Tyler knows best, how exactly it happens. But the prophets are seldom informed us of this. And that's why we have to guard our tongue. And if a person focused on guarding his tongue, that means he's guarding his heart. That means he's guarding the rest of his

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body from falling into what is haram. And how the, the limbs of the person will say for him and lubic We are according to how you are, if you're good, we will be good, if you bet we will be bad for any contest to come. If you are straight, how can the heart the tongue be straight, is to sit still is to say what is straightforward, is to be upon what is straightforward is to be a one, the steadfastness on the deen of Islam, not to do the things that Allah subhanaw taala forbid which is part of these chapters, one of which is a riba that Tibet by the Muslim. Of course, there are many things that the tongue can say, which is falsehood, the words of disbelief, if a person says the

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words of disbelief, curses, will say something that is false beliefs. This is all kinds of major crookedness to the, to the tongue, and it shows basically what's in the heart. Because the tongue is like a spoon that takes from the heart, whatever is in it, whether it's good or evil, and also when it comes to also the relationship or the rights of Allah subhanaw taala with what a person say, and also the rights of other individuals in our life, whether it's a closer relative, or someone that is far away from us or even the enemies, that means we have to feel Allah subhanaw taala and to know what to say, and how to say things in the proper time in the proper way, and also to forgiven to

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harden one another when someone would say something to us, that we might not like and things of that nature, we have to harden. Because the Schatten if we know that the shaitan has focused on what what we say especially when we were angry, for example, or instead of joy, especially with the relationship between husband and wife have to be extremely careful. When a person is angry. Saturn is working on us to see evil words, because that can harm and cause scars to the relationships and things like that but a person knowing that he should guard his tongue and also pardon

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others. That's why the other met they say, especially when it comes to the relationship between husband and wife, one of the principles that people should agree upon when they're getting married basically, that once there is an argument, and everybody has arguments in their life, but when there is an argument when there's anger, to not remember anything that is said in the argument, after the matter is over, don't linger over what has been said, when a person is angry. So if it's the husband, whatever your wife says, when she's angry, ignore that. Forget it as if she never said anything. And the same thing for the wife. If your husband said something when he's angry, forget of

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everything that he said, not. This is opposite to what many people they say they say the truth comes out when you're angry, this is absolutely wrong. The shutdown is helping the person, the person who's trying to harm the other side with whatever words and mean words that He is able to say or she's able to say. So therefore, we have to be prepared to control ourselves and to harden others, whenever they say words out of anger. And one of which, of course, is the subject of Riba. So how the it's the karma, the steadfastness, the straightforwardness of the tongue, and how that if it's the opposite, if it's crooked, then the rest of the body will be crooked. And again, what is meant

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is not the hands and the arms and so on, which is also part of the limbs of the body. But what is meant as it no claim and others said because of the other Hadith that we just heard a few minutes ago is the heart to corrupt the heart and therefore it's so easy than for the rest of the body to be corrupted.

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Hadith of the Prophet SAW Salem in this chapter, and chose that. Also the actions of the prophets are settling we have in the prophets are seldom The best example how the prophets are seldom used to speak, and how he used to deal with others. And when someone would say something of you know backbiting to someone else, how the prophets or seller would stop the person from saying that. And how did the Sahaba Dylon whom would praise one another, and not to speak about one another behind the backs with things that they dislike, and that also ways and gates of Shelton to corrupt the hearts and to corrupt the relationships and it can lead to even worse. The next Hadith which is

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Hadith number 1522. It's a bit long Hadith, and has great benefits. And it shows the danger also of the speech and what we say and our tongues. To put it in perspective as some of the imaginations of Islam they said that nothing needs more to be imprisoned more than my tongue. Why? Because it's easy to see even how Allah subhanaw taala created our tongues, how the tongue has more than one gate or a barrier, you have the teeth and you have the the lips, the lips of a person. So you have the lips, and you have the teeth behind it. And then you have the tank. So you have to open all of that for the person to speak. So that means there is a lesson there, there is an area from Allah subhanaw

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taala, that the tongue is meant to be, you know, in the state of being silent. And that's the original state that a person should always stay silent unless proven otherwise. And this is something that remember, no, you're here Allah will mention that. Which means if you're about to speak, you have one of three choices. If you know that the that you're gonna speak something evil, something haram something bad, and that requires knowledge to some extent, then the person should not say anything, right? If you know that this is wrong, don't say it. If it's backbiting, if it's evil, if it's cursing, whatever there is, don't say it and control yourself. And this is an obvious

