Zahir Mahmood – The Abysinnian Cleaner Who Allah Honoured

Zahir Mahmood
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a scene where a woman is buried in a churchyard after being buried in a family's death. The woman is later found by theills and later discovered by the titleious woman. The woman was a woman who cleaned the machine and killed a woman with a deadly weapon.
AI: Transcript ©
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Every time I go for obrah every time I go for Hajj, I stand in the courtyard of the masjid. And I envisage this hadith.

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I envisage how the Messenger of Allah must have got up from the masjid, walked from there to gender to Bucky. And then he said to the Sahaba, show me where her grave is.

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So the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he carried the bricks himself

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to show this oma humility.

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To show this oma, listen, you need to do the work yourself, no matter how much money you have.

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You know, we reached the stage where, oh, we won't do any difficult work. But we'll give a genda because to clean the machine to killing the madrasa to do a bit of humor to get our hands dirty that's beneath ourselves.

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Some people you give Alhamdulillah but that's not enough for your own Islam. To follow the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you get your hands dirty.

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The problem is now we have a generation of CEOs of professionals who aren't big salaries. Oh, will will give Islamic Relief this much money we will give. That's fine. Very good. May Allah reward you. But what about your own humility?

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What about your own was it Abu Bakar was an Omar was so smart was an alley what all the Sahaba who mean you can do the Hitman of our parents, let alone anybody else.

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millennial generation can't even do the khidmat of their parents.

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Forget about the machine.

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But Allah loves Allah loves those who do the ketema those who humble themselves. The lady used to clean the Amazonian lady as related by mom Buhari, who would clean the machine. That's all she would do.

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And few days in a civil lawsuit with that lady, they said O Messenger of Allah, she passed away. We gave a gospel and we buried it as a messenger of Allah said, Why didn't you tell me

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and the Breton regional Bahati. You've mentioned that it was as though they didn't really regard as significant. Why he wasn't a Mahajan.

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She wasn't an answer. She didn't have a lot of wealth. She didn't give big Matura she was just ex slave. All she did was clean the machine.

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So that was the last column said, stand up and take me to her grave.

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And the problem is that Lola was ill and went to a graveyard or live every time I go for obrah

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every time I go for Hajj, I stand in the courtyard of the masjid. And I envisage this hadith.

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I envisage how the Messenger of Allah must have got up from the masjid, moved from there to general Bucky. And then he said to the Sahaba, show me where her grave is.

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And the province of the Messenger of Allah, this is her grave. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood on her grave, and he prayed her janaza Salah

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I know nobody else for whom the Messenger of Allah stood on the grave and prayed the janazah after there was buried beside this one woman who cleaned the machine

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