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one. The opposite if a person knows for sure with certainty that this is a good thing to say, this is a virtuous thing to say this is a good thing that will bring benefit, something that would bring benefit of a person say it, then definitely say it, no doubt, no doubt about it. Will knowledge of course, the third choice is if a person is in doubt, if he's in doubt whether it's evil or not, then make it in the category of evil. If a person doesn't know that, if it's good or not, then don't say anything. So that means most of the time, the person will not say anything, because that's the most of the probability here. So we do not speak unless we know for sure that what we're about to say is

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benefiting is good. And we witnessed how Allah subhanaw taala created us with regards to our teeth and our tongue and our lips and the different parts of our bodies and how Allah subhanaw taala created it perfectly for the purpose of our life and how each part of our body has a job to be fulfilled, and how the heart is hidden. And that's the king of all the different parts of the body. And if the heart is corrupted, the body will be corrupted. If the

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Heart to sound on good than everything else will be sound and good. And the tongue is the spokes organ of the of the heart. So we have to watch what we say and if you want to purify your heart, make sure that you control your tongue that would wash and purify the heart otherwise we contaminate our heart. So the next Hadith, Hadith 1522 It says unwired a lot the Allah one Mohan Caldwell rasool Allah with maybe I'm telling you three little Jana. We were a Dooney Mina now called La Casa el tan nauseam. We're in the hula se urine either one Yes, sir. Hola, hooter. Isla la tabooed. Hola. Hola. to shriek will be he say? What Toki masala. We're talking this Zika What are su moda mobeen what the

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whole debate

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thermocol Ella don't look at either of webull highs are so Madonna or sada Koto tooth fetal hottie cameo three will met now. Also Allah to virtually mean JioFi lake from Metalla that Jennifer Denuvo whom and in Medora Jerry Hector Bella Yama,

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wa moody he was what he sent it sent me a call to Bel Air rasool Allah called Rasul Emery al Islam, where I will do a Salah was it what was seen me Hill Jihad from en la or bureau cabbie Mielec. He then equally called to Bella rasool Allah, for Allah wa really said he will call Kufa like Heather, hold to rasool Allah, we're in Lemoore una Bhima and let's catch them movie for call. Let's Okay, let's go MK Mahalia cook buenas Stefanelli Allah will do him in the house or else in a team meeting. They say what are the Hadith why it's mentioned is the last part of it. But briefly, we read the translation of the Hadith that wive about the Allahu Anhu he said, that I asked the messenger

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, inform me of an act which will cause me to enter Jannah and keep me far from the *. He SallAllahu Sallam replied, You have asked me about the matter of great importance, but it is easy for one for whom Allah makes it easy.

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He added worship Allah associate nothing with Him in worship after a Salah the prayers pay this okay observe fasting a song during Ramadan and perform had to the house of Allah if you can afford it. He is Allah send them through they said, Shall I not guide you to the gates of goodness fasting is a screen from *. Charity it's extinguishes or removes the sins as water extinguishes fire and standing in prayers by a slave of Allah during the last third of the night. Then he recited their sides forsake their beds, to invoke the Lord and feel and hope and they spent and charity in Allah's Cause out of what We have bestowed on them. No person knows what is kept hidden for them of joy, as

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a reward for what they used to do.

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Then he added, shall I tell you of the root of the matter? It's pillar and its highest point? I replied. Yes, certainly a profit of

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Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam, O Allah so Allah will come back and with the chapter of prohibited things and mainly with matters of the tongue and speech and the Riba and backbiting. And we're still with the Hadith that is then as an introduction to this subject and how to guard our tongues and the great words of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, there are really clear manifestation to how perfect this religion is, in which were ordered to be steadfast with every part of our body. And how clear instructions from the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, for us to be steadfast on the deen of Allah subhanaw taala. And the last thing that we stopped at is the prophet Allah you saw to sermon he said

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to my wife, Radi Allahu Anhu Should I inform you of the gates of height, the gates of goodness and we talked about the significance of knowing the gates of things and how to enter on the gates or things you will see all kinds of beautiful things afterwards and it becomes easy for the person to be upon what is goodness so this is a matter of knowledge. We have a phone call.

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Alan from Austria.

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is sure Ellen

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has go ahead and tell me

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Yes, hello. Yes. Go ahead.

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Yawn you.

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I have two questions here. So

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my first question is, it's about this ayat and Surah Youssef, when his father Alayhi Salatu was Salam is using his clothes to because he was losing his eyesight, and prevent a lot of people say this ayat is referring that cloth was the was was helpful for for his cure for his eyes and a lot of people justify this, to use the cloths of righteous people and use it and they say, Oh, this is good, this is help us and they go, they use this kind of thing. So what is the clear ruling of this ayat? Please give us clarification. And second question is, why does Allah subhanaw taala sometimes refer to the Quran has he? And sometimes Allah says We, sometimes Allah says I, and some sometimes

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Allah says call Allah Allahu Ahad, what is the wisdom behind this? So

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In some

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way up monochromatic

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Well, before we continue with the with the Hadith entering these questions, the first question in Surah, TOS of the brother is referring to what Allah subhanaw taala mentioned about the close of, of views of La salaam when it's thrown into the face of his father. And the last panel to Allah gave him the eyesight as a result of that that's something that use of Ali CERAM he gave his brothers, that for him, for them to put it on the face of jacobellis ceramah last panel to Allah give him his eyesight as a result of that. And is there an evidence or justification for people to do the same thing, or to seek blessings from the clothing of the righteous ones, from the clothing of those who

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are righteous? Because this is something mentioned the Quran, what are the principles that we need to to understand with regards to the deficit and explanation of the Quran, that things when it's mentioned in stories and things like that, in previous nations, we have to make sure that this is something that is understood the same way that the Sahaba or della annulment, the early generations of Islam, they understood it, this is how we understand the words of Allah subhanaw taala and not to make up our own explanations and our own conclusions, when it comes to these matters, of course. So when the when the Rashid he came to Yaqoob, Allah is Salam and he last panel to Allah give him a

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site. This is from Allah subhanaw taala. And the people of knowledge when they mentioned this, they didn't mention any of what the people are saying, as the question was said. So therefore, seek seeking blessings from people is by the Do Not by the clothing and things like this and the Sahaba Rotella and I've never done that with with with the Companions towards one another. They never done that to Abubaker the law nor the prophets, I seldom was different, that people used to seek blessings from the Prophet asylum after the Prophet settler. The righteous ones are not to be sought blessings for them from them in such a particular way as the people said, well, we'll continue that

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internal dialogue but after another phone call, good brother Osman from KSA go ahead and chum?

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I'm sorry, but your rice is very low.

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Go ahead and tell you you're on the air. Go ahead. I can hear you.

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But, man,

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he's okay. We lost him. Okay, so, the subject of again, the seeking blessings from particular physical objects. This is something to be avoided. And there's no evidence of that in the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Isaiah salatu salam and the meta has to be very, very clear in this subject. The second question with regards to how the Quran uses he and we, when it talks about Allah subhanaw taala. As we know Allah subhanaw taala is the one and the only one worthy of worship and oneness of Allah subhanaw taala is something that the Quran is clear on it from the beginning to the end.

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To how the Quran uses he and we will talk about Allah subhanaw taala as we know Allah subhanaw taala is the one and the only one worthy of worship and the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala is something that the Quran is clear on it from the beginning to the end. But some of these verses that talks about we referring to Allah subhanaw taala sometimes it's the as they call it the royal way when the Quran was revealed in the Arabic language and the way of the Quran in the speech is how the Arabs that used to speak even though the Quran is the speech of Allah directly speech of Allah, but it came onto the ways of how the Arab they speak and even other languages. So people use the royal way

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when the king speaks he say we will do this. So the same method is mentioned with a las Panatela and sometimes some of the verses talks about the angels also those who are lost Panatela would send them to fulfill certain jobs that they have been entrusted to do. We have a phone call

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Imen from Belgium go ahead and tell

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good steady man

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from Belgium

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yes, you're on the air.

00:29:43 --> 00:29:44

Okay, go ahead.

00:29:46 --> 00:29:47

You are on the air

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Okay, since three men

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Okay, well, we'll check each other out if there's any problems. So this

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is where we got to the heat and we we continue Telangana with with the Hadith and we get a hold of the phone call in sha Allah. So the gates of goodness, the gates of goodness, what are the gates of goodness the Prophet Allah usato certainly said are so mu Juna fasting is a shield, Juna not gender gender is paradise. And actually it has a resemblance in the meaning to the root meaning of it because the word Jana it's it's called Jana because it's covering covering with the trees and so on covering those who are indigene. So Jonah is a shield. So a Salmo Juna. That means the sound first thing is a shield shield from what shield from what's harmful, and the prophets are seldom left it

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open like this. So would you net did not say Jonah from did not say the first thing is a shield from such and such, you just left it open in the absolute sense. That means first thing is a shield from all the things that you might feed off. And why would a person use a shield in the battlefield to protect themselves from the arrows from the swords from what's harmful. So first thing is the same way. It's one of the gates of a heist. So fasting the month of Ramadan, which is very obvious and also the option of fasting. If you want to protect yourself from sins, from falling into sins, as the prophets are seldom advised. The young men, those who are not able to get married, then they

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want to protect themselves to keep on fasting. Because the fasting is a shield protects them protects the person from sins, protect the person from indulging into nonsense or false being or doing or things of that nature, many things whether we know or we do not know. And that's why even the person to guard what he says when he's fasting, and we see that clearly in the month of Ramadan. So but since this is not the subject of the chapter, which is briefly mentioning these sentences here, are sadaqa to to feel healthier, and the charity, as the Prophet SAW, Selim said, extinguishes the sin the same way that the water extinguishes the fire. So if a person wants to enter Jannah give

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charity, one of the things that when people are dying, they wish they come back to this world is to give charity as it's mentioned, in the Quran. And that's takes away the greed in the hearts of the human being to purify ourselves to spend from what we love. So giving charity, this is one of the gates of goodness, it would get to delve into more of the goodness as the Prophet SAW, Selim said. And the third thing was Salette, Virgil fijo, filling the prayer of the man in the middle of the night, the night prayer, not just in the beginning of the night, in the middle of the night, and that's the most virtuous time to make the night prayer. We might not see the relationship between

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many things in our life and these types and acts of worship. But there is a direct relationship. These things as the Prophet SAW Selim set our gates to all kinds of goodness, that means if you want to be steadfast on the dean of STEM tried to do these things after securing the obligations, as it's mentioned in the pillars of Islam,

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and to pay attention to these things, because it has an effect even on your speech. If you want to speak what is upright, pray at night, do these types of things that can help you because the gates of matters of goodness we have a phone call. Okay. Stephen is back from Belgium go ahead and Chang

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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How are you?

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Welcome. Luffy

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Hamdulillah. My question is, if it is obligatory upon us to give Dawa to our neighbors who are not Muslim. Like, should we really speak with them about Islam? And can they blame us on the Day of Judgment? Like I say to say like, they were good neighbors, but they never came. Speak with us.

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My question and how should we do this? Sure. Sure.

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This is

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where we have another phone call.

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Yeah, hit massamba from UK Gladsome.

00:34:11 --> 00:34:13

Yes, brother get from UK Go ahead.

00:34:18 --> 00:34:19

Yes, you're on the air.

00:34:22 --> 00:34:24

Hello. Yes. Go ahead and tell

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us you're on the air you can speak. Go ahead with your question until

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last phone call. Okay, going back to the question from SR men, which is a very important question, especially for those who live in the West.

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As you see that on the Muslim live among non Muslims, there are more challenges or more obligation sometimes come up with matters of knowledge, you know, things that appears

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Send, for example living among Muslims, he doesn't have to know about it like the doubt format is the things that people spread against the deen of Islam. But when you're faced with all kinds of attacks on the deen of Allah, then it's an obligation upon you to have extra knowledge of how to refute such evil talks, for example, and one of which is the subject of the Dawa, calling others to the deen of Allah, we have to understand the reality of where we live and the environment that we live in. So if people choose to be in such environments, then they have to have that concern towards others. And one of which is we really need to focus on what is the purpose of our life to worship

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Allah subhanaw taala were not created in this world, to just eat and drink and enjoy. And that's the end of it, we have an obligation. So the decent person, the sincere person, he has concern towards others. So the Dawa is basically the Nasi Hara and the concern towards others how to be a mean of guidance for others as the prophets of Allah, they were sent as mercy to mankind, as the prophet or seldom was sent as a mercy to mankind, but the prophets of Allah, they were not always welcomed from the people. And they become very grateful that they are inviting them to the truth, actually, it's the opposite, as we see in the Quran, people ridicule them, they turn them away, they even torture

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them in some cases and things of that nature. So, having said that, the subject of the Dawa is a heavy one, why, because you might not see people pleased with you if you give them down. So that's why it's wood, if it's done with wisdom, first of all neighbors, the rights of the neighbor, especially those who are neighbors to you, they have rights upon you, the rights upon you is with regards to the neighbors is for them to be protected from any harm comes from you. So no loud noise, no throwing trash, no, whatever, anything that bothers the neighbors and according to the culture that that people are in some cultures, the neighbors, they, it doesn't harm them, for example, to do

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certain things, but other it's harmful. So to protect them from any harm that comes from your side. And that's not enough, that's only halfway. The other half is basically to do something, to do acts of goodness and kindness to the neighbors as part of their right upon you regardless what the neighbor is, whether they are Muslims or non Muslims or whatever. And the closer the neighbor is, the more that they should see the goodness of the person. And that also is different from one environment to the other. So we need to get to know what is the norm in the culture, what is considered to be something very generous, very nice, very kind. You know, there is a universal

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language, for example, the smile, when a person sees the person, the comfort that people receive when you smile to them, when you say greetings to them, when giving gifts in a way that doesn't basically go beyond the privacy and the space that sometimes people they want to have for themselves. So things that brings goodness and comfort, without them thinking that you want something from them. So building the relationship with that intention, if they're sick, you visit them if they need help you help them you do things extra things of goodness, and all of that sets the way not that they would see from this. So they would embrace the dean of STEM. But one of the

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great purpose of Dawa right is to get the person to accept or listen to what you're going to say. So if you remove all the different obstacles from you and that person, then when you speak, at least he would listen guidance is in the hands of Allah and that's the purpose of the Dao. So once that is present, and you're and they would listen to what you say, this can be done directly or indirectly, or by the actions and the scent and the appearance of a Muslim people would know that you are a Muslim. For example, the women that wear hijab, the person goes to the masjid, you know, certain thing things are to be observed. And that can create conversation basically, when a person for

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example, give them a gift or something during a holiday of the Muslims. And they ask what is this? Oh, this is basically what Islam is. And then you give them a pamphlet, you give them almost half a Quran, whether for them to understand from this that you just try to get them to know who you are, but with your intentions that you try to invite them to get to know the truth of the deen of Islam and it takes you know, one thing or the other, are you responsible? Yes, we are responsible, and we are responsible with the subject of Tao. And the Dawa is an obligation that upon the Ummah, if it's fulfilled, then everybody is okay. If it's not fulfilled, then it becomes sinful for the person that

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to convey and that that was to convey just to convey the truth and as we say, it's one of the basic human rights you know, human rights, you know, are the subject of the human rights is very important. One of the important human rights for human beings is to get to know the truth because many of them have been deceived. They are they have been given the one you know perception about the deen of Islam look at for example in the West

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To most of the people that have a distorted image of the deen of Allah Islam they have been lied against when it comes to the deen of Islam isn't the rights of these human beings to get to know really what the deen of Islam is? This is their rights they have been lied to. They have been deceived by those who control media and things of that nature. When they talk about Islam, they lie about the deen of Islam. So then it's the duty of the Muslim, not someone else, not non Muslims, for them to explain to them what Islam is for a Muslim by his speech and his actions to clarify these misconceptions, and it's the rights of the people to get to know that. So may Allah subhanaw taala

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make it easy, but yes, it's a responsibility and how to do that. This can give some guidelines of, of how to do it and to be gradual in the matter and to make dua to Allah subhanaw taala one of the gates of clear, as we heard, is to give charity is to pray at night, and to have that concern, and to make dua to Allah subhanaw taala. Then after that, when the Prophet alayhi salatu salam said to

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me, Dr. Raja Allahu Allahu, Allah of Bureau capital,

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after he mentioned him, the gates of goodness, etcetera, inform you of the head of the method and the pillar of it.

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And the highest point of it, and the Umrah, the method he is Al Islam or this this entire matter of the entire life and the concerns and the deen of Allah and so on. He said, rocks will Emeril Islam. The head of the meta is Al Islam. This is the most important thing in one's life, is to submit oneself to Allah subhanaw taala. And even in the subject of Tao. You see how the deception that people have when it comes to the deen of Islam, they think it's another religion. Like other religions, there's no religion like the religion of Islam. And religion, by the way, is also not a very correct translation to the word dean. And Allah subhanaw taala is merely Kiyomi Dean, he's the

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owner of the day of a dean The Day of Recompense and the dean is whatever people are upon, it's considered to be Dean. So if people are upon secularism, that's their dean. If people are upon atheism, this is their dean, right, and the dean that only accepted by Allah subhanaw taala is Dean will Islam, which is to submit yourself willingly to the Creator of the heavens in the earth. And if that is presented to any human being with non corrupted fitrah and nature, he will see that this is the perfect tree of life, submit yourself willingly to the Creator of the heavens and the earth. So this is the head of the method, Al Islam, the Dean of Islam, with all what it means. Well, I moved

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to Hosana and the pillar of it is the Salah, you know how the tents in the old days and still present till today different than the conventional tents, you know, those the tent is just based on one pillar in the middle, and that's it, and pegs on the ground. Right so the MO Salah that if this pillar is not there, there is no tent, it does not exist. And when we say pillar, sometimes when we talk about the pillars of Islam, you might think from pillar is, is removed. It's like a building has many pillars. If one pillar is removed, the building becomes weak, things like this, but it's not necessarily going to collapse right away. But when you think as their pillar, which is as the

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example of the tent, if that pillar does not exist, right, if it's removed, there is no tent anymore. It's considered to be just a piece of cloth. So it's not like a weak structure, or it's about to collapse. It does not exist to start with. So the prophets are Salamone. He said that when I moved to Salah that I moved the pillar of the method of Al Islam is the Salah. So therefore there is no salah, there's no Islam, and you can say whatever you want to say. But this is what the Prophet SAW, Selim said. And I didn't even know when I was 11 Tanaka, for her to cover the covenant between us and them, meaning the kuffaar is the Salah, whoever leaves it, he had committed

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disbelief, where there were two ceremonial Jihad and the highest point of it is Al jihad. Al jihad is to struggle with oneself and one wealth for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala, and it's Marathi bits levels. And there is the head of oneself, and the head of the manufacturing the hypocrites with speech, and the head of the disbelievers for those who are entrusted with this. So these are levels of the jihad and that's the highest level. And that's what Allah subhanaw taala wants from the believers to elevate themselves, so that their life and their wealth and everything is for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala what's the purpose of the jihad to make the words of Allah subhanaw taala

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superior so that means the words of Allah should be superior in our lives, in the lives of others and things like this, and every method has its rulings, clear instructions, who is responsible for it, and that's why without knowledge people are in disarray. There

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are in chaos when they do not have the proper knowledge of the deen of Islam. Then after you know when we talk about all of this, you think that this is a lecture what is what is all about? What is this all about? It's about the tongue. How can that be? The Prophet Salim said at the end Ella hoBRO kabhi Maliki Delica Cooley, Should I inform you of how to get all of this under control, control all of what we said how to get all of this together, what to do. Then he said Yes, oh prophet of Allah, the prophets I send them and imagine this, for Allah wa said, the Prophet SAW Selim took his tongue, physically, he held his tongue, he like this, the Prophet SAW Selim held his tongue and he said go

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phallic ahead, which means control this, you know from you control it as if this is your enemy, if you leave it will take you in such a dangerous state. So COFA like Cuf, stay away control, keep it away. If you control this, that means this will get you in control of all of what we heard, which is the entire deen of Allah Islam. So then he said to the prophets, I send them are we going to be held accountable what we say the prophets are seldom said the key, let komak which means May Allah lose you? May your mother lose you. And this not really literally what the Prophet SAW, Selim said, it's an expression set by the Arabs, which means this is a sense of humiliation. How can you say such a

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thing? Then he explained to him that the thing that gets people to fall into their faces in the Hellfire is what they harvest with their tongue. So if you control your tongue, you get all of what is mentioned in this hadith, under control by the will of Allah. Is there anything else that can make us more aware of the danger of the tongue and the benefits of the tongue? That should be sufficient inshallah to Allah for us, but we'll stop here because at the end of the time of the program, and we'll continue to Allah to Allah next time, we'll say the lower Salam o barakaatuh, Mohamed Salah Salam aleikum, wa rahmatullah wa.

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God is

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to be the best, again is this religion to them? So why did they know that forgiving God about an empire that was shipping Karl's fire and stones? sending letters to the cheapest? Why did they know that forgetting all about how bad guys were shipping cars fire ran stores, selling their best were the cheapest

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